Nigellas Quick And Tasty Dinner Plans | Nigella Bites | Tonic

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the truth is i love good food and lots of it at any time but i know too that at the end of a long day cooking can seem just like another exhausting chore so what we need is a sort of simple food you can face cooking on those days when you just have to hit that kitchen running [Music] we're doing the shoot for the book now with day seven at the ten day shoot we've done so far i'd say 80 rolls of films about 3000 pictures so we're awfully a bit frazzled which is why i haven't comb my hair for a week [Music] mozzarella and carrots is the ultimate tv dinner it's quick to make eat it with your hands and the really useful thing is the few ingredients you do need you can just pop out in your lunch hour and buy milk now all you do is make sandwiches with this very nice italian bread as you can see i mean i'm sure the italians don't use plastic bread but it works very well crusts off this makes great sort of quick tea for children when they come back from school this doesn't take long to make and they love it it's like i suppose pizza sandwich put some tomato in i suppose just gonna put the oil in the pan now because these don't take long to make jackson pollock with the oil here now you just use ordinary mozzarella you don't need to get that expensive buffalo mozzarella because if anything the point about this sandwich is you don't want it too milky and liquid and you want this to be melting and gooey but you don't want it actually to make the bread too damp inside okay slice this doesn't matter how you slice it because you're only making sandwiches i've got small pieces as good it helps stringiness [Music] the rather good thing about this bread is that because it's so peppy you can kind of watch them sealed shut the outside a bit of color like papi mache work you know these are not meant to be perfect 1980 specimens they're just it's just kind of quick food on the run right milk first uh flour doesn't really matter i mean how much i use three spoons but i mean it's just to dredge them in and egg now this is my favorite little implements cheap it's called a magi whisk or magic whisk whatever it's from france and it takes lump out of any sauce and it's very good just for whisking up eggs or anything a bit of pepper and salt just for seasoning because mozzarella actually is quite bland i mean that's what's nice about it in a way which is why also i think this is wonderful with chili either in it or like tabasco dripped on top afterwards now i'll just kind of show the sandwich to the milk because this bread is really absorbent and you don't want a kind of liquid sludge in the flour in the egg and in the pan okay i'm going to carry on with these ones i first had mozzarella and croissant when i was a chamber made in italy what it means i surmised was mozzarella in the carriage this doesn't tell you a great deal but i suppose it just means that it's contained [Music] now these just need to be fried until they're golden on the outside so they'll be golden and slightly crispy i mean not crunchy but slightly crispy on the outside and then really gooey and melting in the middle so i turn you can see where i haven't sealed the bread brilliantly some of the cheese oozing out which is great okay ready [Music] just cut this in half and this is what you want all this kind of melting gooeyness and when it goes into spoons look look at that cheese flavor chewing gum [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i might often need to cook on the rum but i still want something really substantial kind of supper eaten with a knife and pork this is chicken chorizo and cannellini beans with a bit of kale very quick now one of the reasons i love this i mean apart from the taste is that it's so easily thrown together five minutes from liftoff i reckon it's not bad okay a bit of chicken stock concentrate in my simmering water look i know everyone will say you have to make chicken stock from fresh and otherwise it's just despicable it's not i like poaching the chicken here which is to say just cooking in simmering water one because it's very quick but also it keeps the chicken incredibly tender cannellini beans use any beans you want i like these my fencing mask i bought this um in new york i saw it there i had no idea what it was for still don't of course i had to have it even though it meant to lug it back chorizo which is just spanish sort of paprika sausage it used to be difficult to get it isn't at all night it's from the supermarket it's wonderful it's sort of pearled with fat now because it's cured we're just warming it through don't want to fry it because i don't want to seal the edges just let everything ooze out okay a bit of oil in the pan but only a bit just ordinary oil this is olive oil but not extra virgin because this will give off some fat anyway you don't have a really strong taste because the paprika will give it to you anyway as i say it's just warming it through letting everything just mellow beautiful i love kale it's so kind of rich and iron heavy which is sort of perfect with the chicken and the beans quite bland the paprika is quite hot in the sausage and then this really is almost like a meaty vegetable so it's really just a bit of plonking about in pans and now my fencing mask of beans now what happens is the paprika just oozes out of the sausage just begins to coat some of the beans which looks beautiful tastes better perfect if i can find my put my cupboards in such a mess right so that's the first bit beautiful see how useful this fencing mask is luckily i have asbestos hands dish this out beautiful really wonderful and tender so just the last thing which is a bit of sweet smoked paprika on top of the chicken which makes it look beautiful but also it kind of brings the paprika taste again from the sausage although it's not hot it's just it's just smoky and sweet and earthy and wonderful okay supper [Music] on a working day you don't necessarily have time to shop for your supper so it makes sense to keep things in store so you can get yourself something to eat quickly one of my favorite puddings is vanilla ice cream with toasted pine nuts and warm honey now just cook these in a dry pan warm this in the microwave pour them over the ice cream and it's fabulous my real ladder stand by is this marsala which is fortified wine and you just slosh it into any pan of meat or fish or cooking and you've got an instant sort of bubbling up gravy pasta obviously you know a quick working day supper linguine my favorite and what i love this with is with garlic infused olive oil and cubes of pancetta i mean to be frank it's hardly a recipe just three ingredients the pasta this pancetta which is this italian bacon and some garlic infused olive oil you can use whatever you want ordinary olive oil chop up some garlic but this frankly is easier especially after a long day at the office now what i always do is cut off the rind of the pancetta simply because if i bung it in the dish with the oil it will give off all its fat and juices you can buy just bits of cubes of lardon with the french equivalent in supermarkets that's ready dice for you or else you can just get ordery bacon and just cut it up right just smoosh it about a bit with your hands i like a bit of hands-on work and the rest isn't so you get in the oven about 15 or 20 minutes should do it now i tend to salt pasta water always at this stage i mean it doesn't really matter obviously but unsalted water comes to the boil faster than salted water and i'm um i'm not a patient person every little helps right i tend to use about the same weight of passwords pancetta half packet might just about do me there again it might not and just stir it about so it doesn't stick let it come up to the boil the packet instructions say 11 minutes so i think well i got 10 minutes to forget about everything the pancetta is in the oven then queen is in the water i'm not needed i'm just going to set my alarm 10 minutes unwind and slip into something a little more comfortable [Music] look at that wonderfully bronzed and crisp but you can still see the pink bits i'm just going to take off the fat and rind to eat alone in a private later and then we'll strain this and now all you do is bug this in here and just mix it all up so all those wonderful bacony salty juices just dress the pasta you can just see all the the pasta darken in the sauce i'll just tip it into a bowl [Music] and then i do think pasta is good i can't really be bothered with chopping but you just scissor it in and anyway because the pancetta cubes are quite big it's quite nice to have quite a rough bit of parsley on top [Music] let me just have a quick right bed television [Music] food [Music] mimi bruno breakfast ready [Music] cooking something at breakfast i'm mad though it seems i promise you isn't about being a kind of deranged superwoman this is incredibly easy it's a bitter orange ice cream and all you do is just put zest juice sugar cream whisk it and put it in the deep freeze and then when you take it out at the end of the day you know you've got your ice cream i first made this ice cream with seville oranges which are incredible because they have the flavor of orange but that in sour intensity of lemon but the only thing is you know they're only available in january not that useful so i found by mixing just an ordinary sweet orange and two limes means that you get that same sourness and fragrance and hit but you know you can use lemon in fact you could do three lemons make a lemon ice cream just whatever you want whatever you've got don't have to be precise about zesting just you know roughly do one what's really delicious with this bitter orange ice cream is chocolate sauce just put you know i don't know a bar of dark chocolate an equal weight double cream and a saucepan and melt them together it's just delicious over it right so into the zest and juice it's about 175 grams of icing sugar which just dissolves into the acid of the juice and the really brilliant thing about this is that you don't have a civic and the only kitchen job i really love them to test is sieving right big pot of cream well that's it stir it i mean i'm going to whisk it in here but to be frank you can use just one of those little handheld electric [Music] whisks you don't want this really thick the soft piece and that's it in the deep freeze nothing else to do mimi bruno school come on [Music] you know just because something is unfamiliar doesn't mean it's difficult to cook i mean this squid with salt and pepper is incredibly easy very quick and what is probably the simplest thing about it is that this is the only ingredient you need to buy and you can get it frozen and keep in the deep freeze the rest you're probably going to have in the house in other words some peppercorns and salt which you then very pleasurably smash the smithereens fine so the squid my squid lits look at these babies the baby squid is great because it's so tender so nice little rings beautiful keep the tentacles whole and when you fry them they just swell up like chrysanthemum blossoms salt and pepper mixture just goes into a bit of corn flour and give it a good sort of swing around just so everything coats the squid oh this is a very good part you have got to feel a bit more relaxed at the end of the day after a bit of squelching and squeezing like this [Music] okay that's it now i'm going to turn this up just put a teeny bit of ring in to see if it sizzles and it's ready that's right you know it's really difficult to undercook squid when it's as tender as this and you just see when they get rosy and start kind of bulging out of the fat a bit i just want to eat just with a lemon with this just to maintain the zen light purity [Music] right we can tong out look at this [Music] so just lemon either your fingers or my special chopsticks for the eternally incompetent [Music] if you are going to be inviting friends over in the middle of the week for supper you really need to be sure you have food you can cook quickly easily and that doesn't need too much strenuous shopping and this pumpkin and seafood curry is just that i mean i'm evangelical about this top of a can of coconut milk the top tends to be thick like this and then it gets sort of thin and watery underneath into that i use yellow curry paste use red if you want i just love this golden color i use two tablespoonfuls some like it hot i like it very hot just whisk these together and all you know the curry paste and the thick bit of the milk will just meld together this sort of golden aromatic sludge fine so now the rest of the coconut milk can you see what are they running a bit then a bit of fish stock and you know i'm using it out of a jar so this is all these liquid stocks that i seem to be addicted to put that in fish sauce got my jayla's spoons three tablespoons although i can't be bothered to measure it but i taste so much this anyway right spoonful of sugar just to balance the sort of sweet sour intensity turmeric really this is just to enhance the kind of goldenness lime leaves just snip them in lemongrass now i like this but you have to bruise the lemongrass by which i mean the flat of the knife on and press down and then kind of helps that lovely gentle sourness permeate that broth so just bring this to the boil and get on with the pumpkin you can use butternut squash if you want whatever's easier need a kilo which sounds like a hideous amount but in fact it's only these two pieces by the time you've peeled and seeded i often do a vegetarian version of this and for myself too and i am no vegetarian simply instead of fish stock i use vegetable stock and in place of the seafood a few cans of drained chickpeas it's really fabulous ah so beautiful as well i mean that's sort of gotta cheer you up okay in with the pumpkin while at this particularly is what i find when you invite people around supper especially after work they tend to be late and what you do with this is you just cook the pumpkin until it's tender and it's so hard to say when that is because some seem to take five minutes some 15 but once you've done that you can turn it off and leave it because the fish that's going in later will take five minutes well pumpkin's about tender all that happens now is plonk in 500 grams they're about a pound in old money this is wonderful fish for curry because it's so robust and it can really hold up to it well thorns now the only thing i'm going to be really bossy about here um i mean it is these prawns have to be raw just don't even bother with cooked prawns just leave them out in that case this will take about three to five minutes not too demanding up to the boil let these cook so that's going to take hardly any time so just so i can keep busy i'm going to chop some coriander for later now perfect that's done veg i like these packets of pak choi you can get but you can really use any vegetables you want in fact i sometimes use those you know already topping tails fine beans they'll need longer than the pak chai which really does need to be wilted so let it come back to the boil and you're done a bit of tamping down give it a minute if that glorious taste for the seasoning lovely but i think be even more wonderful just a teeny weeny bit of lime juice and it will sing so what i've got to do now fish it up little fragrant last minute sprinkling coriander we're away you
Channel: Tonic
Views: 584,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tonic, nigella lawson full episodes, nigella lawson 2020, nigella lawson tonic, nigella lawson breakfast, nigella lawson desserts, nigella lawson pasta, nigella bites season 2, nigella bites comfort food, nigella bites season 2 episode 1, nigella bites fast food, effortless recipes, easy effortless recipes, easy party food, easy dinner recipes, easy dinner ideas, family dinner recipes, tv dinners, dinner ideas, nigella dinner, nigella dinner recipes, nigella tv dinners
Id: b-A3qWrHleo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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