Car Companies Tried to Stop Me from Telling the Truth About This

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well what's the main difference between the electric car versus the hydrogen car put simply the electric car needs to be charged by plugging it into a charging point on the other hand you don't recharge a hydrogen car instead you go to a hydrogen fuel station and fill it up with hydrogen this hydrogen is then stored in a secure fuel tank just like gasoline or diesel-powered car from there it's fed into the fuel cell where it mixes with oxygen to generate electricity on board and on demand no batteries needed so let's look inside the fuel cell we find a liquid with a positively charged anode on one side and a negatively charged cathode on the other kind of similar to a battery then hydrogen atoms split into protons and electrons thanks to a reaction with oxygen the protons turn into pure water that's the exhaust product so you have raining cars the electrons provide the power for the car's electric motor add that to all the smaller reactions happening inside the fuel cell and then boom you got yourself a running hydrogen-powered electric car did you know that there's also a battery on board too this saves power for later like when you accelerate even with this battery the fuel cell usually just sends power directly to the motors now i know what you're thinking isn't it kind of dangerous to carry around all that hydrogen in your car what if it explodes after all remember the infamous 1937 hindenburg airship disaster and how it was caused by leaking hydrogen and it killed almost 40 people well while it is true that hydrogen is flammable so it's gasoline and you carry that around within your car all the time now gas isn't as flammable as hydrogen but you can be sure that the hydrogen car companies are taking the proper precautions the hydrogen is pressurized in the car's hydrogen tank is designed to contain all this extreme pressure and enzyme it shouldn't be any more dangerous than your conventional gasoline-powered car elon musk is against hydrogen technology he sent out some pretty controversial tweets about hydrogen-powered cars in 2020 tweeted that fuel cells equal fuel cells later he said that hydrogen fuel cells make no sense and that hydrogen is barely worth considering for a rocket's upper stage he also equipped that it will be super obvious as time goes on let's just say this isn't the first time that musks express strong opinions against us think that they're extremely silly if you're going to pick an energy storage mechanism hydrogen is incredibly dumb one to pick you should just pick methane that will become apparent in the next few years there's no reason for us to have this debate so why all the hate for the hydrogen-powered car musk's main ripe is that the usability of hydrogen in a car because it's very difficult to make and then to store it and use it part of the reason is because hydrogen is too low in density and it's flammable if elon musk had to pick an alternative source to hydrogen he'd rather choose methane or propane musk isn't the only one to hold the negative opinion on this there's also herbert d ceo of volkswagen but the driving reason behind his antihydrogen view is the car's impact on the climate he believes that hydrogen cars are bad for the earth but one thing's for sure don't expect either men to invest in hydrogen technology anytime soon they have their money bet on battery cars which they are producing but it's not just these two men actually did you know that the debate between lithium ion batteries and hydrogen fuel cells has been raging for decades elon musk is obviously on team lithium after all that's what its tesla empire is built on but actually hydrogen fuel cells have been around much longer than lithium ion batteries many people don't know this but hydrogen fuel cells played a fundamental part in nasa's putting men in the moon in 1969 but in the end lithium ion batteries proved to be much easier to commercialize especially for use in passenger cars look if these two high-profile leaders of two major car brands are anti-hydrogen then does this mean that hydrogen power cars are really all that bad well let's compare the hydrogen car versus the electric car first let's talk about refilling with the electric car you need to recharge it it can literally take hours your car doesn't care if you have an important job review or a baseball game to catch if it's got a charge you got to wait on the other hand with a hydrogen car you can fill up with a hydrogen fuel pump and it only takes a few minutes similar to what you do with the conventional gas or diesel car at the pump another advantage of hydrogen is that it's literally the most abundant element in the entire universe that means it's pretty easy to find and pretty hard to run out hydrogen fuel cells also don't generate greenhouse gas emissions unlike fossil fuel sources this means less pollution and improved air quality when you combine hydrogen fuel with oxygen these fuel cells produce plenty of electric power while emitting pure water as waste exhaust for these reasons governments around the world are starting to rally behind hydrogen as an important part of their plan for adjusting climate change this isn't just in the transportation sector but across the entire energy grid in 2020 joe biden announced a 2 trillion clean energy plan which included renewable hydrogen technology innovation boris johnson prime minister of the uk announced 446 million in funding to help lower greenhouse gas emissions this effort includes the development of hydrogen fuel china also recently announced their goal to have over a million hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on the road by 2030. did you know that nasa also uses fuel cells the exhaust is so clean that astronauts actually drink the water produced by fuel cells on a space shuttle unlike coal natural gas and nuclear power hydrogen is a non-toxic fuel source that has many possible uses not just for cars who knows what else might power in the future now if you're the kind of person whose neighbors get angry when you rev up your engine then this might be the car for you hydrogen cars don't produce any noise like electric cars hydrogen powered cars are much quieter than those powered by gasoline and diesel engines so does this all mean that elon musk was completely wrong about hydrogen cars not exactly at the moment there are more negatives to hydrogen cars than positives first off hydrogen fuel is expensive to fill up we're talking 80 bucks for a full tank compare that to 50 for tank of gasoline you can see where the issues start it also isn't easy to extract hydrogen it's true hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe but the thing is on earth hydrogen is found mostly in water this means it needs to be extracted from water by using electricity to separate the hydrogen and oxygen particles this is called electrolysis another hydrogen extraction option is to extract it from natural gas this is called reforming neither of these processes are easy or cheap and both require a significant amount of energy then there's the issue of transporting fuel to move oil around just send it through pipeline to move coal around just put it on the back of a truck but moving hydrogen around is a different story just moving even small amounts of hydrogen is very expensive wondering how all this hydrogen is going to be stored hydrogen can be stored either as gas or high pressure tanks or is liquid and cryogenic temperatures unfortunately both methods of hydrogen storage involve quite a bit of loss of energy when you compress hydrogen that requires about 13 percent of the total energy content of the hydrogen itself and if you decide to liquefy the hydrogen it loses about 40 percent of the total energy hydrogen isn't exactly completely green yes it's clean when it's being used in your hydrogen car but the sheer amount of energy it takes to get hydrogen into the fuel pumps is pretty large ironically most of the current production is done using fossil fuels so it's more bad news for the environment producing this fuel is expensive in carbon and dollars another problem with hydrogen cars the infrastructure sure it might not be as easy to find an electric car charging port compared to gas stations but they're likely to be relatively close by unfortunately because of the low volume of hydrogen cars on the roads today there aren't as many hydrogen pumps as there are electric charging stations so if you're driving through a small city with your brand new hydrogen car need to fill it up it looks like you'll be stuck there for a while despite all this let's say you still decide to get a hydrogen car well the bad news is there aren't a lot of choices at the moment right now there's only two hydrogen cars publicly available in select markets which are the toyota mirai and the hyundai nexo started in almost 50 grand the toyota mirai has some downfields itself first of all it only outputs 182 horsepower and second if you live in the us the hydrogen fuel cell station infrastructure for the mariah is pretty much limited to california right now it looks like donai you'd have to live in california there are a handful of other countries that offer the mirai but not many so hydrogen-powered cars aren't as perfect and ideal as everyone wants it to be but it does have a lot of potential something to think about is how far hydrogen could have gone if more resources were put into it did you know that a few years ago toyota announced it would grant royalty-free licenses to its 24 000 patents on ev technology including its hydrogen technology why would a major car maker want to open up its secrets to competitors actually the goal was to accelerate the development of alternative fuel car technology to promote the widespread use of any type of electric vehicles if you ask me that bold move was a brilliant strategy but let's rewind to 2004. the governor of california time arnold schwarzenegger announced his vision for a revolutionary new california highway the plan a clean and modern hydrogen highway filled with zero emission hydrogen-fueled cars buses and trucks unfortunately this never panned out today hydrogen technology is still in its infancy kind of like where electric cars were 10 years ago only time will tell if hydrogen will succeed or fail an electric car's most expensive and vital part is the battery that's why this is one of the top things that automakers and tech companies are constantly working on to optimize right now lithium-ion batteries are the mainstream and electric vehicles but there's a newer technology that may or may not change the game and that's the solid state battery so what is the difference both the lithium ion battery and the solid state battery are pretty similar when it comes to their overall structure they both have an anode a cathode and an electrolyte they both use lithium to produce electrical energy the main difference between these two is the state of the electrolyte the electrolyte is what regulates the flow of the electric current between the positive and negative sides of the battery the lithium-ion battery uses liquid electrolytes and if you don't already guess it from its name the solid state battery has thin layers of solid electrolytes that's what helps transfer ions from the cathode to the anode when charging and from the anode to the cathode when discharging and running the vehicle fans of the solid state battery say this is the way of the future here's why first off a key issue with lithium-ion batteries that in high temperatures they're flammable and can even explode this is due to the flammable liquid inside the battery but solid-state batteries don't have this liquid this means they're more stable and don't have as high of a risk of catching on fire or exploding since these batteries are far less vulnerable to flames they can work in a much broader temperature window so even people living in tropical climates may have the chance to get their hands on an ev and because of their higher density these batteries can hold up to 50 percent more energy than the lithium ion batteries do so you can see they can really pack a punch and supposedly you can reach an 80 charge in about 12 minutes to top it all off solid-state batteries are more compact and lighter than lithium-ion ones that is because all that liquid inside lithium-ion batteries makes them heavy because of this weight difference a smaller amount of batteries is needed for solid state did you know that solid state batteries are not a recent phenomenon actually they were first used back in the 1970s and pacemakers for heart patients so it didn't start with cars in pacemakers a sheet of lithium metal is placed in direct contact with solid iodine this causes a short circuit which forms a new layer of lithium iodide between them after this layer is formed small and constant current can flow from the lithium anode to the iodine cathode and this happens for several years today you can find even solid-state batteries in your smart watch let's talk about tesla they're at the top of the ev game right now so what's their stand on solid state well believe it or not tesla and by that i mean elon musk hasn't been too vocal on this what we do know is that many of tesla's patents are around battery charging and charging infrastructure it is possible that maybe tesla's just waiting for the technology to mature for now tesla's putting all their eggs in the new 4680 battery it's supposed to be a quantum leap forward in lithium-ion technology it can store five times the energy at half the cost of tesla's current 2170 battery that's used in the model 3 and y note that i didn't say it's five times more energy dense it just contains five times more and the units are also much bigger than the current 2170 in a previous 1865. tesla claims that the 4680 will enable a 100 fold increase in battery production by the year 2030. so it looks like tesla isn't for or against solid state instead they're betting on their own technology if they're doing their own thing that's safe to say they haven't yet been sold on solid state now if you're wondering why a huge company like tesla hasn't already jumped on the solid state bandwagon well you're right to assume there's got to be some issues and controversies around this new solid state technology for example one inherent flaw with a solid-state battery is its rate of degradation but simply it degrades pretty quickly after a number of charge and discharge cycles the reason is because the accumulation of lithium dendrites dendrites are thin stick like pieces of lithium that branch out and can even pierce the battery this causes short circuits and other problems when this happens the lithium metal anode gets compromised right now the only solution when this happens is to completely replace the battery unit researchers at harvard believe they've come up with a better solution they call the electrolyte sandwich but not a sandwich you would eat it's a multi-layer design that fills any cracks with dynamically generated decompositions lithium dendrites do still form but this design controls and contains them think of it like a blt sandwich the top and bottom bread is like the lithium anode and cathode the lettuce is the graphite the tomato is the first electrolyte and the bacon is the second electrolyte sandwiching the less stable electrolyte between the more stable solid electrolytes supposedly prevents any lithium dendrite growth salted dendrites can build up and grow through the lettuce and tomato but they stop at the bacon so far tests show that the multi-layer solid-state battery can hold 82 percent of its charge after 10 000 cycles another major problem with the solid state battery is of mass production currently car makers and technology companies are able to produce solid-state battery cells only one at a time in the lab but the problem is no one's been able to scale it up to mass production yet here's the thing it's not easy to design a solid electrolyte that's stable chemically inert and still a good conductor of ions between the electrodes not to mention they're expensive to make right now solid state battery cost about eight times more than making the lithium ion one that's a huge cost difference and once you do make one that's prone to cracking because of the brittleness of the electrolytes when they expand and contract during usage it's not that car makers haven't planned to release solid-state battery cars before they have but it just seems that something else always seems to get in the way and causes the companies to cancel the projects take for example fisker they promised the supercar powered by south state battery by 2020 2020 came and two years later still nothing then they said it would be delayed until 2022 which is now but now they've dropped the idea completely back in 2015 dyson bought a solid state battery company called set t3 they spent literally billions of dollars developing their own ev two years later they dumped the project and wrote off the investment capital then parted ways with set key three there's a japanese battery and super capacitor maker called morata their technology addresses the common problem of sulfide escaping the battery pack which is bad because it produces dangerously unhealthy gas when exposed to air miuratus battery doesn't use sulfides in its chemistry but here's the thing murad is focusing its battery technology for use in pacemakers and smartphones which in itself is a good thing for sure but they're not aiming for large batteries like the car industry would need overall solid state as promised but skeptics say there's still decades of research to go because the unsolved technical issues are preventing mass adoption believe it or not solid state has been in the work for at least 40 years there's been research done by excellent dating all the way to 1978 believe it or not duracell in the early 1980s there's been efforts by toshiba sony and others that's a lot of known corporations and these corporations have brainiac engineers but many of these companies show their effort whatever the truth is one thing is certain toyota is betting big on solid state did you know they have the most number of patents for solid-state battery technology they own over a thousand patents actually toyota has been pursuing the next generation battery technologies for over a decade now last september toyota posted a 12 second video of a solid-state battery car on their official youtube channel toyota is betting solid-state battery technology as the potential cure-all for the problems that challenge evs running on lithium-ion but interestingly toyota's first solid-state battery cars won't be pure battery ev it'll be hybrid toyota hasn't specified which hybrid will get a solid-state battery but they confirm that everything is on schedule the main reason they won't immediately offer solid state evs has to do with the size of the battery pack hybrid cars with combustion engines have much smaller battery packs than pure evs this makes them perfect for testing the increased amount of charging cycles makes it easier to see how these batteries will react on a pure eevee and these cars are supposed to charge fast we're talking about going zero to 100 charge in 10 minutes with an impressive range of 310 miles this means you could travel from philly to boston in one chart but since solid state batteries come at such a high cost toyota doesn't expect the cost to come down enough by 2025 which is their target release date but toyota is not the only car maker betting on this japanese company nissan's also planning to release a solid-state ev by 2028. even the japanese government is getting behind solid state battery technology the japanese government apparently funded toyota and nissan with 2 trillion yen which is over 19 billion us dollars just to support decarbonization technology initiatives which includes the use of solid-state batteries talk about a lot of money so it's not just toyota it's not just nissan but the entire country of japan that's rooting on this horse did you know that the average passenger vehicle these days has between 60 to 100 sensors and this number is sure to grow as cars get even smarter modern cars today are fitted with all kinds of sensors to ensure your car runs smoothly they monitor conditions and notify you if changes need to be made sensors help narrow the range of issues and you can save time when it comes to repairing and maintaining your car in addition to identifying problems sensors also help monitor and control essential things like fuel intake and heat it all started back in the 1970s at the time automotive systems were mostly mechanical and electromechanical like a doorbell one of the problems with that system was that car parts were out fast and the cost of maintenance repairs could become costly while the auto mechanic worked to figure out the cause of a problem this was especially true when the problems weren't as obvious as for example oil leaks or a misfiring engine with the advent of computer systems and programs for car diagnostics everything changed car makers started incorporating computer systems and vehicles to detect engine problems more easily of course the earliest sensors weren't as effective as they are now it wasn't until the 1990s that the sensors became much more useful that's when they started to become more commonly used by the year 2000 almost every car maker was embedding sensors with the central processor in the engine so how does a car sensor actually work in a way we could think about how the five senses work in a human body each of the five senses sight hearing touch taste and smell have its own special sensor that collects information and sends it to your brain think about that last time you accidentally touched a hot pan or maybe the last time your eye saw a fast car approaching you or your ears heard another car's horn in a similar way your car's sensor detect changes in stimuli and transmits information to the processor and the engine for example the pressure sensor monitors changes to the pressure level if the level exceeds a certain limit the engine through the processor notifies you with an alarm or a light in the dashboard that the pressure is low many automotive sensors work in a similar way temperature sensors detect significant increase or decrease in vehicle temperature they send information to the processor which sends a parallel command to address the problem for example you can turn your ac on or off or open and close your air inlets to regulate the heat there are different types of sensors the mass airflow sensor is usually located on the intake hoses between your intake manifold and the air filter box it monitors the volume and density of air taken in by the engine some also measure the temperature of the air it ensures that the right amount of fuel and air is in the mixture if your map sensor fails you'll see a checked engine warning light also your gasoline consumption will be higher and your car may stall or even stop moving the map sensor is paired with an oxygen sensor also in most cases that were made after 1996 the maf sensor has an air intake temperature sensor in its structure the oxygen sensor is crucial for maintaining the optimal level of oxygen in the exhaust system it's located in the emission system on the exhaust it measures your air fuel mixture from the exhaust and also the catalytic converter's efficiency this ensures the perfect ratio for efficient combustion which impacts your car's performance and regulates the proper emission of gases if the oxygen sensor fails your car will consume more fuel it may idle poorly and it may even cause the car to jerk upon acceleration most cars have at least one oxygen sensor while newer cars can have up to four for efficiency oxygen sensors have been in use for almost 50 years it was invented by dr gunter bauman its usage became common in cars after the 1980s the intake air temperature sensor or iat is integrated into the maf sensor and newer car did you know that the temperature of the air renderer in the engine is really important for achieving the maximum performance out of your engine cold air is denser than hot air so the engine needs more fuel to maintain the right balance of air fuel ratio the iat sensor is usually mounted on the intake manifold to gauge the temperature of the air coming in then sends this information to the engine computer in order to make the necessary changes for the fuel injection to achieve the right air fuel balance the manifold absolute pressure sensor or map monitors the manifold pressure the information gets sent to the ecu which calculates the air density and thereby adjusts the fuel ratio as needed to maximize performance then we have the crankshaft sensor which is also known as the engine speed sensor you can find this electrical component in both diesel and gasoline engines it monitors the position and rotating speed of the crankshaft the information gets sent to the engine managing system then controls various engine variables like fuel injection and ignition timing this is a sensor that allows the system to determine when the spark plugs are lit how to create the spark and when it's time to ignite the injectors in addition this sensor measures the crankshaft speed in revolutions per minute it consists of a notch disc and a magnetic coil when the crank rotates it generates a current and a magnetic field around the coil which is then stopped by the disc that's how it counts the rotations by the way this is the only sensor if it were to fail that can lead to a complete engine stock we also have the camshaft sensor it works together with the crankshaft sensor to determine the precise position of the crankshaft a camshaft sensor that's working properly keeps tabs on the sequence of opening and closing of the valves this information feeds to the ecu and then the ecm can regulate the timing of the ignition and fuel injection this is important because engine timing relies on perfect choreography of the crankshaft and camshaft if the positions do not align properly it will strain your engine if either of these sensors fail one symptom you may see is the emission of white smoke from your engine and normally your checked engine light will then come on the throttle position sensor is usually mounted on the throttle body it monitors the throttle flaps angle in other words how far the blade is opened up as well as how quickly it's opening and closing all of which happens based on how hard you press on the accelerator pedal this is important because the throttle position impacts the flow of air into the engine manifold in fact it behaves like a kind of valve this information gets sent to the ecu then your ecm adjusts the fuel injection ratio to balance the air to fuel ratio in the old days the accelerator pedal and the throttle body used to be connected by a cable nowadays though they're fully connected electronically if there was a problem between the pedal and the throttle for instance you have a sticky throttle then your engine won't get sufficient fuel and this will damage your engine knock sensors ensure that your engine isn't suffering from detonation otherwise known as knocking knocking is a common engine problem in injection systems it can happen from misfires or if one or more the internal components are broken thereby resulting in improper combustion of the air fuel mixture this can be irreversible and fatal for the engine's internal parts and repairs can get very expensive you can notice a knocking when you turn on the ignition and that's why knock sensors are crucial you register the vibrations coming from the nut they register the vibrations coming from the knot due to incomplete combustion this information gets to the ecu which then tries to correct the anomaly by adjusting the ignition timing the coolant temperature sensor or cts sounds self-explanatory it measures the temperature of the coolant or any other freezing the cooling system this is a way to gauge your engine's overall heat that's critical to monitor because if your engine gets too hot it will suffer damage the cts sends the temperature information to the ecu if the temperature isn't within normal levels then the ecm will address the problem by changing the fuel injection rate or the ignition timing or switching the electric cooling fans on or off speaking of temperatures there's also a fuel temperature sensor on modern cars the name speaks for itself it monitors the temperature of the fuel that's important because it impacts fuel density hot fuel is less dense than gold fuel the density impacts how much fuel gets injected so the fuel temperature sensor helps regulate fuel uptake speaking of fuel there's also a fuel pressure sensor on more modern cars it's most commonly mounted on your fuel pressure rail although sometimes it's on the fuel pressure line your ecu needs to know if and when the fuel pressure changes for example an increase in pressure results in richer fuel mixtures whereas a decrease leads to a leaner mixture the sensor itself is cheap to buy but it can get messy and a lot of fuel can leak out well we just covered a few of the important sensors on your car without which your engine can't perform effectively if at all of course there are a lot more important sensors we haven't yet covered well some of them are more important than others they all serve an explicit purpose sensors make the lives of drivers much easier than before it helps the car react to itself and address anomaly it also helps us to detect faulty parts and warns and notifies us so that we can keep safe on the road and also keep our engine properly maintained sensors are the unsung heroes of your car they're an important part of modern automotive technology and you can be sure that we'll see even more of these as technology advances further if you enjoyed the video like it and subscribe to my channel thanks for your support [Music] you
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 298,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, hydrogen, hydrogen car, hydrogen cell, hydrogen car vs electric car, hydrogen car vs gas car, the future of hydrogen cars, the future of electric cars, hydrogen fuel cell car, hydrogen fuel car, hydrogen fuel cell, electric cars, hydrogen cars, electric car review, how electric cars work, how hydrogen cars work, 3 things, future, future technology, car technology, tech
Id: YdZ5wAyia4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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