Nextcloud Using Windows Client Software

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in this video we're going to teach you how nexcloud operates on your computer now the one i have in front of me here is a windows computer the apple works very much the same way you're going to have an icon in the case of windows at the bottom in the case of next apple will be at the top this icon right here if you right click on it and by the way that icon changes a little bit depending on what next cloud is doing at any given moment we're going to right click on that and we're going to choose settings now in settings you see a bunch of files and folders and most of them have check marks next to them the ones that have check marks are the ones that we want to synchronize with the server so you see this one that says junk i don't have that checked because i just drop stuff in there that i plan on deleting at some point in time and i don't want it synchronized up to the server now on your computer you're going to see this little next cloud icon which is a folder itself and when i click on that you see all of these files on the right hand side these are in fact the very same files that next cloud shows in its application except these are the ones living on your computer i can go in and start deleting files here i can't do that on this other side here this is just showing me what's being synchronized now you've got a lot of other folders in your computer like documents pictures downloads desktop none of those are going to be synchronized by default now you can add them by default they're not going to be synchronized only those things you drop inside the next cloud folder are going to be synchronized so best practices for you is not to rely on your com your systems your computer's default folders and adding those to next cloud best practices to create the folders that you want to sync with the server in this next cloud folder and know that anything in there is going to be grabbed with the one exception is over here if you do in fact uncheck it from that those things that are being synchronized okay now in here if you wanted to add other folders on your computer and have them sync to the server you could choose this add folder sync connection in which case you could then browse to your local computer pick documents or some other local folder and add it and they would in fact be synchronized up to the server as well but again i'm going to recommend against that it just confuses things then you don't know what's being backed up and what's not being backed up without checking in next cloud using this other method you always know anything in there is being synchronized unless unless you've asked it not to be now there's a big advantage in using nexcloud in fact more so than even some of most of the paid cloud drive alternatives you end up with redundancy so everything in your next cloud folder of course lives on your local computer the actual file really lives here it's not a placeholder of a file it is the whole file a lot of the cloud services that you'll sign up for they give you a placeholder and only when you double click it does it get downloaded from the server that's not the you don't have any safety net in using it that way here you have the whole file locally then you have next cloud synchronizing it to your server so you get a full copy of the file in two separate locations so if either one of those locations blow up you've still got the other now in addition to that your company should have a backup running on the server which typically will take your file structure off-site giving you yet a third layer of redundancy so a lot of protection using a product like nexcloud with your compumata server now let's talk a little bit about these unresolved conflicts that you see popping up over here that's why the icon is currently also that color and that icon will change from that to green and a few other things depending on what it's synchronizing it'll change to a couple of arrows but in this case i'm going to take a look at these unresolved conflicts and we'll click on this first one and it tells me we have conflicting versions for whatever reason however that happened it's not sure whether we want to keep the one that's local or the one that lives on the server well the one that's local nine times out of ten maybe more than that although is the one that you've edited last so i'm going to keep the local version and then it starts synchronizing again you see the icon changes you get a green check mark here until it discovers another conflict and we'll you know take a look at one of those tell it the local version again keep local version now i haven't resolved any of my conflicts for a while i just haven't paid any attention to it so it is i've got a dozen or so of those conflicts in there so it's going to keep hitting me with these every time it comes up to the next one but that's what that is it's very easy to resolve uh the majority of the time you just click that and move on and that's it thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed you
Channel: CompuMatter, LLC
Views: 2,855
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Id: mFeUp3T0Jio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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