Garnt Confused a Japanese Waiter with his "Weird" Order

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anyway do you know what uh do you know what I found myself missing recently that I never thought I'd miss what American portion sizes so okay I want to hear this story yes so I went to I went to eat at an Italian restaurant yesterday and here's the thing about Japanese portion sizes right obviously they're smaller than the rest of the world this feels like an AI generated conversation is it from trash taste conversations yes it is it is let me talk let me just start with the most AI generated trash taste topic I could think of it just um so food yeah just food just food so we've complained the portrait sizes are too big in America yeah and now we complain they're too small here yes okay yes it's not it's not it's not that it's not that they're too small so you know you know how it is when you go to a Japanese restaurant some Japanese restaurants give you like good portion slices right but if it's not Japanese food then they are way way smaller than what you can expect in you know other things especially especially Italian food and especially especially especially Pizza like I don't know what it is about Japanese pizzas but like large size in Japan is like medium to small size anywhere else in the world yeah right yeah so me and Cindy go to this Japanese restaurant uh and we wanted some pasta or pizza well I I was a fat ass so I like I wanted both you know you know you know that you know that feeling where you kind of like you kind of want two dishes at once yeah but they're like two Mains and I'm like yo Sydney a set of like ordering starters do you wanna do you wanna share a pizza with me as a starter or just have that as a starter yeah and then we'll have Pastor afterwards yeah for my appetite Yeah so basically in any other country you could I don't think I can get away with this because the pizza would be too big but in Japan I was like this is a country I can get away with ordering a pizza as a starter yeah um and so the waitress comes over and uh we order the pizza and she's like okay waiting for us to get to the other Mains and then I was and then we go uh yeah can we order two dishes of the large size of the pasta because even the medium size of the pasta is small as [ __ ] yeah we need to order compared to America yeah compared to America and she's like excuse me where where who's who's the two pastors for and it's like oh no can we have the pizza as a starter so you can bring out the pizza before the mains and there was like but she was like and she looked at the piece and she's like but that's not a starter are you sure you want this and then we go yeah yeah yeah we're sure we're sure and then she goes off looking confused and we see her talking to the manager she literally talks to her she talks to her manager and then she like she has this Panic look on her face because obviously we're two we're two foreigners in a in a restaurant that's full of attack sorry full of Japanese people she comes back over and she goes uh uh I know it's mimason and she's like can I just confirm with you the order just just so you understand the pastor by itself the large size is normally shared between two people and you order two of them so the the portion sizes that you ordered would be normally for around three to four people we just went yes it is uh we are sure we understand what we have just ordered thanks for confirming that we're a bunch of fat-offs you've got the real match Stoney ordering experience yeah yeah yeah so she brings all the pizza and then she brings over the pasta and me and Cindy both [ __ ] destroy this pasta even like even though this is the large size I'll be honest it didn't actually fill me up here's my like in Japan right yeah this is how you visualize it I feel like when I order a large pasta I can always pick up all of the pasta in one hand yeah it is if I can pick it all up with one hand you have not given me enough pasture and I'm always tempted I'm like I just wanna oh yeah this is what you think is enough to feed me okay yeah and and so like we finish it there's not even like a drop of sauce left on this bottle right and she comes back over and she looks at me she looks at her empty balls and she's she's just like I see you enjoyed the pasta and I was just like oh God I feel you're judging eyes okay I feel them I feel them okay don't judge me anymore all right she wasn't even like subtle about it she might as well just be like so how many days has it been since you haven't eaten yeah and then she takes them away and then she comes back over and she's like would you like any dessert on top of that I'm like no okay I'm a fat ass okay you can say it you can say it okay I get it okay well fat asses okay okay don't you don't need to say anymore I don't want dessert okay [ __ ] son you want some [ __ ] Desire with that just give me the bill okay just give me the bill I get it okay I get it I'll just cry I'll just go home and cry no no I was about to say like I feel my personal experience with eating like Italian food like pizza or pasta in Japan is that it's either way too little or way too much yeah there's no too much of [ __ ] yeah it's like yeah they're too much is always [ __ ] yeah no well if it's the too much they give you like 90 pasta and 10 sauce so it's like mostly just raw pasta and there's just like 0.1 coating on each piece of sauce personally I think the going back to what you're saying earlier that when you when you say something in Japan that isn't the normal system that they have of like say dining or whatever it's it's so frustrating in Japan yeah it's like you can see the error codes in a debugging menu when you when you say something where you're like what you want a main to come out before another main are you yeah what is on top of ordering two it's extra large it's like if you explain this in any European country maybe they'd be like are you sure like whatever but like it would get done right yeah in America okay we get it sure okay we'll bring it up first but like in Japan it's like it's like you've asked if you could like wed their daughter the reaction they give you is so so weird like yeah they need time to think about it and again it's that whole thing of like it's the Panic it's like why are you panicking because because in Japan when they train employees like that it's just like buy the book yeah and if there's anything that's an exception into that book then it's just first reaction immediately Panic ask the manager it's like bro it's not that it's not that deep I'm like in my head I'm just I'm just confused at what what are they what thoughts are going through the head that their first response is oh what the [ __ ] they're freaking out yeah I don't know why they think like oh is this allowed in this establishment like yes it's allowed oh they think at some point that we're going to be frustrated or annoyed at them and it's like no no I if you can't do it yeah you can't do it yeah I I'm not gonna throw a fit but like I feel like I violated some law or I've done something wrong I think what it is I'm sorry I didn't I didn't want to cause trouble I just wanted my pastor before my pizza I'm so sorry I I'm trying I'm trying to muster up all of my like Japanese side to like try and figure out what the thought process of it is and I think big quotations I think what it is is that they don't want the this idea of like miscommunication yeah I understand I understand they're like are you sure this is what you want because we don't want you we don't want to you know make all this [ __ ] we don't want the chef to go all this through this hardship yeah bring it out and then you go that's not what I wanted yeah I understand I can understand that yeah to the point where it would drive you to have a little bit of a momentary Panic about it I feel like come on well because I think the blame is going to be pushed on the waiter right I mean maybe they've had some bad experiences that way too yeah sure I can't I can't I don't know what they've lived through right no I don't know where they've waited yeah did they serve Papa John or something yeah I don't I want 30 pizzas it's like so are you sure about that and you'll get the slot in Japan right and this is a question that will happen if you're eating lunch only lunch you go to lunch right right you order again let's just say a pasta you order a pasture it's always a pasta yeah let's say uh let's say you order the pasta and you're you're you know you want to drink with it you wanna uh berry smoothie or a coffee whatever you want to know why I said berries every single timer and this will happen in Japan right so if you're coming here and you don't know they'll ask you yeah and they'll say it in Japanese obviously but like do you want the drink before or after your meal yeah and I've always found this really odd because in any other country you don't get it after the meal that doesn't happen so I've always I've always been confused by this concept and the default is after so yeah I think though it depends on the drink right if it's a coffee I would understand why they would ask it right because it's to a Japanese person drinking a coffee with a full-on meal is a bit weird why is that weird yeah in Japan it is I don't understand this concept of why I would if I'm ordering a coffee now and I'm ordering my food now yeah that should tell you that drinks always come first right actually I didn't notice that because I'm like every time I ordered a coffee I'm like always I want the coffee first yeah yeah right every single time you order a drink anywhere anywhere in the world the drink always comes first yeah because I think in Japan the the idea of coffee is that it's like an after meal drink yeah kind of like you know like tea or you know some other you know like uh not not exactly like refreshing beverages that go with the meal yeah so I think they kind of treat it like that and so when you say I want the coffee before the meal or during the meal that's kind of out of the book I I would understand that for dinner yeah because dinner you typically but then afterwards they come after the meal they're like do you want to teal no no no in Japan it's only in Japan if you order a coffee during dinner time they just like stop panicking they're like 6 p.m but like this is n't on this is even on the menu you've been to they always at the end of the meal you've had your dessert yeah or with the dessert order do you want to see your coffee yeah normal no other time to ever have a coffee with my yes so it's only with lunch and then for some yeah I get it only only happens with tea and coffee and I'm like just just give me it I've ordered it now give me it now if I want another coffee after I drink my coffee I'll have that but yeah but that's totally yeah because you go through coffee like it's nothing I just but I always tell them as well like I always say before but then sometimes there's like this weird confusion where they're like oh oh okay see because it makes sense in a cafe setting in Japan like if you just go to like a regular Cafe in the morning or at lunch time and you have a coffee with say you know like a [ __ ] Panini or something or like a small sandwich right yeah I always want the coffee then they'll then they won't bat a night they'll be like oh yes of course you want a coffee with that exactly but I think it's this idea of having a full-on sit-down meal and having a coffee with it that's weird for some reason I drink hot green tea here with our meals right yeah yeah and like there's another Italian Society Society Japanese Society there's another place that was an Italian place that did lunge things into the tea and the coffee yeah and I they always asked they always ask me do I want it before or after or they would just bring it out by after default yeah and I always just thought well we're eating pasta here give me the [ __ ] coffee yeah Italians are crying right now yeah yeah I noticed there's no way as a as a foreigner to order pizza not feel like a [ __ ] fat ass I mean ordering pizza already you feel like a [ __ ] fat ass but like in Japan it's the norm to order pizza to share with everyone yeah but me I'm like the norm for me is ordering at least one pizza in Japan just for me and if I'm feeling spicy I'll order one and share another one with a mate you know yeah because like the the pizza for one person in Japan is like the size of a large floppy disk like it's barely a meal yeah the large size that they recommend for three or four people that's a medium size I can destroy that easily easily if you know if I'm feeling hungry that's I need a [ __ ] large size pizza all right yeah yeah did you see that Domino's Pizza went out of business in Italy did I actually well they left they left so I presume I mean well I mean they got chased out they got chased down they're like you're not a real Pizza they opened 2015 I think and then yeah they left damn so uh yeah apparently you know didn't want uh Domino's Pizza wow it sucks to have the option gone right right it sucks is Olive Garden still around there I don't have Olive Garden are you kidding me I think Domino's Pizza was pushing their luck yeah did I have Pizza Hut there that's this that's a legit question yeah yeah I would assume not all right maybe kayaking track yeah Kai is there any American pizza joints in Italy I would assume if they do it'd be like one or two in the city you know yeah like that kind of yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah probably be like finding a Panda Express in China or something like that I don't what would be what would the equivalent be yeah I mean but when you think about it it's like it's such a [ __ ] backhanded thing to do to go all the way to like say Rome right right and then be like [ __ ] man really want to Domino's right now I I think I prefer a lot of countries it's it's kind of banking on the uh a lot of foreign people and also the ease of it yeah the familiarity of it yeah and you know if you order a Domino's Pizza you know that's just gonna be delivered you know what I mean yeah you don't have to call up you can do it online like I think they Bank a lot of the time on convenience and ease yeah I mean like part part of the especially traveling around I've valued way more now just having big name brands that I recognize because of course yeah you know you want to go out your comfort zone you want to try to local Cuisine but sometimes you just want something where you know what to expect I love that there's a McDonald's everywhere exactly exactly when the countries are like yeah we didn't [ __ ] let McDonald's in I'm like all right well I mean I would have liked it but I guess I'm like that's my capitalist brain that has been trained to be a slave to Ronald I actually like going to McDonald's in every country just it's cool it's one it's one thing that you go to everywhere you go brainwashed so well well no because to me it's like because it's like I know I've been to enough McDonald's in different countries now where I know every McDonald's in every country tastes different yeah in some regards but it's still like I could put like a tier list of like McDonald's of different colors it still tastes familiar enough that you can point to something and you're like okay I kind of know what this is of course like it's not like going to you know it's not like going to a restaurant and ordering something and you're gonna get like [ __ ] uh chicken heart or some stuff you know which is a thing that can happen if you're a tourist here in Japan you just order something and you don't know what you're going to get sometimes I mean I I remember you know when I went to a McDonald's in France one time just because I kind of felt like it and I I felt so invigorating when I finally ordered yeah I was like I actually says it dude they've got mayonnaise on everything Joey okay they do they put mayonnaise on everything dude it's a good it's a good moment when you go to McDonald's in America and you realize wow this is the worst one oh it's absolutely absolutely I know I know is why you can never Bank on the home of something being the best version of it
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 250,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: q33QxtVyNxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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