Nissan's New Engine Shocks the Entire Car Industry

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rev up your engines we got a brand new Nissan Rogue his wife's nuts about it you know I'm not nuts about Nissans but I'm gonna honestly analyze this car to show you the new technology that it has how it runs and you can decide whether you want to buy one or not it's a nice size SUV and in this case it's the top of the line it's the Platinum all-wheel drive and it's the VC turbo now what does VC turbo mean well I'm going to show you Jesus says BC turbo on the top okay in all seriousness it is a three-cylinder engine VC stands for variable compression and turbo means it has a Turbocharger variable compression works like this a normal engine has a piston on a piston Rod it goes up and down the same all the time this the Piston rods are articulated and through hydraulics on electronics they can change how high the Pistons go you can have like an eight to one compression up to 14.1 compression the more compression you get obviously you're getting a little more power pushing it down with that extra pressure the computer decides when it's going to use one versus the other it's a very complex system they've been working on these things for ages they've had them out a little while with a four-cylinder this is the first one with the three cylinder engine when you combine the variable compression with a Turbocharger you can get good gas mileage and an awful lot of power out of a tiny little engine so this thing puts out 201 horsepower and 225 pound-feet of torque that means it accelerates quite well now it does have a CVT transmission you know what I say about Genco Transmissions but this is actually a completely redesigned one it has like 30 percent less friction in it they get good gas Monitor and SUV he gets 35 miles a gallon driving this thing around that does show you that things haven't changed that much because our 2007 Matrix gets 37. now it's smaller than this this weighs more and this is all-wheel drive if you're really into gas mods more get the two-wheel drive most people really don't need them my mother lived in Buffalo she had a Toyota Corolla front wheel drive didn't even put snow tires on a thing and it still worked so if you don't need it you want to get a little bit better gas mileage there's less complexity don't get the all-wheel drive but if you want it they've been making it for quite some time now the only qualm I have against these are that is very very high technology of course everything eventually breaks when this breaks I doubt if anyone will know how to fix them but this guy got a pretty good deal he bought an info Poughkeepsie New York you didn't have to pay anything extra and that dealer offers a lifetime unlimited mileage powertrain warranty if this crazy variable compression Engine with all these fulcrums inside it flying all over the place computers operating now CVT Genco transmission if it ever breaks they gotta fix it for free now it'll be interesting to see if it does break down on them because you know it really gets rid of his cars keeps them maybe five six years the longest he had a car was the last one before this for his wife we're at a Nissan Murano and he got 130 000 miles on it the only thing that broke was the microphone inside the dash for talking he had good luck with that Murano a lot of people don't but he did this has this lifetime powertrain warranty on it at this dealer I don't know how many dealers give something like that but that'd certainly give you peace of mind and like I said he didn't have to pay for it if you remember the guy came with that Jeep pickup truck last year and it had a diesel engine and I said you know those are Italian diesel engines he says yeah I know series 1 had problems series two had problems but this is series three and I said well two out of three I don't know let's hope yours isn't bad now he had to pay a thousand bucks but he paid for a hundred thousand miles engine warranty on it but that Italian diesel engine that was probably really smart route because generation one and two I've seen tons of guys have to have the engines replaced enough and sometimes the replacement engines weren't very good either because they were just broken Italian diesels that they'd fixed and put them in and some of them the day they got them back oil's leaking out because they didn't even seal the gaskets right so you don't want to get involved in that but at least with this he's not gonna have to worry he says his wife likes it so much she might keep it more than their usual five years hey there's no worries there as long as the dealership stays in business and in this case they've been in business for 50 60 years he said so I doubt that they're going out of business anytime soon there's a lot of money involved in making these cars look at Kian Hyundai the Korean car manufacturers are not very fond of right they just admitted this year they got to spend two billion dollars placing engines on their cars that's a lot of money right so if this thing does go bad hey he's got a warranty on it he doesn't have to worry about it this is the Platinum which is top of the line as we look inside and if you look at the VIN number you know J stands for if you don't know you should it means it was made in Japan and let's face it the Japanese build the best vehicles that they sell in Japan by screaming Yamaha it was made in Japan it still rubs like a monster he would take this old Mercedes that's 31 years old it's made in Deutschland and it's still running great as for the ones made in Alabama well let's just say who lost the Civil War now being a platinum edition it's got everything beautiful Wheels bigger tires we go inside not as beautifully a point it looks like you're inside a gazelle or something no and there's all this room it's got the Dual sunroof you know everything everybody wants got a great screen too we'll turn it on so we can see it Nissan intelligent Mobility look it's telling you it gives all your information to Nissan for various purposes but it was so fast I couldn't read the whole thing you know like one of those contracts which in the end says yes we have the right to your firstborn child and we get options on the second one oh the usual and it's a nice screen it's a good size it doesn't go up too high and block any vision and the coloration really goes in with the rest of the dash and it's got a really cool pack of Commerce phenomenal look at that oh Space Age we got space egg stuff going here and a nice small steering wheel and they're all doing this they're putting a little flat point on the bottom kind of make it like a race car look you can change the screen you can do all kinds of stuff on it showing you how the variable compressions work you know the turbo is working I mean it's quite an interesting car no he's only got 6 900 miles on it he hasn't had any problems with it yet like I said the one word that I have about this would be the variable compressions it's a three cylinder first time they made it very complex and the new CVT which of course is a jadco CVT transmission but it's redesigned only like I said hey the guy's not taking any chances where he bought it in Poughkeepsie they said you got a lifetime powertrain warranty so you really have have to worry about I mean the most you ever cap on Nissan was 130 000 miles and that was the Murano the wife had before this so he's not complaining about it he gets bored with cars he said he wants a different one because he's bored me I'm bored with spending money so I'll drive a 30 year old car I just don't care now this is the loaded Platinum verse out the door he paid forty two thousand dollars for the car now if you saw I made a video on the Nissan kicks the other day that was a 19 000 car so you get two of those for one of these much faster much roomier a lot better looking inside than an Econo box was they both get you down the road but you really can't compare these in terms of how they drive how they look and basically how you feel inside you don't feel like you're in the condo box look at all the room and it's got all the features you'd possibly want the steering wheel is heated the front seats are heated hey the back seats are eating too so your passengers in the back don't get ripped off in the back seats let's climb in there now he's a big guy and he's got the seat back really far but it's still not even touching my knees I got long legs they're very comfortable this is a real nice armrest they got in the middle these seats they're leather but they're really padded well they're very comfortable and of course it's got the air conditioning the heat you can heat the seats electronically you can adjust it yourself back here you've got various plugs for phones or USB whatever you want to plug in and they got nice little pockets you can store something you know it's going to end up in there dirty Honkers it's going to be full of dirty Honkers launch your car got the self openers and closes then you can see you got a lot of nice space and I love these so people don't know what you have in your trunk so they don't break your windows to steal somebody's purse or something you got to have one of these and of course when you put the seats down you can carry a lot of stuff in this it's it's long you can even Carry long boards if you want to stick it all the way to the front windshield I've done that before and you're not going to believe this we go under here it's got a spare tire but look it's a full-size spare tire it's not one of those little tiny donut jobs it's an actual Tire you can lock it you can open it from here I mean these things are well thought out opens itself but if you have your key in your hand you can do that old one that Ford started you can kick under here there it goes it didn't like my kick I had to go left foot in here look there's my hometown Niagara Falls there it is kind of a crappy rendition of it if you ask me the water looks better than that so let's take it for a spin see how it goes now I guess I think people are stupid push break and start switch well we all know that I mean we're not that dumb starts right up well the window up it's got nice automatic windows and of course it's got Lane departure there's a little arrow that's in there for Lane departure it goes out and starts flashing at you see it's got the cool backup camera where not only does it have a wide angle but it shows you from the top too so you don't have to worry about running to the Mercedes it's next to you this driveway's a stinker to get out of the way it's curved so hey I gotta say I should get this for my wife's car she backs the car up turns it around goes forward my wife does too fall is in the air I mean look at this it shows you everything with a really good picture not just some stinking little one it's it's really well done I gotta say no it's basically a mid-sized SUV so it's reasonably high up in the air I can go over this bump without having to come to a complete stop and we're not going to step in the gas till we get out of my neighborhood so I don't get yelled at now it's got a great Bose sound system which you're not going to turn on because it'll play music and somebody will claim money out of my YouTube videos because I use their music so we won't turn it on but it does sound fantastic like the heads up speedometer you know so you can see where how fast you're going 12 10. it really is handy so you don't have to take your eye off the road you can see it but your passenger can't so your wife doesn't know how fast you're going so here we go let's see what this reason wow this is three cylinder engine has some balls to it I gotta say I am shocked it's the combo of the turbo and the variable compression engine very complex stuff but you step on the gas it starts to go there's no turbo lag in this baby now it does have a Nissan cruise control system that it can steer for itself too I mean it's not self-driving but really none of them are actually completely self-drived I have to say this is a pretty high-tech Savvy car Nissan calls a pro pilot assist hey it works pretty good for what it is you know and of course it's got the modern everything so as you can see we're speeding the speed number 25 and we're doing 26 now uh oh the police are going to come get us now we'll step on the gas and feel the transmission and see it acts like it's shifting it doesn't have gears but they figured out how to program these things so it feels like a normal car see how it goes up and down just like a normal car does and if these things hauled up only time will tell because it's a new design it's a great technological feature and it makes it feel normal we just have to see what happens hopefully it'll have it five years so now it won't break at all but then again he doesn't really care because he'd get a new transmission free anyway hey I gotta say that the technology it's working now and it's fun to drive Nissan always made fun to drive cars as far as the driving position you're nice and high you got a good view the windows are all set up quite well the side view mirrors are huge you really get a good view of all of them you're not going to be surprised by anything but what the owner finds great is when his wife's driving a car if you get too close to somebody front or back the car actually stops itself so you don't whack any pedestrians now that's something it's definitely worthwhile so here's a non-diehard Nissan fan seems to be a pretty good car I would really question how long is this three cylinder VC turbo going to last the newly designed CVT transmission how much is that going to last but the owner doesn't care because he's got a lifetime unlimited mileage warranty an engine and a transmission now from the dealership's perspective I can understand it because a lot of people live to listen to mirror listen to anybody who understands mechanics is going to say this is a phenomenal technological advancement to make the Pistons go up and down different lengths let's face it costs a lot of money to build these things and nobody knows how long they're really going to last that's the thing they're the only people that are really doing it you don't see Toyota doing you don't see Honda doing it and the main reason they're not doing it is because the promised better gas mileage didn't really come out they thought they were going to get 20 30 percent better gas mods with that system and they're getting like maybe four percent it didn't make all that much difference it's kind of like if you remember back in the day when the Wankel engine was in the Mazdas and they had the Mazda Cosmo some of those things got like seven miles a gallon the Waco rotary engine small puts out a ton of power but they're extremely inefficient so they never made it well this is extremely complex and it does get good gas mileage but that giant level of Technology costs so much money to build and we don't still know how long it's going to last that nobody else has picked up on this yet they're not really sold on it we'll see what happens with this maybe this will be a wave of the future or maybe it'll be like the Wankel engine and it'll be in a few cars here or there but it'll be an oddball thing that well that was interesting we tried that now maybe we'll try something else who knows but he doesn't have to worry so he doesn't care and he gets his oil changed there they give him a free rental car where he gets his oil changes his car's worked on right so if it did break now as long as you got Transportation you're not worried about it it is fascinating technology I'll give them that it's very complex I don't think anybody would be able to fix it if it finally breaks down if you like technology You're a Star Wars fan hey you're probably being enamored with this thing time will tell how they hold up they sure are fun to drive now I'll say that much and we'll see what happens five years so now if I'm still kicking so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 220,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, car advice, here's why, nissan, nissan review, nissans, used nissan, new nissan, nissan reliability, is nissan better than toyota, engine, new engine, new nissan engine, almost wrecked, nissan's new engine almost got me in a wreck, engines, new engines, vcr engine, nissan vcr, nissan vcr engine, nissan rogue, nissan rogue review, 2022 nissan rogue, new rogue, new car
Id: 0309-Tlf8rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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