Weekend Update: Get in the Cage with Nicolas Cage and Nicolas Cage - SNL
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Channel: undefined
Views: 6,377,156
Rating: 4.934248 out of 5
Keywords: season 37, Seth Meyers, 2012, 2010s, SNL, Saturday Night Live, Get In the Cage, surprise guests, Andy Samberg, Nicolas Cage, movies, cloning, actor, famous, SNL throwback, snl 2010s, classic, snl classic, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, weekend update, host, guest, laugh, impersonation, Nicholas Cage, Nick Cage, action movie, face off
Id: JdA9_mtXYME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2013
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Your all time favourite SNL skit? That's high praise.
I love that he is taking part in making fun of himself. I hate seeing actors take themselves too seriously.
I want 90’s and 00’s Nic Cage back. I miss him. I think Kick Ass was the last big thing I saw him in and he was fantastic.
Nic Cage IS our national treasure.
Sandberg has the voice down
"That's high praise" has just entered into my mental phrase-bank
Here's the link if it's not available in your country.
This is neat. I was in the audience that night. I was sitting above the hallway he exited out of and I leaned down to try and get a high five but it was a bit too high. He still tried and our fingers briefly touched. Shortly after that I was looking around and noticed behind our tiny seats was a room with a glass window. Steven Spielberg was in there watching at the window. As soon as the audience noticed they pulled curtains at the window. It was kinda neat to first hand see people you have only ever seen on TV before.
I was there because my girlfriend had won a Facebook contest to meet Karmin the musical act that night. It was our first time to NYC and we tried to do as many touristy things in the two days we were there. The whole experience was pretty surreal. We won the contest that Thursday and was in NYC that Friday night. I didn't believe my girlfriend at first because it was just some random Facebook thing that she liked and shared. I was sure it was a scam until we actually had our tickets in hand.
https://imgur.com/FRLyow7 Me with Karmin in the SNL studio https://imgur.com/NHBnPi8 Me with the infamous 4chan times square cardstand. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/nyc-cardstand-earthcam-trolling-i-ll-be-there-in-30-minutes
This brought back some nice memories. I just wanted to share my experience.
It's a good day for Andy Samburg in /r/videos