How to Connect Nextcloud to Windows Desktop

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hi in this video i'm going to be showing you how to set up your next cloud to connect to your windows machine so the first thing we're going to do is log in to next cloud and i'm going to log into the next cloud server which you log into plus control panel so you want to log in to your next cloud instance and i have my next cloud instance installed on but i can also access it by clicking the next cloud button and i can get an overview of what's going on and i see there is an update and i'm not going to update the version right now but i'm just going to go ahead and log in and so what you can do is you can click these icons to download the client so i'm going to click the windows icon and it's gonna install and show me the page for downloading the desktop version so i'm gonna click windows 8.1 plus and this is what it's going to look like in your taskbar so it's going to have all the activity all the files and everything and so we're going to open up the installer click next and just click next and click install and then it's going to ask you to verify it um and allow it microsoft's going to last that so that's just going to it takes a second to pop up come on there we go click yes and while we're doing that i'm going to go ahead and log into my next cloud instance and i'm going to just log in using this button right here it has finished i'm going to click launch next cloud it's going to ask me to restart my computer i'm not going to do that right now i'll restart it later so i'm going to click no and now i'm logged into my next cloud instance and now that it has been installed you'll get an icon right here that says nexcloud i think you can also see it down here and it's this icon icon right here so let's go ahead and open up the next cloud app and when you open it up it's going to give you the screen and we're going to click log into your next cloud so now we need to type in the link which the link is going to be so i'm just going to copy it and just click next [Music] it's going to open up this connection thing which is really cool um you're just going to click login and you're going to click grant access and now it's going to show account connected and you can now close the window and now it's going to say connect everything [Music] and it's going to say use virtual files instead of downloading content immediately i recommend this so it doesn't store the files actually on your um your pc so if you upload files you let's say you have a ton of data in your next cloud and you want to um you have a ton of data in your next cloud and you want to keep it online but you don't want to you also want to have it on your desktop but you don't want it taking up space this is what this does however if you want to synchronize everything um you can do that as well you can have it on your desktop and on the next cloud server i prefer to do this because i i'd rather just be on the next cloud and just have the virtual files so this is a little bit better because it saves disk space for your computer you can also choose what to sync and select specific files that you'd like to sync onto your desktop instead of choosing like you know using the virtual files you can you could be selective which is really cool but i'm just gonna use the virtual one and i'm gonna click connect so it's gonna start syncing everything and what's cool is it actually syncs everything you get the activity you get the talk all that stuff is synced and you have all these little cool i mean if you open it from here i think it just opens up the browser yeah so it just opens up the browser but still [Music] it has everything synced all the messages the events you could all search it right here so super powerful really great um to have this and then so we're going to open up the folder on the desktop that it exists in and here you can see the folder of what's in my next cloud so if i actually go to my next cloud and if i want to drop a file in there like this file i'm gonna go to files i'm gonna drop a file in there open the file up and there we go so it's in my next cloud server now and if i go to my next cloud open up the folder you're actually going to see the file sync so if we push refresh um photos no there it is so it's synced it downloaded it as a virtual file um and now i can access it so availability status available when online which is when this thing is running it's available on my desktop which is awesome because now i can access my cloud files on my desktop and vice versa i can also put things in that folder and they'll sync automatically to uh next cloud i'll show you what i mean by that so if i open up this folder i want to drag a file in there so let's drag drag this instagram analytics.javascript file don't know really what that is but it's a small file and we just give it a few seconds to sync um it should pop up here i think i might have to refresh the page though so let's just refresh the page there it is and there is the file that's awesome so now it's synced vice versa and you're good to go so now when you start your computer everything will be synced you can backup everything um to your next cloud server um and so if you let's say you want to remove this device or let's say you have employees that you add and users that you add that you connect all your employees to the next cloud server right you have your business going you have your employees they all have it synced if you go to settings and you go to security for you at least you can actually see it right here so this is the desktop and the name of the desktop and i can click this and i can revoke access which won't let it connect or i can wipe the device remotely so i can wipe the data which is awesome you can take away the data you know if you fire an employee or something hopefully not but you know things happen so you can revoke the access and wipe the data remotely which is cool and you can do that for other users as well so if you go to security i think you have to go to the employee and then you can wipe the data so if we went to like [Music] we went to users and we clicked on a user you'd be able to wipe the data from here so wipe all devices so if you had a user you'd see it right here you could just wipe all devices and that should do it as well and that will remove all the data so that's how you do it that's how you sync your next cloud server to your windows desktop i'll be doing a video on the mobile as well but thank you and if you do need a next cloud server you're interested in xcloud go ahead and check out root pal as we have a awesome next cloud server solution very cheap dedicated resources with a lot of storage space more than a lot of other companies offer so a lot of other companies will require you to have a a server or a virtual server and it gets a little costly when you start adding resources however we have some great plans here and if you're looking for a custom plan of a lot of resources you can also contact us directly email and we can work something out to get your next cloud server for you or your business and we also have a bunch of other tutorials as well thank you and hope to see you soon
Channel: Rootpal
Views: 12,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nextcloud, connect nextcloud, desktop nextcloud, nextcloud desktop, windows nextcloud, dropbox,, cloud hosting, cloud server, next cloud, next clod hosting, nextcloud setup, nextcloud desktop application, nextcloud desktop app
Id: z1TaKSSJbjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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