Newton's Fractal (which Newton knew nothing about)

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Great video as usual. One thing to point out is that a coloring with that boundary property doesn’t necessarily need to look anything like a Newton fractal. For example, there’s also the lakes of Wada.

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/how_tall_is_imhotep 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

If this is used in industry to solve quintics, how do they make sure they dont fall near one of these boundaries for their initial guess?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Funmaster524 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video is aming me wonder how we would create a function that resists Newton's Method. Are there some functions we can create where no matter what value you select, Newton's Method forces you to go in a cycle?. You keep selecting the same points over and over again.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/RigorousStrain 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I need a spoiler, where does the boundary property come from?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Kered13 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

What happens in the case where the polynomial has a multiple root (e.g. (z-r1)(z-r2)2 )?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/N8CCRG 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Here’s what I want to see: a coloring for how many iterations it takes to get “close” to a root (I guess this would be like a standard fractal), and a graph of sin(z), where presumably the boundaries would be surrounded by infinitely many colors.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Calkyoulater 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Give a non trivial function f(z) in complex numbers, is there a function g(z) that can return 1 if z will converge to a root of f using newton’s method and zero if it doesn’t. I am guessing this is undecidable

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/khashei 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
You've seen the title so you know this is leading  to a certain fractal. Actually it's an infinite   family of fractals. And yeah, it'll be one of  those mind-bogglingly intricate shapes that has   infinite detail no matter how far you zoom in. But  this is not really a video about generating some   pretty picture for us to gawk at. Well, okay,  maybe that's part of it, but the real story   here has a much more pragmatic starting point  than the story behind a lot of other fractals.   And more than that, the final images that we get   to will become a lot more meaningful  if we make an effort to understand   why given what they represent they kind of  have to look as complicated as they do, and   what this complexity reflects about an algorithm  that is used all over the place in engineering. The starting point here will be to assume that  you have some kind of polynomial and that you   want to know when it equals zero. So for the one  graphed here you can visually see there are three   different places where it crosses the x-axis, and  you can kind of eyeball what those values might   be. We'd call those the roots of the polynomial.  But how do you actually compute them exactly? Now, this is the kind of question where  if you're already bought into math maybe   it's interesting enough in its own right to  move forward. But if you just pull someone   on the street aside and ask them this,  I mean they're already falling asleep,   because who cares? But the thing is this kind of  question comes up all the time in engineering. Where I'm personally most familiar  with equations like this popping up   is in the setting of computer graphics, where  polynomials are just littered all over the place.   So it's not uncommon that when you're figuring  out how a given pixel should be colored   that somehow involves solving an  equation that uses these polynomials. Here let me give you one fun example. When  a computer renders text on the screen,   those fonts are typically not  defined using pixel values.   They're defined as a bunch of polynomial curves,  known in the business as "Bézier curves",   and any of you who've messed around with vector  graphics, maybe in some design software, would   be well familiar with these kinds of curves. But  to actually display one of them on the screen you   need a way to tell each one of the pixels of your  screen whether it should be colored in or not. These curves can be displayed either with some  kind of stroke width or, if they enclose a region,   some kind of fill for that region. But if  you step back and you really think about it,   it's an interesting puzzle to figure out  how each one of the pixels knows whether   it should be colored in or not just  based on the pure mathematical curve. I mean, take the case of stroke width. This  comes down to understanding how far away a   given pixel is from this pure mathematical  curve, which itself is some platonic ideal,   it has zero width. You would think of it as  a parametric curve that has some parameter t. Now one thing that you could do to figure out  this distance is to compute the distance between   your pixel and a bunch of sample points on that  curve, then figure out the smallest. But that's   both inefficient and imprecise. Better is to get  a little mathematical and acknowledge that this   distance to the curve at all the possible points  is itself some smooth function of the parameter,   and as it happens the square of that  distance will itself be a polynomial,   which makes it pretty nice to deal with. And if this were meant to be a full lesson on  rendering vector graphics we could expand all   that out and embrace the mess. But right now  the only salient point that I want to highlight   is that in principle this function whose  minimum you want to know is some polynomial. Finding this minimum, and hence  determining how close the pixel is   to the curve and whether it should get filled in,   is now just a classic calculus problem. What you  do is figure out the slope of this function graph,   which is to say its derivative, again some  polynomial, and you ask when does that equal zero. So to actually carry out this seemingly simple  task of just displaying a curve, wouldn't it be   nice if you had a systematic and general way to  figure out when a given polynomial equals zero. Of course, we could draw a hundred other  examples from a hundred other disciplines,   I just want you to keep in mind that  as we seek the roots of polynomials,   even though we always display it in a  way that's cleanly abstracted away from   the messiness of any real-world problem, the  task is hardly just an academic one. But again   ask yourself, how do you actually  compute one of those roots? If whatever problem you're working  on leads you to a quadratic function,   then happy days, you can use the quadratic  formula that we all know and love.   And as a fun side note by the way, again  relevant to root-finding in computer graphics,   I once had a Pixar engineer give me the  estimate that considering how many lights   were used in some of the scenes for the movie  Coco, and given the nature of some of these   per-pixel calculations when polynomially  defined things like spheres are involved,   the quadratic formula was easily used multiple  trillions of times in the production of that film. When your problem leads you to a higher-order  polynomial things start to get trickier. For   cubic polynomials, there is also a formula, which  Mathologer has done a wonderful video on. There's   even a quartic formula, something that solves  degree-4 polynomials, although honestly that one   is such a god-awful nightmare of a formula that  essentially no one actually uses it in practice. But after that, and I find this one of the  most fascinating results in all of math,   you cannot have an analogous formula to solve  polynomials that have a degree five or more.   More specifically, for a pretty  extensive set of standard functions,   you can prove that there is no possible way  that you can combine those functions together   that allows you to plug in the coefficients of  a quintic polynomial and always get out a root. This is known as the unsolvability of the quintic,   which is a whole other can of worms we  can hopefully get into it some other time,   but in practice, it kind of doesn't matter  because we have algorithms to approximate   solutions to these kinds of equations  with whatever level of precision you want. A common one, and the main topic for  you and me today, is Newton's method.   And yes, this is what will lead  us to the fractals, but I want you   to pay attention to just how innocent and  benign the whole procedure seems at first. The algorithm begins with a random guess let's  call it x_0. Almost certainly the output of   your polynomial at x_0 is not zero, so you  haven't found a solution, it's some other   value visible as the height of this graph  at that point. So to improve the guess, the   idea is to ask when does a linear approximation  to the function around that value equal zero? In other words if you were to draw a tangent line  to the graph at this point, when does that tangent   line cross the x-axis? Now assuming this tangent  line is a decent approximation of the function   in the loose vicinity of some true root, the place  where this approximation equals zero should take   you closer to that true root. As long as you're  able to take a derivative of this function, and   with polynomials you'll always be able to do that,  you can concretely compute the slope of this line. So here's where the active viewers among you  might want to pause and ask how do you figure   out the difference between the current guess  and the improved guess. What is the size of   this step? One way to think of it is to consider  the fact that the slope of this tangent line,   its rise over run, looks like the height of  this graph divided by the length of that step. But on the other hand of course, the slope of the  tangent line is the derivative of the polynomial   at that point. If we rearrange this equation  here, this gives you a super concrete way that   you can compute that step size. So the next guess  which we might call x1, is the previous guess   adjusted by this step size. And after that you  can just repeat the process. You compute the   value of this function and the slope at this new  guess which gives you a new linear approximation,   and then you make the next guess x2 wherever  that tangent line crosses the x-axis.   And then apply the same calculation to x2  and this gives you x3, and before too long   you find yourself extremely close to a true root  pretty much as close as you could ever want to be It's always worth gut-checking that  a formula actually makes sense, and   in this case, hopefully it does. If p(x)  is large, meaning the graph is really high,   you need to take a bigger step to get down to  a root. But if P'(x) is also large meaning,   the graph is quite steep, you should maybe  ease off on just how big you make that step. As the name suggests this was a method that  newton used to solve polynomial expressions,   but he sort of made it look a lot  more complicated than it needed to be,   and a fellow named Joesph Raphson published  a much simpler version, more like what you   and I are looking at now, so you also often hear  this algorithm called the Newton-Raphson method. These days it's a common topic in calculus  classes. One nice little exercise to try to   get a feel for it, by the way, is to try using  this method to approximate square roots by hand.   But what most calculus students  don't see, which is unfortunate,   is just how deep things can get  when you let yourself play around   with this seemingly simple procedure and  start kind of picking at some of its scabs. You see while newton's method works great  if you start near a root where it converges   really quickly, if your initial guess is far  from a root it can have a couple foibles.   For example let's take the function we  were just looking at but shifted upward,   and play the same game with the same initial guess Notice how the sequence of new guesses that  we're getting kind of bounces around the local   minimum of this function sitting above the  x-axis. And this should kind of make sense,   I mean a linear approximation of the function  around these values all the way to the right is   pretty much entirely unrelated to the nature of  the function around the one true root that it has   off to the left. So they're sort of giving you  no useful information about that true root.   It's only when this process just happens to throw  the new guess off far enough to the left by chance   that the sequence of new guesses does anything  productive and actually approaches that true root. Where things get especially interesting is if  we ask about finding roots in the complex plane.   Even if a polynomial like the one shown  here has only a single real number root,   you'll always be able to factor this polynomial  into five terms like this if you allow these   roots to potentially be complex numbers. This  is the famous fundamental theorem of algebra. In the happy-go-lucky land of functions with  real number inputs and real number outputs,   where you can picture the association between  inputs and outputs as a graph, Newton's method   has this really nice visual meaning with tangent  lines and intersecting the x-axis. But if you want   to allow these inputs to be any complex number,  which means our corresponding outputs might   also be any complex number, you can't think about  tangent lines and graphs anymore. But the formula   doesn't really care how you visualize it. You can  still play the same game, starting with a random   guess and evaluating the polynomial at this point,  as well as its derivative, then using this update   rule to generate a new guess. And hopefully,  that new guess is closer to the true root. But I do want to be clear, even if we can't  visualize these steps with a tangent line,   it really is the same logic. We're figuring out  where a linear approximation of the function   around your guess would equal zero, and then  you use that zero of the linear approximation   as your next guess. It's not like we're blindly  applying the rule to a new context with no reason   to expect it to work. And indeed, with at least  the one I'm showing here, after a few iterations   you can see that we land on a value whose  corresponding output is essentially zero. Now here's the fun part. Let's apply this idea to many  different possible initial guesses.   For reference, I'll put up the five true roots of  this particular polynomial in the complex plane.   With each iteration, each one of our little  dots takes some step based on Newton's method.   Most of the dots will quickly  converge to one of the five true roots   but there are some noticeable stragglers  which seem to spend a while bouncing around.   In particular, notice how the ones that are  trapped on the positive real number line...   well they look a little bit lost. And this  is exactly what we already saw before for   the same polynomial when we were looking  at the real number case with its graph Now what I'm going to do is color  each one of these dots based on   which of those five roots it ended  up closest to, and then we'll kind of   roll back the clock so that every  dot goes back to where it started. As I've done it here, this isn't quite  enough resolution to get the full story,   so let me show you what it would look like if we  started with an even finer grid of initial guesses   and played the same game: Applying Newton's method  a whole bunch of times, letting each dot march   forward, coloring each dot based on what root  it lands on, then rolling back the clock to see   where it originally came from. But even this isn't  really a high enough resolution to appreciate the   pattern. If we did this process for every single  pixel on the plane, here's what you would get. At this level of detail, the color scheme  is a little jarring to my eye at least,   so let me calm it down a little. Really,   whatever resolution I try to use to show this  to you here could never possibly be enough,   because the finer details of the shape we  get will go on with endless complexity. But take a moment to think about  what this is actually saying.   It means that there are regions in the complex  plane where if you slightly adjust that seed   value, you know you just kind of bump it to the  side by 1 one-millionth or 1 one-trillionth,   it can completely change which of the  5 true roots it ends up landing on. We saw some foreshadowing of this kind of  chaos with the real graph and the problematic   guess shown earlier, but picturing all of  this in the complex plane really shines a   light on just how unpredictable this kind  of root-finding algorithm can be, and how   there are whole swaths of initial values where  the sort of unpredictability will take place. Now if I grab one of these roots and change it  around, meaning that we're using a different   polynomial for the process, you can see  how the resulting fractal pattern changes.   Notice for example how the  regions around a given root   always have the same color since those are  the points that are close enough to the root   where this linear approximation scheme works  as a way of finding that root with no problem. All of the chaos seems to be happening at the  boundaries between the region, remember that. And it seems like no matter where I place these  roots, those fractal boundaries are always there.   It clearly wasn't just some one-off for  the polynomial we happen to start with,   it seems to be a general fact  for any given polynomial. Another facet we can tweak here just to better  illustrate what's going on is how many steps of   newton's method we're using. For example, if I had  the computer just take zero steps meaning it just   colors each point of the plane based on whatever  root it's already closest to, this is what we'd   get. And this kind of diagram actually has a  special name, it's called a "Voronoi diagram".   And if we let each point of the plane  take a single step of Newton's method,   then color it based on what root that single step  result is closest to, here's what we would get. Similarly, if we allow for two steps, we get a  slightly more intricate pattern, and so on and   so on, where the more steps you allow the more  intricate an image you get, bringing us closer to   the original fractal. And this is important, keep  in mind that the true shape we're studying here   is not any one of these it's the limit as we allow  for an arbitrarily large number of iterations. At this point, there are so many  questions we might ask. Like,   maybe you want to try this out with some  other polynomials see how general it is.   Or maybe you want to dig deeper into what dynamics  are exactly possible with these iterated points,   or see if there's connections with some other  pieces of math that have a similar theme.   But i think the most pertinent question should be  something like, "what the **** is going on here?!" I mean, all we're doing here is repeatedly solving  linear approximations, why would that produce   something that's so endlessly complicated.  It almost feels like the underlying rule   just shouldn't carry enough information  to actually produce an image like this.   And before seeing this don't you think a  reasonable initial guess might have been that each   seed value simply tends towards whichever route  it's closest to? And in that case, you know, if   you colored each point based on the root it lands  on and move it back to the original position,   the final image would look like one of these  Voronoi diagrams with straight-line boundaries. Since I referenced earlier the unsolvability  of the quintic, maybe you would wonder if the   complexity here has anything to do with that. That  would be cool, but they're essentially unrelated   ideas. In fact using only degree-5 polynomials  so far might have been a little misleading.   Watch what happens if we play the same game  but with a cubic polynomial with three roots   somewhere in the complex plane. Notice how  again while most points nestle into a root   some of them are kind of flying all over the place  more chaotically. In fact, those ones are the most   noticeable ones in an animation like this, with  the ones going towards the roots just quietly   nestled in to their ending points. And again if we  stopped this at some number of iterations and we   colored all the points based on what root they're  closest to and roll back the clock the relevant   picture for all possible starting points, it  forms this fractal pattern with infinite detail. However, quadratic polynomials,  with only two roots, are different.   In that case, each seed value does simply  tend towards whichever root it's closest to,   the way that you might expect. There is a  little bit of meandering behavior from all   the points that are an equal distance from  each root, it's kind of like they're not   able to decide which one to go to but,  that's just a single line of points,   and when we play the game of coloring the diagram,  what we end up with is decidedly more boring. So something new seems to happen when you jump  from 2 to 3, and the question is what exactly? If you had asked me a month ago, I  probably would have shrugged and just said,   you know math is what it is, sometimes  the answers look simple sometimes not.   It's not always clear what it would mean  to ask "why?" in a setting like this. But i would have been wrong, there actually is a  reason that we can give for why this image has to   look as complicated as it does. You see, there's  a very peculiar property that we can prove this   diagram must have. Focus your attention on just  one of the colored regions, say this blue one.   In other words, the set of all points that  eventually tend towards just one particular   root of the polynomial. Now consider the  boundary of that region, which for the   example shown on screen has this kind of nice  three-fold symmetry. What's surprising is that   if you look at any other color and consider  its boundary, you get precisely the same set. Now when i say the word "boundary", you probably  have an intuitive sense of what it means,   but mathematicians have a pretty clever way to  formalize it, and this makes it easier to reason   about in the context of more wild sets like our  fractal. We say that a point is on the boundary   of a set if, when you draw a small circle  centered at that point, no matter how small,   it will always contain points that  are both inside that set and outside. So if you have a point that's on the  interior, a small enough circle would   eventually only contain points inside  the set. And for a point on the exterior,   a small enough circle contains no points of  the set at all. But when it's on the boundary,   what it means to be on the boundary, is that  your tiny tiny circles will always contain both. So looking back at our property, one way to  read it is to say that if you draw a circle,   no matter how small that circle is,  it either contains all of the colors,   which happens when this shared boundary  of the colors is inside that circle,   or it contains just one color, and this happens  when it's in the interior of one of the regions. In particular, what this implies is you should  never be able to find a circle that contains   just two of the colors since that  would require that you have points   on the boundary between two  regions but not all of them. And before explaining where this fact actually  comes from, it's fun to try just wrapping   your mind around it a little bit. You could  imagine presenting this to someone as a kind   of art puzzle, completely out of context, never  mentioning Newton's method or anything like that.   You say that the challenge is to construct a  picture with at least three colors, maybe we   say red green and blue, so that the boundary of  one color is the boundary of all of them. So if   you started with something simple like this, that  clearly doesn't work because we have this whole   line of points that are on the boundary of green  and red but not touching any blue. And likewise   you have these other lines of disallowed points.  So to correct that you might go and add some blue   blobs along the boundary and then likewise add  some green blobs between the red and blue and some   red blobs between the green and blue. But of  course, now the boundary of those blobs are a   problem, for example, touching just blue and  red but no green. So maybe you go and you try   to add even smaller blobs with the relevant third  color around those smaller boundaries to help try   to correct. And likewise you have to do this for  every one of the blobs that you initially added But then all the boundaries of those  tiny blobs are problems of their own   and you would have to somehow  keep doing this process forever. If you look at newton's fractal itself this  sort of blobs on blobs on blob's pattern   seems to be exactly what it's doing. The main thing i want you to notice is  how this property implies you could never   have a boundary which is smooth or even  partially smooth on some small segment,   since any smooth segment would  only be touching two colors. Instead the boundary has to consist  entirely of sharp corners, so to speak.   So if you believe the property it explains why  the boundary remains rough no matter how far you   zoom in, and for those of you who are familiar  with the concept of fractal dimension you can   measure the dimension of the particular boundary  I'm showing you right now to be around 1.44. Considering what our colors actually  represent–remember this isn't just   a picture for pictures sake–think about  what the property is really telling us.   It says that if you're near a sensitive point  where some of the seed values go to one root but   other seed values nearby would go to another  root, then in fact every possible route has to   be accessible from within that small neighborhood.  For any tiny little circle that you draw either   all of the points in that circle tend to just one  root or they tend to all of the roots but there's   never going to be anything in between, just  tending to a subset of the roots. For a little   intuition, I found it enlightening to simply  watch a cluster like the one on screen undergo   this process. It starts off mostly sticking  together but at one iteration they all kind   of explode outward and after that it feels a lot  more reasonable that any root is up for grabs.   And keep in mind, i'm just showing you finitely  many points but in principle you would want   to think about what happens to all uncountably  infinitely many points inside some small disk. This property also kind of explains why it's  okay for things to look normal in the case   of quadratic polynomials with just two roots,  because there a smooth boundary is fine there   are only two colors to touch anyway. To be clear,  it doesn't guarantee that the quadratic case would   have a smooth boundary, it is perfectly possible  to have a fractal boundary between two colors,   it just looks like our newton's method diagram  is not doing anything more complicated than it   needs to under the constraint of  this strange boundary condition. But of course all of this simply raises  the question of why this bizarre boundary   property would have to be true in the first  place, where does it even come from? For that,   I'd like to tell you about a field of  math which studies this kind of question,   it's called holomorphic dynamics. And I  think we've covered enough ground today,   and there's certainly enough left to tell, so it  makes sense to pull that out as a separate video. To close things off here, there is something  sort of funny to me about the fact that we   call this Newton's fractal despite the fact that  Newton had no clue about any of this, and could   never have possibly played with these images the  way that you and I can with modern technology. It happens a lot through math that people's names  get attached to things well beyond what they   could have dreamed of. Hamiltonians are central to  quantum mechanics despite Hamilton knowing nothing   about quantum mechanics. Fourier himself never  once computed a Fast Fourier Transform. The list   goes on. Tut this over-extension of nomenclature  carries with it what I think is an inspiring   point. It reflects how even the simple ideas,  ones that could be discovered centuries ago,   often hold within them some new angle or a new  domain of relevance they can sit waiting to be   discovered hundreds of years later. It's not just  that Newton had no idea about Newton's fractal.   There are probably many other facts about  newton's method, or about all sorts of math   that may seem like old news, that come from  questions that no one has thought to ask yet.   Questions that are just sitting there  waiting for someone like you to ask them For example if you were to ask about whether  this process we've been talking about today   ever gets trapped in a cycle, it leads you to a  surprising connection with the Mandelbrot set,   and we'll talk a bit about that in the next part. At the time that I'm posting this, that second  part, by the way, is available as an early release   to patrons. I always like to give new content  a little bit of time there to gather feedback   and catch errors. The finalized version should  be out shortly. And on the topic of patrons,   I do just want to say a quick thanks to everyone  whose name is on the screen. I know that in recent   history new videos have been a little slow coming.  Part of this has to do with other projects that   have been in the works, things I'm proud of by  the way, things like the Summer of Math Exposition   which was....a surprising amount of work, to be  honest, but so worth it given the outcome. I will   be talking all about that and announcing winners  very shortly, so stay tuned. I just want you to   know that the plan for the foreseeable future is  definitely to shift gears more wholeheartedly back   to making new videos, and more than anything I  want to say thanks for your continued support even   during times of trying a few new things. It means  a lot to me it's what keeps the channel going and   I'll do my best to make the new lessons in the  pipeline live up to your vote of confidence there.
Channel: 3Blue1Brown
Views: 403,713
Rating: 4.9869661 out of 5
Keywords: Mathematics, three blue one brown, 3 blue 1 brown, 3b1b, 3brown1blue, 3 brown 1 blue, three brown one blue
Id: -RdOwhmqP5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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