Why you should NOT use NextJS

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the never-ending debate the endless stream of videos after spending a few days reviewing all the comments thanks to everyone I'm still not sure whether I should use NextJS or stick with React but I like taking risk so I took the chance and that's the reason why 4 months ago I started my first project with NextJS after that experience I have summarized three reasons indicating that you and I may not need NextJS as we think welcome to Devs Town where I share entertaining and helpful video for developers going back to the video I will start with the first reason React first, Next later I would like to ask you have you ever used React before Using NextJS allows you to quickly complete basic tasks and make you feel like an efficient developer However, when the project becomes more complex you may encounter difficulties if you don't have prior experience with react no problem if you run into common errors just check NextJS docs or quickly Google it when it comes to complex errors you have to go back and trace the root cause with the fundamental understanding of react additionally learning and using react also makes it easier for you to approach various other frameworks like Gatsby, Remix, Redwood so if you have no deadlines learn react first second reason The project doesn't require Next.js's core features NextJS focuses on enhancing React with three additional features: SSG, ISR, SSR if you not family or with them I'll explain quickly CSR stands for client side rendering it is a method where the server sends only the necessary resources when requested by the client afterwards, the client side browser will handle the task of rendering the website the weakness of this method arises when the client has a low configuration or when the internet connection is slow furthermore Googlebot cannot understand the content of the website through these resources so it cannot include your website in Google Search results Next.js addresses the weaknesses of React by offering three options the first option is static side generation the idea behind this method is that the website will be rendered at the time of the developer or server building the source code afterward the server will send the website as static pages to the client The major benefit is that the client-side doesn't need to render the website allowing users to access the website more quickly However, SSG still has a drawback it cannot update new data without being rebuilt at this point ISR comes in handy ISR stands for Incremental Static Regeneration it helps the website create and update new content at runtime without rebuilding the entire site but ISR is only suitable for static pages meaning that the content displayed on the page is the same for all users for example in the case of a profile page each user would need to see their own information that's why SSR comes into play in SSR, the server performs some or all of rendering for the website instead of leaving it to the clients it is idea for personalized content or real time updates once again it also has a downside While it helps users access the website faster but in reality the server has to work more In general, all three options contribute to improving website SEO and loading speed they are best suited for types of websites with many static pages such as blogs, news, education, landing pages and e commerce after all you need to ask yourself does your website have many static pages does it need SEO for example my freelance project is an internet website it doesn't require SEO it doesn't have many static pages it doesn't have a lot number of users to the point where user experience becomes overly strict and all users must authenticate when using the website another noteworthy point is that my server's resources are also limited If I have similar projects in the future, React is sufficient for me. reason number 3 long term project if your project is short term that's fine but if it's a long term project you should think carefully using NextJS is like boarding the same ship with its core development team you need to follow their roadmap you have to update your knowledge every time NextJS introduces new features new libraries new configurations and sometime breaking chances bugs and issues also stem from there Anyway, they still update at a staggering pace despite your complaints at some point you may wonder what is the true goal of nextJS their goal is to make NextJS a leading framework based on react and extremely well-suited for deployment on Vercel for those who don't know Vercel is a cloud platform service company Although NextJS is open source Vercel remains its main sponsor and maintainer once you go for NextJS you must follow their tech roadmap for my 3 month freelance project NextJS works fine however for longer term projects I will choose react because I don't want to entrust the project's future to another company I need the ability to customize as much as possible in the future Beyond these three reasons NextJS is an excellent framework for building web applications I've summarized the content into a PDF file and placed the link in the description below for you feel free to comment if you find a video helpful goodbye and see you in the next video
Channel: Devs Town
Views: 3,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nextjs, reactjs, nextjs14, nextjs13, whynextjs, whynotnextjs
Id: GBNGCIhfyps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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