Steffany Gretzinger, Jeremy Riddle, Amanda Cook leading worship AzusaNow Cleveland

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now now I have to apologize I made a huge mistake yesterday have any of you ever made a mistake before come on I'm not the only one I said 76 people saved yesterday 76 million people saved come on I can't help it we're just excited about what God is doing around the world and if you don't know it the greatest harvest in the history of the world is right now we we just got back from Ferrari and Zimbabwe Daniel kolenda that you'll hear from tonight we saw thousands of people saved and healed the cripples walk the Deaf heard we can't help but to be optimistic about what God's doing and I want to tell you something very very important in November Saint November this November evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel kolenda are going to Lagos in Nigeria and we are preparing for what may be the largest evangelistic event in the history of the world we're believing that each night will see over 2 million people in attendance and we are going to see millions of people come to Jesus in one week can we give the Lord praise Jesus reign Jesus is victorious and listen we want to connect with you because we want to tell you updates about what's going to happen in November and this is the best way you can do it you guys have your smart phones out if you will check the word SI phan that si si n to the number five one five by five we're going to tell you the amazing reports that are going to come from Lagos and all over the world on this historic revival so again go ahead and do that now if you could see fans of five one five five five amen as you're doing that I want to welcome thousands of people that are watching us from all over the world right now let's welcome our God key the audience and those that are watching online from all around the globe we welcome you and you know tonight wherever you're at God is going to touch you God is going to heal you God is going to move in your life amen do we agree with that listen we're so honored that you're here tonight evangelist Daniel kolenda wanted to give each of you a free gift one of his book unlocking the miraculous through faith and prayer by Daniel kolenda a foreword by Lou Engel he wants to give everyone in here a free copy of this book amen on your way out tonight they're going to be handing this to you and the only thing we ask is read it it talks about prayer and evangelism prayer and evangelism the two legs that God is using as he moves across this world get this book read it and then pass it on to somebody else and you will be blessed amen god is good are you guys excited about Bethel being here tonight are you guys ready to worship the king of kings and the Lord of lords come on get up off your feet get up on your feet let's get ready to give God some crazy praise and worship Him and prepare an atmosphere for the king of kings and the Lord of lords hallelujah [Music] hi I California is home now but I moved from Ohio I I love it here and I basically asked to be here nobody invited me we love you and it's an honor to be with you and we would just we would ask you to be yourself we're going to be ourselves with you and if it's possible at all we just want to make this feel like a living room [Music] we love you miss Alicia [Applause] [Music] yellow little thanks for this moment right here where we get to exalt the King of Kings and the Lord of lords in the heart of this city thank you lord I just ask for the Train the spirit of worship was fall even now at the town that we were born to made the sound of praise and we were born to sing when we're being to rise tonight would flow out of a fresh way to knock [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh yes love Oh [Music] and if you [Music] Oh Oh ah little off [Applause] [Music] Oh God [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Phil Phil Phil yeah it's fear me [Applause] and [Applause] [Music] stir up a whole litter of syrup a hunger stir it up throw it up the road up a house alone [Music] I feel it in my balls are about the moon I feel it in a well you're about right you play with all your spirit up you play with the door [Music] [Music] [Music] can sweet appearing the window [Music] [Applause] today [Applause] [Music] they reformed block the right [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] I can hear it now is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah Oh Oh [Music] again Walter [Music] we remove [Music] coming come [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] you come on we remove ah ready [Music] [Music] negative area [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] we have this fabulous we play here action [Music] Oh ah and you who is there good [Music] and here in red [Music] in your head [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great job recall you know [Music] it's peer pressure and let's just think of although I just got to begin to lift your voice now this is big enterprise lift of your own all think is interfering but just be the lift of the name of Z right now [Applause] Oh Hey [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] just begin to lift up [Music] and I messed it up don't be a prick this new boy [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh you kill life and you are loved and you realize you get home for every high [Applause] [Music] the way in [Music] if you you [Music] thank you we know three [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we poured it out before in the letter ride that arrived I derived from P Vanya litter box let it rise let your tired higher but it all about ah yeah we lift it up we give you our bread we give you our next and we give you a brush every bride yah away Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] away away away it's in your day it's in your name the breath we breathe Yahweh away we give her bras back in the practice [Music] just sing his name tonight singing our way tonight [Music] Hey [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] I have a friend in Cleveland tonight [Music] ah [Music] now let's have another shop zip it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are every bra and nothing you why ah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Applause] every [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Jesus you carry the way where's war just go [Music] [Applause] the ah [Applause] [Applause] you are [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] it doesn't [Music] oh yeah haha Oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Oh it's no no Oh [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh [Music] laughter he Oh [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] never [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh [Music] we just lift our hands come on all over this place we just thing something to them in the spirits line come on lift your voice all of us give him something fresh tonight [Music] really that 20 el maquillaje [Music] just a little more just a little more the snow it is all the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh Carl Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] to you all [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on give them a shot of grace Jesus we give you glory this will bless you Lord I like you with heaven like you up in your Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Lamb of God we can you pray come on let your voice to some more I want you to lift the high praise to the Lord make it intentional and make it costly Jesus we give you glory come on Jesus say his name Jesus Jesus wicked embrace tonight worthy worthy worthy insolent who is claimed to be going sitting back there talking with Daniel we're talking about the Lord what he wanted to do tonight sell something shoot sir me he's beautiful he's beautiful he's here tonight you're here Lord said Jesus is here tonight nobody like a man doesn't know one like he's so perfect you think you need so much tonight you just save him I hope it's okay to transition this way I don't have another message my only gear is this beautiful son of God and he's here tonight right here right here he said if we gather in his name that he would be here but not just be here that he'd even be in our midst he becomes the air we breathe the life in her this beautiful one then he told me years ago is it Michael if you talk about me I'll come if you talk about me I'll look at you I'll come your way and I'm not lazy here's the reward we've contended and cried out but I'm here to tell you tonight he's here the prize is here we worship your Lord just close your eyes with your hands to heaven talk to him there is already wishes you know is it beautiful the patience kindness you use your loving strong became weak you're wounded with race Jesus just like you only life but there's no one like you there's no one like you Jesus you're Alpha Omega everything in between your it's from you and it's to you and through you it's about you you're the rock and the water from the rock Lord you're the tree we give you praise you talk about him the one who loves him the most the Holy Ghost he comes when you talk about Jesus he comes because he's enamored by him he still thinks he's amazing here you just say that I know you're here Lord I know you're here you're here my love you can I just say something before I hand it over this is all right Daniel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'd lock up in my office at night during the day I cancel staff meetings I wanted to revive them so bad I wanted to revive well I wouldn't God to come to our region and after three years saying do something Jesus knocks on my heart store for three years of fasting prayer he said you've been crying out for something but you forgot to tell me you love me for three years you've wanted some move but you forgot to just say Jesus I love you friends hearts that burn which first love for Jesus or walking revivals and I just have to sense tonight Jesus is here and he's looking he's still the man of sorrows because he's lonely and he's looking at you wanting your attention wanting you to say something to him tonight and he said Michael you know your reward but here's my question what's my reward what do I get out of his whole thing it's our love guys it's us father great tonight the glorious gospel the person of Jesus flowing through the words of the glorious gospel would break hearts in love that you Holy Spirit would heal the sick tonight to glorify the Lamb but there would be creative wondrous miracles in our mix tonight and the Jesus would reign in our hearts and King in this place Jesus we promised the best we can to give you all the glory tonight to give you all the glory and all the praise in Jesus name can we lift up a praise to the Lord a shout we're in the process of repurposing tonight repurposing places repurposing our lives we're in a process [Music] [Music] I guess I have to use it Charles Finney came to Ohio to change the world for the gospel without a microphone preached a thousand really come on Lou we're in a profit process of repurposing and I want to repurpose your seating right now I want to ask those of you because we're going to need this space where people are hungry to meet Jesus for the first time tonight I'm going to ask you to go and find seats so we can leave this space clear we're going to take a few minutes to reflect on what it means to repurpose our identity you came here tonight and yesterday and this weekend with a sense of who you were or maybe not but who do you think you are who do you think you are who do you think you are and how does being in a space like this in a place like this change how does it change what you think about who you are I'm talking to everybody I'm talking to me I'm talking to everybody what's your identity this place has an identity and we're repurposing that identity I heard someone describe this as the house of King James but tonight once again it's the house of the king of kings we repurposed us we repurposed a new chorus tonight didn't we oh come let us adore him is a death day filled ælis written over three hundred years ago that's fresh because things that are true or timeless and thing they're timeless are fresh but I've got a fresh word tonight if you came to this country and you weren't alien you came and you were studying the cultural anthropology of this country and seeking to understand its identity you would see arenas and stadiums the largest places of human assembly and you would quite naturally wonder what goes on in these places what goes on there is a process of identification we identify with something larger than ourselves something larger than our lives something larger than our limitations you might see a concert here but more often you're going to see people who are involved in something that our culture our secular culture actually believes has a kind of sacred transcendence and so on a regular basis people who represent a kind of religious assembly a kind of religious tribe gather together depending on the time of year in the season they gather together and they watch people in costumes and these people in costumes actually take a sacrifice animal the animal has been sacrificed to take its skin off and the skin having been taken from the sacrifice animal is put in an arena in the midst of that arena people who are dressed in costumes men and women but people are paid enormous amounts of money are paid to determine who can take the sacred animal skin and in a ritual that's very much like something religious I mean people come to these stadia around the country and sometimes the people in this in the audience will actually dress in the costumes that match the people who are contending for the sacred animal skin and the sacred animal skin is contended for in a way that makes a great deal of difference in the lives of the audience you will notice that people will cheer people will stand up they will shout almost as loudly and almost with as much passion and conviction as we are tonight but what are they cheering for what are they heralding what are the identifying themselves with what really takes the place of sacrifice and a sacred contest to move the animal skin one way in another and there are priests there and the priests in these arena will determine which direction the men for example dressing costumes must take the sacred animal skin according to a very specific ritual and they will go in one direction for 15 minutes of sacred contest time and then they will change directions change directions and they will take the sacred animal skin and whoever takes the sacred animal skin to the altar where the upright hosts point heavenward and indicate a certain kind of temporal triumph by scoring the most points they often leave their their fans and spectators in near ecstasy now that sounds pretty silly to me on a certain level because once it's over and forgotten what has really been changed who has really been set free whose lives have been liberated when we share a moment like this in one of these spaces that are a sacred space to civic contests we have a very different estimation of what the value of our worship of our raising our hands of our identifying with a hero is all about you see sports stars aren't really heroes at all they're talented people who apply themselves with discipline with excellence with a certain vigor with a certain consistency with a certain commitment and these are things that are admirable traits it's not the same as giving your life for someone else sports heroes are really a different kind of hero than the kind of hero we're talking about tonight we're talking about a hero who gave his life we're talking about hero who gave everything we're talking about a hero who sacrificed something that no sports team can possibly replicate in their attempt to create something exciting for us on the afternoon when we come to a arena like this people come and spend in the city of Cleveland they spent over two billion dollars last year supporting their sports clubs here and it really didn't change the world it got a lot of people excited when you were playing the Cubs you got a lot of people excited with the Cavs and these are opportunities for people to be distracted from the woes of the world from the cares the rule from the very often larger concerns that preoccupy us but when you came here you came to change the world [Music] and if we're identified with a true hero and myths are full of heroes legends are full of heroes literature is full of heroes but only one hero in the history of the world claim to have lived like the spotless Lamb of God without blemish without sin without disobedience without fault and without failure only one human being in all of human history has made that claim and it's the god man Jesus Christ [Music] so much like people who venerate their sports legends this goes far beyond that no sports legend ever died to save the entire human race no sports legend ever gave his life for the flock and rose again from the dead to lead us into glory no sports legend ever did the things Jesus did and yet this city has spent more money supporting sports than we spent supporting the King of Kings and the Lamb of God what Jesus is looking for isn't the amount of money or spending he's looking at the condition of our hearts in giving and tonight as you know you're part of what someone called my friend Jim called it the greatest secret in America the power of prayer being unleashed if this is the greatest secret of America we can't let it remain a secret any longer if we really see in our lives the power of prayer and we want to see the power prayer transform Cleveland in a way that no sports team can transform leveland then we've got to demonstrate something more it can't be contained in arenas alone it can't be limited to this night and last night and a few nights like this alone this is a place where history has been marked this is the place where Cleveland has been cleaved cut asunder between light and darkness the past the present the future a mark has been made in the spiritual world here in Cleveland and now we have an opportunity to respond in a very meaningful way and in a way that is almost hilarious because God loves a cheerful Giver it's frivolous but not frivolous it's so sacred because we're told not to let the left hand do what the right hand is doing I want to find those of you who have a you're going to have an envelope passed out you know once you raise your hand if you need an envelope we've got uh sure's all through the arena tonight and I want you to indicate a desire to connect with a new identity you see if you're supporting a sports club you're doing things you're buying memorabilia you're buying shirts I hope you've all bought a call t-shirt and done more to live out the call than just wearing the clothes but I hope you will also stand with us and make it possible for the call to move on because people have made enormous sacrifices that very few people are aware of to make this night possible and we need to stand with them and we need to do something more than you would even equivocate with buying a hotdog at a sports event I want you to take those envelopes when you get them and I want you to literally take the envelope and hold it to your heart I want your heart to speak to you tonight even more than your head we all have to live with the calculus of our means but Jesus calls us to live beyond that by faith and tonight to demonstrate to put feet on your faith and demonstrate a kind of giving that will take you to another level of identity in Christ as everyone got the envelope that they've requested I also want to look up at the four ways you can give above here and if you're on the main floor we're also going to help we're going to make it very easy for you because we're going to be passing buckets think of the loaves and the fishes it took faith it took a child's faith really for Jesus that performed one of his greatest miracles how many of you believe that Jesus is a miracle working God I was in a meeting once of the guy who said I would rather walk home or not know how I was going to get home and take the money that would get me home and not give it to a cause of Christ that had touched him so deeply how many of you would be willing to make a sacrifice tonight for somebody else to be able to be here in the future how many of you would be willing to do something that would cost you just being here cost us but preparing for this event praying for this event planning for this event carrying out this event cost a lot more than any of us know and it's not just money but I want to invite you to join us in demonstrating your faith commitment to what God wants - and this is an organization like any other the call is doing things unlike any other it's not a denomination it's not a church it's a resource for all those who believe and if you believe as I do that the call is so unique and so distinct that they need our support deserve our support and have to have our support to move forward to make this possible how many of you'd like to see this happen in Cleveland again if you are in another city in the future well we're going to make it happen I want you to take that envelope and I want you to make a faith commitment right now find something to write with uh sure is if you'll pass the buckets on the main floors this is an opportunity to do something that's very real very tangible and has a multiplying effect that's beyond anything any of us could invent it's probably the best single investment you could make tonight without a doubt so I want to ask you as you're giving now hold that envelope against your heart and give from your heart and if your left hand you could be isolated from your right hand to do it put one of your hands on your money or your credit card take your hand and touch your money in your credit card your money and your credit card can't save you your money and your credit card can't do the things for you that only spiritual life can give you but tonight is an opportunity for you to connect with something that's transformative I'm going to give you a moment to think about it pray about it and act from your heart and as you do I want to give you a vision for something very exciting that's happening in our country our friends the green family in Oklahoma have had a family vision to do something so extraordinary and to join with other people in a faith vision that is one of the most remarkable our nation has seen and it's to create a museum unlike any other Museum in the world while you're preparing to give from the heart watch with me for a moment on the screens as you get a foretaste of what faith can do and what giving can do and what our convictions are bringing to this nation we're going to roll a film now thank you for being here and thank you for your faith commitment to the call more eyes have read these words than anything else ever here is a place where we can consider its riddles explore its world and discover how it has impacted yours when you enter these majestic gates of bronze you become a time traveler bouncing around the century an archaeologist unearthing fragile treasure a journalist with front row seats to humanity's most significant happiness a 21st century child of mankind at the intersection of today's best technology and history's best-selling book the rise and fall the great good and great evil people and empires the stories we are living are not unlike the ones we were told we've been to home where story comes alive like never before you do more than we you see touch discover and explore with all of your senses you experience the setting the tension the twisting clock that heroes the villains the tortured souls rubbing elbows with legends larger than life dozens of documents millions of copies thousands of years of history poetry prophecy lament love letters encouragement Constitution and law how does it all harmonize this is your story the Bible helps save the world we all see and now we're all invited to come see we'll shake the vial the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked nor stands in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of scoffers but his delight is in the law of the Lord and on this law he meditates day and night I don't know about you but the Bible has transformed my life I cannot imagine my life without the Bible and this world could not imagine its history without the Bible the Bible has impacted the worlds and in thousands in a countless ways but I had a personal experience just last year that changed my life forever my wife Lauren and I went on a trip to a place that I cannot tell you where we were to a place where they hate this book where they don't have access to this book and when we went my friend who was there took me through the streets took me in the crowded market where they were trying to sell me goods the merchants were and took me into a small leather goods shop where a man closed and locked the door handed me a case like this and when I opened it up I pulled out an item that if he was caught with it would have meant his life you see this man who I met had spent his entire life translating the Bible the Word of God into his language so that everyone in his country could know this god of this book and it made me wonder what would what would cause a man what would inspire a man to risk everything he has to put his business his family everything on the line for the words on these pages so we have treasured God's Word not in a way that this man did but in a way that was very dear to us whenever we were walking through a trial so my family we went all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States to be able to fight for our religious liberties and for the protection of life and the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court case and God's Word with everything to having that foundation reading scriptures gave us hope gave us hope because of Jesus Christ and we're so excited in by all people to engage in the Bible at Museum of the Bible this is an incredible museum that's all about the most important book in history and the most important book in our lives and we cannot wait for November to come around when this museum invites all people to engage in this most important book so we want to ask you for your prayers we want to ask you if you would you're welcome to you can follow us on Facebook Instagram Twitter find out all kinds of details about it but would you pray for this museum would you pray for this effort that this might be something that God uses in our day to bring people back to the Word of God to bring people back to the Bible in a way like he never has before in the history of our nation thank you so much god bless you won't you all understand if we could have lights you stand we're gonna stretch ice up I can't even see anyone there we go stretch out your hands all across this place this nation of Jim this generation cannot just have the spirit they must have the word and the spirit we believe this is a sign in the middle of the capitol of the United States of America a Bible museum it's been a war for them stretch out your hands and I want to pray father we just thank you for Michael and Lauren we pray that Lord you would use this museum core that God as a catalyst of a return to the Word of God make it a miracle place a place where people get hungry for the Word of God not just in that Museum but what it means for what it stands for create a whirlwind a spiritual hunger for the word of God so we bless them keep them from the evil one is war fairs all around their family such resistance all around we say Lord lift him up keep them safe protect him and cause them to have success in Jesus name Amen shall we all go to the museum to raise the cloud of fear and darkness whose love is mine it's all strong the keyboard the key other of our keys the fall with holy thunder do leave the press in order to achieve the goal the ki Tov of Archie a bit thank you you Oh Oh ah we call and already we sing all over the pause lift it up Oh the come on would you just turn to two or three people and tell them you're in the right place tonight welcome welcome welcome how many of you have had an amazing time here at Azusa now over the last couple of days how many of you can honestly say that the Lord has already touched your life in an amazing way praise God you can be seated tonight I'm going to ask for the lights to be brought up I like to see who I'm talking to before we get too far into the program tonight I want to just take a moment and do something that I don't think has happened so far even though we've been here together for many many hours for those of you that might be just joining us tonight we've been doing this for two days yesterday we had eight hours of straight leading today we started at 3 o'clock and we're still going but I wanted to take a moment just to for all of us together to express our gratitude and our thanks to the team of the call to Lou Engel to his right wife to wreath to rest come on can we just thank them for Dean Briggs for Paul for jeering this winder for Rachel Holden the whole call team we love you guys we bless you we honor you we thank God for you and we thank God for the call I can't tell you what an incredible privilege it is to stand here on this platform in all honesty when I look around and I see the men of God and the leaders especially from the Cleveland area that are here on this platform I feel like I should sit down and listen we honor you we thank God for you and we really pray that this events would be a service to you we've come here to serve you to serve your churches and ministries and we pray that Cleveland will never be the same again in Jesus name Amen I also want to just also add my amen to what we heard earlier about the Museum of the Bible we love the green family Laura and Michael that you just heard from our part of the green family and they are I don't know if you know this but they are some this family there are some of the most generous supporters of missions and evangelism in the world and in history and they are the ones that are putting out this Museum of the Bible it's going to be absolutely amazing and unprecedented in the world it opens up in November I can't wait to get there and I would encourage every one of you to make it a priority to visit the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC amen amen well tonight is going to be a fun night I don't know what you came here expecting but I can tell you whatever it was you can just put it on the shelf because something else is going to happen I know that for sure because I don't know what to expect and I'm the one with the microphone how many of you have already enjoyed the worship not only tonight but throughout the entire event hasn't it been amazing how many of you enjoy bethel worship and jeremy riddle it's Stephanie Bret singer how many of you listen to them in your card in your house all right now it's confession time how many of you have bootleg music of theirs that you've ripped off the internet I have a whole file on my playlist that says bootleg worship music that I've been ripping for 20 years from revival movements I tell you it's amazing amazing stuff and I thank God so much for worship ministries like Bethel and like those we've heard from all week long if I start naming them I'm sure I'll forget one so I'm not going to do that but it's been absolutely amazing there's going to be more worship tonight Todd white is going to be here with me Michael colleano's put the whole crowd we're going to pray for the sick we're going to cast out devils we're going to see the glory of God come down who knows what's going to happen but before any of that I'm going to take a few minutes just a few minutes to preach the gospel is that okay the gospel is for everybody if you say well I'm already a Christian I don't need the gospel well go read your Bible it says that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for those that are being saved it is the power of God so even if you are a believer in Jesus the gospel is still the power of God working in your life and transforming you into the image of Christ and I don't know if this makes me old-fashioned but I still believe in the preaching of the gospel I still believe in the power of the Word of God I still believe in signs and wonders and miracles I've seen it work I am an incurable believer and you're going to see it tonight too and you're going to know why we believe what we say we believe amen our ministry I've mentioned already a couple of times here it's been amazing to hear what we heard earlier today as we were singing America will be saved and I shared earlier about what God is doing in Africa we have seen in Africa since 1987 more than 76 million people come to Christ I'm telling you this for a reason this is not a commercial okay 76 million in I want you to understand that when I throw out a number like that a lot of the critics suddenly become very skeptical and they say yes but what happens to the new converts and where do you get those numbers from people criticize us for Speaking evangelistically I think in most people think that evangelists are exaggerator's but when you're a part of a ministry that was founded by German you don't exagerate evangelist bunky told me years ago he said exaggeration is just another form of lying so the only people that we count in these massive massive gospel Crusades are the ones that pray with a counselor they fill out a decision card they are entered into the local church follow-up system where they are part of the body of Christ Jesus didn't say go and make converts you said go and make disciples so those are the only ones that we count as the ones that make their way into the local church and we have seen since 1987 more than 76 million of those people come into the kingdom of God we're living in the greatest days of harvest in the history of the world and all of it that's happening is I know in America maybe people haven't heard about it but it's literally one of the greatest movements that's happening in the world today we are living in the days of harvest I know when you watch the news you think the world is going to hell in a handbasket you think that God is sitting up into heaven biting all of his fingernails off just hoping that the world doesn't fall apart but my friend I have good news for you our God is not with his back up against the wall all over the nations the kingdom of God is rising Jesus is Lord people are coming into the kingdom as never before these are the days of harvest say amen and can I tell you something else I just feel like I need to give you some good news tonight I'm an evangelist after all we're seeing millions and millions of Muslims coming into the kingdom of God and Lou you were talking yesterday about dreams and visions and we're seeing Muslims all over the world are having dreams and visions of Jesus and they're coming to the cross they're being healed spontaneously and when they see the miracles sometimes the Christians get jealous and they come to us and say does God love the Muslims more than the Christians but Jesus is hard as so full of love for the world that he will leap over every barrier to save even one lost person I want to share a little testimony with you and actually I have a video that we're about to play you guys have that video ready I'll ask for in just a moment I have to give you a little bit of backstory to this so you understand what's going on we had a gospel crusade in up in Accra in the nation of Ghana which is in West Africa any gun names here tonight all right my one gun ancestor over there our crusade was in the capital city of the city of Accra and our meeting was in the big public square there called independence square this is a famous place it would be like the equivalent of the National Mall in Washington for Americans it's a place where inaugurations are held and big political rallies are held and every Ghanaian known knows of Independence Square well there was a man that came to our meeting he was a man by the name of Muhammad you may guess by his name that he didn't come from a Christian background it was a Muslim man he did not even live there in Accra he lived in another city he had come for the day to visit his brothers and on his way to return home he missed his train so we had a few hours to kill there and he decided he would go walk around he would go and see some of the famous sights and so he made his way to Independence Square Muhammad had a problem for the last several years Muhammad had been deaf in both ears and so when he arrived at Independence Square and there was a massive crowd with hundreds of thousands of people gathered he couldn't hear earth and he didn't understand that he had just stepped into an evangelistic gospel crusade where Jesus was being preached where the sick were being healed he didn't know any of this was happening he didn't know I was praying for the sick he didn't know I was preaching the gospel he was deaf so he found a place that was empty and he lay down and he decided to take a nap suddenly he said he was awakened by an explosion of sound in his ears spontaneously healed he stands before me you'll see it right now in the video he stands before me literally shaking trembling as he begins to come to terms with what has just happened to him but Jesus this one that he even has read about in the Quran has just healed him no prophet ever did that for him before you see him coming to terms with what has happened you know the very night that this happened I I took the raw video of it and I put it online just because I wanted people to see it and immediately the Christians began to comment you know Christians can be nasty sometimes sometimes we Christians can be so unlike the Christ that we serve and you know what the Christians began to say they said he's not really saved he's still talking about the Quran and I replied to them and I said guys give the man a second he's getting saved right before your very eyes how patient has God been with some of us and by the end of that testimony you're going to see my favorite part he looks into the cameras broadcasting that signal around the nation and he says if anybody is watching my name is and it gives us full first and last name which is very dangerous to do in this situation he gives the city in the neighborhood where he lives he says if anyone knows me if you recognize my face go and find my wife and tell her that Jesus is the Son of God you want to see come on let's go to Africa my father my mother hola Muslim I was born I'm smoothly I know this moment of sitting down here anybody who know me would know that after today and yesterday my life has changed a lot of trees yesterday happened to me I was dead before somebody called me to give me something I have to get me Scalia I spent a lot of money because of medicine for this my ears Saturday morning I came to acquire to visit my own brothers so after visiting them I was coming back Gautama it's very little between left so I just went and slept at this place right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus deaf ears open in the name of Jesus wake up and hear my want my ear sound and I was killed that in with immediately I was ill I went the people as we know let me despite this hours death I my name is Mohammed I I have a problem for my peers for almost two years I won't speak I don't understand I can be a very well so my artists probably for Tuesday so I have not even trying to come here I came from the American Knesset by going to take a train a Mentalist so I say let me come to the independence for is it I came to leave the project work our city corner judge sure I did not even I did not do anything so I wake up and I I can hear and he s was telling me I can hear people who know me can testify that I am very happy I think today in this report the understand I was not born to be dead I was not going to worship a God that I don't know I'm telling you I am standing here I can hear I can be able to speak again I will vote again for my work and then I will feel pretty bad man attached to God hallelujah Luna you know who is helium it is it's a messenger of the Lord Almighty God what is they Jesus Jesus I don't I know even the Quran tells me that if you I go to them and you do not believe in Jesus Christ you are not the movement you are not moving so I think that it's like that yes I thank all I can for - I can hear I can't read it I my dear is good at what I've done yeah hey listen my friends I would say nobody else opens the ears of the death only Jesus yes you paddle yes I should before so he is not just a messenger he is the son of the Living God yeah here anyway and the truth and the life hey amen yeah I was there anybody who normal and see my face my name is Mahmoud and I came from gam Baga let me tell my world that jesus is the son of course not I am he I have known the Christian not be that Jesus is the only one present that man supposed to worship if I have opportunity I've done ten to pasta and then I open my own church or I'll be preaching in the street when you know the truth the truth mask solely set you free isn't that amazing and so lord I thank you tonight that by the gospel that whatever it is Lord that stands between us and you that you would jump over those barriers that you would go after the lost one that you would save every person in this room tonight lord I pray especially for those that don't know you for those that are away from you for prodigal sons and prodigal daughters for those who are bound in sin and bound by addiction Lord for those whose lives are filled with darkness and sin but I thank you that tonight by the gospel you would break in that you would a pretend them in the mighty name of Jesus and everybody said I tell you if you can watch a video like that and feel nothing your feelers broke I know that there there are people in here tonight that are not familiar with this sort of an environment maybe you have never been to church in your life and you say wow I didn't know this was what church was like maybe you have been to church and it was not like this I tell you what if this is your first time trust me this is tame compared to what it was like last night we're controlling ourselves for your benefit but even if you don't understand with your mind what you're seeing and experiencing I know that you feel something inside that you cannot deny and that will grow as the night goes on you will realize that something is happening to you and that there is something changing on the inside and you will come face-to-face with an opportunity to make a decision that will change the rest of your life if you do make it and I believe that you will you have your Bibles I want to ask you to turn with me to the book of Revelation chapter number three Revelation chapter three and as you're turning there I just want to share with you the reason that I'm going to be preaching out of this passage tonight and the reason is that I'm explaining this is because I actually had not intended to talk about this passage at all guys I'm getting a hum I'm getting feedback up here for some reason I had a different message prepared in fact it was an illustrated message Lou it was a message that I had some cool props for I thought that you would really love that I was excited about preaching it and that's the direction that I was going our team can tell you that they went to great pains to prepare and to ship these things all the way from Orlando to Cleveland for tonight's meeting and that's what I was prepared to do until a couple of nights ago I had an experience that changed it for me and I have to tell you about this because it's the reason that I'm going in this direction early in the morning this is earlier this week I was awakened from my sleep by pounding at the door sounded like this and I was startled awake from my sleep with adrenaline in my veins I went from like deep REM cycle unconsciousness to being wide awake in just one moment have you ever had that happen to you or something startles you in your sleep and suddenly there's so much adrenaline in your veins that you are wide awake in one second you know I'm a coffee drinker but adrenaline is much more effective than caffeine and I was shot up in the bed my eyes wide open wondering who could be pounding on my door at the at that hour I looked over at my wife and she was still deep in sleep and my thought was how could anybody sleep through such noise I thought I better check and see who's at the door so I got out of bed and I went to the door and there was no one there when walking through the house to see if everything was okay all the lights were off all my kids were still in their bed and I think by the time I got to the last bedroom it occurred to me that although what I had heard was incredibly audible it was sensory it wasn't something that I just imagined I heard it with my ears and yet I was the only one that had experienced that and at that very moment I heard the words of Jesus that he spoke here in Revelation chapter 3 in verse 20 where he said behold I stand at the door and knock If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and I will sup with him I will eat with him I will fellowship I will dine with him and he will dine with me when I heard those words I felt like Samuel and he heard the voice of God I said yes Lord Here I am and I went to my prayer closet to pray I I took it as a personal invitation but as I began to pray I saw that what the Lord had shown me and the experience that I'd had was prophetic and it was for this meeting right here in Cleveland in the quicken arena tonight I believe that what's going to happen here tonight is if some of you who have been in a dead sleep are going to hear that knocking up the door and tonight you're going to wake up and you're never going to go back to sleep again and this is unusual for me for a couple of reasons because you know I'm an evangelist I preach the gospel around the world and many times I'm preaching in places where people have never heard the gospel before many times they've never even heard the name of Jesus before and so what I'm preaching is very specifically geared for unbelievers but this passage where Jesus is speaking here in Revelation chapter 3 it is not an inherently evangelistic verse at all in fact it was a message that was given to a group of believers it was the Church of Laodicea it was the body of believers that lived in a city in the ancient world called Laodicea and Laodicea was an interesting place you could say that it was in a lot of ways similar to America ladis II was a rich city a wealthy city it was so rich in fact that on one occasion when it had been totally destroyed by an earthquake the Roman government offered financial aid and the residents of Laodicea being so rich so wealthy they refused the financial aid how many of you know you've got to be pretty rich to turn down free money they said we don't need your help they rebuilt the city from rubble with their own wealth they were exorbitantly wealthy and there were a couple of things that they were famous for they were famous for textiles they imported clothing all over the Roman Empire they were famous for hospitals where they specialized in an ointment for the eyes and they were famous for a very developed banking system which was unusual in those days and was those things those institutions that had created this incredible economy of this place called Laodicea they were wealthy they were healthy they were well fed and they were well clothed they thought they didn't need anything they were comfortable and they were confident and the church in this area had begun to absorb a spirit of the age in which they lived and the same comfortability and complacency and independence and pride that was in the culture began to permeate the church and so Jesus speaks to this church in laodicea it's one of eight churches that he spoke to but it's the only one that he had nothing positive to say about and here we read about it look with me in the book of Revelation chapter 3 in verse 13 Jesus identifies himself he says so the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans write these things saith the Amen the faithful true witness the beginning of the creation of God this is Jesus speaking I know your works that you are neither hot nor cold and I wish that you were either hot or cold so then because you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth because you say I am rich and increased with Goods and have need of nothing but you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked and when I read this I can't help but thinking that Jesus is speaking to a culture just like the one that we live in because you see for the Laodiceans their their wealth their security had become an illusion to them when they looked around the world they saw safety but it was just an illusion and they had never stopped to think about the fact that they were so vulnerable and this is interesting for me because like I said I don't usually preach out of a passage like this but I also don't usually preach to an audience like this most of the time I'm preaching in the third world I preach in Africa and Asia and South America I preach in places where most of the people live at a subsistence level on a dollar a day or less they don't have health care they don't have education they hardly have food on the table and yet they come and they receive the gospel with joy and it's such a privilege for me to preach to them but then I come here to America and I'm finding myself in a totally different environment because you see you are the rich of the world now maybe you don't know you're rich but if you make minimum wage even if you're on government assistance do you realize that you are in the top 1% of the wealthiest human beings that have ever lived in the history of the world you are the rich you are the blessed you are Laodicea and if we are not careful as the Church of Jesus Christ it is very possible that that same spirit that is in the world can creep into the church and you know when I look around in America I see the spirit of the world has often crept into the church and the people have imbibed the philosophy of the a and oftentimes our gospel preachers sound more like Oprah than they do the Apostle Paul and I have to tell you something the things that I'm going to say tonight are not going to make me very popular I'm going to sound old-fashioned you may never want to listen to me again but I'm not afraid of you I'm going to stand before God and give an account for what I'm saying so I will tell you the truth whether you like it or not I think about the patience of Jesus listen he identifies himself in the first verse as the instrument of creation think about this this is not some ordinary man knocking at the door this is the King of Kings the Lord of lords it's the master the Creator humbly patiently he stands outside looking for some of you he's been knocking at your door for such a long time when I think of the patience of the master how gracious he's been some of you didn't deserve that he didn't deserve his patience you didn't deserve his long-suffering and still he's continued to knock and this is always the picture that I've had when I read revelation 3:20 was the picture of a gentle patient Jesus standing at the door knocking on our hearts some of us in often for many years but you know what what I heard a few morning's ago was not a gentle Jesus it was not a patient knocking heard in that knocking and urgency I heard something different than I had expected to hear you see I have a feeling in my spirit I have the sense of urgency in my heart that what Jesus is saying to you tonight in the word that's coming forth to you as a word of urgency this is not the way that it's been before some of you he's called to you but tonight it's different so that it's different because time is short tonight it's different because your chances are limited tonight is different because there comes a moment when the door shuts the gates are closed and for some of you I have this feeling in my heart that that time is so near you don't even realize how did you share that story I don't know if he shared this story about the Israelis did he talk about that early earlier when we were in Israel just a few weeks ago he was witnessing to a couple Israeli soldiers his pictures of it a few days later we saw in the news those very two Israeli soldiers have been killed by terrorists they had no idea when they were standing there holding hands with that crazy guy with dreadlocks that would probably be the last chance in their life to say yes to Jesus and I have this urgency in my heart that for some of you this seems like an ordinary night it seems like an ordinary occasion the temptation would be just to take it for granted but you have no idea that these moments these opportunities they don't come every day maybe you're young here tonight you say don't worry about me Daniel I have lots of time I'm only 15 I'm only 16 listen to me my friend eternity is not a border that lies ahead of us it's not 15 years down the road it's not 20 years down the road the border to Eternity runs parallel to life and you can cross over that border at any moment young or old it doesn't matter and there's something about the urgency of this moment that as Jesus calls to you you may never call again you know they say that when a man is drowning they say he'll go under the water once and he'll come to the surface again and they say that that drowning man will go under the water a second time you know rise to the surface again but the experts say that if a drowning man goes down for a third time he will only come up again as a corpse let me tell you what I feel in my heart this is why I'm preaching something I didn't intend to preach it's why I'm reading out of this I believe that there are some of you here tonight that this is your last time you've gone under once before and Jesus had mercy on you he had mercy on you he forgave you he gave you a second chance you heard the gospel again but then you rebelled you resisted and you went under for a second time there are some of you that shouldn't even be alive right now some of you that should have died in a drug overdose some of you some of you that should have died in a car accident some of you should be sitting rotting in jail right now some of you should have died in a gang fight but instead you're alive and you're in this place and the very fact that you have breath in your lungs is evidence of the great mercy of God but notice what Jesus says here he says if any man hears my voice do you know what that means it's one of those frightening realities I can think of he says if any man hears my voice you know what that means that it's possible that Jesus could be knocking right now you might not even hear him reminds me of the words of Hebrews 3:15 that says today if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts you see the Laodiceans they had so much entertainment so much comfort so much wealth they didn't even realize the true condition of their souls that they were wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked my friend we live in a society right now where if you don't want to you never have to look at the true condition of your soul you can drowned out every introspective thought with a facebook article with a movie with some kind of entertainment you never have to look up from your phone and you're filling that void and that emptiness in your heart you haven't even stopped to realize that you're poor that you wretched that you're miserable that you're blind and naked appears the good news Jesus says to them in the next verse verse 18 listen to what he says I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich and white raiment that you may be clothed and that the shame of your nakedness would not appear and annoying thy eyes with eyesalve that you may see here is the message I'd come with tonight my friends you've tried everything else in this world you've tried to fill that hole with so many other things but Jesus says why don't you come and try me for a change because I can give you what it is that you've been looking for what you've been trying to drowned out with drugs and with pornography and with sexuality what you've been trying to drowned out with entertainment and with Facebook and with YouTube that crying that knowing in your heart I'm the answer come to me my friend I'm here to tell you tonight that what you need is Jesus you don't need a better boyfriend you don't need a better girlfriend you need Jesus you don't need more money in your bank account you need Jesus you don't need a nicer car you need Jesus you don't need another job you need Jesus you don't need a psychiatrist you don't need a valium you need Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus tonight come to me and buy of me gold refined in the fire I know what some of you are thinking because there's a lot of Millennials here you know I was born 1981 so I can either be bill any allure Generation X it depends what mood I'm in some of you are saying preacher I don't believe this because it's not very loving but look at what Jesus says in the very next verse verse 19 he says as many as I love I rebuke and I chasten be zealous therefore and repent you know we live in a generation that is so fatherless they don't know a good father when they see one a good father is not one that always Pat's you on the head and tells you you're doing good a real father will sometimes come and get in your face to save your soul somebody said to me I don't believe in Hell I don't believe in judgment I don't believe in the wrath of God and I will tell you why because the Bible says that it's the kindness of God that brings men to repentance isn't that what the Bible says but you see we have so imbibed the philosophy of the age that we can read what's on the paper and not understand it because we're seeing it through the wrong lens let me tell you what that verse means go and look it up what it means is that because God is so kind he will do whatever it takes to bring you to repentance the fact that he will bring you to repentance is an expression of his kindness that's what it means if you don't think God would ever do something extreme to get your attention you need to go read about the Apostle Paul Jesus slapped him off of his horse and binded him and he said who are you lord and the voice came back I am Jesus who you persecuted it was Jesus that knocked him off that horse it was Jesus that blinded him and there are some of you here tonight you've been knocked off that horse you've been blinded you didn't know what was going on and you were rebuking the devil but all along it's been Jesus trying to get your attention tonight and when he does go and talk to the Apostle Paul he will tell you that that day when he was knocked off of his horse was the greatest day of his life it was the day that Jesus intercepted him where Jesus got in his face where Jesus confronted him it was the day that he found eternal life he says I love you siren Luke you be zealous therefore and repent you know there is so much zeal in this place so much zeal you know what I'd like to see I'd like to see a zeal for tenten's return to the church here's another thing not only was the invitation of Jesus urgent and loving it was also very personal because you see although he rebuked the Church of Laodicea as a corporate group the invitation that he gave them when he said behold I stand at the door and knock it was not a corporate invitation it was a personal one he said if any man hear my voice he didn't say if any church hear my voice if any denomination hear my voice if any a congregation hear my voice he said if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him not I will come into his church now I will come into his building not I will come into his congregation but I will come into him and this thing we're talking about tonight is a very personal thing you're sitting in a very large room with thousands of people but right now this is about you and Jesus you say don't worry about me preacher I go to a good church listen your church can save you your pastor can't save you your denomination can't save you no bishop can save you no prophet can save you no Pope can save you none of them died on the cross for you going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger and there are some of you in this place they maybe you came with a youth group or maybe you came with a church or maybe a friend brought you some of you you're just blending in and you're doing what the other kids are doing you're doing what the other folks are doing but it's not real to you yet just still bound in sin you're still bound by addictions there's still darkness and death in your life but somebody here I thought that I was praying earlier you're contemplating suicide nobody would know it from looking at you but inside you're poor and miserable and buys and naked what you need is standing at the door of your heart knocking right his name is Jesus he's a personal personal Jesus today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart can I tell you a story okay I tell a lot of stories when I preach in Africa Africans I love stories and I love stories too so it's a good combination this story I'm about to tell you is actually one that I first heard evangelist Reinhardt Bonnke preach how many of you know who ran her bunkie is he's my mentor and I believe one of the greatest evangelist that's ever lived I absolutely loved him if you don't know who he is you need to get online you need to listen to his messages you'll be absolutely blessed he's a masterful storyteller and I learned this from him the story is about a man who was a very wealthy man he had a large house with ten rooms five rooms on the top and five rooms on the bottom and one day the man heard a knocking at the door you open the door to see who it was and you know who was standing there it was Jesus he was shining like the Sun and when that men saw Jesus he was so happy he said lord please come into my house he said I've heard so many wonderful things about you I've heard how you heal people how you bless people how you protect people I want you to be in my house he said Lord if you will stay with me I will do something very special for you I will give you the master bedroom it's on the top floor it's got a big panoramic window the biggest walk-in closet you've ever seen a master bathroom with a jacuzzi tub and lord if you want it it's yours Jesus is a gentleman he said thank you very much he came inside he went upstairs to his room and the man was very happy that Jesus was in the house but that night there was another knocking at the door a terrible knocking and when the man heard the knocking he wondered who he could be at that hour and so he said you know I should probably just crack the door open just a little bit and see who's out there so he cracked the door and peeked outside and do you know who was standing out there it was the devil this is a parable okay you got that right it was the devil and the man said oh no devil I don't want you in my house I've heard about you have your torment people how you buying them with addictions and fears and tears and compulsions I don't want you in my house and he tried to shut the door but it was too late the devil had already put one foot in the door and you know this is always how the devil operates he always starts with one foot sometimes just one toenail and it might seem so insignificant and it might seem so innocent but my friend listen to me if the devil's got a toenail in the door I want you to know something that he will never leave it alone soon he will put his knee in the door and then he'll put his elbow in the door and then he'll put his shoulder in the door and before that man knew it the devil had broken into his house and they began to fight struggling with each other through the night the devil was far too powerful for this man he could not overcome him the devil port filthy temptations over him all night long they struggled and finally early the next morning as the Sun was rising the devil slipped out the back door and disappeared just about that time Jesus came down from upstairs and when the man saw Jesus suddenly he remembered he said Jesus you were here last night you were in my house didn't you hear the commotion why didn't you come down and save me and Jesus said well sir it's true that you gave me a very nice room in your house but there are ten rooms in this house nine of them belong to you and only one of them has been given to me all the men said yes yes Lord I understand he said we're going to fix this right away he said Jesus as of this day I'm splitting my house with you 50/50 five rooms on the top for you five rooms on the bottom for me Jesus is a gentleman he said thank you very much and he went up to his floor and the man was happy but that night another terrible knocking at the door and do you know who it was out there come on you got to get the motions there it's much more fun preaching in Africa and do you know what happened the devil broke into the house and they fought through the night again the devil pouring filthy temptations over him and finally early the next morning as the Sun was rising the devil slipped out the back door just off that time Jesus came down at which time when the man saw Jesus he was angry he was let me change the word he was indignant he said Jesus what is wrong with you I have given you five of the best rooms in my house why won't you come to my defense and Jesus said well sir it's true you've given me five rooms the other five rooms belong to you oh yes the man said I see my mistake he said this is what we're going to do Jesus has of this night I'm going to give you all of the rooms in my house except the one where I sleep nine rooms for you one room for me he said you know Jesus there are some things in that one room where I sleep I don't think you'd like them very much I don't think you want that room there are some things I keep under the bed there are some things I keep in the closet some things up in the ceiling some things under the rug I don't think you want that room Jesus I'll keep that one room for myself the other nine rooms belong to you Jesus is a gentleman he said thank you very much he went upstairs and that night do you know what happened another terrible knocking the devil broke in again poured filthy temptations over him they struggled through the night and finally the next morning as the Sun was right the devil slipped away and here came Jesus down from upstairs and there's kind when the man said Jesus he began to cry I don't know if you've ever seen people at the altar at your church doing this but he was crying he say Lord what is wrong why won't you help me I've been more than generous to you don't you love me Jesus put his arm around the man he said sir let me help you he said it's true you've given me 9 rooms in your home but the title deed of this house is stealing your name and if you are the master of this house then you must also be the provider you must also be the defender he said sir let me help you instead of inviting me to live in your house as a guest give your house to me and then I will invite you to live in my house suddenly it was as though the Tiffany had hit that man he realized what was the use of a house that he could not protect what does it profit a man to win the whole world lose his own soul so he reached into his pocket he pulled out the keys he said here Jesus take it take it take every room every door every window every panel on the ceiling every piece of carpeting every blade of grass it's all yours the Lord Jesus well Jesus as a gentleman he took the keys thank you very much and he went upstairs that night another terrible knock and when that man heard the knocking at his door immediately like a Pavlovian reflex he began to perspire his hands began to tremble he already knew what was about to happen it had happened to him so many times before he knew the devil would break into his house he knew the devil would pour temptations over him he knew that he would fall again and he would be powerless against the devil and as his trembling hand was reaching from the door suddenly he felt something there was a tapping on from behind on his shoulder he turned around and you know who was standing there it was Jesus shining like the Sun Jesus said excuse me sir I believe this house belongs to me step aside I will answer the door Jesus didn't peek outside to see who was there oh no Jesus turned that knob he threw the door open and he said who's there and do you know who was standing there you missed your last chance it was the devil but when the devil looked up and saw Jesus he was very confused it was not the one he had been expecting to see he looked at the number on the house the number was right he looked at the man in the doorway something was wrong he looked at the number he looked at Jesus the number Jesus number Jesus number Jesus it can make any sense so slowly he backed away from the door he bowed himself to the ground he said please excuse me sir I think I've come to the wrong house hallelujah I want you to stand with me all over this place let me tell you what is about to happen worship team come back Jesus isn't knocking right now at the door of your heart he's knocking on the door of your life and this is what is going to happen tonight there are some of you you have been struggling for years with addictions with drugs with alcohol with pornography some of you have been struggling with certain sins for many years some of your product calls and you're away from Jesus some of you have never heard anything like this but this is what's about to happen tonight you're going to open the door and let Jesus in If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come into him it is a promise it is not a lottery some will get in some won't Jesus says if you hear my voice and you open the door I will come in to you you'll come in to you you'll come in to you do you hear that do you know what happens when Jesus comes in to you what does it mean for Jesus to come in to you what does that even mean it means that everything that he is becomes everything that you are his mind the things that he loves the things that you used to love you're going to hate the things that you used to hate you're going to love you're going to want to worship Jesus and you're going to want to spend time with Jesus and you're going to find yourself loving people and hating sin and you're going to say who is this person that I see looking back in the mirror I don't even recognize it it's because it's not you anymore Jesus is coming and he's come to stay with every head bowed and every eye closed if you would say Daniel it's time for me to wake up I've been sleeping for so long but tonight I hear something here that knock I hear that voice I want to open the door what Jesus to come in and I wanted to become Lord of my life listen what I'm asking you to do tonight is not just to pray a prayer or to make some token decision I'm asking you to surrender everything that you have to Jesus not just one room not 50% not even 99.9% but 100% and you will discover that when you really surrender everything changes with every head bowed and every eye closed if you would say Daniel tonight I want to say yes I want to open the door I want to receive Jesus as my savior I want to see your hand right now wherever you are in this place thank you Jesus thank you Jesus come on if that's if you lifted your hand lift it high don't not halfway this is not a moment to shrink back today if you hear his voice this is what I'm going to ask you to do those of you with your hands raised right now without any hesitation without any procrastination I want you to get out of your seat from where you're sitting wherever you're standing and I want you to come stand right here at the front of this room at this altar come right now don't wait don't hesitate come right now in Jesus name this is a this is the beginning this is not the ending Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart behold I stand at the door and knock If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him I was dying with him and he will dine with me come on if you're coming from up in the top don't think that if you're too far up there that you can't come down we will wait for you this is why we're here everything that's been happening is for you but this moment come right now if you have to go out of the foyer and come around it's well worth it we are waiting calm now in Jesus name come come those of you in the top come you're welcome yeah right yeah is banging to do this and what's about to happen now is almost prophetic because it's the percival hand of Jesus reaching one more time for those of you that have come in the front here now I'm not talking to you for a moment okay I'm talking to the rest for those of you that did not respond this is what's going to happen right now in just a moment not now but when I tell you to I want every person to turn to the one on their right in their left and I want you to ask them a simple question see do you need to be down there at that altar and if they say yes I want you to take them by the hand and I want you both to come and stand before the Lord do it right now turn to the one on your right in your left I don't care if they're a pastor I don't care if they sing on the worship team I don't care if they're the nicest looking person you've ever seen in your life ask them if they need to be down there and if they say yes just take them by the hand and bring them with you and come come come on those of you on the top we're waiting for you I see you coming we're waiting those of you in the top were waiting come come come to the foot of the cross come to Jesus his arms are open calm and she's a saint Oh if you're coming you can continue to come for those of you that are in the front I want to talk to you for just a second what to tell you what's about to happen okay I don't pray with you just to go through some religious formality because listen there is no ritual that can save you there is no mental assent to some statement of doctrine that can save you either Jesus comes and does a supernatural work in your life where there is no hope at all so what we are about to do is we're about to call in the name of Jesus and ask him to give you a new heart and a new life the Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creation old things have passed away of all things have become new and nothing less than that is what we are praying for now listen I'm going to lead you in a prayer if you don't understand why I'm doing this maybe you say where are you getting this prayer I'll tell you it's not in the Bible I'm not reading it out of a prayer book or something I'm just going to literally make it up off the top of my head impromptu and maybe you say why should we pray a prayer you made up it's because of this the Bible says that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved so all I'm helping you to do this is really simple don't overthink it I'm just helping you to call on Jesus when you do that I want you to understand something that he's not just listening to the words that you're forming with your mouth he looks right into the depths of your heart and that's what he listens to so not tonight as we pray together I'm asking you don't just pray with your mouth don't just pray with your head or cry out from your heart and you have God's promise that Jesus said anyone who comes to me I will not refuse under any circumstances so pray with confidence in faith are you ready I'm just going to leave you in this prayer just repeat it after me say dear Lord Jesus Christ come on shout it out say dear Lord Jesus Christ I come to you tonight a sinner needing salvation Lord Jesus I cannot save myself but I throw myself at your mercy as your feet and I pray Jesus Christ son of the Living God save me now I give you my heart every room in my heart I give you my life be my Savior be my lord and be my very best friend as of this night I belong to Jesus come on shout it out I belong to Jesus and Jesus belongs to me I believe it I receive it and I confess it in the name of Jesus and everybody say Amen come on would you give a shout of praise to Jesus tonight hallelujah listen we want to celebrate with you and we want to have a relationship with you the local church wants to have a relationship with you I want you to watch this video for one minute and listen to it let's play that video if you said of France tonight and made the decision to follow Jesus and we want to know about your decision we want to celebrate with you and bless you with a free gift that will help you begin this new journey of faith you'll receive dried harp on these books now that you are saved and an exclusive I belong to Jesus t-shirt this free gift is only available tonight at the arena for those who fill out a quick decision card right now just follow these three simple steps step 1 take out your smartphone right now and text the keyword safe to five one five five five step two you will receive a message with a link to complete the decision card step 3 click the link fill in your info and hit submit if you do not have a smartphone or you need help please raise your hand and a counselor will assist you after you have submitted your decision card you will receive a voucher to pick up your free gift after the service pick up locations are marked by large red flags behind section 108 or 123 remember this free gift is only available tonight after the service and you must submit a decision card just all over this auditorium all over this floor we want you to text the word save to five one five five five for those of you that are watching online or by god TV just text the word save to five one five five five you're going to fill out a few field and we want to give you a shirt tonight that declares you belong to Jesus so when you when you text tonight you're going to get a QR code you can take it out into the concourse and they're going to give you this t-shirt they're all going to also going to give you this book now that you are saved by evangelist Reinhard Bonnke this book has literally been read by millions and millions of people we want to get you this book we want to get you this t-shirt and we want to have a record of your decision so just text the word save two five one five five five if you don't have a smartphone tonight or you're having issues just lift your hands I have counselors all over the auditorium and somebody will come to you right now counselors please look for those with their hands raised come on just raise your hand if you need someone to come to you we want to make sure we meet with you and congratulate you we want to get a record of your decision we want to make sure we get you one of these t-shirts just lift your hands I have hundreds of counselors all over this auditorium they're coming to you right now please don't put your hand down until somebody meets with you and sees you and we promise tonight the information you give us we're not going to sell it we're not going to add it to a list we just want to communicate to you about the most important decision you will ever make in your life so just fill out those few fields click send or raise your hand I have an altar worker coming to you right now don't leave without sending that text or meeting with one of our friendly altar workers and they're going to greet you and hug your neck and meet you and pray with you and make sure we continue our relationship as we go after the JI after it's after geez and we declare that we belong to Jesus amen god bless you you we're going to be praying for the stick in just a moment we're going to be praying for those that need a miracle so just stay with us we want to give time for the altar workers to work but we're going to pray for the sick tonight and God is going to release miracles and healing the power of God is in this place so just let your expectancy rise and Jesus name we are Oh what Oh whoa one morning Oh Hey ah Oh Oh and oh man you ah Oh Wow Jesus see I want to share something to fill my heart we're going to pray for the sick going to pray for God to do miracles there's a lot of people that don't believe it you'll get healed to those schemes amazing I want to share something I want to share two scriptures with well a couple scriptures with you real quick then we're going to pray right I just if I asked how many people need healing in their body there's going to be an overwhelming amount of people because I don't care what it is you got pain it's got to go you got sicknesses got to go you got diseases got to go thing on deaf ears got to go blind diets got to go here in a wheelchair you got to get out that's just the way it is okay up to Kingdom God says amen with signs following holy preach the gospel okay so check this out in Romans 4:25 it says this says Jesus was betrayed and put to death because of our 15 is our sin and was raised to secure our justification our acquittal making our account balance and and absolving us from all guilt before God so he was crucified for my offenses says he was raised for my justification so the one punch that the devil thought he won when he crucified our King he had no he had no thought leaving at all no one had a thought had there be a resurrection so when Jesus was crucified he died for my sin but when he was raised he raised for my justification so to a person like me who was the drug addict who was an atheist for twenty-two years whose body was riddled with sicknesses whose blood was tainted whose organs were hurt whose skin was cut who kind of horrible stuff my lungs were ruined I mean I've smoked it out to weed a week for 22 years people say had done Korea it did hurt me my brain was fried I couldn't breathe I couldn't understand and Jesus in a moment did for me what he's about to do for you because he's also because it's in his word it's true check this out here's another one first Peter 2 verses 21 through 25 that's what you haven't been called for this purpose since Christ also suffered for you leaving you an example for you to follow in his steps who committed no sin nor was deceit found in his mouth and while being reviled he did not revile in return these are our steps that we get to follow while suffering he uttered no threats kept entrusting himself to him who judges righteously and he himself bore our sins in his body on the cross so that we might die to sin I love the message that Daniel preached tonight die to sin and live unto righteousness so that whole Sid Eicher that whole thing that a lot of people like the nurture actually can be crucified with Christ Jesus I'm not preaching a weird doctrine I'm preaching the gospel the one that says to repent and you change the way you think and you start to see things with a god thing and sin shall no longer have dominion over you you reckon yourself dead to sin here's what I'm getting at in me because of my lifestyle because of my sexual addiction unless you accept my mind all the junk in my lunch pornography from eight years old trained and maneuvered and manipulated by the devil by the god of this world the Princeton power of the heir who tried to make me think that I was a man because of that woman on a TV screen because I was a man if I gots a girl that doesn't make you a man that being ruled my life so that needs to be crushed and eliminated on my third people that have been wrapped up in prostitution there are people who have made bad mistakes there are people that have STDs in their body maybe you just did it once maybe you stepped into that thing just one time and you slept with somebody and man that thing fix you or maybe your whole life was riddled with it and all of a sudden you've got this disease in your body and it's ravaging you and people have told you that God wants you to keep it in your body to keep you humble that's alive from hell why would God want me to keep something in my body that Jesus bore in his on a tree come on it's the gospel so he was crucified for my face because that means I was twisted and whacked and he died to take away my twisted and blackness something underneath of that sin that I was under was so valuable that heaven went bankrupt to get me back now my father my god he's a good guy and a good God doesn't want me to keep a disease in my body that he paid for me to be released from so with me my diseases my sicknesses all that junk for my addiction when I came to Christ and I saw then he was crucified for my benches and he was raised for my justification if I'm a brand new creation in all things that passed away and all things have become new then that disease is part of an old creation life that doesn't belong in me today because I'm his and he is mine so my father is well pleased that he crushed his ease and sickness that came through a lifestyle of sin he Jesus bored his body our sin but he was also he paid the price for the effect and stain of sin he the stain of sin is that life of pornography or sexual addiction or drugs or shooting needles or heroin or all that stuff got hepatitis C you got HIV you got sexually transmitted disease got cuts on your arms you cut yourself because you're mad and you feel better after you cut yourself well I've got news for you what would it be like for you to look down in your arms and see no more scars anymore cuz I've seen it I've not just seen it once or twice I've seen it hundreds of times these people's scars disappear their lungs get healed their livers get healed hepatitis C scream out the door because that's no longer your identity since you pump the Christ your identity is the Sun and gods your fault or you're a daughter of an amazing dad so if you've got any kind of stain and your body from the life that you wish you'd never live I want you to raise your hand right now home if you have a stain that's in your body from a life that you wish you never live see the cross doesn't just forgive your sin but the cross removes the stain of sin because redemption is being brought back to the original value that God had for me in the beginning of if I never ate the tree justifications be just as if I never sinned just as if I never ate the tree you tell me it's not true but my body is healed because of it my brain my lungs my liver my everything completely healed completely so watch if you've got scars on your arm raise your hand skaars all right here's the deal I want you to put your arm down people around you I just want them to pray over you right now what's this God's so good he's so amazing I want you to say this in the name of Jesus I am a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new every scar I command in the name of Jesus be removed right now skin be healed be clean be brand new and she's a saint now I want you to look at your arms right now if those scars are disappearing I want you to wave your hands in the air just look down look if your scars are disappearing wave your hand in the air so I can see look oh that's not enough I want you to pray with me right now and Jesus name every star be removed bloodstream be healed liver be healed sexually transmitted diseases get out get out get out it's Jesus name right now be healed in the name of Jesus god I thank you that you would burn through blood streams right now every blood disease I curse that you commanded to go now now now in Jesus name get out right now father I thank you for freedom right now wholeness in Jesus name brand-new organs father I thank you for doctor verified removal of diseases in Jesus name if you had something going on with your blood and you can feel heat from the top to the bottom of your from the top to the bottom wave hands overhead right now if you had an issue with your blood if you had a blood issue now I want you to look at your arms again to see scars removed just look out to see scars any kind of scars from yesterday look if your scars are disappearing you should be way more excited than oh really that's our good God how much for with that bring us to a place of repentance oh my god you mean I'm not that person anymore that's right that's what the gospel says about you so if your scars have disappeared and your scars have been removed I want you to waive both hands over your head right now okay here's what we're going to do I want everybody to put their hand on somebody right beside you shoulders preferably see we could just pray for everybody but my heart and I know Daniels heart I know songs and my clothes and lose our heart is for you to do it our heart is not for you to have to come to Todd white because we can all just come to Jesus but we are the body of Christ the fullness of him that fills all in all we are his hands we are feet so what we're going to do is we're going to pray for the person on our left and right for their whole body to be healed from top to bottom are you okay are you good with that Jesus is awesome so it's really easy Jesus said speak to the mountain and the mountain will move we don't have to talk to the mountain we don't request it to move we don't ask God to do it God told us you speak to the mountain and it will be removed are you ready so here's what we're going to do in the name of Jesus we healed right now Jesus name okay stop don't break you long because it's not our prayer in st. and it's him hey man prayer doesn't heal the sick the prayer of faith right so here's we're going to do I want everybody in this whole room from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet to check and see if what you are praying for is gone right now everybody check right now we need to pray long we'll have to if your pain is gone if you can feel that it's completely going to check your knees check your neck check your wrist check your back check right now physically do something that you couldn't do if it was your knees squat down your back bend over your neck moving around if it's better wave both hands over your head right now come on one more time put your hand on somebody now here's what I want you to do I'm not praying here's what I want you to do I just want you to say in the name of Jesus be healed on the kind of brief okay 1 2 3 now what everybody in the whole arena to check your body right now of whatever if it was your shoulder check your shoulder your wrists your neck your back whatever just check check it's really not complicated where does Jesus live now so what we pray we're praying for his kingdom to come his will will be done on this earth the same as it is in heaven there's no sickness in heaven so it's God's will to be done here the same as it is there if you've experienced any kind of miracle in your body at all I want you to weigh both hands over your head right now shine the light so we can see just one more time just for good measure can we turn the light down so I can see if you've experienced healing in your body wave both hands over your head I want to okay this one this one I just want real quick I need to scribe are you describe 20 also I need you to come up your stride I just met a friend today and I just wanted him to come up and just talk to you for a minute and then I want him you guys know he's amazing look at him see this man he came up to me and he said man I used to watch your videos in prison crazy sad crazy I just wanted to share I just wanted to share what he came out of and I want to pray over you to be free in this area okay got it god is good okay God is real and God is alive today he mentioned second Corinthians 5:17 we are new creations in Christ Jesus okay now this is unbelievable if you would have told me I would be here over a year ago I would have said no way I was in prison okay but God freed me in prison from a life long life long since I was a teenager addiction to drugs I was I sold drugs I did drugs the past 12 years I was a heroin addict okay I was shooting up heroin everyday I have two children I didn't care about them the only thing I cared about was that God came to me while I was in prison laying on my rack and said listen you have a choice today the choice is either you choose me and everything that you do or you live this way until you die in darkness I chose God because I know he is real God delivered me November 27 2014 he delivered me from addiction okay and today yesterday during the call I came here and volunteered all day long and God His Holy Spirit was down upon us like nothing I've ever felt in my life and today at church the preacher's wife prayed over me and I felt physically God's presence from the top of my head to the tip of my toes and now I have a call in my life I have a call in my life I have a purpose because I should have been sad but now I have a purpose and the spirit of addiction I am coming after you because He is risen and you stand no chance against Jesus bright because he paid for it on the cross and I will let God I am his willing vessel to reach out to people that are in addiction that are in that darkness and let God's light shine through me that his love shine through me like he did to me because these kids out there that are dying today of overdoses they don't even get to live life I'm 39 I've been doing this all my life why am I still alive I'm alive for his purpose for his glory right now father God with your authority that you have given us we come against you addiction you have no authority here we find you we cast you out you have no authority over Ohio you have no authority over America and we cast you out in the name of Jesus you have no authority here you are now gone in the name of Jesus Ohio is released and we claim blessings we play blessing over Ohio this is where it starts with Jesus life with God Jesus come on say his name before you leave I want you to look at me for Mom Daniel said man it would be great if there could be deliverance and people baptized in the Holy Spirit and then this young man comes up and starts rebuking the devil it's time we start rebuking the devil again jesus said if demons be cast out because the kingdom has come the finger of God is there but he made us a promise and it's a beautiful promise this is what he says you shall receive power listen to me you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you because it's not by mind it's really not and it's not by power it's by my spirit says the Lord of hosts the father said Jesus said of the father look your father is so good if you ask him for bread he won't give you a stone if you want to fish you won't give you a serpent all of you who've come forward to be born again tonight there's a promise for you and he loves Jesus more than anyone it's the Holy Spirit and he's for you right now I just want you to lift your hands and I just want you to begin releasing whatever the Lord gives you give them something beautiful something glorious I sense the wind of the Holy Ghost beginning to flow because there's more in the Lord you see Syria at 11:10 dr mandir sing a song to the law serial mfon Dielman beer I welcome you Lord serial Effendi our man deercucco syllabus and the airman dear come on worship the Lord in the Holy go deep calling on the deep its deep calling on too deep tonight I give you pray Jesus great Baptizer in the Holy Spirit do it Lord just receive right now all over this place like a little child receive the power of the Holy Spirit right now the power of the Holy Spirit right now it's the wind of the Lord the wind of the Lord the wind of the law it's the wind of the Holy Ghost the wind of the Holy Ghost you ah Jesus all my soul enjoy Oh Oh ah No do it again major press again joy of the holy go slow times of refreshing again again do it again do it again again so course disaster touch you Oh fire fire fire why ah Oh let's back in the roll ah Oh and on the day of Pentecost they were all together in one place suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind filled the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues as a fire and one sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance my friend tonight your day of Pentecost is fully come the Apostle Peter said this promise is for you it is for your children it is for all who are far away as many as the Lord our God shall call Jesus says is your father's privilege any son will ask his father give him the Holy Spirit so this is what we're going to do I want you to take the hand of the person next to you right now the fire is about to fall in this place some of you have been seeking for so many years listen this is not a seeking meeting this is a receiving meeting this is the easiest thing you've ever done in your life this is what we're going to do take the person's hand next to you and right now I want you to ask your father don't beg you're not a beggar you're a son and your daughter say father I come to collect on your promise come on do it right now in your own heart just ask and say Lord I've come to collect fill me with your Holy Ghost I receive in the name of Jesus come on say it out loud say I receive in the name of Jesus now receive in Jesus name receive in Jesus name the fire of the Holy Ghost on you right now in the name of Jesus began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance right now open your mouth let that heavenly language begin to flow the fire of the Holy Ghost out of your innermost being shall flow rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers rivers of living water in Jesus name the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus name the fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus thing I loose that prayer language right now out of your intervals being out of your belly let it rise up right now in the name of Jesus let the players have it fall right now in power and power and power a power and power Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost fire fire fire fire fire fire bunch of people fire fire lift up your voice rain your prayer language right now lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up presence of Jesus God we want to be amazing witnesses of the gospel let the fire of heaven flow God let words of knowledge prophesy miracles healing words of wisdom discernment tongue interpretation of thought God I ask you for everything God we want it all we want it all we want it all we want it all look up your boy we can today that we can we yeah Oh fire fresh fire you will go to be behind we also welcome Oh ah Oh oh my phone holy if you are when you are because Oh you are hello you Oh well sing it again and come in Oh he you can do you never we go you know you are you climb to dream Oh Oh you Oh what we believe in what if we believed in what if we will leave it what if we believe it Oh what come on give a shout to God thank you that's a worship we can do this all night long I don't know if the queue would let us do it can we just take the queue for hosting this go ahead I can't leave hland we're begin again tonight but I want introduce to you Joel he's been doing something for the last several days and then we're going to Commission you don't just go leave this place we're going to Commission you to go preach the gospel healed is sick the spirits honest yeah Jesus so over the last three days we've been going out into the streets with groups of people and all of the neighborhoods surrounding the downtown area in the city of Cleveland from the good neighborhoods to the bad neighborhoods and hundreds of people have come to know Jesus Christ over the last three days into the street and the most remarkable thing about it to me is that it wasn't one or two people that went into the streets there was about a hundred and fifty people that went in over 200 documented decisions for Christ so that tells me that each person led two people to Christ on average so everybody was doing it everybody was doing it and I want you to know that we came here today we came here over the last two days for a reason and a purpose because we believe that God is uniting the state of Ohio to step into its role for the next Great Awakening in the United States and we believe that this is the spark and now it's a turning point so I want you to lift your hands up with me this is the time now is the acceptable time today is the day of salvation so I want to Commission each and every one of you by the power by the love and the name of Jesus to go out into the streets to go into your workplaces to go into your schools to go into your neighborhoods into your homes and be the gospel of Jesus Christ so I pray right now that that fire would continue to burn everywhere you go and that your ears would tune to the sound of heaven and that you would hear what your father's saying and you would do what he does in Jesus name and I make one more declaration that you will be part of the great harvest it was prophesied in the city of Cleveland and the state of Ohio by Heidi Baker that hundreds of thousands would be swept into the kingdom of heaven by your hand by your love for God in Jesus name hey everyone just to follow up here with what Joel is saying we the call we met Lou and I and our team met with an organization out of Dallas Texas called time to revive and they are been going into they did a in Dallas for 50 days they gathered and partnered together with 350 some churches I believe in Dallas and they went out for 50 days straight leading people to Jesus and thousands and thousands of people came to know the Lord in those 50 days in the city of Dallas and it was just amazing how the churches came together they were trained to go out and we met with them they would go into Indiana Indiana but they could they just recently they're up here and they just said to us this morning we want to come back to Ohio this coming spring we want to partner with the churches we want to partner with the call because the calls here today but we're not leaving where you want to continue to partner with the pastor's here and we want to make a difference and see this city in this state turned around for Jesus so we're really excited and we're there's going to be more information coming to you from the call and just wanting to get the churches in the pastors and everyone of you on board so that we can see this state led to Jesus amen amen you have been the most amazing people over the next last two days the most engaged crowd maybe we've ever seen ethical we want to thank you why don't you thank yourself we want to thank CTC for covering this putting it over the world for God TV Thank You God TV who's been covering the call for years god bless you we love you take the fire unless the revival go on pick up paper I want to thank all my staff they can't be here right now they're working come on just nice to all the team this step Rachel and everybody going to put this on be safe we pray protection and covering over you in Jesus name bless you all tonight you you
Channel: CookieTruth
Views: 1,125,474
Rating: 4.8705683 out of 5
Keywords: Steffany Gretzinger, Amanda Cook, Jeremy Riddle, Bethel Music, the Call, Lou Engle, spontaneous, revival, Matthew Stevenson, Candy West, TD Jakes
Id: zzWID9p4nz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 13sec (4033 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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