Fried Mushrooms | Cooking With Brenda Gantt 2023

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oh y'all it's been a long hot day today I'm so ready so ready for fall but anyway last night you're gonna make that strong enough for my supper and that when I looked at that field that I put on this morning on that I was hazy and so I looked at my phone to see what was the matter and my phone had grease all over it but it looks so bad to y'all a little bad to me too well tonight I'm just craving some plain old hamburger so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna fix me a hamburger I'm gonna fix me some fried mushrooms and I'm gonna fix these some y'all sweet tea as a matter of fact my water's about ready to put it in and that's what I'm having for supper a big fat hamburger some yummy mushrooms and a tall glass of iced tea to replenish my body so that's what we're having so that looks like it's about hot enough but let me put the tea bag in we're going to start frying the burger let's put it right over here I'm doing my hamburger so I've got that little Skillet right here and I'm gonna pack me out one slice bothering all in it you cut it off is that better how about a glow behind me didn't it y'all want to know how much it was a pound I know so let me tell you 358. a pound so I figured you could get probably at least four hamburgers out of that I won't get any one big old hunk of it right there like that and I'm gonna make me a Patty and I'm fixed to put it on and while the hamburgers cook it we'll prepare the mushrooms and get those ready or y'all get hungry yet so you could get you might could get five hamburgers out of that let's see how many pounds it is let me look let me look see what it says it's 1.58 ounces that's how much it is I take my thumb and go around like that to fix mine all right so there's our Patty let's go ahead and turn it on high and I'm going to put a little salt on it I'm not gonna put any pepper I'm just gonna put some salt let's get out of the facts we'll have it ready to roll now let's go over here to the sink and wash our mushrooms I've showed me on fried mushrooms a lot of times let me get me a colander give them a good little washer I'm gonna fry them up I'm gonna fry them all I might not get eat them all but I'm gonna cry I am kind of hungry okay fit that to the side let's get us out some bread I've been putting my bread in the refrigerator because um I can't eat it quick enough it just gets old on me so I'm gonna get me some bread out got me some bunch of grain bread it says it's 21 grains or something like that and these are what these pieces are so huge that I am just going to take one piece and cut it in half because I don't need all of it all right that they are just a little bit all right here's my grease that I'm gonna do the mushrooms in right here so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cook it on that eye right there but I'm gonna just go ahead and turn it on this little eye so I could get this thing done and then we'll do that okay all right so uh on my hamburger I'm gonna put some mayonnaise that is for sure you can see it the glare Brenda's mayonnaise spoon all right y'all I'm gonna put a little mayonnaise on my bread all right and I always like a little ketchup on my I'm assuming y'all do too you're gonna get it prepared if I can get it to come out it didn't want to come out is it well I'll just take the top off we'll get it one way or the other one oh my goodness that's too much ketchup I don't like that much my word my word honey all right snail them mustard y'all like mustard on yours let's put some mustard on it let me see if I can find some good old horses this is just plain mustard nothing fancy about it we're gonna put a little mustard I better go ahead and cut it in half my meat is going to stick out around it but I don't really care y'all can have two whole pieces of bread if you want to but I'm not going to all right so I've got that and then um let me put the meat up in the refrigerator I don't want it sitting out okay now let's see what we need we need a pan to put our mushrooms in a little more [Music] and here's what we're going to do to our mushrooms you put them in here like this and this is when you can put whatever you like on top of yours okay I'm gonna put I always put just a little bit of Buttermilk on mine to bake my goodies stick to it all right that looks like about a tablespoon and you just stir that around in here make sure that you get some buttermilk on everything and then you put whatever you like on it so what I'm gonna put on mine is I'm gonna put salt and pepper on mine and I'm going to put paprika on mine I like paprika on it the rest of the loop That's Italian peppers that don't tastes good Ness where is my peppers I hold my word where is it City I like a little paprika online all right our hamburger is about ready to turn or flip let's turn that foreign now we're going to put some stuff on here and I'm going to put um a white lily self-rising white let it step rise that's what I'm going to put so y'all come over here and we'll put it on [Music] I don't know how much it'll take I'll just put a little scoop on it and then we can see but this is what I'm using right here okay is this flour it's just self-rising flour right and you toss it in here and you want to toss it until it gets dry if it looks like it's kind of wet out there then um you didn't you don't have enough flour on it so let me put just a tad more because it looks a little bit wet see how that'll do that's why you don't want to put too much buttermilk in it but this that buttermilk is going to make all this stick to your mushrooms now if you went out and bought this thing of mushrooms right here which does a whole pint as is the hors d'oeuvre somewhere you could probably pay somewhere between eight and twelve dollars for this little bit right here and I'm making it for I think they were two dollars and 39 cents for that package right there that's what it was okay thicker meat okay that looks good it looks like it's going to put it on a little closer put it on my bread yeah it'll get mushy there's my hamburger patty okay we don't even get to see me over there did you I've just flipped you around so much there's our hamburger patty all right so we're gonna move this off the eye out of the way we're going to turn it on high and we're going to bring our grease over here to this side and put it right there so we can get hot so we can fry our mushrooms all right it's been about nine minutes so I fix the strain the tea and I'll be right back okay I've got my ice in my pitcher I had to do that here Giant good thing about this tea is that without ice being in there you don't have to wait till it gets cold it's going to be cold I'm not gonna put sugar in mine tonight come on come over here in the sink we're thinking and let's put some water in it this was a um a gallon bag that's what I did you know they half half gallons of gallons and this was a yellow and that cute that little that little food all right it looks like our grease is getting kind of hot over here y'all turn back around what I may do so you want to be fry these mushrooms I may just sit you right here for a minute hooked it onto that eye that wants to wants to smoking I don't know all right let's see if you can see down in there let me get this light right here and I'll move it over there to you so you can see real good okay all right now then let's turn our light on how's that is that better okay there you go all right so what if this is another thing I'm going to do tonight y'all love a little something to dip my mushrooms in and you know I've shown y'all this before but I just use mayonnaise and horseradish and sometimes just a tad of lemon juice and or just whatever you like a little garlic or whatever so I won't take two Globs of mayonnaise and I'm just gonna bake some horseradish in it and uh we're gonna do it to taste and if you're about to do it for a crowds you may want to do uh a good bit of horseradish you want to make a big old plate of it but it's just me and I'm just gonna eat one thing of mushrooms so I'm gonna try about that much that about a heap of teaspoon that'll be good on the mushrooms and taste it needs a little bit more put a little bit more in there y'all I've been hurting today right there I was sitting back there at my desk this afternoon trying to pay some bills and that pain just went just shot up right around in here I'm trying to see if my grease is hot it's just what I'm doing so anyway we've got our little little dip right here got that ready and then I'm gonna put some ice in a glass and I'm Gonna Be Ready good all right and while we're frying mushrooms we'll force a little sweet tea except it's not sweet mine's unsweet but you can make your sweet it'll be good all right let's put one Mushroom in and I'm gonna bring y'all over here close so you can look down in there and I'm gonna put one Mushroom in and we're gonna see how it's doing okay or you know if it's if it's ready if it's just sitting there that means it's not ready I'm going to take them out with this little thing and I need a paper towel to put them on and a plate okay okay all right let's just put one in there that's all we're gonna put I'm gonna put this little one right here let's just drop him in and see what he does and it looks like it's about right to be it surely does get it over here put that light on it real good so y'all could see real good all right [Music] all right let's drop them in now here we go just one at a time now don't drop it hard it'll splatter all over you darling [Music] see how they float [Music] you can put any kind of seasoning on them that you want to put you need to put some garlic on them some ranch I don't know just fix it any way you want you also you could just do your Ranch um you could do your um Ranch the dip it in now that would be good that's what my kids like but the grown-ups we like the horseradish because we like spices all right that's how I love it all right so I can have some lettuce in mine I bought some of this little it says a little fresh green lettuce it's got a little purple and all kinds of little lettuce in it I'm gonna put that on my hamburger put it on one side foreign onion right here [Music] and put it on top I started putting cheese on it but I've changed my mind I really don't want to cut two little CM slices of onion [Music] put it on there like that and it looks like our mushrooms are ready so let's take a look oh yeah they're ready oh they sure do look good I'm gonna enjoy my little supper tonight I ate leftover beef stroganoff for lunch since I fixed it yesterday that I I mean for supper last for I mean for lunch today I had it for supper and then today for lunch I had the leftover stroganoff and tonight I'm having a hamburger mushroom you could have put Dixie some french fries homemade if you'd wanted to all right we got that turned off I need to move this off this hot eye so y'all bear with me let's be real careful that's the most dangerous thing I do is try to do that okay y'all come over here and let's build our Burger here's what we've got we've got a half a piece of bread I made a whole piece of bread but I cut it in half like that I've got some lettuce mayonnaise and mustard I'm gonna put my burger right on top of that get my tea and this is going to be a good old summer meal now the good thing about doing a half a piece of bread is your hamburger sticks out all the way around and make makes it look really good doesn't it instead of having all that bread on it and then we've got a whole plate the plate is hot on that side I must have had it next to something of fried mushrooms which are probably too hot to eat right now I'm gonna put a few of those on my plate at a time always put your paper towel under it so you can oh crap so here we go that this is going to be a good supper and here's the thing let's say you've got four people in your family or five that thing a hamburger meat will make five hamburgers or four four or five and then you can buy one thing of these mushrooms and that's gonna give everybody some maybe they don't eat them as much as I do make you some tea and make your little um salts for them to dip it in if the children rather have Ranch will make them some ranch and then they can eat it these are hot I don't know if I can eat in front of you or not [Music] um that's good y'all you're gonna like it and here's our Burger um get you some sauce that or in this shower because you're gonna need it y'all this afternoon when I went to town I had to buy groceries for the cuddle house and so when I went to town I went by the drugstore first and got me some vitamin D3 because I take that and then um I went to fill up with gas and I remember I had my credit card I filled up with gas then I went to the market and bought some Tomatoes which I didn't I don't like tomatoes on my hamburger but I bought them for something else then I went to the grocery store and when I got that grocery store but before I actually went in I couldn't buy my credit cards I knew I had just had it because I paid for the Vitamin D3 with my credit card couldn't find my any of the credit card I couldn't find my driver's license nothing I said Lord please help me find that what did I do with it I hadn't even been out of the car but one time everything you know just to get my guess and finally and he said well look in the seat look at the seat you didn't put it back in your purse you just threw it over there in the seat and I did and there it was and I thanked him you know so many times I can't find something and I just say Lord you know where it is would you please let me know please let me know because I'm going to tell you when you here's when I panic when I can't find my credit card or I can't find something that's special to me or I can't find my driver's license or my purse I'm panicked I don't panic over a lot of stuff but I hate to lose something don't y'all don't you hate it so anyway we thank the Lord for this meal and his goodness and His blessings and providing for us and I hope that you too can fix you a hamburger and some tea and some mushrooms for your little family it'd be good y'all can cook them on the grill if you want to and you can be in the house frying the mushrooms while they're cooking the hamburgers on the grill y'all have a great day love you bye bye
Channel: Cooking with Brenda Gantt
Views: 41,121
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Keywords: cooking, sam the cooking guy, Cooking skills, Fried Mushrooms, Cooking With Brenda Gantt 2023, Brenda Gantt 2023
Id: Ye8zMrG4Zjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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