Nightwing Becomes A God - Full Story

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today we're going to be covering the entire Nightwing soft reboot that happened recently it's going to be containing issues 78 all the way to 105 and you have found yourself at the comic story and channel where I take comic books I combine them into an audio drama and you get the full run of the entire story and if you enjoy this one I highly recommend going to your local comic book store or local bookstore and adding it to your collection now Nightwing had a bit of a choppy run from issues 1 through 77 but that's when Tom Taylor came in and created a brand new soft reboot a brand new beginning for Nightwing which is what we're covering today this run ran until issue 105 where Tom Taylor didn't quit but we started another soft reboot the dawn of DC all of this is still actually in full continuity it's just the publishing lines where they want to make you think it's brand new either way this is issue 78 to 105 and it tells the story of Nightwing beginning his new Journey his entire new friendships all of his buddies here we go Gotham Heights Park a long time ago there were a group of boys bullying someone there was a young girl who tried to stop them but one of the boys was Shelton Lyle Shelton was a very privileged Kid Perfect Teeth wealthy family but it wasn't just the attention of the girls that the boy's got it also struck a chord with the young Dick Grayson by this time Dick had already lost his parents to Tony Zuko so there really wasn't anything that could hurt him Shelton commented that he saw the last Act of the flying graysons at the circus and said that it was the greatest show that he had ever seen but that didn't phase him dick stood his ground telling Shelton to leave these kids alone Shelton took a swing but dick being rather Nimble for his size used it and easily head-butted Shelton without so much as taking his hand out of his pockets of course this led to a brawl which now also brought the attention of the police Shelton asks if they know how much trouble they're going to be and his dad owns the cops and the little girl asks do you really think that they'd listen to you over me what do you think Dad and behind the little girl is Jim Gordon Jim brought dick home and little Barbara was amazed that he lived in a castle thought that the lack of dragons and a moat was a little disappointing though as dick went inside of Wayne Manor Jim explained to Alfred what had happened dick started to quietly wash the dishes without Fred stomping him why are you doing my job dick says that even if it was he still wants to help Alfred then begins to dry the dishes stating that he heard that there was a fight and that he fought three other students dick says that there was a kid and the others were hurting him I'm sorry Alfred last telling him that Master Bruce may feel the need to wear a costume to be a hero but I am glad that Dick Grayson stood up when someone else was in need it takes a different hero to help out without a mask now we go to the current times 2021 and a group of college students run after a small dog throwing rocks and Kicking It Gotham has a Madness in it but this is bloodhaven these people are just cruel after kicking the puppy One Last Time Nightwing steps through the fog stating usually I'd open up with something disarming and witty but I'm not usually this disgusted one of the men from the group yells that they were just having some fun and Nightwing asks your idea of fun is torturing small animals you really need to broaden your horizons the student reaches into his jacket pulling out at gun stating well I guess the fun is over and he points it at the dog Nightwing bats the gun away with his baton and he starts to take down the groove stating I am not going to let you shoot a puppy in the head and in his experience the next thing is the dog waking up without its memories driving a cab with or without Amnesia a dog shouldn't be behind the wheel of a car as the college students run away Nightwing takes up his glove and he holds it out to the puppy telling it that he isn't going to hurt it the dog growls and bites his hand Nightwing picks her up and pets her that's okay let's just get you to the vet so that I can go to the doctor but meanwhile elsewhere Blockbuster holds a secret meeting with the mayor of bloodhaven as Blockbuster Waits the mayor says that he does have office hours and an office meeting at night under a bridge feels like a way to attract trolls commissioner McLean opens up a briefcase of paperwork and Blockbuster says that a number of his businesses have already been stagnating the council president Melinda looks at the paper asking if he has spreadsheets really putting the organized in the organized crime Blockbuster tells her not to pretend to be shocked by a well-run operation and the mayor asks why are we out here what do you expect me to do Blockbuster tells him that he's expecting him to do as he was told and you have failed as the mayor begins to ask what would he have had him do Blockbuster grabs him by the head telling him we are having this meeting so that you can be made an example out of he begins to apply a bit of pressure in the mayor's skull cracks he then begins to clean the blood from his hand stayed into the mayor's body will be found as council president you will be next in line your job will be to serve the city and I am the city do we have an understanding Melinda tells him that Melinda tells him of course and Blockbuster goes on stating I spoke to your father he's a killer but he is not a liar I understand that you are estranged but Tony spoke highly of you congratulations mayor Zuko back with Nightwing he heads home after a visit to the vet and then to the doctor when he notices something strange he owns the apartment block where he lives paid for when he had Wayne money but he's quickly running out of funds but something's wrong there's someone in his apartment without giving him a chance Nightwing suits up jumping through his own window but is quickly thrown against the wall as Nightwing lays upside down against it he looks up and Barbara says surprise and if you're going to operate as a superhero out of an apartment you need better security you might have some Cutting Edge stuff but anyone with years of experience trespassing and advanced defense disabling technology wouldn't have a problem there is something I need to tell you though dick before she could continue she hears a bark and asks what's that and as Nightwing brings the dog in Barbara screams dating oh my God it's so adorable welcome to your forever home little girl Nightwing says that this is not her forever home but Barbara tells him that once he brought this thing through the window it became her forever home just accept that you have a fur baby now but as to why I'm here as Oracle I was chosen to be the executor of Alfred pennyworth's will while you were not yourself dick A lot has happened you should take a seat a few moments later Nightwing looks at the laptop and says that it has a lot of zeros he was Barber tells him yeah Alfred was a billionaire who liked to make sandwiches for those he cared about because he wanted to she then takes out a letter handing it overstating that this might also help explain a bit she didn't open it as Nightwing sits he opens up the letter and begins to read a letter from Alfred to him Alfred said that he knew leaving his fortune to him would be a bit of a shock but as Master Wayne's legal guardian he was given a large amount of Wayne industry stock as well as a ludicrous amount of wealth he never had a need for he invested much wisely in places that it would do the most good which in fact he planned on coming to him for like Bruce's mind is astonishing he can think in ways no one else can't he has a problem solver and the world is full of problems there would be no one better to leave this Fortune with just know that he does believe in Dick Grayson and that he knows that the world will be a better place with more people like him wanting to help those in need and above all though they rarely say it out loud he was very proud to call him his son meanwhile in Upper bloodhaven Melinda comes home in her bodyguard asks how did it go she begins to wash her hands from the blood transferred from Blockbuster's handshake stating that she is now the mayor and The Bodyguard asks that she's ready for this and Melinda says she is she is not however ready for him The Bodyguard says that she can't wait long she may not get another chance and Melinda looks at the poster of the flying graysons a Nightwing specifically circled and she says that he knows soon naywing has spent his entire life working without a safety net because he always had someone to catch him if he fell first it was his parents then his father then his other father then his friends and then his brothers everyone needs someone to catch them when they fall someone who makes them feel safe but while Nightwing's new dog passes out from eating too much food he looks at her empty bowl and says that he kinda wonders what it tastes like Babs says that she's going to guess he hasn't eaten yet so Nightwing tells her nope come on I know a nice place nearby so a short while later they're at a 24-hour pizza place Nightwing orders two slices and Babs asks really you're a billionaire now and Nightwing then decides to order four slices but as they get their Pizza Nightwing says that there's a statue that he wants to show her so the two head to the park with the Statue of a man fighting a giant sea creature Nightwing says that bloodhaven started as a small wailing Tower this Fountain was built back when people in the city believed that they could take on monsters and win and as they sit they look in silence Babs looks over asking if he's okay he's unusually contemplative today Nightwing says that he forgot who he was and Babs tells him well sure he was kind of shot in the head can't really fault him for forgetting who he was Nightwing then asks what did he leave behind though what did he create that kept going when he was gone what's so heroic about punching bad guys and then waiting to punch more bab says that there's more to it than that he has saved lives and pretty sure that he saved the world more than once and it's not like he has confidence issues he wears the tightest costume out of everyone in the group Nightwing size he looks down and he contemplates again I just want to do more Babs with everything that Alfred left me I kind of can I'm just not sure where to focus this Babb says that he's one of the world's greatest problem solvers so she's pretty sure that he'll work it out but while the two begin to eat their Pizza a man with a son says that he's sorry to bother but would they happen to have some spare change Babb says that she really doesn't carry cash and the man says that that's okay most people don't these days anyway and Nightwing stops and he stares for a moment hey wait let me buy you some food like lots of food and and whatever else you need and invite friends really anyone who could use a meal don't hold back so a short time later at the pizza shop the street is filled with all of bloodhaven's drifters that could go for a bite to eat three young kids ask if it's okay to take Theirs to go and Nightwing tells them of course the man from before says that he can't thank them enough in Nightwing Smiles it's really nothing Martin but as Nightwing gets ready to set up a hotel room for them he notices that his pocket is a little lighter he looks around and says I think those kids stole my wallet don't tell Batman Babs laugh too late it's already in the group chat Nightwing stares as his phone begins to Ping rapidly and as they leave bab says you might want to put that on silent Cass has no self-control when it comes to emojis but while Nightwing heads out to go back and get his wallet Martin and his son begin to walk home when someone tells them that that looks like some good pizza Martin asks the person if they'd like a slice and the figure tells them that it's more of a stab than a slice that he's after tell the kid to run as an arm with a strange looking gun that creeps Out of The Shadow Martin tells his son uh Elliot go back to the pizza shop and stay there everything's going to be okay once Elite is gone the person tells him no it's not going to be okay Barton tells the person please I don't have anything but the figure says you have exactly what I'm looking for as the trigger is pulled a small mechanical arm shoots into Martin's chest and then quickly retracts Martin looks at the fist-sized hole in his chest and the figure tells him you had a heart elsewhere Babs guides Nightwing towards the tracker that was in his wallet when she tells him to stop there and look around he stands on top of the building looking into the crowd when he notices Salvatore Moroni meeting with a woman unknown to Nightwing the woman that Moroni is meeting is actually Melinda Zuko the soon-to-be new mayor of bloodhaven but while the two discuss their business Nightwing sees the three kids number four walking by spotting in wallet on the table and one of them quickly Pockets it as moroni's men catches them they pull up their guns and they begin to run but Nightwing rushes down knocking them out as he's going down Nightwing tells Babs you know we could have avoided all of this so we just stayed in and tried the kibble Babs tells him nah this is far better you can't beat the combination of pizza and taking out overconfident goons also the wallet stopped three blocks back under the nujin bridge go after the kids I'll call the police as Nightwing jumps down onto a passing truck he tells her that there's no point they're moroni's people they won't even be charged Babs tells him that those men were about to kill children she's still calling but while she does that Nightwing hurries over to where the signal last pinged to find a tent city for the homeless people but by the looks of it a tent city where no one is over 16. as all of the children look at Nightwing one of them asks if he is The Man Without a heart please don't hurt anyone here night when he tells her no I I'd never sorry just keep whatever it is you took you need it more than me a short while later at Nightwing's apartment Babb says that he was right the police did nothing she has no idea how he can put up with this place she then asks if he even got his wallet he tells her no but he knows what he wants to do with his money and that is to be a safety net for this city he wants to catch who's ever fallen in bloodhaven as the dog sits by the door wagging its tail there's a knock at the door and someone says Mr Grayson police would like to have a word nay Wing hurries over opening it up sorry I was asleep and the detectives tell him that it's five in the afternoon did he have a late night neighboring pauses what is this about the other detective says that he reported his wallet stolen last night canceled all of his cards well before reporting his card stolen a hotel was booked for Martin Holt Nightwing says yeah that was me Martin didn't steal my wallet hopefully you didn't have any trouble at the hotel the detector says well yeah but Martin never checked in he was found murdered this morning this causes a bit of shock for Nightwing what what about his son Elliot is he okay the detective says that they don't have any information about a son interesting that he does just down the street Barbara answers her phone asking what miss me already a Nightwing tells her that it's something like that could she come back pretty sure he's being accused of murder and she's his Alibi after getting dressed he puts on some coffee in the detective state that Mr Holt was found dead this morning his heart was removed you don't know how do you he sets up asking why would I know the detective selling because he paid for the hotel for Mr Holt they don't want to theorize about why but they're thinking that he didn't like a proposition and something went wrong and he cut out his heart just like he'd been taking the hearts of homeless people all over the city that's when there's another knock at the door and Barbara walks in asking how's it going Nightwing tells her you know I'm being accused of murder how about you she takes a seat and says hello my name is Barbara Gordon I was with Dick Grayson all night I have a GPS on my phone and I'll be happy to show you our movements for the last 24 hours the detective tells her that they understand but what is her relationship to this man the two look at each other Nightwing tells her I've been wondering that myself she says that she tells them that that's not relevant and the detective tells her that they will decide what's relevant or not this is a murder investigation Barbara says really because I have a law degree now we're both eager to help with your investigation but if you're accusing Mr Grayson when he has an alibi and there's absolutely no direct evidence linking him that would be embarrassingly incompetent with nothing else the detectives leave and Nightwing says that they've gotta find Elliot but what's more though is that the Killer cut out Martin's heart yesterday when he chased the kids into the Tent City they asked if he was The Man Without a heart Barbara says that she'll start going through the police records to try and find out anything useful so Nightwing suits up and says that if his hunch is correct they're going to need more specific help later as he's heading up to the rooftop Tim Drake says that Batman wanted to give him something and hands him a wallet with a chain on it Nightwing looks at Tim I'm not gonna live this down am I and Tim tells him of course not they go inside of the apartment and Tim asks did you get a puppy Barbara tells him that dick said that she was going to the pout Tim laughs yeah likely story so are you supposed to take the dog on the missions Nightwing tells him yeah and Tim asks why well people are more approachable with a lovable dog but also she needs a walk it's a later Nightwing gets into position above the Tent City while Tim Blends in below walking the puppy after an hour Tim radius back then he managed to find Elliot but Elliot seems content staying there with the others says he feels safe he did mention that his father was killed by a man without a heart though and he isn't the only one too many kids in there have the same story Nightwing tells him alright hurry up we have trouble walking in brutail and alexecutioner just showed up one of the kids asks what do they want and brutal says that the people here have been stealing and that's a crime a cut of every crime in the city goes to Blockbuster no matter how pathetic we've been the rules for home homeless kids Blockbuster will look weak and Blockbuster doesn't ever look weak just in a baton bounces up brutal's head and Nightwing asks is this really where you wanted to be in life henchmen shaking down children that's got to be a career low electrocutioner fires off an electric blast but Tim jumps in kicking and knocking him down Nightwing then puts his batons together screwing them in and tosses it to Tim telling him to catch together the two take on Brutal and electrocutioner on their own but a stray knife from brutail shorts out electrocutioner's power Nightwing tells them to go back and inform Blockbuster that this area is under his protection and as the two look around they see the tents on fire and the children screaming for help Tim looks back asking the thugs if they're the ones who did this and the electrocutioner says no you can't get money from dead people Tim radio's back that something is off he can smell the accelerant from here this fire was deliberately lit Nightwing tells him that he knows it was them heartless through the fire Nightwing can see heartless standing there staring right at him fire begins to spread around the homeless children's encampment with Nightwing telling everyone to stay behind him Barbara radios in asking what's going on and Nightwing tells her that he's here heartless Nightwing looks back at the kids telling them to hang on tight he's going to get them out of here and but that's the moment that heartless takes out a fire extinguisher clearing a path come on kids off you go Nightwing asks what is he doing and heartless tells him I don't want to watch them die I want to watch them run he reaches into his coat pulling out the gun that he uses to steal hearts telling him I've heard of you was hoping we'd get a chance to meet Nightwing bloodhaven's Guardian Angel you must have quite a heart the gun is fired but Nightwing Ducks throwing his baton but before he can even hit heartless he catches it using it to smack Nightwing back with his own weapon Barbara again asks what is going on a Nightwing says that he just got hit so hard that he is seeing a concerning number of spots for a guy who should avoid more head injuries heartless follows up with a heavy punch but Nightwing rolls out of the way just in time telling him you're fast and strong but that's all you are your Technique is terrible you have the upgrades but you haven't done the work like you've tried to take a shortcut to Super villainy Nightwing continues to dodge all of Heartless attacks but then jumps behind him to choke him out telling him it doesn't matter how strong you are you still need to breathe heartless shouts and anger throwing Nightwing off and Nightwing doesn't that's it get angry I can work with that heartless gets back up scoffing this can wait I can kill you later and you expect what that we're just gonna walk away heartless tells him of course she will because I know you're a pathetic weakness you care heartless pulls out a small switch telling him all those kids are running they're running towards the pier which is where I wanted them to go I wanted to see their fear I wanted to see their faces but it's okay I can have a pretty vivid imagination Nightwing quickly repels out radioing to Tim it's a trap get the kids off the pier but before Tim has a chance to respond heartless activates the bombs blowing up the only walkway back to land the fire quickly Reds and Tim tells them all that he's going to need a better option than forcing a bunch of kids into the sea you got any ideas dick Nightwing continues to make his way over to them telling Barbara to patch him into the maritime distress Channel if they need help they should try asking for it once the line is connected Nightwing calls out mayday mayday there are hundreds of children in need of rescue at the end of bloodhaven Pier 12 I repeat for a few moments there's nothing then all of the ships across the harbor begin to report in that they are on their way the message has been heard Nightwing stops for a moment not everything in the city is broken Barbara alert the local hospital and but before he could finish his statement he passes out a short while later Nightwing awakens in his apartment asking what happened did Barbara examines him telling him that he lost consciousness he is still recovering from being shot in the head and being hit by an enhanced super villain Nightwing sits up yeah I would do it Tim tells him that bite Wing was worried too and Nightwing's a dog begins to wag her tail and bark bite Wing it's actually great but her name is Haley Tim asks if he's really going to tell the people in this room that they can't have two names and Barbara says I have three but while you were out I did some digging the woman that we saw boss Maroney with the other day I found out who she is as Barbara holds up her laptop Nightwing looks at the picture in a headline stating marzuko and Nightwing asks wait what Barbara says she did more research she's Tony Zuko's daughter from his first marriage but Toady didn't stick around past her eighth birthday to raise her Nightwing size well that's a positive Tim tells him that she was raised by the Moroni family instead in Nightwing says right that's so much worse I really wanted to help clean up the city with the officials but this this is going to make it a lot harder I'll pay Melinda Zuko visit and see what I could find out but Barbara tells him absolutely not you need rest your injuries aren't something that you can just brush off so Nightwing rests long enough for Barbara and Tim to leave there's no way that he was going to sleep in when the criminal daughter of the men who killed his parents is now the mayor of his City he sneaks over to Melinda's apartment breaking in and when he does Melinda's bodyguard waits for him around the corner as she swings at Nightwing Ducks rolls kicking the sword away but still manages to be thrown off balance enough to be knocked down the stairs Melinda comes out of the next room with a bat stating it's okay Audrey I've got this and all night wing could hear after that was a loud thud so a short while later Nightwing shakes his head waking up again it could already feel that his arms and legs are tied up and wait there's more his mask his mask is gone as Nightwing looks up Melinda holds up the mask Dick Grayson in a fit of anger Nightwing rips the ropes telling her you know me well I know you too you worked for the Moroni crime family under the daughter of Tony Zuko Melinda says no she's not she thought she was for a long time but when she learned the truth her real father is John Grayson I'm your sister as the dimly lit room Falls silent with that news Nightwing stands still for a moment processing what he was just told I've studied my family tree I know if my father had other children Melinda begins to question him but he quickly pulls out his mask and he says hold on a second in his earpiece Barbara is shouting asking if everything's okay and Nightwing tells her yeah yeah uh call off whatever rescue is about to take place she tells him that they attacked him and Nightwing says that these people defended themselves from a masked man who broke into their home as the call goes out everyone turns back and Nightwing lets out a sigh of relief with Melinda asking if everything's okay he tells her yeah he almost had a building full of very overprotective superheroes anyway let's talk a few moments later in a quick change Nightwing asks who is he meeting and Melinda walks into the Next Room stating that this is her mother Nightwing steps in and the older woman turns and looks at him quietly gasping oh my God it's like looking back in time you look so much like John you have the same kindness in your eyes and there's Mary shining in that beautiful Romani smile she looks over at Melinda asking what has she told him and Melinda says only who she was she thought that the rest best come from her so she explains that her name is Mali Lim and this all began a long time ago when she was 23 and paid for when she came to this country Tony Zuko was violent and possessive and she had no interest in being possessed so one night Tony took her to a circus and that was where she took her opportunity to escape she ran away blending in with the crowd and when Tony went looking he found John Tony was well quick to point his gun asking where she went but of course John wasn't having it there was a scuffle and both Mary and John were about to take Tony down when they were stopped by the ringlear when asked what he was doing Tony said that he was looking for his wife to which the ringleader said no one has come by except the performers and with that he kindly asked Tony to leave once Tony left the ringleader asked if she is in his trailer and John told them of course so after that she joined the circus traveling with Jon and the others but please understand this was before his parents were together John and her weren't involved very long but long enough Tony eventually found out and came back to take her back and he and his thugs hurt John pretty bad it was after that that she gave birth to Melinda Tony's ego wouldn't allow him to voice what he suspected but he always knew the truth and he got angrier the next time that she escaped Tony didn't try to stop her he was going to bring Melinda to the circus to see Jon but then she found him they all looked so happy performing together John his new wife and Dick and after everything that they had done for her before they didn't deserve this they didn't deserve an illegitimate child a woman fleeing again so she left she'd always planned to come back one day but before she founded the courage Tony killed them she was always so sorry for what happened for what that cowardly abusive man Tony Zuko did to them and to him but you have a good life now right you're loved Nightwing tells her yes Mei Lee nods stating good she's glad that him and Melinda finally have a chance to meet and did he hear she's now the mayor Nightwing says that he knows it was wonderful to meet them that as much as he wanted to Nightwing held back wanting to say sorry that her daughter was also a criminal as the two leave he asks your mother doesn't know the truth does she about who you really are Melinda says that he doesn't know who she is and just then there's a knock at the door and as Audrey looks out she sees dozens of armed police in a large looming Shadow as the lights shine through the room Melinda asks what's happening and Audrey says that it's him it's Blockbuster seconds later commissioner McLean calls out over his speaker this is the bloodhaven PD come out with your hands up Blockbuster says two minutes two minutes and I'm going in commissioner back at the other side of the door Melinda says before whatever this is happens he needs to know the truth Nightwing tells her I do know the truth I've seen your FBI file Melinda tells him that what he probably saw was a file with more redaction Than Words fine tell me you don't work for Boss Moroni and Blockbuster she says that she doesn't but both men certainly think that she does her file will tell him that she grew up with the maroneys but what it won't tell him is that she brought down two crime bosses is from the inside now she's worked very hard to get to where she's at and she plans to do the exact same thing for bloodhaven Nightwing is stunned wait really you have difficulty believing that someone could have a double life dick I thought about what kind of person you might be for years and you know that my brother is bloodhaven's Guardian superhero we can help each other we can bring these people down actually we can do even more Nightwing says I was about to do something and well I want to tell you I want to believe you the clean yells over the speaker that they know that Nightwing is in there so Nightwing gets changed telling her right now they need to think that I'm a dangerous vigilante that just broke into the mayor's home after two minutes a blockbuster Kicks Down the door seeing Melinda and Audrey tied to the chairs and asks didn't I wouldn't get anything from you she tells him no did he have people watching her house Blockbuster untiser of course I protect all of my assets where is he Audrey motions her head towards the open window informing Blockbuster that Nightwing went that way so Blockbuster turns charging out through it outside one of the helicopters calls out that he's on the roof so Blockbuster jumps up Landing in front of Nightwing I'm so over men who think that they're so powerful the law doesn't apply to them and I know mayor Zuko is working for you I'll find a way to prove it Blockbuster doesn't matter I own the police the courts even bloodhaven no one would act against me Nightwing sure you scare a lot of people but don't confuse a fear with respect plenty of people would like to see you face some consequences Blockbuster charges and punching down where Nightwing is standing and his Nightwing Dodges he says this isn't a fight we should have it's a long way down right fire suddenly a turret on the helicopter opens fire onto the building with Nightwing beginning to run towards it as he gets closer he leaves up shooting two hooks from his batons that latch onto two of the officers and uses that to swing up under the chop upper and up through the opening after tying the men up the pilot holds out his cuffs telling him just take us in the chopper so a few days later after getting some rest at Nightwing lands on a building Superman flies over to him asking what brings you to Metropolis Nightwing looks at the Man of Steel I have an idea and I thought I might need some advice from someone with a unique perspective from an alien no one of the most human people I know Alfred left me a lot but I don't think that there's anything heroic about being a billionaire I'm sorry about Alfred dick I looked up to him Nightwing asked wait Superman looked up to Alfred pennyworth of course I did the world would have been lost without the heroes that he helped raise without his generosity his love his support the two of us are a lot alike now what's your idea later as the sun rises Superman says that that is quite an idea and Nightwing tells him yeah I'm worried that it's too small no no no it's not small it's focused if you're successful the rest of the country the rest of the world could see that's possible but you already know about this you don't need anyone else's input you thought it through enough Superman then begins to fly up telling him I need to grab dinner but I have a favor to ask I might have to go away for a while and A lot's going to fall on my son John it would mean a lot if you could give him some guidance and maybe some friendship dick of course if you think it'll help I'll be there Superman tells him honestly I couldn't think of any better role model thank you so a few days later Nightwing is looking out of his apartment stating that there's a lot of press outside and it would be easier with a mask Barbara tells him that he's talked about it for days he knows what he's doing does he know what he's going to name it Nightwing tells her he does but before he goes he wants to say thanks for her friendship if it wasn't for her he wouldn't be able to but Barbara grabs and kisses him to stomp him and says go get him Boy Wonder after taking a deep breath Nightwing steps out speaking into the microphone my name is Dick Grayson and I've just become a billionaire but I don't believe any one person should have so much when others have so little so I'm giving it all away I've decided to use it to establish one of the world's largest self-sustaining foundations I'm going to be helping targeted areas elsewhere in the world and the bulk of this wealth will go directly into bloodhaven this will be the first phase I want to help so today I'm announcing the Alfred pennyworth Foundation as he finishes his speech he heads back inside and everyone texts him about what a great job he's done even Batman calls to let him know that he honored Alfred today meanwhile elsewhere two men are watching the news and the first says Dick Grayson and the second asks do you know him the shadow man says yes his first he owes him so much Grayson made him into what he is today the plans that he has for bloodhaven don't really line up with him though heartless sits in his chair holding a jar with a heart in it stating I'll have to take his heart before he gives it to the city with Dick Grayson coming up publicly about his money and wanting to change bloodhaven he has gotten the attention of a lot of people as Dick Grayson some of those people are not happy with his imaginative goals though while on his way to a meeting about public housing Babs gives him a call telling him that he needs to get off the streets someone has put a price on his head dick says that it wouldn't be the first time that someone has put a bounty on Nightwing he annoys a lot of people but that's the beauty about having a secret identity bab tells him no the hit isn't on Nightwing it's on Dick Grayson no sooner than bab tells him that but a group of Assassins pull up on the side of the road and begin to open fire Dick's dating okay people are trying to kill me in broad daylight what's the price Babs tells him that his 10 million and Dick says that's a lot for wanting Meathead kind of hard to not take it personally he Ducks into an Alleyway to change into his Nightwing costume and Nightwing says that he needs to get home but Barbara says that that is the last place that he needs to be it's just not safe there nightway Wing tells her that it doesn't matter his alarm is already going off and she's there Barbara switches mine says telling him to get home now as Nightwing jumps into his apartment building fighting through the hired gunman he gets to his apartment and he can already hear Haley barking from downstairs as one of the men jumps into the back of the van carrying the pup Nightwing then leaves back out swinging through the streets landing on top of the speeding van grabbing the passerby telling the driver to pull over another gunman appears from behind trying to shoot him off but as Nightwing stumbles and Falls a passerby on a motorcycle quickly jumps off telling him to take the bike following a tracker on Haley's collar Nightwing makes it to an old abandoned warehouse where Babs meets him in costume to take down the Assassins together they bust in while Nightwing takes the low ground while Batgirl takes the skylights within seconds the two dispatch the men and they make their way to the office where the leader of the group is holding a gun to Haley telling them to stay back Nightwing grabs his baton stating that this is cartoonishly evil and he throw throws it Knocking the man out causing him to throw Haley out the window he rushes out jumping through the window after her catching her and as Batgirl follows the three swing off into the night as Batgirl says good girl and Haley barks as her face Flaps in the Wind the next morning Dick Grayson is off to another press meeting but this time at the bloodhaven Ducks which is another chance for the unsavory to make an attempt on his life Dick Grayson tells everyone that he wants to thank the city and the mayor for having him here today until recently tents full of unhoused people were occupying where they stand while the Alfred pennyworth Foundation works with local groups to house every young person who has ever lived here for this to work they can't take away the home that they've already made so instead of removing it they're going to improve upon it this will remain the hub for their Community for their friends for the people who make them feel safe and today they're going to break ground on Haven just as the first shovel hits the ground there's a loud bang out of a rifle across the way Starfire bends the barrel of gun Bunny's rifle stating that she is in a lot of trouble over the radio someone asks if it's done report gun bunny as gun money tries to run Donna pulls the earpiece out telling the person that she is sorry but gun bunny can't come to of the concealed earpiece right now as the two report back to Babs that they got the person attempting to assassinate Dick Grayson babes tells him that she knows gun Bunny and gun bunny doesn't work alone gun Hawk is somewhere Beast Boy Radio is then stating that he doesn't see anything and Babs tells everyone that they need to pull a dick out of there at that moment gun Hawk leans out of a window from a nearby building and takes a shot but suddenly dick disappears in a red and yellow blur as the flash comes to a stop holding dick dick asks what is he doing here flash tells him that he knows exactly why he's here to save him so the next question is cradle or piggyback a few moments later over at Mr terrific's Labs Mr terrific sees dick riding on Flash's back he chose piggyback definitely the preferred option as dick climbs down and shakes Mr terrific's Hand asking what's going on Mr terrific tells him that flash thought that they should work to protect him flash then says to come follow him so they can try out his new suit dick looks at the Nightwing suit in Mr terrific tells him that given his civilian identities under threat they have built it thin enough to wear under his regular clothing this suit will be more flexible and mobile most bulletproof material remains vulnerable to stabbing attacks but they've worked on making this Nightwing suit defend pointed attacks dick says you guys built a suit for me and Flash laughs well Michael did most of the work but yeah being one of your best friends I have a vested interest in you not dying back at the Docks more gunmen arrive looking for Dick Grayson shouting to the crowd asking where did he go and Melinda yells that they're making a huge mistake there will be consequences as one of the gunman turns to her a voice calls out and Nightwing swings in kicking the man yelling consequences have arrived Starfire and the others charge in and Nightwing asks what are they all doing here with Beast Boy stating of course dude with his long conversation with your dog and decided that we're gonna back you up on this bitewing is very persuasive but while Nightwing and the Titans are cleaning up the rest of the gunmen across town blockbusters slams his fist on a table yelling someone somewhatch of light and as Raven teleports the others in Beast Boy says I'm pretty sure we got him all them all Blockbuster then shouts that they are trespassing on his property that means that he has every right to and Starfire walks up asking him do what you've confused being large and cruel with being powerful would you like to test your theory Beast Boy says yo you should definitely test it it's going to be hilarious Donna then says that from this point on Dick Grayson is under the protection of the Titans as Raven teleports everyone back out Blockbuster radios the gun Hawk asking what is happening over in that apartment gunhawk is thrown against the wall asking what the hell man and heartless says that he was about to take Dick Grayson his heart it belongs to me gunhawk gets up stating that he has 10 million reasons for stopping that heart from beating he doesn't care what weird but heartless slams him into the wall again asking who hired you and after a few moments of struggling gun Hawk tells him Blockbuster it was Blockbuster of course it was I'm going to have to get a bigger jar to hold what I take from him which leads me to my next question is there someone who will miss you someone who relies on you gunhawk tells him it yeah there is bunny she's wear everything to each other heartless tells him perfect and he takes gun Hawk's heart long ago Batman and Nightwing went out following the path of a destructive super-powered person they followed him to a cave and Batman says to be cautious they don't know at that moment two laser beams shoot out nearly cutting the two of them and they pull back with Batman asking what happened Nightwing asks what happened he's hiding in a cave at a giant bat showed up after taking off his mask Nightwing walks into the cave look I'm sorry about that there's nothing to be scared of my name is Dick and I'm friends with your dad it's good to meet you John Superboy sits there his eyes still glowing and Batman radio is in we found him before Batman can even get his hand off the earpiece Superman is already there holding his son close John says that he flew he knows that he shouldn't do it at night but he didn't he got lost and he just he kept getting lost naming reaches into one of Batman's pouches on his belt asking John guess what Batman keeps in here lollipops now some sensible person pointed out that he keeps them dangerously close to the smoke bombs that are in similar shape and size but he's pretty stubborn want to see me juggle John wipes his face sure and now we go to the current times the grown-up John looks for the same comfort that he received back then by placing a crystal into a terminal and Superman appears asking what's wrong son John tells him there's a creature coming from Metropolis I turned it around but people died it's one of the hardest things about what we do we choose to help but we can't help everyone's son we can't save everyone we can only do our best John tells his father that he feels responsible but Superman tells him it's not your fault you have to not think about the ones that are lost but think about the ones that you saved John sucks lies art numbers dad Superman size no they're not I'm sorry this isn't what I was hoping for when I called you Dad this is I can't have the real thing I would prefer some solitude later over in bloodhaven Babb sits up in bed telling dick to wake up as a robot petting his dog without a second thought dick grabs a baton chucking it but kelix catches it telling him you dropped this fast in my direction dick grabs the Baton asking what are you doing here Carlisle said to seek you out in case his son needed you so the next morning in Metropolis the former Titan risk jumps and Dodges a group of villains stating that now that they are clear of the civilians he can hit back then he's blasted by a laser and risk less on invulnerable right and the attackers tell him we know they slam into risk dragging him over into the water holding him below telling him even if you're invulnerable you need to breathe the rising has begun so later aboard the floating headquarters of the truth dick goes to meet with the truth leader gossiper who's actually Superman's boyfriend Jake Nakamura in disguise with Superman pretending to be gossamer's assistant and he's really bad at hiding himself in a mask dick shakes gossamer's hand stating that he's doing important work and gospel says that what dick is doing in bloodhaven is inspiring so dick then says that he's more than happy to continue to fund what they're doing but truth requires trust and it's hard to trust information when it comes from a masked man the assistant AKA Superboy says that there's no way that he can take it off it's not about him someone close to him is in danger and they would be under more threats if gossamer were to reveal himself dick tells them that he understands but he has had a lot of people out to get him recently still at that moment Arie and wink fly down and gossamer asks what is it Aries says that there is a dead body that has been found in Metropolis Harbor a superhero's body dick turns and says that obviously they need to get to work we can meet up again when things have calmed down but once he's away from everyone he whispers I know I'm being hurt meet me at the crime scene later as John is hovering asking Nightwing how did he know that he was John Nightwing says you know I'm a pretty good detective and I've spent a lot of time around people in masks masks are effective but you can't rely on them alone to hide your identity you also need to work on another voice when you're wearing one it might sound ridiculous but it's an important part of all of this the two look down on the ground where a risk was dragged and Jon asks if he knew him and Dick says not well risk was a Titan once one of them risk was invulnerable and strong whoever did this had to be stronger judging by there not being any Footprints they're possibly dealing with another superpowered person Oracle then radios in stating that she just found that risk wasn't the only person killed last night an empath was killed in Brazil and a telekinetic person was thrown out of the sky in Spain John looks down a scan seeing a faint trail of energy left behind by the attackers and he begins to follow it Nightwing asks if he found anything and if he did where does it lead and John says where almost everything bad leads to in Metropolis Nightwing looks over in the distance and sees Lex core John tells him Lex Luthor now we go back in time a little bit to three days ago when the former Titan risk was killed in Metropolis you see he was experienced invulnerable and strong but whatever he was up against was Stronger on that same night two more superheroes were found murdered and since then Oracle has ordered all superheroes to not work alone however one superhero in particular kept working alone as a government load a truck full of illegal Firearms one is struck in the head with a baton and then Struck it down by Nightwing he begins taking the men down stating it's an awfully nice night why would you guys spend it trafficking illegal weapons but his actions of metropolis have caught the attention of those responsible for killing Heroes as he's now the only superhero working alone three people begin to float above him and one tells him that he can't run but Nightwing Smiles actually I can't half this job is cardio naming then fires his grappling hook up onto a nearby building to get eye level with the foes but the first one tells him you can't escape the rising is here Nightwing asks is that what you're calling it aren't you guys being a little overconfident just blurting it out there like that the man grabs Nightwing by the neck throwing him off of the building but as they watch them plummet he seems oddly comfortable and then they see someone flying up towards them Jean Kent Rockets up punching the villains back telling the group I would like to ask you a few questions meanwhile on Gamora the one known as president Bendix watches the situation asking why Superman is there he's supposed to be out of the country one of the men says that they watched him fly away he shouldn't be here and John tells them sure but the world is round I just kept flying and ended up back here Nightwing thought you were spying on him the man asks well shouldn't you be saving Nightwing and Jon tosses the Baton over the ledge nah Nightwing doesn't need saving over the ledge at Nightwing gracefully Falls as he activates the glider in his suit catching the Baton and using it to grab onto the building and fling himself back up onto the roof with everyone asking ah what did I miss as all three of the villains attack Jon to no success John says you all seem pretty angry energy then shoots it by Nightwing's head as he tells his head to avoid it and he says you know I don't feel like I'm pulling my weight in this team up and John laughs at him being bait is an integral part of our team up but feel free to join in the first man then attempts to headbutt John and as he breaks his own nose he tells the others to retreat naywing asks the question who had butt Superman the other two end up flying back towards the Lex core building and as John scans it he notices a massive complex tunnel system beneath the building as John asks how does Luther even get contractors for a job like that Nightwing then asks why don't we ask that guy he tried to head but Superman clearly he's not the brightest so back at Gamora Bendix yells to The Operators to terminate him activate speech control and start the countdown maximum blast suddenly the man's tone changes and Bendix tells Jon through the man's voice that Jon is not Superman he is a child in his father's clothing and while looking back at the man who's now being controlled by this mystery Bendix person Jon sees a small implant beeping the man suddenly refers it back to himself asking Superman and before Jon could do anything his head explodes John stares for a moment and Nightwing steps out from behind him asking if he's okay after seeing Jon's defeated face Nightwing reaches out and he hugs him later that night at John's house Nightwing walks into John's room stating that it was a rough night he isn't going to tell him what he doesn't want to hear but he's been in that same headspace before there's no point in telling him to stop feeling guilty but he will sit here and drink tea with him so he doesn't have to be alone or he could juggle for him again like that day in the cave John laughs and says that that was effective when he was nine but does he think that his dad would have found a way to save him but the real Superman have saved that man from the explosive Nightwing says that he had to step into Bruce's shoes before he's been Batman he knows how hard it is to be the replacement hero John asks if he felt like he belonged though like he earned the title of Batman Nightwing laughs hell no turns out I do have a superpower though it's called enhanced imposter syndrome the trick is working out that you're not going to be the hero that you worship you have to be your own John hangs his head you were my hero always thought you would swoop in and save me when I was lost or scared as John goes on explaining his prison on Earth three the one where he aged there's a sudden shout of his name and Nightwing jumps into action grabbing the first thing to attack with a stuffed Mammoth plush stepping out of the wall asking Dick Grayson yes Lois asks what is the matter and John tells her that everything's okay and Nightwing asks is it a guy walks through your wall Jon Lois kicks in the door with an overly sized energy gun yelling what's going on everyone stares at each other for a moment and Jon says that it's okay Jay tell them who you are Jay looks at Nightwing and says that he's the editor of the truth at Nightwing stops seriously Jay Taps on his tablet stating that someone exploded in John's arms Gamora released satellite footage claiming that the man was a hero and that Jon was the one who killed him Nightwing asks Lois if she's ready to stomp some lies and she tells him of course so Nightwing tells Jon that he doesn't need to worry about this they've got his back and remember you're not alone anymore John as some of bloodhaven's elite sit in Blockbuster's building Blockbuster tells everyone that in exactly five minutes Dick Grayson will die Maroney says there's a lot of proficient killers that have failed before what makes this time different Blockbuster says because this time he has gone directly to La agent fumbre McLean asks what is that and Nightwing's half-sister Molina says that she is just a myth but Blockbuster tells them that she is not a myth just very expensive but he is frustrated and has decided to pay a premium for their certainty and La agent fumbrees agent doesn't care about collatical damage dick Grayson's entire apartment building is about to be taken out meanwhile over at Nightwing's apartment he's laying in bed with Haley when he suddenly gets a ping on his phone normally he would keep more things silent because just the bat chat alone doesn't end but for him to actually hear a notification that message must be important he looks at it and it it's from Molina which says that the building is about to be hit get out he quickly leaps out of bed and begins to run but remembers that his apartment building isn't just him anymore there are tenants who live here as Nightwing smashes the fire alarm shouting that there's a fire one tenant comes out telling him that Mr Maurice is on floor three he doesn't sleep with his hearing aid in he hands Haley his dog to the lady telling her to go ahead and get the kids out of here he'll get Maurice he runs back into his room changing into his costume kicking in Maurice's door grabbing the hearing aid but Marie sets up shouting who are you and why are you here stealing my hearing aid Nightwing stops stares for a moment and says no but Oracle radios in stating that she just picked up a warning that something is entering the bloodhaven airspace and it's moving fast it looks like a military drone heading straight for the building Nightwing grabs Marie smashing out the window getting ready to jump out but as he does he sees a missile shooting right towards him as the missile Zips right over he leaps out grappling onto the building but some of the breathe and flies back hitting him in the head and a few moments later over in Keystone City in the west home Linda wakes up when she hears a notification on her phone going off she looks at it stating that it looks like there's an explosion in bloodhaven and as she looks closer she realizes that this is Dick Grayson's home before she can even finish questioning where this is at Wally West is already out the door and running to bloodhaven asking the residents if everyone made it out the woman from before says Dick Grayson went back in for Mr Maurice on the third floor but Wally didn't need to hear anymore he started getting to work pulling away the rubble trying to find signs of his buddy Nightwing he'll do whatever it takes to get to him so much so that with his fast healing he actually breaks his fingers several times over getting the rebel out but as Nightwing lands with Mr Maurice he looks over Flash and Wally runs over hugging him Sirens can be heard in the distance and as they get closer Wally tells him good the police are on their way but Nightwing tells him yeah but this is bloodhaven there they're actually probably looking to finish the job Wally asks him what does he mean in Nightwing motions towards the destroyed building this entire attack was about me Wally I'd better get changed and show face before people start worrying but Wally brings up a rather good point you see no one knows where Dick Grayson is in this fire maybe he should stay low for a moment while they figure out who is trying to actually kill him before Nightwing can even object while he picks him up and runs him back to his house so that Nightwing can stay with him Linda and the kids Linda comes out telling him hey is everything okay a Nightwing tells her that he's just a little disoriented and Linda jokes did Wally bring you here without warning first he does that it's terrible so the next morning at the Commissioner's Office McLean begins his investigation on the apartment building interviewing the woman from before asking if there's anything that she can tell him about the explosion she says that there was a fire alarm and Dick Grayson said that there was a fire but she didn't see any smoke McLean says that he appreciates her time Mr Desmond has generously offered to pay for a hotel room for any of the displaced residents as she leaves McLean grabs his phone calling Blockbuster stating that either La agent of fubrey isn't as effective as he says or someone in their meeting tipped off Grayson back at the West household Nightwing wakes up from a night of much needed rest and while he says that he started making a board of all the people who wanted to see dick dead Nightwing says that that's the thing there's been a lot of Hired Guns but they were only ever shooting him a strike on the apartment was more of an unrestrained thing you should probably talk to his sister this of course surprises Wally as it probably did most of our viewers what your sister and Nightwing explains yeah she's on the inside she's the mayor of bloodhaven Wally feels like he's missed out on a few key important details so dick begins to explain who Molina is and how she's related to him but back over in Gotham Barbara Gordon walks home when she's approached by a group of men one of them flashes a gun telling her that she'll survive this if she cooperates they just want information on her boyfriend detectives have interviewed her twice about Dick Grayson's apartment and but Barbara yells that that doesn't make him her boyfriend honestly we really haven't put a label on a relationship yet so after a few moments she radios over stating hey I just got kidnapped at gunpoint and thrown in the back of a refrigerated van are you busy at the moment Nightwing asks where is she she tells him that she's pretty sure she's headed west on Tim's and sixth white van license plate 2ga t213 so it doesn't take very long before the van pulls up to a warehouse and the driver gets out looking at kg Beast the the man that shot Nightwing in the head many months ago causing his Amnesia they explained that they had the package so kg Beast gets ready to question her but as they open up the door it's Nightwing and Wally West that jump out but Wally stops asking wait isn't that the guy that shot you in the head Nightwing tells him yeah it is and Wally goes on we have a long list of friends who want to get their hands on this guy I'm glad I'm first kg Beast and the gunman opened fire and Wally rushes out cracking kg beast in the head telling him that he knows that this can't be heard because he's moving too fast but he wants to say it anyway this will be the last time that he ever points a gun at Nightwing you tried to murder my best friend you almost succeeded so I'm gonna make sure to stop you each and every single time I have all the time in the world and once he disarms kg Beast he moves over to the rest tying them all up but he missed one thing kg Beast was holding onto a remote and he presses the button stating that he thought that this might happen so there's a contingency plan in place the remotes to a bomb somewhere in the city you have one hour until it blows you don't have time to deal with me and the and Nightwing simply interrupts them it's over on the Gotham Library how the hell did you know that the van is full of bomb making equipment in the last place the van's GPS searched for was the library plus you just admitted it flash canoe Wally runs off and Nightwing turns back to kg Beast now who are you working for KGB says that they both know that he won't talk so Nightwing pulls off kgb's mask yeah we'll see what you wanted to see my face when you get to the torture part of this Nightwing Smiles no I just needed your face to unlock your phone later back at Wally's house Barbara gets to work sifting through kgb's phone with Nightwing asking how's it going Barbara tells him that she found whoever he was working for is working very hard to hide and doing as good as a job as she has ever seen this person has no number no service no name it's like whoever kg Beast was calling doesn't exist but at that moment Nightwing gets another message from his sister all it says was La Agent fumbre Barbara says that those people are a myth and Nightwing tells her that he thought so as well and that's also what Batman thinks but Damien once swore to him that this person was real Barbara looks back at her computer realizing that she can't get the exact location of the number but she did narrow it down to a cell tower everyone looks at the screen and they realize that the cell tower is in the middle of the Central American jungle and while he tells them all that it looks like they're on their way to Costa Rica as they step outside while he turns the Nightwing all right how do you want to do this piggyback or a cradle you have traveled to the Future you have met a hundred flashes did none of them come up with a better way to carry someone seconds later in Costa Rica Wally stops in front of the mystery cell tower Nightwing asks how do they want to do this and Wally rushes ahead telling him that he'll Scout the place out suddenly several explosions go off and Nightwing calls out to his friend but Wally comes back yeah I'm okay I found a classic villain layer and guess what else I found Nightwing asks him you found land mines didn't you yeah I found land mines Nightwing then grabs his batons telling him well whoever's out there they know we're coming so there's no point in hiding the two approached the lone building as several assassins step out and Nightwing notices something about them they weren't expecting them it's clear that they're used to fighting as individuals whereas him and Wally have been working as a team since they were kids so as the last of these killers are taken down a helicopter begins to take off and Wally makes a dash for it bouncing off of an invisible wall as the helicopter lands a woman wearing a skull mask steps out that force field was designed to stop anything moving quickly mostly bullets and projectiles but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought of super speeding Heroes when it was installed as she pulls out two blades she readies herself in her stance and knowing looks her up and down you are La agent for embre without another word she begins to attack and Nightwing has to make an effort to dodge each strike she isn't just fast she's good she's a master and she doesn't do anything flashy no lunge is for her parents or Flair every hit is designed to hurt to incapacitate or to kill she isn't afraid of fighting dirty she doesn't want a fair fight as a quick flick of the wrist as she takes out a small blade thrusting it into Nightwing's chest but before it can land he can already smell the poison her eyes are smiling through the mask he's about to be dead at least that's what she thinks Wally and Mr terrific built his suit to be stamp proof so it just takes one hit to knock out the infamous assassin moments later while it begins to wake up that I like run into a wall did we win after tying everyone up Nightwing heads inside to access her computer and says that he can contact all of the assassins from right here and no one would know that it wasn't sent from her while he tries to convince him to shut it down but Nightwing tells him we're gonna use this so he gives many of the top assassins marks for them to neutralize but the targets just happen to be many of his close friends in Disguise back in bloodhaven as all of the Assassins are being taken off at the table by Nightwing's friends Lady Shiva steps into Blockbuster's office he asks if she's here about the Dick Grayson job and she tells him no this is a courtesy for the first time in Generations La agent fumbre has been discovered and apprehended over 20 of the top assassins are in custody one was found dead with his heart removed Dick Grayson is protected from on high no one will touch this jump if you want Dick Grayson dead you're gonna have to do it yourself Blockbuster Gotham was no stranger to blackouts back then but even with things seemingly like they would never get better Nightwing was never one to run away from someone who needed help in fact he ran towards them during one of the many blackouts of the city as Robin Nightwing saw a man being chased by a group of looters Batgirl was on her way and Batman was busy dealing with his own fight but he told the young Dick Grayson there was nothing that he could do stay out of it do not engage but no matter the threat when Nightwing saw someone in danger he leapt in that night his actions saved a life even if it was at the cost of his own safety by the time that Batgirl got there it was already too late Nightwing was beaten and nearly left for dead an early lesson for his Robin days she too would have fallen if not for the help of one Alfred pennyworth when Batman is finally able to return to the manor he began to make his way to Dick Grayson's room asking where is he but Alfred stood guard telling him calm yourself sir Batman yells that he told Dick Grayson not to engage Alfred says that Master Grayson did what he felt was right and he saved a life Batman tells Alfred step aside Alfred lifts his hand no we could have lost him tonight I know that that scares you but for once you will not turn your fear into misplaced anger you will direct as much of that Fury towards me but Master Richard is hurt he needs Comfort not adonishment take off the cow leave your disapproval at the door or do not enter Bruce after a few moments Batman enters maskless and humbled Nightwing tells him that he's sorry and Batman sits at the edge of his bed telling him you don't have to be sorry you did what you felt you had to but you need to remember you can't protect everyone the young Nightwing looks up and he tells him maybe but I can try and that moment has followed Nightwing all the way up to our current days he tries to turn bloodhaven into an actual Haven he wants a place where they can go beyond just free food and shelter and transportation but while walking through the grand opening of his Haven Nightwing sees someone that he didn't expect Bruce Wayne is standing there with Ace the bat dog Nightwing tells him that if he's here in case there's trouble I appreciate it but flash has been running a constant circuit around the entire area faster than anyone can detect I know I saw him Nightwing Smiles at Bruce's matter-of-factness of course you did Bruce then says that he's here because it's a big day he wanted to be here but they both know that he wouldn't approve of the statue Nightwing tells him that he knows and well he doesn't care none of this would have been possible without Alfred the statues not just for Alfred but for them as well they all take a moment to reflect as they look upon the statue of Alfred but a voice cuts through the crowd as Blockbuster calls out Dick Grayson dick was not expecting him to be there and Blockbuster tells him that this is his City nothing happens without him they argue about it back and forth for a moment with Blockbuster telling him that he finally got what he wanted and Nightwing tells him yeah despite all of the attempts to stop it they discuss bureaucratic roadblocks and the mayor's office in general but Blockbuster really breaks down what he's doing there into a simple question was it wise for Dick Grayson to appear in person when everyone is trying to stop him Bruce Wayne steps up telling Blockbuster to be careful who he threatens but Blockbuster Just Smiles he reminds Bruce Wayne that he's no longer rich in he's no longer Untouchable but Dick Grayson pulls Bruce back telling him thank you for your concern Blockbuster but don't worry about my safety I'm not opening Haven we have a special guest doing the honors for me and I'm not too concerned about speeding bullets at that moment Jonathan Kent Superman flies down to welcome everyone and while all of the kids ask for selfies Barbara asks Blockbuster if he's gonna get one too the ceremonies begin and they seemingly go unhindered and as nightfalls a group of men begin to vandalize The Haven the statue the park everything that Nightwing wanted to build and he watches Barber asks if he needs backup but he tells her no he wants them to know that haven is under Nightwing's protection so he leaps off the nearby building and begins to take down the would-be Thugs and as he does he begins to unamask them telling them you don't get to hide if you're going to do this the world will know who was destroying their Haven you don't get to destroy things built to better people the men quickly Panic pulling back on their masks a Nightwing asks if Barbara got them she tells him that the city cameras were down conveniently but all of hers in Haven they were working just fine she got photos of their faces and with that Dick Grayson was able to donate his money and start up the pennyworth foundation he was able to help bloodhaven the way that he felt he should have but over in Blockbuster's office he calls it in asking what exactly happened and doesn't Nightwing know that they were actually behind all of this the voice on the phone tells him that he could possibly but then there's a loud banging coming from outside of his door Blockbuster demands to know why does it sound like Nightwing is breaking into his offices he swings opened the door to see our villain heartless standing there with several dead security guards heartless looks at Blockbuster I saw you in the park today with Dick Grayson I have a proposal bloodhaven has always been a rough place to live and that's why Nightwing is trying his best to bring order and peace to the city and after last night's attack it is only filled in with more determination as Nightwing is getting ready to wash off the graffiti that is on Alfred's statue his tribute Barbara asks if he's okay he tells her not really she then says that she's running facial recognition on the people who did this with exposing them and punishing them accordingly make them feel better and Nightwing laughs yeah it would Dabs at that moment Barbara notices activity in the park and suddenly the voices yell out to Nightwing telling him to freeze before he even has a chance to do what they say they open fire on him and he asks are you shooting at me for cleaning he then throws the bucket of water asking what's the bigger threat the cloth or the bucket after knocking the officers out he then hurries to grab his bike and Barbara tells him that he needs to hurry up out of here there are patrol cars coming in from every direction as Nightwing speeds away he looks back at the increasing amount of cars that are chasing him stating yeah looks like I gotta get off this road and he presses a button on his bike suddenly a small grappling hook shoots out of the bike latching onto a sign whipping him around it launching him up into the highway but as he goes to land the front wheel hits the edge of the barrier and he falls off of the hard thud she asks if he's okay he should probably stay in Gotham tonight and Nightwing tells her yeah I'm on my way so the next morning he brings breakfast to Barbara at her desk as she tells him that she made a full database of the identities of the guys that he unmasked attacking Haven the other night and he's going to want to see this she brings up the name and Nightwing asks if she's serious she tells him yup this is terrible but also great you're incredible that's why I love you suddenly the two Parallels for a moment at those words that was not supposed to uh come out she then asks are you sorry for stating that you loved me Nightwing thinks about it for a moment yes no and then his phone rings and he quietly sighs thank God as he answers Melinda says that she is sorry for calling him like this but wherever he is he's going to want to get out of Haven as soon as possible he asks what's going on and she tells him that the commissioner is using last night's attack to be a little extra grumpy so a short while later the police began to detain the children of the park and Nightwing out of costume walks up asking all right what is going on here what do you think you're doing commissioner McLean asks if there's a problem and dick tells him yeah Haven is supposed to be a welcoming space not very welcoming when these children are being treated like criminals McLean says that a lot of these kids are criminals they're just protecting the city after last night they wouldn't want anything else happening to this little project of his would they dick says that he wants the officers out but McLean Smiles telling him that he may need to accept that he is not in control of every situation dick then hears the squeal of the brakes as a new van begins to arrive and he asks what is going on Mclean says that he invited the media here to talk about the terrible criminal activities that have occurred in Haven after only a single day of opening and to talk about what the bloodhaven PD is going to do about it dick Whispers into his earpiece calling for Barbara and she asks now so he tells her now using Haley's paw she hits enter with a Boop just as McLean begins to speak in front of the cameras everyone I am deeply sorry to see these things happening this betrayal of so much good will the people that built this would bite the hand that feed them like this dick interrupts him that is not true as a video of last night's attack Commish McLean says that he's afraid that there isn't a video the city's cameras were forcibly taken off the line last night besides even if we did have cameras the people who did this were masked dick then asked him and how would you know that everyone here can judge for themselves just how helpful the footage is going to be it's just gone live and links have been sent to every major news and network the video then shows several of the perpetrators being unmasked and all of them have been independently identified as members of the bloodhaven police department as all of the reporters phones begin to Ping they all look at it to see references and they begin to call out to Mclean for questions he turns back to Dick where did that video come from and dick looks to him you just may need to accept that you're not in control of every situation commissioner as dick walks away he says that that couldn't have gone any better thank you but Barbara tells him that he should be thanking Haley it was one of her new tricks he laughs what a good dog but we need to talk about what's next and she tells him later for now just enjoy this seriously we don't get winds like this every day so later that night Melinda calls McLean at home telling him that the feds know that he personally was the one who ordered the attack on bloodhaven she has someone on the inside feeding her information he has 20 minutes until they come he has a ticket waiting for him at the bloodhaven airport all he needs to do is just tell her where Blockbuster's files are because if they get those they all go down McLean opens his safe telling her that he has them and he's taking them with him there is only Insurance thank you for the warning I doubt we'll speak again hirori's out of his home with Melinda hanging up calling Oracle stating that he took the bait get ready so on the road Nightwing catches up to McLean's escort telling Barbara that he's got eyes on him they just need to handle a few things first after Nightwing lands and one of the motorcycles escorting the commissioner the other one opens Fire by Nightwing throwing a baton to knock the man off of his bike he then spins the bike around facing McLean head-on the two rev their engines and Barbara says that she's pretty sure that this isn't how chicken works and he's in a car but clean isn't going to care if he hits you Nightwing tells her that's what I'm counting on and the two race towards each other with dick crashing into the front end of McLean's car causing him to swerve and crash as McLean falls out of the vehicle Nightwing says that there are about seven ways that they can do this do you want to know which of those is the least hurtful McLean fires a shot and dick tells him you know that was incorrect the correct answer was option three he throws one of his batons knocking the gun out of McLean's hand and with no other choice McLean desperately tries to fight and get away Nightwing deflects the attacks returning with his own telling him you're the man who disappoints me the most in the City Blockbuster doesn't try to pretend to be anything other than a power-hungry thug but you you put on a badge and you swore to protect and serve you're everything wrong with bloodhaven tucked into a uniform after knocking McLean down he picks up the briefcase and opening it he's running to the airport he has several fake passports and a boatload of cash not a good look commission as the sound of sirens get closer Nightwing picks up the Blockbuster files and McLean yells to give them back but Nightwing fires his grappling hook telling him that it looks like the feds have caught up to you good luck with that the next day the Attorney General holds a press conference announcing that commissioner Gill McLean attempted to flee the country but he was apprehended the bloodhaven police department has been a dark stain of all of the law enforcement in this nation and with the help of Mayor Zuko they have brought in someone who they think might be able to help turn things around that is why she is happy to present commissioner Margaret Sawyer her work in Metropolis is well known and they are grateful that she has agreed to help them here Margaret takes the podium thank you and you can all call me Maggie I'd like to thank the mayor for her appointment and I can promise you that I and Dan turban will root out crime and Corruption within the police force no one will be above my attention no one as Blockbuster is watching the conference the electrocutioner asks if they're going to make her disappear don't ask questions it makes me wonder why you want answers but no she won't disappear it would just lead to more unwanted attention now get in the car later Barbara begins to go through all of the files that Blockbuster had stating that they had everything that they could have ever wanted Investments drop off locations transactions payments to criminals police and government officials Melinda said that the feds are already questioning the clean but even if he gives them nothing they have everything that they need the plane ticket with his name on it though is a nice touch Oracle Barbara asks if she's really okay with all of this and Melinda says that she watched McLean drag the former mayor's body away before he disappeared she isn't about to lose any sleep over this talk to you all later but as she hangs up she gets another call from Blockbuster and he tells her that he is not pleased Melinda tells him that she was given a list of names as she picked who would be the least effective Sawyer was the commissioner of metropolis how much crime has she had to deal with in a city with Superman she didn't have much time Blockbuster then says that she should have found time to talk to him just like she should now he's currently waiting for her in her mother's home Melinda hurries to her mother's to find Blockbuster there and her mother pouring him tea can we go for a drive Melinda tells him of course but Whispers something to her mother that she'll be okay as Melinda and Audrey get ready to get in Audrey is stopped by one of Blockbuster's men telling her that it's a private conversation she gets ready to take a swing but Melinda tells her it's all right and Blockbuster says that he promises not to keep her out too late as the door shuts Blockbuster says that they are being challenged Haven now the commissioner a man even threatened him in his own building two days ago they look weak and he doesn't like looking weak and it all started with Dick Grayson Grayson took a part of my city he should have died when his building blew up long before this happened commissioner McLean questioned a woman from the building and she said that Dick's sounded the alarm before the attack and I know who tipped him off as the door to an abandoned Warehouse opens up the electrocutioner sits in a chair beaten and Blockbuster looks to Melinda it was him it was a rat in her own ranks he and brutal were the only people in the room aside from us and Maroney when I shared the plan he's the only one that we can't trust Melinda asks what are they going to do to him and Blockbuster says that they're going to send him a message actually they're going to send him a lot of messages so Melinda then asks has he admitted to anything no buddy will Melinda grabs a pair of Clippers telling him to leave it to her she'll find out exactly how much he knows Blockbuster nods and leaves and once he's gone Melinda hurries over to pull the tape off of his mouth relax don't scream I'm going to get you out of here after untying The Binding she calls Nightwing telling him a man is about to die because of her tip-off and Blockbusters here she needs him too but that's when electrocutioner shocks Melinda and then calls her Blockbuster to come back it was her Wing yells over the phone asking asking is there answer him and Blockbuster picks up the phone I'm afraid Melinda can't come to the phone right now Mr Grayson and then crushes it short while later Melinda begins to wake up with brutal stating hey welcome back Madame mayor Blockbuster's pretty pissed at you and now he wants some information but before she could answer there's a knock at the door brutal gets up telling Blockbuster that she's awake and as he opens the door Nightwing jumps in with a kick while throwing a baton and knocking out the electrocutioner Melinda looks up asking how did he find her and Nightwing says that they tracked the Ping off of her phone before the call ended and Audrey followed them but as Nightwing is helping Melinda tour her feet and they begin to walk out its Blockbuster that stops him I am very disappointed to see this Nightwing grabs his batons telling him I guess we're going through him Blockbuster shouts out there is no going through me and he starts charging at them a car crashing into him with Audrey opening the door everyone get in for solid electrocutioner come out asking if everything's okay but Nightwing helps Melinda in and Audrey drives away meanwhile at the police station a detective sits McLean down telling him that he's never been a big fan and he's more than happy to put him away McLean folds his arms oh I'm not going anywhere there's a file on Blockbuster and I'm not giving it to you unless you grab me full immunity the detective tells him so you'll turn the files over if you're a promise protection yeah and only if Maggie asks nicely well that's a real shame because that's not what blockbuster wanted to hear without any hesitation the man pulls out a gun and shoots McLean in the chest later Melinda meets with Maggie explaining that she was working with Blockbuster in secret and Maggie says suppose I believe this why tell me Melinda says because now Blockbuster knows that she is working against him and she has something that he doesn't know that she has she has paperwork on Blockbuster and if they're going to take him down they gotta do it fast they have to act tonight Maggie asks how are they supposed to do that she doesn't have enough cops that she trusts and their Chief witness was just shot Melinda is stunned McLean was shot probably because Blockbuster thinks that he has what we have Maggie goes on stating that she doesn't trust anyone anymore she's on her own here and then a familiar voice tells her no you're not as Melinda and Maggie step up onto the roof of the garage Nightwing and Batwoman are standing there and Nightwing says it's good to have you in bloodhaven Superman spoke highly of you as character references go it doesn't get better than that Nightwing then says that they have people they'll do the work they'll catch Maroney and Blockbuster's lieutenants in the act all the police department has to do is be there and make sure that everyone is processed by the books Maggie says that even if she wanted to she doesn't know who she can depend on in the department so Nightwing hands her Blockbuster's file this is the list of every comp that has taken money from Moroni or Blockbuster Maggie looks at the file I get why you're here so I'm trusting what you're saying but I've made a mistake trusting Batwoman before the two of them stare at each other for a moment and Nightwing steps in I don't know what this is but this city has been run by a corrupt and violent man we have an opportunity to carry out the single biggest strike against organized crime that bloodhaven has ever seen are you in Tim the titans of the rest of the bat family all respond to the Combs yeah we're in the Nightwing tells the family thank you seriously Barbara then begins to lay out the plan explaining that Blockbuster in moroney have four major crimes planned for tonight there's a shipment of arms coming into the bloodhaven docks a cargo plane trafficking people and a few tons of very poorly made very harmful substances being trucked in and boss Moroni himself will be at a rare Jules buy if they take down Moroni and Blockbuster tonight that will leave them in a position they can't recover from which will give commissioner Sawyer enough time to clean things up as the time comes and each crime is thwarted the calls come into Blockbuster and he calmly gets up from his seat in his Penthouse telling brutal an electrocutioner to come we're going for a drive they pull up to Haven and he pulls on an RPG it's time to remind them who owns this city this is my city it's just not their Haven back with the other the cleanup and arrests all begin as Sawyer and her teams arrive but before anyone can celebrate Barbara radios in that they have a problem Haven's been hit Nightwing and Batwoman rushed down as the buildings are burning and Nightwing says they have to Evac everyone he runs into the library where he sees a blockbuster already there with two children telling him to lose the sticks or he squishes them Nightwing tosses his batons and Blockbuster tells him good now get on the floor first down Nightwing does as he's told and Blockbuster releases the children and steps down on Nightwing's back did you really think that anything would change I own this city he then lists up both fists bringing them down with a thundering tomb Nightwing lays there in a crater created by the hit Blockbuster looks down to see his mask have fallen off and he realizes that Dick Grayson is nightly and his anger only increases Nightwing comes to with Blockbuster telling him this entire time I've been fighting against the city's most frustrating rat and there was another pass behind the mask like a Russian nesting doll of vermin Nightwing places back on his mask asking him you think this is going to be easy perhaps not electrocutioner brutal merge in my location Nightwing tightens his fists sounds like that'll take a few minutes good more than enough time to take you down he begins to knock Blockbuster back a bit jumping over grabbing his batons and activating the taser function on both ends he then uses them to give his hits a little extra effort he tells Blockbuster that he's so sick of men like him men who could do anything and they choose to hurt people men who have everything and still want more the city deserves so much better than you Blockbuster wrestles Nightwing off of him shouting this is my city and Nightwing fires the grappling hook latching on to Blockbuster he pulls the cord tight rushing in with both feet forward kicking Blockbuster in the face knocking the giant man over Barbara fully suited up says I just arrived at Nightwing tells her don't worry about me take care of the evacuation Haven's on fire Barbara stops actually it's not the people of Haven came together and they're helping put up the fires Nightwing continues fighting against Blockbuster telling her that it looks like bloodhaven is putting out your fires the city is fighting you and they know everything about you as Blockbuster is being beaten down he calls out to brutal an electrocutioner asking where are they and just outside of the library Barbara and Batwoman are stopping the both of them yeah you're not going in there's a private meeting going on Behind These doors brutal tells the other thugs not to hesitate but Barbara takes out a tablet telling them hang on sure they can attack and not win but before we all leap in I have something that you should all definitely see back inside Blockbuster grabs one of Nightwing's batons crushing it you are not the first in the city to try and stand up against me after I'm finished here I'll break everyone who has ever helped Dick Grayson everyone who has ever known about you everyone that you have ever loved I will find all of them Nightwing coughs asking you think you know who I am you don't know Nightwing you don't know Dick Grayson because if you did you would know that there's no way in hell either of us would allow you to hurt our friends he launches himself forward with a kick that sends Blockbuster out of the library and into the street to add insult to injury the kids then throw a bucket of water on him telling him that this place doesn't want him anymore Blockbuster gets up and because the run to his limo telling electrocutioner to open the door but electrocutioner stops actually no we know what you did the hero showed us you own bloodhaven I did two years there it's the worst prison I've ever done time in two years of my life stuck in hell and it turns out it was all because of you Blockbuster looks up into the driver's seat calling out to be tall tall tells him nah I had friends in bloodhaven private that didn't survive the place I don't work for you anymore and once word gets out no one will good luck with your angry mob he drives off with electrocutioner making it very very clear with the amount of obscenities that they don't work for him anymore later once all the fires are put out Barbara runs up the stairs to find Nightwing asking if he's okay he tells her not really Blockbuster knows who he is Barbara it won't be safe for us to be together Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon can never be together she looks at him for a moment screw that I love the part of you that wants to protect everyone but this is one Noble sacrifice I'm never going to accept what about the danger we're superheroes we're always in danger dick Darkseid could attack tomorrow kite man could fall out of the sky at the wrong time Trigon could step on me I get that a storm could come but we'll stand in it together I'll even bring the umbrella so I'm going to say something and it's going to mean that you have to fight off a lot of Bruce's more toxic programming along with your own stuff but you're allowed to be happy frankly so am I are you happy with me Nightwing looks her at dead in the eyes my life has been in constant danger for months I've been shot at beating up blown up I think this is the happiest I've ever been good let's keep going Oracle and Nightwing Batgirl and Robin Dick and Babs forever Nightwing tells her that it sounds pretty perfect and she kisses and telling him that he's worth dying for but meanwhile elsewhere Blockbuster runs through an Alleyway when a shadow steps up in front of him what Cape wants their head caved in now and heartless response bad day how I killed you you did but I got better and your time is up heartless fire is his heart removing device pulling out Blockbuster's heart I had to modify the machine a bit since you're a bit oversized didn't want to clog the tubes your karotars will still be the center of bloodhaven it will just be beating in my chest this is my city now with Blockbuster finally stopped it's time to dismantle his Empire across bloodhaven starting with one of his prominent figureheads Salvatore Moroni after being arrested and in jail for a while Moroni didn't fully realize what was going on in the city specifically He was unaware of the death of Blockbuster but Blockbuster was a smart man he kept details on everyone including his own men like spreadsheets of murders when commissioner Maggie Sawyer laid out all the evidence against Moroni she reminded him how corrupt the BPD is and should this information get leaked he'd have a lot of unhappy monsters so without much of a choice Maggie Sawyer does what she does best and she tells him that they need to cooperate on what's in these documents so that they can bring down the operations before they have a chance to kill him however since they have an issue with protecting people they will be getting a little help from Gotham City Renee Montoya walks into the interrogation room telling her that the deal they have is that they move tonight they're going to be bringing Moroni to Gotham Maroney asks why would I be safer in Gotham and Moroni tells him because sadly they know how to keep scum alive just look at the joker as the sun begins to set Montoya places Moroni into an armored truck and begins to make her way back to Gotham when suddenly a passing semi truck plows into the side of them the truck takes out a few police cars following but worse yet it Rams into the armored truck turning it on its side Montoya checks to make sure that everyone is okay and when she knows that they're all alive she kicks open the back hatch to try and get get away but no sooner does she do that than her men step out the criminals trying to kill Moroni open fire on her forcing her to take cover Montoya tells one of her officers to get Moroni out of there but as the officer goes towards Moroni he instead pulls a gun on him but before he can pull the trigger in a scrimmest stick clocks the corrupt officer as Nightwing and Batgirl pull up to offer support Montoya looks at the officer what the hell Moroni yells that her own man was about to put a bullet in his head montoya's size can't even protect moroney from her own people Nightwing looks at her no warning I'll take him and keep him safe Latoya asks him to be sure and Batgirl tells her yep are you gonna be okay Latoya tells her that she'll be fine they want Moroni not her they'll meet on Monday so Nightwing grabs Moroni throwing him on the back of a bike and begins to make off as Moroni is pleading to not be driven off on a motorcycle he takes a shortcut driving off the highway and into the woods that separates Gotham from bloodhaven passing Maroney off to Batgirl while he handles anyone that is following them and right on Q a men quietly make their way in search of Moroni too many people have walked into these woods and never walked out again which makes it a great place to hide and an even better place to hunt as the men are knocked out Nightwing hurries up to one of the three bunkers that Batman has left in these Woods just in case he ever wants to brood remotely which makes for a good place to stash a wanted criminal after arguing for a little bit Batgirl and Nightwing stick him with a tranquilizer putting him to sleep Batgirl explains that the Titans have agreed to look over bloodhaven and Haley three days in an isolated bunker in the woods with Jess Nightwing Batgirl and a known Criminal is perfect the next morning Nightwing goes to check on Moroni to ask how he slept Moroni says awful the tranquilizer only lasted three hours and this place has thin ceilings he never thought about superheroes in relationships and Batgirl asks do you not spend any time on the internet Nightwing says he's going to untie him but don't try anything stupid you're gonna be stuck here for a few days so let's not get off on the wrong foot but before he can make his move Batgirl says that they might have a problem Nightwing peeks out the window and sees a taxi just sitting there which is strange considering this bunker has no roads that even lead to it Nightwing slowly walks up asking what's going on and at that moment a man who looks just like him leans out name's Rick Grayson you need to get into the cab now Nightwing stares for a moment confused Rick don't you recognize me but then he remembers that he was Rick Grayson when he lost his memory so whoever this Rick Grayson is he might not have the memories of being Nightwing you see in what feels like a lifetime ago Nightwing was shot in the head and this caused a massive memory loss he decided to rebuild his life in bloodhaven as this character Rick Grayson becoming a a cab driver but that's long in this past now and if he's here as Nightwing then who is Rick Grayson neiwin gets into the cab confused what's going on he tells Rick that he can't go around looking like that and this Rick person tells him right Eminem one sec with a puff of smoke Rick turns into a younger Nightwing back to the error when Nightwing had his mullet and ponytail and he asks him if this is any better Nightwing size no wait what are you with another pup of smoke this time the figure turns into a small mini Nightwing my name is night might Nightwing size oh great you're a fifth dimensional imp like bat might and Mr Mixel pitolic night flies up oh they're so clever and charismatic and pretty I can't believe that I'm eating Nightwing in the flesh hopefully I'm not interrupting this impromptu date weekend with a tied up my boss actually I'm on an impromptu date week with Batgirl then walks up you have an imp and Nightwing groans please Don don't find this entertaining and Batgirl smiles too late night flies at the Batgirl wow Batgirl I'd actually ship Nightwing with Starfire but whatever makes him happy Batgirl just looks at him excuse me speaking of which will you won't you what's going on and while we've clearly settled on yes you will how about we get things started with another puff of smoke Nightwing and Batgirl are holding hands in a wedding attire while other heroes are looking on Batgirl screams out no and night light is confused and Nightwing says not yet and Batgirl says not yet Knight might tells them both come on what's wrong with happiness and commitment we don't want to be like that guy right denying yourself love happiness carbs night might snaps his fingers sending everyone away but are we absolutely sure you don't want to see the dog Haley then sits there with two rings Batgirl says that bite Wing as the ring bearer is undeniably adorable but they're sure Knight snaps his finger sending Batgirl inside telling her fine she can go back to guarding the mobster we're running out of time anyway in a Flash Nightwing is brought back to bloodhaven as he asks why they're there now you might tells him that Blockbuster may be gone but he left Trouble behind years ago Blockbuster made a deal with the devil Miron which if he had greater intellect before he asked for it you'd think he'd have the imagination to ask for a bit more the upshot is he sold his soul at some stage years later he was able to renegotiate instead of selling his soul he sold his first born's Soul instead her name is Olivia and she's also one of Nightwing's biggest fans not as big as me of course but I'd invite her into my fan club we even got shirts see it's Nightwing slapping Batman instead of that other guy anyway with Blockbuster gone niron is coming to collect he's sending a horde of demons from hell Nightwing asks night might if you can alter reality why can't you fix this because I'm not a hero like you and I can't be involved directly niron is pretty serious when it comes to souls I could be risking an all-out war between the underworld and the fifth dimensional imps but you can I'm just gonna give your weapons a bit of a boost don't worry it won't kill the demons you'll be sending them back to the underworld and when the time comes all you need to do is speak this phrase of power on your escrima sticks night Mite Whispers the phrase and Nightwing tells him you've got to be kidding can't you make it something else nope can't change it now the demons are coming it's time Nightwing looks at night Mite am I doing this alone you're not gonna be alone you'll have bite Wing suddenly Haley the puppy appears in a puff of smoke in her own costume stating hunt now wait she can talk now gun talk thank you feed me save me Nightwing pet sir telling her thank you she's a very good dog but as nightmight is done fanboying over the site Nightwing and bite Wing sneak into Blockbuster's former building when they suddenly hear the cries of the little girl Nightwing rushes and kicking the door open to telling the demons to get ready the demons begin to fight back immediately and Nightwing asks them to please don't make him say it they are confused asking what is he even talking about so he holds his Grimace sticks close and Whispers Nightwing is awesome suddenly the sticks glow with power and Nightwing leaps into action within seconds all four demons are sent back to Hell the remaining one grabs a hold of Olivia telling him to stop or he'll break the little girl before turning her over to neeron Nightwing tells her not to worry I'm not gonna let the demon take you away everything's going to be okay Olivia clenches her fist I am gonna be okay and she punches the demon out of the building girl strong bitewing says as Nightwing says that her father was too later after making a call Nightwing meets with Raven who tells him of course she'll watch over Olivia she can hide Olivia from neuron's gaze night suddenly appears neuron can't see or even just laughs ha you have an imp oh don't even start Raven Nightwing tries to tell her before leaving Olivia tells Nightwing and Haley thank you but Nightwing says actually she should be thinking night might he's the hero here I I didn't do anything but Olivia runs over hugging him thank you and night Mite hugs her back it was my pleasure as Raven disappears nightmight says that was a night you know you're not like the other fifth dimensional imps that I've met thanks you can see how annoying batmite and Mixie can be I didn't want to be that guy I've been watching over you for years and learned a thing or two what's your name then a nightmight is curious why would you want that Nightwing tells him because Nightwing shouldn't be his whole identity if he has impossible expectations of him then at some point he's going to let him down it's okay to be a fan but he shouldn't put him on a pedestal so how about I go first hi I'm Dick Grayson night Mike takes the mask off my name is dixel this is the greatest moment of my life so this is going to be a bit of an awkward transition speaking of deals with the Devil the city will need a new blockbuster and it could very well be you without the criminal Empire violence corruption and constant murder Nightwing laughs thanks for clarifying as a whole in the city there's a hole in this whole world and honestly you might be able to fill it you know why why because Nightwing is awesome the demon horde bows before their Master but neron doesn't seem pleased tell me he commands the demons bow a lower explaining how they were defeated by the hero known as Nightwing and his super powered dog that they failed to acquire the soul of a nine-year-old girl the daughter of Blockbuster neron Cox and eyebrow at them a puppy he questions Turning Away knowing that Nightwing has no powers but he surrounds himself with powerful friends including the daughter of Trigon one of the most powerful demons in hell I don't want to annoy Raven's father we need Earthly agents to recover the soul that is mine neuron says a short time later he appears in the Kingdom of Latvia where the grinning man has taken the form of their King what can I do for you the gritting man asks and after niron declines to see the bodies the new King has hidden away in his Chambers neron offers the grinning man more time on Earth before his soul is condemned to Earth all he needs to do is retrieve a girl and murder her she is the daughter of Blockbuster her name is Olivia Desmond elsewhere Olivia is racing through the woods chased by a powerful sorceress who threatens to defeat her there's nowhere left to run the Sorceress says as she Corners Olivia but Olivia is not alone proclaiming that the kingdom is protected by her as she draws a magical sword the night of the realm and her mighty steed she calls out as Garth appears at her back in the form of a green unicorn freaking nay fall sorceress he shouts and Raven stares at her boyfriend it's excuse me foul sorceress Garth immediately begins to backpedal on his comment explaining that he just got swept up in the game luckily he is saved by the arrival of Nightwing and bite Wing the puppy that Nightwing took in a while ago and the dog rushes to see Olivia oh she doesn't talk anymore Olivia says as she hugs and pets the dog and Nightwing Smiles no I'm pretty sure that was a one-time thing while Garth tries to figure out how the dog talked at all Nightwing turns to Raven and questions her about the secluded houses defenses the three Heroes then head to the house while Olivia continues to play in the yard Nightwing informing his friends that a body was recently discovered beneath the ruins of the Titan's Tower and that the Titans are headed there to learn which of their students didn't make it out in time during Deathstroke's Attack on Titans Academy go I'll look after Olivia Garth tells his friends so a short time later the Heroes all Gather in New York where the ruins of Titan's Tower lay Starfire who was the headmistress of the academy learns where the body is low located beneath the rubble the rest of the heroes pushed the police and construction workers back as she Burrows beneath the rubble lifting the building off of the body she's desperate to learn which of her students they had left behind Nightwing leaps down into the darkness with Raven where they discover the body who is it do you recognize them Starfire calls out still worried that she failed her students but Nightwing and Raven are shocked to discover the body of the king of latvana okay this makes no sense Nightwing Whispers The Heroes quickly removed the bodies of the Starfire can return the rebel to where it lay a short time later Amanda Waller arrives angry with the heroes for disturbing the crime scene yeah it was either that or dropped 20 tons of building back onto him Nightwing explains telling her that he thoroughly investigated the area and photographed the scene before they moved in on the body I'll be happy to share all of my findings with whomever you need me to talk to Waller but she shakes her head explaining that a special investigator has been sent from the latvana embassy to deal with the matter a short time later Nightwing stands in the morgue with the investigator and the body seems strange to him as he explains that there are no dusts or debris on it meaning that it had been placed there after the building had fallen the investigator also explained that the king had been seen and let Vana two days ago yeah there's more to this because the victim has been dead for weeks Nightwing says quietly and then he looks at the investigator who can't seem to stop grinning why are you smiling he asks if she shakes her head turning away I'm sorry I know it's a bit inappropriate but I like a good mystery she says with Nightwing apologizing for the country's loss asking the woman if she'd ever met the king but that's when he struck from behind and slams into the ground I wouldn't say I knew the king the grinning man says as His Image shifts and he takes on the appearance of Nightwing but I did meet him once he says looking down on the hero and continuing to grin later one of the Morgan cabinets is banging until it's finally popped open with Nightwing's a scrim of sticks Oracle he gasps as he finally frees himself over at their apartment Barbara is cuddling with Haley in bed the dog snuggling against her as she reaches for the comps shocked to hear Dick's voice as he asks where is Starfire and Raven they're headed to Beast Boy's house you're not with them there's no way Raven and Starfire would have just left me something's wrong I need cyborg now dick tells her moments later Oracle is relaying the message to Vic and he boom tubes to the morgue what's happening I'm not sure but I have a suspicion I think Olivia is in danger as soon as we get there find Raven Beast Boy in Starfire I'll go after Olivia Nightwing tells Vic as they boom tube to the house inside of garth's house Nightwing awakes Olivia telling her that she is in danger that they need to go the sleepy girl takes the hero's hand as he leads her outside but she's shocked to find gar knocked out on the stairs he'll be okay they're after you not him Nightwing says as he takes her hand again leading her into the woods they duck undercover as cyborg flies overhead isn't cyborg one of your friends Olivia asks and Nightwing nods as they continue forward yes but the person who's after you is a shape-shifter he can be anyone Nightwing tells her that's the moment that a second Nightwing steps out of the trees blocking their path yeah that's what I thought Nightwing says raising his sticks Olivia stay behind me this man's an imposter the first Nightwing says but the second Nightwing an eyebrow at him am I name my dog the first Nightwing doesn't answer but the grin never leaves his face as he rushes to the real Nightwing who easily blocks the attack and hits him with stun pellets and he's Zapped to the face that the best you got the grinning man asks but Nightwing then looks at Olivia Olivia I promise he's not me I swear I'm bite Wing he tells her Olivia doesn't hesitate punching the grinning man in the back knocking him through the air sending him through several trees the power to sass and gets up on his feet alright seems like I was missing some information about you girl he rushes forward grabbing her arm leaping up and flying away into the air but they're suddenly stopped by Raven Starfire and Cyborg everyone's staring at each other for a moment uh I fly now the grinning man says still in the disguise of Nightwing the heroes stare at him inside fine clearly time to abort this Mission the grinning man says before tossing Olivia away but none of the heroes move aren't you gonna like catch her the grinning man asks was hurling a little girl through the sky your entire Escape Plan cyborg asks meanwhile a short distance away Donna Troy is flying through the air with Olivia in her arms the heroes hit the grinning man with a burst of energy throwing him into the ground with his disguise now fully gone the Assassin gets back to his feet but the flash is suddenly there you tried to run yeah you don't get to run from this Wally says as he punches the man in the face knocking him out it's later that the grinning man is now tied to a chair where the Titans begin to question about how he got his powers and why he was after Olivia he explains that he was once a really bad criminal who would like to disguises but he was approached by neuron one of the Lords of Hell niron offered him powers for his soul and the grinning man wanted to be powerful able to fly in a true Master of Disguise and I wanted something to put a smile on my face the grinning man says but neron was true to his word the gritting man no longer had any features of his own except for the grin that never leaves his face the heroes are shocked the neuron is even involved and they move into another room of the house to discuss the matter why is Blockbuster's daughter so important cyborg questions but Raven explains that Miron merely doesn't want to be seen as weak that Olivia is merely the soul that is owed I don't understand how an agreement with a father can be used against the daughter I want to see that contract Nightwing says So Raven agree suggesting that they all break into hell excuse me Garth gasps in disbelief and Raven tells them that they can break into neuron's Fortress to see the contract while Donna and Starfire take Olivia to themascara for safety Nightwing nods looking at his friends but it's settled the Titans are going to steal from hell later a portal opens up and the four Heroes step into the abysmal landscape of Hell Welcome to Hell Raven tells her friends and as the heroes press forward to niron's Fortress Raven casts a spell that Shields their eyes on the horrors around them the place is full of suffering and you're all heroes you'll want to help you can't help anyone she tells them as they move above Donna Starfire and Batgirl arrive at the island of the Amazons with Olivia but the little girl is pounding believing that she doesn't need all of them to protect her okay well we're not here for your protection that girl tells her and Donna nod stepping forward Nightwing tells me you're very strong you want to learn how to fight Donna asks and Olivia jumps up and down cheering oh my God yes please she shots meanwhile down in Hell the heroes have arrived at neuron's Fortress led by blaze a demon who seeks neuron's throne and agrees to help the Titans Nightwing decides that their best course of action is to sneak in the four Heroes quickly make their way to the top of the tower where cyborg finds all of his files are in computers from the early 90s my God this is hell he whispers but Vic manages to cut through the Clutter and malware until he finally finds a folder on Olivia's Soul they move through the archives and find the glowing scroll where they learn that Olivia's mother was Jezebel jet you know the name Vic asks and Nightwing nods explaining that jet was once one of the lovers of Batman she was also murdered by Talia al Ghul so that's it valid contract Garth asks but Nightwing shakes his head no I think I can get around it we need bureaucracy and I need to talk to my sister Melinda I think we can save Olivia's soul with the local government meanwhile over at iron Heights Prison the grinning man is sitting quietly in a Cell but neron appears before him you dialed do the Titans know of my involvement grinding man explains that he told them everything niron knows that he can't attack the mascara outright but he can send the grinning man and other villains whose Souls he's trapped so over on the island of the Amazons the heroes are training Olivia to use her strength but they're interrupted by Wonder Woman who offers to spar with the young girl Olivia let's see what you can do she says with a wide grin at the other Heroes urging Olivia launches herself forward punching Wonder Woman but Diana catches the blow in her fist and leans in with a wide grin I wasn't ready for you last time you got a cheap shot in Wonder Woman Whispers And she pulls the girl forward kicking her hard sending her bouncing across the fields the other Heroes all rushed forward but suddenly falls to the ground clutching their heads psychic attack girl calls out Wonder Woman's image begins to shift as the grinning Man reveals himself motioning over his shoulder as the ground shakes beneath them and Dr Polaris and Gorilla Grodd reveal themselves meanwhile over at the bloodhaven Town Hall Nightwing is finishing up the paperwork when they get the alert about the attack on the mascara he tells his friends to go he'll finish it up Raven opens up a portal and they all leave Nightwing looks up as niron appears in the shadowy couch across the room I thought Raven would never leave he stands walking over to Nightwing doing some super heroic paperwork Nightwing Smiles standing offering the paperwork to neuron explaining that the contract for Olivia's soul is now invalid since it hasn't been signed by her legal guardian which is now Nightwing the demon Lord's size Nightwing if you let this go we can come to an arrangement he offers Nightwing anything that he wants knowing that he desires the power to save Humanity so he waves his hand at the hero let me give you a taste of what I can give you the power to change the world in a flash of light Nightwing is given super powers as he floats into the air feeling his new strength and abilities that flow through his body floating in the air he looks down at his body what have you done neron he demands but neron merely explains that he has given Nightwing the power to change the world for two hours you're a bright boy you can do anything I would remind you that your friends are under attack in the mascara Nightwing doesn't hesitate flying away crossing the world in a matter of moments he arrives at the island grabbing Gorilla Grodd flying him to a deserted island so that his friends can continue the fight without the psychic attack by the time he's returned the rest of the Titans have beaten Dr Polaris and the gritting man and everyone looks up to Nightwing in surprise I fly now he tells them with a smile explaining to them the deal that neuron offered and that he has two hours with the powers two hours what are you gonna do Garth asks him with that Nightwing heads out he travels to see his friend The Flash and is finally able to keep up with his super speed any immovable objects you could use an Unstoppable Force for Nightwing asks Wally Smiles leading his friend to Bangkok where they dismantle an illegal water capture and provide water to the thousands Downstream next Nightwing has a metropolis where he flies up to meet Superman offering his hand Nightwing quickly explains his powers I just wanted to say thank you and Shake Your Hand Superman proudly takes at shaking it good grip he says of the smile leading Nightwing into space so that the young hero can look down on the planet and see everything that they are protecting good to have this perspective Nightwing admits as Superman explains to him that the world is worth protecting against the threats from outside and in the not everyone on the planet will always like everything that he does I don't know I'm pretty likable Nightwing reminds him but their talk is interrupted by Oracle who warns him of another attack of the mascara Nightwing arrives during the battle seeing miron's demon horde attacking he leaps in to beat a few demons and quickly grabs Olivia flying her away to Safety in moments they're flying over the mountains but that's when niron's voice calls out to him that's far enough hero he snaps his fingers instantly taking away Nightwing's power Nightwing cradles Olivia in his body as they both fall out of the sky landing hard in the snow looking up Nightwing sees the Demon Lord standing over them a glowing contract in his hand that power can return I will give it back you have my word just give me the girl niron says reminding dick that it isn't even his soul that neron is asking him to give up but Nightwing refuses neuron's size and irritation do you not have a pragmatic bone in your whole body with you you could make the lives of billions better Nightwing shakes his head drawing his escrima sticks I say Nightwing is awesome he says activating the last of the magic powers that night might left in the weapons go to hell neuron Nightwing says as he strikes the Demon Lord with the weapons turning him into a massive tentacle Beast that can barely move you're on Bellows and anger disappearing returning to the bowels of Hell Olivia rushes over to Nightwing shocked that he would give up that power for her it's okay we'll look after the world just fine he tells her later the Titans stand on the beach of the mascara where Diana offers Olivia a home on the island where she can be trained by Amazons she accepts the offer a Nightwing gives her a plaque telling her that she is now an honorary Titan till the day you're gonna step up and join us of course Garth reminds her Olivia accepts with a smile telling them that her superhero name will be Knight Buster because she knows that combining Nightwing's name with Blockbuster would really piss her dad off so the Titans all wave goodbye as Donna leads Olivia to her new home and family thank you for saving me thank you Olivia calls out to her friends an hour later niron is hiding in his Fortress trying to pull his humanoid form back together but he's interrupted his Raven stalks into his Chambers Nightwing beat you she points out a neuron shakes his head telling her that it was merely one to fight and he will win the war Raven refuses to allow Olivia to live her life with the threat of a Demon Lord hanging over her head she raises her hands her dark magic swirling around her I don't want hell but I'm taking it away from you she says as the magical energy expands and explodes through the Fortress as the Smoke Clears neuron is collapsed to the ground he's yours Blaze Raven calls over her shoulder the female demon that helped from earlier steps into the throne world and the underworld is yours until the next Challenger Raven says that she turns the leave but Blaze stops her pointing out that there is something wrong with Raven I can feel it I'm not sure what it is but part of you is missing Raven pauses for a moment but she doesn't answer stalking out of hell to return to the mortal world and that concludes the Nightwing soft reboot that happened recently and it now leads into issue 106 which we just covered the dawn of DC beginning I hope you guys enjoyed this don't forget to check out the problem with channel the manga story and channel and if you like the full stories of the rest of the comic story and full Story collection I'll see you next time
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 111,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nightwing, nightwing gotham knights, titans, fight scenes, dr light, hawk, teen titans, robin, garth, harley quinn, gotham knights scene, gotham knights batman, batman, gotham knights, titans season 3, batgirl, starfire, gotham knights batman scene, gotham knights batman death, wondergirl, all powers explained, deathstroke, titans tower, gotham knights batman death scene, dick grayson, batman scene, barbara gordon, harley quinn gotham knights, batman death scene, dc universe online
Id: 6jZI95WxcYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 41sec (7061 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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