They loved #hobbylobby | Abandoned storage packed with good stuff

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all right guys here's what's going on i bought a 10 by 10 unit but i'm gonna call it a ten by five because i could have fit all this in a ten by five if you don't know what is he talking about i am storage stalker i buy units for a living i record them i bring them to you on youtube and my beautiful sidekick my wife little mama yeah that's a beautiful hand and i just want to show you guys the greatness of what we do we have fun while we work and we make it happen while making money and i've been pushing this issue every video in the beginnings for like the last week i have almost 86 000 subs at 100 000 subs i am going to get the youtube logo tattooed on my body somewhere and guess who's going to pick where it's going one of your subscribers so please no stamps um you're like telling a three-year-old not to touch the cookie let's get into this unit [Music] [Applause] [Music] a big old bucket of shoes in the book nothing special oh them are hugs nothing special those are eggs still ugly ugly boots these boots are made for walking that's just what i do take these boots sure in the head walk all the way all right nice big king of blue these boots are made for walking let's see what we got right here and off to the next let's grab this and this oh so big daddy is moving through it because we're losing sunlight guys oh you're lost i'm like we've been at it for a really long time um nope see how quick she goes and knock stuff over i have a home if you're new here dibs means that she is keeping it and we're not making no money off it but honestly this will be a very nice auction item very nice mama look there's scissors all in there and the kids don't need a bunch of crinkly scissors do they okay now i thought they were toddler scissors she gave in thank you my foot feels like kicking you this unit right here little mama and she made a video already out of it a lot of arts and crafts coming out of it and look at this look at this stuff something else came out of it look at it sheets all that you know where this is going where um you guys do not want to see what i just said you guys do not want to see what i just seen the selfie stick is tied to the front of her and she was dancing in that thing was yeah a lot of patterns friday night auction they will be going there with the scissors that's a good that's a good lot now we have this oh i'm gonna say more archer craft stuff not really worried about that i am worried about that buttons i gotta put this down more buttons look at this guys hey these are cool more buttons look at it oh wow we're about to sell these at the auction all these this friday if somebody was doing their own jewelry or whatever you have it this is all they need there's a lot of them in there what's that big buttons little buttons round buttons sounds like i'm describing buttons let's see what's in the front okay right there are we leaving something up [Applause] zoom out yeah yeah because it i don't know i couldn't record either earlier and this pocket we have buttons no we have something else what are these cards cards more cards more cards i think people buy this stuff at auction mama i think so you think so mm-hmm so then what well because let's put in an option retail on anything crafty let me guess and it don't hurt to try and it don't hurt to try and it don't hurt to try all right off to another bucket that says something angel grapevine angel um close oh punting oh that's cute london why do i say punting because that's what um mickey mouse really says there's a lot of mickey mouse shirts in here but i don't see no grapevine nothing it's closed all the way to the bottom not no high quality valuable clothes but just close who wears short shoes that's not even uh short those are that's a skirt oh it is it's a bathing suit bottom hey looking thick in that thing what nothing all right i wonder what's in a wonderball green and red taupe that's extremely heavy i mean like oh talk about patterns talk about look at this they got like the whole rainbow oh wow crazy look it's paper awesome awesome awesome awesome sauce gonna put it back in here do you think anybody would be interested in that type of stuff no that's just all paper see what's in this one cards look like pictures no they're cards crafting stuff yeah it's all crafting probably patterns and stuff to make dresses and stuff like that look at the beach the perfect way to create the perfect page hmm i wish they had that for youtube if i could make my youtube page perfect you can you know what i need just take some make it perfect nothing you know why it's already hurting you i'll put everything together dang look at this it's all paper all patterns holy community i know what needs to happen with this stuff what i know that needs to happen has to go home to the girls they would love this to draw their wannabe animals and stuff on them so we might have to take that home oh look at that thing that's like a big old oh this one's even heavier look at your legs you okay i don't think you should put that okay too late and we have i'm gonna say more paper newspapers [Applause] card stocks more paper more paper they're like card stocks fold them in half make a card holy cannoli oh my gosh it's all papers what in the that's crazy that's so that's two boxes now filled with cardstock oh that's how heavy that thing is all right see what else we got here see if you got anything other than paper let's see what do we got here two boxes one box has looks like it stinks what the box yeah that's a lot of crap marijuana medical man can you use any of these sewing needles help yourself sewing needles six cents okay that box up what's with that more stuff i think you put a candy cane in this right here let me give it to someone you see candy cane fish right here straight down the middle and you give it some those are pretty cool right yeah oh yeah you know what i do know is we gotta hurry up and sell stuff like this because in a month it's gonna be worthless wait but a lot of people like to save their okay a lot of people like to save their stuff good yeah me i like to out with the old end with the new right mm-hmm damage flying through this now it's right here oh this was like closed oh be careful i don't want the bottom to fall out oh you okay i think i hurt my back ah i'm just here crack ready you fall asleep oh my god boobies make me smile uh-oh oh i thought that was a cannon uh lysol i was just waiting for you to fix your lips i was going to fix them too because you know i ain't been able to sleep so after you take off the first level the bottom level looks pretty cool a lot of stuff in here oh no a bag oregano why they're cooking out here candle needles a little purse empty i should be wearing gloves going through this type of stuff yeah pair of grease makeup some glasses need some glasses no i'm okay i'm okay all right got on this side we got hairbrush pinecones thingies no that's not happening we got a little container be like victoria until nobody else is some of the cheapest where you at you're far away come closer mama i got it so you can see this greatness all right first aid kit not taking that home what all the first aid kits i got they got raped of their band-aids the kids went ham and took every last thing out of them they're walking around with uh four foot bandages on a little scratch we have some credit cards a light a quarter where there's a quarter right there there's two oh two one 50 cent and there's a dime that's top of the oh and a nickel thing came up how much should we make i don't know what did you find two quarters two dimes no two quarters of nickel a dime two quarters a nickel and a dime yeah they're 65 cents five cents why are you asking me a couple pennies i don't want to finish you want the venice all right a mirror a sharpener and a light well oh some change another nickel another gun all right what's that don't know don't care either um this unit is starting to get me angry now show me your angry face [Music] what do you think's in there they're probably like who you think they don't know about it they don't know about it and i'd rather not tell you guys either all right i'm gonna tell you anyways you have to go to little mama's channel and check out what she found she literally found human ashes inside of an assorted chocolate box that's not even funny i don't even know why i i mean neither you know where you're going for that with gasoline gasoline draws all right let me see save me save me save me [Music] think about it okay this kind of looks like the same stuff that we had in the other unit but the other one had nicer stuff look are these the same boxes looks like them no they're cisco that's weird what in the holy kid crafty what are these cards more cards mama bear i wouldn't even know where to start hey i've always wanted one of these you know what it is clear out r6 ribbons and more cards and hot glue for hot glue gun can i find something good i'm getting angry now babe because i'm not finding nothing good i'm gonna throw a fit and stop the video you need a hug you know what i need 20 bucks i think you know what i need okay [Music] look at this me and big daddy believe a bug a day keeps the stress away keeps the haters away first drawer he hasn't been hugging me lately though what is it don't know yeah your guess is as good as mine stamp of approval yep certified is that a label printer looks like it um what's that i don't know what and then all right we found one of those luckily we found one because oh a knife say something else something else something else you weren't supposed to say that okay i wouldn't even know what to do with half of this stuff in here yeah me neither the look what are these are they stamps or what let's see what this is they're cut outs die cutter that makes a big difference hmm okay this might be something there's a bunch of them in here too there's like a good 15 20 in there and then whatever these are what are these those are stamps i believe no die cut they cut look they cut that design in the bottom of your paper oh okay well there's a lot of that i bet you those are worth some money uh this might be good at a preschool or something you think this was a preschool credit not a preschool yes i don't know watching crafts and a box that i feel like i shouldn't even be opening because i'm not going to shut it oh talk about whiteout okay this unit just took a weird turn for me i only paid 100 bucks though guys remember that get in there get in my belly right here do you guys want to act like this right now and put other people on the camera huh get your butts in there there we go i'm tired babe go ahead take a break we have to come back to this unit no wait i will never quit never ever quit i'm a elephant um can you find the good stuff uh yeah i've been looking for it no if you see it please it doesn't seem like it seems like you're just looking for arts and crafts it's all good hey look at that film or arts and crafts jewelry box and no jewelry good job guys so proud of this storage unit owner well like i said we only paid 100 bucks books books books oh there are some cool keys whole bunch of skeleton keys oh those are cool all the geese too all right see what's on the other side most likely it's just books and stuff yep all books and some type of case i bet you there's either it's not the case oh that's pretty cool didn't you have a camera lock going i do camelot camera lock right here right here big daddy say cheese cheese it says battery exhausted okay hey but that means it works but if the battery's tired i hate you why oh they're these kind of batteries yeah oh your batteries get tired all the time exhaust is that what it said or is that tripping i just don't know how to read i mean yeah but it's another word for batteries or low i'm exhausted okay never mind what i'm going to put it in that bag but it's fine for you yeah what's this [Applause] nothing nothing nothing put your makeup on oh jesus we're not today nothing all right this thing is getting more and more scarier now to me well if you watch my video it got scary just in the beginning oh yeah that was scary how do you find someone's ashes in an assorted chocolate box chocolate box but you know what we're gonna have to give that back you know what you told me on the camera like what if they were really like you know i fell in hard times but you they have really nice cases at dollar tree [Laughter] no you did not right or wrong no you did not okay i'm just gonna stop all right i'm gonna pull this tone out and it is heavy oh my gosh i'm ending up breaking my back all right here we go you want to come over here i think this is the last one we're gonna go through because [Music] to tell them um this shoe didn't have all the gold and stuff i needed but you know what we're going to stop it right there come back next time if you want to see the rest but if you don't come back for the rest i understand but don't forget to like this video share this video subscribe to this channel her up buttercup buttercup let me start over then wait right there don't move okay i'm gonna show you how i'll show you how to put on youtube ready jazz all right guys we found all this wonderful stuff in the stores that we only paid 100 bucks for you know what we still got a bunch of boxes to go through and you know what i have a feeling the best is yet to come all you gotta do is stay tuned don't forget to like share subscribe this video and when we do reach a hundred thousand put your input on where you want the tattoo peace out people what i'm taking the goods did you find it
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 6,564
Rating: 4.9327297 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr, hobbylobby, diy, crafting, biden, harris, obama
Id: def7oFQctcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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