Why I Don't Use NextJS For My Side Project Anymore

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hey what's up today I want to talk with you about how every project looks like a hammer problem when the only tool that you have in the shed is a hammer now what I mean by that is when you only know one framework all the use cases for your freelance work for your personal projects everything looks like it would be best to do with that framework but that's not true when I first started web development I think like most people I got into HTML CSS in JavaScript you know put that together put it up on the web and that's you know the functioning website and then the first Library not framework I guess you call it Library I got into is react and I did like a 12 hour react course and after that I was like yeah that's pretty cool I'm gonna go deeper into react so that was the first thing I've ever gotten used to not view not anything else not angular just react and for a long time that was the only thing I did because I thought you know react is good at everything I don't need to learn any anything else and chances are if you're watching this video and are maybe subscribed to the channel you are proficient in react and probably next.js as well I'm not sure if you know other stuff many people do but some people don't and I was one of the people who didn't know much else than react now that has changed but when you only know one thing everything looks like it's best to do with it one thing and then even if you move on to something like nextges a meta framework that makes working in react even better with a better developer experience and more versatile you can solve more problems in a faster way for example especially important in Nexus is the image optimization so you get pretty fast website speeds and amazing possibilities for anything that requires large large applications like you can build whole companies just on Nexus it works just fine and then there are tools like svelte now chances are you've maybe never ever worked with svelte many people did but it's still kind of an underdog even though it's gotten a lot of popularity in the last you know months or years there's now a thing called spelled kit and I think learning multiple tools like that can really make your life as a developer way easier because for freelance projects like I'm doing right now I'm not using Nexus anymore and that is because I think smelt kit or smelled or something entirely different like Astro for example or solid.js also works I remember this guy commenting that solid.js is is this new gem and it makes a lot of sense learning many Frameworks as a developer yes it's hard but if you know react then translating between something like react and sweld is not hard now implementing interactivity is kind of different story and many people say that specifically in svelte the developer experience is really good I don't really agree I think it's better in react because much more stuff is supported in react especially regarding typescript usage I think it's way better but having multiple Tools in Your Arsenal allows you to choose the best one for whatever project you're realizing so for small websites for freelance projects that are mainly front and paste I think swelt is just the way to go instead of an xjs because the performance is better so let's compare next.js to sveld Kit directly and that's what I did I first did this freelance project right here in react or nexjs and the performance on Lighthouse was about you know 88 89 it was always in the yellow and this project the wordful front end is pretty well optimized it has code splitting it has images like the next image it's really well optimized and I don't think nexjs gets much better than you know the high yellow area in Lighthouse that being like 88 89 maybe even 90 but I've never achieved 100 if you did make sure to let me know I'd be really interested in seeing how you achieved that I never managed to do that with neck shares however with smelt or solid or Astro that is very much possible and I cannot understand the importance of website speed when working with clients in fact I've got a funny anecdote to tell the first freelance client I've ever got was for a WordPress website so before getting into actual coding I did WordPress stuff with Elementor if you know what WordPress is chances are you also know what Elementor is and WordPress is notoriously slow now not every WordPress site is but most of them are and that client paid like a really cheap price for her website I massively undersold on the effort and you know on the price that I gave her it was like 750 dollars or euros and she expected some insane speed from that website that was not possible with um WordPress and the images she wanted on the website it just did match together it wasn't possible however if you use something like acms with spell kit or with Astro or solid.js that is very much possible you can achieve 100 100 100 100 metrics in Lighthouse everything is at 100 it's beautiful now obviously Lighthouse sometimes differs a bit sometimes it's a bit more sometimes you only get like 97 98 but the point being clients realize wow this website is actually fast which is very important in modern websites and you can if you're doing freelance specifically but you also benefit from that in personal projects you can increase the price of website by quite a bit if you can guarantee the client that it's really fast and also demonstrate that to the client and that's the reason I switched away from nexjs for anything that doesn't require either a lot of packages because I think you know if you want good packages available for your project you go with react because everything supports react especially in typescript however if it's front and heavy I recommend going the other route not going with next chess or react but actually trying out something new and if you're not used to anything else like svelt or solid the syntax is not that hard they have guides they have tutorials um translating between those Frameworks and react is pretty intuitive um so you might want to try it out just give it a shot see how far you can go how far you can push up the page speed with a new framework even though sometimes it is really not as comfortable as next year as you do get better speed results in them and that's just a quick little tip I wanted to talk about with you and if you're proficient in other Frameworks then react or next yes I'd be really happy if you let me know below which ones those are I'm always interested in hearing about that thank you very much for watching I'm very interested in your opinion on this I'll see you in the next one have a good one and bye bye
Channel: Josh tried coding
Views: 53,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: astro, josh tried coding, joshtriedcoding, next, next 13 tutorial, next js 13 tutorial, next.js tutorial, nextjs, react, solidjs, svelte, sveltekit, typescript
Id: lV_E6IhFgMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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