I Just Found the Worst Cars Ever Made

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today i'm going to talk about one of the worst cars ever made the pt cruiser now pt stands for personal transport it turns out that chrysler was trying to pull a fast one and call it a truck to try to raise the average cafe gas mileage in the united states but it didn't work out that way so it's still classified as a car as an suv not as a truck now these pt cruisers were produced from 2001 to 2009. this particular one is a 2003 and right from the gate big mistake every single one of those was produced in mexico now here's why you should listen to scotty and not to these nuts in magazines and award winners it was a claim that one of the best 10 cars of the years when it first came out and they called it the north american car of the year now come on now you come out with a new model it's made in mexico how can you call it the car of the year what are the top 10 cars come on now yes we do have the advantage of hindsight it's now 2019. well at least it was when i made this video in the future it'll be later but at least you'll understand back when they were making these things they had no idea how they were going to last how can you call it car of the year top 10 car they just started making them you got no idea what kind of quality is in them now not being a chrysler fan even back in 2001 i didn't expect much from these things but i really didn't expect them to be as bad as they came out let's start under the hood look at all the plastic crap yes plastic everywhere it cracks it breaks look at the cheap faded bumper supposed to be black now it's white now it's more than just superficial stuff with these these engines are notorious for blowing head gaskets all the time they overheat i'd say at least eight out of ten ones that come here with overheating problems first thing i do is use my block leak test find out yep the head gasket's blowing i said just get rid of the car don't go any further yeah they look cute it's how they sold 1.3 million of these clunkers but man looks can be deceiving in this case aside from the engines blowing head gasket the automatic transmissions were basically garbage one they could barely get out of their own way even though they kept trying to make the engines a little bit bigger and a little bit bigger they never were all that fast but americans mainly drive automatic transmission and this car man it had one clunker transmission this particular one the 2003 pt cruiser has amazing little four speed automatic it's three speeds with an overdrive on it even though they don't have much acceleration they don't get very good gas mileage for a car this size either this particular one gets in the teens and stop and go traffic it's about 18 miles a gallon now chrysler's quality control especially the ones made in mexico hey it's notorious for being horrible those dodge neons were made in them they were hard this is no exception and if you ever made the mistake of buying the faster one the one that's turbocharged that just turbo charges the head gasket blowing faster that head gasket will blow so fast with the turbo charger on them i've seen them go as little as 40 000 miles and there goes the engine basically it comes back to pretty much a chrysler paradigm they often make good-looking cars that just fall apart you want a lawn ornament hey park it on your front lawn it looks cool you know but driving it every day for hundreds of thousands of miles you can forget that unless you got deep pockets to keep fixing it heck even the heaters on these things break down they use the cheaper heater car and the stupid things either clog up or leak and you gotta tear the whole dash apart to replace them and here's the part i really don't understand when this thing was brand new a base model was three thousand dollars more than a four-door toyota corolla yeah back then the corolla didn't have the cool gangster styling of this pt cruiser but it would run circles around one of these things there you go three four hundred thousand miles or more and this thing too you're lucky if you get 80 or 90 before the engine blows if you ever owned a chrysler neon you were probably smart enough to realize i'm not going to biased replacement because the original one was bad enough they were handy seats going on in the back you got all kinds of space to throw crap in like my customer has all their junk in there it makes a big locker good storage area but has a vehicle for dependable transportation this is one of the last things you'd ever want to buy now this one's got 118 000 miles and believe me it's on its last legs we'll start it up you can hear squeaking there and in the back you can hear the muffler vibrating they just had poor cheap build quality anybody in their right mind i would say this is north american car of the year one of the top 10 vehicles of that year they got rocks in their head at least if they were honest no i mean if they're on the old paolo well what the heck a lot of people do that these days though scotty knows i tell you the truth about these things i have no ulterior motives other than showing people what's out there what's good what's bad over the years i've had a lot of women buy these because they thought they looked cute just like the minis they buy them because they think they look cute only to find out that cuteness is hiding an endless money pit under the hood six months ago i had a customer buy a used one and it was a convertible they actually turned some of these into convertibles he had just bought the vehicle for like 900. brought it to me a couple months after he bought it said what's wrong and there was a typical pt cruiser the head gasket was blowing the engine was overheated he put some of the sealer in it he bought it autozone worked pretty good the bar sealer for head gasket leaks and just got rid of things he said sure i'm not going any further on that and you can even see look in here it's a small engine but there isn't much working room and these plastic intake manifolds they crack and warp all the time sides from the engine head gaskets blowing and their air conditioning compressors they're notorious clunkers that break down after a short period of time hey these things are made in mexico you think at least they have good air conditions it gets hot down there you know it's like ages ago the germans their cars had horrible air conditioning systems a hot day in dusseldorf is probably like 75 degrees now the germans make better air conditioning systems no arguing that but this hey supposedly an american car you'd think they could have put good ac in it but no it was just the usual chrysler crap that would blow up and the compressors would blow up long before their time the condensers they used on were a little bit too small so they didn't cool it down right so the compressors would always run hotter than other cars and then go on i've seen that so many times not just in the pt cruiser but in many chrysler products they try to make them too cheap to save money then they don't hold up over time in this case it's a truism marketing trump engineering and manufacturing in these pt crews so don't be suckered by oh look it's a cute little car maybe i'll get one for my kid to go to high school in don't the engine problems the transmission problems the air conditioning problems the heating problems the electrical problems that these things had it's truly amazing that chrysler suckered 1.3 million people to buy these things now eventually they stopped making them in 2009 people wised up and i guess chrysler figured hey the jig's up we can't fool people anymore they have such a bad reputation nobody's going to be buying these things anymore these suv type vehicles crossovers they're so popular these days to fail at selling a model that tells you there were problems and problems on top of problems with these pt cruisers which leads me to the old joke why did they make a pt cruiser so it could comfortably hold five people well that's so four of them can get out and push it while the fifth person steers the car to the nearest garage so now you know the truth about the pt cruiser and why you'd really have to be out of your mind to buy one of these things used today this particular one is a 2016 chrysler 200 s now back in 2016 these things listed for 26 thousand dollars to me i don't know anybody would buy one they could have gotten a four cylinder camry for a thousand dollars less but of course this is an italian design this is after fiat bought chrysler in europe they called these things lancias for that famous line of italian sports cars but of course here in the united states people who know lancius know that there were absolute piles of junks that fell apart cost a fortune to maintain and yeah they were sporty but man they did not hold up over time now they started selling these chrysler 200s in the united states in 2010 and they stopped selling them in 2017 2012 they sold over 125 thousands of these 200s in the united states they stopped selling them in 2017 that was the last year they saw them and in that year they only sold 18 000 to me it's amazing that they could sucker so many people to buy so many of them when they were such low quality vehicles to begin with because they have a lot of fiat stuff in it fiat's not known for high quality in this case it's got the four-cylinder engine you can see on the door it says vehicle made in usa and by made they mean put together and as you can see here it contains the new ridiculous refrigerant r1234 yf which can cost over a hundred dollars a pound when it leaks and you got to refill it or got to work on the system epa anti-pollution type stuff they get brownie points from the government for using that stuff but i've got a whole video on that that explains why it's kind of a joke some of the manufacturers have gone to it now to me bad move really it's a bad move now if you look at the car itself it's pretty stylish italians are good at making stylish stuff and it's got the usual bucket seats that are pretty comfortable nothing wrong with that it's got the usual back seat that there's some room in seats flipped down so you can use the trunk to carry more stuff by flopping the seats down now for something as modern as this you can see the dash is kind of dated rather dated it's not particularly uh swanky now this particular one's only got 50 000 miles on it so you know it hasn't really been tested out that many miles but even with that low mileage you can hear and the engine's pretty noisy typical for italian engines as they wear out they make a lot of noise they're not as quality control built to say the camry like i say you could have bought a brand new camry for five grand less than this back in 2016. why would you bought this it's beyond me now this thing puts out 173 horsepower so it's not even like this is a zippy italian car that's faster it's actually slower now six months after this particular model they stopped making them and selling them in the united states which is no surprise to me kind of surprised me that it lasted even as long as it did even though that was a relatively short run because let's face it you heard that engine noise 50 000 miles this engine makes more noise than my celica does with 240 000 miles on it quality not fiat's known and safety they got a one star side pole they got nothing on the side they're one of the lower rated by the national highway traffic safety association for safety and crashes they look cool with the dual exhaust why it has a dual exhaust on a four cylinder engine is beyond me but they do look good they're kind of like most italian things they really look good but when you get underneath the hood things aren't what they seem now these two hunters are the replacement for the sebrings and if you know anything about sebrings it's kind of like chrysler went from the sebring fire into the 200 frying pan and to add insult to injury i'm doing a brake job on this thing today and there's like six different brake pads this thing could possibly have the italians do they standardize things ah no we do not care about standard sits they're not organized like the germans or the japanese were you could take the vin number of the car and find out exactly which pads are on it i'm gonna have to take it all apart when i'm doing the brake jobs bring the brake pads with me to a place that says well we have most of the different ones there's one we don't have so by the time i'm done filming this taking it apart and bringing the pads they should have every possible combination so i can match it up but really do you want to have a car like that so just be able to say here's the car pop buyers the vin number i need the parts and yet people still wonder why is chrysler fiat having problems well because of the root of the problems which is italian-based manufacturing combined with chrysler lack of knowledge they're not exactly a shining example of a great corporation we taxpayers had to bail them out a while ago so and if you do a little research on the problems with these 200s they have engine problems they have transmission problems they have electrical problems oh what a surprise an italian car with electrical problems that's why years ago we mechanics used to call fiats fix it again tony because their electrical systems were absolute disaster areas it truly amazes me that chrysler was able to sell as many of these things as i did in that 10-year life span of the model i guess it goes to show that good looks often works when people are trying to sell something why they have so many good-looking models and advertisements i guess there's a point to that but really when the good looks aren't backed up by quality manufacturing really what's the point it's a car you're driving for transportation not a work of art that you're looking at in a museum but on the other hand there must be something right with the world because they don't make these things anymore in this case it's a john cooper works it's got a tricked out six-speed standard transmission and it's certainly telling you what it is it puts out 228 horsepower when this car was made the normal one just to point out many put out 121 horsepower yes if you have a normal one back in 2015 a lot of people in the united states get them with automatic transmissions they could barely get out of their own way there's no arguing that now we open the hood you can see what's happening under here or i should have said you can't see what's happening out here because it's so cramped in with stuff you can't really see anything but if we take off the stupid beauty cover we can see underneath it's turbocharged it also has an upgraded exhaust system intake manifold exhaust manifold a remapped ecu main control unit so that it'll go faster it's actually a quite zippy car you got to realize one thing with these minis it doesn't have that much in common with the original the original mini weighed less than pounds this thing weighs 3627 pounds a much heavier vehicle now some of them are made in england some of them are made in the netherlands they're all made by w bmw open the door here and check this one out here we go right here it's made by bmw which can be a very good thing performance wise but a very bad thing repair cost wise the parts on these things will make your head spin this particular one is about a 35 000 car but my customer bought this use for about 14 000 and even now it's only got 34 000 miles on it so as you can see they depreciate very rapidly just like regular bmws do they're very expensive cars to repair all those cars generally have relatively low resale value because of that do they really fall apart right away well the answer to that is no now high mileage ones generally they're on their last legs you can buy a car with this low mileage for a fraction of what it originally went for it can actually be a fun car to drive around just make sure you have full coverage body parts are expensive too so they get wrecked they cost a fortune to repair so make sure you always have full coverage and maintain the vehicle but being built and here in the united states serviced to bmw dealerships are so expensive to maintain at the dealer that's why this car is here he saw some servicing he needed at the dealer and it was astronomical what they wanted for just some basic things not a lot of the parts are made by bmw software is all stuff with bmw i work on bmw so i got all the equipment for them you can find lots of mechanics if they work on bmws other european cars they're gonna have equipment to work on these things but anybody who's ever owned a bmw and had it serviced regularly at a bmw dealer they know the insane high cost that they have there in that respect the minis are no different they are astronomical if you maintain them at the dealer now granted the earlier ones had engine problems my neighbor had one blew the engine in and being so low to the ground hey these aren't cars you're gonna drive through any type of water or you'll suck water and blow the engine a bait low to the ground and a very tricked out suspension system these things are a lot of fun to drive around they really corner well and this one it's a sport version but it does have a reasonable amount of space in the back just take this into consideration here the seats are folded back when the seats are folded up you're not going to have comfortable large people sitting in the back by any stretch of the imagination but for the driver and the passenger they have very comfortable molded seats they are excellent seats and if you're in the sunroos it's got the crazy double sunroof front and back you like sun this is the vehicle for you i guess i get so little sun in england they want to have it wide open whenever it is sunny so they can get some sun here in texas you're going to roast to death first thing you're going to do is shut those babies down and i do have to say the dashes and everything are pretty well appointed if you're a serious driver we'll start it up as you can see speedometer's here tachometer is right next to it so you can do your shifts right now if you take a look to the left or right it's all right in front of you and it does make a decent sound and it's got a cool side dash display for all kinds of electronic stuff you want to mess around with the modern obligatory zillion buttons on the steering so you can mess with everything without taking your hands off the steering wheel now we jack up the car you get a little more idea about how it actually functions as we go under you can see it's a classic mini front wheel drive there's a drive shaft it drives only the front wheels just like the classic mini did and as we look at the tires here we can see the classic problems you're always going to have with these tires there's still a lot of tread left in the middle but the inside's all worn thin these wide tires low profile do wear out relatively quickly but at least being front-wheel drive the rear tires last a lot longer because they're just rolling down the road now the modern minis being about three times heavier than the original minis do have one big advantage and that's in the ride of these things if you've ever ridden around in a 60s mini every time you hit a bump the fillings of your teeth feel like they're going to fall out it was a ragged rod a fun little car to zip around anybody and that's where the bmw aspect of the newer minis comes really into effect the combination of the weight the wheel base and the bmw design suspension system they ride so much better than the old ones did now of course when the suspension finally does wear out yes it's going to cost a small fortune to replace the struts it's going to be an expensive job because it's all bmw parts and bmw engineering is much harder to take apart and put together requires special tools that other manufacturers don't so as i said earlier fixing these things is not a cheap endeavor so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that bell [Music] you
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 232,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, bad cars, bad cars to buy, cars to avoid, money pit cars, most unreliable cars, top unreliable cars, unreliable cars, used, used cars, used cars not to buy, vehicles, worst cars, worst cars ever made, worst used cars to buy, the worst vehicle, the worst vehicles to buy, vehicle, worst vehicle, worst vehicle to own, worst used car, I just found, car found, 3 worst cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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