Nigella Kitchen S01E09 Can t Live Without

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[Music] while there are no food stuffs I'd ever want to rule out there are just certain ingredients I couldn't live without so here are my favorite goto flavors I prize loness in all its forms Savory or sweet but it's particularly showcased in my lemon palenta cake life without garlic would be unimaginable and I celebrate this ingredient more subtly than you might imagine in my relaxed revamp of a classic chicken with 40 cloves of garlic if you want to live without chocolate go ahead be my guest but when I want almost instant choco gratification I turn to my everyday brownies I'm a real fan of fiery food if it's got chili in it somewhere it's for me and my tereso and chickpea stew with a buar wheat peaf is one of my offthe cuff standby suppers so time for a flavor [Music] Rave in the normal run of things if I need to do some shopping it means the supermarket I mean then that's fine that's just life but when I can I love going to small specialist shops I mean they're just like grottos of deep deep Delight I mean look at these shots aren't they beautiful and I love that they're in a basket there's something just so uplifting about beautiful food certainly for me I mean I love these I'm frightened I'll drop them but look another basket these little arter chokes aren't they just Exquisite can't paint so I have to cook oh and this is so gorgeous these are pink garlics from France New Seasons really beautiful rose almost PW actually the Skins I mean for what I'm cooking regular garlic is completely all right but I feel like a treat don't you think this will make a fantastic bridal [Music] bouquet 36 37 38 39 40 and that is the crucial part of my chicken with 40 clothes of garlic in a classic version of the recipe which this is a proper venerable classic you'd be cooking the whole chicken but chickens now I think don't have enough taste and the breasts go so stringy so I prefer chicken thighs wonderfully luscious I prefer to sear in two batches just because otherwise they brazen a bit and I want the Skins gloriously crisp so into the pan go the spring onions and a bit of thyme I mean I've got some fresh thyme but obviously you can use right time if you have it just a few leaves from some sprs I just adore th I just need half of my garlicky bounty now that's the first 20 clothes of garlic in there's something for me about pink and green that I find so exquisitly beautiful if you leave each garlic clove unpeeled and then cook them slowly what happens is it's almost as if the garlic steams inside the skins and goes so creamy and sweet rather like Savory Bon bonss now on top the chicken the garlic underneath the chicken really does go soft there's some on top which tend to keep their form more so you have the ideal mixture everything almost there I need a bit of liquid for the chicken to steam in almost just a couple of tablespoons of vermouth one would do in it goes now it's final garlic topping look how beautiful that is few sprigs of thyme and now teeny bit of salt little bit of pepper I'm going to clamp a lid on and it has to be tightly fitting if you haven't got a tightly fitting lid I would add some water along with the vermouth and maybe some foil underneath your lid so in the oven about 170 180° depending on how hot it burns for an hour and a half now this is a moment worth waiting for look at that golden gloriousness little bit of fresh time just to per it up because you can never have too much strewing in my book so there we have it my famous chicken with 39 cloves of [Music] [Music] garlic typical I've got a text from my daughter saying that there's a cake sale at school tomorrow and that I'm requ Ed to make something for it now it's not as if I mind I'd like to make something for it but bit of notice still luckily I have got a recipe that is useful in just such a baking emergency just need a quick pit stop and I'm [Music] there there are many questions in life to which chocolate seems to be the answer but here it really is the answer [Music] I've always been happy to whip up some brownies whenever the occasion demands but these are my special brownies or rather my everyday version perfect for last minute bake sale when you haven't got the patience or the time to shop I wouldn't normally use ordinary news agent milk chocolate in cooking but the fact is this particular brownie relies on a great deal of cocoa rather than good dark chocolate to make the batter and the cocoa is so dark so elegantly smoldering that a jaunty bit of milk chocolate is just right that will do and the rest is really simple the only difficult thing is not eating this chocolate while I make the brownies so heat on low perfect and as for the mixture I need 150 g of unsalted butter preferably soft like this so it melts easily on top of that some sugar and the sugar I want is light muscovado 300 G and on top of the sugar some cocoa now all those 75 G does seem like an extravagant amount it's much less extravagant than good quality dark chocolate but so luscious I want to stir in this azdc earth mound of cocoa look at that I feel lost what a good place to be lost in going to snap myself out of it to business I want 150 g of flour this is plain flour and a teaspoon of bicarb stir [Music] in we're almost there fact might be wise to take the pan off the heat all together now that mixture is a bit dry dry and D now but don't worry the remedy lies in four eggs a splash of vanilla and just want to whisk these just so they're combined I don't need too much air I mean there's enough in it anyway to make the brownies rise a bit they will fall afterwards as they cool but if I were to whisk these too much they would rise too much and fall too much so now just to unite the two there's a time and a place for patience but it's not now and don't worry if you haven't got time to pop out a bid of chocolate or if you haven't got any light Masada sugar in the house you could just use white sugar up the butter to 175 G and the cocoa to 100 G right the chocolate Rubble untouched as yet by me stir this in briefly and I just use a foil tray so that I can give it in its entirety to my daughter tomorrow you see may not be mother of the year but I can rustle up some brownies for my daughter it looks like it's not going to fit but you have to remember there are four eggs in here so it will rise a bit look at that like Florentine marbling the power of cheap confectionary this just needs to go into the oven it's 190° for about 20 minutes that's [Music] done right I've managed to hold off and now it's a bit cooler I can Plunge in and slice it up for tomorrow morning I mean obviously you could do this in the morning but on the whole I find it best avoid sharp knif work at breakfast I like the squid as the knife goes in a little freckling of icing sugar I'll wrap it in the morning M lucky children [Music] have a good day thank you and a bit more noce next time [Music] bye [Music] when I was a child my maternal grandparents lived nearby so I was often here shopping with my granny I loved my granny it's such a fantastic relationship I think and in fact I often say to my children that I wasn't absolutely sure I wanted children but I was definite I wanted grandchildren and they're just the necessary conduct of course they know I loved them but one of the things I loved about my life with my granny was the sort of rituals so on Fridays we would always always come here and she would change her library books then after we' done the library we'd go over there and buy food to cook for lunch [Music] together I love the sense of continuity I get doing my shopping when my granny did hers and I suppose that along with her rituals I have inherited her taste as some people are a chocolate she was with lemons she just adored them and I feel the same way I couldn't really contemplate having a kitchen didn't have some lemons in it and look at these These are kind of like celebrity Citrus beautiful they are really the essential for my lemon Penta cake which is just so zingy and sharp but I do need a few other ingredients [Music] too [Music] I am aware that I'm using cornmeal for all that I call this a lemon palenta cake but as far as I'm concerned cornmeal Penta same difference either way you start off with 100 G of the stuff and this cake doesn't have flour so along with the cornmeal I'm using ground almonds this time 200 g this makes the cake so fantastically tender and damp and I love that on top of the ground almonds and cornmeal I want 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder so I'm going to give this a bit of a shake down shake up really and now the rest of the cake want 200 g of soft unsalted butter and 200 g of Casta sugar I'm going to use an electric mixer to cream the butter and sugar but you know you wouldn't have to be tremendously athletic to do it with a wooden spoon there's something about this cake the lemon in it seems to work in some alchemical way way to point up the eggy butteriness of the cake it's a fantastic mixture before I start adding the eggs I'm going to put a teeny bit of the dry ingredients in just to stop any curdling not that I mind tremendously if that does happen right and now egg number one some more of the dried ingredients egg number two bit more of the dried ingredients in fact a lot more this time I want a final egg and then mix it all up look at the yellow of this batter so uplifting the last touch is some lemon giant lemon normally I'd use the zest and juice of two lemons but really these are monsters these Mega lemons so one is more than enough lovely smell this is when I really feel I'm in Italy when I can smell the lemon gating the juice of the lemon doesn't go in quite yet because although I say it's italianate in Inspiration this cake I have to say I've got a bit of a marriage going on between the Italian influences in my life and English tradition cuz what this cake really is is a form of lemon drizzle cake only the lemon syrup I'm making doesn't get drizzled over a loaf cake but over a shallow Golden Disc I like it because it makes this cake a really fantastic pudding for a supper party as well as being entirely suitable to offer spritely Comfort at tea time I've got the oven preheated to 180 ° and this cake needs about 40 minutes to cook so to the oven I'll Forno so I've got the juice of my superp sized Citrus here I've put 125 G of icing sugar into my Pixie sauce span to make the syrup and it's quite straightforward put the heat on and whisk together right the cake really all you need to make the syrup is to make sure that the icing sugar melts in the hot lemon juice and that's it time to move along and I am going to try and Sprint bring the cake that's it and luckily I have my comedy cake lifter though otherwise you could just leave it on the metal base and I'm ready to transfer the cake to the plate it's not over yet though I am poised to puncture and as I was told by an Italian Friend use some uncooked spaghetti I'm speeding up a bit as I come to the crucial moment which is pouring the syrup over the cake and it's a runny syrup and it makes the cake so deliciously Soden and although this is in one sense a very Italian cake to me it has such an essential englishness about it which is simply that it tastes like lemon curd in cake form I know the syrup's pooling now now but just give it a bit and it'll soak its way through the cake and I in turn will be ready to dive [Music] in so short I feel my cheeks squeaking [Music] I never ever want to be the sort of person who feels regret once issuing an off the cuff dinner invitation and it is easy I know I've been there so I think it pays to be prepared and this is where my pantry comes in I fly by Thailand for some coconut milk and I know that along with say some curry paste I can forage out in the fridge and I have got a fantastic dinner either Curry or an exotic soup oh now Spain I have a new passion in the kitchen it's Spanish and it's cheso there is something about it it's really does Spanish sausage very hey with Paprika but it it makes everything feel like it's a dinner party and that can be really useful when you're press for time along with some Spaghettini got some balarat got my cheso got some dried OTS and some tint tooms and I have got a really fiery fabulous Fiesta so Vos right I better unburden myself of my wees before I actually drop them has been made there are a lot of ingredients but this is so simple with the chick Bean Teresa stew comes a peaf it's made with bugar wheat I find it easier to think of bugar wheat as a kind of robust couscous it's not strictly speaking to but it helps you get an idea of it now eccentric though may seem it's not I'm going to start off with some leftover Spaghettini it's not really enough for anything else you can use any fine pasta verelli and your hair and just put it into the oil heat it up stir it about a bit until it takes on the look of slightly scorched straw I did this the first time because I was cooking with an Egyptian friend and this is how he cooked Balo and I suppose that's a bit how one learns to cook so I've never seen any reason to alter My Method they look like bits of elastic bands luckily they don't taste like that they have nice chewi in goes the bua wheat it's 500 G they look a bit like sugar crystals sort of sugar that people put in their coffee in the 50s now some salt I always sort generously you don't have to if you don't want to and some cinnamon because the cheis so stew is so hot and fiery that that sort of Middle Eastern spice element is perfect so that's 500 G of bat a liter of boiling water goes [Music] over and then it's come to Buble the lid goes on now for the star of the show The teso I couldn't live without this not least because I love the peppery heat of it but because it's the most f fabulous ingredient to have in your store cupboard now normally I would just have about 350 G of cheso for this stew but my brother is coming so I need to bulk up a little I'm addicted to the fiery heat of tereso and what I love is that as you heat these slices in the pan they ooze out all their paprika juices and that is what gives flavor to the sauce so the one thing you don't need to do is add any oil to the pan you're cooking the stew in just tumble in this fantastic oress so in all those fat pieces of Teresa go look like fire in the pan and that's just a look at it wait till you taste so just as the pieces of tereso begin to yield their orange oils in goes a splash of cherry this is a Monti but really use dry if you prefer this is a very forgiving stew as this bubbles down I'm going to add some dried aots some people love sweet things in food but I love just a snip or two of these soft golden still squidgy so they don't need to be soaked dried apricots the thing is they're not that sweet and against that intense heat soft heat though of the treeso I love the juicy Tang of these dried apricots and I'm using my newest Discovery some canned cherry tomatoes in Juice they're like the strappy high heel to the ordinary plum tomatoes pump don't want to waste any of the juices this is cooler now this Kettle so I can just swill around I tend to dust fill each can about halfway every bit of tomato kied now into this fiery cauldron go some chickpeas use any beans you want now let's just distribute them among the sauce lovely this gorgeously High tone seew just needs to Bubble away for 5 minutes which gives me ample time to chop some coriander and pour myself a glass of wine don't mind if I [Music] do I'm sorry if this sounds both but really this is not bad for an off thee cuff supper here you are never knowingly underated no absolutely not what is this called Dar sper wheat PE and this is a chickp and teso stew s's having that one thank [Music] you you have who's that the only thing that's making it so spicy is the Cheo it is fantastic isn't it Treo I must say I do like feeding greedy people and my concern is that there may be no more there is more there's always [Music] more [Music] sh
Channel: William Baker
Views: 283,584
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Keywords: nigella express full episodes, nigella express episodes, Nigella Express
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2015
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