Nitro Rallycross LIVE Broadcast | R2 Day 1 from ERX Motor Park

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you let's go nigel riley cross is back where else are you gonna see a gap that big dude this is natural rallycross [Music] [Applause] welcome everybody as we fly on in here in more ways than one this is erx motor park just outside of minneapolis minnesota elk river to be exact this is round two of nitro rallycross so excited to be here both in person if you're watching at home i'm jared deanna joining me once again we had round one just last weekend andrew coley is in the building the brit the voice of rallycross it's a pleasure to be sitting next to you and calling some rallycross action let's talk about this nearly mile long course it's so different it's green and it's wet like it's the total opposite of you brought your weather over here i know yeah i did i even bought a coat you know i figured you know it might rain i must be i think it's gonna rain quite as much as it rained last night these were pictures from early this morning on the track was super green but we've seen some great racing and that's helped clean the track up here at erx motor park look at that hollywood style sign and uh some hollywood style action yeah so talking we we kick things off with side by side the side by sides are awesome they're very capable machines and we see travis out there he got into the wall with his side by side and then that's oh you know you know that's not how you want to be towed off uh off course here but then we got into next car and then of course we got into supercars yeah the track cleaned up a lot that was the idea of putting out the side by sides early on they're all wheel drive cars they're 900 cc a couple of hundred horsepower but they run a big mud style paddle tire uh that cleaned things up didn't clean it up enough for ollie eric's now but ollie erickson wow that was super close to rolling the car and then travis actually came through and tagged him as well so we seen plenty of action but the track looking out from our announcement here he's looking in great shape now they said the track come to the sun's out fans are here we're good to go oh this you need to do that emoji right here like uh so good the the track is absolutely transforming but let's throw it down to katie osborne another member of our team who's with the number 199 that is travis pastrana that's exactly right and he's interacting with the fans here hey it's like a birthday party for him which isn't a few days from now in fact but it's already been a busy day for you travis we've had a couple practices some can-am work i mean but your team is thrashing right now what's going on well qualified p1 which is awesome like .0 hundredths of nothing over timmy but unfortunately we erickson um my spotter was saying stay in but we caught him really really quick on that last lap trying to put in i didn't know what timmy was gonna do on that last one either so um no i feel really good great car the you know everyone's the carlsons are doing such a great job with this track it's uh it's really coming in and hopefully it widens out to where we get some some great racing which we know we can have on this i get a buy in the first round of qualifying um and hopefully uh see timmy in that final so i just can't say enough for the team unfortunately with the can-am um i bicycled it i like two wheels i guess more than four i got it under control and then smashed the wall so that wasn't the best i really want to race deegan but hopefully tomorrow um here yeah bud all right it's awesome having all the fans out here and just uh it's a lot of fun so p1 with damage we'll uh see if these guys will get it fixed and we got a great car and you said you're feeling well but there was some talk that you were having some funky issues with the shoulder how do you feel with that nope i'm fine all set there's definitely some chuckles around here we're gonna let him get back with the fans guys that's what this is all about yeah that's that's that's pretty funny there katie he says nope nope no problem everything's fine everything's fine here's a look at the schedule up next on the nrx train we have literally next we're talking about next heat then we go into our side by side presented by pit viper semifinals we go into the next car semifinals supercar battles round one and two more supercross action that's that's the lay of the land we'll kick things off with our next heats coming up next do you think i think travis's shoulders really hurt i think travis he shakes it off i think i think he's clear he's a clever enough sportsman to know that he doesn't want to give anything away to uh to the other guys you know he's not gonna he's not gonna say that he's hurting because these cars are physically pretty tough to drive and he won't want them to know i wonder if he'll continue it side by side or maybe not you know take a break from that and focus on the the factory subaru what's at stake here for martin england on the front and sage karam and then bring up the rear look you got the swedes on one side you got the americans on the other you got casper johnson and eric gordon what's at stake here in this heat so we've got the winner of each each race will go through then they're gonna have a semi-final later where the winner will go through and then we have an lcq which kind of decides the back of the grid so really all these races are out deciding what row you're on you want to win earlier in the day so ideally you win a heat race you know if not a semi's great that sees you on the second row uh but you know if you have to wait to the lcq you could be bringing up the rear we've got seven of these nrx next cars here and uh yeah you want to be front rope it's gonna be really important get the clean air don't get the dirt in your face uh who's one to watch in your in your mind okay in this one we've got janssen and eric gordon we've got sage cameron martin england and then was quickest this morning during practice sage karen with 1-3 was on the podium three four times back in arx casper janssen won last weekend and eric gordon at the back of the grid there with the orange and white he didn't even go out this morning practice right it was so green i just went out i'm not gonna i'm not gonna reach the car and the track's now coming so he's gonna be down a little bit in experience in terms of but he's endless with the whole shot off the line england gets it out front kind of crawling into that first turn you gotta think that last time the next cars were out here it was uh considerably wet it was more moist than it is now but right now looks like it's drying out it's really changing color and you had that observation earlier what does that mean when you say changing color it's a real it's a rally thing and it requires to rally across dirt racing as well if you look at the color of the turn there on the outside it's now a nice light color look at the the muddy darker color it gives you a really good indication when you either drive where the grip is so look at that yeah you can get a perfect example obviously if it's shiny it's ultra slick with that wide like you heard travis sailor on i'm hoping going to widen up and give us great gracious by that it means we don't want to groove in these wet conditions where you can't pass so they're into the joker lap uh who was it that way from the back of the pack good idea yeah yeah yeah sorry yeah both of them yeah so you've got your indicators are there next to there next to three and four on the left side of the screen so yeah the tracks are definitely coming in casper johnson yesterday notably you said he like i mean he has a screen is good he he said travis was talking about he kind of bicycled it on his nose but uh casper he literally did sage karen biscuit they're up in the hairpin yeah so basically yesterday i have a look at travis pastrana's instagram you'll see layton kayla landed the 199s they put up feed markers so 50 100 150 and then 199 for travis and he was like we didn't think anybody would get down there and say he left the car on the nose down there and uh there was a lot of repairs needed to do but casper janssen actually flew even further than that the difference was he landed he landed correctly you've got to try and land the car on the down ramp jared you know like like across the motorcross you've got to try and land it on the downright into the joker goes sage karim now he was 1.8 back a bit of bruce behind him he's going to come out in the same position let's see what he is back from uh he's now 4.5 so it's 2.7 at this point it's it's it's pretty slow for these guys the joker yeah all right so endless still out front and as you said strategy if you get the clean air you're out front hit that joker lap down that last lap as opposed to those that are bringing up the rear can maybe gain some ground take him early on and like i said it's so short just a quick little pit stop but you can see how close they really flirt with that wall and that big wall of dirt as well so it's going to slow down a little bit there's k-ray on both sides you can get it wrong in there and you're definitely going to be repairing stuff so it looks narrow and it looks easy but don't be bored by that uh martin england's on a great run here i saw this one at the drivers brief and he was all smiles he's coming up now he's got a joke from 5. he's actually out another full text on this even on the normal laptop i'm taking a look over at that jump and as we follow inland our leader right now uh i'm seeing casper's vehicle the way the attitude of this vehicle is so nose-heavy compared to all the other cars i mean they're all the same so it's a spec class i know exactly what you mean so my point is really if they're all the same they should all be able to fly the same so it comes down to driving technique and there's a little bit of setting so maybe the rear of the car is kicking a bit because of what they've done yeah suspension settings so maybe they need to dial it in a little bit more but yeah the big thing with lane pocato is just doing the wrong thing in the air you jump on the brake and you put you know the the centrifugal force in the wheel the wheel's spinning puts the car in his nose so you got to [Music] and vitamins yep [Music] yeah he's not jumping it's super high you're looking at edward now into the joker left on board with the drone tightening on that left-hand side that's a really tidy run through there sage cam not gonna get anywhere near him he's in the background and then he's going to take this and he'll go straight through to the final yep so there is four laps down for edlin karim now casper johnson i'm telling you the attitude of that car he's coming up short yeah i think he's not he's not attacking them quite enough just needs a little bit more to clear the nose he did the same thing and just ran the wheels across the top of the top of the crest all right so martin england gets that victory he will advance on yeah he just from from start to finish it was an all inland show it was inland before it began all weekend time our audio guy just gave me a really nasty look i don't know why the start grid here on tarmac is is uphill so that that that's not easy to get these cars online all the supercars so you're fighting gravity as well as traction you're gonna try and get it right if you get it wrong you get too much wheelspin then you can go backwards uh but england just got a great start basin from there you can see kathy hansen has a look to the inside he may have been protecting from eric jordan but that part of the track's pretty green so it's it's tough at the minute to go offline we see green kind of fresh yeah yeah early early yeah and kind of the same thing applies to it you know when you hear about the street circus rubbering in you know the track's green here the track's green because the dirt has hasn't come in yet we might even see blue they're telling us the weather's going to grow for those who don't know putting some rubber down hardening the hardening the dirt and getting more traction so that all equates to a good time and faster laps we never thought we'd remember when travis was like you were going to get blue groove in utah like absolutely no way mate and then it came in big time didn't it and uh yeah that yokohama tire joker coming into play here i love the high and the low like you said there's multiple different options and there's there's that yokama tire joker lab that's a great concept so you see it does add some time uh what have we have we kind of that's why this is why this place should that's why this place should race well all the drivers are saying it's wide so i can try an alternate line and not kill my laptop entirely right um it should race brilliantly but for that to happen you know we need the whole track to develop a bit more at the minute i'd say the line is a couple of cars wide now it was only a car wide this morning hey you know ganson's offline you can see he's off the super nice line and the more people do that the more the tracks can develop the more chance you'll see a few passes hopefully it's gonna be bang on for the battles all right so here is eats race number two there is the results from heat's race one martin england will advance on the others will go to the lcq er excuse me semis and uh yeah continue on then yes and then on to lcq you really want to win that semi and get yourself up on the road too if you can this one slightly easier ride with only three cars in it but still important to try and get the w who to watch here uh john hulker george mcginnis who he saw him on the podium and lane vacayla you're talking about how him airing it out george mcginnis absolutely impressed yeah in utah he was on did he won on day two and he was cast on camera yes he did yeah it came the closest to getting the beat machine down but he was he was so excited about that i saw him when his mom yesterday's mom was like oh cool yeah do i need to be worried here i said there's no gap jump she's so are there many jumps i was like no no you're good yeah he's dead you're a turtle who's gonna get the jump as the green goes and again a newcomer oh look at that getting a bump in the back john got to keep that door shut now into the breaking time and this is the first time we're seeing hulker here oh look at that gets in the bathroom mcginnis as he crawls through that turn two lane mckayla's almost inside him they're gonna see that a lot this weekend but you see the car squirreling around trying to find some traction on the exit again there's not quite enough track with from fiona try and gun it lines are definitely off for me at the minute you know they're all going high here because that part of the track has been really cleaned up the low line has hulker a rookie here to the nitro next car first time we're seeing him here this year we didn't see him in utah so excited to get just some fresh faces oh look at that hulker attacks on mcguinness zero chill hawker great move and he so he actually races side by side jared so he's used to these conditions but again it's going to try and come back at him now into the joker that goes lane but kayla [Music] [Music] okay anything you could do i'll give it right back bro yeah sorry what i was going to say there is poker might be used to side by sides but and these vehicles could take a licking but not not all the time agreed so it's about what the contact is jared if it's steering unfortunately is a it's not a weak point but it's a it's the most likely point to break on any of the rallycross cars supercars or not they're designed to take these incredible impacts up through the suspension you start hitting it from the side it's not designed for that rubber on rubber you know you could you could start pulling bits off the car and remember how exciting utah was next car was absolutely bonkers there's hulker pulling off so uh he unfortunately will be going to uh to the semi's not straight to the final name mckayla's just made up six tenths on mcgenis on this lap now michaela you know to be fair has not had the pace this year he came across the rally it's nordic and he's been he's learning still we did a couple of rounds of the world championship category as well but he's eating mcgennis alive at the minute the gaps coming visual now mccain is joking this could be brilliant by lane and maybe we're seeing that at the forum you know he's finally got used to the car yeah yeah mcginness he's really crawling through uh turn two you can see michaela he's coming in and sliding the car around is mcgann is carrying damage from the contact with hulker as well so if he's got just a little bit of damage and he's put something out of a life he could be struggling with traction turning there could be lots of things wrong that's not to take it this is a great opportunity for kayla he needs to focus in fact magnus has taken four tenths back off and he's run wide so yeah guys getting into that curtain there you can see as you said the hard pack versus the loose stuff the loose stuff interesting approach earlier with carlson he got into the what's called the dirt bank right so with that high low turnover there and i liked your analogy of utilizing a snow bank to kind of slow it down carlson did that earlier haven't seen any of the next cars do it just yet but carl said he's racing in supercar so here we go it looks like the final lap so we will see mcginnis hit that your commentary joker lap as michaela trying to get to my ground wide again yeah so he's wide again and just don't have mistakes unfortunately give him again his back the gap um so if george is carrying a problem or you know lane might have done an absolutely killer lap what he needs to do now is go back and look at the data and go look at this killed out you know i caught up with the guy who won last weekend right and see where the mistakes are coming on the other stuff that's what you've got to focus on if you want to try and get yourself to the point where you're not making more mistakes let's not forget he's a super novice he did one race two races last weekend in night train he won one of those you know this is he's 16 years old yeah yeah total class act his dad showed up for his first race and it was like three and a half seconds no way i mean no way we reckon two and a half in the last one let's see what it is when they cross the line he's taking three tenths off and kayla's done a good job on this sector now again he's coming in let's see what the gap is when they merge we gotta fight here and look at that mcginnis and mikayla guinness barely holds onto i love that is right there at the beginning make some noise erx yes there is a big grey cloud coming in i don't want to say the magic word let's call it a shadow let's not call it anything else it's just a little bit dark and it's nothing to worry about no nothing to see here everything's fine coley he was close you keep your weather back in england okay you don't bring that weather here don't worry america i'm going home on monday it's already there it's already raining i'm going to actually be like man the weather is it's great it's brilliant how is it in the uk terrible and here's how it started it was an exciting one and again this is just a heat the winner advances the finals and all seven are going to be in fellas keep it about to say they hit each other they hit the wall he wasn't the greatest of starts he's certainly not going to win at that point mcginnis goes defensive here he's on a greener part of the track and you can see hulker immediately went out wide he was going to try the the over under but again it's actually got a bit sideways on the brakes and there wasn't room to do it yeah mcginnis had some real moments of brilliance but look at that nosing down that's when they get into each other talking about hulker and mcginnis and then uh mcginnis said okay you know what i i can i can push back too man mosh pit here we go bro got a good angle on it this time so watch mcginnis on the inside here goes in super hot and lands but i think the front right steering arm there is broken on hold for his car so he knows if he can't do anything with it and unfortunately he's out i mean interested in the stewards saying anything i don't think they will there and it looks pretty cool but this was close it was 3.1 when mcginnis went in but kayla on the inside line and jared you could use that now if you saw the car on your right run them out to the wall don't put them in the wall but give a big squeeze on them and then we're going to see a race to the line if you're on it you'll cut back from the joker and go left watch for the supercar drivers doing that and we know how terrible we are at math after you oh what i will tell you is that gap that trip right there the 3.1 seconds if it was three-second gap i think mikaela would have got him so so as it is as the track sits right now it's transforming i think that's a three-second joker lap in addition to your lap time right it's yeah i think you're about right i think yeah i think the trouble is i reckon it's going to change literally on every run so yeah a consistent a consistent gap is going to be hard to find and and mind you you know that uh inside that joker lap that's going to get get more matted down as well so yeah it's it's going to change so two and a half to three seconds as uh i'm wondering if there if any roots will run up the wall on the exit of the joke so could you then start to use the k rail and lean against the berm on the exit and get a slightly better exit from there race control are looking at the contacts they're looking at this contact first of all which was uh hulk into mcginnis and then mcginnis comes back at him uh where's that's the top of the hill i think so yes this is for yeah so look at look at mcguinness's line here he's already lining him up for the exit look at the pace he carries through the apex hulker is sideways here's another look at it on the way in yeah i'm good i mean and you know also you got to look at mcginnis coming down and hitting hitting hulker as well the question they'll ask is would holtzger have made that hairpin if mcginnis was not outside him so if they think he's coming in here at the speed where there's still i also think he's actually hammered a bit by the bank right there to hold her on the inside he clips the grass back and that pushes the nose out wide and then this was mcginnish mcginnish coming back uh coming back at him yeah overall i think it's kind of tit for tat you know he had that incident there and then uh and then as far as as far as you know you know they went back and forth it's a bit of a boxing match but uh mcginnis came out on top i think hulker you know his debut didn't really know you know like you said side by side side by side they they can't take a hit either i mean you get wheel to wheel because the open wheel so uh overall i think just let it let it lie the stewards are here basically well this is the fun part about today's announcing booth is that what you have guys haven't seen is the constant stream of people that are going through the back of this room like it's quite deep here we're going to put this up and make a corridor behind that hasn't worked out so basically if there are any uh any arguments at all we're going to know about it first because they've got to walk through here to get to the stewards who are in there so yeah it's good fun it is so here are the final results mcginnis gets a p1 in that heat lane michaela and john hulker he had to uh dnf there for hulker but we'll see him again in those in those semis then finally lcq all seven vehicles will make it as long as they're running and each independent round but uh we're talking about uh you know we go next car but look at this we're going side by side i'll throw it down to katie one of the lucky guys running double duty this weekend is tanner faust first putting helmet on behind the one wheel and then another how challenging is that oh it's super fun i mean it's 10 times on the track i'm just running around with gloves and a hans device like 110 to the next but yeah running the polaris razor um with the side by sides which travis put together kind of an invitational it's super cool got brian deegan out here racing with travis i mean anytime those two get together it's awesome and then if i get to get in the mix then andrew carlson of course it's his track so it's awesome to drive with him um so anyway it's it's been great in the polarises and then jumping back into the dry run bold audi is uh at first it was a challenge but now it's like literally graham says spotter he just says okay rallycross time and then when we get in the players she's like okay polaris time remember just jump it big and yeah it's really fun though and talking with brian earlier he was stoked that you were lining up with him i mean people talk about that rivalry but you add you into the mix how much fun is it oh it's you know brian and i were teammates for a long time in rallycross and you know i remember haley running around just getting started in trophy cart racing i mean she was super young and to see i've been following all of his kids careers are just going crazy and has a lot to do with him of course so he's he's been such a good driving force i think he's a good role model as a father and so i've loved watching that um but yeah then to line up with him is great and you know see him and travis kind of throwing blows and having a good time it's it's great you know it once you put the helmet on it's not so chuckly everybody gets after it but um it does make it fun as an additional thing to do this weekend to have all of us in one place okay now take you to the track with a supercar you were learning the audi last weekend around 1. how comfortable are you now i'm pretty comfortable with the car um we're a little down on laps at this track you know there has been some testing out here but i think i thought we were getting up to speed until we went into that last little practice session and really off the pace and it really just comes down to one or two corners there's a couple blind corners that you just have to know what's on the other side of the corner and commit to it without seeing it and it's just more important in these cars than it is in the razors so that's something i just have to push the reset button as we go into the battles um i do think that we're a little struggling on grip the more slippery it gets i think the more disadvantage we have so we're hoping that these clouds are not as ominous as they look and yeah so we'd we'd like to get some grip out there and show what these cars can do all right best of luck out there as tanner is running again and uh we'll let him go back to it guys thank you so much katie yeah just doing that double duty is always a blast and uh earlier you can see here in the starting grid unfortunately travis will not be joining us travis went into the wall earlier when we had some practice early on in the day but the rest of the grid should be exciting nonetheless so as we are seeing them here we got andy ives mia chapman corey weller and looks like brian deegan bringing up the rear in that 38 can-am so four vehicles here what's at stake as we go ahead and set it for our first side-by-side race here at nitro rallycross deegan's gone super wide in the background was looking to get the undercard on the exit there he is coming up over the jump closing down gonna go out wide now watch for deegan he's got good experience in these could go up to p2 here going to try and slot back in see if we can take the lead on the exit i reckon he'll still hold second interesting they will go for the auction line and jared they're outside line the deacons on he's much cleaner from the previous runners they've got enough place to hold him off though deegan's surely going to shut the door here does he go inside or he goes high he goes inside so now deacon's got the opposite way to them now coming up to the jump side by side digging it's going to surely hand this out executed by deegan getting the clean air taking the option that says now you guys go that way i'm gonna go this way eyes is still out front you can see point three second different here do you get chomping at the bit he goes for the yokai yeah it goes straight in and he almost looks look at the grit they've got compared to the other cars he's just bit in really hard holds on to p2 jared goes in in p2 comes straight out now he's going to chase down knives as hard as he can digging's on a big charge here i gotta tell you deegan is taking the road less traveled you know he took that high went low took the joker that deegan does things his deegan way you know and that's obviously proven successful for him over the years but uh i'll tell you that ives is pulling away do you go for that outside he's going outside again so what you've got to do with this if you're looking at the racing line on a paper and circuit it's always about where's the next straight how do i carry the most pace i'll do it here it's kind of like you know where's the most grip where do i want to be on the inside you know tactically you can choose the high line the low line the left or the right to make sure you're inside or outside of the jump and he used that to great effect on the first lap i'm kind of keen to see him brace it out with dive so i don't know that ives will go joking now it's only 1.5 it's going to need a bigger gap to hold him off and it does yeah okay so look at that dude goes for the pass and look at that deegan getting that yokama joker lap early has paid off for him i will tell you taking the words out of my mouth basically we're talking about pastrana going to that wall deegan did as well so yeah he is very capable of overcooking it and getting to a tussle with the wall the wall always wins liking that just a slight sideways kick over the top of the jump there look at it backing it in from the outside every inch of the track and actually jared these guys are really helping us out they won't realize that they're widening up the line big time the reason for that is they don't run the the rally cross tire they're running much more of a kind of a mud dirt tie which would be suitable to drive in the forest in the desert all the rest of it and then they're widening up the course so this is this is good for me so brian currently leads the back we're on lap three of four and what's at stake here coley who advances what's next for the sidebar we're in semi finals so it's either one or two cars going through i forget we side by side and then the rest of them will go through to lcq so we've actually got four cars here already including like a couple of the favorites kyle chennai and uh and scotty lawrence as well i spoke to scotty yesterday he's running a bunch of the cannons he's running travis's car he's running katie munning's car as well he was talking me through the spec because i'm a bit of a ganking and now these cars were fully you know i've seen them a bunch of times i need to look at this show me stuff show me technical stuff oh i know you love this stuff well deegan is making it look really easy just right out of the gate you know sitting second but then took he's got auction line this time and that's almost like you know what i'm gonna check out the grip because i know i'm firing up a road here you can see a car on the side where the dirt is covering the grass there i think it's hard for you guys at home to see look at this again switching on there's another bank it's covered in dirt so you actually can't see that's what jared was talking about earlier andrew carlson using that bank like a snow bank to try and keep on the line so yeah the track's coming in it's cool this is really coming together and like you said this is a this is great prep for the other you know between next and supercars the way the track is transformed so one more turn and jump there we go brian deegan gets the victory will advance on in the finals these are a lot of fun and they are they are great value they really are for us in terms of racing but for the drivers too in terms of getting the you know getting the budget together to do this great to have their sponsors along and see some fantastic racing all right so brian deegan will get that victory and we have another side-by-side race [Music] coming up next but uh let's take a look at some highlights and it looked like eyes was going to take it but brian deegan took a different approach all the way through that first lap which ended up paying off and getting that victory taking the wide line as you can see the other three racers taking the shallower line but to deegan utilizing the joker lap on first on the first lap and that really ended up paying off it just looked great didn't he right off the start he looked racy he went an alternate line into turn one just went high low and then this was the thing that was really bold you've made two passes some drivers would have gone i don't want to drop back now because i'm going to drop behind the slow drives again deegan's got i'm going in now and that's going to come straight back past he holds on to p2 and at this point really it was his to lose yeah that was that was a lot of fun there but uh so there's ives going into that joker lap and this was the moment where as you say it did not pay off four eyes but deegan makes it all the way through looking at it we've got two so we've already got kyle cheney scotty lawrence tanner foust andrew castle went through from the heat so it's two car per per race uh so deegan and i should go through from this one and that leaves us with uh seven cars remaining fighting out for uh all those positions in the final later on see another semi-final and lcq with o'reilly's auto parts to come for these like these guys as well and then on to the final later on today all right this is wrapping this up putting a bow on it there for deegan we were getting our next feat there's a checkered flag a nice job squash the jump on the way up there like that you just see the front the car dick release it you get the extra energy from the shots pushing you up high so you see deegan and ives they will be moving on weller and chapman will be going to the lcq that stands for last chance qualifier [Music] getting set for our next semi-final race two erx filling up more and more as the clock ticks on 10 seconds we got a race here's our starting grid jack letourneau jason the bear tyler remembered and katie monics it's in a couple of good starts from that second row katie gets a nice traction off the line but on the inside on the front row holding on looks like jack lotto no gets the jump and it's out front look at the alternate lines they can run jarrod again over both sides right over both sides of the road looking for a way through kate's trying to find a way through from p three so she's so she's a regular and extremely if you guys aren't used to that that's uh it's an electric off-road series which is new this year and her teammate is timmy hansen she runs with andretti united which is partly owned by the by the andretti so it's really oh yeah you may have heard of him over here and uh so yeah big experience for her nina she was always looking to get quicker she came and did a rally x nordic race last earlier on this year in the in the buggy category which is similar to sierra cars that we saw last week in utah and travis texter she quite touched me straight away she said i've had a text from travis to come tonight she said is this a good idea or a bad idea literally i was like it's a good idea to come to notre dame i said she's here let's get to see yeah yeah all right so laver out front and i'll tell you what uh i have not heard that throttle lift at all i mean they're absolutely just zip tying the gas pedal down and going for it yeah they're 900cc turbocharged they run like a belt drive system they don't have a clutch they don't have a transmission as well they don't have gears so they have a constantly variable transmission which is why you kind of hear the revs stay pretty similar but the car is getting quicker and they're going along running is now on the outside line i think it's literal that she's in about with although the turnovers joking already so lieutenant going to try and close down on the berg three-point what's the gap for katie back from the leader 2.7 isn't it point seven seven yes so katie could be looking to go through with lieutenant we saw about three seconds jared in the previous race it was 1.5 in and it was 1.5 the other way out and still the leader doesn't joke celebrities holding on out front and the two behind now really just got to keep pushing and try and close that gap down letourneau now 2.5 seconds behind the bird i think he's in he's in what we would call a single seater jared you know the cockpit is more in the middle of the car most of the drivers are they're called side by side because you can sit with someone next to you in these machines side by side so that they're only around a single seat when they're racing they actually blank off the whole other side of the car and you can see money's using all the force getting out wide to the wall but the number [Music] [Music] now he's losing time so potentially not into the joker this time then so this may well be to defend but have they left it too late ah it's gonna be awkward no just hold on so 2.1 was enough yeah i am very surprised at that so but you got some good reason said it was going to change did we have this just that left by that thing now imagine trying to be a spotter so we're sitting up here we've got time it's going we've seen a bunch of races they're only seeing their own drivers racing they're desperately trying to figure out the tactics it's actually really hard work for them oh diving in look at that goes for the pass that gets it nice job by letourneau and now they're all turning lines yeah so it's so hard to figure out exactly what's gonna happen will they cross over again you're inside outside i love it absolutely high low which is the quicker line a lot of shaking up down the lower line but you're going to carry some momentum taking the higher line all right greek my teeth as they're coming up to the crest i thought we were going to see you know contact in the air which is which is the ultimate there's once you've launched there is nothing you can do to change direction you can change the angle but you're gonna hit each other in the air there we go final lap our final turn here we go let's take that pass and comes up with the checkered laterno the berg one and two well done looking at the best lap for the tournament was the final lap yeah brilliant so they're going through that was a great execution there by letourneau just chomping at the bit and then when we saw we saw libera come out and letourneau was right there and that was the moment that he seized it let's take a look at it again here so going to that joker lap and we're talking about 2.1 seconds that uh you know it was it was up to three seconds we thought you know previously but now it's down to like two two one i'm sure these cars are able to carry more speed through the joker lap than the than the nrx next than the nitro cars are and that will be the type of yokohama that they're using so these guys are using an off-road tyre the rallycross turret is much more of a moulding slick and so that you know that workplace is where it goes half but when it goes hard back you'll see it go back the other way towards the rally cross tie but at the moment look how quick they are in here look in just pitch it in and it's got the grip and that's what's around the berm as well jared people are starting to be able to run it up the wall that inside line you've got to be slightly further in front to shut the door on them good driving there leaving enough room for each other you don't want to put both cars in the wall that's just a waste of time of mine yeah very very well done and this is how it culminated as we saw letourneau taking that lead and laverg there in tow but a great execution there and i i'm i'm really eager to see obviously the side-by-side final i'm going to do some laps jared i'm starting to get i'm starting to get itchy feet here yeah is it looking like a does not look like a lot of friends here it looks like a blast but again you get you were given the keys to sierra cars and you broke them so you can't do it anymore so top three to the final actually jack letourneau jason luber and look katie munning's making it to the final there as a tyler remembered we'll have to go at it again in the lcq but congratulations to those top three going to the o'reilly auto parts lcq right as erx round two nitro rallycross some great racing here side by side when we come back we got some more battles out here on this just shy of miles trail mile track semifinals when we return here to nitro rally cross here at erx [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in 2018 nitro rallycross took the racing world by storm with the biggest jumps the best drivers and the most intense action ever in 2021 nitro rallycross is expanding with five epic races from the mountains to the great lakes the desert and the sunshine state nitro rallycross is coming to a racetrack near you nitro rallycross the series revving up and taking off this september out here with brian deegan after qualifying uh you know that wasn't the greatest showing in the whole world but you know what uh it was good you looked good out there until you didn't thank you thank you that's all that matters just want to look good bro so i know the track bit me i was trying super hard phallus got the jump on me i was trying to track him down and put up put a wheel on him and uh and i went out bicycled on i got on two wheels and tried to save it clipped the wall and broke the wheel and i was like i broke the trailing arm and i i i got pulled off and all i could think is travis travis is watching me right now and you know we got a bet going right yeah yeah i heard about the dollar okay dollar bet whoever's finished is ahead of who and uh it's it's getting tense dude it's getting super well i got some really good news for you um trav also went off dude did it really happen no joke dude my mom you're sitting in the same spot so your dollar is not safe but you're looking you're even now feeling good it's about we're battled for last i get it no it's this is serious stuff dude serious business and i'm do not want to pay him a dollar today so i'm personally super stoked to see you guys battling it out from the x games days and now it's continued into nitro riley cross how do you feel about this series nitro rallycross i'm stoked to see this go down it's a lot of good cars it's cool to see the side by sides the rallycross the the crew is everyone's real competitive here and the crowd's showing up it's just good for the sport and it's really just good for for all the people to get out and have some fun and i think this is just a killer event that's why i had to come show up get in my can-am and rip around and bet some money on travis yeah man i love to see it man thank you for the time back to you guys yeah hey street bike tommy in the building if you don't know who street bike tommy is just uh you haven't seen nitro circus you haven't seen nitro anything because tommy's part of the crew that is but this is the moment earlier deegan went in and uh he hit pretty hard hit pretty good but uh it's fixed he's back out there and obviously uh you know that was earlier in practice so uh you know having some words after that so put that to tape and said all right and then he proved everybody wrong and he says you know right now i mean travis isn't running so uh deegan's looking pretty they both hit the same bit of wall as well jerry it was the same corny it wasn't it wasn't different uh different corners and different mistakes same mistake came in a bit hot i don't know if they all right so next we are seeing a next car this is the next lcq and we are seeing a variety of vehicles here and we're taking a look again the next car semifinal here and uh we are seeing sage karim lance mckayla john hulker casper johnson and eric gordon here in the semifinal and we are hearing that john holker did not make it to the line remember he broke yeah it was in the context so we just saw george mcguinness coming down from the spot actually george is up there now watching i think he's out the window watching uh this race lane mckayla with a great start outside [Music] here this weekend yeah gonna be brave if he goes on the brakes here jeremy is looking less green though look the grip levels are looking pretty similar we're going to see some moves soon oh yeah all the way up over the grass on the inside line but still third sage cam threw a bit of a roadblock there just put you know his thumb in the deck so that he stopped the flow this is what we talked about last week remember i said a couple of times parking on the apex if you park it there's nothing anybody can do and it travels around wide in the final last week you remember and let timmy through and you just park it you might get a hit from behind but if you keep that door shut there's nothing they can do to get through sage he comes from a circuit racing background he knows how to do that all day long you've only got to do it on that one after that you can start the push and uh i always like when you say in regards to you know they can take this hit up and down but left to right definitely not you know you want to protect the critical portions of the vehicle the suspension of the corners uh as sage looking really good even last weekend to right now but again keep in mind that 36 there that's of of casper johnson he is real nose heavy so hopefully he'll keep it together he was the one hearing it out all the way to the 199. yeah yeah jared was pointing out the last one just nosing a couple of zombies he was taking quite enough pace into them you see the fpv drone flying down that back straight with the alternate line as well there's sage graham going up high and lane michaela going with him [Music] he's not actually it's just it's just the decals but yeah that's off to the side with the uh with the guys in rx next if they've had to put panels on they haven't had time to wrap them it's just like a bright white panel like a badge of honor yes i smashed this off in the last race right right all right so sage karam continues on but uh i wanted to neither of them have hit the joker lap and uh there's mikayla getting a lot of air underneath them and there you go saying she's parking that's not what you want to park because that just gave me a little jump on him i would have expected to see sage graham [Music] it was 3.7 4.0 now so yeah it's gone we're really not quite sure of the joker because obviously the side by side we know we're doing it in two seconds these cars are not so not so hot and now okay so makayla knows yeah he saw him even throw it in there so it you know getting some angle at it but then it didn't shoot out which is which is a sign of a guinness trash just holds on as well so you're seeing the leader but behind the leader is a lot of pressure coming for sir for uh sorry for lane michaela from janssen we're looking at karan but yeah janssen all over the back of lane mckayla with with that you know oh look at that here we go so for kayla and johnson [Music] there isn't enough pace on the alternate line just yet now he goes up high casper yanson looking to try and get past lane michaela mckayla though holding on but this is it this is a definite increasing pace for kayla he messaged me yesterday the stuff was posted on instagram i've got other guys out there to share it to into this incredible jump that he did but he basically said i might need to wind it back a little bit tomorrow which is the about on the money i think and here is sage kim grabs the victory and headed on into the finals michaela second johnson and eric gordon eric gordon just made it into that final turn hit that joker lap earlier in the race so four laps are down and completed with all four drivers sage takes it to the top that wicks filters dry rhinebot vehicle good drive we're seeing uh a constant stream of drivers sorry spotters heading up the stairs next to us the supercar spotters are starting to head up there there's a little bit of contact up in the in the second corner turn two the headpin up at the far end and then this was lane mckayla going joke up [Music] we'll say just a bit more grip with it look at the berm up the outside again and he runs the rear wheel almost yeah he stays out the wall but there's there's definitely you can run a little bit right not too much and uh notably it's cool you know we again we're in our announcers booth and the spotters and spotters are a critical portion and a critical contribution to the race efforts here um notably you know you get some drivers up there that former driver like buddy rice indy 500 winner uh is michaela spotter so getting in his ear telling him what to do and it's a again a critical portion of racing [Music] all right so that was our nrx next semi-final i believe next we we should be seeing our supercar battle brackets i was wondering about that we're seeing supercar drivers on the stairs next to us and i'm wanting to grab them so we'll i'm going to see we'll see how long we've got before the battles are going to get underway and there are semifinals sage karen lance mckayla casper johnson and eric gordon one through four and yeah we should be seeing uh should be seen our battle brackets shortly here i'll be back jared okay you do that bud andrew coley having some words with some of our drivers as let's as we're seeing travis pastrana out here on track all right uh hey as as we keep things going down here let's throw it down the street by tommy tommy where you at i'm down here okay i can hear myself this is awesome i'm live i'm in nrx i have unprecedented access i'm here at the biggest jump at this track carlson's you guys have an amazing event amazing track here comes trav you are 50 feet off the ground at this first marker he's going to come up around here on this big jump look 50 feet landed 110 120 feet big stuff i don't know if anybody knows this or not but it's not good for front bumpers if you go a little deep if he lands over there by his number down there at 199 not a pretty day but butter smooth around 110. my man's got it thank you so much tommy tommy's having a blast he's like whoa i'm live we're doing it live yeah that's what we're doing as uh we are up here in the booth travis and his 199 subaru we have a we have a we are getting set for our battle brackets and uh you are wondering i've been out mugging people on the stairs basically yeah and i've just realized everybody's going up down the stairs this is too good opportunity to miss so we've got ollie erickson with us so he's come to come to talk to us about hopefully what you're seeing here ollie good to have you up in the in the announcer's box with us how's your day going first of all there we go just need to fade our guest off actually sorry [Music] it was kind of kind of tricky for us uh first rounds out we didn't quite get any grip uh you know the clay here kind of gets wet and it's yeah slippery it looks good though now no that's old news yeah it's really nice how excited are you race track is awesome yeah i mean you know all the elevation everything that's going on you just sending it everywhere and it's a blast so we see how it is with the two supercars together now who have you got in the battle i got duran for the first round okay how do you fancy it honestly you know liam's good in slippery conditions as are you that's not an easy one is it necessarily not for sure i don't think any anybody saw or easy here you know it's a it's an awesome feel out there so yeah you know every lap is about him and uh yeah just trying to beat him to it every lap's a battle that's exactly what we've got coming up he didn't think we'd have paid him now what about this was the section where earlier on for you ollie it nearly went wrong so what happened right he went really wrong you know it could have been worse yeah yeah it was my first lap you know i did a really good first sector uh i got that from her and i just turned it into the left hander there and i think i hit a rod or something because the whole front just moved on me then i tried to save it on a big slide but yeah the burn was there and i just it looked to me like you actually ripped up which i thought was a sign of a good thing you know so slick it seemed that when you threw it out there the back end actually kind of shot you into the berm i don't know i mean again yeah that's just all progressive you know progressing as far as the track drying up yeah for sure you know it it kind of went wrong early and so i hit something that went me on a big slide and then the slide was just too much to to save for the berm there so yeah that was that's it so patrana's run is complete if you missed earlier on travis was fastest in the previous session which puts us in the the seeding for the bracket if you like so as the top seed if we had 16 cars everybody would have a battle last week we had 14 so the top two drivers got a buy but there's actually a new teammate here for early ericsson as well at omsc this week we've got 15 cars with track owner son andrew carlson racing with those guys so only travis got a buy still good for him in fact kt caught up with andrew carlson we're hearing so let's let's check that out as andrew carlson is getting belted in it was nice that his team was actually cleaning off his shoes they want this car to come back clean and in one piece andrew expectations as this is the first time you're climbing into a supercar for battle i feel awesome in that last run i think we had some good speed for everybody uh i think we're gonna go out and win now you were telling me earlier that you're getting comfortable in this car as you know what you've never actually raced a car before yeah so i mean it's similar enough to four-wheel drive for uh you know four-wheel spinning a lot of power so we'll figure it out and last but not least as it relates to kind of being the person behind this track you and your family have poured in a lot of love and time into it how great is it to see these cars out running and seeing it come to fruition oh it's awesome you know i love racing out here it's just it's a fun track to drive so it's cool to get to do it in a different vehicle and see what i can uh see what i can do best of luck out there yeah it's so interesting he's been racing trucks for so long around this track but this is the first time he's actually racing a car guys that's interesting so i got to ask you ollie he's kind of got a competitive advantage he's got a lot of time more than anybody probably everybody combined on this track yeah for sure he built the track himself so of course that's an advantage but you know his first time in the car super impressed with what he's done we know you know we try to learn from him see how the track develops and it's great to have him here and you're familiar with that car that he's racing as well yeah for sure i did a couple years in it uh super quick cars a bit bigger than the rest so it's about how to handle the rear and yeah he's doing it great all right robin larson and we just talked to him andrew carlson larson and carlson here we go they're the first actual battle round here he do so that's advantage last and not something i wouldn't have expected you know larson's done hundreds of starts in these cars carl snow's already having to look up the inside of the run to the hairpin but uh that's probably not going to be the place for on this lap gets it nice and sideways earlier trying it away that didn't work out last time we saw it was a little bit more slippery in there so yeah looking really loose he is all over the place right now larson keep it a bit more tidy but what's that woody on his face said it oh look there's that slight you know how hard these cars are to start getting the launch right is something andrew's still gonna learn yeah especially here you know it's a hit start and we don't get to clean tires so it's very different to what we're used to as well so it's about getting the first train so look at this we're seeing carlson take the joker laugh here as the yokohama tires go around and you have to think that carlson in his mind he's like this is the slipperiest i've ever been on this course before it normally has big vp truck tires but i'll tell you what look at his set oh and carlson saves it from the wall as right now off camera larson he's got the clean air but carlson almost took it to the wall where we saw travis going we saw gigan go in and that's his employees a place of contention we'll get there and there we go so he saved it from actually just wanting into the wall he came off and whipped them in the air did kind of the finish flick and ended up not paying off for him so it looks like larson will be getting the win yeah so you'd be on the radio now to robin and just saying let's take your joker just chill you're golden you know carlson's got off at the point he laps him he could he could probably well he can probably sack it now to be honest because carlson i don't think will uh he's going to come out he's not fully in the wall he doesn't look like the car's damaged does it [Music] you were coming upstairs i know we mugged you on the way in and grabbed you to come in here and announce with us but what are you guys you're heading up to the roof tell us what you're looking for so you're coming out obviously your run isn't for a couple of races time what are you looking for out there yeah i would be in the last battle in the first round so i want to see how how they race out there you know it's a quick run into turn two and yeah it's a hairpin so i want to see what different lines they take i'm starting on the inside so i want to see how they protect and what to look out for so right so it's about racing position on on up into turn two what grip levels on the braking zone whether it moves on yeah for sure you know i think the track kind of stayed seems uh the qualifying thing we did so it's mostly just how they race and see obviously yeah how wide the grip line develops do you like all the different alternate lines like the kind of the high low over here in turn three and turn two you talked about that berm um and then of course the joker lap uh we're seeing times about three seconds in addition supercars it's down to two seconds in side-by-sides but there's so many different lines and like you said do you have do you have a preferred in your head right now or you're really just kind of scoping it all out yeah i have a preferred uh you know it all depends on how the grip goes we see a lot of guys taking the outside line so that grip has developed quicker and that's what we're looking for mostly so yeah we'll see whoever takes the inside line if it's quick enough yep so talk us through this ollie yeah we see uh robin you know defense early inside uh andrew taking a bigger line tried to cut him in but you know robin is pretty pretty he knows what to do and just kept it tight and then andrew goes for the alternate line but we can see that the rear attacks the fence so to the barrier so he comes around look how deep that loose is on the other side the front leg so when he came down he was off camber and the front left they're sorry both left wheels actually snapped so you can't no let's get keep it running it's hard to say that it's not ideal is it there we go there we go let's see we can see we can get ollie in here we're going to try and try and all squeeze in there's a limit to how far we can uh we can we can make space in here we're looking at andrew carlson get recovered that's where we're at the bracket at the moment so pastrana with a bye robin larsen kind of with a buy after andrew carlson ran a little bit deep so we've got we we've got pastrana and larson coming up in this uh in round two but a bunch more to go in round one first of all all right so up next uh we got one erickson here in the building but we got another one out on track how do you think he's gonna do i mean hey i gotta say it your brother shouted out scott speed it looks like there was a loss of love last weekend in utah have they kissed and made up or they're just gonna do it all the way to miami i don't know i think they will keep going to miami sweet let's go it makes our jobs easier yeah actually kevin was quite calm you know after but when like katie came and told the disrespect that scott did to kevin before and he just went uh full revelation i'm not surprised from scott's speed the worst racer of all time that was something he explained to it you know it was kind of uh uh you know he didn't mean worse driver you know sure we respect no i heard him a lot but as a racer he just yeah plane took him out he doesn't enjoy that so uh yeah he had some like i said rivalries make our job easier you can see it it's very transparent i love it but uh your brother's going against frasier mcconnell and fraz is looking really good what do you think of his driving prowess yeah he's good uh he hasn't been doing a lot of ice with us in nordic so uh yeah he's looking great out there here's a lot of you know car handling how to do it and yeah he's doing good uh i mean it's my brother against the brother from another mother so okay they're kind of teammates aren't they so what do you do in this situation where you're both running out the same tent you know obviously they both want to win but this yeah just race clean you know don't hit each other too much you know we're still racing for position you have to you have to still you know respect the race everyone wants to win so but just don't take each other out cost too much money all right well hey thank you so much for joining us up here i mean you got some time to chill because uh you're the last battle bracket uh in in this whole squad here but this is uh we had a fun wild ride with andrew carlson who built this very track but guess what the track didn't like him here today as robin larson gets the victory andrew carlson knocks himself out when we come back we'll see kevin erickson and frazier mcconnell in our next battle here at nitro rallycross um [Music] [Applause] [Music] nitro circus is back with the action-packed you got this tour top athletes in fmx skate bmx scooter and more are ready to get the party started throwing down huge worlds firsts with more crazy contraptions more insane stunts and more high adrenaline fun than ever before get ready because we're coming to a city near you i don't even know it's happening anymore get your tickets now at i feel like the definition of a great rallycross driver is someone that can adapt to anything versatile good car control but also very technical in the sharp moments um you have to deal with heat well it's surprisingly hot in these little freak show machines to be a good rallycross driver i should be able to answer this we've got to be focused you've got to be alert and main thing is just go flat out and i think you have to not get stressed by ridiculous things going on outside your windshield kind of a mix between everything but mostly you know you just gotta unbuckle your brain you know and just send it sometimes so all right well welcome back as we are seeing cars that fly in more ways than one we are already a couple rounds deep in our battle brackets these are qualifying orders so uh kevin erickson frazier mcconnell uh we are seeing pastrana and larson they already advance on from the 16 into the eighth and uh you know round one is won by scott speed there are points at stake as you advance there's one point for each round that you win so pastrana does get a point he had that by runner number one qualifier robin larson advances past carlson erickson mcconnell speaking of pastrana did you say number one call i like the way it sounds of a second this is awesome that was sick and look at you know what i'm stoked you're up here we get to rap out with you because you did have your buy run and the track is transforming beautifully it looks like you're having fun and it looks fast oh it is definitely fast uh the main line is awesome right now we just have to figure out how to get kind of that mud area a little bit further off so we get more more drivers out there you know the battle heats are going to be pretty good but tomorrow this thing is going to be absolutely unbelievable the carlson's doing a great job uh sorry i see andrew that's right where i went off too so this one is taken yeah oh yeah no unfortunately i lost a dollar today i didn't even make it to the final um yeah out of all the turns turn one is giving everybody the most problems is it because you're trying to get too aggressive with that flick and over the hip or what's the reason because the coolest thing the coolest thing you have right here is here's a segway view coming out of your car i was a little sore i hit the wall really hard i almost flipped it though i think i almost touched the side of the roof to the ground and was able to save it and then i was going 60 miles an hour straight into a wall the wall won unfortunately but hopefully be back tomorrow uh side by side it's awesome to see tanner doing so good and awesome having deegan out there um interesting though coming into this uh this jump uh you can go completely sideways you're actually in the air for about 70 80 feet uh which is pretty neat so this yeah this was when uh ollie erickson added so this is what happened to ollie which i imagine was unseen by you we'd seen this and you were coming now on a hot lap because timmy hansen and you were in this super tight fight for the top time and ollie doesn't know you're here that you come through and just you just tag him yeah that was uh that was the last run i was like oh man this uh i felt really horrible because my spotter was like hey go inside on the next turn i thought ollie was actually off on the on the following quarter so uh misinterpretation there but uh you know definitely he's quick i got the car back going my car is the subarus are freaking fantastic it's a bigger car this is a faster circuit so if there's ever a time that we can hopefully take down the hansen's right this is going to be you said you were going to ban the swedes and you still haven't done it but if they continue to win are we just going to ban them no no we have to beat them as it is i i have to say that uh you know scott speed brought me aside and said hey look you've been scrapping your whole life you go into these guys worlds you do everything um you know just jumping in jumping out he goes you brought these guys into your world he's like i got the car awesome we fixed the starts we got everything you need he's like so when you go into that first turn you don't have to scrap when you have the line right all you have to do is not mess up so let's work on that this time hey well travis we we're let's catch up with one of your buddies street bike tommy's with the fans let's go tommy what's up oh hey travis what's up guys uh first off i want to say hey trav thanks for the job i appreciate you man and uh down here at nrx man it's all about these fans bro oh my god what an experience man mom i see you [Laughter] yeah so man i couldn't be happier with all my people down here watching all my friends race it can't be any better so uh yeah appreciate you guys tommy sounds like you hit the red bull bar down there as well exactly travis could say that i think he snuck a little vodka did a little can crushers in there just having some fun travis so for our european friends i've been lucky enough to see the uh amazing clip of street by tommy and the legendary jump but for those who haven't seen it that was insane yeah street bike tommy didn't get his nickname because he's really good at riding street bikes and he got his dignity because he missed the entire foam pit um but they kind of it was the start of kind of nitro circus and he's been just such a good good friend and he crashes all my stuff all the time with the stuff i don't crash he helps me with and you know just awesome dude so good to see him here so great to see the crowd here thank you guys for coming out thanks for tuning in this is absolutely awesome and uh it's literally a dream come true it's been a lot of years in the making absolutely thank you again hey eric you guys having fun out there let everybody know they need to join us out here make some noise [Music] all right they're warming up they're warming up they know that tomorrow is game day and and again what a great uh addition but uh you know i was talking to coley and you know katie keeps asking you know hey the rivalry you and deegan you and deegan but now your kids are battling against each other more than i mean you know you're raising these kids that that are racing you know between your daughters and and look at haley and danger boy it's pretty rad to see that yeah haley uh danger boy though i mean danger boy's won so many he's won more national championships than i'd ever dreamed of and you know he's not even turned pro yet so uh definitely cool to see what brian's doing and just his passion for the sport is awesome we've always been rivals we're still rivals we still talk a lot of crap but deegan's been quicker all through practice i think he was planning on leaving but he's changing his flight i've heard so hopefully he stays around tomorrow they'll have my can-am fixed up uh hopefully don't mess that up again but it's been awesome yeah yeah we'll call this race with us i know you know you got a buy run so you have some time on your hands maybe don't go join street bike tommy at the bar just yet so again uh wet we don't want right i mean if you're a forecast you don't you know you don't want moisture on the track at this point correct no hey we don't have dust so it's better than uh round one oh stop definitely more erasable here this soil is amazing i mean the carlsons are part owners with uh they have like a basically a gravel pit in the back so whatever we need and they can rebuild the track today but this is gonna be a great matchup right now all right so uh stick around call it with us kevin erickson frazier mcconnell as all he was talking about they're both operated by oldsburgs let's see who comes out on top kevin erickson a huge fan number one fan of scott speed that kevin harrison mcconnell here as he gets the jump a little bit let's see what we got on the outside frasier man impressed everyone with the speed of the first round he hasn't been exceptionally quick here with all the dirt and oh you see erickson just launched all the way to the bottom that had to be 150 feet right there um you know the track is fairly safe but at the same time you've got to modulate like how far you go because you could definitely jump these super cars to flat we saw that yesterday i know you said travis these guys have got to start thinking three dimensionally not every jump is flat you know they're known to break for a hairpin but they haven't got their heads around all of them haven't got their heads around how to fly the jumps as we say they were coming to the biggest one just now take a look at this for us [Music] broke up checked up really nicely um yeah frazier is so fast he's so good at everything but there's so much elevation here i think he's a little bit not quite as in his element as he was last weekend i see the joker it's a good move to take that first lap a little bit of who's getting on the windscreen and we don't have any tear-offs yeah yeah what line do you prefer so this is again that turn one that's coming into play quite a bit for you travis as well as a few other drivers holy cow erickson he must have gone probably 100 feet off of what i didn't even think was a jump lands on the handbrake backs it in around there um everyone this track as it develops it gets kickers it gets bumps especially being wet um so you know i definitely like the outside coming in there full set but it's uh it's hard to get the car back down the bottom eric's pushing really hard now i think what travis said about the big jump right from the announcing boxes he knows that fraser will immediately respond if he feels that kevin's faster kevin doesn't even want to give him the chance to respond if fraz knows he can't get in and out of the joker he won't go and that gives kevin another lap to chase him down but then he's 2.6 he's friends are going to respond or not he's going to go out inside watch this here we go here we're coming in the corner frazier's sending it in deep oh no that's gonna [Music] the front left is off kevin just jumped it a little bit too far he did that jump big on the previous slap travis that time was too big and too much lock on the left a little bit too much luck it's so tough i mean when you're jumping which you don't see there's all these jumps are kind of rounded so they don't look like they're that high but if you take off from how high you're going to where you're landing you're dropping 10-15 feet completely sideways at 90 miles an hour like these it's amazing that the tires are doing i mean all everything payment takeoffs and all everything else but uh definitely crazy moving on here i think uh you know frasier would be really happy with this that was uh that was a that was going to be a really tight race right there right and what we talked about earlier about 2.6 seconds on that joker lap right yeah in addition to the normal race line also notably you know andrew carlson just did the same thing that kevin erickson did prior landing on that left side he didn't just roll the tires he rolled the rims the amount of side that's where i crashed on the cannon i'm like you just you want to send it it's so cool it looks so cool but man it is so dangerous it just sucks you into going too quick in normally if it was blue groove you would have no problem the cars would land and slide but now you're landing into kind of muddy conditions and it's just stopped just grabbing you right there and yeah i mean we saw carlson break both left wheels absolutely from the spokes to the barrels but uh let's take a look at it again the eye in the sky fraser mcconnell aggressive clean keeps it tidy he had the best start on the outside line but because kevin had the inside it didn't go his way in so easily in turn what kevin joking immediately and it was travis who spotted that huge jump which we might see at the end of this section and i thought he was just going to hunt him right down he was on him up at the the hairpin up at the top end of the circuit he was right there and kevin just needed one more tenth if he'd had another tenth he could have shut the door on france but he gave him a yeah he's a gentleman he's his teammate he didn't put him in the wall you know i think kevin still would have gotten around him i don't know that he needed to send that quite as big there but you know in the moment yeah you want to send it makes for some great racing you saw in the lights class those guys were both launching off there but you just can't land quite that sideways with the dirt and the conditions there are right now taking a look at frasier mcconnell they're just getting some beauty shots of the proud jamaican uncle saul cheering him on says it on his back window and and uh coley the more we talk about him the invites of sandals in jamaica comes through you know that's just the fact of the matter we're trying to get to jamaica he watches jump oh yeah where he lands he landed straight that left that this time he was really trying to get ahead of frazier um and at frasier's whole family man they were they were the life of the party after last round i tell you i like this guy he's got a lot of personality he's got a lot of fun the family is into it and he is faster yeah really watch this as we come out through the joker here so the phrases on the outside if kevin had just a tenth of a second here he could shut the door but because he's he's outside it's his teammate he claims what i mean one-tenth he could have shut the door on him but he can't now france has the inside line for the jump what he just yes launches this puts it sideways doug if the dirt was hard packed would have been no problem at all that would have been an awesome pass but unfortunately and the skies just have not been friendly to us no yeah that that much side by that and no tire can take that kind of abuse and stay on the rim so the yokohamas take a lickin and look at that just digging in here's a shovel can you dig it yes you can yes you can as kevin erickson takes himself out so that's back to back hondas and the oldsburgs uh slamming out there on that turn one now i'm excited to see ten cars going off turn one yeah well you know what tomorrow it should be i mean borrowing this rain stays away i tell you this track is going to be absolutely meant it's going to open up so much wider there's going to be so many passing opportunities and i'm and i couldn't be more proud of the carlsons and definitely the nrx crew here what's uh what's your preferred line because i i i love just all the different lines you know uh the berm where you almost hit ollie earlier the the highest below sorry you did it i'm sorry i'm not bad i hate to bring up old stuff but there's so many different options man you love it um what's really interesting is the inside is going to be faster once we start carrying more speed because once you have to break up that jump the inside's going to come into its own but right now it's slick enough that we're not getting the speed so we don't need to break much on the takeoff so basically you're pretty much wide open from the outside so you carry that momentum and it's good tomorrow as it the track gets better and better that inside's going to come in more and more and it's going to be the driver that can say you know the moto guy that says this line's working it worked better last time but this line's going to be faster so i what i want to know is what can you tell us about the next three rounds i i came here i was i was excited i'd seen the footage but it was a lot wilder and a lot cooler than i thought i just wonder what's going on up there in your mind for uh arizona and glen helen like what can we expect well so what we wanted here was there was a big discrepancy on the driver saying we can't have gap jumps we said okay let's round it off but let's still do the gaps to where you still have to not go wide open so many of the drivers and the short course truck drivers and everyone that doesn't come from motorcycles says every jump should be wide open and i say well if it's wide open then it's just for the crowd like let's make this technical let's make it challenging one of the drivers actually that was a joke 199 foot marker and one of the lights cars made it all the way there so um you know we're trying to kind of build this up slowly without any injuries that too much damage to the car yeah slowly we had 100 foot jump at round one okay but as they go next round is going to have some two over under crosses yep um you know there are going to be big jumps but if we can keep it a lot of table tops this year keep the you know the europeans wanting to come in and hey the nascar season ends yep and seasons like come on guys let's go have some fun i love it and you got to keep the rivalries going we talked about you do you remember the last race that you and deegan raced at and went against each other no i completely referenced that i i i remember all right well here let's throw this tape let's keep the rivalries going to the pastrana roll the tape i ran into brian deegan after practice and as different as we've approached things he works hard he's very passionate and he's extremely talented as a driver so i say we have a gentleman's bet of a dollar there you go all right i think it's awesome that we're both still able to compete at the top level i'm excited to have this dollar bet so no matter where brian is on the track i'm gonna be one spot in front of him here [Music] it's brutal it's awesome um it was right behind deegan he gets around people a little bit better i tried to keep up i tried to pitch in on one guy bicycled i mean i had that thing on two wheels right off the right off the road so uh lost quite a bit of ground there but over three with deegan um i felt like we should have the first two for sure but that one uh that one he's straight up he's just better in traffic for sure we are in the battle phase of round two and nitro ran across here at erx motor park minneapolis in minnesota next up we've got kevin hansen and tana faust tana faust is going to be in one of the drr audis but earlier on uh we had our man uh robin larson was out one of jared has been out mugging people on the stairs this time no no no buggy you always say that uh i'm not mugging anybody but i had to pull them in here as we see our next battle here hanson and faust and uh we got robin larson he's gonna call some action i'd love to hear his insight here as robin larson took out andrew carson and carlson took himself out as uh handsome tanner foust almost landed on hanson i think he did land on him on that rear right fender fountain now inside line gets into kevin's door this is a bullish race power's gonna go that's the slippery line though i was going to flick it back the other way the traction isn't as good in there and jared all that worked at the start of the lap looks like he's got backwards unfortunately unbelievable what's going through your mind right now that was high robin how are you getting on like this is your first time at nitro rallycross i know we talked about it before you came over here you know such a strong competitor over in europe and world championship but i know you really wanted to come here with the cartel yeah of course it's a new thing new start for us and for me it's so like i said you i try to be better on everything it's so big difference to what we do in europe with the the big jumps and the rhythm yum so yeah it's so hard but it's so fun it's a totally different style of racing in europe and compared to your nitro yeah like here you can send it but still do it clean but in europe it's more or less racing style and you need to your driving style for the guys over here who don't know you ain't watching at home or on the crack you're more of a sandy kind of driver you you that style really suits you yeah i would say that but here in nitro it feels like more or less every every guy sends it so it's so fun and like you said the drivers here are so good so it's so hard to get away from the brackets so i think and we are we are broke that one so sorry to cut you off there robin but we are seeing that exit stage left there for tanner foust he will have to retire so that means as long as kevin hansen finishes out this run looks like he hits that yokohama tire joker lap but uh on here on the final lap before kevin hansen that was exciting that was a great way to start it but i'm telling he almost leapfrogged him it was exciting for the first five six hundred meters today you know and then unfortunately he's not gone quite so well i think that could have been a really close call tanner i wonder if something was broken in the contact of the hairpin you know when he went down the low traction lane he lost a lot of time immediately we know there's a bit less grip on that left lane at the moment there is on the right for the way the tracks develop but how's the track coming in robin because it looks to us like it's getting a lot more grip now and more choices yeah it's starting to grip up but it's more more or less one line but it's still raceable so it's it's starting to get really fun but i think the action tomorrow is gonna be really really good yeah it's gonna be more or less two lanes or you can go wherever you want now it's more more or less one line but we can still race really good and as you can see taran dude pretty hard so how do you how do you think that happened with tanner going so far i mean i haven't i haven't seen anybody get that i think it's right out of the game i think it's really easy when you are close to someone and you feel like you're gaining on him so you just you should take control of the jump yeah you lose this height so i think that's pretty easy especially on the big jumps so yeah i don't think he wanted to send it that much could you point out how awesome that was we were just in on the fpv drone and then we cut to the super high drone live there we're going between drones here shout out to the uh the drone guys and the guys in the tv truck that's awesome and this is uh heading back to the paddock now around the back there of dryer and reinbold and eksar so here's here's where it began right so here's you got tanner fast on the left kevin hansen and just again as you say robin just was tanner foust out of body watch how high he goes on that first jump it's so high that is so absolutely high luckily luckily kevin wasn't one yeah for sure you saw how much that compressed i mean that that is a high look at this look at this angle watch how much it slams oh they jump pretty good but that is a high jump there's a limit travis we just had travis in the box just before you and he was saying about how everybody's got to kind of learn about the jumps thing yeah not everything's flat out and tana to me looked like he'd lined kevin up before the corner you know he came into turn one wide he's got it squared off it was perfect if he'd pulled that off we'd have all we're going that's the best part of the weekend sometimes you gotta risk it for a biscuit this time it didn't pay off cookie crumble so biscuits cookie you know we're yeah yeah whole transatlantic thing you know exactly so kevin hansen gets the victory he will be going against frazier mcconnell so fraz and kevin hansen uh robin i got to ask you is it the hanson brothers that have the targets on the back i mean obviously one in three maybe they're more familiar with utah this is a different track i mean i got to think that the hansons are the guys to beat yeah for sure the handsome brothers and the subaru guys i think the super guys are really quick here they have tested here and backgroud got uh some free laps on their practice yeah look at that yeah yeah come on i mean seriously i told you i mean gosh everybody's everybody's cheating all this all this craziness all right so here's timmy hansen ollie bennett we are quickly going to it let's see who gets the jump ollie bennett great to see him out there in his mini uh improvement vehicle with liam doran kind of building that vehicle up but uh timmy hansen gets the jump i'll tell you oh ben he's looking good here he always starts well in that car he's got the rhythm section that jumps forward around the outside go on ollie oh look at that timmy's swinging wide going door to door so hanson in the lead from bennett then up into that back berm section where the outside line looks to be the only one which is an option at the minute [Music] jimmy's a previous world champion i think he's fair to say that ollie's not that you know he's not at that level of experience he's doing all right here yeah no he's looking good as we see holly and hanson on track here real quick katie you got some updates well yeah you know timmy hansen was saying this is definitely not his driving style he is not used to this 100 dirt thing it's more like the 70 30. so as he's learning this car he's also learning to track he's also understanding these conditions i asked him what should he be doing he said well i don't think he has to use the brake at all after he saw tanner faust go flying he said definitely we're gonna be using that brake quite a bit right out thank you for the update yeah the the all dirt i mean outside of that launch it's it's 100 dirt i like it i think it's cool and the side by side great addition so unfortunately i'm seen by you guys bennett has had a spin right in front of the announcing i think he's coming over the first crest he backed it in a little bit too hard and he was parked right on the apex but uh there was a yellow flag he's managed to reverse it out bennett is still going but he's he's about a half lap down since he's plus 25 and we all know the joker is in the region of two to three seconds so a good start by olly but timmy's going to take this one easily he's still still got another lap to go robert we should talk about your next match-up you said yeah we do we do you said that super quick here you know we know that travis is pretty good at johnson oh it's uh travis patrana how you feeling it's fun i mean going ahead at the against the traffic is going to be awesome it's really fast i need to push it so it's it's good to good to see your speed i couldn't really try my speed now because the spotter said slow down slow down like a thousand times really so yeah it was hard to know your speed but for sure i need to push if i want to be close to travis so it's going to be good and you're going to think the entirety of the weekend keep the car together i mean game day is tomorrow you know the bracket battles it's good it progresses but you got to think winning the actual event yeah the main goal now was to just win the first bracket that was because i didn't do that in utah but now i get eight cars or something behind me so that's good so now now i take everything as a bonus and you have to try to learn and the real action is tomorrow and i don't want to be too far behind start tomorrow that's going to be the main key that's what i was going to say yeah i mean you do want to keep it together but how much of an advantage is it to be further up that grid i mean every row counts doesn't it yeah of course it's gonna be i think we have eight cars in one hit yeah that's gonna be you want to be in the other one yeah without you seven yeah and you want to be as high in that heat as possible so i don't want to be starting from the back end as in utah right right well as we take a look at it again this is where it went south for ollie bennett he uh saved the car from getting more damage but ollie bennett loses two timmy hansen he will advance on and uh as robin larson join us up here calling some action as well again the track is is looking great i'm i'm loving it right robin i mean i just think it's drying out it's looking great and uh yes andrea's got some more laps than you just relax bro but i can take it but it's transforming really well yeah for sure we stayed away from the rain this this day so i think we couldn't ask for more these days it could be much much worse with the rain and could be cancelled and everything so we could do the brackets pretty good right now so i think the second round bracket is gonna be really hard right on well thank you for joining us up here robin we'll let you focus on the race um you know we'll see how you do against travis or you might be partying early with street bike tommy over the red bull bar so uh robin said he's just gonna go down there now hey katie you're with uh tanner faust yeah tanner faust is doing some stretches over here a little tight man we were just glad to see he's okay what happened from your viewpoint there i mean we've been pretty much flat over that jump all day i i had never been that far to the right and i mean i saw kevin just like sink away and i thought i was going to land on top of him i had no idea you could catch that much air on that jump it's usually pretty flat out in a nice smooth landing so it was a big surprise for me i'm glad it didn't land on kevin and but yeah unfortunately broke the right rear on the landing but it's too bad it makes for a really long day tomorrow um but you know all we can do is keep pushing keep digging um the razor racing is still going so having fun with that but got to make sure that we get the rallycross stuff closed out yeah no captioning not was right there available feel like there's maybe like a secret little kicker off to the right all right here we go arpin who finished second in utah currently second of points going against andreas bakaru our tire technician here as he was the fastest today so again two very different driving styles two different vehicles what are your thoughts well look what robin said he goes he got an extra eight laps now nobody knew that was coming it wasn't like a bonus for the thing it was just the okay i'm like we want to try something we want to pick a car the only way we could do this is we're gonna go we're gonna pick the fastest guy that was what they did it's not a bad choice you're backwards alvin out rallycross pro against armpit here off the line great start for subaru but the uh the hyundai on the inside got a brilliant start to back we're gonna try and make the car back off he tries to keep it shut gets into the wet here we go so there's that big no so look at that no no tanner foust mode there let's we're switching to tanner like go to the moon and uh look at arpan wide swing backroom could have struck there but last track to talk about longer cars so they're fast they're quick but they're long so they got that wide swing they're stable you know there's definitely a bit of extra stability and background is very comfortable in a big car don't forget he did a couple of seasons with hillary racing division the focus rsrx which was also a longer wheelbase car so backward it's not it's not the same as it was in utah yes there he goes so backwards got in he looked i mean he's got an edgy bit of peso over arpa on that previous lap now he's got to really nail it it was point two what is it now three point one says 2.9 2.9 is roughly what the joker is the backwood needs to be within that if he wants to take it up in that arp and now's whether he responds or waits jared and we were talking about the the subaru the length of it i mean he almost austin powered that thing going in that yokohama joker lab right you can just park that thing sideways and get stuck in there it is very narrow and precarious so you're kind of tip-toeing through there to make sure you don't hit the wall and cause the damage your car arpin gains some more ground 3.3 seconds as he's pulling away from back yeah he's taking another tenth of him here looks he's gone 1.2 now by point three if i were up in i might be tempted to go this lap you know you've got it don't wait and make a mistake on the next step not that he would but it's head should bets jared you know you've had to do that as 2.8 lost six tenths already probably gone backwards got him on the last sector upping's gonna go in now watch for andreas on the inside line gonna be super close between them but no off and just hooked on yeah yeah came out and he kind of pulled what macaroon did uh towards the latter portion of that joker like you said kind of get out of shape flirting with that wall and that wall as we've seen throughout today is not forgiving at all so harpin airs it out pretty big there as bacaroo trying to track him down less than half a second arpan scrub some speed backward tries to dive in oh we got contact trying he's just letting him know he's there his knees desperate for steve now to run deep make a mistake there isn't the corner that we have at utah where lots of people running that little bit deep and uh oh yeah i'm not convinced he's gonna find a way through here jared you know what you know what i'm seeing here you talked about it earlier just the track changing color dark brown to light brown that top line is getting very pale and it's it's looking very dry and wow look at that absolute hits hit him three times i reckon they're one of the way nothing up toward again just letting him know but it's too late steve armpits done there's going to come up jump over the line take the checker harping goes through and backward goes out so yeah done that was a good race i like that and i think that's that's how we want to see the battles really close you know nobody crashing out no i mean obviously contact there towards the end letting you know kind of shots fired across the nose but uh from the start arpin did really well against some momentum coming from utah getting second place you know with the being bookended with two handsome bros on either side first and third but uh backroot he's first i've seen get in the water right there yeah and it didn't help did it if you look you'd suck that front right wheel in and it cost him a car length now car length doesn't look like much but would a car link have been enough to get up the inside there every little tenth of a second counts there's bacaroo aaron over on the far side of the track the gaps were weird jared you know we saw we saw what he went up to 2.8 didn't it and then suddenly you know he had a 3.5 somewhere up in lost seven tenths of a second i was like he's done he went in there with only two point six and yet still came out backward look has held the inside line here and i wonder he could have run the car a bit wider but i still don't think he would have got him you know if he'd used all the track on the exit though we saw kevin erickson take a really tight line there when uh when he went against frasier mcconnell but uh i think that was that was the right line the one that kevin had but uh like you said just getting that that big chassis sideways it's uh it's getting a lot of you know it's slowing it down considerably i think that those alternate lines aren't quite there when you had travis up here travis has been here before you know i know backer was at the test as well but travis he was saying when the line comes in we've got the full width you'll have real options we'll see a lot of passing and at the minute let's say you've got 50 to 75 percent of the line is clean it's just not quite enough to exploit those options you know to really to make a gap to find the way through so yeah backwards out yeah yeah backroot out early in the 16 up next we have two more battles scott speed and kevin biggin big um excuse me follow the ham and then finally we've got ollie erickson and uh liam doran what's what's the smile just looking forward to erickson versus liam doran like liam in any battle is always good for liam's so fired up about his track he absolutely loves it you know robin's gone through from the round one the cartel had a really rough event down in utah they really did it did not go their way until this was backward just putting a bit of pressure on he's not gonna push him around because andreas knows he'll immediately get dequeued for that but jared it's that nudge nudge i'm here nudge i'm annoying nudge and then you you watch the mirrors and if you get them driving on their mirrors they're not looking where they're going then they make a mistake you open the door so you just knock it on the door that's all it is a little more than that he's poking the bears what he's doing so uh there's how our bracket is shaping up the qualifying order you can see the round of 16. uh erickson carlson backrood faust and bennett they are knocked out and again every round that they advance from 16 to eight to four and then overall like i said scott speed got the win of the battle bracket so that was four points overall travis got three but uh speaking of scott speed here he is scott speed and cabot bigum are ready to line it up katie you got some news well kevin bigham's car looks like it's in a great piece there but just a few days ago it wasn't he said that team had to work exceptionally hard after the incident that he had in round one but what he did say knowing that he's lined up against scott is that scott is consistent and fast and he has some drive time here but like any driver he is prone to pressure so cabot's goal is to right to capitalize on scott's mistakes and that's what he's thinking about behind the wheel what we saw we saw scott speed up here in the spotter's tower really taking notes on everybody he really likes to analyze everything but here we go and uh you know what kevin big i know he's getting used to that car and getting those launches down is critical but scott speed takes the inside line kevin's bigger than that butcher box audi on the outside who's going to take it fair play tried to hold on i actually thought cabot was going to pull that off and hold it off all the way around the outside obviously if you can hold around the outside at term one you're inside for turn two you know looking to capitalize on scott speed's mistakes they're few and far between the guy is an absolute pro he's the mo you know one of the most successful drivers in american rallycross certainly i kind of gutted he never came across to europe we could fix that next year when nitro rallycross goes across to europe so you see scott come across for those events as well and of course he was the winner last week of the battle brackets he knows what he's going to get done here and then the minute he's doing it all right so scott speed now they're on the far side of the track going to turns five and six and there is that yokohama tire joker laugh as scott's feet now comes and cross the finish line one lap down two more to go three in total that butcher box audi slamming down man i don't know those are those audi's for some reason they just get a lot of air underneath them man yeah so you just you want to that's you know that's the way to land it look at the way it squashes it and then there you can see him dancing on the pedal just the back of the car goes the light gets rotated in he's going well with scott but he's he will split the strategy on this lap if scott doesn't go and i don't think scott will scott's in front and he knows he's it's advantage him right so i i think bigger ball that's interesting so is that a test to see what the grip levels are like they're [Music] [Music] as the sun came out drying things up and there goes the big um into the joker travis said that didn't either when you get when it dries up he said the inside line will be faster so speed has just tested that now he's looking great he's got 4.1 seconds at this point the joker we re we really aren't sure and i don't know that that must make it sound vicinity two to three yeah we're terrible experts but we've seen it very so much over the side by sides as little as two yeah those chunky tires they're just able to turn in and then these guys it really has varied from 2.6 to 3.1 so we're getting somewhere in the region of what we think as it dries out i expect that to come down when there's more traction [Music] 3.9 seconds that is not going to be enough therefore kevin bingham speed has to hit the joker lap so he's going stage right see how he manages this again this all back would really crawl through there but uh four seconds he really needs to park it unfortunately for uh not the case so scott speed comes out on top again our bracket battle winner took it all the way to the top in utah but uh speed comes out your victor one more battle in this first round liam doran versus olly erickson had ollie up here in the announcer's booth just earlier on he's feeling pretty confident i think tidy run from scott no problem really i mean yo bingham tried it around the outside of term one if you can go all the way around the outside and again once that dirt's gone from the outside line and the racing line gets a little bit wider maybe tomorrow you'll see someone hang it out all the way around the outside go big over the jump like tana did and hold on to the inside line so i i we could see a race right the way after turn two tomorrow when we've got multiple cars on track but right now unfortunately bingham tried the outside and it's just a little bit too loose there jared yeah so uh scott speed i i feel like he's the guy to beat uh scott speed will be going against ollie erickson or liam doran next and and and you called it right from the beginning when i should say katie then you you actually kind of yeah i concur uh scott speed you know does not make mistakes something like that on something like that i mean kevin eric's gonna say different but um yeah exactly like i said it makes our job more fun and he's swung in a miss i'm just kidding so uh cabin big um exit stage left ball with a ham in this case fall of the speed scott speed remember scott speed he was like the great american hope for formula one he did formula one he's done multiple different disciplines of driving different manufacturers and uh has been with subaru for for a few years now i was talking to him yesterday scott wants to try rally as he looks at the stage rally yeah yeah you know in the price and i was like you know you need to get an experience code right no i want a novice co-driver to learn it with me i'm like dude you are up against it with novice code but he really wants to write the notes and he said he said you know what i know i'm going to suck and that's fine because i love challenging myself to learn something new i don't think he's got any ambitions of joining you know the the rally side of the team but this one's going to be exciting liam during the brutish bomb but ollie erickson has the inside line eriksen's got a much better launch than door and door and goes backwards he's going to go straight into tactics he's got great exit here he's in the tail of olly erickson but there is no way through and squashes the jump eric is really long yeah olly erickson going really long as you say similar to that obtainer look at liam doran slides it in tandem battle look at this they push back and forth we got a boxing match between doran and erickson great pass by doran there he had that backed in from a long way back he knew he's going to go for the undercut door to door there's nothing wrong with that contact great move jared muscled his way through just the way dora is moving that far around he's just got more angle he's coming in backwards a gravel machine gun as doran is trying to get and maintain that clean air here comes erickson does he take the joker or does he keep applying the pressure he's gonna go joe i thought dora was gonna cover him off there and erickson i think maybe thought the same two inputs on the steering it wasn't a great joker so that's advantage liam but i reckon lee will go on the next lap because to me ollie look quick on that first slap 3.3 second difference here on those splits doran out front is looking just aggressive like you said he loves the track he does big sense look at that massive backwards entry what is going on that's liam all over that he said to me this morning i came up here did i break put it in the wall uh he said i know what i need to do i need to send it in earlier we need to get on and get it rotated and get on the gas so that's what he's doing at the minute the gap is 3.3 but uh it's tight i wonder if he's gonna wait one more lap i'm not convinced that the show voting's faster right and then erickson you saw him just temper the flame dialed it down look at liam doran where's he going looks like they're going with that joker holds on to that lead wow that was close he lost a 10th jarrod in the previous sector he lost a 10th two to ollie and i thought it was gonna be closer than that but great driving by both of them to keep out of each other and liam now has just got to keep the door shut so will he go quite a show boater yes yes get in look at that you see the inside left left and the rooftop as well full throttle getting liam i mean this is looking for formula drift than it is metro rallycross right now with those entries but doran is doing it his way right liam has got the most incredible car control so the lights are paired to solberg i would put him up there with that kind of car control jared you know he he was a low yak a french circuit and we had vaughn junior was there liam just jumped in a drift car we fought and went out like he was a pro or harley jackson looking up the inside line liam needs to knock those down there's gonna be a run ollie tries to move liam sideways only if he'd waited there might have got it but it does go the way the british bomb so liam doran shuts the door on ollie erickson and that was a great battle wow that might be my favorite battle so far certainly here the ones last weekend uh the crowd like it as well everyone's on their feet here applauding and it's gonna be uh it's gonna be door and versus speed wow oh that should be fun it will man so doran and speed so our great eight is shaped up [Music] oh man let's take a look at it again that was that was an absolute battle of the ages amazing so liam look at this with a great exit from term one over the jump ollie flies super long the car now he does get it settled look he's got it on the brake suit but he's slightly deep doran sets it up really early which is what he did on all the following laps he's got the inside line there's nothing wrong with that that is a great rallycross pass you won't see many passes better than that dude the british bomb absolutely lit the fuse and blew it up here at erx airing it out erickson went really long and look at that thing slammed down i'm surprised it kept going and we saw that from tanner falls earlier he had to retire we've seen everybody on turn one and then going into two everybody's just airing it out liam look keeping the distance short over that top jump just landing just off the knuckle that's what scott had said was the right way to do it look at that again that difference look at tana when we saw tanner it was just a tiny bit quicker than kevin hansen had gone here we're seeing kevin eric just a little bit quicker than liam but the difference in trajectory and like flight path flight length is insane for five miles an hour yeah i mean we need air traffic control out here with the way i mean that's our motto right cars that fly and they're they're living up to it and uh you asked the right question there when travis was in here he said what can we expect for future rounds he said he's got two over unders in arizona yeah i believe i well i believed it was gap but maybe it's bridge not sure but you just you never know what to expect and i i love that i'm loving the tracks so far you know there's loads to learn everybody knows that everybody's working super hard here at night to really cross to make sure everything's great they've been some changes from last week to this week little tweets on the regulations you know what this didn't work let's change it up we'll make it work better everybody here is working so hard behind the scenes to make sure you guys have the best show whether you're here watching trackside or whether you're watching at home so give us everybody a chance you know look at yokohama today working on the tires look at the track guys working on the track after heavy rain people are working hard i hope you're enjoying it that's right i think they are and that right there erickson almost got doran you saw him throw it out wide and it looked like he gripped up but then uh erickson just couldn't get it done so there is our great eight pastrana versus larson frazier mcconnell fraz is going against kevin hanson the other handsome bro timmy hanson going against steve arfin and our final battle in the eighth scott speed and liam doran the british bomb as uh we before we go into our great eight katie osborne caught up with frass yeah he's down here getting ready geared up but the team was working on the car a little bit there what was going on they just wanted to have some fun and you know where they're not gone now i'm joking there they grooved the tires for a rain tire and and we had the sharp edge on the inside then you want to try it on the outside so we just swapped right and left and you know best mechanics in the world there you have it and a lot of people are attributing your success to your team what else is that what else and why is are you so successful out there right now see this yard do it a big burning fire inside me and i'm doing it for them there you go guys that is what everyone needs a little passion inside of them what do you got omsc yard man for yesterday did it for the yard and i just froze he's a great guy what he's talking about with the tyres so as a tyre wears you take the square edge of it the square edge is what digs into the dirt this is an anti-clockwise circuit one two three four of the corners are left only two of them are right so he's rotating the tyres and he feels that was giving just a little bit more of an edge here we go travis pastrana robin larson we talked to both these gentlemen as some races were going down the 10-second card is up who's coming out on top i mean think about it travis loved it number one qualifier but this is the first battle he's having this weekend because he's only battled himself up until this point here we go pastrana and larson ready to send it here off with the only paid portion of this 97 percent dirt track looks like vashawna gets the jump larson trying to track him down over the inside line on the edge he has gone alongside but travis holds on and squashes the jump and tp he's very much in front he was such an even start jab but there was no way round for lassen lost now maybe going to try the door and move he'll sit there from his teammate not enough this time but he's going to stay right on the trunk of pastrana and larson it he knows how fast traffic on that subaru is he's you know he's got some more track time than mars because he's been driving side by side as well pastrana clicked the bank there twice on the inside which is where we saw ronnie erickson hook a wheel on that dirt and get the car from ground you saw the card nudge nudge across the front left corner of the subaru hasn't cost you any time this time round but maybe trying to avoid that bank next lap all right pastrana you can see at angle now coming over the hip and now there goes robin larson into that joker [Music] yeah yeah the exit was good he wasn't too too early on the throttle looking for traction there what's the gap back between the three point five you having it it's enough right now so we need to watch this gap and see how quick lasting [Music] yeah travis is just pulling away from it and uh i assume it's water saying don't slow down but just keep it clean don't don't do anything aggressive don't get too wild and don't don't go through having started until i i love the fact that robin had said my spot was on the radio slow down slow down the other guy's gone off slow down please slow down stop you know you're fine so you the spotters have a big amount of influence over the drivers when you're out there travis has taken three tenths off him now so this is this is job pretty much done um exactly are they closing me down or am i pulling away you don't know so your sponsor's job is to look look at that i can do that you guys are airing it out as well yeah i raised you this yeah that's fine yeah i'll match you it was yeah great stuff so they'll be on the radio just saying you've got this you've not got this you need to push you don't but at the minute travis is uh he's golden he's got 4.2 and he's lost a 10th over robin but i've got plenty yeah that is that is going to be good for pastrana he's got a couple more turns here going into joking yeah joker this time look at that drone shot as well shout out again look at this down the fence along the inside line absolutely brilliant drone flying and a great drive from travis and travis pastrana will advance on remember he got second in utah so he's liking this format these bracket battles but strana will advance on into the final four let's take a look at it again uh robin was you know he's trying he's trying to apply the pressure but just pastrana did not crack but uh yeah aggressive out of the game so even look at this the audi and the super side by side but travis has got that inside line he knows he can go deep robin actually waited then i think he was hoping travis might go deeper that would have put robin outside for the heaven but if he'd been alongside maybe there would have been more choice now that he knows he's gonna back it in sideways hope that travis runs too deep but he doesn't yeah well done and that's uh that was the point where pastrana just pulled away kept going on but robin larson looks like he's gonna be joining street bike tommy down at the red bull bar and that's what he that's what he thought he was gonna do anyways as he stepped out i always you know i wonder if his confidence just that you know this is all new and utah didn't go their way and he said yesterday he didn't go sideways enough because he was cautious of the rollover you remember last time he got caught in the in the loose dirt and rolled the car he's learning the whole time but he will learn fast lasting's a previous european rallycross champion he's won a round of the world championship he's loving racing here in america and uh i think it's great to have him yeah yeah all right so pastrana you can see advances on to the final four he got second in the bracket battles in utah we'll see if he can continue or better it here in minnesota all right kevin hansen and fraz mcconnell get wise to the crowd all right so uh katie what's the updates with kevin hansen well kevin hansen said he'd like to make day one better than he did in utah he felt like he took the long way to getting third he said the start is always important here especially on tarmac as that's where he is the most comfortable and as you can see he's often running knowing that it's about finesse from this point forward crazy mcconnell did get the best stuff he's been out dragged here by hanson in the run in through term one and up to term two frass now looks to the inside long gonna go deep on the brakes he's on the slime oh gonna make that pass stick a little bit of cotton down between them and i don't know what i think he was kind of alongside jared he wasn't in the door that was side by side contact what's your thought yeah he kind of took he took that line away from hanson uh you know overall you know wasn't clean i want to roll the tape back i'm sure the officials definitely will um if i'm handsome nobody likes losing out that's the old thing of well no i don't think that's all at all and then the other one's got well i think it's absolutely fine yeah you lose you don't like it you win you do but i mean look he's still got a chance here kevin to try and make it up with strategy he'd rather win with the strategy anyway than have to go to the steward really really flirting with that wall there and now look at fraz he gains more ground the gap grows but i'll tell you what i think kevin hansen's really going to gain some ground 3.2 it is at the moment keep an eye on that gap but it's all about the first the second corner is we will look back at it look how shiny he is on the inside jared the second he was in there it's like look he's not going to stop by the way the past is either on or he's not but he's definitely not going to stop so i mean i like the fact he did it we want drivers to do it now we want him to try yeah now and fraz you know you gotta it's establishing dominance you know he's pounding his chest like king kong saying what's up i'm here i'm doing it for the yard you know what i mean i love it i don't know what am i doing for i'm doing it for yards just so good so good right is fran's gonna respond immediately he is not he's uh gonna go on for another lap interesting i might have gone there he had a 3.5 he got kevin by another three tenths and i might have gone immediately jared he had the window now he's giving kevin another lap to chase him down all right fries look at that 3.3 seconds up to 3.5 he knocked some time off it's going to be pretty close and it really depends on how clean frazz keeps it when he goes to that joker lab we've seen some of those drivers including kevin nancy saw him he got up on that you know on that dirt skirt up there look at that brass getting nasty with it perhaps it comes from that rally background this narrow piece of road won't worry him at all you know he'd be happy to send it in there 3.5 then point three then point two there's a split coming up just off the top of the hill so around this right-hander we'll get another update that's gonna be our last one before we get into joker here we go all right so fresh coming down let's see how it handles this joker lap here three point one second it's gonna be tight it's coming down who's advancing on who's going against patrana scrubbing a lot of speed but not enough as frazz and look at that that back right corner of kevin hansen looks like he's riding on rim and he is so kevin hansen but fraz from jamaica continues on and will be going against pastrana in the final four let's take a look at it again and also maybe even roll the tape there between frazz and hansen what do you think what are what are your thoughts there uh i've just pushed the door open to race control so i can see christopher who's already looking at replays i'm at the far end of the room they're all laughing in there okay well it's a pass on or not i'm making the past hand signals here jared and ray's controlling there they're giving me that you know the baby when someone gives you the bad maybe the higher the pitch the voice the bigger the lie here we go so there it is ah comes in narcotics i kind of like it i mean i i like it it's a bit naughty you know i haven't no like like i said it's a bit naughty it's a bit naughty we're pushing the envelope here but like i said i want i want people to go for it look kevin would go for it but but when you lose that you don't like it yet so look okay that's it yeah in the wall on the exit there so that's another couple of tents a few little things i wonder when kevin pushed that rear rear right off it wasn't there look everything's intact at this point i think it was just that last lap might have been on that on that landing on the big on the big jump on the big hit the front left fender came off the peugeot in the contact up on the pass or was it no i think it was yeah unless it was the unless it was the edge of the jamaican flag i mean you know there's a lot of yellow on that on that car yeah all right still uh they're still they're still shrugging the shoulders in race control come on christy give me a nod we are getting it i'm getting away from race control it's not polite i'm afraid jared it's not polite no somebody just told me that uh they are gonna have to wait one minute so uh so we're waiting but they look they're looking at it they are looking at it i kind of that aggressive you don't mind it this rallycross you know like if he'd if kevin was rotated and he got into the side of his door i've been saying no he's under review so it is under review the result of that one um let's see investigation i like that that's cool isn't it under investigation under investigation this is uh csi there's fraz there he is all right so again let's look at it again good jump from fraz you see kevin so uh again door to door no contact this point you'll see fraz swipe left little contact on that back right and then dives in you see frazz is on the brakes and like you said momentum and and going in there i think you probably would have tried to bend tighter but taking that line you're setting yourself up to be a shuffle yeah it's tricky man i've seen it again it's it's oh there's no here we go there's another angle you know like i said it's a little bit naughty but it's kind of like i just like the fact look so he's driving watch the wheels are his wheels locked up that's a good one no no so if if all his wheels were locked up and he was a passenger into kevin i'd be saying out of order no way would have made the turn without coming there um of course he's gone deep he has gone deep but often in the past you go deep it's that's that's a really tough one for the students to call sometimes i think it's pretty obvious jared but that's a tough one for me it's an aggressive assertive move from fraser from a fair way back but on a slippery track kevin won't like it would kevin have tried it himself probably so we're seeing it on the bracket don't know if it's official just yet we'll get clear we'll get a clear decision if it's uh if it's reversed or we're okay and uh we can see our next battle as uh andrew you're getting an update over here we see timmy hanson and steve arpan what's the update the update is it's a five-second penalty for frasier mcconnell we just had that from race control which is literally in the room next door just so frazier mcconnell was penalized for that move and it is kevin hanson who will go through from the previous uh race so look you know what everybody loves to try out i don't know what you guys think about the about the move with with friends there we still want to see people go for it on this occasion not allowed so elaborate just quickly on that so frazier finishes but five seconds added that means that kevin hansen is in front of him yeah so you right yeah you don't disqualify him for it it's not a black flag situation he's not fired him off into the rail or anything really harsh yeah then you might dq him at which point he i don't know you could you could take further action against him later but the five seconds basically just sticks in behind you look at the finish clocks for the two you add five and it just puts fraus behind him so kevin goes through all right so kevin hansen will now go against travis pastrana unfortunately and uh he's he's still smiling regardless crushing banana so uh as next up timmy hanson steve arpin and then of course scott speed and liam doran the battles continue here nitro rallycross here at erx [Music] [Applause] [Music] in 2018 nitro rallycross took the racing world by storm with the biggest jumps the best drivers and the most intense action ever in 2021 nitro rallycross is expanding with five epic races from the mountains to the great lakes the desert and the sunshine state nitro rallycross is coming to a racetrack near you nitro rallycross the series revving up and taking off this september i'm kevin hansen i'm from sweden lead shopping and this is the smallest rallycross team in the world but we are also the best rallycross team in the world kevin's in full confidence mode here flicking the car from left to right here we go watch the big jump look after the credits you can hear the limiter it's created by me my brother my mom and dad and we are running the team together and we have five mechanics and two engineers and that's all kevin hansen just put in a super tidy lap test he's running the car out wide and we do this you know by the passion by the heart and by the fire for the love of the rallycross that we have i see four corners we're talking about the guys in the back meanwhile kevin hansen travis pastrana patrick sandell our top three this track is the most insane one i've ever driven it's just like a roller coaster or a video game kevin hansen is going to win your 2019 nitro rally cross that's what a champion looks like folks and he's got a long long career ahead of him nitro rallycross is not just a premier racing league it's a big event so if you show up in person there's much more to it than just cars and racing and stuff like that it's great for your family and also your belly because guess what food trucks oh my god oh my god you are amazing that looks so perfect did you make it the way i like it i know yeah i know how you like it you have to try it oh my god that's amazing as always thank you taco madre come see us for truck court i appreciate you so much thank you more racing yeah back to you guys [Laughter] i love it and the sad thing is tommy won't even share that with us that's huge and he's going to house the whole thing when we landed yesterday at the airport we went to a burger spot he ordered the mac and cheese he ordered an extra thing of fries he ate it on something i'm joking he did not he's so polite i love him he's desperately trying to get the food out of his mouth he's like i appreciate you so much lovely what a nice guy all right street back tommy giving us some insight on the festivities that happened here as uh my name is jared deanda andrew coley on my side as well as down in the pits katie osborne and as you just saw street bike tommy enjoying uh the food the people he is a man of the people street bike tommy as we have our next battle here and this is timmy hansen versus steve arpin what what are your expectations here what do you got hopping's on around a form yeah both these guys were on the podium last weekend they're p1 and p2 in theory they're you know they're our top two guys really at the moment uh katie i think has had a chat with steve harpin or something about steve alfred just from a moment ago that his start is extremely important here as he hasn't been very quick on the light but he's had good launches all right here we go so hanson hanson gets the jump on harpin didn't work out that time gonna go wide up into long side now timmy will try and keep the door shut steve he's on it steve now he's up in front of timmy gonna try and shut the door in him timmy avoids the payroll great pass by arkan yeah look at arpin absolutely flying deemed deemed him the canadian cowboy years ago at grc and now here he is look at this arf and hanson that is a great pass timmy hansen is the 2019 world rallycross champion i think he leads the standings this year yeah he's one of the top drivers in in h3b in world rallycross your armpit does not have the same experience as jimmy timmy's going to go joker and often will need to now watch that clock i definitely wouldn't give timmy two laps i'll shut him down on the next out but steve now needs one clean that with no mistakes and he can hold on to this and speaking of clean timmy hansen's joker lap was absolutely flawless really well done kept it off the wall and carried a lot of speed through there threw a little flick at it and just it out very very well done handsome i think timmy's a bit of a different driver since winning the world championship a couple of years ago it's like that that pressure's gone he's won right the uh very big title he can't i i'm cool if something's wrong i'll drive around it you know who wants it all perfect if you didn't get it but it's not so intense as it was before i must have everything perfect otherwise i can't do it it's like i've done it i've i've been there i've been at the top so you know timmy is one always to watch but i am really impressed by steve barkin but this gap is tight jar 2.8 is it going to be enough you know right now if he goes in he's got to do it he's got to execute really well and here he goes he goes into the yokohama tires joker lap and here comes hanson and it is enough arfin is on fire right really got into it pulled the car in half the gap was coming down 2.8 2.7 he was under a lot of pressure from timmy airs it out in the background trying to close down that hood by the hypnotized one of the best cars in the world at the minute uc pinamaki who runs that car is spotting for steve and steve has got a car and it means him that he likes jared look at the way he runs it down here look at it look at it he is flying he looks like a stage rally driver there yes that's what yeah just i mean the confidence as you say from getting second place in utah here he comes in he's got a brand new baby just he's just he's firing all cylinders in more ways than one he's got two brand new babies one of them's at home with his wife and the other one he's driving right now don't count out timmy hansen just yet both of them hit the joker lap and here we go one more turn and burn who's going to come out on top steve arp and the canadian cowboy let it ride as look at that arp and comes out on top really well done i mean i really like the doran erickson battle that was fun but i think right now arpin is one to watch just the the way he's driving is absolutely on point the car looks great that's the other thing the car looks really really good so off the start here he loses outlook he's on the outside line so he gives that up immediately and cuts to the inside for the exit he actually finds the traction that others have certainly gets the line off the jump here and he's fully alongside timmy when there is to have him this is the move look timmy just gets the tiniest bit deep up and he's inside him with perfect traction and he squeezes timmy towards the wall nothing untoward timmy's not going to touch that wall he knows it'd be game over if he does that was great racecraft super clean pass brilliant drive by afton and i think i think hansen played the strategy like okay you know this is bracket battles there's a point at stake maybe a couple more but it's safer play it safe so you could live to see another one i actually think timmy as well would have thought that going joker that giving him giving him a lap jared that he would have had enough time to catch up with steve and he did close him down by a couple of tents but steve's joker for me was brilliant as well you went in there hard on the bar you know you got a wall outside you went in there with confidence he braked late he turned the car in and he got the exit as well so that's a great drive by steve but he's got a car underneath him that to me looks extraordinarily good today is that the best car out there right now yeah that big booter over the hip and through the woods arpan went not to grandma's house but to the checkered flag it was really well done overall by steve arfin i mean look at just you see how hanson's car was sliding arpan just gripped up got traction look at the exit traction he had out that hairpin up at the far end he was on the inside line dusty and he just got away well congratulations to arpin and let's now go down to katy who's with pastrana yeah right now travis astronaut is stoked you are lit right now you're just actually congratulating steve as he was kind of making his way but really what's the excitement all about dude arpan i mean come on this is awesome we got jumps we got stuff that makes it different we always go over there uh to europe and we get our butts kicked americans i'm he's half american he's half citizen whatever north american but to see him beat in my opinion probably the best driver in the world on this track took it to him got by like this is awesome that's what i'd like to see and steve i hope seeing the final man that's gonna be good well there you go you can't beat that travis estrada excited man the crowd's loving it over here we had travis up in the commentary box earlier and he was obviously cause he threatened to ban the swedes after they won the first two years i'm just going to ban the sweets i'm pretty sure sandel was up there with him as well it was like just swedes everywhere we said are you going to ban him he's got no we're going to beat them and you can see how stoked he is on yeah we're getting there we're backing up because he is an american isn't we're taking that you know what travis uh doesn't like swedes so much he doesn't shop at ikea that's that's how much he doesn't like this i'm joking obviously but uh their their fierce competitor scott speed liam doran two very aggressive drivers i have to think liam is going to absolutely hammer down you saw the styling entries is that gonna pay off versus a very clean and tidy scott speed here we go jordan speed our last battle in the great eight who's gonna get the jump scott speed look at that there's door to door entering in look at doran he's made it work around the outside that's the first time we've seen that jared nobody has made that line work the landing is butter dora has done a brilliant job watch for speed though he's going to try in the past liam goes for the standard savage back in and he just holds on that was close i mean there might be a little purple bait on the front end of scott's speed subaru and look at him using all of the track going right to left diving in carrying momentum and he doesn't air it out keeps it just more traditional race line there liam's got to watch out here because scott's got better speed to me so if you look at the hair being scott close him down if you look at the exit to the sweeper scott's closed him down so liam i'm confident that scott will go on this lap and liam will need to respond immediately he's got to have a perfect lap on the next one yeah okay cool so now now this laps got to be perfect and liam's got to go straight back yeah so i mean look at that big wrx the uh the sti here you know you see it you see it go in but uh wow so doran and speed getting after so door in about 3.1 seconds look at this i'm very surprised at this yes we're shaking things up scott speed won the bracket battle in utah six tents in one sector scott speed's gone six tenths quicker liam has got to hang on to this 2.5 might just be enough jared we saw it was just enough in earlier races but this is going to be super tight in the merge thorn has to go this lap because speed is closing him down again he's taking another couple of tenths off him he's going to be tight yeah and doran you can see him on that the high line he had a lot of angle there speed is gaining ground look at that speed he's got fire in his eyes the car just looked great doesn't it again so doran's going to go joker surely he does i would have gone because you're already losing time you might as well go for it and then be on his tail and now he's gonna he's gonna leave it to the last lap yeah i'd have gone yeah i know they weren't listening to you both the rx cartel do not like this they don't listen to any you're against the cartel oh no i'm definitely not definitely not but you don't go against the cartel but yeah they uh yeah they don't listen to anyone so liam goran takes his signature line there around that hairpin now coming in through that's uh that stage rally section love that verb there in the middle looks reminds me like the new zealand stage rally doesn't yeah the dirt so liam doran what do you got he's dropping by another tenth so so doran's actually taking the tenth back off speed so this is a great lap from the british bomb coming around the right hand there now scott speed chasing him down he rides on that purple and blackout he's going to slide off to the right hand side now and then it's gonna be about between him and scott on the line do you see that he's got some speed here going into yokohama time trucker lap and scott speed makes the pass it came down to the joker and speed just just pausing waiting waiting waiting strikes he just hunted him down didn't he when we were when we were riding on board the drone with with the subaru i just scott just looked like he was tidy and biding his time i definitely would have responded on the lap before unfortunately i'm not actually sure it would have been enough even if you've gone on lap too yeah so i mean there was that the the split was about one point eight one point nine so i'd say the joker you know size it up about two and a half seconds so we got speed versus rpin and pastrana versus kevin hansen and we could end up with pastrana versus speed in the final again as we had last time in utah great move by liam to hold on around the outside like that it was absolutely incredible jared it really was and here's the first joker lap as scott speed went in early obviously taking it down on the first lap he was always getting if you lose out you may yeah okay you can do what travis did and race it out in utah but at the minute the track which is maybe not quite enough to get that done he's run the berm around the whole of the outside there didn't even stick the nose in tight to the apex but he's going around and then he just starts to chase him down that was where you said he checked up a little bit in the center of the hairpin but liam not enough time to respond and uh he's gone but better by liam better by larsen yeah so both those guys made it further into the draw than they have done the previous week they both got a point on the board for the cartel which is that comedy wasn't it interesting to hear robin go you were like what was the what was the target he said the target was just to win one battle because we didn't win any last week and so nick you know time for the group can achieve yeah something to push for yeah so here's our final four pastranaverse hanson arpan versus speed and a gentleman who is not in the final four is with katie osborne yeah and jared he said it is what it is and that's exactly what his mentality has to be as you have to focus for tomorrow but taking it back a little bit what happened from your point of view i saw a gap and took it it was it was there to be taken and you know put the car it was more than a car lens uh with and got in there very easily very fair and the sewer decision is is what it is and you know still having a lot of fun out there but really feeling a little disappointed in the penalty but you know representing and i gave it my all out there on the track and finally found the speed i wanted to and yeah can't complain two-time uh two time to make a driver of the year you're learning and you're adapting in these cars but this track is a beast different than what you've ever had how much fun is it it's crazy yesterday was supposed to be jump practice but we got four laps in and half of the track is blind you're going over these big hills and sometimes the cars are flying sometimes it's not you need to figure out the right speed and you know even my first lap out there i think it was on a nitro instagram i really thought i slowed down enough but next thing i know i'm just in the air for like two seconds um so that wasn't so fun but now we know what to do we're very fast out there now very confident and i'm gonna brush this one off and go full attack tomorrow all right wishing you the best fast confident and a five second penalty but hey guys you're still smiling well fraud's still having some fun and uh overall you know these drivers they're they're you know seeing nitro rallycross for the first time but let's hear their perspective what nitro rallycross means to them what do i love most about rally well competition rallycross is the most intense exciting and adrenaline-filled motorsport in the world short compact races not too long distance people are going straight up into your door they'll push you offline and you don't get any other speeds and close door-to-door action in the world i want to be able to fly i want to be able to slide having the big jumps having the different lines to the strategy if we can take stage rally with all the jumps the off cambers the berms the crazy situations and we can put it into an arena we're literally tracks that thrill and cars that fly welcome back as we are about to see our side by side final here at round two of nitro rallycross and there you have it on the front row tanner fafs and kyle cheney then you have andrew carlson he's built this track let's see how he throws down in his razor scottie lawrence brian deegan and jack letourneau then you got andy eyes and jason laverg and then you got corey weller and katie munnings bringing up the rear the one brit in the pack there jared yeah hey real quick katie osborne you got an update yeah you know brian deegan said uh what he's learned so far by watching is mistakes are so easily made and this race is so short so he said he's not going to be holding any anything back and it's going to be full send one area though to watch for brian deegan is turn one he says he keeps bicycling it and uh so they made some adjustments so he's a better platform but that's going to be his focus throughout today right on yeah so as you as deegan uh again he didn't lose money to to excuse me to uh travis crowd here we go let's see how fast does fast getting the jump no he does not the 34 actually yeah let's get the jump i'm so used to the gold delivery that's why that's black out there so tanner gets the jump and gets that whole shot yeah he does the house has got it done off the start keep to see what deegan does in the background because diego was so good last time he's got around the outside of the monster energy oh they bring a deegan straight up almost into p2 deegan is in p3 now and i'm pretty sure he's training that's in p2 cheating got sideways threw up a road block and you can't go anywhere so everybody win the side of cheney has deegan takes the higher line tanner fountain out front so faust jenny deegan and who is that sliding into port i believe that's carlson yes carlson almost got deegan there but deegan had that right hand line this is what we said about earlier jared about choosing your line right from the top heaven to that big jump are you inside or outside for the next corner and deegan had made that work does we see cass and go joker so castle is the first drive to go joking from p4 and come back in p4 that's a great move that is really strong now so he's right up in that top back and he's already choked good look at cheney absolutely chomping at the bit getting on the tailpipe for tanner foust and like you said carlson looks like junk back to fifth but the only driver to take that joker lap lap two of six now we have expanded to six laps as opposed to the four and the semi-finals chinese looking quick but cheney may have one eye back on carlson trying to see [Music] goes higher and that looks to have gained a couple of car lengths so maybe that inside lane is coming in cheney landed on the front wheels down and deegan is now catching up to these front two as well so brian dean with it dialed the shots in a little bit watch the cars through turn one jab within two rep bicycling that's not a phrase we've heard much in deegan goes joker in europe what they mean is that they're going on two wheels because [Music] see if we see it here with any of these cars as they come through and obviously if you go too far when you bicycle you roll the car yeah you can see deegan a little timid there and hesitant going to that turn one where he got into a chain he swings it wide and look at that just slides right to the side of tanner fowles for tanner foust knows that cheney is right there nipping at his heels deegan currently in third but also has the joker left so 3.95 seconds that is a lot of time holding that chain to go for a pass from the outside so they're coming out to the big jump now you're looking down at deegan on the outside now we're back with the leaders found some chain he wait for deegan to come into the back of this shot how far back is he i think he's lost him at a time 4.1 back well you could joke if i were cheney now i'd be looking to joker because this time and faust goes great mr bowser's gone earlier that's that's that's not really enough yeah it is because i was gonna say if he hadn't had gone if i would change i'd have gone 100 so mouse could have done him there if you can fake the guy into going joker he has to change his mind he loses half a second and you can get it done yeah you really got to convince that joker lap because you could you know add more seconds onto that time slip all right so cheney brings around the peninsula there and tanner bounce look at that almost two seconds back and d get four seconds back from janie 1.9 is the gap between two point one chain he's taking two tens out of town and foul ten of pounds though has come more nice and through the low line than cheney i reckon we might see that gap go back the other way when they come up the hill towards they have been let's see what it is it was 2.1 we've gone up right four tens of wrongs the chinese absolutely flying so maybe joking now if you train me no holds on gonna go last lap last couple of laps yeah good move all right so kyle cheney continues on here and oh look at that just bicycle big time jared had to correct the car to settle it back down again has that lost him any time or is he bulletproof at the minute because he was looking pretty bulletproof made a mistake before and still had the pace backs it in scotty lawrence said to me look you know chinese quick he's going to be faster tanner's run a little bit deep there that's maybe in the costume just a little bit of time kyle cheney still out front 2.9 and deegan losing some more ground as well the fight for a third between deegan and carlson that that's eaten up yeah it's tight between them they've just gone different alternate lines from the announcing booth we can see chaney's gonna have to go joe to either this or the next lap is he gonna hold on 2.8 is the gap gonna wait for the last lap so kyle this is the white flag is out one more lap watch for the bicycling here as he comes into the corner so this time it was fine previously previous lap it was up on two wheels oh somebody yes inside the track it looks like it's either latona or a berg has got a car parked inside the track the other one's parked on the alternate line on the run down from here you'll see one path to the right hand side a little bit of contact probably on that first lap costing somebody a drive shot but final lap training versus foul 3.0 in it yeah 3.09 seconds between cheney and faust so we'll see how that joke on the tire joker lap plays a role here canter gap a little more no he does it 3.2 now janie is possessed kyle is putting the vehicle in all the right places look at this now coming down a couple more turns for cheney great drive 3.4 seconds up the road no mistakes made runs it up the berm on the outside line but it's cheney who's going to win the first side-by-side race here for nitro rallycross tana fouls double driving this weekend both days gets carlson gets third so carlson edged out brian deegan with just a few laps to go so deegan outside looking in racing and yeah so look at that chaney fousted carlson deegan sits in fourth some great racing a great debut for side by sides in nitro rally cross remember they have an independent round both today and then into tomorrow looks like the 714 there parked to the side that was very early on that was in the lap one so these side by sides exiting out congratulations to our podium finishers and taking a look at our schedule this is how it started some great racing but tanner foust uh all signs were saying it's gonna be him but chaney just just got cleaner and cleaner with the lines yeah i found out the pole you know from the qualifying from the qualifying uh situation but but yeah chaney just looked super quick actually nudged into the back so he got hooked up on tanner there the front lift left road up tanner and that was what caused the hold up in term one i did wonder if that was going to be enough time for tanner just to check out and drive off down the road but he wasn't cheney hunted him down tanner dummied and joked earlier than we thought he might and chaney just stayed out there brought it home right the way to lap six before going joker yeah some really great racing i mean great debut of side by side would you agree andrew i think so you know i think this is a this is a great support category for rallycross here in the states you know over in europe we've got a we've got a bunch of support categories which are pretty good value for money and that's what's important is these kids who are coming through they're not all loaded you know so and you know we all know motorsport's not cheap but i tell you what side by sides are really reasonable so you find yourself a small sponsor go and do a local series and we need that we we're getting the tracks night to rally crosses giving you guys what the the heritage that you need to build the sport from the ground up if you've got no drivers coming up from the bottom you're not going to get it done you know what are we going to see from cheyney mike we see chaney step up the supercar at some point or maybe put some next appearances in this is a great footprint for the bottom level of the sport and you know along with sierra cars we need those entry-level categories yep so kyle cheney takes it tanner foul second and as i said andrew carlson he's built this track him and his family you know they operate this place so uh congratulations to our podium finishers here and again they'll all do it re-rack them again tomorrow for some more side by side but that's our side-by-side final for today here round two of nitro rally crossing erx [Music] all right and here are the overall results one through nine and a couple dns there from letorno in the berg but uh deegan barely gets edged out by andrew carlson and uh the ladies cory weller katie munnings pay six p seven good isn't it no she done all right well as we wrap up our side by side throw it down to katie osborne a lot of fun down here kyle cheney definitely pulled in the wind they're the first side-by-side here at nitro rallycross but first you have to hold off some legends within the sport gotta take us through that when you started having that target on the back how did you stay cool calm and collected yeah i mean tanner was driving awesome and i didn't know if i wasn't going to be able to pass him and he took the joker lane i'm like okay i'm going to wait till the end and you know see if i can get a little gap and i'd get a little bit then he'd gain it back i'd get a little bit he gained it back i'm like i got to really push this last lap and uh it was pretty close there at the end but i mean it was awesome racing these guys drive awesome it's just great to be here my canyon worked perfect you know just happy to be up here for sure that moment you capitalized what was going on in your mind um like i said i mean i capitalized but he took the joker lane so i knew i still had to take it and i knew i had to make up some time so i just wanted to you know stay cool calm and collected and you know hit my marks and hit my lap or hit my marks every lap and it ended up working it absolutely ended up working but it did take a little bit there and turn one turn two you had to navigate your way how'd you do it uh you know i said my cannon worked great you know evo power sports tunes uh metal fx wheels you know i got thanks to oklahoma for you know supplying us all tires this weekend uh even though i am a maxis racer um but uh you know just thank you know the whole crew everybody that helps me out and uh you know thanks uh to the nrx series for putting on this great event hopefully they can have side-by-sides up more of them all right congratulations the first winner here in the side by side at nitro rallycross i'll let you celebrate now with all the guys thank you katie congratulations yeah once again there to uh to kyle and we're gonna take a short break because we're gonna do some track maintenance and uh as there we go look at that receiving oh got some got some sunnies there bro looking good look at tanner fowls joining him up there tayden's gonna smile and then andrew carlson there throwing on some shades there you go boys got some pit vipers on and pit viper is gonna be providing some fun uh as we come back we're gonna continue on with the party that is nitro rallycross congratulations one two and three for our debut of side by side here at nitro rallycross when we come back we're gonna be seeing more of our supercar battle brackets [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nitro circus is back with the action pack you got this tour top athletes in fmx skate bmx scooter and more are ready to get the party started throwing down huge worlds firsts with more crazy contraptions more insane stunts and more high adrenaline fun than ever before get ready because we're coming to a city near you i don't even know what's happening anymore get your tickets now at nitro rx is brought to you by yokohama tire make every drive a performance subaru love it's what makes subaru subaru and by o'reilly auto parts better parts better prices every day the american fans are crazy they love a good action and they are so hyped to see cars flying in their lap by that the fans will travel like fans will come from a long way they love this sport they get right into it for me to be excited as a driver i can't imagine what the fans are going to be like when they see the cars flying you know 100 foot gap jump i have my fan base but i want to expand it and i don't think there's any better place to do it than any rex at the moment i know in the states there are so many fans waiting to see us go in action the jamaican vibes are going to be there in full effect it's not a far flight from home and there's a lot of jamaicans living in the u.s so the vibe you get the power you get going in the cars hearing people roar and scream when you jump in the seat with that feeling in your spine it's amazing the army is going to be out in in full force and you'll see us it's not all about the drivers down here i'm sitting here with two super fans what's your name sir tony and jake jakes so this is a family affair father and son absolutely you've been a fan of nitro in action sports for a long time oh my god long time long time what's your involvement in stuff well back in the day used to raise three wheelers 200 x's back in the early 80s when they were illegal when they were legal right right right my son jake yeah um got him a little 50 when he was like six-year-old hello honda 50. rip that around a little bit so just generational awesome absolutely yeah what are you up to these days you know coming off the nitro race yeah checking things out we're gonna have a good time yeah you guys excited about the series and like being like a nitro premier racing series oh my god i took jake when it was uh uh freestyle motocross tony hawk when he had that when he was little tony came zipping by us jake got to slap his hand that's right freestyle motocross all the way up thank you here we are well i love the energy guys i love the energies you're gonna be out there just screaming absolutely yeah all right guys well we love our fans here and uh tune in for more action back to you guys great to see the fans out here at erx motor park fantastic to hear their enthusiasm for this brilliant sport as well ran across the course been around around a decade in the states but another restart with nitro rallycross 2018 and 19 we started with this down in utah now we are up for a series and it's just fantastic to see a big crowd here for round two of nrx my name is andrew curley jarrod deanna's going to be here at any moment now katie osborne street by tommy down in the paddock reporting for us today we're coming towards the final stage of our battle is going to find out who's going to be the top qualifier today here on day one because that's going to set the grids for tomorrow when we go heat racing semi-finals o'reilly's last chance qualifier and then on to the finals who's going to win round two of nitro rallycross it's a good spot some people over on the far side there in the trees get a good view of the back straight the rain's gone away i still wanted to see a few adult beverages over there as well looks like a good day to me supercar battles round three coming up then we've got the nrx next final and then supercar battles final as well so just the semis to come we've got pastrana versus kevin hansen up in versus speed are we going to see speed and pastrana up against each other as we did last week in utah he's speaking to take that spot again i don't know what he said he's how he looks like he's having a good time that's fine it's all good yokohama in the background there they've been doing some sterling work this weekend getting the tyres sorted beautiful venue as well here we're in elk river minnesota close to minneapolis very very different from where we were last week which was an equally cool place to go i have to say fantastic venues of course we're heading to arizona then down to california and across to florida for the final round of the season can't wait well it's a brilliant to say first time ever that this is a series five events instead of a one-off this was travis pastrana's idea he wanted to see rallycross grow he won't do rallycross 2.0 let's hear from the man himself who am i uh he's the crazy guy on tv he's a great competitor action hero like travis pastrana to me is a legend and a super brain in jumps watching travis buscarino's backyard on youtube you know i can't tell you how many times i've watched it pretending to jump in the phone pit at home just an ultra friendly guy with the crazy vision who's surprisingly calculated travis is fun he's vibrant and he's crazy and uh who can't like terrorize forever well you know what travis mustard is a guy that many of us know i'm hearing that uh america's got talent extreme is going to be in your future as well america's got talent extreme no really excited actually that's going to be fun but i'm not trying to think about this uh it's always a handsome around every corner so this is a big race that's exactly what we were talking about with travis is the fact that he's going to be up against one of these hansen's one of these swedes that you were talking about meanwhile this week kevin hansen on the other hand they got a chance to go hiking they decompressed a little bit they celebrated his dad's birthday on wednesday so it is a balance between celebrity stuff that travis astronaut is doing and kevin hansen who is r r again this week thank you so much katie again uh yes talking about i don't know if you saw that travis from shawn is going to be a judge on america's cut down yeah simon cowell i was like all right so pastrana and hanson arpin and speed that is our final four who's gonna come out on top remember we still have our next car as well so we got our supercar battle brackets we have our next final do a little more track maintenance and then uh yeah we got to supercar battle brackets our final round so it should be awesome and this is just today we'll get you home by dinner time there is a dedicated autograph session at five o'clock if you're in the building i know chico's got some tires and stuff over subaru all the fans coming out here and meeting high-fiving handshaking kissing babies shaking hands andrew the track is just it's just coming to life it's it's kind of the the big brown monster here that has just transformed right it's it's dr jekyll mr hodge well you can see we've got a great drone shot going on here it gives you an idea what we talked about earlier about the color of the dirt look on the outside line here you can see the dirt is pretty thick and still a bit damp but the line is getting wider and wider some places it is now like a full five six lanes wide uh we've got the the various bits of track here out there which are which are scraping stuff out smoothing it off and they'll work super hard tonight to make sure it's ready for tomorrow we haven't got any rain forecast overnight so we should expect to come in tomorrow and find the track in pretty much look we've even got blue groove coming in there you go you can see on the right hand side there did a great job getting the tires ready for today we appreciate the work those guys put in the testing from backward and subaru in the middle of the day so what i mean about everybody working just to make sure you you guys have a good time and they worked really hard today so show them some love if you're if you're leaving the venue and uh you know it's gonna be awesome awesome to see the end of the battle yeah and speaking of yokohama here's a piece on just the story and the legacy that is the yokohama tire brand [Music] from across the deserts to the mountains and countless race tracks in between yokohama tire has a storied history in advancing drivers to new levels [Music] originating in the motorsports department in 1978 the advan brand of yokohama has spent over four decades allowing drivers to take their vehicles beyond what they thought was possible while there is an endless amount of science and technology that goes into each tire in the end it's the connection between the driver and the tire [Music] with fancy cars like you get a nitro rallycross you got a lot of super technical things they're loud they have huge amount of horsepower but in any machine the thing that connects the machine to the road are the tires and it's awesome when you have a tire that gives you maximum grip but when everything's about to let loose you know you got it going over big jumps like this bank corners fast corners yokohama tires is what's got our back nitro rallycross and it's drivers will start the next chapter in the advantire's legacy all right welcome back there are the yokohama tires flags of flying and uh you know where they flew their flag high today you know there was speculation on just you know coming in with those kind of mildly grooved slicks hardened slicks but then putting some grooves into them everything's working out everything's coming up milhouse here as again uh like you said relatively tomorrow the track should be relatively similar to this but just in the in the morning get a little bit of dew and condensation here so it could be a little moist in the morning but i think it'll it'll dry out and just uh progress as we've seen uh throughout today yeah if it gets a bit a little bit damp it doesn't matter that helps us with the dust you know so this is the perfect dirt for this kind of racing it's just we you know heavy heavy rain overnight was not what anybody had ordered for this weekend especially not for everybody who's watching trackside but yeah great job by the track crews great job by yokohama and i think we're looking good for tomorrow and uh on the grid you could see two drivers that is travis pastrana and kevin hanson and uh andrew you've been talking about just how much affinity travis has for uh the hansons and generally just uh the swedes the swedes have they've been winning a little bit too much you know for uh for travis's liking but he's only joking you know he wants the best guys in the world here but he also wants to beat them and i get that he says we go to europe and we get our asses whooped you know he said we want them to come over here and we want to give it back and that hasn't happened so far the hansons are undefeated in nitro rallycross 18 and 19 at utah in the round one of this season series at utah they won again so yeah travis wants to he wants to see that not happen this weekend no malice just wants to beat him no malice i don't like that all right so you can see inside the cockpit of travis pastrana getting set and ready to rip as pastrana and hanson look at this beautiful track love it nice green grass this is just absolutely ideal thank you for having us out here erx and you're tuning in around the world on peacock thanks for watching here we go let's get ready to send it travis pastrana kevin hanson who's going to get the whole shot traffic has that inside line kevin has to get the slight jump on close the door on him and then goes right to angle see if travis michonne can get some ground here over the kicker through the woods right on over and up hanson keeps it out front great start he's just got to keep the door shut now a little bit of will's been out in the dirt there but it's a great start so travis is going to have to do this tactic he's going to have to try and take a joker and see if he can edge you on the left side the super we know he's quick around here they've had a couple of tests here at the minute in 6 10 travis goes low he said that line was going to come in has it come in just yet i'd say it's close enough around the bottom on the outside edge as well you saw travis and the attitude of the vehicle when it came out of that lower line really got disrupted so there's a bit of a bump down there at the bottom but look at travis looks like he gained some ground there is he going for the joker lap yes he is so travis goes into the joker that was probably the cleanest i've seen him in that joker lab there are sections of the track jared that are greener since they've been groomed than before you know when it just spread the dirt out and scooped it a little bit more you can see the shiny mud so i don't think it's gonna it might change the the joker delta a little bit which is what we talk about the difference between the joking up on the standard lap but it's been changing all day so it's not gonna be much that's new for the teams really right [Music] has to come up and come back by 2.2 seconds between these two drivers kevin hansen continues on you know he's checking his mirrors where is he going to utilize his joker left i'd have to assume on that final lap got a 10th back off pastrana now their sponsors will be up on top of the announcing booth here on top of race control they'll be looking at him 2.1 pastrana takes another two tenths off him and kevin knows [Music] gets the pass over kevin hanson one lap left to go kevin hanson's gonna be chopping on the back end of that subaru let's see if traps can stay up there that's that's a great drive by travis just just in that lap in between jared he got his head down he took the tents off kevin where he needed to and close it down kevin gonna have another look at the inside line here to take the lead got him back with the pass on track travis won't be happy about that yeah wow look at you he's flowing blowing right now like kevin okay here we go travis gets into that burp oh looks like kevin just keeps it a little cleaner travis needs to search forward contact made once again he's pushing him around um don't show around they swap his drawings side by side to the line kevin hansen's going to try out dragon he's got him they've changed places three times i'm not sure if travis had got that jared that they would have let that one slide it was pretty um it was pretty forceful but it's a great battle but he lost out on that up of that hairpin got to keep the door shut on the handsomes they were they're good at that it was very frazz esque it was yeah it was i saw the students by the way and they said the phrase i think was really hard to decide on had a quick word with them and they just like look it was you know it was super hard but they felt he went a bit deep on the exit they looked at this brilliant so you talked about and we talked to travis about the high line low line travis taking the low line i think it's coming in it's not quite there is it just the middle of the corner here just waiting he gets out onto the berm on the outside edge this is the big jump at the top goes to jump i thought he was going to jump from left to right on the last lap not quite enough kevin's gone through yeah kevin hansen that was a that was a great battle came down to that final corner but as you said i mean you saw some contact being made early on and then just there that and this is where the race really started to take shape kevin hansen goes for that joker lap you can see travis get the pass and he does take the lead that's what i've been saying about all day as well jared about if you've got that extra 10th of a second you can run the car all the way wide and shut the door he didn't have to leave hampton room because he's fully in front of him everybody else who's tried to do that has had just defenders length where he hasn't been able to do it yeah there was some contact made there hansen and pastrana going at it that's on turn two but then they reached out and touched somebody once again later on into that final corner so here's here's where travis gets uh gets a little gets a bit bullish so stays in it you can see him stays on i mean he's he's just trying to i think actually just continue on with the momentum kevin did well there look turning it back around again and and if travis is out on that groomed part of the track you know where it's just a little bit loose and slippery there isn't the traction there he rotates the big subaru round but kevin's already got the jump on him just you've got to keep that door shut there's only i i looks to me like the passing places they have been up at the far end then you've got the headpin at the top and maybe the last corner if you can keep the door shut in those places i think you're golden but you you know you can't you just can't leave a gap for the handsomes i'm afraid no yeah and he just he swung it out too far as you said gotten to loose stuff couldn't get out of the hole and kevin hansen is going to the final so we are not duplicating what happened in utah pastrana and scott speed so now it's kevin hansen in the finals who is he going against will speed be in the finals once again or steve arpin gonna rise to the occasion we really saw arpin race proper uh in that previous battle arpan and timmy hansen and and we saw how elated pastrana was uh for arpan just again half american you know he's canadian yeah he has dual citizenship now but uh it's really cool to see harpin rise step up he takes out the other hanson bro but uh waiting back there you could see scott speed the other subaru is going to be going against steve arpan the way we've done qualifying in nitro has changed a bit from 18 and 19 so timmy hanson took that top qualifier in 18 and then patrick sandel for subaru in 19 down at utah scott took it last time but you know we could be looking at somebody new on the tq spot here with kevin going through could be it could be speed again if he managed to get it done all right well uh well as we move on to our next battle katie is with our most recent winner yeah kevin hansen he wanted to turn day one around compared to utah and you're doing it what are you what what is the help behind all of this because they're working on your car a little bit well i have a great team behind me to manage this and i think you know we're going really fast i think we're going really fast we have good speed and we have good racecraft so i mean the guys are just fixing the final thing some will be flying in the finals you know one of the things was that travis wastrana i had asked him a question that had nothing to do with racing and he was like whoa whoa no i gotta focus on racy i'm going up against one of the hanson brothers how cool is it that you and your family are really creating this behind you well for sure it's amazing we have a huge legacy in our in our team in our family and our company and you know it's such an honor to raise for our name i mean my mom and dad has put such a legacy in there and i'm so proud to race for them and i'm so happy to be here and racing in travis he's such an amazing driver uh really one of the best out there i think because he came from being you know a motocross freestyler and he's kicking ass honestly here on the course so no he's amazing to race and that was probably the best race i've ever had that's a wonderful thing and someone else is doing pretty well as you but you did say this is very different and out of your element this 97 dirt how are you making it happen well i think i'm i'm pulling out tricks i've learned from when i was very young when i learned how to drive four wheel drive and i'm really enjoying it and i think me and my spotter we've become you know we were worked together since first lap in rallycross and we're just getting better and better all the time and you know this this last race was really nice and we have one more to go one more to go and i want you guys to take a quick look at his glasses do you see how that looks so nicely with the rest of the vibe going on here those are his racing glasses in fact thank you look at that who who are you wearing who are you wearing kevin like i feel like i feel like we're on the red carpet all right we'll take a short break when we come back we're gonna be seeing arpin and speed and who's going against kevin hansen we'll find out when we come back hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in 2018 nitro rallycross took the racing world by storm with the biggest jumps the best drivers and the most intense action ever in 2021 nitro rallycross is expanding with five epic races from the mountains to the great lakes the desert and the sunshine state nitro rallycross is coming to a racetrack near you nitro rallycross the series revving up and taking off this september oh nitro rallycross cars that fly and here we are flying high in the sky ready to see who's going to go by into the finals steve arp and scott speed here at erx motor park and we have again kevin hanson just recently took out travis pastrana but here is another subaru with scott speed he won the bracket battles in utah can he do it again steve arpin i i truly believe this is gonna be one heck of a battle i i think they're gonna stay off each other not gonna be as physical as some of the other battles we've seen so far but uh i still think their their racecraft is going to be really interesting to watch i think arthur's got a great car underneath him he just feels really comfortable in there and speed two all right here we go getting the whole shot is scott speed gets that inside line and there goes arvin like i said he just almost almost got in the back cover but now he's backed off so the 41 of scott's speed and that subaru gets the jump steve arpan over the hip let's see how they handle this hairpin our pins almost out dragged him down to the head but he gets a little bit too deep though he's hoping for the inside line there's attack speed just a little bit there that's close enough look at look at harping's car underneath him he looks so fast down through here he will joker and he's gonna try and do this on on black time look at this so he takes a lower line again there's there's a bump when you go into the low line and when you exit the low line i'm still loving the fact that they're able to lean on that dirt bank on the exit there that's really working for me in terms of i'll get on the gas early hook that car up and get an exit speed's got him by a few cart lengths here but i'm sure arpin's gonna go for the tactics all right he said that he took the joker lap and yes he does so steve harpin goes in and again another real good ex he got got into that kind of curtain there on the side but let's see how he handles this 3.2 is the gap keep your eye on that gap that's what's going to tell us whether or not he's feeling as comfortable in that car run by lauren brown grx together as he was in the previous round he looked unstoppable but if anyone could stop him scott speed he won the batons last time out he takes a 10th off i think he lost a little bit of time there kind of got held up on the hairpin scott's feet absolutely whipping through that section now i believe he's going to take the high line yes he does the kidnap just looks so drivable jarrod he really does look he's able to to send it and hold it whatever angle he wants to the gap staying pretty similar they'll go up the hill we'll get another good idea here if scott's going to hold on to the final lap or not those subarus are not the quickest through that oh there we go scott speed goes to that yokohama joker lap and steve arpan oh game obviously does gain some ground but not enough interest interesting has been responded this time you know they've gone the full distance before but they they obviously feel that our pin is quick enough oh lands on the front right corner the car fails and he's parked on the track the whole front right corner is off he just landed at such an extreme angle jared he's unlucky i think there but also maybe lucky not to go in over end wow that front right corner took the brunt of it scott's beat is going to continue on and now the work begins for tomorrow that's the reality of it now as scott speed looks like he's crawling through the rest of the chorus and then he's got word from a spotter hey take it easy arpen's out you're gonna win not the way you want to win of course but steve arpin dude i mean he's okay driver's out of the car and he is okay man that was crazy yeah limited re-prep time for subaru you know they know they've got one battle to come they know it's against the class acting kevin hansen so speed's gonna get that car back they'll get it prepped as quick as they can ready for the final battle where we get to see who is top qualifier tomorrow um those guys i think will end up on on polling the two but look at this i mean he stood it on its nose as it came over the crest i think it's the jump on the exit to turn one we saw tana get big air didn't we on on that inside line almost as if there's just a slight lip maybe a bit of a kicker there's the uh strut in the middle of the road we're getting good at this aren't we yeah wow just uh yeah shocking hitters that looks shout out to our safety team hard working team uh they join us at every round of nitro rallycross so he's gonna rub rub some hemp fusion on that vehicle and bring it back to life you know alternative medicine all right so speed there's arpan there he is the canadian cowboy sometimes that's uh that buck bucks back man whoops sorry about that yeah yeah look at this he's going to go back is he going back to pick up some of the parts himself i think he is wow he's not the rim that's the rim with the harbour attached to the back of it room's broken the technicians the mechanics they're not they're not real hyped on that but uh yeah i think we're gonna see that back so let's take a look at our pins jump he's going to come up screen left there he is bye wow oh yeah the look at the fluid running out of the reservoir fired this it fired the shock absorber straight out the front corner didn't it the rims dug in and it's pulled the corner off the car oh i'm going to see it from the drone as well so let's see if he takes that right-hand line that that we saw tanner take jared because remember the launch that tana got on the inside here yep see how it [ __ ] yeah so on that right side there's like a pre a pre-jump before the roller it's like a it's a booter what's up all right so crazy for steve arfman but scott speed will be getting the victory as uh our finals are set kevin hansen and scott speed we've we've dragged another guest in well he's kind of he kind of just turned up here in the tower but that's fine i think he's one of our favorites i mean he just forced his way he forced his way in here that's hard it's not ideal is it mate that was not so what are you saying the inside line on that jump after term one phrase mcconnell's here guys as you haven't seen him just yet watch this look it it is such a kicker we saw tammy get super high there as well wow he's really overshot it that can't feel nice but is it different on the right hand side france because to us that you see that there's like a wrist yeah there's like a rib of the cut have you noticed that in the car or not really i mean not that drastic i haven't jumped it that far but you know it could be many things maybe the slide hadn't finished you know having all that momentum going sideways and flicked back the next way but you know that's super unfortunate very probably surprising for him he's still outside he's still smiling it's like if you did you're like oh well it's okay like i mean yeah it looks like a hidden little booter there so surprising is kind of an understatement i think it was quite surprising for him when the uh you know the 40 000 corner came off the car i'd be surprised when the invoice starts that's gonna be the surprise isn't it well we're getting uh steve arpan towed off here so uh as uh oh you know what hey we'll get to talk to frasier but katie osborne is with the canadian cowboy uh mr steve arpan yeah you know he told me at the very beginning of this he was gonna send it and that was exactly what you did first are you okay no i'm fine these guys these guys built me such a good car and these oklahoma tires just built so much grip that i think i was gonna have a good run there it's like the famous racing line right but if i would have made it we would have had them but uh honestly the car is great scott's just so good he's so smooth he's so fast i just don't have that rhythm yet and i just got to thank all these guys feel bad that we tore up this race car but we're gonna put him fusion on the podium tomorrow for sure and we gotta thank you for taking us track site this is quite the view over here but really what happened behind the wheel i think i might have got into there's a little mud a little wet spot on the very bottom going around turn one and i just got as i was going up the jump i just got it got about fish taily on me and when it took off he calls me the canadian cowboy the bull one this time so that that's one way to put it steve we're glad to see that you're okay and that you have a good car that can run pretty quick here hey we just got to say one more thing hemp fusion takes a risk on a guy like me a no-name guy like me so anyone wants good cbd products check out discount code arpin at discount 25 off and free shipping one time only so make sure to support those guys that support us well there you go steve barton's final words to the crowd love it love it he's uh running a qvc act now yeah in show commercial heavy user act now arpan code 25 one um so we uh we talked to see barb but we got fraser mcconnell up here fraser fraz thanks for joining us up here and uh you know five seconds added so are you are they they're in there was it unjust you know it is what it is and i would do that same move 10 times out of 10 and unfortunately this time i got the bad end of the stick but you know the gap was there and put the car where it needed to be and we kind of liked it yeah i was into it i was like oh maybe a little aggressive but like he said kevin would have taken that line as well and the way i put it is is fair but hard you know yeah we're all here racing hard but at the same time race and fair and like i said i'll do it risk it for the biscuit uh overall what do you make of the track man it's it's crazy fun you know um having the solar qualifying eliminated this morning made a helical tricky for everyone because in qualifying it was basically my second time going up for four laps and to get this track nail in in eight laps is a difficult task um but i think we're pretty nailed now everyone is pushing the limits and finding the fun part so all right for as well don't go anywhere we have our next final and this is nitro rallycross next you got inland mcginnis karem vacula you got johnson gordon and hulker so hulker has joined us a newcomer here too nacho rallycross next as vaquela excuse me yeah let's see uh seven cars total who's gonna come out on top who's to watch for our new fans i think this is the first time we've seen a you know a seven-car race from these guys obviously they've been out in in smaller groups mcginnis on the front row one round two in utah you've got kathy janssen on row three in the green and black he won round one in utah sage karam has been on the podium in american rallycross in the past plenty of times lane mckayla this is a great result and england is is a front runner out in sweden but to be honest you can't get out hulker at the back either was quick but had problems with damage all right here we go ready to race so we're gonna set it here for this battle and here we go seven vehicles and let's see if he holds on to that lead yes he does so there's mcginnis there at number nine as the 24 slides in siege corner goes into the side of the nine grams hard on him there's karan was a bit too hard off the start for my liking i think [Music] well england way out front then casper yantz from front row three he's already up into p2 you've got sage cam alongside holder there on the split line down the back karam trying to go around the outside line in the background of the shot you'll see it now but it's a good lead for martinez and the casper i think between those two for kayla on the inside line here a whole cup hold getting a try go all the way around the outside up to the heaven to be a brave move he gets that done and he does got to watch the truck tires inside great stuff yeah well man it looks like hulker is uh yeah and what what a bummer there but uh inland right now one second lead over second place of jackson janssen's closing him down for me let's see where sage graham is i think the car's been removed from the track that's good so no red flag for us karam's car's gone again this has just come past the announcing boom with the front of the hood missing from the car but that's franz that was carnage at the start there like corral was pushing again it's wide i thought it was pretty aggressive yeah know really aggressive and the rear of these slice cars are built really well and for that to break it must have been some heavy damage but you know caspar is haunting non-marking right now he looks to be driving a lot casper's been racing alongside you not in the same category he's done rally extraordinary i saw a lot of you in him when you know when i first saw you in arx i loved the fact he was cindy but it wasn't necessarily quick and he worked on that craft and i feel like casper's at the same party you know he appeared super sideways in nordica by the end of the season he was up at the podium you know he was great so you're saying casper has a really bad future he's gonna be aggressive and go in and dive in on any line that's what he's gonna do yeah if he's saying as he should got the speed yeah i mean very very little experience in rallycross on the lights and to do what he's been doing in these short amount of events he's very impressive martin and uh casper johnson car doesn't look as nose heavy it seems like his car is really diving more than any other car maybe maybe got some tips as far as you know clearing it and getting the attitude of the vehicle to actually level out not just as i say that he goes over the hip when he noses down needed just a little bit more air time earlier on today didn't he at some point i'm expecting to see tactics here gordon's gone joke already yeah and okay exactly what i thought janssen's gone in so he's got the gap down to half a second he's off the wall tacks it with the rear end is he broken it looks like he's going to hold on check it up over this jump on the first landing if that's good then he's good yeah he is so handsome now up at 2.9 he got that damn he's got to hunt him down hulk his mouth around his you know it's another four seconds back this is a great roughing answer he's got to chase england yeah and lynn is looking really good we saw this earlier today so uh england and this track are really simpatico and they are just a match made in rallycross heaven 2.7 seconds but keep in mind england has not hit that yokohama tires joker lab and england is always normally a very very clean driver up front you know i wouldn't expect that to send him this left they're going to keep him so 2.9 seconds was the gap franz thinks they should trust his pace i wonder if they think the answer is quicker will they respond immediately what is it as they come up the hill it was 2.9 and it is now 2.6 and they've not sent him so i don't know i kind of feel like they maybe should have responded on that one and giving the answer the less time to chase him down he absolutely danger yeah he is closing him down a little bit but you can see that the overdriving is coming into play um but if i was marking spots i would i would trust my driver no that know does that always make you suspicious that you're not going quickly enough yeah it kind of it kind of makes you think there must be something going on why am i right so it's in your head that is uh not really mate this isn't according to plan so endless 2.67 seconds over johnson and both of them taking that high line so you're saying take it this lap where you say take it i think he's got to wait now because the gap was three before if you compare it at 2.6 and keep it here then he's doing well you know but yeah it's okay now jansen's two sides was in the previous corner he can't let he's not closing him for 2.6 so yeah he's going to go right the way to the end is getting to give me everything you have left right now is this is gonna be a big push for me that's what he's gonna be hearing on the radio everything you've got everything you got last lap oh let's see from casper yeah 3.2 and don't hit that right side don't don't hit the right side yeah the tanner and the open jump over the the the kicker you're hitting the kicker if you're there as well [Music] i'm right here i'm right here santa fells he's literally just outside the window listening to uh me and jared to say yeah a great job mate it was uh it was it was serious at least i've been out did you tanner yeah he's nodding he knows he knows there's a bigger invoice going steve's away here we go 3.4 and then should be safe here yeah martin edlund bringing it around hitting that yokohama tire joker lap and here comes johnson is there enough can he make it oh edlin goes in the wall once again but look at casper johnson and it's all marketed [Music] yeah so definitely definitely took a hit got away with it didn't they yeah yeah that's a good reason to go joker on the last step here in some ways if you think about the risk factor of the joke if you want to take a risk on it should you push a tire off the rim you're only gunning it to the line it's a straight line you know you could you can get away with murder from the exit of the joker down look at this drone follow yes to that look at that oh bumps it yes look at the skills on that well i just gotta say uh hulker congratulations to him gets third place and his first uh yeah natural rallycross next race teddy was quick didn't we earlier on today but just didn't get the luck going his way yeah all right let's take a look here as it as it began what's uh i mean it didn't what are you looking at it didn't look that hard sage coming into the side there it's actually when george came back and tapped him that broke the back of uh now he was yeah he's killed before same was broken before but i mean that it didn't look like anything anything too crazy of a hit so you know maybe just a worn out part that happens sometimes you can get like a hairline fracture in some of the parts and it just needs a little bit of kick yeah and it's going to give out this was where jansen was so close casper janssen had got within where he was five tenths back when he went to the joker but then maybe he didn't quite get the laps he needed over the next couple to uh to close it down again and that gave ellen the confidence to to go right to the end of the race i think this is janssen probably diving off to the joker now it is [Music] payroll on both sides of the car here but it's the outside you've got to watch out for and you can see where people are running up the wall look the dirt's missing and actually casper yamsen clattered that big time way harder than i thought on first look and that's that's what i was talking about those subarus they're big man and that's that's what's going to get risky tomorrow you know the dirt's going to accumulate more for the 10 car final they're barely going to squeeze through there this was england is it as hard as yeah it's pretty deep i'd say casper hits it harder and then hits it with both at the same time and kind of rides the burn whereas casper bounced off the k-rail and so it has it has yeah you're right it's not the rear the rear link isn't it it's so difficult to know the grip in the joker you know it's getting such less cars running on it compared to the inside line yeah and you go in there one car length wide and you have to just hope and pray that you're going at the right speed as you're gonna end up in a concrete yeah the car pushes up fortunately it's k-rail and not just flat wall that would cause more damage so it kind of does kick it up a little bit the dirt that's kind of accumulated over there but yeah you're on marbles in there that's and that's what we're talking about um just overall i'm i'm loving the course i'm really looking forward to tomorrow uh you know 10 car final i mean it's going to be sick and the start line is actually quite a steep uphill and brand new tarmac so the grip is really low and i mean if you get the right launch setting you'll take off like a rocket and hopefully pass some people so one more stop on this party train and that is our bracket battle final so don't go anywhere we still have some on track action kevin hansen and scott speed for a bracket battle so this is turn one again so mcginnis is outside sage county yeah you're right karen's broken the set so actually where that's where i thought karen was out holder i thought he was running against off but the rear left was broken so it ran him wide so that's not karen's bad and then mcginnis here probably shouldn't have driven through him at this point yeah it would have been hard for him to know that the car is broken in front of him and you know just really unfortunately but it's unlucky for both drivers basically yeah that's that's around the coast yeah it is yeah yeah it is we think how far up the grid they were that's not necessarily something you would you would expect have a look and see so here is uh side by side when we get it and it's is it yes broken immediately it's that so actually yeah nobody at fault there that is side by side contact and the rear left toe link has let go and then that's run karam wide which is running off now again as you're probably thinking mate don't put me in the wall and is it all fired up as they're gone on the braking zone up towards the hairpin sages are passenger in that car yeah at that point that's unfortunate all right well uh fraz good luck tomorrow man and uh look looking forward to it as uh hey let's go down to katie osborne with our confirmed winner here and next yeah no penalty here for martin england and that's a perfect thing you know you guys were saying this track and martin seemed to be a match made in rallycross heaven why did this suit you so well i mean i come from crossguard and i mean sliding around is my thing so i'm not used to this type of tracks but i'm super happy to be here on the top step of the podium i mean the track is so fun and all the jumps after every corner you hit the new jump so it's super fun you know one thing i thought was really special is you were out here watching all day long how much did that pay off i actually don't really know that but the track is always evolving so you know to see the grip and how it all evolves during the day so it's super important and taking it to the track how much did you feel you had that in the bag or did you have to push it i mean my spotter said always that to push push push so i don't really know how far behind the other guys was but i'm super happy to be standing at the top top step of the podium well we're going to let you celebrate martin congratulations coming from two seconds in utah it's only up for here congratulations martin and lynn we're gonna take a short commercial break when we come back we got tanner faust in the booth we're gonna rap out with the one the only golden child tanner faust congratulations martin inland gets the win here saturday [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nitro circus is back with the action-packed you've got this tour top athletes in fmx skate bmx scooter and more are ready to get the party started throwing down huge worlds firsts with more crazy contraptions more insane stunts and more high adrenaline fun than ever before get ready because we're coming to a city near you i don't even know what's happening anymore get your tickets now at nitro rx is brought to you by yokohama tire make every drive a performance subaru love it's what makes subaru subaru and by o'reilly auto parts better parts better prices every day [Music] welcome back here to erx round two of nitro rallycross well round three of next because they have double headers each round of these supercars so martin enlin comes out on top casper johnson and then john holtger a next car rookie flying that dryer reinbold but england's one and two so congratulations to martin england and uh some interesting things unfolding there in that in that battle and that final overall but uh overall we have a special guest up here joining us and as you can see the point standings martin lin leads the pack casper johnson lane bakayla and george mcginnis and rounding out top five eric gordon who's got that brand new car but uh our guests up here tanner fowles tanner doing double duty now triple duty you're up here announcing with us but we get our final set oh we got scott speed and kevin hansen um what do you make of next car um oh my gosh i mean these guys running so many double header on these tracks is absolutely insane i'm with dryer reinvolt and i see all those lights cars out there teams they're rashing like they are absolutely shredding those cars every single time they come in you see how hard it is on all the cars out here but um you know those cars don't have the suspension travel or a lot of the tech to absorb these big doubles yeah so the fact that they keep running heat after heat is really a testament to the team i think you're talking double headers but you're running a double header yourself this weekend so you're out in the side by sides as well as supercar how's that been yesterday was interesting over that big jump tanner on day one what happened there right i think yeah i i haven't added it up but i might have the most air time i think you know both of those freaking flyer miles yeah yeah you're back i was like he ain't no spring chicken either his back's gonna be barking no offense taken there's um no the it's the racers are blast i mean the side-by-sides i i am sponsored by polar so i'm driving a razor but um they're an absolute blast and they kind of are a bit you know they're very suited you can see it from the outside they're super suited to this type of racing they've got plenty of suspension travel the lap times are not far off a half million dollar supercar yeah and if not better if it's slippery and they just shred this track up uh at first it was an advantage learning the track i think but now it i'm really having to separate like okay i can go full throttle on the jump in the razor and i need to check up on the jump in the audi so it can be a little bit difficult you mentioned slippery town i'm sorry to interrupt the party but look how hard it is raining we have one race left to go in the bracket this is four the top qualifier spot tomorrow how quickly is this track gonna change now the range falling i mean it looks pretty good at the minute i think if they get that race underway it should be good shouldn't it but how quickly will it change well these you know this type of dirt is really made to hold the water to avoid dust when it comes to the off-road truck races so that top layer will be dusty the first time they drive over it it's going to be like a fresh layer of powder snow and then once they dig into it it's going to be fine there's going to be good dirt right underneath but with only two cars they're going to be sliding around for at least the first three laps which is all the whole reason that's the whole that's the whole length yeah it's one three lap battle yeah so the umbrellas are up this is looking uh this is looking very autumnal but oh okay yeah well uh katie's got an update what's going on katie well scott speed was just talking to me a little bit about what this means for him the team said no changes with the rain coming down but something that he was indicating is how challenging this track is with it getting rutted up and tanner you could probably speak to this the risk versus reward especially on a race like this how does a driver manage that when it's go time well certainly i mean there there's a points difference first to second and qualifying first overall gets you a nice bump on the pull but we as we've seen front row you've got a chance to win the first corner from either spot so it really may not be a good time to push the limits send the team working all night long because of a wall hit another one yeah but i'm kind of thinking as well i think they'll end up holding 71 and polling 72 so they're both kind of in a good situation anyway i'm kind of thinking on the other hand yeah you know you got all night to fix it i mean i don't know you've got that having some adult beverages it's the wrong approach yeah it's the wrong approach but i don't know yeah i can tell you both of these guys are wondering what the hell is on the other side of this hill yeah because from that starting grid you're looking up a blind crest your turn in point is completely blind and you have no idea how much grip is right there and their windshield wipers are going crazy so i'm sure there's a lot of anxiety there who do you think this favors it hansen or speed in this situation well speed i mean speed has had some test laps out here in the rain so i know that he's probably got a little bit of a feel for it um hanson uh being on that left side puts him in the cushion which is going to be less likely to be complete ice yeah it won't be slick where it's not clean yeah yeah exactly that clean line on the inside is going to be glare ice so i think hanson's probably going to push it a bit harder so where subaru subaru don't have the car unless it's in the pre-grid are you know are they dialing in some clicks on the suspension maybe all right let's take a look and i'm i'm loving the course i think it's fun we had absolutely ideal conditions but uh pastrana said this is the best rallycross course in the country do you agree with that tim i mean it flows it's awesome it's shown to be great racing i think so far yes and man it is an absolute blast when you get the jump speed right i'll just throw that camera out there and maybe a morning track walk would be good too because some of the jumps are a little bigger on the right side than the left side but yeah unbelievable the g load that you get in turn five here and then over the crest the immediate flick over a blind crest into turn six is so fun and then dropping down the hill is a surprising big step down and it can be really hard to hit the apex in the final corner before the finish yeah the joker lap you know we're we're guesstimating you know for side by side it's about two seconds for supercars it's anywhere from like two to three or even up to like 3.1 seconds that you're adding so it gets it gets pretty close the joker lap is going to be really tricky now in the wet yes yes that breaking is fluff and mud and just chocolate pudding so it's going to be gnarly for these guys uh because they it's so important with only three laps the joker is a it's the make it or break it so yes you can send it into the wall and end your day right away in the jungle all right kevin hansen scott speed you can see him right there both these gentlemen flying the red bull flag two very different uh backgrounds obviously and excited to see how hanson's feet are going to throw down we have no idea but star star is going to be absolutely critical he's uphill on on fresh tarmac it's wet you know it's going to be it's going to be super slick and i think the start's absolutely crucial you just keep the door shut then behind you we can see some blue groove in term one but that's not necessarily great with the fresh coating of rain on it is it tanner no it could be really slippery both of these guys are thinking you know what i'm just gonna slip the clutch and drive off the line instead of dump it scott's got experience with that as does hanson here we go hanson and speed here for our bracket battle finals and look at that scott doesn't even leave the line no i mean is that strategy no definitely not that's a mistake from scott at the start whatever happened there and he's tiptoeing into term one he very well might just save the car has he got a problem so scott's going super slowly past the announcement position you're seeing kevin hansen out front i'm pretty sure he's going to get a radio call in the very near future wind it in because you're good but he's got to turn right and head out head out to the paddock yeah i think he is i think you know first on either semi is good enough for him so i think you're right yeah so i i so you think there really is something wrong he's not just icing it i mean he's going super slow back to the paddock i just don't see why why go slowly back he wasn't he's not he wasn't when he lost the start and then set off he wasn't that far behind kevin in these wet conditions he could have watched kevin's breaking points and closed him down on the first lap at least made a fight out of it i don't think he would have given up that easily which just makes me think something else here maybe broke something on the launch chad which we didn't see he didn't look like the car moved at all he takes the joker lap so get it get it out of the way and uh kevin's gonna cruise on through scott speed he's back over there on was that turn three now going and approaching the jump so it's honestly a good time to gain a little bit of data for the team a little bit of you know uh seat dyno kind of data just on what different colored dirt feels like uh when it rains because tomorrow's who knows we found one thing we've learned about the weather here is that there's no chance in predicting it so uh why not get some of that data for yourself in the team all right so scott speed crawls into the joker lap the slowest race it's really yeah i feel sorry for everyone who's waiting here in the rain we are sorry we didn't we didn't mean it um it's got it's gotten kevin's fault yeah it definitely goes out go find them in the paddock afterwards and have a no no no no no it was uh yeah it's the way it goes sometimes all right so uh as these gentlemen are crawling their way through i throw it down to katie osborne what's up yeah travis astronaut has given the lowdown here as kind of everyone's looking around here a little bit shocked what happened with scott uh scott speed uh he wanted to be able to go with subaru one two into the final um by if he won this heat this is not great for as a production and as a tv but scott uh that was the biggest comment he could have ever given to me he said look you messed up kevin outraced you he goes don't let it happen again he goes you start front row with kevin if i don't win i'll start front row and that puts us front row for the final if you win and i can win we can go subaru one two so that was the nicest compliment that scott has ever paid to me and also as a uh for nitro rallycross i definitely was looking forward to this battle and it would have been super slick uh so that sucks but uh you guys gonna be an amazing show tomorrow and uh that's that was cool i first got all right thank you katie sorry a little bit of strategy coming to play there tanner that made your head spin there a little bit no chance that's right yeah i'm just kidding i'm just kidding you know it's honestly if if there is a benefit to it great but also not risking the car is also if that's just the byproduct then you know it's a win-win there i learned a lot honestly just watching them run on that to see where there's grip and where there isn't um so i'm sure they're learning a lot right now too so it is beneficial to push a little bit on this stuff but now it sets up for some interesting races for tomorrow yep scott speed did exit track so obviously he will get second kevin hanson is one point richer as he gets the checkered flag so congratulations kevin hansen getting in the overall bracket battle win scott speed in second there's scott so again a little strategy coming to play there again a little anticlimactic coming into the the finals but you know what it rained it did this it did that i wonder if that strategy would have played out if it was dry if we just would erase so uh all right let's throw it down to katie down to the subaru pits well travis pastrana is entirely grateful for you what a team no it's not even a team move it's just the smart move like you look at the two the way the two heats were lined up this one is way easier and plus i think travis can get him heads up he wins this he raced i win mine we're back on the front row with the final but either way like it's a no-brainer decision for us the second it's way easier it's a lot less competitive so uh yeah and we didn't break anything so really proud of these guys they did great all day car's awesome i like it anything you took from today that you can take in tomorrow now yeah i mean the track was in pretty great shape towards the end as far as water it wasn't too wet so i think the condition tomorrow will be really similar to those last battle rounds plus i've been out here all day battling with guys running the track you know in race conditions so i feel like i have a good idea of being following guys and that that race experience out here is probably going to help tomorrow well i got there tanner how would you have worked it teammate the teammate there well scott's a lot smarter than i am so i wouldn't i probably would have dumped the clutch and jumped too big hurt my back yeah now scott always has some strategy and um some angle and there's and the team you know has to contribute to all of that to keep you guys all on the same page but either way it's it makes for a big setup tomorrow i mean there's a lot of things to happen before there's a subaru front row i may not have a lot of chance in disrupting that but i'm going to do my best and um but there's still a lot of chips to fall their way i think between now and then yep all right well tanner thank you so much for joining us we'll see you tomorrow in the action supercar game day is tomorrow when we come back we'll recap what went down here today between side by side next car and supercar thank you to all the fans either joining us in the building or online when we come back again we'll recap here day one of nitro rallycross at erx here in minnesota [Music] in 2018 nitro rallycross took the racing world by storm with the biggest jumps the best drivers and the most intense action ever in 2021 nitro rallycross is expanding with five epic races from the mountains to the great lakes the desert and the sunshine state nitro rallycross is coming to a racetrack near you nitro rallycross the series revving up and taking off this september but that every time i'm in the kitchen you in the kitchen eating a ball of food you know why because you guys always put out such a great spread they do they do a great job here tell you the subaru catering is so good but that you know we're sitting here you got a big ass trailer yeah a really rad rally car bro did you ever think that we were going to go from big wheels to this we made it man we still do big wheels that's the problem never lose who you are man that's what makes you great i appreciate that tom p it's just the night show rallycross to have everything kind of come to fruition and we had you know so much kind of dust in the first round we're like okay we got under control we're good and then we definitely don't have dust but i tell you what um hopefully we make through the rest of the day without too much more rain and um feeling really good in the rally car i was trying to um deegan and i kind of did the same uh bicycling wanted to go back to two wheels there well i feel like you wanna you you do best under pressure and you're your competitor you're you're deep down to the core of your competitor so you just wanted to keep that dollar competitive right so hopefully the we fix the the can-am i i'm sorry scotty every time i borrow one of his vehicles i think i really i don't crash that much stuff unless there's people better than me and unfortunately every time the camera's on there's usually there's people that are better and i don't know i just was trying to catch carlson and all of a sudden i was on two wheels i almost flipped it and same spot though the deegan we did kind of matched it turns out it's just qualifying why wouldn't you sweat it you're talking about qualifying practice yeah let's talk about practice but how are you feeling for the main event um i don't think we're going to be ready on the can-am but to be honest like we're here for super cars me too yeah no the the subaru team has done such a great job and honestly um scott speed sat down with me and said look you've been fighting and scrapping your whole life he's like at the end of the day he said you're bringing these guys into your world he's like you belong here man he goes when you get out front you got to just block you got to protect because we don't need to scrap we got the best car um we got the jumps we're ready to rock well i'll tell you what man me and 190 other countries are ready to watch this whole thing go down premiere racing league i can't believe where this whole thing's gone and uh man thank you for including me in your life you want another sandwich yeah put it in here in the kevin hansen tent it's all about barbecue for some reason but as we get a good look at kevin's car we have a little travis on there a little tanner on there some fraser but hey you pulled it off congratulations thank you so much what afternoon you know the weather was so unstable we had to get you know update on the tires i think everybody did a great job today to manage this race and get it you know together we did a full bracket qualify nobody thought that was possible this morning so super pumped to get out with the win and going all these races through and finally you know again the long way but in a good way so uh super pumped you told me this morning your goal was to have a better day one than in utah what's your goal for tomorrow well we're starting a great position in the heath and you know your poor position and everything is in your hands so that's that's a really great thing and you know i cannot affect what everybody's behind will do if they would push and so but i will just have a have a good start and and try to bring it home and we have a great position to to bring it home the to the front door of the main main event so hopefully not having to go through all the races again you know and and just a quick thought you know you're talking about the front row did you have any idea that scott was gonna do that no idea i mean he was very late to come to the race and uh danny just i had a not a great start for sure in the race and i was like okay man he's gonna come come back but he we never showed up and i saw he dropped out after two laps so then we really cruised at home but i mean the guys deserve this win they worked so hard since the last race with all the all the damage all the battles we had done now it was in a great shape and we went through all the way to win the battle qualifying so we are super pumped congratulations on a great day today and aiming for a great day tomorrow as well guys thank you so much katie really appreciate it and congratulations kevin hansen as he gets the overall victory andrew always a pleasure what a great day a fantastic event started out wet ended a little wet but tomorrow the forecast is awesome that's what's gonna unfold kevin hansen's got speed trying to play a little strategy there scott the subaru's but overall your thoughts on today's festivities my thoughts on the strategy side of things it's interesting because you can have a plan but it can all go wrong you know so it's a risky one it's a risky one trying to make a plan for for racing but it's been a great day i think biggest shout out to me is for yokohama for cutting all the tires and the conditions were tricky into the track crew who this morning worked so hard to make sure we could have a good day's racing and yeah it's been fun but i'm looking forward to tomorrow we've got multiple cars on track and hopefully a bit of sunshine and a decent crowd again uh the sun's already back out again and shining the brightest timmy hansen 52 points because points were up for grabs for each round as they advance four in total kevin hansen is four points richer as scott speed gets three this is overall our championship total so from salt lake city to today's bracket battle points overall these are our standings so timmy hanson leads the pack steve arp in second kevin hanson third fraser mcconnell fourth rounding on top five scott speed and the heat in regards to tomorrow this is who we're gonna see out there on track so kevin hansen pastrana hanson let's see doran erickson carlson foust bennett then uh in heat two speed arphin larson mcconnell erickson bakarood and the big ham kevin biggum i get now what speed's done speed didn't want to be in the same heat as travis now i personally would have locked out the front row of heat one both of you top two cargoes go through i think but what speed is looking to do is for travis to win he want him to win heat two and lock out the front row of the final i get it now he just he wasn't making himself super clear and we were all kind of like okay but yeah for me from a rich point of view why don't you lock out the heat race and both go through but then you row one row two i don't right maybe it's maybe it's a monster strike we'll find out tomorrow we'll see where it lands we'll see where those subarus land and we're gonna land right back here tomorrow for nitro rallycross round two e r x thank you so much andrew coley katie osborne street bike tommy i'm jared diana we'll see you tomorrow and we'll send it here at erx nitro rallycross round two tomorrow so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nitro Circus
Views: 172,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nitro Circus, Travis Pastrana, Nitro Circus Live, FMX, BMX, Skate, Scooter, Inline, stunt, stunts, action sports, extreme, ramp, ramps, epic, fail, awesome, best videos, top talent, world first, most dangerous, best stunts, crashes, wheelz, triple backflip, motorcycle stunts, BASE jumping, stunt gone wrong, toys, nascar, best stunts ever, crash
Id: ikPkYigmFF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 223min 35sec (13415 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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