Nina Conti's Raunchy Ventriloquist Twin Story | Universal Comedy

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for my next character I do I do need to par somebody else I actually have to have somebody come and help me with this little bit so you in in this dotty top with the blonde hair yeah what's your name Fran would you join me for a second friend can we get friend a round of applause [Applause] let's keep the slapping going you do you're a student fantastic what are you what are you studying theology interesting I don't know much about theology and so tell me just briefly in a nutshell what that is what the study is it's you're studying that guy okay and you believe in that guy okay which one do you like okay it's a bit personal it's a bit personal so I'm who you here with two guys there and the ones on the end and these are not your brothers then they are brothers okay now Fran are you at they twins it is one of them your boyfriend okay all right Thank You Fran I'm just going to give you this a slightest of makeovers it's really um it's just it's just a little thing now what it'll do is it means that I'm going to control what you say so you can do whatever you like you keep me on my toes whatever you fancy but I'm going to control the talking from now on okay friend excuse me sorry little tight you all right okay fantastic should we walk down the little Center yes okay good good yeah that's fine just like this yes you do mother you can adjust if you want nothing Austin I'm not sure way to settle well you're good yeah they're very good there you wouldn't like them here instead they get either way oh I'll keep them down okay oh it's exciting to know that I can just hold my arms and they love control yes are you comfortable in that thing loving it you sure yeah okay you look very restrictive in actually don't worry you're joking you know you do okay so when so come on come on taste some things yes absolutely you're free to do everyone be sure you know on the theology stood you know good bail and everything on the tiger inside that's a really good tiger oh yes spontaneous and evolving pressures then my fault I really Tiger grant down a storm yeah yeah oh that's just me getting started really I will do other animals like this one anteater elephant you do fish its lovely lovely elephant sure do the others I saw them yesterday that's how you recognized it so sweet only they stand there like that yeah with their hands like that yeah they are they're very sweet yeah come on in my home act well you've done your animals oh-ho got more where that came from well like what do you do good chuckling you know clowning that kind of thing really juggle yeah you don't double knot it says no but one man says here do you want this and juggling now yes you sure yes please anything I could trouble with yes I have a bag full of balls oh well there you go oh thank you I read one another yes there you go only three three coming right up there's a third I'll send tested thank you so much cleaner now this is an old city you know varieties isn't it what do you mean old zorda silly in place I'd like to do some old juggling stuff okay fine that's great ladies and gentlemen I have three balls in my hands different colors what's gonna happen [Music] which one is he again do you know I really don't know if that having neon I can't tell which one is ever I'm going to be honest I've done already Tashi [Applause] really yeah well you know I asked them to wear a different t-shirt so sometimes I think they shot me so which one is it that were the one waving well we think she is anyway back to the drug lane okay yes you ready to juggle yeah I think I'll just hold them worn them up learn leads did you do it yeah lightning fast you want to slow it down so that we can actually see it yeah you can do all three it's kind of chaotic I just like throw them around okay really I see no [ __ ] case brother [Applause] how exciting Harry Potter [Applause] thank you hello oh thank you for these wonderful he's so caught fortunately which one is it thank you so much would you come and stand here what's your name Ben Ben and your brother Sam Sam furniture loving you're still happy cuz I just want you to know just think he's such a brilliant job I mean isn't she doing a brilliant job I know I'm sorry Ben getting lost bumping put a mask on and yeah get on with it Oh red one rolled away what you doing Nina I just sorry I lost my bag okay so what are you gonna do while I put the mask on Ben I don't know maybe the toy gun okay I could do the meerkat again they'd like that well we okay Ben excuse me thank you are you okay this is fantastic I'm so excited good lord or the thrill dishes all the tiger two brothers guys a head in his hands you don't want it later I'm sorry I'm sorry okay what I don't know I'll just stand very still like this oh god you're right I don't know it's just so awkward don't worry no I know I'm so Eric's play well just I don't know you really hit on the truth though about Lee you know tell the difference yeah baby yeah oh God rather aren't so sorry I just it was just once I didn't name it this fan is so gorgeous I couldn't help myself oh my god we both love you so much do it again really promise yes I promise okay you guys have been so brilliant can we give them a big round of applause [Music] [Applause] guys [Applause] you
Channel: Universal Comedy
Views: 2,280,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best, stand, up, Comedy, stand up, live, lol, joke, laugher, comedy, standup, stand up comedy, kevin, bridges, michael, mcintyre, lee, evans, satire, ventriloquist, ventriloquist americas got talent, ventrilo harassment, nina conti human puppet, nina conti monkey, nina conti in therapy, ventriloquist darci lynne, ventriloquist jeff dunham, puppet steve, puppet song, puppet shark, nina conti ventriloquist, nina conti ventriloquist comedian, nina conti ventriloquist mask, americas got talent
Id: y1pRwj4LeSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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