Nima Louise Carter and The Carpitcher Twins FINAL HARLOWEEN VIDEO

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[Music] hello everybody and happy Halloween that is the last time I will say that this year that's crazy I know it's already November Halloween's over but we have one more video for you guys today one more it's been a wild ride it's been so much fun it's also been stressful and exhausting but the fact that I was able to put out so much content in the month of October share all of this with you guys the response I got from you guys makes my heart so so happy you have a no idea the positivity the excitement like it was what kept me going I promise you there was times when I wanted to stop but then I would just scroll through the comments of the past Halloween video and see your genuine excitement your genuine enthusiasm and it made me so excited and enthusiastic myself and it made me realize that you guys are looking forward to it you guys are depending on it and in a way I was depending on it to ayla so much fun but next Halloween I'm gonna start planning and preparing for next Halloween away for there like probably January is when I'm gonna start writing my Halloween scripts for next Halloween because it was just not enough time and I ended up you know coming down to the wire and it's definitely gonna be better planned next year but I think for a first Halloween I think it went really well I mean in my opinion I think it was successful so thank you guys so much for for being here but we're gonna talk a little bit more about that at the end first let's talk about our case for today as a warning this video does contain information about violence towards children I'm not gonna be showing any graphic pictures or going into any great detail but I did want to give you a full advance warning and give you full disclosure right up front I spent a lot of time researching crimes in cases that are absolutely horrific and this one even I had a tough time with but if you will trust me and allow me to tell you this story knowing I'm not just going to throw things in for dramatic effect or purposely try and upset you I promise as always to be as respectful as possible this is the story of nemo lewis carter this is also the story of the carpenter twins and we're gonna see how their two stories intertwined in the end but first we're gonna talk about NEMA a 19 month old baby who disappeared from her crib on Halloween night in 1977 NEMA had been born on March 26th 1976 to her parents Rose and George Carter she was described as having these beautiful lively cool black eyes and she was a quiet laid-back child but that was because she was always observing her environment always watching and trying to learn she lived with her parents in Lawton Oklahoma and from what anyone looking in from the outside could tell they were a small happy and normally functioning family both George and Rose Carter had full-time jobs George Carter was an accountant for the Comanche tribal office in Lyon but on the evening of October 31st 1977 Mimas parents put her down to bed at about 10:30 p.m. they placed her in her crib wearing just a little red t-shirt and a diaper they tucked her in they kissed her goodnight and they left the room they heard her crying as soon as they'd turned out the light and closed the door to her room but this was their first child they weren't trying to spoil her this was a time when parents were told the more you held your babies and the more you coddled them the more you were spoiling them so for the most part when she cried at night they let her cry it out until she fell asleep and she usually did essentially parents who practice this technique believed that if the baby cries when he or she is is trying to go to sleep every time the parent goes in and soothes the child or picks the child up the child will learn that if they cry their parents will come so they will never learn how to fall asleep on their own they'll always need the aid of a parent or a caregiver eventually rose and George heard Nima's cries stopped and they assumed she'd fallen asleep and they too fell asleep for some reason in the living room of their home the next morning George went into the bathroom to shave before work as he usually did and his wife Rose poked her head into the bathroom and asked him do you know where the baby is now this may seem like a strange question to ask about a 19 month old who you put two batter in her crib the night before where else could she possibly be but apparently NEMA was something of an escape artist she was a very curious and smart an adventurous baby and she had this habit of taking the kitchen drawers out and stacking them on top of each other so she could climb on them and hide in the kitchen cabinets so I suppose that her parents weren't too alarmed to find the small child missing from her crib that November first morning George continued shaving after chuckling about his daughters cheekiness and Rose went off to find the baby and give her breakfast but before long Rose was back in the bathroom more panicked this time she told George she could not find the baby anywhere so George went to help her look for Nima they looked everywhere they looked in the kitchen cabinets they looked in closets they looked under beds they looked out by the doghouse they looked in the field behind their backyard but NEMA was nowhere to be found they ran from room to room yelling their daughter's name but Nina didn't tumble out of her hiding place with her little baby bed hat and her bright lively coal eyes laughing at her parents worried NEMA Louise Carter was gone and all that was left to show that there'd been a baby in that crib the night before was her favorite blanket her favorite stuffed animal and the bottle she'd been drinking when she was put to bed on Wednesday November 2nd the Daily Oklahoman published a small article on the front page right under a headline reporting possible snowfall headed for the panhandle area the article was titled Lawton tat hunt grows and it discussed the family offering a $1000 reward for any information that brought the little girl back to them audrey Carter Nima's grandmother stated I think maybe she might be trapped somewhere she's so little and frail and that was obviously a big concern because if Nima had somehow managed to get out of her crib and leave the house and she was lost with the cold front coming in she wouldn't last long out on her own in the wilderness she needed to be found but there were not many leads to go on the windows in Nima's room had been locked up tight and there was no sign of forced entry into the house obviously this leads us to the first and most obvious suspects which would be the baby's parents but they cooperated with the police they seemed truly worried about their daughter and about finding her and they passed their polygraph tests with flying colors George Carter felt that it had to be somebody who was familiar with their home who'd been inside of the house that way they would know where the furniture was arranged where her room was and they'd be able to get into the house and out of the house without bumping into something or alerting somebody of their presence George also believed that whoever had taken Nima must have been hiding in her closet at bedtime just waiting for her parents to put her to sleep and turn out the lights so that this person could creep in and take the baby out of her crib once this person had Mima they would have had to have crapped out of her room down the hallway down the stairs and through the very same living room that rose and George were sleeping in before sneaking out of the house leaving the side door and the gate open the police began searching abandoned buildings and urged the public to look on their properties for any sign of the baby but they didn't find her Thursday November 3rd marked the fourth day Mima had been missing and as temperatures dropped throughout Oklahoma fears for the child's survival if she was lost or trapped somewhere increased she wasn't even two years old yet she only weighed 22 pounds and she'd been dressed in a thin t-shirt if the little girl was out there somewhere the cold would make her odds of survival much less the Carters did have some strange information for the police though George claimed that the previous April around the 19th their home had been burglarized and pictures of their small daughter had been taken out of the house and scattered on the ground behind the shed he also said that two months prior to the abduction their home had been vandalized and the family Pat dog had been poisoned he believed that these incidences were related to Nima's disappearance but the police didn't think that they were really connected at all the days passed and then the weeks until November was drawing to a close it was the day before Thanksgiving and George and Rose Carter were most likely feeling that they didn't have much to be thankful for and it would get so much worse on November 23rd 1977 a Fort Sill soldier was at a friend's house doing some laundry he walked across the street to get some cigarettes from the laundromat and on his way back across the street to his friend's house he decided to walk through an abandoned building that was located next door to where his friend lived in the kitchen of this dilapidated and abandoned duplex that was located a mile away from where the Carters lived this soldier found the baby's body on the floor of the kitchen next to an open blood-splattered refrigerator it was about 2:15 in the afternoon and this Fort Sill soldier whose name was Gary Goodell he decided that he probably hadn't been the first person there the police agreed with him and it was decided that prior to Gary finding Nima's body that been a group of children playing in this abandoned house and they probably opened up the refrigerator which her body had been in when they saw her body they got scared and they knocked over the refrigerator in their rush to leave the house it caused her body to tumble out of this refrigerator and end up on the kitchen floor of some dilapidated dark house all alone the baby was wearing the same red shirt and diaper she'd been put to bed in on Halloween night and her body was badly decomposed they collected evidence from the scene they lifted fingerprints they got whatever they could find but something about the way NEMA had disappeared and been found struck a chord with law enforcement as well as many people in the neighborhood it was almost identical to another case from a year-and-a-half before on April 18th 1976 two twin girls had been abducted from the living room of their grandmother's home while she vacuumed and they watched TV it was two o'clock in the afternoon broad daylight and the two three year old girls just disappeared these girls were named Mary Elizabeth Carr pitcher and Augustin Lena Carr pitcher no one knew what had happened there were no leads to follow but luckily three days later some kids were playing in an abandoned house when they heard yells coming from a refrigerator one of the girls who heard the shouts opened the door and Augustin or Tina spilled out Tina told the kids who'd found her that a teenager named Jackie Robidoux had left both her and her sister in that refrigerator she had told them to be quiet and away and their aunt would come and get them soon and bring them to get ice cream jackie was friends with the carpenter twins aunts and she often babysat for the girls themselves the girls had been locked in that refrigerator for three days and somehow Tina carpenter managed to put her nose to a crack in the seal of the refrigerator and breathe just enough air to survive her sister Mary Elizabeth had not been so fortunate and it was determined that she had died from exact CA ssin and lack of oxygen now there's obviously so much here that we can and should be shocked by these two toddler girls were taken from their home in the middle of the day while their grandmother was right there in the same house they were led away by someone they knew and trusted brought to an abandoned house and shut into a refrigerator and then they were left there to guy and before beginning to even try and unpack why somebody would do this what the motive is for this we have to first face the realization that Tina was locked into a very small space with her twin sister the closest person to her in the world and somehow Tina managed to survive on tiny wisps of oxygen but she had to lay there while she witnessed her sister who wasn't able to get the oxygen girl weaker and weaker until finally she fell asleep and she didn't wake up I'm anticipating a question that I'll get in the comments which is why didn't Tina share the crack of air with her sister and I don't really know but I think what you have to understand is a couple different things one these were three year old girls their babies they don't have that kind of understanding you have to also realize that at three years old you don't have a lot of communication skills and you don't really understand what dying is Tina understood enough about what she was feeling and craving to get that oxygen they were probably also locked in a very small space and it's very possible that they were crammed in there together to the point where maybe Mary Elizabeth Clint even get over to that small crack or maybe they didn't know how to arrange themselves to get her over to that small crack or maybe they didn't even realize that that was something they needed to do and you also have to realize that pinna carpenter is most likely still alive today and can hear and read things about herself on the internet so I don't want anybody in the comments to say like Tina should have let her sister have air and they both could have survived because that may be true but they were three it probably had no idea what was happening so I definitely don't want any of that in the comments section here I've seen it on the internet and I'm just disgusted by it and I imagine that Tina carpenter struggles with the weight of that guilt every day of her life they most likely cried and held each other they most likely wondered when their aunt was coming to get them to bring them to get ice cream they thought they were going to have such a fun day and it turned in to the worst three days of their young lives District Attorney Donna Beauchamp's gave a statement to the paper that they are questioning hundreds of people they are hoping to find someone in the area who had seen the car picture twins before they'd wound up in that abandoned house two of these people were JW mikeg a former Lawton Fire Chief and his wife Thelma they lived close to the house where the twins had been found in but they claimed that they hadn't seen anything nobody had seen anything all they had was Tina carpenters a spontaneous statement when she'd emerged from that refrigerator that Jackie had done this to them and when the police interviewed her later that evening she said the same thing both Tina and Mary Elizabeth had human bite marks on their bodies two sisters by each other's side since the moment they were conceived were still together as they journey to the hospital Tina who was being treated for her wounds and for severe dehydration and mary-elizabeth for her autopsy so obviously the police had a suspect but they'd gotten this suspects name on the word of a traumatized three year old and apparently at least at this time there wasn't enough actual evidence to point the finger at Jackie Robidoux there was no physical evidence at the scene to tie anybody to the crime and in fact I'm sure there was but this was 1976 and it was an abandoned house so we really didn't have the technology at that point to get really good forensic Sophos seen in an abandoned house where apparently kids in the neighborhood liked to play in these abandoned houses so there's gonna be kids running in and out scraping their knees leaving cans with you know Dee leaving their hair all over the place these abandoned houses were probably chock full of forensic evidence and they would most likely especially in 1976 be hard to determine what evidence was there that was linked to the crime and what was there just from the multiple children and people who went in and out of these abandoned homes but allegedly after an investigation the police found nothing and nothing happened to Jackie for a while people looked at her sideways people whispered about her potential involvement but as it so often does life went on and before long Jackie was getting babysitting jobs again and for the most part people had forgotten about the terrible event that had left one child without her life and one child sister lists one of the families who began hiring Jackie to watch their daughter was the Carter Family NEMA had been born at the month before the carpenter twins were abducted and rose and George were pretty new to the neighborhood at the time of Nima's abduction they'd only lived there for 18 months the Carters also enjoyed their recreational time they were young parents 27 years old I believe and of course when you're a parent and you have a new baby it's a hard transition from the single life where you could go where you want it and do what you wanted to now you're responsible for a baby and so you kind of have to curb those urges Nima was a good baby a smart baby but a baby all the same and a baby can put a cramp in your social life especially when you're used to having an active social life so if the Carter still wanted to have a social life go out with their friends go out with each other drink a little bit or a lot they'd need good reliable child care in came Jackie Robidoux now I'm not sure if the Carters knew about the car picture incident but I would say on speculation a hundred percent yes they did it said that the car picture family and the Carter family were friendly with each other they hung out the Carter home was only ten blocks away from the carpenter house and it seems like they would have been moving into the neighborhood right when the twins were missing or shortly thereafter so why did they choose to allow Jackie to babysit their daughter when it was suspected that she'd been involved in the death another little girl I have no answer for that I can only assume as time went on a suspicion faded it became distant something in the past and maybe nobody wanted to admit that a 17 year old girl could do something like that I mean cuz really if you ask yourself why there's no answer there's all there's no clear answer to why she would do something like that maybe they really just needed a babysitter and so they convince themselves that Jackie had nothing to do with what happened to the carpenter twins either way Jackie had babysat for Nima about 12 times before she disappeared including the very night before her abduction and it came out during the investigation that the Carters had asked Jackie to watch Nima that Halloween night but she'd wanted to go play bingo with her friends I guess everybody played bingo on Halloween night not really sure I couldn't find any evidence of that but it definitely is suggested several times that there was a bingo thing going on Halloween night and everybody was gonna be playing bingo and Jackie wanted to be there too she told George Carter that she couldn't do it and apparently he wasn't too happy about that a clerk that worked at a convenience store right around the corner from the Carter home had seen and spoken to Jackie that Halloween afternoon apparently both Jackie and George Carter had been in the store at the same time and they had a short conversation before Jackie came up to the counter to check out and George Carter left the store when Jackie was up at the counter she made a menacing a comment about George Carter it appeared that when Jackie had told George she couldn't watch Nemeth at night he'd said something that had made her feel as if he wasn't angry with her or disappointed with her as if she was shirking her responsibilities in the store that day George had simply told Jackie he'd found another sitter for that night now how did he communicate this information was it more of a you know I found another sitter tonight go out have fun don't worry about it we've got you covered or was it a we found another sitter tonight so we won't be needing your services anymore good day to you who knows I'm not sure the way it was communicated and obviously based on how it was said and how was relayed Jackie would have taken it a different way or maybe she was just a sensitive person who took George's friendly reminder that he another sitter that night as a direct insult who knows whichever way he meant it Jackie took it negatively and she told the clerk they said it was my job well if that's the way he wants it so be it and she left so I mean I gather from that that the Carters had asked her to babysit on Halloween she said she couldn't and they were like well this is kind of your job so she felt insulted by that and now you know she's gonna lash out strike back kidnap their kid and there was many similarities between the two cases that connected a Jackie to both Jackie had babysat for both families she'd been inside of both homes and she would have been familiar with the inside of each house all three girls had been abducted right from their home and all three were very young the victims as well as Jackie herself all lived in the same neighborhood they were all of Native American descent both the car pitchers and the Carters knew and were friendly with Jackie's family all three girls were found in abandoned houses in refrigerators and these two houses were different houses but they were only a mile apart and Jackie had been seen at both locations previously fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me the police were confident that this time Jackie robbery was not going to be fooling them and she was not going to get away with her crimes somehow Jackie had managed to escape punishment for her role and Mary Elizabeth carpenters death but she was not gonna get away this time I'm gonna answer another question that I anticipate you guys are going to have when I said that they were all of Native American descent I meant all three girls as well as Jackie so often I'll see online people wondering if this was a targeted attack a hate crime because the girls were all Native American but the perpetrator Jackie was Native American as well and they lived you know in a Native American community so the odds of these girls being targeted because of their ethnicity is really really low since Jackie also was Native American and most of the people around were Cecil Davidson an investigator on the case asked Jackie directly if she'd been involved Hsieh sullenly told him no she's been playing bingo that night but here vividly the fact that she was looking everywhere but at him she just could not make eye contact Davidson also remembered that she seemed really angry about the fact that the Carters had even asked her to watch Nemeth at Halloween night when everybody else was gonna be playing bingo if she was stuck on this whole how dare they asked me to babysit when they knew I was gonna be playing bingo like everybody else was still even with her odd behavior they could not get a confession Jackie also mentioned that she didn't think the two cases were similar enough to indicate a pattern which was a strange thing to say almost like yeah I committed this first you know crime that you guys didn't catch me on but this one I didn't and it's not similar enough to even you know connect it to me because I'm responsible for this first crime so she was almost like admitting that she'd been involved in the car picture twins incident but using that as a way to prove that she wasn't involved with this situation which was a strange thing to do and it's also just a stupid thing to say because anybody with a brain can tell at these two cases the carpenter twins and Mimi Louise Carter were eerily similar you could blame Nima's death on a copycat but to say that the two cases didn't have enough in common to indicate a pattern is kind of ridiculous but as in the first crime scene this one there was no physical evidence either none that they could find so there was nothing to tie Jackie physically to these crime scenes the police were sure they had their guy or a girl but the district attorney would not prosecute he said there wasn't enough evidence another detective on the case who was named Ray Anderson was frustrated by the lack of evidence and he knew deep down you know the she was involved she was connected to both these cases so he kind of made it his mission to connect her to at least one of them he knew given the lack of physical evidence the only thing they could actually use against her was her own confession so he brought her into the police station and they didn't get a direct confession from her but they did get enough to prove she knew things about the carpenter scene and the crime that they hadn't released publicly that only the person who had been there would have known jacqueline Robidoux was arrested and charged with the first-degree murder of three-year-old Mary Elizabeth carpenter on October 19th 1979 and while she sat in prison awaiting her trial the state to gather together their forces to build their case and gather their witnesses and two important witnesses did come forward remember JW McKay and his wife Thelma well the day the carpenter twins had been kidnapped the couple had been outside putting new siding on their house and Thelma had called JW's attention to a teenage girl dragging two smaller girls by the hands through a field toward the abandoned house where the carpenter twins were eventually discovered here is verbatim what JW mikeg had to say about what he witnessed I just glanced at her to see what it was it didn't interest me that much they acted to me like they were under protest but I didn't want to get involved so mr. JW McCaig former fire chief a man who had been responsible for saving lives watched two little baby girls getting pulled into a house clearly seeing that they were trying to get away and he did nothing for fear of what being rude being inconsiderate having people say that he put his nose where it didn't belong not getting his sighting installed before the Sun set but if you think I'm being too hard on JW McCaig just wait not only did he not interfere at the time but later when it was discovered that the girls were missing he did nothing again and he was questioned by the police both he and Thelma were questioned by the police and they didn't tell the police what they'd seen this was before Tina had been discovered most likely when both girls were still alive in that house in that refrigerator he claims he didn't bring it up because the police didn't ask him specific questions about the girls if it's possible I'm even more upset and disgusted with JW McCaig and his wife than I even am with Jacky Robidoux these were grown adults a man who had you know served as a public servant for most of his life and I understand this was a different time and it's just like we talked about in the alphabet murders video where you know people didn't want to get involved they didn't want to step outside of their Lane if they saw a kid getting spanked or a girl running down the highway away from a car those chasing after her they just assumed that it was their business or family's business and he didn't want to get involved maybe JW just thought that these girls had run away or run out of the house and their babysitter was dragging them home kicking and screaming I understand that it wouldn't have been the way I would have handled it but I understand that well later when two small girls are missing and the description of these two small girls that are missing matches the description of the two girls you saw getting pulled across the field by this teenage girl then you say something at least tell the police and if it turns out to be nothing it turns out to be nothing but you didn't volunteer this information because the questions weren't specific enough for you that's despicable and if they'd come forward with this information when the police were searching for the girls it's more than likely the police would have gone into that abandoned house to check it out they would open the refrigerator and they would have found them both alive so T u JW mikeg electric chair but that's all alleged speculation my opinion don't come for me covered my bases let's move on apparently Lawton law enforcement had even enlisted help from the New York psychic Institute and a psychic from there had asked the police to not tell her anything not about who the victims were not about who the suspect was not even about what happened or what the crime was she just wanted them to send her a piece of clothing worn by one of the victims so they sent over the shirt the mary-elizabeth had been wearing when she was found when she had done whatever psychics do with these personal items of the victims she came back and she said she'd had a vision she told them I can see the person walking along the street with two young girls and she described what the street looked like what the person looked like and even what the suspect was wearing the district attorney at the time dick tannery claimed it was an exact description of Jackie Robidoux he said she hit one of the suspects to a tee it was so uncanny it was scary when I heard it Jackie had been 17 when she lured Mary Elizabeth carpenter and Tina carpenter away from their homes and locked them in a refrigerator she was 20 when she stood in front of a judge and plead not guilty to first-degree murder she was locked with the $75,000 bond she went to prison and she hired an attorney named Garvin Isaac's from Oklahoma City her trial began in February of 1982 and witnesses testified to a packed courtroom every single day for almost three weeks the wonderful and special McCabe's testified Augustine Williams who is the grandmother of the car picture twins she testified now Augustine was their grandmother but she'd adopted the girls when they were born so they lived with her full time and Augustine testified and told the court that Jackie was a friend of one of her daughters that she'd often be at the house with the twins with her friend the twins and sometimes they all went to movies together she spent a lot of time with these girls she also testified that her granddaughter had clearly said it was Jackie when she was removed from that refrigerator the witnesses who were at the scene when Tina came out of the refrigerator also testified that sheets at Jackie's name as well as law enforcement who had interviewed her that night they all testified that she said it was Jackie now Garvin isaacs who was Jackie's lawyer questioned Miss Williams about what else she'd seen that day had she seen a van anywhere and Miss Williams did admit that when she called the girls and she was looking for them that afternoon she'd seen a van do a u-turn in front of her house but she hadn't thought anything of it Garvin Isaac's put forward the theory that it hadn't been Jackie Robidoux who had taken the girls it had been another person a young man named Jackie Burnett who drove a van now of course Jackie Burnett sleep well how did I get pulled into this I don't even know these people I wasn't anywhere near there I have nothing to do with this but I know what Garvin Isaacs was doing he was trying to throw a reasonable doubt into the mix he was trying to show the jury that it didn't have to be this Jackie who had done it clear as other people named Jackie in the world and I'm sure all he really did for investigation was to find anyone else named Jackie that lived close by and then just kind of like used that person as a distraction but the thing was these were three year old girls and they didn't know this Jackie guy the only Jackie they knew was Jackie Robidoux their babysitter Augustine Williams also testified jacqui robideaux's grandmother who's named wienie tried to get her to sign a statement in April of 1979 saying that Jackie hadn't put the twins in a refrigerator and obviously Augustine was like I'm not gonna sign that so we need gets up on the stand and she's asked about this agreement or paper that she asked the twins grandmother to sign and of course she knows nothing about it she did nothing of the sort and of course little Tina carpenter who was nine years old at the time had to get up in front of a court and relive her experience in the refrigerator and of course Jackie's lawyer Garvin picked it apart he said that it sounded rehearsed and that she'd been coached by her grandmother and by law enforcement on what to say in court and what to say to everybody he said she was three years old at the time and couldn't possibly remember what happened when she was three six years later he said she was just repeating what she'd been told happened little kids want to make people happy they say and they do whatever it takes to make the grown ups and the adults in their life happy and proud of them and that her whole testimony just wasn't reliable Garvin Isaac's also attacked the family of the carpenter twins saying they were a family of parents whose default response under cross-examination was I don't remember or I don't know he basically accused them of going along with whichever story the district attorney and the police wanted them to go along with and I mean some of that is not untrue it was six years tino was three at the time it's very unlikely that at nine she would remember specifically what happened when she was three I mean do any of you remember anything that happened when you were three however what I think Garvin Isaac's conveniently ignored was the fact that she made that statement spontaneously when she'd been let out of the refrigerator the amount of time that passed and the age she was at the time that Jackie finally went on trial for this it doesn't change the fact of what she said initially when coming out of the refrigerator to a group of kids who really have no motivation to lie so that day and that night when her memory was fresh she told these kids it was Jackie her babysitter and she told her grandmother it was Jackie her babysitter and she told the police it was Jackie her babysitter she didn't know this other Jackie guy he lived in the neighborhood but these were three year old kids they didn't know everybody named Jackie lived in their neighborhood Jackie Robidoux was the only Jackie they knew and the only one that they would have been able to point the finger at two women who had been staying at the jailhouse while Jackie was staying there also testified and they said that she had on separate occasions bragged to them about committing these murders the jury deliberated they came back and they asked to hear some parts of recorded testimony over again they went back and they deliberated some more after almost 11 hours of this the jury came back and told the judge that they just could not come to a unanimous decision and a mistrial was declared Jacqueline Robidoux was released but she did lose her lawyer Garvin Isaac's quit once he realized that she either didn't have the money to pay our legal fees or just didn't want to pay her legal fees she only paid about a third of them and there there seemed to be no more payment in sight her new attorney a court appointed a public defender painted this really sad story about Jackie you know she was living off of welfare she was taking care of both her grandmother and her mother who were ill and needed help she had a three-year-old son now apparently at some point between her being released or her being out on bail or something happened she got pregnant and she had a three-year-old son so she's going on trial again a second trial for the same crime and she's gonna three-year-old and apparently she's the sole care provider for her mother and her grandmother who are both really ill so the the public defenders trying to paint a picture of a woman who's desperately needed and doesn't hurt people she helps people and I'm over here like get her away from that three-year-old boy a SAP right do not pass go do not collect $200 go to jail so during the second trial the district attorney decided to introduce the case of Nima Louise Carter even though Jackie hadn't been connected to it and hadn't been put on trial for it or accused of it really she hadn't been formally charged for it at least the district attorney said this shows a pattern this shows that this woman is very dangerous and it's not just one kid she will keep going and now she was a mother a mother to a child who was about the same age as her three other victims Tina had to get up and test to fight again at this point this poor girl had retold her story and relived this tragedy roughly 15 times for juries and judges and police officers and who knows how many times for psychiatrists and family members the jury also heard from 69 different witnesses they had been found by what is called the most extensive investigation in the county's history during this trial a 27 year old man named Eugene Thompson was charged with attempting to influence a member of the jury now who this man was Eugene Thompson I have no idea I searched from everywhere even newspapers calm which always gives me like my most juicy hidden information and I only found one article where he was charged for jury tampering and he was led out on $1,000 bail and his trial or a hearing was gonna be scheduled and nothing else after that nothing before about him nothing after which i think is very strange but I don't know who he was to Jackie or who he was to the car pictures or the Carters I don't know who he was connected with and it's it's all strange to me that that information is something I can't find so if anybody's familiar with this case and knows who he was and who he was trying to influence or why let me know in the comments or shoot me an email either way the jury went out to deliberate at 9:30 at night and about six hours later they came back with a guilty verdict and a Jackie robe do was sentenced to life in prison finally it's pretty clear to me that the right person went to prison for the murder of Mary Elizabeth carpenter even though she was never charged or answered for the death of Nima Louise Carter why did she do these things I have no idea I can't I can't even I really I can't there's there's the speculation path and then there's the get into the mind of a psychopath and figure out why they might do things and that's a path that that leads you to to become crazy I think so if we go on the speculation path and we ask ourselves why did she do this I think she was sick I think she was mentally ill I think she was a psychopath somebody who just kills to kill and a lot of people commit acts of violence against each other a lot of people kill other people but for the most part you'll see that there's a mode she says there's a reason even if the reason isn't a good enough reason to kill somebody they still had a reason money jealousy what-have-you what is the perpetrator getting how do they benefit from killing this person are they gonna have a windfall when they get the insurance money is their wife or husband cheating on them so they kill their wife or they kill their husband are they cheating on their husband and wife so they want to kill them to get them out of the way so they can have this new relationship there are motives and there are reasons of why people kill other people well why a 17 year old girl would go around her neighborhood systematically lacking babies essentially into refrigerators until they exceed and run out of oxygen there's no motive like what's the reason what are you gaining from that besides the sick pleasure of knowing you did it and that to me makes her a crazy sociopathic psychopath whatever I don't know the difference you know I didn't pay enough attention to Shane Dawson's documentary but one of those so I think a sociopath is like somebody who does things without feeling you know actual human emotion like they don't know what actual human emotion feels like they just feel kind of empty and you know leveled out all the time and so they have to kind of watch other people and parrot them and mimic them to behave like a normal human so people think they're normal and they have emotions maybe maybe she was like that maybe she just literally felt nothing for anybody and she did this to just get a thrill or to just feel something I don't know guys the speculation path got dark and these are the most dangerous types of people I think because there's no rhyme or reason there's no understanding why they do it or where they're gonna strike next they just do it because they like it or they want to or they feel compelled to so you don't even really know what they're gonna do next or who they're gonna hurt next it's really hard to to kind of keep tabs on it so I definitely think she ended up in the right place now is there any chance that Jackie was that responsible for this I don't think so there was really no other angles there was really no other suspects her attorney tried to paint it as like a vendetta from the police who didn't get her the first time so they were gonna get her eventually and when Nina Lewis was taken and ended up you know dead in that refrigerated they found the way they were gonna get her unless there was a copycat they came in and took NEMA and was just copying the murder or the attempted murder of the car petrol twins I can't imagine how it could be anybody else years later Rose cata died never knowing what happened to her baby daughter George Carter is still alive today and he still remembers his little girl in a 2007 article published in The Oklahoman Times he said you know I've learned to appreciate all the little things when NEMA was a baby I look back at all the time I wasted partying and drinking now at the time of this article George said that he was a recovering alcoholic so you know he'd seen the error in his ways and he wished obviously that he had spent more time with his daughter instead of worrying about when he was gonna be able to get out of the house next door who was gonna babysit her and obviously hindsight is 20/20 we all have these regrets I think everybody you know ends their life in some way wishing that they'd spent more time with their family and their children I think that's pretty common the Carters have been criticized for using the cria doubt method we most likely know today as the Ferber method but back in this 1976 it wasn't called the Ferber method yet it was basically just like normal parenting and that's what I want people to understand that was normal parenting it's been speculated that they've been out drinking that night they were drunk they passed out in the living room and that's how Jackie was able to sneak past them with NEMA because they're passed out I don't know if that's true I have no knowledge or evidence that they had been drinking that night or that they'd gone out that night or that they pass out drunk in the living room this is all speculated online and honestly I don't really appreciate that kind of speculation we know that George and rose had nothing to do with what happened to their daughter so obviously parents and people are flawed sometimes we have a couple glasses of wine and maybe we're sleeping a little bit heavier than we normally would and our baby wakes up crying and we don't hear them in the next day we feel guilty or you know maybe the morning after we've had a couple too many drinks we feel really tired and we sleep and we forget to make Sunday morning breakfast you know things like that happen it's normal parents are not perfect and it's pretty impossible to be a perfect parent 100% of the time because you're always working when you're a parent right you never off you're never not a parent there's never a day where you can be like I have no parental responsibilities I'm not a parent because even if your kids aren't with you you still have things you have to do like make doctor's appointments or just make sure you're being a good role model in general there's never a day off it's exhausting but we make mistakes we do stupid things and in the end when we are older and we are parents we understand why our parents you know seemed perfect to us for many years and then we saw flaws as we got older and it's done dust right when we saw the flaws in our parents we were like wait my parents are supposed to be perfect if the parents aren't perfect who is and then we were all upset when we realize that our parents were just humans I don't like blaming the parents in the situation to me this isn't a Madeleine McCann kind of situation where we don't really know whether the McCanns were involved with what happened to Madeleine and you know they left their kids alone in a foreign country in a strange room in a strange house to go eat dinner at like some other location where they weren't even there dad's completely different and if you're a parent you have most likely at one point tried the cry it out method my first two kids were great sleepers but Bella nah nah I'm not good it wasn't good it wasn't good for a year of my life a year and a half maybe I didn't sleep this girl would not sleep through a night she would wake up at least six to eight times screaming as if she was being like attacked by a monster so you're ripped from your sleep you know six to eight times a night by somebody screaming it was traumatic for both of us and so I brought her to the doctor and I was like something's wrong I think something's wrong with my baby she doesn't sleep she wakes up all the time I think she has maybe a food allergy is she in pain does something hurt on her something's got to be wrong I was desperate I was exhausted I was at the end of my rope and the doctor looked at me and said your baby's just a bad sleeper you know put her in her crib at night let her fall asleep naturally and if she's got to cry it out cry it out so I tried this guy's I tried this and it was a traumatic it was very traumatic for me even more traumatic than waking up eight times a night with a baby screaming as if they're being attacked by the boogeyman so I couldn't do it I mean I couldn't I sat outside of her room and Bella Bella could cry for hours she wasn't the 15-20 minutes cry and then pass out from exhaustion she scat lungs on her and endurance like you wouldn't believe she cried for hours I did it one night I sat outside of her room and I sobbed we were both crying her inside the room me outside the room I sobbed and I sobbed and finally I went in and I picked her up and whatever now I still rock her to sleep and I put her in the crib when she's still awake so that she gets used to falling asleep by herself but I still rock her to sleep every night and sing to her and give her a bottle I like that time with her because it's literally the only time she's not all over the place and wriggling around and on the go and I could just snuggle with her but even though it wasn't the best for me and my family the cried out or the Ferber method I have lots of friends who say that they've tried it and it works just fine it's a case-by-case basis and matters on the family and matters on the child it matters on the parents that if they're strong enough to endure I was not this was how the Carters chose to raise their daughter and nobody has the right to judge them for that even if they had a couple drinks that night who cares how were they supposed to know some teenage psychopath was gonna be sneaking in their house hiding in their closet and kidnapping their daughter they would have no knowledge of that no-one even the most perfect parent could have prepared for that and there's a long history as to why many people believe letting the baby cried out is unnatural and goes against human biology children sleeping on their own in their own rooms and in their own beds it's a fairly modern concept in prehistoric times our ancestors knew that a crying baby would attract hungry predators so they slept beside their children and nursed on-demand so the babies could be quickly soothed but in the late 19th century a fear of germs cause doctors to warn parents to have as little physical contact with their children as possible and to sleep in separate beds to avoid the spread of disease and infection through a shared breath and then over lying became a thing which was babies being suffocated or smothered by their parents on purpose and then the parents saying they'd accidentally rolled on them or done it in their sleep so the church actually outlawed co-sleeping while as it became more and more common but even in some countries and some cultures today co-sleeping is still practiced and those who practice it have you no proof or evidence or studies that back up why they believe it's a good thing and the best thing for their child so it's just a personal preference as a family as a parent how you want to to raise your child and interestingly enough well at least in 2007 when George Carter was interviewed he's not sold on the fact that Jacky Robidoux was involved in what happened to his daughter which I find very strange but that's just my opinion he said that Jackie was great with Mema and that every time Jackie came over an email was always so happy to see her and would run to her and throw her arms around her which to me is just incredibly sad that even that makes it even sadder so maybe if she's been doing drugs at that time she would have done things that she normally wouldn't have done under the influence of drugs and to me I mean I I haven't done a lot of drugs in my life so I don't know personally what drug does that as far as I'm concerned and the most that the drug would do is just bring out your natural like desires that you already had it would just kind of lower your inhibitions and make you more impulsive to do kind of the stuff that you already wanted to do and I don't even know if I believe that whole drug thing probably just an excuse from good old Jackie rubadoux rooby-roo rubadoux roba do whatever Jackie died of liver cancer in prison on April 26th 2005 and I just think it's a little bit Karma a little poetic justice that she happened to die the same month that she kidnapped the carpenter twins and murdered one of them allegedly I mean that allegedly she was convicted of it so I don't have to cover my ass so basically no one will ever get the chance to find out why she did this but George Carter says he doesn't need to know the who or the why because whoever did this to his daughter he's already forgiven them which makes him a much better and bigger person than I ever could be obviously he has to forgive them in order to move on with his life without that hate and sadness of burning inside of him but at the end of the day we have two small girls babies essentially who had their lives stolen away from them senselessly for no clear reason because honestly like I said what could be the reason for that and this happened to them in the most terrifying and horrific way they they would have no way of knowing what was happening or why they were there they would have no way to comprehend that they were dying as their oxygen ran out all they knew is that they were cold scared hungry and they were getting more and more tired as the minutes went by all they knew was they wanted their mom they wanted warm arms around them and a lullaby being sang softly into their ear as they were rocked to sleep in a safe place in a warm place in a familiar place it's the same thing that every baby wants and deserves and who knows how long Nima was trapped into that refrigerator before she succumbed to the darkness I mean her body was found a month later we don't know how long it took for her to to run out of oxygen and die and I mean at least Tina and Mary Elizabeth had each other Nima was completely alone and she wasn't even two years old yet hug your kids tight to today folks and if you don't have kids hug your niece or your nephew or give your neighbor a high-five or if you see some kid running around a park having a great time being a kid and you know just enjoying youth and life give them a thumbs up or just enjoy watching it and smile to yourself you know kids are pure they just love life they are on the beginning of their path in life like they're there at the beginning of their journey and that's what I loved about kids it's like this blank canvas and they could literally go on to be anything and every kid I look at I'm like what are you gonna do what are you gonna be what's gonna happen in your life I could be looking at the next president of the United States I could be looking at the next Bill Gates I could be looking at the next Oprah like it's just so cool it's like when you open a book at the beginning and that book could be anything and you can't wait to find out what it is kids are special like that and they have this unique way of making us feel more shiny and bright and new being a kid is precious and special and magical and it's just a devastating a shame that some of them never get to experience that journey let me know in the comments what you think Halloween's officially over I'm really sad I mean I'm tired like I said but I'm still sad it feels like something really exciting and fun and great is coming to an end but we're gonna have more stuff ahead of us I've got a cult series coming up serial killer series coming up I'm gonna be doing coffee and crime times regularly while I work on research for the bigger videos and you guys are not gonna be rid of me and we have next Halloween to look forward to but I do want to give some shoutouts and special thanks to those who really made Halloween possible first we have a philip park who did the animation for the halloween intro and i'll put his contact information in the description box if you guys are interested in reaching out to him to do some animation for you and he's actually the husband of one of my subscribers i believe from ireland but what a great guy what a great guy to work with and what a good job he did i also want to thank sample etsy and jenny cummings they did the sound effects and the music for the intro and johnny cummings is actually the same artist that you'll hear he sings chemical love which everybody loves it's the intro to coffee and crime and so they were amazing he literally came in clutch and did the sound effects in the music like in a very short time period I'm very impressed authors that I have spoken to during research for this video and there are two videos that I haven't put out yet that I was planning to do for Halloween but I needed to do some more research and those two cases are the witch of del rey and agh home so those videos will probably be coming out within the next month as well but I spoke to Chicago author Adam Selzer who wrote a great book about HH Holmes and he helped me a little bit more on the phone kind of clearing things up took some time to help me out amazing I also spoke to Karen Davis who wrote the book The Witch of Delray and this case is crazy guys I cannot wait to give you both of these videos but they were so kind of time intensive and I just kept finding more stuff so I wanted to keep looking and researching so I could give you the best video on the topic that I could but Karen helped me out as well she's the author of that book and she was great on the phone Adam and Karen were both great of course amorita wool were two Crandell who helped me out with the casket girls case an author from New Orleans who wrote to the book New Orleans vampires and I also want to thank one of my subscribers Celeste who hooked me up with Marita because they're both from New Orleans and they knew each other so Celeste obviously is amazing if you guys don't know who Celeste is she has a YouTube channel she also has a great Instagram follow her on Twitter I'll put all her stuff in the description box so you can follow her she just Herald cards she's awesome I want to also give a big thank you to my husband Adam if he had not stepped up and helped me out this month even though I know he was very busy this would have happened I wouldn't have had the time to research and write scripts and record and edit because literally all month I just recorded and edited and edited and recorded and it was just this never-ending cycle to the point where my computer crashed so I had to get a new one but Adam was there I mean there was times when he would just you know see that I was stressed out and he'd give the kids a bath or get them ready for bed or take Bella for the whole day so that I could get some uninterrupted work done so he really helped me out my mother-in-law obviously for taking Bella during the day on Mondays and Fridays so I could record and edit my kids for putting up with me because I know there was times when I was grouchy and there was times when I probably just was too tired to even fully function as a human being my patrons who were so awesome and understanding because I was m.i.a for the last two months and I definitely didn't give them everything they deserved but they were you know there for the right reason they were behind me they were supporting me my patrons are amazing people and I really don't know how I got so lucky to just find such a great group of people obviously to all of you out there watching giving me encouragement like I said that was exactly what I needed to keep going your encouragement your love your support it was everything to me and of course our sponsors who helped out during Halloween we had the lovely and beautiful Magellan TV we had function of beauty we had Ana Luisa jewelry we had of course hunter-killer so much fun we also had audible and glasses USA and these sponsors really came through in a pinch and helped me out and I just appreciate every subscriber every patron every sponsor thank you guys so so much and on that note I'm gonna throw in a quick plug for our sponsor of today's video which is hunt a killer it doesn't matter if Halloween's over guys we still need some creepy in our life if you haven't signed up for Honda killer yet you should definitely try it I am working on the next box now I'm so excited I'm definitely like this close to figuring out who what where when and how in this season and then I'm really ready to just get on to the next one I'm not gonna give you any spoilers in case you're working on this season still but it's gonna be good it's gonna surprise you okay guys thank you so much in the description box you're gonna find the links to everybody I just talked about you'll also find the links to Ana Luisa jewelry this this necklace that I've worn like every single day is Ana Luisa jewelry I love it you'll also find the links to live law polish which was another of our sponsors this month the link is to Magellan TV a link to hunt a killer a link to everybody you know everybody just check it out if you really want to support the channel and if you were ever thinking of doing any of these sponsors you know just check it out now now's the time thank you guys so much for being with me during Halloween I appreciate you I love you it's gonna be so weird next time we talk because I'm not gonna say happy Halloween and I'm not gonna say stay Kai and stay beautiful and stay spooky this is the last time I'm gonna say it for a year but stay kind stay beautiful and stay spooky and I'll see you next time [Laughter] [Music] I've been thinking about the way you smile lights up a room like a sliver of the summer sky a laugh that could settle the seams I thought you a fleeting dream Teague [Music]
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 289,359
Rating: 4.9350176 out of 5
Keywords: nima louise carter, the carpitcher twins, jacqueline roubideaux, true crime, stephanie harlowe, harloween
Id: uieuNgYv4bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 39sec (3459 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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