Nintendo Direct Presentation - Splatoon Game Overview (5/7/15)

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I was just watching this last night, it was helpful to see why everyone is so excited about a sequel to a game I'd never heard of before.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Thenewhope πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 02 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Having never played Splatoon before and after seeing this video, Splatoon 2 just became an instant purchase. Thanks for sharing OP

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YogurtGhost πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 02 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh wow I forgot how much different Urchin Underpass used to be! They changed it so much

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/littlebigmusic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 02 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Splatoon should always come with a warning sign! WARNING: Extremely addicting. ( trust me I can easily say I have done 1000+ hour's on splatoon)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Skyward92 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man I had seen all the hype over the Splatoon 2 recently so i was thinking about picking up a copy of Splatoon to check it out. I am definitely going to get the sequel now and i'm going to have to get a copy of the first one ASAP so i can practice before the new one launches

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/beastjunior πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This game looks like a lot of fun. I love that one of the guns looks exactly like the Super Soaker 50. I'm looking forward to playing the new Splatoon. I'd buy this but it's still $60 and would cut into my Switch game fund.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RetroGamer9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for this! Very useful!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Groudono πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 02 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh, man I remember this video! This is what got me really hyped for Splatoon when it first came out.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KlythsbyTheJedi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I've played Splatoon every day since it released, and for some reason I still watched this video.

Can't wait for Splatoon 2.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PTR-9000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 03 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello there how are you we here at the squid Research Lab are doing wonderful because later on we'll be filling you in on how you can get involved in our squid research but first it's our job to present to you our findings on the ecological curiosities of this fascinating squid creature excuse me there is no a creature sorry about that here please take a look a really good look see a little squiddy but this is no ordinary squiddy this particular squid can in fact transform into a humanoid Eureka indeed in squid form they can dive into and become one with their ink while in humanoid form they can do the lies various tools to cover their turf with it trust me I am geeking out too I'm the scientist that's all I can do well we have officially named this grade of squid the inkling we prefer to just call them squid unsurprisingly they each have a gender there our inkling boys and inkling girls and like more common squid they can alter their appearance at will including skin tone and eye color for some reason though their hair like tentacles seem to change color automatically in combat situations another curiosity these squid apparently gained the ability to transform into humanoid form the age of 14 in this bipedal form their stubby legs move relatively slowly but as a squid they can swim through ink at high speeds it's hardly worth comparing they swim at nearly twice the running speed [Music] this affects jumping to the height a jump is equal in both forms however if they build momentum before jumping their distance will significantly increase despite everything I know of gravity matter and science in general they can also swim up walls when submerged in ink however they strangely cannot seem to cross this little barrier must be a mental thing I'm assuming continuing this trend of odd behavior it seems Inklings only shoot ink in humanoid form using the Wii U gamepad controllers gyro sensor one can alter which way they're aiming and make adjustments as the ink paw ink flowing like a torrential waterfall science is beautiful blossoming puffin the ink swim in the anchor this is the basic movement pattern of the inkling we've barely dipped into this creatures odd behavior patterns let's dive a little deeper into this titillating batch of scientific goodness one unique inkling habit is to protect its habitat oh the humanity or the squid Didit ii Inklings refer to this goofy garish seen as a turf war they split up into two teams of four Inklings each then they fight why to claim their turf or at least to cover more butt than the other team in three minutes time their weapons of choice anything that dishes out massive engage when they're three minutes are up the victory is determined by a mysterious cat beast named Judd a cat named Judd who judges turf wars Oh science how you amuse me as does this curious meditation Inklings can only swim freely in their own team's ink even in squid form once they've stepped foot in enemy territory they'll get stuck in the rink like a bear in a honey bath except it's far less pleasant in fact Inklings are so susceptible to foreign aid getting hit by enough of it will cause them to spontaneously burst it order in them any bonus points but popping enemies will extend their turf luckily once they pop they don't stop instead they'll respawn allowing them to super jump tap on a teammate icon on the Wii U gamepad map and an inkling will super jump to that location this allows them to quickly get back into the action right to the front lines of battle or to support an allied deep in enemy territory however I've also heard that less aggressive squid may prefer hiding from others and focusing on covering territory to increase their turf hide-and-go ink it's a sound strategy points are awarded for performance in a match and points are currency for use in game that's not all pupils your points also determine how fast you level up fascinating squid are all about happening events especially turf wars and here are a few spots you'll find them this strange location is called birchen underpass here several areas are divided by concrete walls so the clever inkling we'll memorize the shape of the path between these areas split should especially watch out for the paths connected to the center plaza it gets messy there next we'll examine salt spray rig this danger zone is known for the large chasm between its high and low areas both teams will surely attempt to claim the large area on top to earn a victory from above that said if they're not paying attention to the lower area the opposing team may turn the tides of battle covertly black-bellied skatepark contains many wide-open areas so the battle takes place all over the map it's a race for ownership of the center platform if a team can manage that they should be able to manage a win by controlling the higher ground wall I warehouse is a close quarters map the teams are locked in a tug-of-war on two sides of the series of obstacles Arowana ball jams both teams into a narrow area for intense matches looks like turf wars can break out just about anywhere like my chronic rash yeah Bridget moving along although Inklings are mere squid I must say they are extremely fashionable they'll wear hats glasses outfits and shoes collectively known as gear now I'm no fashion expert but as a scientist I'm utterly enamored by squid culture my theory these fashionable squid trends must end from an urban habitat let's take a look here it is inkopolis fashion central for a young squid kid inkopolis is home to various shops like a weapon shop and a clothing shop each one owned and operated by a charismatic shopkeeper now take a look at that tower in the middle the shopping area next to it is called booyah base here each shopkeeper represents a different section of marine life this one is the clothing store jelly fresh it's a specialty shop for tops the store clerk Jalan zou has a unique speech pattern but he's popular with the squid kids so I guess that makes him hit maybe that's why he wears a different t-shirt every day he's got a rep to pretend next up the shoe shop trip kicks this store is devoted to the fashion of footgear the store is owned by Krusty shop the tiger prawn he loves you so much he was a different shoe on each of his eight feet here's the head gear shop cooler heads in addition to caps and hats it offers glasses and other accessories too annie is the poster girl for this shop she's a bit timid but she has a huge following a bunch of fans quit if you asked me oh and that's moe he sure has a sharp personality [Music] and finally this is the weapon shop ammo Knights the store owner is Sheldon this horseshoe crab is pretty much obsessed with all things military get him talking shop and he just won't stop but his knowledge of weapons is definitely top notch a word of caution however my research assistant tells me that the variety of weapons and gear available at shops will improve as squid level up next I'll lecture on some weapons his shop carries there appear to be three major types of ink based weaponry for rapid fire inking look no further than the shooter for long distance projectiles there's the charger and to squash opponents while spreading ink say hello to the roller now let's review the signature weapons of each type this is a standard sort of weapon it shoots rapid-fire burst when the button is held allowing squid to quickly cover a large area with this weapon the careful inkling will be well equipped to claim turf or take down bows one such weapon is called the arrow spray mg it fires quick bursts so its user can hose down a relatively large area in a short time speaking of short it's a short-range weapon so it'll make quick work of nearby targets next I'll show you the Jets culture it has the longest firing range in the shooter category I can get a fairly effective sniping tool [Music] the last shooter of the day is the blaster it shoots bullets that explode into ink enemies may be caught in the blast but a straight shot will easily wipe them out next let's examine the charger this type of weapon requires a short charge but then it'll dump ink everywhere in one massive shot it's perfect for soiling pants I mean distant enemies or for splattering the land in linear fashion this charger is the e-liter 3k it's charge it's fairly time consuming but it's firing range is impressive this is really going to be yeah that had to hurt relatively speaking of course I mean oh ouch again this next one is the splatter scope some chargers like this feature a scope making it easier to aim at distant enemies [Music] last but definitely not least the roller is a great weapon for advancing forward while marking turf and steamrolling opponents shake the roller and it will spread ink all over splooshing any foe in an inkling perimeter news the dynamo roller is a prime example it's a tank of a roller that chugs along slowly while deflecting incoming fire when shaken the three types we just showed you are all main weapons but there are sub weapons and special weapons - together a main weapon sub weapon and special weapon make a set to squid selecting a weapon set that suits once battle style is of clinical importance sub weapons consume a relatively large amount of ink the amount depends on what type is used there are nine sub weapon types including some gadgets and support tools that have the scientific community geeking out one point example is the suction bomb it sticks to walls and other services exploding shortly after now for a different thing that goes boom tried the burst bomb may not be as powerful as others but it explodes on contact and uses less ink allowing an inkling to throw them in rapid succession the point sensor is a support tool it doesn't attack but it does locate sneaky enemies and shares that information with all teammates the ink mine is another type of sub weapon it's invisible to opponents when it's on the ground detonating after a certain amount of time or automatically when enemies pass by the squid beacon is handy to set one down and teammates can super-jump straight to it and finally the disruptor doesn't damage rival squid but it will slow them down a bit and lower their abilities as well special weapons are perhaps the most intriguing of all they can only be used after filling up the gauge by covering the ground with eight [Music] the ink strike defies reason touch a location on the Wii U gamepad map and a rocket will be shot there creating a fearsome ink tornado [Music] the ethical locator is great for locating enemy's enemy enemy for limited time it allows an entire team to see their foes locations the bubbler is pretty self-explanatory it creates a protective bubble that deflects enemy attacks get near a teammate and they'll get bubbled too and finally the Kraken can turn an inkling into a giant invincible squid for a while anyway so let's see a main weapon a sub weapon and a special weapon it seems squid always go into a turf war with a set of these weapon types but squid battling proficiency isn't just about weapons let's take a look at the area outside booyah B's to find out more Inklings like to gather here because they're drawn to happening events these particular squid are other players encountered online or via miiverse but if Inklings are one thing its fashionable they've developed several brands of Couture and enjoy mixing and matching styles to create their own unique look studying the different types of gear squid use offer some fascinating insight into their strategies if a squid see something they like it can be special ordered a closer look reveals icons on this gear these denote what I like to call abilities each piece of gear comes with abilities that can power up an inkling there are many types of gear abilities for example if a piece of gear increases ink efficiency the Lucky inkling who has it equipped will consume less ink than usual when using a main weapon other abilities include damage up defense up and speed up plus more curious ones like the ninja squid and stealth jump the number of abilities each piece of gear can have is based on its star count the more stars it has the more slots it will have up to 4 abilities can be equipped per piece of gear however other than the first one equipped abilities are assigned at random frequent usage of the same gear apparently generates more abilities to equip in this way squid can level up a piece of gear to enhance its strength or make up for its weaknesses and so gear combinations can improve one strategy by the way I suppose I should explain who this mysterious fellow is his name is spike and somehow he can increase the number of slots allotted to gear that said one can't make a request without a super sea snail and it won't always be easy to acquire one if one does take advantage of his services it may be possible to optimize the abilities of every single piece of gear oh and remember gear ordered in the plaza can be picked up from spice wait did you see that it looked like a peculiar old man was peeking out from that manhole or a squid hole aha let's see what happens oh my science you've outdone yourself who could have imagined something like this existed underneath inkopolis I've heard this old man fish's name is Captain cuttlefish likes bordering Inklings to battle with octopi it seems and maybe it's the outfit but that inkling actually seems to be taking his orders and prepping for battle man squid really are suckers this a teakettle like Bing if my calculations are correct and I assume they are teakettle is somehow connected to the octopi net no you brave fool don't go in [Music] science tells us that the natural nemesis of the squid is doctopus or in this case the octarians but octopi will do it seems that Captain cuttlefish has ordered the inkling to take back a ZEM fish stolen by the octarians [Music] there are many types of these octopi and they'll use whatever arms necessary to stop the Inklings they do have plenty to spare just look at all those gadgets and gizmos and think of a jigs to survive them Inklings must shoot ink in human form and use their squiddy navigation prowess to circumvent them sneaky little suckers [Music] [Music] with captain cuttlefishes expert advice they may just take back that zapfish depending on their location some octopi may move like squid when they attack or they may be a bit more powerful worst gigantic weaponized squid boss anyone my research indicates that items can occasionally be found in the middle of an area for instance this armor increases an Inklings durability [Music] it's like there are other helpful items too like the bubbler or other special weapons and these little things are scattered all over there called power eggs apparently power eggs power up your weaponry for this reason it's a good idea for any squid worthless tentacles to collect as many power eggs as possible however of all the items out there we at the squid Research Lab are most interested in these the sunken Scrolls one scroll is hidden in each stage and each one reveals another piece of this world's mysterious past as I've stated previously squid are all about big events the squid research lab proudly presents a live performance by the squid sisters the squid sisters are a new hit group comprised of Kelly and Marie they're the hottest stars in the inkling world [Music] [Music] and I'm back science never sleeps and neither can i right now you're looking at the second floor of inkopolis tower it's the battle dojo here Inklings can compete in local multiplayer skirmishes play against friends casually and practice to perfect one skills for online battles the Gould elementary to deflate the most balloons and egos one point is awarded per pop balloon but taking damage will subtract some points points earned during the last minute are doubled that way underdog stories are abundant as our total stomping in this mode one player uses the gamepad while another plays on the TV screen using a different input devices like the Wii U pro controller after earning their tentacles in battle dojo a confident squid may want to swim onto the World Wide Web to battle against opponents from all over the place look no further than in Coppola Stour to enter such an online battle there are two types of online battles regular battle and ranked battles regular battle refers to the turf wars which I detailed in research record number 5 in this mode the winning team is decided based on the amount of area covered in their ink after each match players are shuffled between the two teams like the motion of particles randomly in other words in this mode Inklings can easily join friends who are already playing online as always teams are chosen at random so they may end up as bitter rivals in online battles why is squid we'll notice that certain weapons offer key advantages in certain stages the weapon choice is an important strategic decision to best apply these strategies to the battle at hand Inklings always choose from two stages these stages change out every four hours giving eager Inklings a reason to fight throughout the day in fact a newscast will announce which two stages are available for play when they change out allowing clever squid to pick the right weapons set for their current situation the other online mode is called ranked battle there is more than one way to play this mode including splat zones where squid brothers and sisters fight for control over a specific portion of the stage whichever team holds on to this area longest wins the match because both teams are drawn like magnets to this one area these battles are incredibly fierce by nature in ranked battle players are rated based on skill and skill alone ranks go up and down based on hands and losses which ranks ranging from C minus to a plus across nine levels that way players of similar ranks can face off against each other all right here is where we separate the Inklings from the squid babies you see to participate in ranked better one must reach level 10 or greater but that's not all one other condition must be met to play ranked battle a global condition all across the world the more players that reach level 10 the closer we'll get to reaching an exciting new event at that point ranked battle will be unlocked for the world to enjoy the squid research lab will provide status updates on this worldwide event on Nintendo's social media channels including its official tumblr account splatoon us tumblr comm and on the official website splatoon Nintendo comm I'm sure that together we fellow squid fanatics will reach this goal in no time flat and in the meantime you can enjoy honing your skills unlocking gear ranking up and fending off the octarians ret now for what is quite possibly the most startling revelation of all soon Inklings the world over will have tons of exciting events to look forward to it all starts after the launch of splatoon with various elements being powered up with free content you won't know what to expect but you stay tuned for what's happening and what's coming sometimes new stages will be added to the mix the initial selection has plenty to wrap your tentacles around but soon after launch some far more technical stages will be added new weapons will be introduced as well including this one the ink brush this roller type weapon looks like a paintbrush but the only art it specializes in is turf war eventually new gear will be added as well including clothes and shoes these events will also usher in new rule sets for ranked battles the next to arrive is called tower control and by science is it interesting stand on the tower in the center of the stage and it will start moving on a rail toward enemy territory the team who pushes through the tower and to the goal first wins sadly the poor inkling on the tower will be a constant target for the opponent team such his fate the split on the tower must be punished for his actions and his allies must protect him natural selection at its finest ranks battle will also receive a third rule set called Rainmaker so far my research is inconclusive but they must have called it that for some reason making it rain baby making it rain Oh moving along August is when the competition really heats up with a major event this new event will add in two additional matchmaking options as more and more players master the strategies weapons and stages of turf war and ranked battles the first allows for friends to team up and search online for another team to battle against and the second option will gather eight friends together to wage custom online battles enabling players to choose any stage and any rule set they want this will be perfect for settling old scores or starting up new rivalries with seasoned squid buddies sounds tasty as you can see there are tons of exciting events coming post-launch it's my understanding that the fun doesn't end here at the corner of this Plaza we've discovered a classic arcade machine let's take a look [Music] Yurika this 8-bit style all the nostalgia this game within a game is called squid jump it's a simplistic minigame where all you have to do is jump your way to the top but it can be quite exciting to go for a high score it's a fun diversion for any squid waiting to be matched for an online battle speaking of fun here's another way to play that's right amiibo there's an inkling girl an inkling boy [Music] and niggling squid amiibo - each one offers 20 different missions the inkling girl offers charger challenges when you take on stages in October lay with only a charger the inkling boy provides for challenges and the squid amiibo delivers a formidable mix both Kraken challenges and limited ink challenges sounds challenging upon clearing missions you will acquire special gear and if you complete all of the missions you can unlock an additional minigame these minigames can be swapped and played at any time or while you're waiting to be matched [Music] well I almost forgot to divulge the most scientifically relevant portion of my reports splatfest remember the squid sisters it seems they're not just pop stars they're also the host of a news program that announces events that end in noob apps and break battle related news including splat Fester's splat fests are very special events that happen in inkopolis the players all across the Americas will be divided into two teams players alive themselves with one of these two teams and battle it out when the ink settles the winning side will be determined based on the results splatfest have their own ranking system separate from ranked battle based on the players total points earned during splatfest your final ranking at the end of the splatfest may earn you that special item we mentioned earlier the super sea snail with this you can ask spike to enhance your gear the first splatfest will take place from Saturday June 20th at 6 a.m. through Sunday June 21st at 6 a.m. Pacific time the theme is which do you like better cats or dogs squid is not an acceptable response sadly the real question is are you team cats or team dog if you belong to the winning side you'll be rewarded with a super sea snail your number splatfest happens on an irregular basis so stay tuned well it seems we're reaching the point where the human mind simply cannot handle any more squid related info however I expect you all would like to know how you can conduct your own research so I have one more major announcement thank you thank you very much the splatoon global test-fire is happening Nintendo is holding a special event a global celebration for science that will give players a taste of the action before splatoon releases after this announcement will release a free demo version of this splatoon global test-fire on Wii U this software will allow you to test-fire splatoon globally at these specific dates and times speaking of during this event Nintendo will be hosting a live stream where staff from the treehouse will play the game but they're not the only ones playing researchers from our lab will join the battle wearing a lab coat costume so if you see one of us in your match it might be me so take it easy apparently players who pre-ordered or purchase splatoon at Gamestop will receive a code for two splatoon DLC costumes for use in super smash brothers for Wii U this offer is available for a limited time so don't miss your chance and stay tuned for more info I'm making a mental note down it seems my research concludes here squid fans it's my dearest wish that you are now is dedicated to squid education appreciation and combat as I am see you at the test-fire event good day to you all
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 7,949,156
Rating: 4.7150865 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, nintendo news, shooter, shooting, play, game, gameplay, presentation, overview, ink, squid, strategy, splatoon, paint, wii u, battle, multiplayer, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, comedy, funny, rpg
Id: kQsZPYB0vMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2015
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