How To Make Nigella's Chocolate Pavlova | Forever Summer With Nigella | Tonic

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[Music] [Music] i'm all for keeping things simple in the kitchen believe me i want an easy life i weep when i read one of those recipes when it takes a whole lunch hour just to get through the list of ingredients let alone do the shopping anyway you don't need a lot of ingredients if the ones you use really hit you with flavor i mean look at these this is why i go in for a little off-the-shelf exoticism because i know if i have one of these pre-blended spice mixes at home i can cook something really special after work any day without any effort whatsoever [Music] a dinner of zatta chicken with fatoush salad followed by grill blistered figs with mascarpone and pistachios is the easiest way i know of producing that laid back summer feeling regardless of the season and it's very low effort ordinary chicken portions which i like quite small dribbled with olive oil ordinary olive oil not extra virgin the transformational agent is this middle eastern spice blend it's called zuta it comprises thyme sesame seeds and ground sumac which is itself a blood red berry with a really sharp astringent tang and it helps cancel that mellow woodsiness of the other spices a thick coating make sure the pieces are really well covered with this bosque bark colored mix because you want the flavors really to infuse deeply as well as creating a nubly crispy burnished skin once they're roasted so i'm going to leave the chicken to sit in its marinade rub for a while and then it'll need about 40 minutes in a really hot oven so that gives me plenty of time to get on with the salad later [Music] all cultures have ways of using up stale bread the fatoush is a middle eastern salad which has wonderful shards of pita bread in it this one comes via syria snip the pita lengthways so you can open up each bread and then split them so that you have four very thin pitter ovals i like a bit of scissor work too makes me feel efficient the chicken's really nearly out of the oven now so it's wonderful and hot i'm going to slide this on the tray beneath the chicken it'll crisp up in no time which is about how long it takes to assemble this salad juicy cubes of tomato about three or four tomatoes depending on the size the whole cucumber cut up into rough triangles i normally never bother to peel a cucumber but there's something about that pure jade paleness here that i want although this is cool and refreshing it has to have a bit of fire even if it's only a mild bit and for that i want some spring onions three or four depending on how fat they are just snip there's no need to make this tattoo just to go with the oven bronze chicken there i do just simply because i've got into the habit it's a kind of no-brainer when i've got people for dinner after work i know i've got supper together but if you wanted this for two should be lovely as supper in itself but in which case i might throw in some chunks of salty feta ah mint which i am mad for a great fat bunch of it which along with the cucumber is so cool and refreshing i want the mint chunky rather more like a salad leaf than a bit of chopped herb that suits me anyway and this is a very rough and tumble salad or it is the way i make it parsley as well you need hardly chop the parsley a few chops and we're in and a bit of garlic i just find it easier to mince it straight on top of the salad but you can easily make up a dressing separately i think the pitter should be about brown by now they are perfect i have asbestos hands but you may prefer to leave the picture before snipping it in i like to have most of the pitter in the salad now to absorb all those herbs and juices but i like to leave one or two back just to snip over at the end to contrast and crunch let's toss everything together i love the clatter of the pizza against the cucumber and tomatoes the dressing i add straight into the bowl and by dressing i mean the juice of a nice fat lemon i want a lot of sourness here and that's what helps make it so refreshing [Music] and some olive oil [Music] and as ever a good crunchy smattering of [Music] [Music] salt [Music] the chicken is really well cooked darkly and thickly spiced all it needs now is a sprinkling of salt and only if you feel like it some parsley and that couldn't be better as for the salad the final splintery topping the kitter and the final late reward some sumac sumac is one of the components in the zata which is on the chicken and it is intensely deeply and pleasurably sour [Music] oh my idea of heaven when i'm on holiday is to have breakfast from figs just picked from the tree but figs here never have that honeyed sweetness you have to give them a bit of help with some butter a splash of orange flower water going for the arabian nights feel here a little more of that mood with the rose water some ground cinnamon not so much that it overwhelms the figs but just to enhance their mellow spiciness and some vanilla sugar the smell of this is instant good mood for me and keep this gently cut the figs crossways right down they're not quite to the bottom so that they open like little flowers or little birds with their beaks open and squawking waiting for worms from their mummy so when the butter and spices have melted it's going to slosh them into the gaping figs blitz them in the oven and then they will be ready to be dolloped with mascarpone and sprinkled with green green pistachios perfect ending to an indian summer [Music] suffer [Music] [Music] i have such a passion for japanese food but i am never gonna start hand rolling my own sushi or chiseling radishes but the thing is japanese home cooking is an entirely different affair noodles are always an undaunting delight i just want to lift that bowl to my face and slurp and i do i love the japanese way of eating cold noodles i am aware that the notion of cold noodles is not exactly an invitation but in reality there is something about that slippery tangle mouth filling that is just wonderful those are sober noodles which are largely buckwheat which gives a lovely thick nuttiness to the pasta i want some sesame seeds toasted while i'm about it just means scattering them in this pan and letting their flavor come to the fore as they get golden and slightly scorched the noodles are cold so they have a dressing rather than a sauce and quite a scant one first being rice vinegar lovely sharpness but everything needs balance in life and against the sharpness of the vinegar a bit of honey the same amount of toasted sesame oil and a good splash of soy the noodles are quite sweet actually so the saltiness of the soy works very well these just need to be stirred together gently a few spring onions i need here are little bunches all the shape to my sesame seeds and the seeds look just about done now lightly scorched and toasted quick final check here perfect quick drain and then they need to be drenched with ice cold water just to stop them cooking so they don't go mushy tip the noodles look at these beautiful pale brown strands into the dressing you've made scatter the spring onions over them and of course the lovely toasted sesame seeds just toss everything together it really is easier to use your hands also it feels lovely in an ideal world you should leave the noodles to stand for about half an hour so the flavors mellow and mingle but it isn't absolutely necessary and to be honest not always entirely possible when i make these for myself i tend to eat just a huge bowl full of them as they are but if i've got some friends coming round i love to make some seared tuna and gingery broccoli to go with to make this old favorite of mine tuna tataki take a log of ludicrously ruby tuna paint it with oil and mustard and roll it in coarsely ground peppercorns to form a smokily hot crust sear the tuna in a really hot pan on all sides until only the barest edges are browned and the pepper crust is welded onto the fish [Music] cut into the finest slices you can and sprinkle with spring onions and twiggy strips of cucumber to make my gingery broccoli boil the tender leggy stems for the briefest of moments before plunging them into a bowl of ice water to stop them cooking any further and to keep their vivid green color i give this a faintly japanese flavoured dressing of grated ginger soy sauce sesame seeds and a few drops of toasted sesame seed oil [Music] um [Music] sometimes i want to give a wholly way of the noodle steamed veg and seared fish other times only chocolate will do and in this mood i have to have my chocolate pavlova [Music] so that's six egg whites which need to be whisked until they're gleaming and satiny now this is the stage and i want to start adding the sugar can you see these beautiful white smooth satiny peaks this is why a pavlova is called a pavlova it was created in honor of anna pavlova the ballerina after a no doubt fabulous performance in swan lake this is her bending over with all her tulle but first the sugar because meringue early is just sugar and egg whites 300 grams of sugar for the six egg whites just add a spoonful at a time serenely slowly unworriedly i am not much of a scientist in fact my school report said that i managed rather well considering i had absolutely no flair for the subject but i do know that if you add vinegar to a meringue base when you're making a path it ensures that the inside stays gooey and marshmallowy while the outside crisps up and this is what we want and this is where anna pavlova's gleaming white swan gets turned into the mucky duck version of the path coco beautiful brown dust three spoonfuls sieve it because otherwise you will get horrible grainy lumps wonderful azdek hillside i'm making here i made the chocolate pad simply because i am so addicted both to making and eating pavlova i just thought one day i wanted to do something a bit different and as mae west said too much for good thing can be wonderful so i added some chocolate and it's this bit that makes a difference so get the best dark chocolate you can half a bar but 50 grams and chop it into wonderful dark splinters and the point about this is that these little chocolate bits will stay molten like nuggets of melting chocolate in the meringue add these to the cocoa dusted meringue and serenely and confidently fold in the cocoa vinegar and chocolate just keep turning the spoon round and down until everything is gently combined and now i'm ready to mound the meringue onto the tin i find if you dollop teeny bits of meringue onto the tin it keeps the paper from moving about when you're actually building up the path base and then mound pleasurably slowly as smooth as you go the trick with the pavlova along with the vinegar is that when you put it in the oven you put it in a much hotter temperature than you normally would with a meringue 180 which is gas mark 4 and the minute it goes in you turn it down to gas mark 2 150 and this means the outside sears to a sudden crisp but the inside cooks slowly and gently so you have that brown melting gooey marshmallow [Music] this interior [Music] this will need about an hour and a quarter to cook and then once it's cool i can slather it with cream and cover it with raspberries [Music] i have a line i always say and when i say it i believe it which is that unlike most women i don't have a particular thing about chocolate but i ask you is this the cupboard of someone who doesn't have a thing about chocolate i have an excuse for the dark and white chocolate buttons because i do use them all the time in cooking otherwise i don't know what my excuse is i do tend to buy things whenever i go on holiday this is like a really big one a kilo like a gold ingot of dark chocolate somehow feel better of having this in the house it's another strange thing is that when i write chocolate recipes i always find myself saying you know best quality chocolate but you know when you're just eating straight in the raw you know minimum 70 cocoa solids is not what you want i want something like nutrageous milk chocolate peanuts caramel reese's peanut butter it's good for children too i mean this is my bribery and corruption draw but there's something rather more important you know those days when you can't be bothered to cook a pudding well frankly can't be bothered to cook anything my dinner of choice frozen mini [Music] chocolates [Music] well the meringue base has been out of the oven and should be cooled and is beautiful don't be alarmed when you see these cratery splinters it's meant to be like that not least because you can now see all these lovely gooey bits of dark chewy chocolate underneath the crust and anyway this is not conveyor belt cookery it's home food it's meant to look like this on top of the dusty cocoa layer a fat gleaming watch of double cream i wouldn't worry about doing this too neatly just sort of splash it on then all it needs on top this is a tumbling layer of raspberries all crimson madness fabulous here they come [Music] and finally a bit of dark chocolate just roughly shaved over i have a weakness for all pads but especially this darkly glowing beauty this is very easy to make and very easy to eat there is one difficult piece in between and that's actually cutting it but greed finds a way [Music] oh perfect [Music] do you
Channel: Tonic
Views: 127,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instagram health tips, Mediterranean cuisine, Nigella Lawson recipes, barbecue recipes, chef Nigella Lawson, chocolate treats, culinary style, food from different cultures, fruity desserts., global gastronomy, healthy recipes, homemade desserts, innovative recipes, pepper-seared tuna, sesame seeds, summer cooking ideas, summer recipes, sweet and savory dishes, tasty treats, tuna recipe
Id: 8Hy9iOn7gdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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