Nipsey Hussle on Victory Lap, FDT + Kanye & Ownership

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Nipsey Hussle finally decided to come and visit me don't shoot at me I know I'm just so proud of you and someone that's seen the success and to see the growth I'm just so happy for you thank you and to see just everybody of course rooting for you wanting to see you win which I feel is like everybody you know like it's rare we come across an artist that genuinely is good talented and people really want to see him when thank you so how his victory lap how is it going right now cuz I know you're on tour get a tour crazy last night was in Boston I was a third with a fourth of the third night we did two shows in New York great go it being it been crazy that's my first time bringing the live band with me and so that being dope everybody been you know really really giving his dope responses on just how the music sound live with the band and everything right we did a ton of rehearsals and just was really working to make sure that the the set was tight so you know we four shows in but the feedback been great we've been having fun every night so here's though what's the biggest difference between East Coast West Coast when it comes to your performance the guest list I'll be stress-free any other city in LA I feel that I'm in LA I said you know I'd be tempted to cut my phone off and just go yeah but it's so much love and people I grew up winces I've been rude and bought makes take out the trunk no you know it's always a chore but so what do you do you just look out for everybody I'm not not everybody some people just the ones that really you know the difference between writing you and support and the ones that just want to be at the venue cuz it's cracking right so the people that really deserve to be fought for and we might not talk to him too 10 minutes before we go on a prom in the parking lot yeah somebody out here in the star who is that alright he's somebody or she's somebody I deserve it yeah and we always plan on not doing that but somehow somewhere we end up with in a scramble but yeah I would say that really just that's the biggest getting everybody that came to show love and support into the venue out here just be like bro you know yes you working get you a ticket man what does victory lap mean for you it has it has a lot of meanings you know it Slayer I think on the owner on the music side of it like we was talking about before the interview started I've been in the game for a while I had a mixtape romantic for I Drive my official album you know we've been building on like a grassroot level for a while right and so just to you know we always had our eyes set on taking it to the next level and continuing to grow so to put an album out to get a new partnership to be able to establish ourself on our terms it was always important to me that I was able to bring myself as an executive also you know because we was always great invested in from day one we was we was playing multiple roles I was tired of doing the music we was also handling all of our business great I never wanted to be represented as just artist so great be able to do a partnership with our Nick through our company and get my first album out through that yeah because this is your first major debut album so so that was big that was that's a victory to me um and then just coming and it was on your terms that's the biggest part we could have we and not to sound cocky number we could have put the how about a while ago right you know we could have done a deal a while ago but it was just about partnering and doing it on the terms that we was fighting for right so we kind of I saw gambled it a little bit in wrist you know a little bit of my of my career on saying this is how I want to do it because you know this is this is a genre of music that I gave you a short window typically so you know by us being in the independent space for such a long time it was uh you know uh behind the table convoy alike you know this might be taking so long or you know I mean you might be hurting yourself by trying to hold out but I feel like everything ended up working out how suppose you bet on yourself that's that's what it was it's like well I actually believe in myself and it's fine I'm gonna do it this way and I think that man is just speaks volumes and you've always been so big on ownership and can you explain to people why ownership is so important because I think they it sounds good but I don't think they understand truly the power behind it like you own your masters that is powerful and I think people need to just understand that from you I mean I think if we just I'm a student of the game right in all the games I play outside of music you got to pay attention and the people that you know empowered itself to have a career after the music stop right to have a chair after the music stop somewhere to actually sit down they had untraditional business arrangement they didn't have the traditional interaction with the music industry because it's built you know to for lack of a better word so you kind of like manipulate the OS for now and you know the industry wasn't built by artists right you can't even be mad at it for really you just got to figure out how to use whatever leverage you got right to to become an exception to that rule because it's a rule you got great soul singers great R&B artists even early hip-hop artists as pioneers that's in the you know Hall of Fame but everything but financially they are not they're not in the best situation doesn't that make you sad it makes me sad when I see that it actually it arcs me it infuriates me because this is not how we should treat the legends and it really bothers me and I'm just like my heart breaks because I feel like every other genre they take care of everybody that goes through their John uhrin they could go on tour when there are a hundred bazillion years old and people will show out and support and so when I see that I what what is it what what happened I mean I don't I don't got the full science on him so I feel like a lot of it maybe has to do it people didn't really believe the hip hop would do what it did right it was gonna be sustainable right been going for what 30 40 years yeah and then we got people that transcended like you know the name took it all the way to the next level in business and I think that as that happened the demand for respect became more and more in the forefront right on all on all levels far as the business arrangements and just even how you how you what what time you air that art the hip-hop nominations during a war shows just on all levels the respect being demanded more and more as these artists that you know took it to the next level you know became more powerful so I think that uh I think it had a lot to do with people not thinking hip-hop was gonna be here tomorrow not thinking I had to deal with hip-hop we respect right but then just traditionally in music just a music business right you got people that you know they got horror stories even outside of hip-hop right oh my gosh yes just like find yourself a situation oh yeah you know a lot you know I think she's about it's like sports oh yeah you got it you got to really be strategic to circumvent you know the the traditional outcome which is like you know you broke out two five six years out these young career you know I mean so the ones that are able to you know transcendence and become opposite today you got a salute tip your hat and then pay attention to their moves and take pages out they playbook you have a song with puffs on the album and were you talking about owning your masters did you in puff have a conversation about business and entrepreneurship or anything like that did he leave any gems with you or was he just like well you know it you're good man I think you could you could watch the mighty footsteps and if you really paying attention you don't even have to get it directly from them you can watch our puff move right on me and put the microscope on on the business that he's created but we had we had convos about music about about business and uh you know ask puff what his worst mistake was mmm more Sun in which Oh sister successes is always publicized we always hear about the successes right I'm just like what you think your wife's mistake was well or that's a good know what you think you did wrong and I wouldn't say it on camera but he gave me an answer and I think I took some guy from next time I see him I'm gonna ask him what it cuz I'm so curious it probably was a good answer show and it made sense when he said it to me I'm like yeah because that's a outside I agree that probably was a time where yeah you had to recover yeah I mean but puffs didn't I think anybody like you got it you gotta expect mistakes oh yeah can be so rigid that you feel like you're gonna get through this thing without bumping your head and it's like a fight you got to take something to get something what would you say has been your biggest mistake my biggest mistake in music and it could be life music anything that you feel like I could have handled that situation better but I'm glad I went through it they just I would say not trusting my instincts sometime sometime you know I I would not to sound sexist but even just as a man we saw logical and we saw driven by logic and so driven by facts then sometimes we can't move without facts but if you got trusting your gut and you got trusting your instinct and you you learned that as you grow then you mature that you're sometime you don't need facts you could just go off your gut and how you feel about things yeah you know I mean so just being confident in I don't need confirmation if I feel it I trust how I feel I know my intention is pure my instincts is like connection to a higher understanding you don't need the facts all the time just go off how you feeling so I think that I've learned to listen to my gut and my instincts more and be confident in making decisions off of that that's good that's true yeah I mean I think that applies to all of us that's why I said I don't want us to separate the way a woman process from how a man process it's everybody across the board is there a particular situation that you could share where you're just like I wish I could have stuck to my instinct it was telling me make a left but I'd made a right man let me think about I for sure have okay if you um I think all right so before I did my I had a record deal with Epic Records early okay and I don't take back nothing everything I buy for reason right but coming into music right I was always I was a hustler before rap and me and my brother was was fairly successful hustling and I never wanted to you know compromise my standard that's who I was before music for music always wanted to just be who I was and put my music out from where I stood I didn't want to had to get into the industry and play industry games and you're an artist yeah he just yeah yeah so I was like imma go I had this plan imma go independent we don't have our own thing or the goal to sell 50,000 units my goal is to be able to get 15,000 a shot thought I was a lot of money man I was in the streets yeah of course because it's like 15th I'll you do a lot for that yes before you gets into a legit space of getting legitimate money so that was the goal and we had bought equipment we invested in equipment you know my brother had bought a house put a steel on the back and we was 100% self-sufficient and you know my brother went to prison the house got raided the police came took everything took the equipment and put me in a compromised situation my brother's not only my business partner but like one of my closest people in my life I can fight in my bro and so he was in prison our host setup was gone I stopped busting to record music and I was just in a compromised situation and I had told myself I'm gonna be independent my whole time but Epic Records came to the table with a deal offer based on the music I had recorded before you know the raid took place and everything was taken right and it was a it was a hard decision because I'm like that's not what my plan was but I'm like you know I was back on the block to be just blunt you know I was selling work it was we was getting in real Road you know dangerous situations and uh it was almost like I don't want to just hurt myself from sticking to my guns let me just jump out of this just is just pop right now I'm and I hop I let me get into a little more stable situation and I took the deal and I think that it saved me from a lot because a lot of the people that I was around me at that time you know didn't make it for whatever reason and so I think it took me out of a real volatile situation in the moment was real intense but when look back I'm lying you know could I have stuck it out and figured out you know me and that's why when when this moment came up when I was back independent I had got off everything right and I was working my independent moves there was all type of deals was offered and I'm like you know I'm sticking to my guns if I could go broke if I become irrelevant my window closes that's all part of the game you know I'm gonna go with what I believe and so that's why and when we got our partnership when the album you know it's done and we turned it in and start rolling it out it was a special moment because it confirmed you know one of my gut instincts which was the stick to the script I'd be willing to really die for what you believe in for real really really like go to the go to the last round which even you know it's hard now I people could do that that that's what separates a lot of defining yeah man we used to mop cab yeah and not to compare what cabs doing cuz I feel I his stance is so much more about the the public than it is about him personally right you know me so I wouldn't want to compare my personal thing to that but just about the part about just risking your own self yes you know convenient so you're all comfort for something you believe in yeah you know you would think it's easy for people to do the right thing because it's the right thing to do regardless of the consequences regardless of what's gonna come with it but it's not always like that nah yeah you got it it sounded good at the beginning oh it's it's like it's a very romantic thought like oh wow it's like oh hero stuff and it's like not do we do at all can you really ride that out can you really go you know to the level that we see yes you know what it would it would it really does and it's like hey you'll get half way down that road and realize that mr. further distance to turn around and it is to just keep going absolutely you know I mean it's like when people see your success that you grew up with and they just well you know like put me on like just know give me a deal like no look out from and you're just like I don't think you uh and when I had to go through to get to this point and even this point you're you're you're already thinking about the next point and the next one after that and it really never it never stops when when Willis thought for you if anything when do you feel that okay I could take a little longer vacation than usual I mean I read some that gave me a perspective on that it's like this this whole thing we look at life like it's about what you can get from life hmm and I think you know I read something I was like that's not what it is you won't always be unfulfilled if you look at life like it's about knowing you're gonna leave one day and you know when you leave the only way you're gonna be fulfilled as if you know you gave everything you had really that we emptied yourself here and left at all here cuz it's temporary and you got a moment you know that I think that for me it's like I got kids I got a daughter in the Sun I mean so you know you got a factor in your kids you can't just all the way commit yourself to your cause right you know you gotta you got to make sure that you're there for your kids but outside of that I want to be in this thing until you know I'm out of energy till I don't have nothing left to contribute right and it might not always just be making music and being in front of the mic but just a part of hip-hop culture and your support of you know what this thing has become yeah a lot of people like I said I feel like you're one of the few that everybody roots for and they just want to see you do good I remember when jay-z got Crenshaw and it was just like wow was a hundred dollars a pop and he went got a hundred I was like wow did you know jay-z was gonna support you on that level no I had no clue I didn't have no no idea I found out you know as it was taking place that's why I reached out on behalf you know you know you know how big that is especially yeah it's not artists you know that's or I guess in your space you know who's the goat right of like media yeah I will give over there yeah so you know for us it's like Oprah caring and you know yes so you know I was big and then just the attention at that put on a project also yeah how are the sales after that they went crazy honestly they went crazy and then a lot of people business people also wanted to follow suit and be like man I'm gonna get I'm gonna get fifty of a man I'm gonna spend you know five thousand hours yeah by boxer - so it's snowball you know I heard a rumor that jay-z puff everyone bought victory lap a hundred fifty copies I'm trying to get everyone to go oh right yeah yeah everybody did are you kidding me exactly is that go get that though you know I mean a sec oh man it's that's so great to me did you ever have to get clearance from jay-z for using the hard knock sample so um you know since we did the partnership without learning they got a whole legal department how does that but my understanding and people have since I said this on The Breakfast Club I reached out and told me that it was a little bit factual but from what I heard when Jay got the record cleared originally he it was something to his agreement that made it to where you know they could they would continue to clear for hip-hop artists foot of any sample I was gonna ask he had to get it cleared first so and I didn't I read the coded the book he put out and he was talking about how they didn't they didn't clear that first thing he had to write them directly it may tell a story about just why the song me some to him and after they got his personal letter declared if only well in for hip-hop that's the part I'm kind of I I wonder if Jay like I guess that's a question for him knew what he was doing by making sure other people after him could continue to use it yeah our only song but right you know they declared it for us and we had to clear Jay version also because we used the version that he used on his album got it well uh they made a happy for G who's on your bucket list to work with if you had to put your perfect list together of three people that you hope to work with one day that's still alive right uh man huh you know I would love to do some with Jay right obviously um who else man he got two slots left I'm opening it out into energy I know a lot of a lot of the artists from my generation I worked with honestly a lot of the great tsunami dr. Dre who've you know I forgot it I actually got in the studio with joy before and we started a concept for the Compton album it ended up making it and you know well and how brilliant is he I loved it well this is a such a West Coast like nah Dre right you know Dre is he's in the league of his own honestly creatively on the business side but just to really put the microscope on his on his distinguished or distinguishable talent that separates him I think his his thing is that he really is a scientist oh man yeah I think he really sticks with it longer than anybody else you know saying I think he really looking stare at some [ __ ] until he understands and that's his advantage and my pain from the house I looking at god that's good I like where this is going J Dre I will had to say um and you're not married to this you know it could I you know top of my head man Lauryn Hill I think Lauryn Hill next level you know I mean I think she may want to dope his albums ever you know and in the day I think it deals done oh I just want to do rappers in a man only I love female vocals I love female R&B artists I would say you know a Lauryn Hill or Adele yes I ain't not to be crazy oh that would be beautiful you know for a lot of people who don't understand the politics in LA and gang life like they just hear it on songs right it's funny I'll talk to people out here they're like so is it like real real or like real real and I'm like it's real real in LA so when they see you and yg getting together and working on a record how does that happen you know I think for those who remember when death row was around there was how did that work with Suge Knight and Snoop it was the dynamic of you working with somebody who you know isn't part of the same gang how does that go about well is something in just growing up you know in the neighborhoods we grew up anywhere you had you know big homies our older people that I was honorable man and they they'll give us the real perspective in you know before anything you a man that was something that we got taught early thanks for any of this you a man right you know I'm saying and I don't mean I you know you don't you're not gonna stand which I'll try but before anything you a man so you all you all know what it be what it means to be a man you I make decisions as a man right first not just as a part of this gang right and I think that explains how you know yg being a pyro right me being from 60s how we could coexist and be have a friendship and you know his homies would be around and my homies would be around and got to understand it and we communicated early about you know how how we visualize this thing going man and uh you know it's just I respect dude as a man right you know I'm saying I know if he grew up where I grew up here be from 60s if I can go up over there where he grew up I'll be apart root right that's how that's just had a cookie crumble but behind all of that what type of man are you what type of human being are you cuz I got people from my side of the tracks that I don't [ __ ] with the type of man you are right yeah I'm saying I can't only I can't [ __ ] with you or no level even though we in jail might have to ride with each other right now some like Street [ __ ] you on the same side as me to type man you are don't respect it advice versus people on the other side of trace that you know I can see past the the politics and see your honorable man and I gotta respect that I love that do you think there will ever be a day where it's just completely unified or is that just think or do I do I do I hope both I want I want the Cavs to get it this year I want the crown to do it you know I'm saying as much I know you from the back don't shoot don't shoot me I'm just being honest right and I [ __ ] with stuff all right [ __ ] with the with the Warriors I really do but no you don't know I was just at the the Oracle wit step yeah it probably like a month ago I was you know I mean before the playoffs I've done an interview with stuff and we had a real convo you know she brings on and all that but just being I wanted Harding to go to the finals why because I got personal relationship with guys hard okay that's okay that's wrong LeBron you know outside of what he'd done to represent my [ __ ] right just you know where he come from how I grew up what he turned into what he represented I wanted to and just him being the underdog in the series right I wanted his legacy to go up another notch with you would being able to go against all eyes like he did last time when he was 3 1 right down 3-1 but I brought that up to say I would like to see that do I think that's gonna happen I don't really think that's gonna happen this year right I would like to see that forever because you know I'm nip now I've made it into a comfortable seat man oh by the grace of God and through all the hard work but that's rare you know saying what you sing with yg what you see them schoolboy cool yes that's not regular I'm telling us is not regular we could take that for granted right like everybody else you know um [ __ ] got they my writing didn't got out of this life and went on into another perspective of living they in jail thank drugs or they did and that's the that's the that's the popular like lingo that's what everybody say about but in reality though you know I think about my generation people that grew up with me and just in my immediate community and this is a one-on-one you know you know I mean it's don't happen a lot you know and it almost God took for me a lot of times too so I them odds I wouldn't want young people to keep having a beat their mouth because it's not it's not a likely success ratio you know saying right so I would like I would look but honestly I see it evolving into something different I think technology got a lot to do it really yeah because it's cameras everywhere think about right outside of crime right right who can get away with anything in 2018 who if you're not who you say you what right behind me hit [ __ ] [ __ ] is coming out he's saying [ __ ] it I'm the president I'm a hey well I'm just saying who can get away with secrets who can keep see right in 2018 you can't you can't do miss not possible now you gotta be what you say you are right so if you are doing during you out here doing crime that [ __ ] is gonna get caught on cameras am I gonna tell on you your phone gonna be on one of these cell phone towers it's not like it was when gangbanging was created right it was created in a different environment and a different reality right to carry the same energy into 2018 is self-destruction for it it is I wanted to talk to you about F Donald Trump when you were you concerned when the song came about we're like all right the feds are gonna be watching they hate us were you at all or we just like it is what it is I was on some this [ __ ] tight this is this is like [ __ ] the police 2017 whatever came out I wasn't thinking about it was freedom of speech you know you make no threats great I didn't think we made threats when the Secret Service reached out they had a list of things I need to edit it or they said I was gonna pull YG's album so you know they had concerns about some of the lyrics but I didn't think about it like that this was like and it happened so natural for real it was really like how I walked in oh yeah let's do a song okay what you think about [ __ ] Donald Trump as yeah I did that's how he brought you all right why'd you like I got a beat he played a beat he started mumbles in the hook he going to booth later hook and then came out in the host [ __ ] Donald Trump right over and over but the waste it locked into the beat in Arab it was like young thug was in the studio that day mustard was there my whole team was there a lot of yg team was there and everybody just was like start looking around like you should like they don't finish this right now this thing and we just did it in one day and we shot the video couple days later and then it came out and this was when he was still campaigning he hadn't won yet right so we was just really trying to make sure he didn't win okay we was like still gonna sell a book all France campaign are gonna be coming the president and when he won the song became not much more meaningful you know where were you when it got announced that we're and did you believe it at first I think I'd be so busy working that I'll catch it as its unfolding right like the polls looking like he go my infant carrot Sybil was working on the Hillary campaign it's right she had the celebration set up for Hillary and I'm thinking of we had it in the bag like when I say we I just mean the opposite of Trump Hillary no disrespect right she not the most favorable either you know but if there was a choice between we gonna right with Hillary like the rich so yeah when they said Trump won I don't remember where I was that but I was in shock almost how I felt when Obama won but on the opposite end of the spectrum I was in shock when they said Obama I couldn't believe it I don't know that on TVs in the living room start crying I remember being at one of my homeboys houses and all the women start crying and I'm like Dan this is real this dude just won we got a plan I was like in shock a little bit and that's what I was in happy shock right yeah I'm saying when when Trump won I was like damn I don't know what that means I don't I don't know what's going on right now so I just was a little bit uh confused and letdown and I'm curious to know what's gonna that was my nice thing I was gonna say like are well what does that even mean it's right I know the president is not the end decision-maker sure his staff of decision makers behind the program but a lot of his perspectives oh yeah down into them decisions you know saying the tone of the country the energy its everything absolutely even had a police acted Oh even how you know um one of my business partners you know um grew up in what was born in Mexico you know la it's a lot of people that was born in Mexico that come to LA right we're out on the border in California and the way Trump was campaigning was really affecting my guy and I seen it I seen him like hands Oh cuz he ride with me on all trips he's like Brock can't go on his trip you my tour manager I can't go out the country um his situation was really in jeopardy and you know watching it on TV we like that's not right but they're seeing it up close and personal I'm like damn you know this dude went to college it do graduated colleges do never had a crime in his life is drink a good person and just I saw it up close you know so he got his thing situated oh now so that he good good yes a lot man I I know a lot of people were surprised that you had Kanye's picture when you were performing FDT and they thought and I mean maybe you did want to take a shot but I think from what I've gathered that really wasn't the focal point of just going in on just Kanye no I found myself look at trunk when we when we took a shot at trunk we said [ __ ] Donald Trump I don't do the subliminal I'm not finished halfway you know that I just thought that the picture I had a lot of conversation around it we was in Washington DC for the broccoli first the White House is around the corner I was gonna perform [ __ ] Donald Trump I wanted to create a moment and I didn't want to I honestly this is the truth and the honest thought that I had you know yet rolling with that right we know that you know saying he trolling for some type of reaction right so to troll the guy that's trolling you know saying hey honor on the stage that's all I was really doing I ain't even part of that culture believe in just reckless attention right I can grow up like that I've grew up more awful like respect yes and I just do anything so people pay attention to you right that's the area we're in right now yes so I was moreso just pointing to that right okay we're gonna do anything for attention you know I'm saying and this picture has so much conversation around it this song needs an image for stage man we're gonna use that image and let the people react to seeing the the hip-hop iconic yeah is represent somebody that is completely opposite of what hip-hop stands for absolutely you know saying and so I thought really am a fan of yes music you know I mean I think yeah is important to him I just don't agree with that part of his car yeah and the car and the comments he said were very hurtful and inappropriate on TMZ I just I almost couldn't I couldn't believe it I think that I was like yo wait what and I think it was just so painful and I was disappointed yeah in my my thing and one thing I know about us as hip-hop weed and our own we don't let you talk bad about our artists yet man you'd be on trial for murder we gonna ride with you rap saying we know we don't we don't we're not gonna defend our own right so when it's somebody that you probably defended in the past yes bro it does some [ __ ] like that you like them you know that when I can't write with ya a defend now bro and I think that's all like Snowberry my reaction was just like we so used to just riding with our yes the people that's a part of hip-hop and just that represent we represent that we had to be vocal like we not riding with that bro yeah you you might got a little too comfortable and you know I mean everybody which you in you got to come back home a little bit bro and that's what if you got real loved ones you know circle big it's right out from if you come from anything real this what I be telling people me personally I gotta go back to a real place so no matter where I go I be in the industry I being Hollywood I be in this funny stylized music industry right Hollywood all type of [ __ ] no matter how goofy and weird this [ __ ] get I can't make no move that my ground zero is gonna not respect because I'm liable to them still I don't mean I can't evolve and become successful in elevate and push forward you know the the the [ __ ] that hold us back no we're gonna let you die where it's at but I got a respect game I can't go against the grain just because that's the new standard of this environment I mean and I think that you know I mean all of us as hip-hop artists we got to be liable to even if you don't come from the hood or you know from no block or you know from no no area where with standards grant you a part of hip-hop hip-hop got a standard there is a crucial standard I'm saying and you got to hold yourself to that standard or else you gonna be ostracized and if you don't check yourself you might be revoked absolutely no me what would you say has been the biggest misconception about Nipsey Hussle well honestly I think I was responsible for the misconception about myself just really yeah I do because I think that when I first came in the game I didn't have a filter I didn't I didn't understand how big my platform had become and I will just talk about the true reality of my life and the true reality of my environment true reality uh you know the culture I just came from I got out the county jail and had a record deal waiting on me in kind of New York and recorded my first mixtape and being an MC hustle since then so I just came from a gladiator school into the industry and it was Frank it was still on me a little bit right and I well you know I was talking to somebody respect a couple days ago and I was just like you know I used to get on camera and talk about Street [ __ ] right or talk about gang culture man and then I get to my show and everybody want to show me that they hard and everybody fighting in the crowd and shooting up the parking lot and so I'm like damn you know I'm I'm putting out of energy through these interviews or to this conversation I'm having on camera that's bringing him it's showing back up in my show so that's when I decided I'm gonna speak what I want to see and I started talking about business oh yeah speaking about opportunity and speaking about progress and optimism and I saw that come back to me also yes I was gonna say I think I see more of that more than anything that you are clearly a businessman you're about your business but you're also about your community like there's not like oh maybe it's like you care about your people this is what it is and you care about making sure your business lives on and I think you're doing a great job at it I mean it's definitely hard though when you're transitioning Navas it's it's it's hard yes and the most I don't like to say scared right but it's a scary thing because it's fun charted territory yes yeah I'm saying so I really hadn't be conscious and be like why are you scared all right is this some [ __ ] you scared right now and if you know once you identify some fear the next thing you wanna do is get rid of it right yeah I mean but you got to be clear about what's what holds you back like you said just making the transition and being able to embrace the opportunities in you know not let your tradition stop you from began yeah it's such a great gems today this is just so good it's a long enough right I mean we're getting there I you know and how are things now with you and it could be I could be so far off and you can let me know with you in 21 Savage did are you guys okay are we not okay and you don't have to be honest with y'all that the hotel the bear man was like with sober 21 that's my [ __ ] oh good swimmer so what's the you know twister problem to quote Donald Trump what Donald Trump's a fake nose fake yeah he's got I don't know what the blog's had a vet they stories that were not but I want to give you [ __ ] no life right I do is really go scroll to my timeline thank you always big up to I guess I really did go back and I was like I don't understand why this energy is coming when all I've seen you is to show him love so I was like let me just clear the air we opened the store you know in Los Angeles on June 16th 2017 and we had a big grand opening Russell Westbrook came you know Emory Jones came you know a lot of people came 21 I was pulled up great it minds you it's in the heart of my neighborhood you feel me right so you know not only was there you know the the city councilman was out there right it was also three four hundred of my homies out there man mini bikes you know we had two food trucks out it was all a show Jim Jones came with 21 savage came and you know I mean show love took a picture by the logo take this smoke some weed with the homies and everything so you know when when I seen that story pop up my one of my a woman that um she's a pastor in LA and she uh you know she prayed over my son is born you know her my girl they really close you know and so she called me and she like is everything okay she was praying for me do the tank I said I appreciate the prayers you know first of all nobody shoot at me second off yeah especially when no hit from 21-7 man I respect 21 we good and I was just some [ __ ] to blogs maybe and that's really I don't like that energy though like I think that blogs and people who are putting out need to have some type of responsibility with that kind of energy we're talking about detrimental situations you know enemies not like oh I think I saw someone at the mall right the yeah right it's people that love 21 service it's people that I love now yes that's still active that's still in the streets yes that might not had a clarity on this is for exactly I might run into each other somewhere and get into a real funk over a [ __ ] that wasn't even had zero truth to it exactly so on one hand I don't even want to speak no energy sure absolutely I think it's important to just clear that [ __ ] up like a blog is amazing [ __ ] I'm so glad nothing I really really am I think because you know as you grow in this industry and you just see so many successful young men you just want to see everybody win you know what I mean like I want to see everybody do good and I was really happy to to hear about you created this it's stem this program for is it your neighborhood yes and the first one is in my neighborhood and this is fully functional now up a run is called vector 90 okay I'm one of the partners on it the actual founder his name is David gross okay you know you know dude is just a young genius hustler boss you know do grew up in LA County New York you know went to Ivy League school conquered he grew up in the hood and I like you know became really successful as a real estate developer and just as an entrepreneur and uh one of the things he wanted to do was create this pipeline that we started in my neighborhood called vector 90 and so it's all it's online if you google vector 90 it's a 5,000 square foot compound on the street store you see it's the old Wonder Bread factory we got a part of my my neighborhood that's all industrial in his factory so it's an old Wonder Bread factory that's renovated and the top level like a we workspace yeah for local entrepreneurs and the bottom level is going to be the stem center and so my sister's up one of the entrepreneurs that has the office there now they have they had like a women's appreciation day I love this on me what I honored all women entrepreneurs from the area yeah they have like a shark tank style content that they created where all the young developers or entrepreneurs can pitch ideas and as a spirit I can get them funded also somebody gonna win and get it funded oh my god so next time you would I let you should come to and just check it out so how does someone become a part of it first like how does like a young person become part of the stem program that you started so basically what it is is it's kind of catered to the people in the area okay primarily but if there's somebody that you know has transportation and can pull up because it's essentially located swear if you in if you're in the area you can ride your bike yeah so the goal is to have one in my neighborhood in the Crenshaw district I went in Compton that's linked to the mayor aja Brown and yg maybe I want it bought some more that you know go through Emery or go to Melo I won you know in different areas and anchor it to celebrities I got influenced you know so that's the big picture goal you know but for people if you can make it there you you the doors is open and the bottom part is still being built the top level which is the we work level that's the park called vector 19 yeah the stem part is called too big to fail and so they work on that announced why was it so important for you um a couple reasons just number one the way it was articulated I was at a Laker game and I just was sitting next to the day I did it I never met him and you know SEC about the second half we had took shots everybody was a little friendly right he like yeah nip you know I got I got a project I think you perfect for could you pull up to the office in Calabasas tomorrow I said all right come to Cole I pull up and on him and Will Smith's team how to office together and you know he just showed me the blueprint it was like this what I'm doing and it's not this is this is what else I'm involved in outside of this and so I just automatically know Hugh somebody to think like I think and he told me a story from LA and I just me and do connected on a personal level like I respect do not [ __ ] with him you know the blueprint is made perfect sense so I'm like Shay what should I do he like bro just right with me you know I mean and when it's time to put the the play together you know we come to the table and lock in and everything he said he's gonna do he did it in a shorter timeframe than what he said I can't take the credit for the idea I just believed in it and got behind it and became a part of it but I loved him yeah any my personal connection to it is that you know I was a young dude I was committed to creativity early right and then you know I fell into the streets for lack of outlet you know resources you access this but I was a factor period but I was always somebody that was I was different I was never just you know uh you know I mean just completely self-destructive young dude I was always somebody I was [ __ ] with computers or you know trying to learn how to make beats or great rapping early and I just got so frustrated with not having no outlet that I didn't do the tiling I'm trying to trying to be creative or trying to you know go against the grain of my the culture I was surrounded by I mean so I know the pressure of having good intentions and then seeing nowhere for them to connect and saying [ __ ] it yeah you know so I think that had those places where people can connect early you'll save a lot of people absolutely I when I saw that was really really happy this these are the kind of stories that people need to personally focus on because I feel like it's very inspirational I hope other people are inspired and I hope that they can do something with their platform whatever that something is that fits your means I think is really important I'm just I'm happy and being that I'm originally from the West I'm I love seeing the positive energy and the next time you come out here bring Lauren she encountered a film and she had been out here with me she's in Canada filming a movie right now and we love you guys together I don't want y'all not to be together when we solid though he like there we go money you know you guys are always gonna be together we just had this I think with me about right yes a we're just talking like y'all always gonna be together forever but she's a beautiful person actually Colin and I saw her in LA and she could have been sweeter like and she's just a good good soul and I'm glad you two have each other thank you I agree which you know she's she's a quality very quality person outside of her being beautiful and anytime that's what I really love him out about it at most like she's just a great human being you know genuine very kind and genuine and I you know it makes sense why you guys are together don't let this be the last time you come and visit us no no no don't forget about by the way y'all gotta invite me I can't just come second all right that's on tape so when I pull up with my thumb sing going all that this is my second home y'all make sure y'all remember that absolutely it's so good to see you I like wow this is doc thank you of course yeah I need my shirt too
Channel: HOT 97
Views: 407,711
Rating: 4.905117 out of 5
Keywords: hot97app, noa, United States, New York, hip hop, video, rap, NY, music, US, r&b, hip-hop,, hot97, nessa
Id: Ec0uxHUDG8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 37sec (2857 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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