Warming Food To Make You Feel Good | Nigella Bites | Tonic

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temple food is my name for what i eat when i need to feel my body as a temple which believe me in the general rule of things it certainly isn't i don't mean diets or miracle cures i mean that soothing pure restorative food that you optimistically make for yourself after one late night or binge too many okay [Music] don't ask now this is not quite a temple food moment but it's a very necessary preliminary purge prairie oyster which is a drink made out of brandy liam perrins malt vinegar tobasco and that's when you thought it couldn't get any better raw egg it's meant to be the killer hangover cure of all time i'll let you know [Applause] i'm not expecting this to be pleasurable but i'm expecting it to make me feel better [Music] the idea behind this is the egg yolk gives you a shot of protein and the rest is just very necessary hair of the dog now the egg yolk only and it has to be swallowed whole now based on the nietzschean principle that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger oh i'm going back to bed breakfast i want something light refreshing above all easy and whatever time of day the combination of blueberries and peaches goes incredibly well when i'm not in a temple food moment i make a peach and bluebee crumble and when i am in more virtuous form this makes a really fabulous breakfast either just like this just slicing the peaches into the blueberries or with yogurt there's just something about the colors together the yellowy orange and that almost black blue and i think first the whole temple food mood the appearance of food can make such a difference and i'm just talking about the color the natural beauty i am never talking about all that ghastly effort now what i think makes all the difference is a bit of orange flower water really enhances the flavor of the fruit brings out the peachiness of the peaches and the blueberrys for the blueberries just tumble it together and this is stage one you know perfect simple fresh breakfast but sometimes you want something hot and also because english peaches to be frank often are a bit unyielding and they need heat to make them luscious cooking makes all the difference so just dollop some yogurt on top this is fat-free greek yogurt but you know if you want to use full fat be my guest it's not often you'll see or hear me going fat free and then on top of that the scanter sprinkling of demerara sugar now sugar's not that temple food i know but you can use honey if you want but to be honest sugar honey in terms of fatteningness exactly the same and that's what we care about the health issues just a smoke screen i feel and what will happen once this goes in a hot oven because it will caramelize slightly on top so it's like creme brulee for the dietetically virtuous that's it even in my temple food days i do not go in for fae picking or minzy portions in fact the rougher i feel the more i need to eat and this salmon with shiitake mushrooms and chinese greens is very substantial just put the salmon on the griddle the dry one if you oil it it'll just smoke like hell and anyway you need it hot because it's when pans are not hot enough not when they're too hot within reason that things stick right now these shiitake mushrooms have very fibrous stalks so you don't even want to trim them just get rid of them but it's the denseness of these mushrooms in a way that makes it go so well with the salmon because salmon itself is very dense and meaty and you need something that can stand up to it just slice them not too delicately you can see in these mushrooms you know it is so beautiful this contrast here between this sort of golden woodiness and this intense whiteness very bouncy whiteness now these are cooked with the stalks of the greens in some groundnut oil with a bit of garlic now i always start garlic off especially when it's minced in cold oil because if it's hot it'll just sizzle straight away and burn and therefore taste accurate and what you need is that really mellow roundedness now the heat can go on now the useful thing about these beans these are choi sam is you're kind of getting two vegetables out of one because you cook the stalks first obviously they take longer than the leaves along with the mushrooms and then wilt the leaves on top afterwards so very satisfying way of cooking okay in with the mushrooms and then these wonderful jade stems lid on i've talked about the contrast before and actually you really need nothing else with this i often like however to make a little saucer i say sauce but you're not cooking anything this is just english mustard made up with powder and water as you would normally with a bit of soy sauce and then a bit of this ginger grated into it that really gives it zing so these stalks mushrooms just need a minute or so and what's very pleasing is by the time these stalks are what the americans call tender crisp the salmon will be cooked perfectly crispy on the outside with that coral trail within which shows that it's slightly undercooked just within the center so we're ready to roll on this one just tear the leaves in some soy sauce salmon is very oily and quite bland and i like a lot of saltiness with it and a few drops of toasted sesame oil this has to be added last thing otherwise you lose all that wonderful aromatic nuttiness just a few drops makes a huge difference quick stir to wilt the leaves so this is perfect and she occurs to me now that one of the reasons why this is so pleasing is that you know we're sticking to a natural palette which is very calming all that wonderful woody brownness and greenness then we can punch that a bit with this great coral slab of salmon just look at that i just love this sort of one coral but tiger striped fish against the green lovely glossy green of the choi sam you can't eat this and not feel good [Music] part of my temple food moments for me really are getting myself in the mood and reading best way to do it this book hot sar salty sweet which is as it says a culinary journey through southeast asia is ideal i mean the restaurants are wonderful and southeast asian food is food that's naturally high in flavor and low in calorie and just what we're looking for on this book vacci's southeast asian cookbook is wonderful and i use it an awful lot to get myself in temple mood there's a salad here a cambodian hot and sour beef salad which is incredibly good and it works so well with dark bit of re-jiggling it's perfect now i know a slab of red meat is not everyone's idea of diet food but i no longer subscribe to this kind of fanatical low-fat ethos and i have to say for that reason i have left the fat on this piece of duck because i adore duck fat and i'm sure it's all very very good for you now the meat's on the board so that it will just sit for one until the juices run through them back into the center again keeping it nice and moist now this is really very simple and utterly delicious which is start off with two tablespoonfuls of fish sauce which i know sounds a bit odd you know i do fish sauce with duck but it really is just salty and that's what i want here and it goes very well the stock actually is very sweet that's some fresh ginger i don't bother to peel it when i grate it like this and of course it goes with duck because like chinese cooking anyway i love it and here southeast a vacation of dhaka large here some orange juice now when i first made this i used civil orange it was wonderfully bitter and in fact when duck laura was first invented it was with civil oranges i mean sweet oranges just make it taste like jam but now since there aren't any seville oranges about i'm using some orange juice and lime just to give it that acerbic intensity which is very good lovely i mean these are huge oranges here so i haven't used that much and then last this orange chili which looks like it should be sort of lit up and hanging from a wine bar window okay now there is no call for you to add any oil you actually don't need it but i like a teeny bit of this toasted sesame oil just because i like that sort of burnt nuttiness just a bit i don't want greasiness now this is a bit i really love some 80s fan-like carving of the duck breast and actually because duck is such sort of dense and rich meat it does really suit being sliced this thinly and then this is the glorious bit just put all the thinly sliced bits of duck into this kind of marinade dressing and then pour over all the juices in other words the blood what we used to call red gravy at home on top and mix it all in if you weren't watching i'll be licking out this board now now just turn this like here in the dressing and it sort of goes into the meat as well so it's becomes it's sort of marinade all that for a second and then just strew the dark pieces and all that wonderful chili studded dressing goes on top find a little bit of vitamin c here by way of orange zest just a teeny bit and very finely done so you don't just get chewy bits perfect and uh this is just what a girl needs the evening after the night before how did you do that duck [Music] in some avocados for our skin between rather eating actually isn't it hmm i think i've looked better but ah i feel healthier already i'm not a puritan i want to eat and drink what i like when i like but there are times when purity can be a positive pleasure [Music] a lot of people like food that's kind of unchallengingly bland when need restoring but i am completely different i need fire and i need spice this is a hot and sour soup tom yum soup now the base is a chicken stock i like chicken stock as a base better than fish stock but obviously you can suit yourself and next comes some tom yum pastry give it to the supermarket and get all this stuff at the supermarket now it's quite hot so go steadily just whisk it in all this is is a mixture of chili and citrus to give hot and sour fish sauce and that's really the sour note in the this hot and sour soup gets saltiness and adds a sour quality and then to counter that a bit of sugar not a lot but a teaspoon but i'm not going to bother to measure it out now some lime leaves which is an essential part of the sauna so really deep tone sourness it's also wonderful the way this clear broth really gets punctuated by all the spices and strips of green and lime juice which is in a way the same sourness but in a lighter tone really wonderfully astringent lovely lemongrass more sourness but slightly more delicate and fragrant short lengths and then in strips again i like this thing of this clear heavy soup being punctured by the shards of flavorings now i'm going to use a couple of chilies you could do more these are very hot then obviously this is entirely a matter of taste i'd rather use fewer and not really bother to seed them use red or green i like red simply because there are so many other green things in here and now mushrooms and although it is a question of just throwing everything together in one pan it isn't just a kind of as rough and ready as it sounds because there is a very kind of delicate balance of flavors although this is an intensely aromatic soup now prawns which will turn a deeper coral any minute as they start to cook you want them just cooked so they're still tender and sweet spring onions again in the same idea of short lengths and then cut into strips and now by the time this has really come back to a bubble everything should be cooked and i i think what's so wonderful about this you have this of depth and resonance of the broth but really everything in it is barely cooked so it's very fresh and tastes live and then we're ready to decant all we need now is some coriander i'm not going to chop it or anything i'm just going to pull leaves off almost whole beautiful look how it comes to life now it is so wonderful it's light but it's got such a hit you can taste the limes and the chillies and the perfect balance of things within it you know with the prawns and the mushrooms and the spring onions and very restoring very light when i'm in temple mode i have to make a kind of ceremony out of cooking and eating and i also need to bulk up my meals with veg i mean often making it a separate course so the meal goes on for as long as possible now whatever your dietary concerns the best way to cook and eat cauliflower is just break this into florets dust it with ground cumin and dry bake it in a hot oven i mean it's incredibly good courgettes what i like to do is just slice some lengthways griddle them and when they're tiger striped and tender just douse them with lemon juice and carpet them with fresh mint this really makes up for a lot of flavor which you don't have because there's no fat and mint anyway is a crucial part of my vietnamese chicken and mint salad [Music] now this salad is rather like coleslaw if you think grated cabbage and carrots but instead of all that claggy mayonnaise which is so not in our temple food mood what there is instead is a really sharp light dressing much healthier despite which i am starting off with a tablespoon and a half of vegetable oil the same of fish sauce i mean you could use soy sauce what i'm after here is a really pungent saltiness and another tablespoon and a half of rice vinegar now a tablespoon in cooking is a precise measurement it's 15 mils it's probably easier to think of it as three teaspoons what i don't mean and this is where i think difficulties occur is a big serving spoon size i'll just mix that together with my chopsticks now a bit of garlic not too much you want strength but you don't want to be reeling raw garlic is strong and a small bit of sugar this gives a bit of balance but if the idea of eating sugar pulls you when you're in this virtuous mode then just don't add it i mean the carrots are sweet anyway i suppose okay a chili these thai chilies are very hot i mean which is good here because not least because i think that the stronger tasting of the food is the less you're likely to eat of it or that's a theory and a half an onion just cut into fine half moons if you've got time leave this dressing or sort of macerate from half an hour or so but if you haven't got time do not lose sleep over it just drop these little pearly strings in and then finally juice of half a lime i mean you may find you want to put the other half juice in but i find half a lime does it brilliantly such a fresh tasting dressing because the lime and all those other sort of spiky flavors a little stirring and that's it so the mint now the thing about the mint here is a lot of it but it's almost like a salad leaf not just a herb and i do think that mint is so underrated here we're all very coriander happy now but fresh mint is wonderful it gives you that potency but it's purer wakes you up as well okay and then chicken now if you don't have a piece of cold chicken hanging about then i suggest you just go out at lunch time if you can and buy a piece of cooked chicken breast because there's no point really just cooking chicken just to get cold to use for this i'm just slicing this thinly in strips mainly because the cabbage and carrots are shredded so i want it to be more or less the same dimensions but just roughly final phase bit of cabbage [Music] now i've already grated the carrot so it's just [Music] do more mint on top and then plunge in [Music] now i think just good crunch pleasure and virtue combined and how rare is that i can't honestly say that pudding is really a feature the temple mode way of eating but the thing is you do need something to stave off that moment of despondency when you realize that eating is done for the day and this is just papaya with raspberries and lime so it's kind of zen you know nothing just treat the paw paw papaya same thing like avocado scrape out these beautiful black seeds and then tumble the raspberries into the cavity sounds dinky i know but when food is so sort of ceremonious it does make you feel like you're eating more let me just switch to this so i can put more raspberries on the edge and then just squeeze some lime juice over this brings out the taste of the paw paw i mean incredibly i don't really eat this as a sort of part of a meal necessarily but at night time it is a serenely greedy way of unwinding [Music] you
Channel: Tonic
Views: 294,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instagram health tips, beauty tips, breakfast recipes, comfort food recipes, delicious recipes, dessert ideas, exercises, flavorful dishes, food vlogger, hangover food, hangover remedies, healthy eating habits, heartwarming soups, holistic living, presentation ideas for dishes, professional advice, soothing recipes, tasty treats, work-out inspiration, workouts
Id: v_EUi_lEGiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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