EXCLUSIVE: Nick Vujicic UNLOADS On Israel Haters, Border CRISIS & Big Tech Threat | Erick Stakelbeck

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I mean you're talking to a limbless evangelist who's been cancelled who's had death threats I've also been cancelled off platforms and algorithms and being suspended and persecution of Christianity we ain't seen nothing [Music] yet hey everyone Eric stackle Beck here welcome to the stacks cast we're in a very special place the National Religious broadcast casters convention nrb for short in Nashville Tennessee with a very special man a very special friend the one and only Nick Voit Pastor author evangelist I can go on and on Nick hey man it is great to see you here in Nashville long overdue that we're sitting down and doing this I was going to say I watch you and I commend you and praise God for your show and God bless you and your team and TBN thanks for having me here it's wonderful to see you again and welcome to Texas hey man we were just talking about this folks Philadelphia Eagles fan Nick here in America that's tough moving to Dallas Cowboy Country but it was a great move and I'm glad I did it and we're neighbors Now sort of we are neighbors we neighbors just down the street love you God bless you all you too brother we got a lot to unpack here let's start with an issue that's near and dear to your heart and my heart Israel yeah I think it's a perfect way to start you met with prime minister Netanyahu not too long ago correct in Israel amazing meeting there you've shared about that uh Israel again is near and dear to heart as you see everything unfolding right now there and in the region what's on your heart about Israel right now and what are your thoughts on everything happening there you know I I not only do we pray and fast for these hostages to come back and and for peace in the Middle East but also to see Justice according to the Bible to let Israel have the land uh that God has given them the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob this is uh higher than religion this is higher than two states or or whatever else everyone else is talking about I think the world right now has Sound by Titus everyone's hearing sound bites especially the young people they don't really understand what's really going on they don't know the history they're just repeating what someone else said the Tik Tock generation it's unprecedented and very very scary God willing me and my wife and my four kids we're going to Israel to be with Netanyahu again speak to the IDE speak to every single School via live stream do some things there with Israel 365 probably come to the TBN Studio probably there over there I know you got one there too absolutely we just want to encourage all the Jewish people that we stand by Israel uh we stand by God uh that mandate to to to courageously in full humility call a spade to Spade this is a terrorist organization there's Bunches of them out there and I I was reminding everyone here I did a couple interviews today last time I came to nib I was speaking at Israel 365 this is pre October 7 I introduced you actually you did that's right that's right and you remember how fiery I was oh you were the highlight of the event it was fiery oh yeah and I got the rabbis to stand and I apologized that America was not really standing with them I mean on the outside we could say that America and the Christians are the greatest allies but actually apologize because we did nothing the West did nothing the UN the United nothing did nothing when um when when Netanyahu was talking about nuclear stuff in Iran no one did a thing anyway I don't want to go too deep into this but I want to stay on this level and say it this way it's devastating it's devastating um not just how the the next generation is perceiving all of this but I have Fe I have fear actually that America may not actually stand with Israel until we finally get our part of 10,000 bombs going off I mean after this Ramadan I think it's going to be dicey I really do um and and and it's a terrorist organization and the organizations they're in that have a saying kill the Jews on Saturday kill the the other people the other Christians Sunday we've all heard it and it's it's something that needs to stop this evil needs to stop it's about powers and principalities of Darkness because of propaganda that's fake and so all I want to end on this is this pray for America pray that America returns pray that America repent in fact me and my team uh got a permit established at Washington DC monument at Lincoln Memorial steps for America returns day where we're going to talk about human trafficking in Texas 2,000% Human Trafficking has gone up in the last 36 months 2,000% I'm not joking it doubled the Triple A lot of that related to The Border crisis the Border crisis is crazy it's all got to do with the Border crisis and America buying it but what's interesting is we need to repent we haven't had many churches to even show us what a 14-year-old young Christian looks like today that's growing in uprightness in righteousness in maturity in memorization of scriptures you ask any4 when was the last time you've seen pornography but no youth pastor has actually been appointed to be a real Shepherd to the Next Generation if we can't show a maturing strong 14year old Christian today in our church in America pre big terrorism attack coming and Devastation and food security and the chips on our hands we're going to see some people who will not go to heaven because they were cowardly wow Revelations 218 and so we got to be careful and get back up and say you know what we need to count the cost of Truth and stand no matter what because if you want to save your life you'll lose your soul it's the other way this is the time of persecution on America we ain't seen nothing yet but man pray that we repent pray that we stand with Israel and pray that the current Administration and the UN don't stab Israel in the back ey yeah I know we want to talk about the pro-life Bank all the great work you're doing Nick but one last question what are the consequences of America turning against Israel biblically biblically I mean you're the end it's it's the end it's the end of civilization it's the end of the Christian church that there is no reason to not believe that we'll maybe potentially lose four generations I mean you're talking to a limbless evangelist who's been cancelled who's had death threats by radical islamists that were boycotted by radical islamist that had a grenade at my house as well on a spying drone but also canceled out of a bank here in America because I'm so conservative H it's amazing America the land of the free the home and the Brave and you're like oh man like it's upside down inside out so it's not good and Nick I think you hit on it it's a spiritual battle at the end of the day and we live in times where good is called evil and evil is called good as the prophet Isaiah laid out we want to talk a bit about your personal story for anyone who maybe hasn't heard about Nick's personal story is amazing testimony but first why don't we get into the pro-life Bank yeah because you just brought it up people might say a bank prolife yeah what happened to Spur you on to making this decision to starting a prolife bank a lot of it has to do obviously with cancel culture again right here in America yes so look since 2018 a friend of mine knew that all banks philanthropically gave to plan Parenthood she had a a a clinic giving abortion determined women the chance to choose life and seven out of 10 did do so so in Santa Barbara where she was at every Bank every Credit Union proudly announced when she called them yes we give to plan Parenthood so every major Bank essentially Nick in the United States is giving to Planned Parenthood I think that will blow people's minds watching but we saw what happened when roie Wade turned around and Chase Bank got a megaphone out and said we'll pay for your abortion and we'll pay for this and we'll pay for that so now it's not such a new kind of thing um but I did get cancelled that the bank did not um want to talk to me I got a letter saying that we reviewed who you are as a customer go find another bank this is in California uhhuh April 2019 April 2019 just out of the blue you get this letter oh no no like first they froze my credit line my accounts my personal my banking my credit you know how you normally get like three numbers I had one triple digit number which was 200 points below and I had dashes dashes I said what's a dash they said we can't talk to you I said what do you mean you can't talk to me they said a letter is coming I said how do you expect me to do anything without a bank account and these Christians who are building up these things and what church can function without a bank today what Ministry functions without a bank today what anybody any doing anything can do anything and this was without warning account Frozen no apology we got a letter the next day and he said reviewed who you are as a customer go find another bank you got 30 days if you don't find another bank success uh we're going to take your cash we going take your cash and I'm like what is going on so anyways at that time where my co-founder Betsy gray who was uh telling me about God wanting her to start a bank that does give uh toward life and godh honoring nonprofit organizations and he chose the name prolife bank now we're not a bank today uh but prolife bank.com has all the information there we're going step one into being a fintech which every Bank really is a fintech it's a digital face with a Charter Bank that will not cancel you for your conservative beliefs will they eventually be brick and mortar Banks we will have a couple we will have a couple that's the plan but we just people are we have 40,000 people knocking on our door saying when are you opening when are you opening so this August 2024 prif fintech is opening and so thank you for your prayers and your love Yeah folks you see the URL there on your screen yeah check it out August 2024 that's right around the corner Nick it's just around the corner uh I'm encouraged by what you're doing in response but I'm so disturbed by what you're sharing and hey this was 5 years ago almost correct it's even more intense now it it is so intense like we know giant Ministries that are sponsoring orphans a billion dollars worth of transactions for Orphans around the world they're telling me the CFO is like we're going to get canceled Billy Graham Evangelical Association got canceled from a bank they're like like well we were going to start our bank but if you're going to start yours we're going to make basically a Christian Bankers Association Eric we're going to need everyone to go all in with us and like-mindedness if we don't unify The Remnant now it'll be too late so we're excited about this so true man and I think of the hot button issues that Banks would cancel someone for the gender Madness abortion what are some of the other issues I gu the Israel pro Israel for sure look I was awarded by Facebook the number one Facebook page in 2013 and that's when I met seven presidents spoke in front of five governments preach the gospel to 300 million people throughout Ministry nickv Ministries we actually have a booth here you have four booths here we have four Bo Nick got a little bit of everything going on we got a Min Man For All Seasons That's it Nick B Ministries uh.org uh you'll see um our our ministry's goal it we've actually reached one in 10 Souls with the gospel so far one in 10 and uh in the next 5 years we're reaching another billion with 37 country preachings and all that I was just in Kenya we had a wonderful time with the first lady again um you're just getting started man and we 42 years old it is it's huge it's huge made this new season in your life giant big but what's interesting is this apart from the commissioning that the Holy Spirit gave me at age 19 to preach the gospel to all mankind um which I really believe I mean we we we we're going for it right we got it now more than ever we got it um I've also been cancelled of platforms and algorithms and and banning and and and being suspended and and so we also have another booth called nickv Network and so for digital content that's secure from server as well you know AWS Microsoft aour all these like n they they're going to eventually switch us up Facebook's going to switch off churches Instagram is no longer going to exist in 5 years mark my words um but but God's positioned me where I've been canceled off YouTube I've been canceled off Tik Tok I've been cancelled and bullied by Instagram and Facebook and Nick you're not like it's not like folks Nick voic is some Fringe character I mean you're a best-selling author many times over evangelist motivational speaker worldwide meeting with heads of state and my fingerprints are clean like we're good exactly on a regular basis and yet you're getting cancelled what does that mean for the rest of us if they can do it to Nick folks they can do it to you yeah yeah persecution of Christianity we ain't seen nothing yet and uh so after these four companies we'll be launching another six companies so I'm a Serial entrepreneur we'll call it good at 10 uh I like that is serial entrepreneur serial entrepreneur we're really excited um and so nickv Network multitud to translate stuff like you like uh there are some networks actually translating stuff with with AI but human proof so multitude uh is something big so just digital ecosystems Financial ecosystems against the cancer culture that's kind of where we're positioned right now we could talk more about your cancellation and you can't cancel Nick vuic folks uh so it didn't work ultimately you're just going another direction we can talk more about the particulars there drones and some Madness uh that went on but before we expand on that you're kind of in this Tech realm as well as a seral entrepreneur yeah just a quick question on this a lot of our viewers ask questions about this and voice concerns AI you mention it the rise of artificial intelligence how do we as the body of Christ approach this we don't want to be fearful of this new very prevalent technology how can we utilize it can we utilize it to advance the gospel 100 million per. um look that that's kind of what we we we've realized is same same kind of um I would say discussion people had 20 years ago when the internet became a little bit more popular and iPhones and then iPhones and now social media when that all came up same kind of question guess what it ain't going anywhere internet ain't going anywhere social media as a concept not going anywhere and and we got to embrace it right so all these other people especially on the dark side uh with with with very negative agendas um with persecution in their sides um we we got to use it to our advantage and so it's one thing to translate the Bible text it's another thing to also translate sermons that don't add or subtract from the gospel as well to give a good interpretation as well and so even your show our podcast whatever we got going on it's important like Netanyahu uh he should be translated in 3 36 languages every single time he opens up his mouth and not just rely on AI because there will be machine learning to a point where Google searches will be corrupt AI machine learning brings in more AI machine learning it's a very scary situation but you can't run away from it embrace it use it for God's kingdom but what there's got to be ways there is there got to be some great Minds Christian Minds out there right now in the tech space you're one of them of course in your in your team who are trying to figure out ways to utilize AI for the kingdom and we are we are there's a group of us we're not the only ones so the remnant Eric The Remnant is awake yeah we know what's going on we know too much we've seen too much to unsee it and and the remnant will go and shine and those who don't speak those who will close their doors at the next pandemic or not know what to do and almost choke on their vomit asking themselves why did we not grow our own food I think food security is the next big thing coming up too many people made money from Co that's coming back again and uh I didn't even know if there's going to be an election this year to tell you the truth I don't know what the heck this year looks like very uncertain but we got to wave the Jesus flag more than the Trump flag because we need God more than anything else there are no political Solutions here it's a at the end of the day it's a spiritual battle it's a spiritual battle and the good news is God Almighty still sits on the throne he's in control and if you're obedient you're going to be okay that's right and he might and he may even use you he will imagine and if God can use a man without arms and legs to be his hands and feet to stand in front of the gates of hell and redirect traffic then God can use any willing heart you know learn try ask God God how do I make that bridge how can I help Israel how do I learn about what Eric and Nick seem to to know it's all out there you just got to find it yeah Nick this is a perfect segue into look there may be someone watching right now who doesn't know your story many people know your story clearly they might be saying this guy is amazing he's powerful he's anointed he doesn't have arms and legs give us your background born without arms and legs give us a little bit about your background which was always easy growing up in Australia right coming to the Lord becoming a powerful evangelist worldwide how did you get here praise God look I I was born to Serbian migrants uh my mom was six when she left refugee camps to Australia fleeing communism regime in 1962 and my dad was 15 in 1969 his family left refugee camps to go to Australia my mom and dad met I'm their firstborn son uh a brother and sister born after me I'm the only one without limbs there's no medical reason as to why I was born without limbs um my mom was used by God to change the law in the State Education Department of Victoria in 1989 to allow special needs children to be integrated into school and then I learned how to write and type with my foot become independent became really good at mathematics it was something that I could uh uh compete in and play chair um and uh unfortunately though I went through depression for about 5 years suicidal at age 10 I attempted my 2-year predetermined suicide attempt trying to drown myself in my bathtub and as I'm turning over trying to inhale water and choke myself um I saw in my mind my mom and my dad crying out my grave wishing they could have done something more and I didn't want to lead them with that pain I finally gave my life to Jesus Christ at age 15 I went to church I just had to go to church my dad was the pastor and so you had no choice you had to go to church how did that happen though you're 15 you come to the Lord many people in your position may have said why me God why I did for years you know I did and I didn't even I hated him for 5 years I didn't even talk to him it was when I read John chapter N A man was born blind and no one knew why he was born that way and it was done so that the works of God would be revealed through him and uh Jesus spits in the dirt puts the mud on his face and the dude sees now imagine if I'm blind and then I hear someone spitting in the dirt I would resist what Jesus wants I would ask him questions before I trust him and it's funny how we are as human beings God tell me the plan and then I will tell you if I trust you right what's interesting is we just focus on the physical it's four layers Eric it's actually four layers your soul needs saving your mind needs renewing which is the daily bread of his word his holy spirit right turning away from sin turning towards what God has for you healing broken hearts though so many saved Christians are going to their grave with broken hearts because we don't know counseling we don't ask our 13year olds have you been sexually abused we go to church we have a social Gathering and no one's healing anybody's heart because no one actually knows how to do Christian counsel that's why Nick B Ministries actually has a counseling caregiver training to certify Counseling in churches now we're soed oh my postco era a generation of kids destroyed one out of three girls have been raped one out of three girls by ag7 one out of five boys have been raped in America by age 17 no one's talking about the PTSD of abortions no one's talking about addiction to pornography everyone's talking about human trafficking but the heads of denomination are actually refusing in pornographic addiction Bible studies no we can't do that why cuz they would have to start with some leadership people first and some difficult questions and self accountability and repentance it's amazing so counseling is huge right and then the fourth thing is commissioning the Saints when was last time a pastor told to the church said to the church we're going to teach you how to preach the gospel in 3 minutes and share your testimony are we not all part of the Great Commission Now look that's the Evangelist speaking out that's the holy spirit so that's that's the four layers so for me I got saved at age 15 all right I said God if you got a plan for a blind man you got a plan for me I don't need to know you're plan but just don't waste my pain use my pain give me arms and legs and I'll worship you and if you don't give me arms and legs I'll worship you because I need my soul saved more than arms and legs age 17 I was a student government body leader at my high school did a speech the genetic says you're a Christian I said uh-huh said you are going to be a speaker and you're going to go all around the world I'm like you're crazy he organized my first speech and I'm like what do you want me to share and he said your story and I said I don't have a story he said yes you do so the gender of my high school set that up and then at age 19 I became an ordained minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 2002 and bought the URL www.7 billions soul.com W and that's only the beginning that was the the very beginning I that's the cliffnotes version that's a short version of your testimony and then I moved out to California from Australia 20 years ago uh nickv Ministries now we're based in Dallas and uh we only have a St for like 16 and so we're really excited yeah this is this is the best decade of my life man yeah wife four kids never thought I'd get married how did that happen oh my God God is so good I thought to myself even if I got married I can't even hold my wife's hand you know uh Kan and I we just celebrated our 12th anniversary congratulations thank you we have four children and we also feel God wanting us to adopt a child uh so we'll be adopting a baby God willing a year from now something like that and um we we I'm the shortest one one in the home it was love at first sight uh we met in mcken that's where we kind of Texas not far from Dallas and uh yeah I looked at her she looked at me couldn't feel my legs and got to know her and at that time though she had a boyfriend oh no and if there's anyone out there who's looking for a good book to still believe that true love is out there check out Love Without Limits we co-wrote a book to inspire people to not give up on God and not give up in true love that boyfriend didn't have a chance if Nick vuic is his competition he didn't have a chance oh my gosh hey brother I love you oh you too man as we close so what's next for you as we close you got four booths here y you got the prolife bank you're speaking doing everything as we are in I believe in Bible times prophetic times what are you most excited about for your ministry and for the body of Christ chist number one I'm sounding the alarm to every Christian to wake up number two um we are going to start the largest philanthropic fund the world has ever seen 10 years from now we our goal is to inspire 200 million people to give $2 a day which is $146 billion a year and we will administer that build hospitals schools orphanages water vertical Farms the whole deal and actually have a Global Alliance of Conservative Christian nations who will have to divorce the United Nations Wow have to so this is kind of the the the direction we're all is that all such small goals it's such small I didn't set it and Nick vo.com to find everything Nick vo.com you got it.com there you go you see it all there's going own the internet soon so who I'm just going to Ste some stuff you should change it love you we love you man God bless brother thank you so much yeah thank you God bless we'll see you again [Music] soon
Channel: Erick Stakelbeck on TBN
Views: 189,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the watchman with erick stakelbeck, erick stakelbeck, the watchman, stakscast, staklbeck tonight, stakelbeck podcast, erick stakelbeck podcast, nick vujicic, nick vujicic podcast, erick stakelbeck with nick vujicic, erick stakelbeck interview, israel news, israel's haters, israel haters, pro israel podcast, tbn podcasts, tbn podcast, stakelbeck stakdcast, border crisis, nick vujicic testimony, israel, watchman newscast, erick stakelbeck the watchman, es37, e3s7, 3es7, 3e7s, 37es
Id: vrMGkEzZZrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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