Nice win THEN an even nicer win! Back to back wins in $5,000,000 SPECTACULAR California Scratchers

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hey there everyone joining us got up coming back at you with a couple $20 five million dollar spectacular California scratchers I have two little friends helping me up one is a Mercury dime and one is a ruse about if I can get them to show you the mercury is a 1935 time and the Roosevelt is a 1954 I think okay it is silver so the Mercury dime is what came before the rusev up the backs are similar not the same but similar anyway Lady Liberty with her wing cap so I'm gonna use her to help out let me put one ticket aside and grab one ticket to utilize and let's see if we can find something okay first I'm gonna see if I can find in a multiplier so let me go through here and see what we can discover well I think this is a winner because we already had two of the same number and that is very telling who's just recently talking about how I'd like to get one of those whether it means much yet we don't know it could be something big to be something small but it's gonna be a winner I can almost guarantee that so Lady Liberty seems to be helping us let's continue 37 see if we can find a couple more of the same numbers and and we would know fairly sure 5:38 I'm not seeing a whole bunch more I'm sorry my thing gets in the way a little bit for you 3:41 I'm not seeing anymore there we go there's another one let's hope it's not a dollar under each one probably isn't but a little cynical sometimes on some of these scratchers the way they strategize to make it seem like one thing in that's another little psychological warfare on us ticket players 27:43 4639 36 22 that's a 126 and make you wait just a little bit with us and we are going to see if there's anything else down here me and my dramatic pauses so we need three of a kind down here to make the win I thought nose I'll do these kind of quick so we can get back up to the top I'm not seeing any triple matches which is what we need that being said let's see what we can do to find the matches and how many there are okay first one is gonna be 13 I don't see a 13 18 I don't see um 1837 I think there's a 37 yeah there's one here so there is a 37 24 there's a 24 right there 44 I see 24 not 44 45 that's 45 hope there's an 11 there's the 11 you are hiding from us okay so you get a couple of them let's see what is gonna be underneath these and see drum roll and first one is gonna be small zeros all right you got a $10 on that one let's see if we can continue more times would be nice another $10 we might actually have ourselves a decent little lunar here but let's see and we got another 11 will do the 11th another $10 okay this is a decent ticket so we got 10 10 10 is there another 11 I don't think there is we have let's see what's next 18 a 37 37 is right here little zeros another $10 I'm guessing it's gonna be a $50 ticket but let's see there's no other 37 is there a 24 and there is yep and 10 bucks so I don't think there's a 44 or 45 and see but there is the 11 yeah if I can see here 10 10 10 10 and that's 50 bucks that's not too bad for a $20 ticket we spent 40 bucks on two tickets so we will be ahead of this game for sure so let me put this winner to the side and grab ticket number two okay so let's again see if we can find a multiplier or a multitude of the same number that would be ideal come on Lady Liberty okay we got 26 [Music] 16:23 2442 28 that's 23 2136 346 38 39 33 and [Music] hide in there 14 13 you got number 4 last row 17:25 remember dose 41 and number 12 okay let us go to the number bar and see if we can find a match for one of these and make ourselves another one a ticket 32 ICU 42 you don't see you 32:28 no 28 oh there is a 28 I'm almost about to walk over it so we do have another winner let us continue see if we find some more matches now back to back hits whatever it is it's still a good couple tickets there's the 11 that this got us on the previous ticket 33 there is a 33 all right this is looking promising 38 is another 38 15 I don't see that so looks like we got our matches I think it is so let us wait sorry I gotta make you wait I gotta make you wait let me go down to the bottom just to see I'll be quick about it I also want to see what is under there but I want to see if there's anything else just in case hiding down below so I'll do it quick if I can keep my fat knuckles out of the way apologize it's not always easy to get my hand turn and get these the claws of mine out of the way we need a triple match down here I'm not seeing anything last couple and we will go back up and check out our matches hey we did have another one so there's 20 bucks here hmm that's not bad so I'm trying to do the math to my head what it could be I don't know so here's a 20 so we got the money back on the ticket down there all righty so there's 20 bucks now let us come back up to our match numbers and see what we can uncover I just gotta refine which ones are which so the first match and see is 32:28 so 28 and 28 and let's see what we got little zeros 20 bucks rockin and rollin nice one that's what I like to see 20 bucks okay gotta find another match and that was 33 was it 38 oh there it is my hand was right next to it sorry 33 so this one is going to be little zeros and another 20 bucks looking good we might have another $100 ticket here that wouldn't be sweet so 33 next is 38 20 bucks rockin okay so it's 20 40 60 80 and we have see a 39 39 is I think oh there it is again can't see it's right next to the 38 which makes sense throws a hand 20 bucks all right so all right give myself the giggles here two decent tickets back to back on this and I think that was it was there another one 37:15 39 was it not 37 no 15 so we got one two three four matches there that's 20 40 60 80 and $20 down here denied ones so that's a hundred bucks and then we got another ticket here which we just did which was 10 20 10 20 30 40 and 50 so that being said that's a hundred and fifty dollars returned we spent 40 bucks that's a profit of one hundred and ten dollars I'm going to put our Lady Liberty here our Mercury dime who helped out and made these two tickets very decent tickets again made ourselves 110 bucks profit that's the way to do it nonetheless we thank you very much for stopping by if you like what you see hit the like button you should subscribe and that way you can stay current with all of our videos once again thanks much for stopping watching our videos we will see you next time
Channel: Jonius Gato's Lotto Scratchin'
Views: 268,547
Rating: 4.2733526 out of 5
Keywords: California Scratchers, California Lottery, Lottery, Lottery Scratchers, Lottery Tickets, 2018 Lottery, Scratch Tickets, Numismatics, Coin Collecting, U.S. Silver, Mercury Dime, Roosevelt Silver dime, Winning Lottery, winning lottery tickets, Calottery, scratchers, scratch off lottery, scratcher tickets, gato, winning lottery, prize, bullion, lottery scratch off tickets, scratchcards
Id: dGW2KboMXvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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