Dummy Hypnotises Ventriloquist | Live at the Apollo | BBC Comedy Greats

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your eyes are getting too close Retin close one you are now in a deep level of trunks you gadi talk did you expect I don't know I unfort it through we're gonna we're gonna try it again how's it going to be different this time they're strong I want you to retain the court of your grain where I reside keep that awake okay and then you go to sleep I'll try okay all right I'm ready so what do I do three you're feeling tired okay - your eyes are closing one you're in a trance don't lose me don't lose me testing one two three okay we're cooking with gas now earlier you said you couldn't sing well that doesn't mean I can't so now I've got you in a compromising position like I take advantage if you can hear me I'd like you to raise your finger no not on this hand you idiot Oh God on your hand without the monkey on it okay good all right we're ready I'm gonna sing can I have track one please I'd like to sing an aria yes she's quite ambitious not sure she's up to it let's see if I can do it here we go it wrong on door - sir from on daughter a father slow through go Risley not sure reasoning on dying I need more earthy thank you very much you
Channel: BBC Comedy Greats
Views: 5,305,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC, BBC Worldwide, Comedy Greats, Comedy, Great Comedy, British Comedy, Fun, Laughs, Jokes, Live At The Apollo (TV Program), British Broadcasting Corporation (Production Company), Stand-up Comedy (TV Genre), Nina Conti, Ventriloquism, Monkey, Hypnotism, singing, Dummy (Film), Puppet (TV Genre)
Id: Vbd0FcnFfO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 08 2014
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