DONT WANT TO MISS THIS!!Unbelievable finds in an abandoned storage unit

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oh here it is boxes from a unit I bought the other day dah dah dah dah dah dah dah do some boxes today so happy here with me and thank you thank you thank you little update the first half of the storage army stuff army guys outfit badges pictures sign pictures on the back a whole bunch of stuff you know what I'm excited for that stuff but it makes you that more much excited for the rest of the unit so you know what when I would even stop it wait I gotta stop we got here music music first we have three boxes which kind of look Christmassy so I'm gonna say I keep those I'm going to keep them taking these two already well that too I would I was saying adding because I can sell them when it comes to Christmas time oh those are pretty oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah 1993 is that considered an empty yes I think 20 years and older will not antique vintage 20 years older yeah 93 to 2003 is 10 2013 is 20 yep 93 you mean to tell know that means you mean your pinkie you mean to tell me that 1993 was what is that 27 you seven years ago yep you know what that means oh your vintage books that's a box why do you focus this on me look look Oh patches I got to keep all these patches now you know why because you found that picture and the other one of that look bud toons I just hope he's still alive that's awesome well diamonds all around them I think they're real gold with diamonds that's nice Wow how's this wow this yeah oh look at those wants to hear those things are nice yeah we're keeping that and then we have oh sorry I didn't mean to show you about cookies that's really all what daddies do what daddies do yeah daddy snuggle that is hard on their kids I know when you're a little high I'm not the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body then only the left-handed people are the right are in the right line are in the right leg that makes sense oh yeah more books but you know what's good about these books they are going to the local bookstore Half Price Books you know what you do too whole box of books it was weird because when we went to Half Price Books a while back they were buying they were interested in paperbacks like this so hopefully they'll be interested in those in these because we have a bottom you tell me book we found the other day oh yeah what is that gazebo if so what is it I think it's a little heart oh it's a bed so when you lay out lay on like an army bed okay like an army cot we're going to see you yes sir well cuz it was brown and it looks like kind of made a mess everywhere where's that parts kit well feeds a bike pedal thing yes hello I bet she made that I believe in angels oh and dishes okay all right let me clear up some room since you are complaining about my mess all right mark have a sip always this soda at the market tints always good to have you back see the net whenever you sleeping bags I do they're warm we're good we take the whole home is how the blanket was a blanket summer house good what is this I take but a minute is yeah all right they're super warm safe all right 75 bucks into oh look at this big bag so I bring it this way when I go deeper in the unit it gets a little dark yeah mmm-hmm only bags are made to Biederman's what in the world was that this is vintage Paris okay see that yeah party no that's good at eBay no oh you're high again I'm not high I'm saying like the boxes I'm sure I can't it's hard for me to reach over bumps limb brush a remote you have a great nothing nothing another zero Finch the Bible green card green card thing oh you should saying all the right things tonight ain't you said I was high called it the box of green card come on mama come on little mama I need your brain in the game okay brain in the game I was a fire you know what I'll save $0 because I don't pay you there you go you know what that is and always even more than a whole bunch of a Christmas ornaments those that little stool down there that one right there yeah sure this is what you're talking about no baby I also not that fish is that a spice rack yeah oh my gosh you know what I'm just not even gonna tell you anything anymore and you better be careful cuz that side of the wall looks like it was gonna fall it's a chest it's a chest oh great silver silver plated flutes that's different so I want someone that's really different you see someone care silver-plated flips silver plated loose yeah might be a good Alameda or Ebay Oh ghost and the ghost pass it on I'll leave you my hand that's a nice chest though it's different just pull these out put these to the side and put this to the side right here this hat and in the shell then I'm gonna turn the box into a alright come on don't do that again that's why I got that nope alright I'm not gonna do it again I'm gonna have another box which I like to call raft Kendall that's mostly it's a cinnamon flavored I've never smelled as a channel that was lemon flavored oh they're just what's going oh like someone's little baby bracelet JD what's that I think these are like $20 on eBay okay they say thank veterans Elks will see you so your slippers right yeah but look this is what I was gonna interested in hopkins army fatigues Oh oh yes please [Music] maybe you never know maybe this army person passed away and if they did pass away these right here are gonna be in valuable family so we see this box out to you probably just like something to tie it up with maybe [Music] books no pictures wow that's a whole lot of pictures we'll take this beautiful thing makes me sad to see that many pictures different you can smell when the heater comes on on goes in CD case let the army hat right there well Operation Iraqi Freedom wow that's cool this box looks a little trashy super trashy hey you know what maybe we have to dip that phone we have a landline but don't we have a phone well let me guess let me tell you some one thing one thing really quick what what cell type cast and bandage protector took a water bag wait no I don't know I don't say bathroom I was going to probably put it in here and carry it around I don't know I suppose an advantage well maybe it goes like if you break your foot you have a cast on and you need it to UM do the motor duty motor you gonna do the whole touch the do motor stalker I'm gonna catch some knickknacks but you don't know it is go bail with Germany you BAE at sea or the little guys you want to take your little girl Bobby Reed trying to open the first beyond bears and friends to the beach she was like she's gonna have a good time that's not gonna stop either you know what we're gonna show you this so we're gonna pause the video cuz you never know YouTube chess chess or poker what is that game does the Bordelaise flip because these usually flip where you can play a different game [Music] Jesus Jesus vintage bottle caps Argentina Turkey the export corporation oh look at their kit bronze bronze what does that mean it means expensive it sounds like constant you know openness use the knife what I see that's pretty reminds me of Titanic and it is just in silver that is on my finger in there [Music] thank personal it's what it is personal got a box there happy mother Dixie probably so I actually miss her fake it's do I do I have some of these dishes I think in here are vintage you might want to consider them taking them to UM Alameda yeah alright annotating that's nothing they're needful what does any say thank you for being here thank you for being here how much you pays for the unit I'll be paid 300 dollars after taxes 360 dollars but if you only seen this part you only see in a portion of the video there's a whole other part ahead of it we've had a lot of army clothes and outfits and badges and all that good stuff and only pay 360 the washer gonna give me a couple bucks the little things hand they're a couple bucks I'll probably knick knacks yeah I probably made my money back if that maybe but not in the business of completed I'm going to business making money and moving on to the next unit so until next unit see you guys there peace out why are you walking away you're gonna go to the card hide you don't want to be alone little model where you going whatever bye bye
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 14,617
Rating: 4.9315896 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: tQ_Ku7oo-Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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