Nina Conti monkey act at Edinburgh Comedy Live

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we'll crack on now I'm delighted to welcome to the stage when I she's a member the Royal Shakespeare Company mailing list numbers she wasn't even rotation when I met her and she jacked it all in to do a proper job which is to be a ventriloquist it's Nina Conti hi thank you how lovely um yes I am a ventriloquist and I try to say that without shame I love it and I'll just cut the crap and get the monkey out turn out like one two three hop hello hello hey I don't know thank you get rid of this thumb there's no going back no so bulky why did the monkey crossed the road cuz he saw you standing behind him rolling up your sleeves Nina what is that big issue for enough for your bitch okay um so we got lost look forward to tonight I'm gonna hit low the unrolled later I am gonna get me some sweeter and grasses excuse me you're a monkey they're not Sashi Nina oh and what's that stuck to your face is that stuck to my face my microphone all right that's fancy where's mine you haven't got one well that ruins the illusion you can talk into mine testing one two three testing one two three makes no glory different check can you not like deconstruct the act so early on what you reckon they think you're talking to a real monkey this isn't logical me okay cheap yes appealing to the hate in their heart tonight I want to talk to some actual human being so long mushy how do you do what do you do with your life she just graduated and she says it with such hope in her heart it looked like the whole thing's over already what did you study was it a total miss NOLA a master of theology are hence the question is room and did you say what sort of thing you're gonna do with that and your imaginary strange you Marty you Sully religions it not but you're not necessarily religious when you study them no she's not religious okay so I can tell cuz why not and nothing like I don't know where you were going with that yes could you look couldn't finish my sentence when you laugh I can't finish my sentences Nina it's multitasking you're deconstructing it now okay so is that your mother is that your mother no no who are you illest yourself okay oh you should have studied something else bitch I'm gonna leaves I'm gonna lead you to humiliate someone else okay well you wouldn't just say good night and yes who's next well next up it's gonna be someone in the audience so good luck this would be dire where we died last audience really enjoyed it yeah for the first hour they did and then they all left except one lady who stayed because she was dead take a night good night thank you that was 90 thank you very much my Fuhrer news what's your name Sharma knee can we give it up for sharmilee the theology sugar cookie yeah that was fabulous thank you and so Tommy has a lovely name and I'm just going to put a little makeover on you oh you're so nice to come up because I never would I'm just gonna put that on your on your face your I am loving it okay good Oh God theology oh what a life choice yes yes isn't it terrible I'd rather be on the game oh come on on even rather be a ventriloquist Nick I'm disappointed I thought you're gonna put your hand across um so yes it's lovely it's not I'm so glad you got me up here why is that cuz I I'm going to actually do something I've always wanted to do what all the time I was studying theology I just wanted to dance here's our dude I'm glad I got these shoes on cuz on nifty and none you don't have to dance no I really want to I'm sorry don't be sorry I'm loving it the best I've heard in years Oh Catholics and the Christians and the Muslims out get out so don't hate it I like the devil okay um I'm gonna dance the devil's dogs you don't have to use a little you've got funny little voice yes thank you for that okay well you could have music if you wanted to dance yes that
Channel: DutchPastaGuy
Views: 1,265,707
Rating: 4.7786498 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Funny, Monkey, Humor, Comedian
Id: u-ZkJdQok2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2012
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