Mixing Next Level Vocals with Waves StudioVerse (Free Presets)

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hey what's going on out there I'm Sean Divine  hope you all are doing well I know there's some   hard times out here in the world these days but  I'm just sending my thoughts and prayers out to   those of you who may be struggling this is just  a little tutorial I know in the scheme of things   this isn't that important but I just hope that  there's something inspiring and empowering for   your music making process in here we're going to  have some fun mixing vocals from scratch using   some presets that I'm going to provide for you  for free for the waves users out there this is   a bit of a polarizing topic some Engineers will  say that mixing with vocal presets is lazy that   it is makes you incompetent I'm here to tell  you that neither of those is true and I will   also guarantee that your favorite engineer's  favorite engineer uses presets for mixing   vocals at some point we're going to talk about the  situations where this is extremely efficient it   can be very inspiring in the moment if you're  writing or mixing mastering as well it's just   something that will allow ow you to have a great  ideal starting point so that you're not having   to reinvent the wheel in terms of building  these vocal chains so let's go and dive in I tracked these vocals over the weekend haven't  had a chance to do any vocal chains or real   effects processing you are going to notice that I  tracked with waves tune real time that's just my   preference for vocals you don't have to do that  and the chains were going to look at today this   is not uh necessary it's optional um I did do a  little bit of blend end in some light moves on   the mix as well as some panning let's tackle our  verse one lead initially I'm going to select the   lead and the stack or the backing layer and we're  going to Route these to the same bus or aux track   if you follow the channel you know I utilize  these auxes extensively because it's just a lot   more efficient on your CPU and your DAW and it  gives you more flexibility in terms of routing   multiple tracks to the same processing or the  same vocal chain so I'm going to go ahead and   just call this lead vocal and we're going to go  ahead and open up Studio Rack if you click the tab   here for StudioVerse that will load up our studio  verse browser now before we start browsing presets   I would recommend going ahead and just dialing  in the optimal input for the tracks that you've   recorded just so that when you're going through  and searching some of these presets and loading   them up things are going to be consistent in terms  of Dynamics and compression so I build my chains   based on an input of minus 25 lufs integrated if  you're not doing that don't worry about it right   now but uh you can just dial your input back  until we're getting a nice green signal here   on our meter I'm going to just full reset this  let's play this back and see where we're at so   pretty much already there I just dialed it back  just a little bit and I'm going to click this   little lock icon and that just means as we're  browsing that input is going to stay the same   so that's just going to give you a more consistent  experience across Studio verse so now once we have   gone into the studio verse browser you can  search presets based on tags for instruments   genres character you can even search down to the  specific plugin that you'd like included in the   chain but uh today we're just going to type in  Sean Divine and then you'll see my artist profile   here if you just click that it'll give you all  all of the different presets that I have available   for you on studio verse and I have two exclusive  chains that are from the recently released vocal   chains ultimate pack that I put out you can get  two of those for free here in studio verse we're   just going to click on the load button here next  to Holy Grail Evo this is a versatile chain that   can be used for a lot of different styles so once  we do that it'll say loading and then over here in   studio rack we'll see all of our plugins all the  settings I have dialed for you all in as well as   the eight macros over here on the left that we  can adjust and customize which we're going to do   so we'll close out the studio verse browser for  now bring this over here the output's probably   going to be a little bit too loud right now  just cuz the beat is not competitive so I'm   going to bring that back but let's play this  back pretty good starting point right so I'm   going to play this back again and I'm going to  make some tweaks with the macros just to blend   this better make it more complimentary for our  specific track you can hear that nice delay and   Reverb already has a side chain applied there the  Dynamics were already dialed in had a nice tone   with the EQ and the preamp from the Scheps 73 so  had I built this chain from scratch probably going   to take me about an hour to kind of get something  pretty solid and then tweaking from there but you   know already having a starting point all we had  to do was just turn some macros and we already   get something where the vocal is sitting nicely in  the pocket very complimentary to the instrumental   track moving on to to our dubs let's just go  ahead and select all of these and we're going to   Route these down to another aux and process them  separately from our lead vocal and we'll just call   this verse bgv and we're going to load up another  instance of Studio rack go ahead and launch the   studio verse browser once again and we're going  to load that second chain that I have available on   studio verse for you all from vocal chain ultimate  it's called wide dubs it's exactly what it sounds   like it is a very wide background ground chain  it's useful for a lot of different background   vocals not just rap but once we got that loaded  we'll close that out bring this over and I'm going   to go ahead and just mute the the lead so that we  can get this in here and we'll blend them together that feels pretty good to me you can mix  those to taste once we widen things quite   a bit I'll bring those back just so  that they're not sticking out too   much all right let's check out this pre  chorus section let's just listen to it dry okay so I just routed it down to another aux  we're going to load up StudioRack as we did before   slide this over here and let's go ahead and just  try something a little bit different I'm going   to show you another preset that you can pick up  on Studio verse this was not designed for this   vocal but I'll just show you how easy it is once  we have you know the general tone and the Dynamics   set we can really customize these things pretty  quickly so let's click load on trippy tune trap   vocal and if we play it back now it's probably  not going to be specific to this vocal at [Music] yeah so we're we're not really  going for a Chopped and Screwed thing   on this so we're going to close that out  let's bring this over and I'm going to turn   screwed off we're also going to turn  the tune off cuz I already have waves   tune on here here and we're just going  to make some edits and see what we can do okay so there's also vocal bender  on that delay don't really like that   so I'm just going to turn that instance off  here and the parallel split and let's see okay I like that delay there's a little bit  too much feedback there so I'm going to turn   that down and let's also just filter the high  pass a little bit more just so it's a bit more subtle so transitioning from  verse one let's check that all right sounds like we got a chorus to mix  right we're going to Route all of our chorus   layers to a new aux and these are just the  same take I just stacked them a bunch pan them   to give us some uh a little bit more exciting  width but uh if your takes are all pretty much   the same you can process them through the same  vocal chain I do like to process harmonies with   different chains just to give us a separation  there and you know depending if you have kind   of different deliveries in different pitches  or maybe you have different Dynamics for some   takes you're going to want to process those on  separate auxes or separate chains so we're going   to get super efficient with the chorus here using  a vocal preset we're just going to copy the chain   that we built for our lead verse I'm going to just  copy that studio rack instance in that whole chain   down here we're going to customize it and tailor  it for the chorus but keeping the foundation of   that chain that we had for the verse we're not  going to have to do a bunch of initial sort of building I'm not crazy about the Reverb and  the delay I want to do something different so   on this preset I'm just going to take  that macro and turn this uh parallel   split with the Reverb and the Delay we'll  just turn that off so now it should be dry yeah okay so we got a dry signal there and we're  going to send this to an aux and then we're going   to load up Studio rack again and on this one we're  just going to go up to the regular preset menu   these are the presets that are on my computer  and we're going to go down to user presets and   you'll see my vocal chain ultimate pack and  we're just going to go to sends and let's try   maybe the echo delay toolbox so I'll load that up  this is just a nice preset with some side chain   delay and Reverb options and then let's send  some down there and see what that sounds like not really crazy about it yet  but let's go in here I want to   go ahead and just set this to maybe a  whole note instead of a quarter note   and let's turn on that flanger  and maybe turn off the doubler [Music] [Music] that works   out pretty well now we could also I know we got  a lot of feedback there too so maybe we want to   turn that back just a touch on the Manny Marroquin  delay but let's say that we also just wanted to   automate that delay when we're coming out into  this verse section that I haven't recorded yet   we can just go ahead and do that let's just  go to latch and that'll move that [Music] [Music] so yeah we won't have that clouding up our verse  once we get into that once again going from the   bridge to that hook let's see how those blend  all right so a little bonus for y'all something   fun I'll just show you how this can translate  into mastering if we go back into Studio rack   and let's go back to the presets and I have  a mastering preset called Divine Next Level   mastering let's just click load on that and let's  try to dial that in bring this up to a competitive level okay let's play it from the beginning all right y'all so there you have it utilizing a  a few different instances of Waves Studio Rack and   loading some of my presets from StudioVerse we're  able to get professional results very quickly and   without a lot of fuss not to say that you can't  get your hands dirty you can still get creative   you have a lot of flexibility here but might  as well give yourself an ideal starting point   you know why waste time if you can already get a  nice base something that you've probably already   done before I know that a lot of these I've dialed  these Dynamics and EQs in very similarly over over   and over so why do it again if I can go ahead  and just give myself that starting point so I   hope this is helpful again these presets are  available on StudioVerse I'll put a link for   them in the description if you want to go ahead  and load them up in your studio rack setup hope   you have fun with it thanks for watching  if you learn anything in the video please   like subscribe and consider sharing hit that  notification Bell for more we'll talk to you soon
Channel: Sean Divine
Views: 25,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixing, vocals, mixing vocals, mixing rap vocals, mixing hip hop, waves studioverse, studioverse, sean divine, logic pro, waves studiorack, vocal presets, free presets, waves audio, waves plugins, mixing tutorial, mastering, studiorack presets, vocal chains, vocal chains ultimate, drake vocal chain, mixing presets, free vocal presets, free mixing presets, manny marroquin, delay, reverb, tutorial, mixing with aux tracks, mixing with presets, best vocal chain, waves unlimited
Id: onacnCov0Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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