Nina Conti And Monkey's Cheeky Interview With Holly And Phillip | This Morning

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those masks at their of Britax these are hardly work there's a sort of clip on the front of the face yeah yeah I have fun and it's so yeah it's just a jaw that I control with a kind of a bicycle pump and then I take my lead from the person in the audience it's very different every night so this means you are sitting here now with all these dates booked in and essentially you don't know what the show will be what it will entail at all this is as you and the audience yeah but it's not as terrifying as it sounds because it's really fresh for me I don't get bored it's not like I'm just repeating the same jokes every night and it's not really about me exposing what my cleverest ideas are that I've thought away in a room - right this is much much more stupid show a much freer show and just to be open-minded and take my lead off them it leads to really like really fun place it's quite moving sometimes it makes you nervous though you can't deny that no it doesn't make me nervous I have to pretend I'm not me or you know that I have nothing going on you know in the 10 minutes before I get on stage but it doesn't make me nervous that they all day it's just really she's at that shine that dose every horror just before and every show is different yeah and when you look out in that audience and think right which one of you am I going to pick come up here on stage picking that person must be quite key because obviously if they're somebody painfully shy awkward if there's somebody really like that the third this is my moment that would be a nice a Leah nating for the audience they're like those people because they're nervous for them oh they're and they're also pretty nervous for me they don't want them to make fool of themselves and yeah if somebody's really keen yes really quite off-putting so how do you know by looking at them I don't know I mean I'm in sort of I'm ready for anything I'm ready for somebody who will clamp up completely and that's fine you just sort of voice along with that with that frozen I thought I wanted to do this I've kept completely decided oh don't yeah I might move my thumb but that's probably it you know you so you just want a little whatever they are I'm looking for people who just didn't know I had anyone normal he doesn't it is not gonna hurt them you know have you brought them up he brought monkey with you I have got monkey with me yeah I mean this is dedicate monkeys monkeys quite rude yeah right yeah Scottish kids are on holiday already up there yeah they are so be careful yes but you think it you can make any of it nothing could be worse than that last guy gee whiz ha ha did you enjoy that monkey yeah I was what an honor to have that job well monkey it's very lovely to have you here today nice to meet your heart it's very nice to meet you and actually you're very good friends with Nina's children aren't you yeah he does he plays with my little son yeah the older one can do without me yeah my my youngest son does play with him yeah I have to be a pilot and fly clay sheesh but monkey doesn't actually have to be there so we so odd for me when I'm sitting on a sofa talking with funky this is your lies get used to it monkey could be anything with my son you know he could be on the on the phone on a banana or it could be anywhere yeah yeah I don't know he doesn't care so the nylons love yeah he doesn't really need to be easy sysm does he encourage the children to be naughty sometimes yes he does I shied to us with him yeah he always cites it to my youngest I thought you bought those it's bedtime or something and I'm suggesting that monkeys not an agent for me nice I'm just more trouble I got in forward to life on the road you look at the auto life on the road yeah I guess so I'll go down oh yeah otherwise I just stay in a bag yeah that is certainly you looking forward to life alluring I I am yeah I mean it's quite a long list of dates and I go but again of course I am I love doing the show one time on the state's just getting on to the stay yeah changed all I can do it ventriloquism could and has been a bit sort of old school but you've certainly modernized it now haven't you yeah well yes maybe not intentionally no dragged it back into the dark ages that's what I've sort of femme yeah I found for me it's a very good pen yeah it just works to think and die you're at the Edinburgh Festival and the national tour starts on the 25th September the best of luck to both yes I think Oh Marty can't very much are you welcome I'm gonna help a lady in a green room now hello YouTube for more of the same and just click here and don't forget you can subscribe to even more of these amazing videos exclusive to our channel and things happen your beer bottles you cut yourself I accidentally punched him in the face once you know it things happen I mean it's that's you got the worst thing to happen because you throw up onstage didn't just I'm sorry story the punching actually was worse for both it I can assure you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 607,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity interviews, celebrity gossip, tv news, soap news, holly willoughby, real stories, phillip schofield, this morning, Nina Conti, Monkey, Monk, puppet, tour, comedy
Id: LZSVrYqpw5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 48sec (288 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2016
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