Nicole Brown Simpson’s death highlights her questionable family! An intimate portrait!

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everybody knows of Nicole Brown Simpson and sadly people know of her because of her marriage to OJ Simpson and her tragic death she wasn't a movie star she wasn't a super model or super famous but her death has made her famous for years to come and probably not for the reasons that she would want to be her story is very sad very tragic but she did live a pretty good life before that and in this video of course we are going to highlight a a lot of controversy including her family and including some of the talking points that have been going on through the years and how we're looking at them now we are going to talk about these things also but as usual I do want to highlight who Nicole Brown Simpson the person was she was a person okay not just a victim and she had her own life she was full of hopes and dreams she had things that she wanted to accomplish for her future and she was just a happy woman wasn't the battered woman that everybody knows of knows about her she was alive and and fun and and funny oh my God she was so funny just vibrant and funny and beautiful and and uh not aware of her beauty that way there wasn't a conceited bone in her body I mean she's just she's just a sweetest sweetest girl and um that's why it's so hard now cuz I really miss her now we're going to start with her childhood and we're going to get into it all and if you haven't already checked out my OJ Simpson video I will pin it in the comment section for you guys and in the end cards because there are some details that is already in his video so I didn't want to repeat myself and put it in her video so consider this like a part two to the OJ Simpson video before we get into all of this hey friend welcome to my channel cran elude where we Deep dive and break down the most iconic stars to history if you're not yet subscribed please be sure to do so and if you're already subscribed please turn on your notification Bell so you never miss an upload now without further Ado let's get into this video let's start with her childhood so Nicole Brown story starts in Frankfurt West Germany where she entered the world on May 19th 1959 her parents juditha and Louis Brown who raised their children as devout Catholics kicked off their family life in Germany where lwis was serving up news for the American armed forces via the Stars and Stripes publication Nicole and her older sister Denise were the first of what would become a quartet of daughters before the family packed up and moved Stateside to Garden Grove California it wasn't long before two more girls Dominique and Tanya joined the family adjusting to life in sunny California was a breeze for Nicole as a teenager She was drawn to the beach like a magnet embodying the quintessential California girl Vibe she even snagged the title of homecoming princess at Donna Hills High School proving her natural charm and Beauty weren't going unnoticed the second of four daughters she was born in 1959 not in America but in Frankfurt Germany to lose Brown an American serviceman and Judith a bower his German wife the family says she was easy to love Nicole the second of four daughters born to Lou Brown a Kansas army boy stationed in Germany who married a beautiful German girl with a passion for fun and family the girls live near Frankfurt until Lou Brown now in the insurance business brought the family home to a new house in California we had a big hug Garden an enormous big garden with a big pool and this is where they were raised life was like a RI as Girls Camp she was a little surf rat she you know we grew up on the beach and she we always had she had her own little surf board and we have great surfing where we where we grew up with Mother making the costume they danced tap ballet you name it Hawaiian this time Dominique joining Nicole the girls did everything together had their tonsils out together Nicole already beautiful there's communion together we always thought oh we're getting married when we had our bails on yet the family says even dancing Nicole worked hardest to get it right she was also extremely bright she had skipped the fourth grade and entered a class for gifted children she was a leader if NCO said was okay everybody else was okay Nicole and Denise were closest in age and in high school the two sisters were the picture perfect image of the beautiful Cali soon the slightly plump serious little girl who become a gangly homecoming princess people were captivated by these two and yeah they were both homecoming princesses and everybody knew Nicole and Denise she would have candles lit all over her room she was a real romantic yes very romantic Nicole wasn't just another pretty face she had Ambitions and a zest for life that shown brightly described by a friend as a very vivacious woman at the time of her untimely death at 35 she was was remembered for her radiant personality and dedication to staying in shape Nicole was committed to her morning runs clocking in 9 miles daily and was mindful about her diet but yeah she was running like 9 miles a day I don't know how she did it but yeah she she was in shape but her interest didn't stop there photography caught her eye and she dreamed of capturing the world through the lens while honing her photography skills she also dabbled in modeling during her spare time she was going to Danny Hills High School when I met her and um and her and Denise would you know we would do pictures and they were the most beautiful women that you know you've ever seen I mean they were just stunning After High School um she wanted to be a photographer like myself she also showed flashes of creative Talent behind the camera and impressed her old friend David Lebon it was a fantastic photographer she always had the best camera she always knew you know where the best light was and she was just very Savvy at it her dazzling good looks trumped any other Talent she may have had and led to a job as a hostess at the daisy an upscale Beverley Hills Club where she greeted the stars and would meet OJ Simpson her High School teacher Bill prestridge remembered Nicole as someone who was always bubbly happy and smiling a young woman eager to LEAP into the future and sees every opportunity before stepping into the spotlight that would later Define much of her life Nicole took a brief stint at a clothing boutique which lasted all of two weeks it wasn't long after that she landed a job at the daisy a Beverly Hills night club this job would set her on a path that intertwined with OJ Simpson marking the beginning of a chapter filled with both love and tragedy now let's talk about their marriage Nicole Brown's life took a dramatic turn in 1977 when at just 18 and working as a waitress at the daisy a Swanky Beverly Hills night club she caught the eye of OJ Simpson the American football star despite a significant age gap of nearly 12 years and Simpson still being married to his first wife margarite who was pregnant with their daughter at the time the Sparks between Nicole and son were undeniable Simpson's marriage to margarite ended in divorce by March 1979 Paving the way for his relationship with Nicole to deepen fast forward to February 1985 Nicole and OJ tied did not in a lavish ceremony a his spraing brentw mention marking the start of what would be a tumultuous marriage Nicole embraced her new identity as Nicole Brown Simpson and soon became a devoted mother to their two children Sydney and Justin born in 1985 in 1987 she was Hands-On shunning the idea of Nanny's actively participating in her kids' lives through dance and karate lessons and hosting family gatherings alongside her role as a mother she ventured into interior decorating though her client base was limited to her husband in his circles Nicole the homecoming princess attended Dana Hills High School and in 1976 she was thinking about a career well it was in my journalism class and we were all talking about what kids wanted to do for careers and it came to Nicole because Nicole said to the class that she wanted to marry somebody wealthy and I said well Nicole that's not really a job back in 1977 Nicole Brown was working at an upscale Hollywood club when in walked the man she would marry was love at first sight with those two it was just chemistry although OJ Simpson was a household name the young naive Nicole who knew little about football had only a sketchy idea of who he actually was the juice returned to the restaurant often determined to win over the beautiful Nicole he was 30 she was 18 he was a star she worked in a restaurant he was a multi-millionaire she was broke and OJ's persistance paid however from the start it was no fairy tale OJ Simpson outmatched Nicole in one other important way he was married with two children what's more his wife margarit was pregnant with a third but that didn't stop Nicole my wife what a blast it was a great time you know when you go to a wedding and you know everybody you know it's a great party for her part Nicole was living the Hollywood dream and she took to it like a duct to water thing she liked about it was that going to charity functions meeting a lot of these stars at they run into and all the people with money I call her a um An Elegant glamorous hippie chick you know she she was a Diamonds and Pearls kind of girl by 1988 she had a $5 million mansion surrounded by the cream of Hollywood she had a condo in New York a $2 million seafront house at lagona Beach and the good life was punctuated by endless vacations often with her Sisters in [Music] toe how you like a baby little pumpkin little pumpkin little pumpkin I don't believe that I have this baby oh yes he's thinking about something real nice Justin arrived 3 years later there's the hospital and we're going to go in this hospital and pick up Justin Ryan Simpson and there's Mommy and there's mommy are you ready to go home Mommy I'm so ready to go home I just look at the window waiting for you guys there's kby there's kby August 10th 198 daddy looks pretty handsome at 41 doesn't he Simpson's children from his first marriage this is Arnell we're part of the household too Brown Clan is very much a part of the ricking extended family Nicole planning the holidays they all spent together vacations were together too here's Nicole Dominique and their babies and friends were always around who say Nicole loved decorating cooking and not the Limelight however Nicole's marriage to the former NFL icon was anything but peaceful behind the closed doors of their opulent home Simpson was not just Unfaithful he was violently hitting on her friends and family members noted visible bruises on Nicole and police interventions at their residents were not uncommon a particularly horing incident occurred on New Year's Eve 1989 when Simpson allegedly hit Nicole leaving her with severe injuries he was charged with spousal battery but managed to avoid jail time instead receiving a sentence that included community service fines and probation and despite these dark times the couple would publicly claim their marriage was stronger than ever Simpson even attempted to downplay the severity of their their issues in a media interview describing their conflicts as mutual and trivial the charade couldn't Last Forever by 1992 Nicole had had enough of the abuse and infidelity filing for divorce in February the divorce was finalized later that year on October 15th that you know she had something to say however the shadow of her tumultuous marriage to Simpson lingered and in 1993 Nicole and Simpson briefly toyed with the idea of getting back together but it wasn't long before Simpson's abusive Behavior resurfaced Nicole confided and her mother that Simpson seemed to be everywhere she went a constant unnerving presence in her life a disturbing incident on October 25th 1993 LED Nicole to call the police reporting Simpson's violent Behavior after he discovered a photograph of a man Nicole had dated during their separation a 911 audio recording played during OJ Simpson's murder trial captured a terrified Nicole claiming Simpson was threatening to physically hit her while Simpson could be heard in the background accusations and insults at her telling her that she was giving somebody top if you catch my drift in the house while the kids were there just crazy this was the final straw for Nicole who decided to move out of their shared home for good effectively ending any chance of reconciliation freed from the constraints of her marriage Nicole was eager to explore life on her own terms having been with Simpson since she was 18 she had missed out on many typical young adult experiences and was ready to make up for lost time time the media later portrayed Nicole as someone who indulged in Wild Affairs throughout her marriage even labeling her a party girl in an attempt to defend OJ race Newman a self-proclaimed former substance dealer described Nicole as a party animal Who Loved dancing at clubs indulging in Koka and surrounding herself with attractive men and despite their tumultuous relationship Nicole admitted to a friend cor Fishman that she and Simpson still had intimate encounters attributing it to the incredible sensual chemistry they shared and the Brown family is angry at the Tabloid coverage of her brief Life as a single woman and what they feel is a twisted portrait of her as a party girl who cared only about dancing that woman they want you to know did not exist they're trashing somebody who can't even defend herself she can't do anything about it because everybody thinks they know the truth and they know the story I mean they're stepping on a dead person Wicked tongues National Inquirer front page someone sells a picture obviously sells a picture of her in a hot tub she wasn't married she was divorced she was a single woman she was allowed to have friends and go out they talked about drug oh she was children so anti amaz just because you stay out and go dancing doesn't mean you do drugs they say that Nicole like a lot of people at some point may have tried drugs but she was not a user and everyone Prime Time spoke with friends family told us Nicole Simpson was first and always a mom the kind to it gay turned The Family Den into an instant sleep away camp for neighborhood kids always there organizing games a day at the movies or a beginner's trip down a ski slope now in January 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson made a fresh start from her old place on Greta street moving into a lavish three story rental town home in Brentwood a stunning Mediterranean sty pad sprawling over 3,400 ft decked out with multiple patios and a rooftop Su deck perfect for soaking up the California Sun nestled near the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains and a mere four miles from the shimmering ocean Nicole's new neighborhood was the epitome of upscale living with country clubs Parks hiking trails and attractions like the Santa Monica Pier all within reach not to mention the Chic shops fancy restaurants and grocery markets Nicole was living the High Life cruising around in her Ferrari her sister Denise couldn't help but gush about Nicole's Newfound zest for life in a 1994 interview Nicole was so vivacious so full of life Denise said thrilled that Nicole was finally able to make her own friends and plan Adventures revolving around her kids like camping trips to yosid and getaways to clubm it was during this vibrant chapter of Nicole's life that she crossed paths with 25-year-old Ron Goldman a restaurant waiter about 6 weeks before their tragic murders despite what the rumor maill might suggest those close to them confirmed that Nicole and Ron shared a purely platonic Bond occasionally grabbing coffee or dinner together Ron even had the keys to Nicole's Ferrari borrowing it for a lunch outing with his buddy Craig Clark who later recounted Ron referring to it as his friend Nicole's car the peaceful early hours of June 13th 1994 shattered Nicole's brenwood Sanctuary she and Ron Goldman were discovered dead outside her home with Ron lying in a fetal position amidst a horrifying scene of blood a passer by stumbling upon the gruesome site prompted an immediate police response later that day authorities brought in OJ Simpson as a potential witness given that he and Nicole had been at their daughter's dance recital together just the day before and although Simpson initially left the police station it wasn't long before he found himself squarely in the crosshairs of the investigation this time as a prime suspect and the murders What followed was a media frenzy that captivated the nation a high-speed police tra broadcast live on TV followed by a trial that was as emotionally charged as it was racially polarized dub the trial of the century the proceedings stretch over eight gring months ending in October 1995 with the jury acquitting Simpson of all charges leaving many shocked and divided over the verdict however the story didn't end there in February 1997 the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman found a semblance of Justice when a civil court found Simpson liable for their wrongful deaths the Judgment against him included 8.5 million in in compensatory damages to the Goldman family and an additional 25 million in punitive damages which was to be divided between the Goldman family and Nicole's children back in 1995 a People magazine feature start up quite the conversation about the bra family suggesting that they were possibly a bit too captivated by OJ Simpson Fame and for Shel levit wrote that some folks believe the Browns had reaped the benefits of being close to Simpson for instance Simpson reportedly helped Nicole's dad get a hers dealership his own franchise and even covered the college tuition for Nicole's younger sisters financially he put all of Nicole's family on while allegedly ignoring his own family with margarit the documentary OJ made in America shed some light on this with the Herz CEO revealing how the Browns seemingly relied on OJ financially and in my OJ video I speak about how Herz was you know really funding his life so it all goes in together go watch the OJ video but the CEO of herds revealed how the Browns relied on OJ financially it appears OJ played a significant role in supporting not just Nicole but her entire family even at the expense of his own relatives back in San Francisco here's the rundown so o didn't just stop at securing a dealership for Nicole's father he also routed all his travel bookings through Nicole mom who worked as a travel agent and footed the bill for the college education of his sisters whenever OJ and Nicole had a Fallout which unfortunately happened all the time he tried to smooth things over with an extravagant gift or a fancier car for Nicole one particularly unsettling detail is that despite Nicole's father originally opposing his daughter dating or marrying black men he seemed to make an exception for OJ likely swayed by OJ's wealth what did you think when your 18-year-old daughter came home with OJ Simpson I didn't know who he was he called me and she says Mama I'm coming by was a friend of mine and I said fine and she says Mama He's a black man I said that's okay said you come by he even went to her father to ask formal permission I found him to be very affable very very outgoing very nice guy yeah we learned a lesson and uh he became part of the family the cycle of violence and arguments between OJ and Nicole was alarmingly frequent becoming an unsettling Norm within the brown household even when the Simpson family witnessed these outbursts OJ would blame Nicole claiming she was the instigator the Browns somewhat desensitized to the constant turmoil would often dismiss it as just another one of OJ's angry episodes yeah his explanation was well I've been away all week yeah I want 100% of her when I'm home yeah and that would make her really tense they fought but every relationship goes up and down I arguments she did tell me that he has a bad temper which we knew but uh so did she did he was insanely jealous you said insanely jealous what did you mean possessive he was possessive he just she was his he wanted her to be attractive but for him and that's as far as it went New Year's Eve police found Nicole Simpson hiding outside saying her husband threatened to kill her Simpson pled no contest to wife beating but Nicole implied to her mother it was her fault too do you say to yourself how could we not have known you can't put that guilt up on you she would have found exactly what she wanted to do and how she wanted to do it that wasn't no we can't put that guil on us really not and they won't and in their morning the Brown family is outraged by suggestions they were influenced by Financial dependence on Simpson L Brown said it was a short-term retirement job which didn't make much money and those family vacations he says they always paid their own airfare and meals yeah I was watching some old interviews on the family and they seem so chill I don't know but you know you can't judge anything by that you don't know everybody GES differently but it was kind of like asking them did you guys know and them just saying like no well we didn't know you know she didn't speak about it when there was police records there was arrests made OJ was arrested it was all over the news TV you had to know this was happening to your daughter to the point where your daughter was keeping photos of what was happening to her in a safety deposit box just in case her life was taken like you had to know one of the sisters even said that well we lived an hour away so in our Dian Sawyer interview I suggest you guys go and watch a Dian story of full interview with the family cuz I was one of the ones you know I wish like a body language expert or analyst would you know break that video down to just see what's going on with that because you know in my limited knowledge of body language I saw a lot of things there that I didn't really I it was just screaming at me so I would love for you know if you follow any body language experts on YouTube go share this video with them the Dian Sor one and ask them to break that down cuz that was very interesting to me okay I'm not you know know saying anything but that was interesting to me however though the real power play might have been the children OJ shared with Nicole despite the Browns believing OJ was responsible for Nicole's death the welfare of the children remained a delicate issue the possibility of OJ alienating the children from the Brown family was a looming threat one that could have easily been used to sway opinions or maintain peace perhaps to influence the Brown's stance on legal matters or simply for the children's sake and none of the children have spoken out since their mom you know the passing and that could have been an issue so they probably was just walking on eggshells for the sake of the children cuz it's like yeah we don't want your dad to hurt you he I mean had custody and all of that like who knows too so it probably is not even just a financial thing they probably was just walking on exells for the sake of the kids okay Gloria aled the brown family's lawyer at the time fiercely denied that any material benefits influen the Brown's view of Nicole's troubled marriage she argued that no luxury could justify the loss of Nicole emphasizing that the family would have preferred Nicole's presence over any gifts F Resnik a close friend of Nicole who was also her rumored lover added another layer to the narrative by suggesting that the Browns might have encouraged Nicole to stay with OJ during a critical moment in 1992 when she contemplated divorce according to Resnik Nicole felt trapped by OJ's controlling nature as sentiment that Echoes through the years and remains part of the ongoing speculation about the Dynamics with the Nicole's marriage and her relationship with the family as the story continues to unfold even decades later through discussions and portrayals Like An American Crime Story the full truth of the bronze involvement and influence remains cloaked in Mysteries so we will never know but it was said that yeah they knew they knew and they just kind of like you know okay but we don't know that's just interesting to see how you know in my opinion and I Tred to remain as opinionist as possible of course you know I do believe OJ is not a th% innocent of this although the courts did find him innocent because even the book you know if I did do it and him admitting in um interviews it was a fox interview that he did uh you know in promotion of the book Etc stating that if I did do it he allegedly hypothetically did a play byplay of how went down he went to the house to confront Nicole about you know parties that she was doing with like Diddy type parties you know only that she was getting on the coka and so as everyone else around her was getting on the Coca and other substances and then everyone together like groups of people were getting intimate with each other if you can read between the lines of what I was saying and OJ was not happy about it because he claimed that the kids would be in the house which in a 911 call that was played during the trial and 911 call that was played when Nicole was talking to the 911 operator you could hear and I'm not going to play it here because it's so explicit I don't want issues with YouTube but you can hear OJ in the background The Operators picking it up saying hey you didn't care um you didn't care about all of this when you was you know sucking this man off while the kids are here the kids are here and she wasn't really denying it to OJ she was just telling the police officers just come here cuz he's going to you know beat me up I'm not saying that that you know I don't know what to to make of that but this was his story of why he did it and and Ron Goldman though they say they were just friends we don't know a lot of people say they were just platonic friends but then a lot of people said they weren't they were more than that lovers I mean he was driving her Ferrari they were meeting for lunch he was young he was also allegedly into substances Etc he was he knew where her house was and would frequent that often even the night he came to her house to drop off the glasses for her mom like it they could have been more there was bath water that was um still warm when Nicole passed away and candles that was by the bathtub and stuff you know was it an intimate setup and OJ just met with them and the fact that they were still intimate um OJ and Nicole it's just a lot that just goes into this and the more you dig into this story it's just it's just too much it's too much it's just more and more and more and you don't know which direction to really take it cuz there's so many directions you can take it and it's Hollywood it's weird there was a party scene there was substances I just feel like it's it's a sticky slope you know it's a sticky slope and according to OJ he went there to confront her for her alleged parties and he blacked out because in conversation with Nicole as he's confronting Nicole Ron was there and Ron threatened to beat him up with karate if you watch my OJ video Ron was actually trained in karate he was a black belt I believe and so that's crazy in itself and as Ron got violent OJ said he blacked out and then he just remembers waking up in a pool of blood he really said this guys and again it's just too much so I'm not going to play that clip on YouTube but you guys can check that out and in my OJ video there's just a little bit more details with the theories and it's just a case that is very very weird and I don't know what to think I feel like you know Ron may he rest in peace because he's usually forgotten when people talk about this case he was at the wrong place at the wrong time and Nicole I just wish you would have got away but money you know money and a lot of people too didn't have sympathy for her during the trial because of how she got with OJ it was an affair you know you broke up at home some people was like ah she broke up at home who cares you know blah blah blah but I still don't think that's a reason for someone dying in such a way you know it's such a dark way I don't know either way comment below your thoughts I just know that that though it was racially motivated a lot the trials I'm not one of those people that's going to like OJ was you know like he's just was clean in here I already gave some of my stance in his video that's a little bit more in depth so comment below your thoughts and I will be doing one for Chris Jenner in the later future I just feel like it's too soon Now for Chris where her part in this too I will get into that so subscribe for that cuz hers will be coming in the later future and it'll be really in-depth and we'll get into it I love you guys so much thank you for tuning in and comment below who else would you guys like a video on and if you like the music you're listen to the link is in the description until next time
Channel: Karine Alourde 🇭🇹
Views: 49,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicole brown simpson, oj simpson, nicole simpson, nicole brown, nicole brown simpson murder, oj simpson trial, o.j. simpson, simpson, nicole brown simpson home, oj simpson case, nicole simpson brown, nicole brown simpson house, nicole brown simpson movie, nicole brown simpson 911 call, nicole brown simpson final 24, nicole brown simpson documentary, Nicole brown simpson family, Nicole brown simpson sisters, oj Simpson kids, Nicole brown simpson kris jenner, kris jenner
Id: AahWE7Xs6ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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