Ninja Foodi Smart XL Indoor Grill | FULL Review!

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so [Music] [Music] hey welcome back to the average kitchen super excited brand new christmas gift here in the average kitchen the ninja foodie smart intelligent extra-large indoor grill yeah indoor grill we're going to run this through a series of tests today and see if it can do what ninja says it can do a couple highlights here is 1760 watts 9 by 12 inch high density grill great with uh non-stock ceramic coating non-stick ceramic coating it's also an air fryer crisper basket it's got a meat probe smart thermometer which we're going to do in a steak which is kind of cool uh it also comes with that what they call a chef created recipe book 15 recipes tips and tricks and cooking charts so let's unbox this bad boy and see what it's all about [Applause] [Music] all right fancy box [Music] lots of packaging all right first thing that's likely our book i would say this is our ceramic coated grill great so i should say while i'm in the midst of unboxing this new product we are in no way affiliated by ninja whatsoever this is something that uh we bought ourselves here in the average kitchen that we wanted to do a demo for you to show you what it's all about obviously we've never used it either but we did a bunch of research and i must say it looks pretty cool actually one of the highlights that i read was that it says you can cook from frozen chicken breasts and stay tuned to the end of the video we're going to do that and run that test to see if it can hold up and actually do a from frozen chicken breast to cooked so it's a big boy it's she's your big boy there now i'm just trying to think the best way i can do this i'm not and still show our viewers all right at first glance it's actually pretty sharp looking uh pretty neat it's big but it's not massive pull that tape off so we can open up this grill and have a look all right so what kind of goodies do we have inside cardboard there's a basket i would suspect that that's your air frying basket but again never used it so we'll have to do a little bit of reading that's like a roasting pan tray let's plug it in and get that patented ninja sound i would suspect maybe not full digital display it looks like let me um have a look at the book here okay so we are instruction followers here in the average kitchen well not really but i figured in order to um give this a fair review you should follow the instructions that the manufacturer provided so we washed the elements that it talked about what you'll see here is this tray goes in first and then your grill goes in over top of that now i did ask jamie off camera here while i was washing dishes if this needs to be preheated and it does it says that it could take up to 10 minutes to preheat before you put your food on [Applause] so we've got nine jumbo hot dogs here that we're gonna try so we're gonna close this and jamie if you can help me with the instructions on what it said from this stage i believe you hit grill so we hit grill adjust your temperature so on the hot dogs in the uh book it had showed low and then adjust your cooking time so it had said five minutes on the uh in the book for the hot dogs now it did say in the uh instruction manual that it will let you know when it's ready and up to temperature so i suspect because we're on low not high the preheat time may maybe a little bit lower but well we'll have a quick uh countdown here and see how long it actually takes to get this preheated uh but once it is we'll open it up and we'll throw the hot dogs on i did want to bring this up i thought it was funny this was in our package it suggests with a big warning label not to take this whole entire unit and put it inside your kitchen oven it also says not to take this huge unit and put it inside your dishwasher however the elements of the indoor grill does go in the dishwasher so the basket the air frying basket and the grill can all go in the dishwasher but the unit itself cannot keep that in mind people do not put it in your oven or your dishwasher the other interesting point while we're waiting for this to preheat was and jamie picked up on this off camera they advertised a smokeless technology which i thought was quite curious especially given that we're going to do a hamburger later but it did say in order to maintain the smokeless smokeless technology you should clean the indoor or great the inside grate or screen i believe it's called after every use well let's be honest that's probably not going to happen but for the first time we're using this we're going to run it through i think nine different tests the first time we're going to use this we'll see if we maintain our smokeless technology so it does say on one of the things that i had read that it's a no flip technology however in the book the cookbook is quite nice it does say for uh the shay shows the hot dogs it says five minute cook time turn halfway it's a little bit contradictory but we'll see how this goes so my wise counterpart jamie told me about the progress bar which i was not aware of they could see here this was that it was blank i guess and as it's moving forward we suspect once this last dash which is i guess dash number six once it stops flashing uh it tells you that your grill is ready to go for the desired temperature and cook time that you chose we'll see a few moments later so we're into bar number seven now on the progress bar it'll be a mystery to see how many dashes are available we suspect eight now we'll see okay progress bar at eight i can't even read what that says bad food add food we're gonna add the food down so we'll open that up i'm working across my body here try not to burn myself and some sizzle got some sizzle on the sheen shows all right we probably could add a couple more but that's that's a lot of hot dog right there oh so as soon as we close the lid now it goes back to the desired cook time that we had so we'll have to keep an eye on that and at two and a half minutes uh we'll give them a quick turn so we're closing in on our two and a half minutes here i wanted to say it took roughly and i didn't set a timer but i was checking on my watch roughly eight minutes to preheat this to the desired temperature uh at the what's it called again status bar progress progress bar so we grab a pair of tongs that are rubber coated not to affect our now did the timer stop yes it did well we do have some grill marks which is pretty interesting beautiful grill marks i'm very what i'm very curious about this ninja air indoor grill slash airfryer is will it replace a barbecue now i know some people like my brother for example is a fair weather barbecuer he does not barbecue in the canadian winters here myself i do uh but my brother doesn't so would this be a good replacement for my brother in the winter uh when his barbecue is covered in snow we're gonna find out the hot dogs just finished on the timer so let's have a look here they look i must admit they look pretty good i think that it's like anything else that you cook you could adjust your desired cook level to what you like whether you prefer it to be uh darker or crispier or whatever everybody's preference or everybody's style is different so i must say that not that i expected a lot of smoke to come off these hot dogs we didn't get any so i'm going to give those a minute to cool down and i'm going to try one all right definitely hot would i say that it tastes like it came off a barbecue no but is it a good alternative um to doing up some dogs yes [Applause] all right so the next thing we're going to try is doing some chicken wings so i look at this uh ninja as a grill with a bonus air fryer that's the way i look at it so um let's give that a close let's go to air crisp and we'll do uh well we'll do 390 and we'll probably do now these are frozen and just took them out of the freezer so i'm going to say 38 minutes i am a bit of a experienced airfryer guy now i've done quite a few reviews on some different type of airfryers and with my experience with my desired taste and my desired level of crispiness whatever they say in the book i usually add time but again everybody's different so most of the time i just do raw chicken wings but these are battered from frozen so a bit of a different factor but we're going to throw those in and we'll see how they turn out so very quick turnaround on this one to get it preheated probably two to three minutes we didn't really time it but uh very quick so we've got our basket in there and now we're just going to take our pre-battered wings and launch those in sizzle the sizzle's on let's try to do them all see what happens let's get crazy here in the average kitchen so i would definitely say by looking at this the capacity of how many how much you can do now mind you that is well that's probably like four pounds of wings so i i i was gonna misspeak there and say that doesn't take a lot of volume but that is a lot of wings so let's give that a close i'll keep an eye on the timer halfway through i'll probably take that basket and maybe shake it or just use a pair of tongs and flip it our wing cook just finished let's have a look i must say they look pretty awesome the only thing i was saying to jamie that i noticed when i was turning these off camera was you see how this moves around a lot the basket i'd just be curious to see down the road if the two metals rubbing against each other the air fryer basket and the um i guess bottom basket i'm not sure if it has a fancy name if that would cause any kind of damage to the finish on the um bottom of the airfryer basket and the other basket i'm not sure these were cooked for 38 minutes you could see just by looking at them or i believe you can see by looking at them that they're quite crisp uh so if you like your wings less crisp then i would suspect you're going to have quite a bit less cook time now i'm going to grab oven mitts here and just pull out this basket just so i can have a look and see how much grease was left in behind so a good amount there so that's coming off of our wings that were the pre-battered ones overall i must say i'm quite impressed with how those look i'm going to give them maybe uh 30 more seconds before i burn my face off and not give one a try let's try one the texture is fantastic now i must say this is the fourth ninja airfryer that we've reviewed now in fairness this is the first time i've bought these specific kind of wings but cook the look of them the texture of them probably the best so far that i've done you can see here i've got an average kitchen's massive uh fillet of salmon then we're gonna get this cleaned up get that grill preheated and we're gonna grill this beautiful filet of salmon [Music] all right so i've got this beautiful salmon fillet wild caught i must add i'm just going to give it a little bit of salt and pepper nothing crazy and i did turn the grill slightly towards myself to give myself a better opportunity to try to put this on you'll see it does say add food so we've got it on the hot no the max setting and we're going to cook this for 15 minutes just fits so jamie can you reach across and close that for me please i'll give my hands a wash and we'll see how this salmon cooks up i must say uh i've never cooked uh fish fillets in an airfryer i've done battered fish i must say i'm very impressed it's been cooking for just over 10 minutes to me it looks done but let me open this up so you can have a look so i'm actually going to pull that off now the book did say 12 to 15 minutes it would depend on the thickness there's so many different variables but i must say it looks pretty amazing so i think what i'm gonna do there's no flipping necessary no flipping necessary on this although interestingly enough at seven and a half minutes which would have been half of our cook time that we had originally done it uh beeped and when we looked at it it said to flip it so that kind of threw us off i wonder if i'd get so lucky and i did look at that so i just kind of put that on a tray so that it doesn't get soggy under on the bottom of it while it's cooling off but that is a beautiful piece of fish cooked maybe a little on the well done side um but i think it's going to be pretty amazing you could eat you can definitely see some uh grease slash oil that came off the fish but overall just the color on it alone overall i'm extremely impressed so the next thing we're gonna do is some wedge fries so let's get cleaned up and let's do that [Applause] all right so we preheated now at 360 on the air crisp airfry setting you'll see here as jamie just mentioned it's pretty dummy proof because it'll tell you add the food so i've got a bag of uh wedge fries tater tots whatever you like to call them let's do the whole bag and it had suggested i think it was 16 18 minutes 15. 15 18 minutes uh i'm gonna go on the high side because i like uh crispy tater tot fries wedge fries so let's uh wait and get those cooked up okay so our salmon i gave it a few minutes to sort of cool off so i got my old trusty knife here so let's cut into one of the thicker sides and have a look so i think it's cooked perfectly maybe i'm a little bit biased but let's give it a try as one of my friends i learned something new recently it's called mukbang i think i may pronounce i'm hopefully i'm pronouncing that correctly a korean friend of mine said mark you need more mukbang in your videos and of course i had to google it and find out what it was all about and it's uh where people eat on camera on youtube so here is my mukbang oh steaming hot wow beautiful crisp on the outside of that salmon and as you saw the only thing i prepped that with was salt and pepper so far of everything i've done probably of everything i've ever cooked in a ninja airfryer video as i mentioned this is our fourth one this is the thing i'm the most impressed with very impressed and i just learned that our trusty today camera guy jamie has never tried salmon before so we're gonna get him to try it extra fork here on the floor on the floor extra fork here we go now jamie can you hold the camera and do this at the same time i will try daddy not even look in there oh there we go just a little here just a little bit let's get in focus here you know what and pretty good just pretty good way better than i expected okay i'll take it so give us another 15 minutes here and we'll come back and check out these uh wedge fries all right so we're in the last 10 seconds here of our wedge fries whatever you want to call them uh they're finished so let's open those up and have a look the next thing we're going to do i'm actually pretty excited to see how this is going to turn out i cut some carrots into the coins if you will and they actually say you can grill them uh no oil just grill carrots so i'm really looking forward to trying those but in the meantime let's open up this let's have a quick look i think just the sound of them falling on the plate should give us a pretty good indication they certainly sound crispy let's get this just for efficiency purposes let's get this warming up and jamie what did it say the settings for the uh wedges one or the carrots was so grill obviously max max 12 to 14. so let's split the difference and go 13 flipping not necessary okay oh so it won't even let you start it without shutting the lid so let's shut the lid there we go so that's dummy proof dummy proof well i need that now this that's your big boy right there but let me try something a little bit more manageable here all right so i can't even hold it it's so hot so let me uh give me 30 seconds all right a little bit more mukbang here it's gonna be hot so burning his face off because these are wedges obviously a lot of filling but the filling is so light and fluffy inside i'm not sure if you can really see that but super crispy on the outside now these of course are already pre-seasoned the seasoning on them is fantastic but overall the cook on them is perfect [Applause] telling me to add food so let's add some food carrots no particular order flipping not necessary let's see what happens i'm very curious with this one so operation carrots we're pulling the chute we got five minutes left to cook i took a peek less than desirable texture and cook on them so i don't even think that there's any point in continuing this that worked really well mark that that right there was perfect doesn't get much better than that yeah thank you i'm here all day i'm not even gonna try one so the next thing we're going to do is clean up the carrots that jamie messed up here and then we're going to get into doing some pillsbury apple turnovers in in and on the ninja grill jamie can i interest you in a carrot okay moving on moving on [Applause] [Music] so there are no pastry chefs here in the average kitchen there was a great debate on how to fold these uh it was a uh it was quite a discussion nevertheless uh they don't have to look awesome they just have to taste great so we've got our grill preheated so let's see how this is going to go well i knew i was going to do that at least once those handles definitely appear to be handy no pun intended but they're a little sticky outy which allows uh burning so those cook for 10 minutes so let's see how they look in 10 minutes okay so quick review a quick peek of our apple turnovers they look pretty good they've been cooking for only about six and a half minutes but i would say they're more than done so i've got a plastic spatula here and let's see so i guess you can even call that grill marks really pastry grill marks i guess they certainly look turned over they are turnovers i would love to see jamie bite into one and some of the apple filling hit the bottom of his chin at 700 degrees that would be entertaining but no safety first here in the average kitchen so we'll uh let these cool but in the meantime we are going to uh do some burgers now this this is going to be the smoke test to see if they have this smoke smokeless technology now jamie i believe that you had said about going grill you said hi and you said nine minutes correct i believe so five to nine five to nine um but in canada much different than our american friends in canada you pretty much eat hamburgers well done i know in the states they like their ground beef a little more on the rare side or definitely on the rare side so i'm gonna go on the high end in here on this side and say nine minutes so let's get that now you can see because we were pretty quick with getting those uh pastries off that we're pretty much almost at temperature so we'll give that a couple of minutes get it up to temperature and we'll throw some burgers on it did say in the book as well no flip on the burger so we will see [Applause] [Music] okay so i've got some um frozen burger patties doesn't even really i think they're like an angus style burger or whatever it's not really that relevant i guess they're pretty good sized patty but i don't think you may be able to get two more on there you can maybe squeeze six but that's a bit of a factor there you're not doing a ton of burgers so let's give that the nine minutes flip-less technology in this case here they say so we'll wait the nine minutes and we'll pull those off and we'll be monitoring the smoke i don't know if you can see here on camera but there is definitely smoke coming out of the back here i can see it mark you can see that i can see that and this negates the smokeless technology especially given that we're only halfway through literally halfway through our cook time now in fairness we did not clean this screen as we were told to oh there now you can see on the camera quite a bit of smoke coming out let's have a quick peek okay now it did say not to flip but i wonder if we should flip we can flip you want to flip let's flip they do look nice they do look nice all right let's finish those off we're into the last 30 seconds here i don't know if you can see me but she's smoking as probably all of our viewers know that if you barbecue grill outdoor grill hamburgers they're probably the worst for flare-ups and causing smoke so that's why for us when we were like this smoked this smokeless technology we gotta do burgers to see um you know how that's not gonna be smoky pretty nice looking grill marks so with all meat we'll give that a few minutes to rest before we cut into it and see what it's uh what it's all about but it certainly looks nice um of all the cleanup that we've had to do this one appears to be the most disastrous but we'll see but you can see this screen here now we haven't tried to take that out yet but it's definitely looking uh dirty that could be a contributing factor to the smoke however we haven't really done anything else greasy yet today so it's really hard to say i guess in order to do a real fair true test this would have to be totally clean and then you do burgers now we only did three so if you did six burgers on here presumably it would be quite a bit smokier but anyway i certainly wouldn't say it's smoke less there was a lot of smoke and that's green is i mean still see through it so so while we're well while i have you here jamie why don't we uh try one of our turnovers here i'm only assuming you're a frosting guy jamie of course yep naturally be silly if you weren't you don't get a belly like this without frosting it's all about the boiler is that a sufficient amount of frosting for you well there's never enough but i won't complain okay i'll take a little bit more just because i can let's uh cheers wow pillsbury you've done it again i think my kids will be very happy with having to finish those off in a few seconds or a minute maybe we'll cut into those burgers i'm gonna have to give this grill a little bit of time to cool down i'm going to give it a wash then we're going to do a steak using the built-in ninja grill meat probe which should be very interesting so give me a few minutes to get cleaned up and we'll get that going so while we have a cool down period on our grill before i give it a clean because then i want to put it directly into water with the extreme temperature difference between the super hot grill and the uh soapy dishwater uh i'll kind of put a burger and we'll give it a try so it's definitely cooked maybe a little overcooked for our american friends hey this is just how we roll here in canada hot so would i take it over a barbecued hamburger no is it a good alternative to a barbecue hamburger yes as mentioned before if you're not a year-round barbecuer say in the north here in canada this is a pretty good way to get away with uh a grilled burger versus like doing like a pan-fried burger which wouldn't really be that desirable but i certainly would barbecue burgers over this [Applause] [Music] all right our second to last test is a steak so we've got the meat probe inserted into our steak we're going to turn on our grill and obviously we're going to go to grill now jamie tells me that once you plug this in which is just down in the corner here that some new options should pop up okay preset or manual you said jamie preset is what we want to go with reset okay so we want now you chose your desired cook so we're gonna go medium rare we do have beef so now jamie we just hit start i believe you close the lid press start but we still have to wait for it to preheat like every other item that we've cooked thus far today correct okay it's telling us to add food now we are good to go uh one thing we were reading on while reading this for this to come up to temp is uh they do recommend flipping it halfway through so we will do that but i'm not sure if it will tell us to so we'll have to see how that goes so i'm going to throw my stake on here now just like so and then we're going to close that door so you can see here that our target internal temperature is 112 for medium rare and we're currently at 49 degrees of course this is fahrenheit so as this starts to creep up it should in theory cook the perfect steak as far as the flipping we'll wait and see because i'm not sure because there's no timer here we can't split the difference on our time so we'll see if it tells us to flip it if it will we'll flick the camera back on we're racing to try to get the camera on we didn't in time but it did cue us to flip it so we're at 85 degrees internal it's only been jamie set a timer four and a half minutes so far so if we give that a flip i must say kind of a strange pattern the way that that's shaped in the middle with that sort of grease drain trap but um looks pretty cool so we're getting there so we'll fire back on once the camera back on once we get to 112. we got on the camera on just before we're uh one degree fahrenheit there so it's telling us get our food seven minutes 22 seconds transfer that over the plate we are now going to let that rest what are you pointing at oh rest time yes it's telling us to rest and it's actually counting it for us so i always rest my meat always but we'll give that uh maybe five to seven minutes to rest and give this time to cool down and then the last test that we're gonna do is those from frozen chicken breasts and i think what we're going to do with those as well is we're going to test out the manual setting on the temperature probe once uh we're say 75 into the cook on the chicken we'll throw a probe into one of the chicken breasts and then we can set it to what internal temperature we want desired internal temperature we want for cook time on the chicken and it will track that for us as well so a couple more cool things to check out so just stay tuned so we're still resting here we're four and a half minutes into our rest but we thought for the last cook on the chicken breasts that maybe we should try to give this a clean so it just says to push towards okay i gotcha so that screen popped out pretty easily now i believe jamie correct me if i'm wrong i believe this they say this is dishwasher safe as well we're not going to run it through the dishwasher however i will put it in the sink and give it a clean i'll use the brush that it did come with as well to give that a clean all right so a very quick brush actually did a pretty good job on that i believe oh here we go so while we're here jamie let's cut into our steak now to me that's a pretty perfect medium rare it's so bang on here jamie try that piece it's so bang on like really nice steak slash meat probe pretty good so let's push this aside i'll get that grill i washed it really quick i'm gonna give it a quick dry and we'll get it preheating for our frozen chicken breasts [Applause] [Music] so jamie and i were just discussing i think you brought up a good point looking at this stake here again it's probably a little bit closer to the rare side than the medium rare by looking at it from this angle so i think like everything else once you cook on this a couple times you'll learn what your desirable what your desired cook temperature is let's get ready for our chicken we're gonna go grill medium and what was the temp our time jamie 20 to 25 minutes so let's go 25 we'll shut our lid uh-oh okay how hot is this here now pretty hot we'll get this fixed [Music] so our in-house mechanical engineer jamie figured out that there's little tabs here that fit in between the two sides here so nevertheless we figured it out let's get that preheating i just cut up that steak and let's uh i'll pull out that frozen chicken breast as our grill is preheating for the last time the ninth time today i've got four individually vacuum sealed chicken breasts i would not normally ever do this uh given that i have a family of four uh i would not individually vacuum seal them however the claim to fame or one of the claim to fames of this product was that you could do from frozen chicken breasts right onto the grill when i bought chicken i made these four individual packets so that i could do that because if you uh don't and you just end up with this cluster of chicken i suppose you could throw a big bunch of chicken all frozen together but i think that would be less than desirable so i really think that saying that you could do from frozen chicken breasts i think is is a cool sort of hook uh on this video but i don't know how practical it is the other thing i would say about this and probably like all of my friends out there that are watching this video all over the world is generally we always season our meat before we cook it right salt and pepper at minimum on our chicken before it goes on the barbecue or before it goes into the oven in this case here with frozen chicken breast you can't season your meat before it hits the grill so i'm not a big fan of that but i wanted to try this just to see what it was all about because like i said it was uh one of their sort of claim to fames that they had advertised so we're almost up to temperature i'm gonna give my hands a wash and we'll get that chicken on okay so we're ready to put it on i think i'll strategically sort of place these around the outside there we go so 25 minutes um we'll probably wait it'll probably prompt us but we'll wait 12 minutes uh and then we'll give it a flip and then maybe the last 10 minutes we'll throw a probe in and see what our internal temperature is i find it hard to believe that a frozen chicken breast can cook in 25 minutes but let's find out [Applause] so while our chicken is cooking here i want to go over a few discussion points price point here in canada roughly 275 i ordered this directly from ninja canada so prices may vary depending on where in the world that you are size wise i got a trusty tape measure here we're looking at roughly 16 inches wide and about 17 inches deep and roughly 12 inches high so as far as a small appliance goes it's pretty big most of us here in north america have sort of larger kitchen spaces i know our friends in europe and other places in the world generally tend to have smaller kitchens so i think that would be a big factor to consider of where you're going to store it if storage is not a problem for you then the size of it doesn't really matter it's not um relevant now the smokeless feature while we've shown that when we did the burgers that we had a smoking factor of the nine items that we cooked today the burgers were the only things that smoked in fairness uh ninja did recommend that you clean that uh screen every single time you use it i don't really think that that's reasonable to expect that people are gonna pop that off every time however when i did pop it off and throw it in my dishwater and clean up pretty quickly would this replace your barbecue i would say no but if you are in a position where you're not allowed to have a barbecue let's say you have an apartment even if you have a balcony you're not allowed to have a barbecue or you don't have space for a barbecue is it a nice alternative to a barbecue for sure it definitely is capacity-wise you see here i've got four chicken breasts on the grill right now i probably could fit two more boneless skinless chicken breasts so six chicken breasts that's pretty good capacity the wings we did what four pounds of wings that's a fair size so it advertises that you could do six steaks i don't know i mean if you're talking a small fellaini oh maybe six but if you're talking like a t-bone or anything that's a bigger cut of beef there's no way you're getting six on that grill so but overall the capacity compared to some of the other ninja airfryers that we've reviewed uh it's pretty big so the f from frozen chicken breast that i mentioned earlier i think is a little bit deceiving in the sense that i don't think it's overly practical now if you're a single person or maybe you're just two people who live in the house maybe you do freeze your chicken breasts individually then that would be perfect but for a family i would normally just take four chicken breasts throw them in a vacuum steel bag vacuum seal throw it in the freezer i wouldn't do the four individually grow marks was another thing i want to talk about i was pretty impressed even on the hot dogs that only had like a five or six minute cook we still had little grill marks so i think that was pretty slick as well the grill versus the airfryer now i look at this as a indoor grill with a bonus airfryer it also dehydrates but i don't really know who would use a dehydrator on a regular basis i certainly wouldn't myself so i look at the airfryer as a total bonus the cookbook itself like every ninja product that we've reviewed pretty impressive colored book it does have some recipes of different things that you could do as well as all your charts which i think is the most important aspect is the grill chart and the air fryer chart dehydrating as well but again again i don't think that anybody's going to use that a whole lot but maybe you will maybe i'm wrong so overall and again we're not affiliated whatsoever in a ninja we bought this with their own money overall i think this is a really impressive impressive product i was blown away with the salmon it did such a good job the steak it did a good job again probably closer to the rare side than the medium rare but that's minor carrots were a bit of a disaster but again indoor grill carrots i don't know we just wanted to do it because they say you could do it in the book chicken yet to be discovered to see how well that's going to turn out but overall everything that we did today minus the carrots i actually thought turned out really really well again the salmon just blew my mind i could not believe how amazing of a job it did yeah so would i recommend this product myself personally if you were gonna buy looking to buy something that was a grill and an air fryer for sure i don't know of and maybe i'm wrong and leave me a comment if there is because we will buy it and review it i don't know of any other indoor grill air fryers that are out there on the market but again correct me if i am wrong and let me know who makes it because we'll get it and we'll review it so we're just coming up to 16 minutes here on our cook time left under cook time okay so looking good let's give those a flip and see so they still feel like they're a little solid on the inside but we'll give that another say six or seven minutes and then we'll throw a probe in maybe one of the bigger ones so the last thing that we wanted to show or we think we want to show is the manual setting on the meat probe from what we read and from what we understand we should be able to set the probe to 165 which is the desired internal temperature for chicken at least in canada it is and um get it so that it will track the temperature and theoretically will stop the cook whenever it reaches that internal temperature so when we plug in the probe here okay so it gives us automatically manual presets so if we go manual so target temperature 165 is already what we want it to be so it's just reading obviously the ambient indoor temperature right now open that up i think oh this one's pretty big too i think what i'll do is i'll throw that probe in there okay so we had roughly 12 minutes left on the cook for the 25 minutes is that what we started at jamie for the 25 minutes so we'll set a timer we'll see how much longer it takes because it's showing right now the internal temperature is only 53 degrees so we still have 110 degrees to go to get to the or 55 we need to have 110 degrees to get to the desired internal temperature so it appears what happens here when you throw the probe in the previously timed session that you had set gets wiped out and it only runs off the probe now so that's good to know so for those of us who maybe haven't used this a lot or some some people out there who are not overly familiar how to cook meat uh this is pretty fail safe it you you know that your internal temperature your chicken needs to be 165 you don't even have to worry about how many minutes you need to set it for you to set it for that temperature throw your probe in and the indoor grill will tell you when your chicken's done so we're going to time that now and see how much longer we have to go in order to get to that temperature all right we missed the last couple degrees we're scrambling to try to get the camera on so we had done roughly 12 or 13 minutes uh prior and another 13 minutes so 26 minutes give or take a few minutes to get to an internal temp of the desired 165. so by feel they feel good what we could do as well maybe i will do that just for fun pull out this probe and grab my normal go to my normal go to trusty meat thermometer and let's just throw that in there and see so it's showing 198 either that's really inaccurate 199. this one is showing 193. so i'm not sure why that one was showing 165 i'd say they're done i would say they're definitely done nevertheless that threw me off there i was expecting this to be pretty close and accurate to that meat probe so we're gonna have to look into that a little bit further but that's our video hope you liked it don't forget to subscribe hit the notification bell and we'll see on the next one [Music]
Channel: The Average Kitchen
Views: 386,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ninja fg551 foodi smart xl 6-in-1 indoor grill, ninja fg551 foodi smart xl 6-in-1 indoor grill review, ninja foodi fg551, ninja foodi fg551 reviews, ninja foodi fg551c, ninja foodi grill, ninja foodi grill recipes, ninja foodi recipes, ninja foodi smart grill, ninja foodi smart xl 6-in-1 indoor grill, ninja foodi smart xl 6-in-1 indoor grill reviews, ninja foodi smart xl grill, ninja foodi smart xl grill review, ninja foodi smart xl indoor grill, ninja foodi smart xl review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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