Nintendo Direct - 2.17.2021
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Channel: Nintendo
Views: 2,622,138
Rating: 4.1408253 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg
Id: IVHbzcr1-D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 45sec (3045 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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I'm really surprised they still haven't added any significant content to Animal Crossing. It felt like the whole planet was playing it last year, you'd think they'd capitalise on that.
I still donβt understand why its JUST skyward sword. Like it canβt be that hard to port over wind waker hd and twilight princess hd.
Usually someone posts the link to the whole thing once a Direct (or other livestream) is done in addition to the individual trailers, but I didn't see one this time so I took it upon myself to do so.
I find it's a good place for people to share overall thoughts on the Direct, afterwards, as well as a nice reference link for late-watchers.
I had no expectations whatsoever and was still disappointed. Everything new that caught my eye is scheduled for summer 2021 and next year. Anything else can be found cheaper on other platforms. "roughly 50 minutes of information focused on games coming to Nintendo Switch in the first half of 2021", my ass. Oh well, at least Pokemon Snap's release isn't much further now.
It was just Triangle Strategy (I really hope they change that name to something better), Splatoon 3 and maybe Skyward Sword HD ($60 price tag utterly blows) for me. Thinking about grabbing that Hades physical version too. I've always been more of a physical game owner and I love that game enough to buy it again.
Gotta admit, no matter how you slice it, having Aonuma show up, tell you that he has nothing for BOTW2 and immediately open to a barely passing "HD" port of a divisive Zelda game was some move. Only the reveal of Woomy 3 saved that one.
That was really bad IMO. It's not even a matter of managing expectations, it's just that the majority of the stuff they showed were either old games or looked bad.
Why show Splatoon 3 for next year when there currently isn't anything scheduled for Fall 2021? If they have something else coming out later this year then just show it.
It begs the question what was the main selling point of this Direct? Typically if Nintendo has a big Direct they have a game that they're really trying to sell you on but this one just seemed like they were collecting all the scraps that couldn't be announced because of Covid and threw them into a bargain bin Direct.
Edit: Just to emphasize it wasn't just the games that were disappointing. The Direct seemed poorly made. They'd spend time recapping a trailer that we just watched. There were several trailers that had narration explaining the concept of the game which had already been out for a couple of years (Apex Legends and Outer Wilds). The way they handled the lack of news for BoTW sequel was bizarre. Ending on Splatoon 3 coming out in 2022 came across as desperate to have a big announcement closing.They had two separate sections for "Nintendo headlines" rather than just having one highlight reel.
Recently there was a job listing from Nintendo looking for someone to work on stuff that sounded like putting together Directs. I don't know if that would have been for this one or if they made this one and realised that they needed more staff. Either way this Direct felt stitched together and was frustrating to watch.
I just wanted to chime in and say that Legend of Mana looks fantastic. It looks like the gold standard of what pixel art remasters should strive for -- redrawn environments with no awful pixel smoothing effect on the characters.
So much for "first half of 2021" being the focus. And what's with the constant bad frame rate and half assed cel shading in so many of these games?
The much needed Switch Pro is never coming out and that just annoys me. Why cant we leave 30fps behind? Why must we wallow in fast paced action games with screen tearing? I'm genuinely worried for Bayonetta 3.
Pyra/Mythra, MHRise rampage trailer and Miitopia are the most hype things here imo.
However I'm not getting Miitopia. I've played it on 3ds, I fucking know how much that game is worth and it's not Β£59
It got mostly overshadowed by other news but there was some sweet new info on Monster Hunter Rise! So Wyvern Riding basically exists for Rampage, which seems like a crazy bossrush type of thing with like 4? monsters at once? The twins are already universally beloved guild girls, the fact that they can help you out in the rampage just catapults them to GOAT status.
Also that earthbending catfish Leviathan is amazing, one of my favourite Monster designs in a long time. The art direction is just soooo good in this game.