Nina Conti, In Therapy-First session. [strong language]

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[Music] comfortable yes hello what all this is it you see this is the this is monkey this is monkey yeah hi so thank you for seeing us this is a little unusual huh doing any of your client travel monkish this is certainly an unusual situation so first for me but that's very much what you were saying on the phone that you wanted to be able to come to a session whereby you could bring your puppet with you and you were saying on the phone that you'd found it actually quite difficult to find a therapist who would allow you to bring your puppet into the session with you mmm yeah well actually I didn't ask but I was probably put off by the blurb she liked your picture well let's start by looking at why it is that you want to give up monkey try on the sugar it's a it's a kind of a it's a funny thing it and it's also a crutch thing I'm stronger than her I think it's because it feels as if I've become a thing without him which feels to me like a subtraction from myself you know and now she is found herself to the aside kick in her own life I I provide a little addictive hit you know I get how so monkey well you know I say a thing makes her heart beat faster make sure I think ooh did I get away with that makes me embarrass monkey yeah got you'd like it I find it makes my heart race yeah but that's not enjoyable there's a there's a lot happening here already so let's let's just try to focus on everyone think of time is this like long and short is the [ __ ] this is but let's let's start very much with why you know what you said to me on the phone and why it is that you you're coming here which is the process of giving up monkey mm-hmm the implication there is that it's causing you some discomfort or some problems is not causing a problem making home money is helping her express herself it's like a compulsion to say the unsayable monkey is a mouthpiece for transgression to say the unsayable you just repeated what she said with hand gestures yes I'm asking if that's feels right to you um yes in some ways or why the [ __ ] would you shut it otherwise no [ __ ] Sherlock there seems little point in in these sessions if you're just running your comedy routine eventually that's absolutely mm-hmm so again I mean you know it's a display of the illness so don't try to cut it out you know enjoy it maybe [ __ ] laugh yet title [ __ ] that's probably something he would say on stage feels more intense like the three of us I feel I should apologize but also feel you can take it I don't think you can well let me let me just clarify a couple of things from my point of view here which is there aren't three of us there's two of us not true and you're making the voice 3yi and oh good the little one said roll over so they all rolled over and one that suck as you three here two denying he is tiresome okay yeah I understand that [Music] monkeys often a mouthpiece for hostility yeah do you think she's angry and tried do you think you're angry inside do you feel angry at the moment no I feel kind of sheepish apologetic and I don't we got a look on Russia - pretentious are you Russian you got a head like Lenin did that hurt your ceiling the dynamic that I'm saying here is that you are apologizing for things that you of course yourself as saying mmm and you mention the concept I mean we do know that she does my voice we are aware you're not enlightening me well you know what it is Nina's it's it's cutting through the [ __ ] what it is it's saying what is in the room and it's not as rude or one [ __ ] sorry but I'm having a good time and I invite you to do the same I don't know I mean I like it I think I want to meet someone who likes that [ __ ] too like this isn't a dating scenario hey cuz that might help things along a bit you mentioned your dating situation uh-huh I wonder that something you'd like to talk about I didn't mention that did I yes yes you did dating no I shouldn't oh yeah I know but I mean what is your current dating situation Oh a lot of wanking a no-show she's thumb say something when did you have your last wank today or do you do it between patients how long have you gone without Mike what's the longest period of time you've gone without a wank without monkey um I don't know half a day maybe well yeah I mean longer than that isn't it sometimes well it's you know if you're at a Funeral how does that feel yes okay you know I don't know your head is shining it's not a bad thing it's just an observation monkey why why have you come to this session I don't have a choice [ __ ] I can't walk in the other direction I'm unhappy annex of this tired old lady and what is it that you would like me yeah a drink and a sock we need help and you seem a little lackluster in the health department where's the humanity what's your pain maybe you're going through a divorce maybe you're single this session is really for for you and is it about you hmm and why do you feel that it's important to discuss me and talk about me deflecting well I don't think it is really well I think it's important we know who we're talking to otherwise this is just a one-way thing it seems to me that you don't you don't actually wish to give up monkey she wants to be me I would probably rather that than lose me there are elements of what monkey facilitates that you would like to feel around it within you is that - mm-hmm a little while to get there but I think you got there [Music] certainly coming to the end of our time for this session yes the first thing I suggest is that you come back next week hmm without monkey there's something maybe for you to think about in the week whether whether you feel that you would like to do that on it hmm and for you this week I'd like you to think about whether you could suck your own dick you know sometimes when you're just littering on I think of you doing a sit-up I'm shocking it all day okay I suppose I could be without that yeah I'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Nina Conti
Views: 751,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninaconti, NinaContiintherapy
Id: APwrf3mG924
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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