Nick Vujicic's Top 10 Rules For Success (@nickvujicic)

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Every single human being has value and my value is not determined on how I look or what job I have. You know, so many people put me down and say Nick you look too weird and no one's really a friend and you can't do this and you can't do that. And for three months he would chase after me and say Nick go speak, go speak, go speak and I said no, no, no, no, and finally he twisted my arm, I said yes. You're going to take three seconds I'm going to tell you something discouraging but then you may never forget my words. - He's an Australian, Christian, Evangelist, and motivational speaker. He was born with a rare disorder which left him without any arms or legs. He founded Attitude is Altitude, a secular motivational speaking company. He's Nick Vujicic and here is my take on his top ten rules for success. Number two is my personal favorite and make sure to stick around all the way to the end for some special bonus clips. (beat) - Every single human being has value and my value is not determined on how I look or what job I have, or where I'm from or where I was born, how much money, all that stuff is nothing. So many teenagers you know, tease each other for how we look and I tell the teenagers "Do you think that I'm cool enough to be your friend", they're like "Yeah of course." Said "But I have no arms, no legs." They said "Doesn't matter." I said "Really so it doesn't matter that I have no arms, no legs?" They said "No it doesn't matter." I said "Then actually if it doesn't matter, then why do we kill each other with our words if it actually doesn't matter? Why do we look ourselves in the mirror and see ugly instead of valuable?" Want to ask you today, what are you looking for? If I gave you a billion dollars, would you be happy? If you gave me a billion dollars, I'd be very happy. (laughter) But then if my mum dies tonight am I happy? No, with all the money in the world I'd never be happy. Right cause money is something that cannot heal the soul. You know so many people put me down and say Nick you look too weird and no one's really friend and you can't do this and you can't do that. And I couldn't change anything. It's not like just fixing my hair one day and everything's fine. It's not like you know just whatever, I couldn't change my circumstance. I couldn't just one day wake up and say hey give me arms and legs, I need arms and legs. You know what I mean like ... I went to a body builder you know and said can you make me some arms and legs, it's no joking. (laughs) Body builder you get it? (laughter) Right, so here's the thing, you know I go up to people can you give me a hand, you know just joking. (laughs) But it was so hard because people put me down and I started believing that I was not good enough. I started believing that I was a failure. That I'd never ever be somebody who people would like or people would accept. And it was so hard man, I thought to myself you know I can't go on the soccer field like everybody else and I can't ride my bike and I can't skateboard and all these sort of things. And I started getting depressed. I thought what kind of purpose do I have to live I mean, are you just here to live to die? I mean, is there not a purpose for me? Is there not a purpose in life? And I had questions and no answers and I asked my mom and dad why did this happen? I asked doctors why did this happen and they don't know. There are some things in life that are out of your control that you can't change and you've got to live with. The choice that we have though is either to give up or keep on going. I want to ask you, what are you going to believe? Are you going to believe in yourself? You going to believe everyone elses judgment on you? Are you going to believe people when they say that you're a failure, when no one really likes you, no one really cares about you? It's not really to say that hey you need someone to come up and say hey really, I like you, I care about you. You know it's not that but it's the fact that people put you down. People don't even look you in the eye. People ask you how you are and you say fine but you're not find and they'll never know that. Life is life. Life is an interesting journey of ups and downs. But how that journey ends is up to you today. You see when you fall down and you feel like giving up, When times get tough, it's not the end. The question is, are you going to finish strong. The definition of a disability is something that will hinder you from being able to do something. I think though the greatest disability is not having no arms and no legs. The greatest disability is your mind, the choices that you make. The question is are you going to make the right choices? Are you going to make the choice to have your life in it's right perspective? Are you going to make the choice to get up instead of give up? Are you going to make the choice to dream big? There is no greater disability that we have in our life then to make the decision to give up. Because once you give up, then there is no hope. But until you give up, there is that hope. Do you think I'm going to love my son even though if he one day wanted to be a CEO and becomes a janitor at a college. Yeah, you want to know why? Cause a janitor changed my life. He was the first guy that said "Hey Nick, you're going to be a speaker." And I said "Mr. Arnold, you're a crazy old man." (laughter) I said "What am I going to speak about." He said "You're going to share your story." I said "I don't have a story." He said "Yes you do." I said "No I don't." He said "Nick you know what, you're here in high school. You got to go speak at that spiritual group." I'm like no way am I doing that. No way, I'm not speaking to those ten people. I'm not going to go to the Christian nerd section. (laughter) And for three months he would chase after me and say Nick go speak, go speak, go speak. And I said no, no, no, no, no. And finally he twisted my arm I said yes. (laughter) And I went there and I spoke for a couple minutes and I saw a girl crying and I'm like "Are you okay?" She said "Uh huh." (laughter) I said "What's wrong?" She says "Nothing." (laughter) I said "Why you crying?" She said "I was just touched." And I'm thinking, who touched her? (laughter) I tell you life is interesting. Life's a journey. See this phone here. Let's say that I want to go to the phone right? And I start from over here. Now to get to the phone, it's not like I'm going to start meditating and going hum right and float across the air right? That's not going to work. It's not like I'm going to go hum mm and woo, you know it's not going to work. So I have to take one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time. You can only take one step at a time. I don't care how big your step is, it's only one step at a time. You can't do two steps in one, you understand? So it's like one step at a time and you take steps in this direction, you take steps in that direction. Sort of get lost along the way and sometimes you fall down. To illustrate my point, I'm going to jump off the table do a back twist and land on the floor. Okay, is that cool, are you ready? - [girl in Audience] There's a clock there. - There's a clock there? Okay can you move the clock for a second please? Beautiful, beautiful all right. You ready, so are, are you guys ready? Just let me know when you're ready. (crowd agreement) Are you ready? Okay ready 1, 2 ... I'm joking man are you serious? Just put the clock back there. If I do that, I'll break my arm or something you know what I mean? (laughter) But honestly along the way you might fall down like this ready? (whistles) (boom) (laughter) (laughs) Hello. (laughter) So what do you do when you fall down? - [Audience] Get back up. - Get back up, everybody knows to get back up because if I start walking, I'm not going to get anywhere. (laughter) But I tell you there is sometimes in life where you fall down and you feel like you don't have the strength to get back up. You sort of put a mask on your face when you come to school and pretend that everything's okay when it's not and you go home and lay in your bed when no one's looking at you, when you don't have to impress anybody, and you're yourself. And fear comes in, you know the fear that you have as soon as you walk into the doors of your house maybe there's a broken home. Maybe you have doubt in your life. Maybe you don't know for sure what's going to be happening in the future and it scares you. Maybe you're worried about what people think of you, what people say about you. Just that fear paralyzes you and I just want to ask you today, do you think you have hope? Because I tell you, I'm down here, face down, and I have no arms, no legs. It should be impossible for me to get back up. I mean you go home and tie the legs and arms of your brothers and sisters and like push them down, and see how long it's going to take them to get back up. You know what I mean? You know you can tell them that you'll see them tomorrow, you know what I mean? (laughter) This is the thing, it should be impossible for me to get back up, but it's not. You see, I will try 100 times to get up and if I fail 100 times ... If I fail and I give up, do you think that I'm ever going to get up? No. But if I fail I try again and again and again, for as long as I try, there's always that chance of getting up, does that make sense? (audience affirms) And it's not the end until you've given up. And just the fact that you're here should persuade you that you have another chance to get back up. There's still hope. I'm not here today to tell you that I understand your pain. I don't know how it feels to be abused. I don't know how it feels to feel "fat" and you got an eating disorder. I don't know how it feels to have a broken home. I don't know how it feels but I know how it feels to have a broken heart. And I know how it feels to be alone. And I want you to know that I found my strength in Jesus Christ and you're going to find your strength in whatever you find it in. But I just want you to know that it's not the end. It matters how you're going to finish. Are you going to finish strong? And you will find that strength to get back up like this. (audience claps) My passion is to encourage people, To inspire people to be all that they can be. I found my purpose. I found my strength and I want you to find yours. Don't be afraid of failing. Every time you fall down, every time you fail, You learn something new. You're ready for the next one. You've learned how not to do something. Well then learn from it and move on. Leave what's behind and press forward. You can only win if you don't give up. Go for it, don't let anything hold you back. If nothing's holding me back, what's holding you back? I want to make sure that every single day that you are alive that you make it count and you take the sweeter choices of life that God has given you. Because I want to ask you right now, if this was your last thirty seconds to breathe, how would you be remembered? Were you a giver, encourager or were you a taker? Were you a bitter person? Did you encourage people to, in your actions, in your life did you help them or did you discourage them? Did you take that time to say hey how you doing and they look to the ground and say oh you know I'm okay. No look at me, how are you doing? We are here for one another. This is the ministry. This is Jesus. This is the light. And I want to tell you, I am sure if any one of us was at a road and there was a three year old kid in the middle of the street sitting down, playing with rocks in the street and a bus was coming and the bus was about to kill him, you have plenty of time to get up off your seat, go save that kid. Will you save that kid? Of course you will. You don't know his name, you're going to save that kid. You don't know his religion, you're going to save that kid. You don't know his sexual orientation, you're going to save that kid. Because why? We are the light and love and the bridge to Jesus Christ. We need to understand that's it's not just doing what we think we need to achieve or have. Some people think that things get easier when you get married, uh uh. Go talk to some married people. (laughter) Some single people are like, oh I'm not happy but I know I'm going to be happy when I get married. Dude if you ain't happy single, you ain't going to be happy married. Can he hear an amen? - [Congregation] Amen. - Yeah you guys already know it right, you could have told me that. So what do you want? How do you act? Who are you? Make today count. Dream big. And never give up. The world is a hurting place and the world needs hope and the world needs love. Without hope, we feel like why are we here? Well brokenness, here's mine. Today, I still have no arms, no legs, but everything's changed, everything. For me I was looking for hope and happiness and I couldn't see it for many years. In fact if this side of the table represents my hope, truth encourages me to become more than I can be. But then we have lies everyday, come into our mind, people who discourage us. You know the people that you have in your life who, no matter how good of a day you're having, they'll bring you down? Or no matter how bad of a day you're having, they'll bring you even lower. You know what I'm talking about? Think of the three biggest discouragers in your life. They're not your biggest discouragers, you are. You are. You're going to take three seconds for me to tell you something discouraging but then, you may never forget my words. I've met so many 50 year old women and 40 year old women who still remember what their father's told them, that they wish they never heard. Words are powerful. When you hear those words and then your mind starts growing with these lies, Nick you're not good enough. Nick just give up. Nick you're never going to get a job. You won't get married. You can't even hold your wife's hand. What kind of a father are you going to be if you can't even pick up your kids when they're crying. You're alone. Sure your parents hug you, but their hugs can't heal you. Just give up. Just give up. Just give up. Just give up. Just give up. At age eight I thought that I should commit suicide. Why because I didn't have hope. I thought I didn't have hope. Today you can see that I had hope. What's the word, believing in something you do not see? Faith. Words can only do so much. Hugs can do much more than words, but when hugs can't do anything, that's where faith kicks in. For me, words and hugs were not enough but I had no faith. There are times in life when you don't see the purpose or the good in your situation. But just because you can't see it, it doesn't mean it's not coming. Who goes to the train station, looks down the railway and says augh the train's not here, I'm leaving. You will wait for the train why? Because the schedule says that the train is coming. So just because you can't see the hope in your situation, it doesn't mean that it's not there. You see, many people think that I have only one foot, just cause you can't see the other one. I have gone from a life without limbs into a life with out limits. What about you? - [Nick] The world is a hurting place and the world needs hope and world needs love. My parents always taught me that even though we don't know why I was born this way, that we have a choice either to be angry for what we don't have or be thankful for what we do have. - I'm here in Slovenia. I am so amazed, the trains here are so so fast! Did you see that one? See that's what I'm saying it's so fast. (laughter) - Thank you so much for watching. I made this video because Max and GTSE asked me too. So if there's a famous entrepreneur that you want me to profile next, leave it in the comments below and I'll see what I can do. I'd also love to know which of Nick's top ten rules had the biggest impact on you and why. Leave it in the comments and I will join in the discussion. And finally I wanted to give a quick shout out to Karen Setia. Karen thank you so much for buying a copy of my book. It means a lot to me. For those of you watching, if you want your chance at a shout out in a future video, make sure to pick up a copy of the book and email in your receipt so we can keep track. Thank you guys so much for watching and continue to believe or whatever your one word is. And I'll see you soon. (loud swoosh) - Hi everyone, it's Nick Vujicic. You'll never believe what we're doing today. We're here in Dallas Fort Worth with American Airlines. We're doing something that I always entertained in my mind to try doing. And that's to dress up in a pilot's uniform and greet the passengers as they go on the plane, courtesy of Captain Glenn Thompson ... Captain Glenn Thompson what are we doing today? - Well Nick what we're doing is, we're fulfilling Nick's dream about being an airline captain. We're on flight 247 today from Dallas to LAX and we're going to have you up there greeting your passengers. And you're going to do inspirational, motivating talk to everybody and you are going to be the man today. (laughter) I am subordinate to you today sir. So you're the captain of this flight. I heard Nick had a dream to be an airline captain. I saw him speaking at Lakewood Church with Joel Olsteen and I saw him speaking and I actually brought tears to my eyes. And I said I can make that happen and American Airlines is the company to do it. And we're here today to fill your dream Nick, fulfill your dream. - I can't believe it's happening. - [pilot] That should work right? - Yeah, I think it's true. Welcome aboard. I'm your captain today, where you chit chat with. I'm trying out some new technology. Have a great day flight, and I'll talk to you soon. (laughter) - [pilot] All right captain. (laughter) Thank you captain Nick. - Bet you'll be flying with brain today. - [passenger] Oh really huh. - I've got some new technology we're trying out. - [passenger] How fun. - Yeah, welcome aboard. - Oh yeah you do that. - [passenger] I am from the same place as you. - Oh where you from? - [passenger] Near Zurich. - Near Zurich, well man I'm Aussie. - [passenger] You are then? - Yeah, what's more freak about me flying the plane? The fact that I'm Aussie or the fact that I have no arms or legs? - [passenger] You're an Aussie. (laughter) - I love it. I love it. You're awesome, here we are. - [passenger] Thanks man. - Bye man. (mumbles) - Take care man. - [passenger] Hey enjoy your flight. - Thanks cheers. - Hi how are you? - [passenger] How are you? - Good. - [passenger] A flight that you haven't been on before. - I'm actually going to be fly it then. - [passenger] Cool. - I'm the captain. Enjoy. (laughter) - Doing really well. Notice my palms are sweaty a little bit. I'll be flying the plane today. (laughter) - We're trying out some new technology. Today I'll be flying the plane, so uh yeah. - [passenger] That'd be fun. - [passenger] I'm excited. - Are you good. - [passenger] I'm kind of wired. - Me too. I'm a little nervous, my knees are shaking. (laughter) - [passenger] It's voice activated controls? - Brain waves actually. (laughter) - Home speaker above my head. (laughter) - Hopefully non of you get distracting me alright? (laughter) - We just boarded the whole plane. It was really funny, some people were like okay. Some were like uh, really? Like how are you controlling that? I was like brain waves, I have no idea. So cool, the kids were like what? Some people are just like cool, it was cool. When you were talking about the new technology, what did they say? - Just total, is this guy really safe to fly an airplane because he doesn't know what he's talking about. They were like set up. - Did they say that? Did they say that? - They're are like are you sure its ... You know that oh my God this guys going to take me into the air and he's telling me this funky stuff this ... It was funny. I love it. - It was great. Go get yours, thank you. All right good time. Lets greet the passengers. How was your boarding? It was a mutual on board as your captain wizard and that is the new technology that we have. We are your first captain without arms and legs flying the plane. We have some great new brain wave technology and just pray that I don't get too distracted. I think that it will be okay. Just do what I do, hold on with both hands, we'll be fine. Good morning guys, I'll be your-- - [passenger] Good morning. - Were you nervous a little bit when I told the news? - Yeah. - Tell me, what did you like, what did you want to do? Like oh my gosh. - Yeah I was really scared. - Ha ha. - Not of you the pilot but of the technology-- - [Nick] Oh the technology. - [passenger] Yeah. - [Nick] Yeah that's cool. - You think that American would pull it off that they get-- - There's no such technology that brain waves (mumbles) - [Nick] (mumbling) - Definitely don't force him. - How you all doing, how ya doing? - Can't complain. - Were you scared when I came up, you weren't? - No. - Were you a little bit? - No. - [Nick] Except your face (mumble) (laughter) - We're training. (laughter) - I thought it was new technology. - We have new technology, are you guys ready for that?
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 553,132
Rating: 4.8914237 out of 5
Keywords: business, success, advice, help, entrepreneur, how to, better, life, money, work, job, career, company, motivation, education, inspiration, Evan, Carmichael, nick vujicic, nick vujicic motivation, nick vujicic speech, motivational video, nick vujicic inspirational video, nick vujicic motivational video, motivational quotes, evan carmichael top 10 rules for success, evan carmichael top 10, evan carmichael motivation, evan carmichael
Id: bLnDRUrqDl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2016
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