Nextcloud File Sharing: Internal and External

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hi there on this video we're going to teach you how to share files and folders from your Cloud Drive environment which is next cloud in the case of server matter with people in your company or even people outside your company so let's go ahead in the top left hand corner let me minimize myself here okay in the top left hand corner we have a folder called files might be an oxymoron but anyway we're going to click on that to start things off and this is where all of your folders and files would be located now I'm not going to assume you have anything in there we're just going to create a new folder for starters by clicking that plus sign and we'll call it my shares okay all right so we now have a folder called my shares and let's click inside of that let's um let's say I have a staff member called Oren which I do and let's say I have an outside client called Farmers Market which we're doing a website for so I do so one's an internal one's an external let's talk about how we'll handle that so Oren I click on the share icon on the right hand side search for share recipients well she already pops up because she's an employee but I've got other employees we'll get us but we are we are going to go it's Gabe it's given me an assist in this case because I've used her before but I'm going to go ahead and click on her name and she has been added to the share list for this particular folder I can also indicate what permissions she has on this folder so if I can allow her to edit create delete share download and so on I can also set an expiration date if I don't want orange to be able to get in here for more than a week I can click set expiration date and it will as of that point this will no longer be a shared folder I can add a note to the recipient thanks for joining this share okay and she'll get that note when she logs in okay and then I can unshare it just like that all right one more thing I want to mention on this is in the event that you do share in this case with Oren she is not notified via her email that that share has occurred that's left up to you and your own timetable so on the end in this case it's an internal Leak with the uh with not an internal leak an internal link if we click on the copy to clipboard we can then send her and anybody else an email at the same time letting them know that this folder has been shared is available with them now let's take a look at this other one I'm going to go ahead and uh and actually do that on share okay so now we'll look at the farmer's market this is an external person somebody from the outside world I want them to be able to drop files and folders in this environment we're going to once again click on the share icon and we have here something called a share link let's generate a share link okay link copied and there it is right there and we are going to now um talk about what rights this link has we're going to allow them to upload and edit um as opposed to just dropping in files does the opportunity for custom permissions which gives us a little bit further again the expiration date the ability to password protect it if we we wish to do so for the security anybody with the Lincoln is actually one of the advantages over OneDrive and Google Drive and and the others that are out there is we don't have to have a password and the user doesn't have to create an account if we have a client we want them to be able to add a photo or a file to a folder we're not worried about security at least from the standpoint is nobody else can get access to this folder unless they have the link that we sent them so the Public's not going to find it via a Google search nobody else is going to be able to find it so if it's not top secret information you just want your client to be able to easily add this to your your own server this is how that they could do that or we could password protect it and again set an expiration date and so on you see it generates a password we can use that or not we're going to leave that alone we're going to give them the rights to do all of these things and now let's go ahead and copy that to a clipboard and now we can email it to them put it in a messenger however we want to do I'm going to open up a very a totally different browser here so you can see how that would work so we're in Chrome right there we're going to get into Firefox I'm going to just paste the link that I just created for this share so you can see the user experience no files in here it's not it's an empty uh you can upload into this folder so now I'll go ahead and take one but let's go ahead and add a picture from my local computer all right let's say that I wanted to add this to the website and as you can see they were able to drop it in that folder I'm going to close this browser now we're pretending that that's the client now if we click on the farmer's market folder we see that the picture that they just uploaded is now available to me to do whatever I want to so that gives you an idea of how files and folders work okay so a little while ago we did this via the website now let me switch over for a moment to your local desktop environment assuming that you have next Cloud running in your lower right hand corner somewhere that it's running in the background as mine is that's what that little green check mark is right there then things are syncing between the website and the desktop so whatever you do in one will happen in the other so I'm going to bring over my own local next Cloud environment you can see the next Cloud icon on the left hand side all these folders are the same folders that you see on the server okay so right here we see a folder called my shares you'll recognize that because we just created it a minute ago on the website it's already synced to my local desktop and there we see Oren we see farmers market and so on any folder on your local computer works exactly the same way as your website did we can right click on one of these I'm just going to right click on the junk folder for now go down to where you see next cloud and share options now we could create a public link just like we did before but we're going to Click Share options here I can type in Oren as well it finds her on the short list and then we can create the share options for her allow editing password set expiration and so on now alternatively just like with the website we can do a share link here and the same type of information applies now go ahead and remove that chair since we don't really need to share that with that with Lauren well anyway that's it in a nutshell that's how you can share files and folders inside your company in the outside world controlling permissions passwords expiration dates all that very powerful feature and a lot more flexible because you don't have to have rigid permissions in the way that you do with the other paid Cloud solution providers that's how you can share files and folders with your staff or with the outside world just that easy thanks for watching
Channel: ServerMatter
Views: 6,387
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Id: 2DN-3Da0g14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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