NJROTC | How to Shine Your Shoes

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today I'm going to show you how to shine your navy rht shoes or just your shoes in general if you like shining shoes so um what you want to do is you want to get some Kiwi shoeshine or somehow fani shoeshine pretty much at any drugstore you're also going to want to get yourself a horse hair brush it doesn't matter what brand it is just horse hair usually full size one's going to work the best and a bag of cotton balls jumbo size seem to work the best but any size work mine are just regular your cotton balls so you want to take the lid off your shoe shine and fill it with water ice water works the best so typically when I'm at home I'm going to put about two ice cubes in it while I do the process let it soak in a little bit so what you're going to do first is you're going to take your horse hair brush yeah you know run it all over your shoes get all the dust off kind of break it down to it it's based it's base coat if there's any coats on it before it um you want to scrub that off so you're working with the base of it then you want to get a cotton ball and put it in the shine just to shine and you want to get good bit on there so it's um medium thickness in in on the cotton ball and you're going to put that over the entire shoe just get get into every nook and cranny if you need to resupply it to get the whole shoe that's cool then you're going to take your horsehair brush again and lightly go over the shoe to get all that excess that didn't quite stick to slide off and you're going to repeat that step once you've repeated this step you're going to take and another cotton ball new cotton ball soaked it in water squeeze it out okay then you want to put it in the shine get medium amount again and then put a little bit more water on it you don't have to squeeze it out this time but don't soak it then you're going to go over the whole shoe until you get medium shine out of it it should look close to what you're looking what you're going for you might have to go over the shoe three or four times and you might have to do step in multiple times to get the good kind of shine you want and once you finish that step you're going to move on the next step where you just take a cotton ball soaked it in water squeeze it out and just just kind on't scrub don't push hard just rub your shoe and you should get a pretty solid shine
Channel: Woodstock NJROTC
Views: 471,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2ABwi6GUUR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 47sec (167 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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