Suzy Parker - the supermodel who could not stop LYING!

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before we get into this juicy video I have a question for you guys that I'm curious to see the different opinions in the comments so the question is how honest do you want your favorite celebrity to be do you feel like a public figure should always be 100% honest or are there things that are acceptable for them to lie about like maybe their families their age their relationships Etc where they was born cuz in today's video we will talk about this supermodel who was obsessed with lying and lied for fun but disclaimer in this era a lot of supermodels as well as actors and actresses and people public figures basically lied about their upbringing too just for press just to seem interesting they lied about their ethnicities some thought she went a little too far and she was notoriously known for talking too much and for lying too much even amongst her peers where it just kind of gave her a bad reputation but Susie Parker the dazzling Beauty who blazed the trail as the world's first super model turned movie star let aive filled with as much glamour as heartbreak her story is a tell of soaring Heights and devastating lows of Fame and wealth mixed with pain and tragedy throughout her groundbreaking career Susie was on an elusive quest for happiness a journey that seemed to end in disappointment time and time again in the 1950s Parker reigned Supreme in the modeling industry her striking features graced the covers of countless magazines making her the face of an era she was the M for photographers and fashion designers alike her allore impossible to ignore Parker was a poster girl for Revlon one of the leading cosmetic companies of the time her face also adorned advertisements for solo products the biggest hair care product company in the country at the time it's worth noting that models during this era didn't sign exclusive contracts with cosmetic companies in 1956 at the height of her modeling career marker shattered glass ceilings and set a new standard for Success she became the first model to earn a staggering $100,000 per year and today's term that's like equivalent to earning over a million dollar annually this feat solidified her status as one of the highest paid models of her time Parker's influence extended beyond the Fashion World she even inspired the Beatles arguably the greatest band of all time they wrote a song dedicated to her a testament to her captivating charm while this tribute never saw a record release it did make an appearance in their 1970s documentary film let it be this film later bag the Academy Award for best original score adding another feather to Parker's already illustrious cap and despite the glitz and glamour Parker's Journey was a tumultuous one the icon had a pinch it for lying and even cruelty against other models though we love Susie Parker she was not shy about her Diva side we are going to get into all of that and more but first hey friend welcome to my channel Ken elude where we Deep dive and break down the most iconic Stars through history if you're not yet subscribed please be sure to do so and if if you're already subscribed please turn on your notification Bell so you never miss an upload now without further Ado let's get into this video and of course we're going to start with her childhood cuz her childhood was just as chaotic and we're going to get into just how she became the Susie Parker so born on October 28 1932 Susie Parker arrived in the world at the height of the Great Depression a time of poverty and despair her birth was far from Easy she emerged blue and lifeless with no pulse to speak of the room filled with sadness as everyone feared the worse yet in a final desperate act a medical intern took matters into his own hands in a shocking turn of events he smacked the newborn and miraculously breathed life into the seemingly lifeless infant Susie Parker was born Cecilia and Renee Parker Susie's original name were derived from three of her mother's closest friends however her then teenage sister Dorian had a different idea she suggested arranging the names to spell out the word crap an unfortunate acronym her father George preferred the name suie which she carried throughout her life until a French folk photographer altered it spelling to Susie growing up under the strict supervision of her parents was tough enough but Susie also battled numerous health issues during her childhood she grappled with severe asthma allergies persistent earaches and pneumonia making her early years a constant struggle moreover Susie's unique looks her towering height robust build red hair and freckles which would later become her trademark features were a source of Torment during her school years she was mocked and ridiculed for her unconventional appearance leading her to view herself as a monster and to her sister Dorian Dorian found Susie sobbing at the kitchen table and made a vow to help her sisters see her true beauty Dorian already a Top Model insisted that the Ford agency signed her 15-year-old sister as part the deal to represent her the agency was so keen on representing Dorian that they agreed to sign Susie Dorian was part of the elite group of the world's first supermodels which include Lisa Fon Greaves which I did a video for her oh one of my favorite models of all time just classy and elegant and I will put her in the comment section for you guys and pinned in the end card so you guys can check it out when the Ford Executives finally met suie they were taken back they had hoped for a petite delicate darkhaired blue Eyed Girl like Dorian instead they found themselves face to face with a tall big boned freckled redheaded with piercing green eyes girl they feared they had made a terrible mistake because she didn't have the traditional classic beauty of that era despite Landing a coveted modeling contract Susie's early career was filled with comparisons to her already successful and conventionally attractive sister Dorian however Dorian didn't see her sister's competition she introduced Susie to the photographers who would eventually catapult her career to new heights Dorian even pressured these professionals into working with suszie setting the stage for Susie's transformation from an unconventional Beauty to a global superstar in a shocking turn of events Susie Parker's mother stumbled upon a scandalous secret she walked into her daughter's room one day and found her in bed with Ronald Staten and I couldn't find any pictures for him but he was Susie's childhood sweetheart the shocking Discovery LED SU to reveal that she had eloped with him Susie's wedding attire was far from traditional instead of a bridal gown or even a simple dress Susie chose to wear a bikini and a raincoat Susie was already a successful model earning more than enough to sustain them both however they were young and incompatible a disastrous combination I was bound to implode at some point while working in the city of love Susie fell head over heels for p deasel a Charming journalist with her mind made up Susie return home to Ronald and demanded divorce but Ronald wasn't about to let go of his cash cow that easily Susie's soaring success as a model meant that she was earning a fortune a fact Ronald was well aware of he agreed to a quick divorce but only on the conditions that Susie pay him a hefty settlement and paid the bill for his plastic surgery on his nose and finance his acting lessons comment below if a guy wanted you like okay I'll divorce you but pay for my nose job how would you take that that's just crazy to me caught between a rock and a hard place Susie agreed would you guys have agreed and their divorce was finalized in Mexico in 1953 tragedy struck years later when Ronald was killed in an automobile accident but Pierre was not any better despite Pierre's numerous infidelities Susie continued to date him not only that but she also bore the brunt of his extravagant lifestyle they secretly tied the knot around 1957 or 1958 we don't know cuz they lied so much keeping their marriage Under Wraps we are going to get back to this marriage cuz he was no better than Ronald okay but while most models dream of Landing a single magazine cover Susie Grace and astonishing 70 covers her beauty and popularity were so overwhelming that Hollywood couldn't resist her allore she transitioned into acting becoming a force to be reckoned with in both the fashion and film Industries legendary designers Coco Chanel which I did a video for also just check out my super model and fashion designer playlist actually I'll put that in the comments section cuz Lisa fans grieve is there also and you guys can see who I've already done and who you want to request but legendary designers Koko Chanel and Christian Dior didn't just admire Susie they were utterly captivated by her Dior declared her the most beautiful woman in the world while Chanel saw her as more than just amus she viewed Susie as a daughter and despite her her success Susie was anything but conventional she shattered societal norms and expectations becoming the first supermodel by refusing to conform to the typical Model Behavior Susie was known for being talkative much to the annoyance of those around her her loudness wasn't the only thing that raised eyebrows Susie was also a notorious liar as we stated she would spin tell so extravagant that no one knew the truth about her not even her place of birth one of her most outrageous lies was that she was descended from French royalty when the truth finally came out Susie simply laughed it off she found joy and tricking people and she was Unapologetic about it from her scandalous elopment to her outrageous lies Susie Parker's life was nothing short of a roller coaster R and some Hollywood people would say that man you never know with Susie you never know what she's saying if you should believe it you have to take it with a grain of salt so she just had this reputation that you shouldn't believe anything that comes out of her mouth and of course she was also annoying to people because she talked a lot that's kind of harsh cuz I can say I'm pretty talkative but people just was annoyed that she was already lying so much and then to be talkative on top of it h comment below your thoughts I love Susie so much but even Susie herself would admit to this and laugh about it she didn't think it was a big deal and she didn't really care what people thought about her but Susie Susie so Susie Parker was playful but she was also mischievous she had a mischievous spirit with a pinion for causing chaos most notorious example of this is what now is known as the Miami incidents Susie and a fellow model friend were shooting for Vogue at a luxurious Miami Hotel a dream job in a dream setting for many but Susie was not many she took it upon herself to add a dash of chaos to the Glamorous photo shoot by pouring bubble bath soap into the hotel's Grand Fountain it was like a huge fountain in front of the hotel and she just came with tons of bubble bath soap and poured it there and then you just see bubbles flying everywhere the bubbles overflowed and wrecked Havoc much to su's Delight the hotel people were annoyed people were annoyed in general they didn't find it funny but she found it funny but her Mischief didn't stop there during the same job Susie and her accomplice convinced photographer Roger prent to buy them a shark from a restaurant tank you know like those not many sharks they're pretty big but not huge like mega sharks that be in those restaurant tanks so so they convince Roger to purchase one of those sharks they then unleash the Marine Predator into the hotel's swimming pool causing even more fear and Chaos with the guest and of course a lot of people did not find this amusing but she just had a penchion for doing stuff like that comment below what are your thoughts about that what would you do how do you feel about I'm really really curious to see you guys thoughts about that cuz these weren't regular hotels these were luxurious hotels okay I would be pissed that's just me but I'll leave it there comment below your thoughts these pranks may have been outrageous and chaotic but they were relatively harmless if you you know considering who you're talking to until Susie's competitive streak took a dark turn despite her radiant exterior and classy demeanor right you wouldn't think someone this classy would be doing these pranks I told you guys in previous videos I think it was my Rock Hudson video that though they look so polished and well together like the 1940s and 50s our grandparents were living don't let them fool you okay they were mischievous I know they have elegance and the posture and the pose but some of them were just living okay Susie's competitive trick took a dark turnone right despite her radiant exterior Susie harbored a darker side she was fiercely competitive and often unkind towards other models and one Savage incident Susie's pinch of pranks in her competitive nature collided with disastrous results she took a pair of scissors to fellow model and gunning enviable long hair pretending that she was only trying to help her look better in hats and an gunning for her she stated she just trusted Susie because she just appeared so nice like a nice girl so Susie was like let me help you with your hair I'm just going to snip this off snip that and she just like cut her like butchered her hair and an was mortified now what would you do about that that's where I draw the line oh my goodness in reality she had ruined an's career the new haircut was far from flattering and it made her less desirable to to fashion houses so she could not get jobs for a very long time and despite the Fallout from her cruel prank Susie continued to behave badly however as the saying goes Karma always catches up kind of remind you of what they keep saying about Naomi Campbell right she was Naomi Campell before there was Naomi Campbell and I did a video for Naomi Campbell also but check out my supermodel playlist to enjoy that so suie declared herself to be the best model and acted accordingly her Diva Behavior terrified fashion industry professionals she had a take it or leave it attitude towards outfits insisted on doing her own makeup and hair and often took charge of photo shoots designers and photographers would even describe her as arrogant most of the time and she would bluntly say I'm not wearing this together I'm not wearing this outfit and they would just comply because she was actually a big deal just when it seemed like Susie couldn't become more of a diva Hollywood Came Calling Fox Studios offered her three lead roles it was an opportunity any actress would jump at but not Susie she turned down all three offers because she wanted more enjoyable roles this Defiance led the studio to suspend her but instead of being devastated Susie remained unfaced however a financial crisis was looming that would humble her with her substantial earnings came a hefty tax bill by 1955 Susie owed $60,000 in unpaid taxes which was a lot of money an amount she did not have as her debt grew so did the threat of financial ruin but help came from an unexpected Source Jerry Ford a modeling executive Ford not only settled Susie's entire tax bill but he also secured numerous lucrative opportunities for her while this ordeal helped her avoid Financial ruin it also led to a significant transformation and Susie she became a lot softer after her close call with financial disaster Susie became much more pleasant to work with however she still wasn't content despite her successful career she didn't take her job seriously to her modeling was always only a way to make money never any more than that she was deeply unhappy and unsatisfied with her life leading her to seek Solace and undesirable places and people she was a misfit in the glitzy world of Hollywood hating the extravagant parties and substance fueled lifestyle that came with it even the most sought after Hollywood Bachelors couldn't charm Susie she barely spared them a glance much less a second thought her dissatisfaction extended Beyond The Social Scene despite her success in modeling and acting Susie found no joy in either instead she yearned for something more meaningful something that would give her a sense of purpose this search for fulfillment LED Susie to make some significant sacrifices at the height of her Fame Susie made a surprising move she turned her back on her successful modeling and acting career and decided to pursue photography she signed with the renowned agency Magnum but it was a step down to say the least Susie went from earning $115 an hour as a model to making a meager $115 a month as a budding photographer and despite the financial setback Susie was hopeful that photography would bring her the satisfaction she craved but fate had other plans her new Venture failed miserably when not a single one of her photographs sold heartbroken and defeated Susie had no choice but to return to the industries she despised modeling and acting Susie's personal life was just as tumultuous as her professional one she was famously known for her quote about love which I quote I love a man more when I am not married to him end quote her disastrous first marriage seemed to have tainted her views on marriage however this outspoken hatred for marriage proved to be yet another one of Susie's elaborate lies enter Pier remember we talked about him earlier Susie's lover future husband and the father of her first child Pi was far from ideal his behavior was deplorable to say the least a wealthy admirer once proposition Susie asking yeah it was this wealthy guy who saw Susie and was smitten and Pierre was right there with Susie you know and everyone knew hey Pierre is with Susie but the guy asked how much for a weekend instead of being outraged Pierre responded and gave him a price so he was trying to sell suie off to the highest bitter and this happened a lot with models they would marry these men and this would happen which is just so sad despite her wealth and success Susie was bankrupt when it came to love her relationships were marred by men who exploited her for their gain Pierre was no exception he enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle complete with expensive clothes and elcd substances all at Susie's expense and I do want to say this that I do think that's why Susie wasn't as happy and you know hurt people hurt people I think the modeling industry became so toxic it just brought out this ugly side of her sometimes and that happened with a lot of models I even did my Naomi Campbell video and I go a little bit deeper into that too I really do think there's something in the industry that just brings out the darker side and look you're with someone that is just offering you up you know for the highest bidder can you imagine what that can do to your mental that would make me mean too like you're beautiful you're glamorous you're in the big screen you know you're on magazines but no man around you respect you you're everyone's Sugar Mama or they disrespectfully want to sell you off have you dress scantly clad so that they can proposition you to other rich men so you can continue to fund their life so I don't know comment below your thoughts on that do you guys think that the modeling world can make people a little darker and mean I'm curious to see you guys' point on that too their relationship was unconventional to say the least they dated secretly for years before tying the knot between 1958 and 1957 you know one of those years but their marriage was far from Blissful Pierre was unfaithful constantly cheating on Susie his betrayals didn't stop at infidelity a tragic accident brought their troubled marriage to light Susie and her father father George were involved in a horrific car crash their vehicle collided with a train killing George instantly and leaving Susie seriously injured physically and mentally Susie spent 3 months in the hospital recovering from severe injuries that left her physically and emotionally scarred and she kept blaming herself for what happened during her time in the hospital Susie's mental health took a severe hit she attempted to take her own life several times but was fortunately saved each time however this incident opened a can of worms the price disc Ed her secret marriage to Pierre during her vulnerable state Pier's reaction to the Revelation was appalling and disgusting deplorable despite being exposed he denied their marriage he had spent years cheating on Susie and living off of her wealth yet he found the idea of being married to her humiliating and I wonder why was it because allegedly he was trying to sell her off I don't know Susie's marriage to Pier deasel was far from Blissful a year after surviving the car accident Susie found herself abandoned by Pierre pregnant with their child Pierre didn't meet his daughter Georgia Bell Florian Coco Chanel de lasal yes that's the daughter's full name a mouthful right until she was 17 years old that's when he met her for the first time the child's name paid homage to the significant women in Susie's life including Koko Chanel who is also the Godmother however one name was missing Dorian Lee Susan's sister the sisters once cloth had a bitter Feud they fell out Susie despised dorian's promiscuity and neglectful parenting their relationship dwindled to such an extent that Susie could not bear even a phone conversation with Dorian Dorian also harbored a deep-seated Envy for Susie's success that she just surpassed you know Dorian in 1960 Susie met Bradford dilman on a film set and Sparks flew instantly both were still legally married to other partners making their relationship scandalous nonetheless they tied the knot 3 years later barely a year into her marriage she was involved in another car accident this time she decided to retire marking a sad end the career of the first supermodel retirement often spells struggle for stars but for Susie it finally brought peace and happiness to her she was finally happy she left the Glamorous World Behind embracing motherhood and her large blended family as the 1990s rolled in her health took a nose dive she was diagnosed with diabetes a chronic condition that required constant management but diabetes was not the only ailment Susie had to contend with she also developed ulcers which turned out to be a near fatal Affliction when Susie went under the knife for ulcer surgery a routine procedure turned into a terrifying ordeal her heart stopped beating on the operating table throwing the surgical team into a frantic scramble to resuscitate her though they managed to revive her Susie never fully recovered from this horing experience she succumbed to kidney fail the once vibrant supermodel spent her last years in Perpetual cycle of hospital visits Medical Treatments and Recovery periods but Susie was not one to surrender control of her life even in her final days when she felt that her time was drawing near she made a decisive Choice she stopped her Medical Treatments left the hospital for the last time and chose to spend her remaining days in the comfort of her home 2 weeks later Susie breath her last at the age of 70 surrounded by her family who loved her dearly the turbulent journey of the first supermodel finally found its peaceful end and Susie's life was a roller coaster that no one not even Susie herself could have anticipated it was a life that stretched beyond the runway in film sets even as her health crumbled Susie maintained her iron grip on control she dictated the terms of her passing just as she had dictated the terms of her life there was no Grand funeral services or public eulogies for Susie Parker Susie had expressly demanded it this way her passing was a quiet intimate Affair devoid of any theatrics a stark contrast to the flamboyant spectacle that marked her Heyday in death as in life Susie Parker charted her own course leaving behind a legacy as enduring as her spirit she aged very gracefully very beautifully very gorgeously and was classy till the very end in appearance I just loved how she wore clothes I loved her look and I do think that she was just very hurt there was a lot I mean her mom didn't even want her when she was born I don't know comment below your thoughts give her some Grace and leave some flower emojis in the comments for her regardless of how you feel because she did pave the way and I'm glad that she found peace in the end she found love and isn't it funny that they always find peace when they leave the industry and live a quiet life this remind me of Jee shrimpton I did a video for her also the minute she left the modeling industry she left Hollywood she was the happiest she has ever been that's crazy to me so comment below your thoughts I love you guys so much if you like the music you're listening to the link is in the description comment below else what you guys like to see and check out my supermodel playlist until next time
Channel: Karine Alourde 🇭🇹
Views: 49,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suzy parker, suzy parker model, suzy, parker, suzy parker (tv actor), suzy parker the beatles, suzy parker makeup, suzy parker movies, suzy parker old, suzy parker actor, suzy parker interview, suzy parker photos, suzy parker dance of love, suzy parker beauty routine, suzy parker's guide to daily beauty, 1950s models, fashion model, perspex model, airliner model, models, 1950s glamour, 1950s, 1950s fashion, 1950s vogue, coco Chanel suzy Parker, 1950s Chanel, 1950, supermodel
Id: VbYJoqJpjBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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