Nick Einhorn on ITV1's Penn & Teller: FOOL US

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welcome back to fool us let's go white on a meet our next contender Nick Einhorn my name is Nick iron horn I've been performing magic professionally for the last 16 years ten years ago I was asked to ride a magic book for the public since then I've written a selection of books which luckily for me have sold over 500,000 copies all over the world what I love about magic is that moment of wonder that you can give to people and just make them concentrate on something which hopefully is so magical that it just blows their minds there's no specific area in which I specialize is kind of a jack of all trades master of none that's not good is it no the venue are at tonight hosts a magic night once every couple of months I'm going to be trying out what I hope to do on the night for Penn & Teller and this is a great opportunity for me to do it in front of a live audience [Music] just come off stage and things didn't actually go as well as I'd hoped something pretty important when horribly wrong actually I was pretty sure I was going to know this and I didn't and if that happens on the knife then that's it [Applause] [Music] thank you very much recent research has suggested that under pressure women make better decisions and men well this evening I'm going to put the power of a woman's intuition to the test I'm going to do that by choosing a woman completely at random from tonight's audience and as a lady just hear hi what's your name Karen Kat when you look random to me could you stand up for us I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and I want you to answer these questions impulsively and if your instinct is right and what we're about to do tonight whilst not impossible will be highly improbable okay now I've combined my two loves magic and food and behind me on my right hand side are three of my favorite dishes behind me here are three tables your first task is to decide which table to serve which dish to so let's start off with this dish here and would you like this served at table number one two or three tea table number two excellent now let's go back for the next one would you like this at table number one or table number three one one you want to change your mind thank you that's the okay one more one excellent all right that leaves the final one which has to go to table number three super now we need to find three hungry looking men from tonight's audience who are going to represent our diners for the next few moments so I'd like you to randomly choose any three men from tonight's audience if you would go ahead and point to anybody here this evening hi sir what's your name Jack could you stand up where you are please thank you that's somebody else your name sir is and you Daniel please stand up that's great and one more person and the guy over there in the Hat yes good all the way back here super your name say is Wayne Wayne gentlemen I'm going to ask you to join me if you need reading glasses please bring them with you as you come up we'll give you a name badge and a microphone everyone else will give you a huge round of applause [Music] [Music] okay [Music] Catherine we've got some more decisions to make here you have to choose which of these envelopes blue red and yellow each of these guys get so let's start with Daniel should he get the blue the red or the yellow envelope red the red envelope for Daniel so Daniel if you could take hold of that for me thank you very much and what about the blue envelope jack or Wayne Wayne Wayne gets the blue envelope which Jack leaves you with the yellow envelope would you like to swap any of the envelopes around the yellow and the red yeah bugger okay do you think Wayne looks like a man who should be sitting at Table one two or three to go sit at table number two please Wayne what about Jack the rain go sit at table number three and Daniel you have to go table number one you have the longest to walk thank you very much now before they get too comfortable do you want to switch them around maybe change the men's order at all no okay then your job is done let me just confirm a couple of things first of all I chose you completely at random from tonight's audience you place those mills those plates down on the table in any order you wanted and you could have changed your mind then you chose three random men from tonight's audience and then you gave them an envelope and you could have changed the order in fact you did then you sat them down in this order and even when I ask you to change your mind if you wanted to you said no you're happy with the order they're in yeah your intuition led you to this point in time and this is what it's all been about gentlemen could I ask you to open your envelopes please inside your envelopes W a message your message for each of you I'm gonna start off at table number one and ask you please Daniel slowly and clearly to read your message a man by the name of Daniel will be asked to sit at table number one where he will be served chicken tikka masala and pilau rice well hang on just a moment because from one of these people you did pick a man called Daniel who's sitting at table number one let's see if you served in the right mill your message Wayne will be instructed to see table number two where you'll be served burger and fries well again Wayne is sitting at table number two but has he got a burger on fries yes [Music] which leaves you at table number three would you please slowly and clearly read your message which leaves tax the thing at table number three well enjoy a pizza this is Jack this is table number three and this is a [Applause] No I'm poor night [Applause] wonderful staff hungry well I am a bit I can smell the food it so that was good that was remarkable and I'm not particularly good with numbers that an add up and stuff but I know every time you add something and you give them a multiple choice or something the permutations get bigger and bigger and bigger so they were probably if you think there were three initially Charles and then the three had the three almost makes a billion there's thousands if not hundreds of permutations that could have gone any which way yes okay let's find out what Penn & Teller think look at that pencil swinging his leg and tell it's kind of given up I think frankly he's not you okay what do you think if we believe that your audience selection was really random then it took a while to get the people up on stage at that time may not seem like much to a lay person but dual magician that seems like enough time for you to very clearly have in your head the people's names and of course you already know what the food is gonna be and there's the three tables and then she gave them the envelopes that then you asked her if she wanted to change her mind and she did and then with things completely out of your hands they switched the envelopes the guys did without you touching them locked over the table and you gave them another chance to switch and she didn't but she could have and then they opened up the envelopes and it had not just the food on it but the names of the guys which you knew you asked them but it was at the right table with the right food and she switched them over here without you touch that's all a person that is a remarkable trick [Applause] we're very close to a century of combined knowledge of magic tell these huge magic library in Las Vegas we are able to work together and talk back and forth with a sketchpad and with that information we were fooled [Applause] [Applause] not a clue I mean if you put a gun to my head and said take a guess how did he do it I would say tell my family I love it [Applause] when it's time to disappear for another commercial waver do come back for more magic then you could shake any number of ones that season [Applause]
Channel: Nicholas Einhorn
Views: 461,192
Rating: 4.7745385 out of 5
Keywords: Nick, Einhorn, Fool, Us, Penn, Teller, Episode, Part
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2011
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