Night of Worship | February 28 | Gateway Worship

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[Music] hey gateway church welcome to night of worship amen we're so glad you joined us both there online or at home and here in person in the building it's gonna be an incredible night worshiping jesus together hey the spirit of the lord is here amen and we're gonna experience his presence and and i don't know what you came in here with but if you came in here with any burden any weight anything that you are ready to get rid of would you just lay it today at the feet of jesus as we encounter his name as we lift up his name and as we worship the lord jesus together i believe he's gonna move in a powerful mighty way so jesus we give you this moment we say yes to your name and we lift your name high and we trust you in every moment that we have together and as your people we come together and we worship the name of the lord let's worship together come on church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] all consumed [Music] spirit [Music] is [Music] knowing that you're here you're here you're here amazed by who you are [Music] is [Music] you're breathe on us [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] let your kingdom move and all our faith and hope come on church and live your kingdom move [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] the heavens are open tonight we welcome your presence god fill this room come on let's go [Music] you singing let your breath come from heaven fill our hearts with your life we are here we're here tonight for the presence of jesus nothing here is [Music] [Music] somebody shout out right now come on [Music] yes we are [Applause] [Music] we are here for you jesus [Music] [Music] is [Applause] i need somebody to help me fill this room with washer come up till this room with worship we welcome you with praise [Music] away [Applause] we will cover you with praise we will come here we pray [Music] [Applause] oh something's happening in this room tonight i feel something i don't know what you came in the room with but something is changing in your heart right now it's in the presence of jesus is the fullness of joy and every answer to every prayer you need is right here in this room right now and the answer is jesus somebody shout jesus come on we're welcoming the presence of jesus right now in the name of jesus break every stronghold right now deliver every repulsion god we speak against depression and we thank you for healing every disease so one shot one more time if you're ready [Music] [Applause] yes this place [Music] please i don't know about you but i can already sense and feel the presence of a mighty god in this place doing a work in each of us so i want you just to shout out lord i surrender i'm gonna say lord i surrender lord have your way where we pray right now in this building we're in this room in our lives god that you would have your way god that you would move in us lord whatever needs to be transformed or changed in our lives god we just say have your way we open our heart to you we say god move in us we're moving this place we're moving our hearts moving our families we're worshiping on your name jesus i'm going to speak the name above all names and we'll say it again jesus jesus holy spirit come and fill this place [Music] house [Music] for all we [Music] we are desperate for your [Music] holy spirit come [Applause] oh for release [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for the heart of the nation this is our prayer over all generations [Music] lord we can't repent through the blood of forgiveness [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is found in your endless we are desperate for your present calm have your way have your way [Music] i surrender everything lay it at your feet [Music] and you came to my rescue and i wanna be where you are [Music] and you came to my rescue and i wanna be where [Music] you jesus i wanna be where you are [Music] you are you know in exodus 33 moses says lord are you going to go with us because i don't want to be anywhere that you aren't there and i don't want to go into the promised land unless you're with me he realized the value and the necessity of having god with him at all times you know i think sometimes in my life when i'm stuck in a place where i really don't know how i'm going to get out of that spot so often in my life i look back and i realized that there were so many moments where i got ahead of god [Music] and then i realized that i'm ahead of where he is and i'm alone by myself and sometimes you have to back up to catch up to god i also read just this week where someone said when you're waiting for the next door to open praise god in the hallway not good like praise him in the hallway praise him in the in between in the meantime when things don't make sense praise him because he's still god he's faithful amen and the reality is so many times in our life when we're searching for answers we look in so many places when the only place we really need to be looking is straight into the eyes of jesus in keeping our eyes fixed on him because he is our hope amen so i don't know about you but i'm willing to wait on him because every time i call on him and i i speak the name of jesus i know that everything's gonna be okay because there's peace in that name there's healing in that name there's redemption in that name there's resource in that name there's hope in that name amen can you just speak that and i just say jesus jesus jesus jesus in my life in my life be lifted high above everything else you establish the throne on my heart say it and say this lord i give you first place lord you you take your place on the throne of my heart you take your place god in my life in my life [Music] come on sing that over your life declare it prophesy that in my life [Music] be lifted [Music] [Music] [Music] god have your way in us when we surrender everything we lay everything down before your throne but have your way in us [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Music] i'll forget that [Music] for the birds [Applause] [Music] there's a sunrise [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come and speak your peace [Music] [Music] hasn't he poured it out [Music] all of your grace [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] one more time just the voices foreign [Music] just evident that you're here it's evident that you're here god that you want to move and that you want to speak but that you also just want to tell us that you're present and that you're bringing comfort and that you're bringing joy and that you're bringing peace right here that you're bringing healing in our every single moment even as we're just worshiping you you're bringing healing you're moving you don't stop you're here god your holy presence is living in me and this is my day this is spoken to me come on we cry desperate for without your heart [Music] this is [Music] your holy presence living in me [Music] and this is my daily break this is you spoken to me i'm desperate for you us without you [Music] we want more [Music] oh [Music] i'm [Music] oh [Music] my foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] jesus and i'm lost without you lord come on we telling god see i'm desperate for you and i need more [Music] jesus [Music] lord [Music] without you jesus i'm desperate for you lord [Music] come on we're asking them [Music] is [Music] i'm but i know you're here right now to meet with me but i know you're here right now to speak to speak words to speak words of [Music] would i wanna faith in your prayers where else [Music] hello [Music] and here with yours right here [Music] with you jesus you're all around me in every little thing [Music] where can i go now to flee your presence there's no way you won't be [Music] to hear your voice to call you for red to know your thoughts how rare how beautiful and you're with me then you're closer than i thought was possible so i'll rest right here with you you're all i need with you jesus [Music] right here with you [Music] with you jesus speak [Music] [Music] my father my father [Music] my father [Music] my my father [Music] [Music] my father [Music] i feel like there's an awareness in this room tonight that god is coming in to speak truth where someone has spoken lies over some of you that he's coming in to speak truth right now that you are seeing that you are loved that you are known no matter what the enemy is trying to push your way whether he says you're not going to be healed of this you can't amount to what so and so said that you would amount to one day or what even god the purpose is that god has placed in your life you can't amount to that but i feel right now that god is just coming in right now and just saying no you're speaking these words you're currently singing these truths right now that i am seen i am known and i am loved by my father my god the one who created me the one who holds all truth so we're gonna sing that again and i want you to sing it seriously that you're really believing that come on let's sing it oh when i'm seen [Music] the enemy has no place [Music] [Applause] my see [Music] you [Music] put me back together [Music] me [Music] put me back together [Music] you [Music] together [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] i'm is [Music] my [Music] we thank you for your goodness [Music] the father that you have always been you have never left us you have always been right right and so tonight we release a worship in this atmosphere because of your goodness and your faithfulness you have walked with us come on this you have walked with me you have held me you have been there for me you have been faithful faithful faithful faithful faithful there's a shout in your heart come on faithful faithful faithful faithful somebody shout he will never let me down come on shout he will never let me down he will that's not the god we serve and the devil is a liar tonight god is still good god is just good good good good good and i feel in my heart this has been amazing i sense the presence of god in this room right now all year long i've been hearing the holy spirit just remind me that god is good and i know for some of y'all y'all need some deep theology but that's all i've got tonight god is good god and i can win the battle with that word i can win some of you in the morning when you wake up in the morning the first thing you need to say when you when you step out of bed is god is good god is don't even let the devil start speaking you start speaking first god is somebody saying god is good god somebody's god now somebody lift a shout right now and worship him [Applause] [Music] let's sing this let's sing this out i love you lord [Music] [Applause] oh your mercy never fails me all my days build in your hand from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head and i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] come on see that all my life you have been faithful [Music] [Music] i [Music] i love your voice [Music] you are closing like no one see i've known you as a father i've known you as a friend and i have lived in the goodness of god [Music] sing it together [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] it's [Music] laid down i surrender now i give you everything yeah your goodness is running out it's running out i dare you to sing it come on sing it yeah is is is [Applause] [Music] with every breath that i am the goodness so [Music] of [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] every single day [Music] [Music] oh [Music] the storm i'll sing i wills of the goodness i'm gonna fight with my worship i'm gonna keep singing my wheels over goodness and i won't stop singing once i've seen i will sing of the goodness of god yes i will oh my goodness god i will sing i'm gonna sing i hear in the spirit pastor nathan i hear the holy spirit singing to somebody you're going to get your song back tonight would you if you wouldn't mind lifting those hands with me and receiving and what does that song represent it it represents that innocent worship and you don't need a crowd just you and jesus you're going to sing to jesus and even if you're off key it doesn't even matter because jesus is listening to your song and he hears your heart and he knows that deep in your heart is a praise that's about to build a bridge over your trouble your praise is building a bridge over the valley you're coming out you're coming out you're coming out you're coming out you're coming out you're coming out come on that's victory in this moment [Music] it's who i am [Music] it's who you are [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] hold on a second hold on a second so when i when i have a three-year-old his name is nathan and when i come home he runs you know you know how kids do they run they run to you and i feel like you're not just gonna get your song back you're about to get your dance back you're about to and i feel like the father just walked in the room and as we sing this song again i want you to get free in your heart and get the joy back the joy of the lord is your strength tonight [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you are perfect [Music] [Applause] is [Music] the perfect father the father of gifts the father of faithfulness [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you're so good to sing church god you're so good it's breaking right now come on sing god [Music] cast your cares on him tonight god you're so good [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] the flavor of god is on you tonight come on you got another shout in you come on the shadow praise tonight [Applause] [Music] wow i don't even know how you follow that there's no following that you guys have leaned into god tonight and i love it because when we lean into god he's faithful to lean in to us and i look i believe there's already been miracles going on in the room tonight i believe god's been doing good things tonight i just want to remind us just as we've been singing james 1 says every good and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning god has good gifts for his children amen and i believe god's been doing so many things tonight already but there was a couple of things that god just laid on my heart and he's already actually been moving all through the night and you know i just you guys got me fired up tonight like i feel like i'm going back to my youth pastor days that i used to just like always tell tell the students hey we're gonna we're gonna kick the devil in the teeth tonight like that's that's what we just did tonight and i feel this zeal coming over us as a church and i believe that one of the things that the enemy has been doing one of the main things he's been doing is he has had a negative narrative over our lives and in this last season it's been so intense it's in society but even on the inside madison touched on it earlier even on the inside the devil's just talking to you just talking to you there's this inner negative narrative and i want to scripture read the scripture to you and i want to pray over because i believe we've already broke through the heavens but as we walk out of here tonight as we finish in a few minutes god wants us to continue to declare his truth over our lives and not bow to the lies of the enemy amen second corinthians says this for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty in god for pulling down strongholds i believe strongholds have been loosened over people's mind even in this moment strongholds are being broken over your life it says casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god bringing every thought captive into the obedience of christ i believe in this moment as we leave this place god is giving us this song that michael was talking about this dance where we begin to do battle even pastor robert was talking about it this week and last weekend as we're talking about worship and praise he's arming us with battles he's taking us to a new level to say you know what i'm not going to listen to anything that exalts itself against the truth of god's word in my life amen and so if you would just put your hand on your heart because i believe even in this moment there's more lies that the enemy wants to break off i believe there's depression that god wants to break off your life tonight there's loneliness some of you have felt lonely because of everything that's been going on and the voice of the enemy is saying yeah no one cares no one's there i'm here to tell you god cares he's there his people we are here we are there we love you we see you and so father right now in the name of jesus lord we continue to declare your truth over our lives that you are a good god and you have good gifts for us and you have purpose and you have vision and you have hope for our lives god what i'm asking even as they go to sleep tonight even everyone that's watching online as they go to sleep what i'm asking for dreams and visions god the destiny that you have lord gifts to be awakened god things that you've placed on people's hearts god dreams to be awakened the song to be awakened the dance the joy to be awakened once again in our hearts and we thank you for it in jesus name amen amen [Applause] hallelujah one other thing i want to pray over this and then we're going to close in a couple more songs but i also just believe that god is just he's he's moving in this room with healing not just physical healing but even emotional healing some of you have walked in with some wounds from relationships in your life i believe he wants to touch your heart today i believe he wants to touch you physically today i think there's there's people in here where you've had uh joint pain specifically i just heard the lord talk about he wants to heal joint pain there's some of you have you've had liver issues and he wants to heal those right now so if you have any physical healing if you need healing tonight i just want you to lift up your hand in faith tonight because we believe that where the presence of god is there is healing there is power if you see a hand up around you would just stretch your hand out lord we thank you god that you are the god of miracles that you are the god of healing and god that when you step into the room anything and everything is possible and so god we speak healing right now in the name of jesus lord over everybody that has their hand lifted lord physical healing emotional healing god lord wounds and defenses that are there god we're asking right now for your holy spirit to touch their lives to touch their hearts bring healing and wholeness right now in the name of jesus and everybody said amen amen amen we're going to go back into worship but i just want to continue to encourage you man when we lift up our praise we kick the devil in the face we lift up our praise that almost rhymes come on we kick the devil in the face and so let's declare god's truth over our lives amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever you want to do i'm moving [Music] for forward you want to do [Music] your presence [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] every season your grace jesus [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] breakthrough is is coming breakthrough is now somebody help me [Music] hello on can we just give the lord one big hand clap and shout of praise tonight if you receive breakthrough come on lift it high come on [Applause] amen amen amen what a powerful night in the presence of the lord i know i had breakthrough how about you can we just give jesus look one more big shout of praise to end the night come on one two three make some noise for the lord [Applause] amen thank you jesus hey hey can we just say thank you to this amazing worship team wasn't that incredible wow well i'm filled up i'm ready to go i think i can make it through 2021 just from tonight we're so grateful that you guys joined us we hope that right after this you'll join us in the lobby we've got um pie everybody loves pie come on get it up for pie and we've got hot chocolate so join us right after this hey let me pray for you before we go heavenly father thank you for your people your church i thank you that your presence will go with them lord god i thank you that you go before them and you follow up after them lord you're all around them lord i pray for their families lord their faith their finances lord their children and their children's children god put your hand of blessing on them in the name of jesus we pray and everybody said amen amen thank you so much for joining us we'll see you next week i know [Applause] [Music] i know that you are always up to something good i know that you are always up it takes [Music] i know that you are always up to something good come on let's give him a shout out [Applause] [Music] came for me with open arms got nothing to prove nothing to lose [Music] today
Channel: gateway worship
Views: 75,480
Rating: 4.9278498 out of 5
Keywords: gatewayworship, gateway worship, gateway people, gateway, gateway church, worship, kari jobe, cody carnes, mark harris, live music, hillsong worship, elevation worship, bethel music, jesus culture, gateway worship songs, hillsong, christian music, praise and worship, worship music, worship videos, worship jesus, jesus, night of worship, worship night
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 15sec (4875 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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