Newly Remodeled! Ripley's Believe It or Not - Branson, MO - World's Largest Ball of Twine

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hey you all carpet bagger here coming to you live from the great state of Missouri more specifically Branson Missouri and even more specifically than that we are out here in front of Ripley Believe It or Not now through my travels to all the great tourist areas of the United States I always loved to check out the different Ripley in fact I have visited every Ripley in the United States and Canada and uh when I'm in town I do like to check in because they do a lot of remodels they do Renovations they switch out artifacts they change exhibits I always like to kind of keep a breast of what's going on at the different Ripley Believe It or Not and uh when I got here in Branson I was looking at some brochures it's a good way to get started in town you look at the brochures see what's new and I saw they were advertising that their Ripley Believe It or Not was newly remodeled so very excited to check in with Ripley and Branson here and see what is new see what they've changed and see what baby they've kept the same so please follow [Music] me now right off the bat I can see they have made some drastic changes with the paint Scheme uh they used to have much different Set uh color palette here I think I had a more yellowish uh color palette uh they still have the same theming here the building's always like been cracked in half they like to do interesting uh buildings have uh you know several buildings have had earthquake themes the Gatlinburg uh Ripley used to have an earthquake theme and you can see just how the uh how the building split there I know in uh in Orlando they have a a sinkhole theme because it is in Florida also you can see they have up their Christmas decorations the different Christmas trees here it looks like their uh autoart Incredible Hulk has put on his uh Santa's hat for the season these other various sculptures here this uh scrap metal gorilla here looks like we got a statue Mr Robert wadow back over here to the side again you can see the crack in the building you can actually look into the building through the crack there which is pretty interesting the oil drum elephant here made from old oil drums this is the All-American hondi this Honda hondai Han dime All-American Han dime this Honda Civic is covered with 2,172 dimes and a few pennies as well took 298 hours to glue them all to the car and then the car was dubbed the Han dime you can see all those dimes there embedded into the car also I love this giant gorilla head here the giant Tire gorilla and then what's this this is El car part werewolf back here all the different bolts and parts from the car just to form one giant terrifying werewolf what is this giant car parts robot actually has red and green eyes so I don't know if he changed his eyes for Christmas see the body of Robert Earl Hughes one of the largest man that ever [Music] lived look at me I'm Robert Earl Hughes he was actually drafted into the army despite his immense [Music] size fun fact the experts Rober searching for the odd and unusual to the Earth and it is getting cold out here let's head inside the nice warmth of Ripley in the lobby here we have a car parts Iron Man and then it's a dragon hanging above our heads oh you see how the inside here they carry out the uh the earthquake theme they have the cracks in the roof the roof caving in see the second floor exposed there with Wang the unicorn man hanging off the edge so we head in here see continuing the uh earthquake effect see the earthquake is cracked open this display case here with the uh children's snow sled inside oh but we can see a peak if we look back in there spoiler there's there's one of their uh their Crown Jewel exhibit back there the thing that Branson riple is most known for but uh I won't spoil it we'll we'll get there eventually an exhibit on Robert Ripley the man and they don't always have this in the Ripley's museums I love to see them kind of talk about Robert Ripley and who he was this bust here it's actually created by a blind artist who uh sculpted Robert Ripley's head from just uh from just the touch of it which is of course very very amazing now we have some personal items from Robert Ripley in here here's Robert Ripley's advocus kind of in uh old school Asian calculator and then Robert Ripley's personal Bible see it's mon monogram there with the uh his name the Robert L Ripley there there are some Wayne Harbor letters and Wayne Harbor is kind of a uh notorious character in The Robert Ripley extended universe he would uh he would basically fact check everything um he would write letters constantly Robert Ripley Robert Ripley would put out his Comics that gave strange unusual fact and Wade Harbor would dispute these facts and send mountains and mountains of letters trying to uh discredit Robert Ripley but uh they said that Robert Ripley never technically lost an uh lost an argument to Wayne haror sometimes he resorted to maybe some loopholes and some uh other chicanery but uh everything was technically uh technically correct now this is really cool here is Robert Ripley in his uh baseball uniform there's an authentic baseball uniform there he uh formed a baseball team called the believe it or not and he actually was a professional baseball player early in his career he played for the New York uh the New York Giants but uh later in his career when he was famous for his uh his cartoons he would form a celebrity baseball team called the Believe it or nots he and would play in Madison Square Garden versus the nine old men who were nine of the core original animators from Disney and uh Robert Ripley he came with a uh came with a ace up his sleeve as he actually enlisted Babe Ruth to play on his team with him so uh yeah he was he was playing for keeps bringing along the Babe looking don't act like you don't see me I'm stuck here on this wall the wall of talking's characters you need people you ever see other sh long head neck woman there oh you think your story is more interesting but my head is amazing in a way too you may have noticed the unique feature growing from it I was born without legs I can do anything a normal person can do and in my Sideshow I was well known for my one arm handstands some people still ask me do I wish I had legs but why would I then I'd have to press my pants actually notice here we have very interesting bench here it's actually a rocking bench you can see it's on the on the Chain there interesting musical instruments here it's a frying pan banjo and a uh violin made out of a cigar box this is a Chinese Gayo you see it's uh ped there with snakes skin some sculptures in here this is a toothpick corn crib and a toothpic farmhouse down here some more ghoulish items the uh AOA human skin mask and a deak trophy skull make this story see some different weapons here miniature tiny pistols I don't think that one I don't think that one is operational but some very small Pistols that actually work and uh these are called cow trops they're like little spikes that you throw on the ground to uh trick people into stepping on them in the world and look at that little miniature revolver that doubles as a knuckle Duster or brass knuckle so you can shoot someone or punch them really the choice is up to you of course none of these weapons are going to help you if you have to face off against a vampire so we have this vampire killing kit for all your vampire killing needs it does have a revolver I guess has some uh silver bullets cuz that's the only thing that's going to work as far as a gun and a steak to jam through their heart a little bit of holy water some other things that will uh make sure that uh you take out uh take out the vampire these are called hoodwinks here they're goggles that you can actually close or open and then use them in oddfellow rituals to uh to either blind someone or open their eyes now this here says Jesse James mysterious mail pouch says mailbag was hidden in the walls of a cabin near Kimberling City Missouri where it wasn't discovered until 1950s 7 years later says I don't know what the significant was to uh Jesse James I'm wondering what was inside it doesn't really say uh if anything uh if anything was inside it or not's an elephant saddle that would go on the back of an elephant you wanted to ride and uh a mop dog sculpture uh of a dog created entirely out of mops as we step into the optical illusion room here see the trippy things here on the wall looks like a skull here when you stand back and then but if you look closely there's actually two children right there there's also a 3D stereogram we call these magic eyes when I was a kid let's see if I is at work is anyone able pause the screen and see if you can get the Magic Eye to work I mean it should work right um oh I got it to work I just got it to work I haven't seen one of these in forever I was able to just see it the Dolphins okay it's Dolphins if anyone else sees the Dolphins leave a comment in the comment section I'm curious if it works on the uh on the video screen just grab the jewel look into this face here oh I see the jewel right there all I got to do is grab it jeez I knew that was coming I knew the compressed air was coming but it still made me nervous jeez hey Zar want want a dollar know Zar is always down uh to get paid Zar the Gypsy At Your Service ah today is your lucky day my friend for I have a fortune especially for youe for me close sometimes you can tell a wise person not only by what he says but also by what he doesn't say true remember it is much better to say little than to say too much and regret it later are your treasure I have much wisdom to share with you artwork here on the wall there's Lauren Hill made out of uh unraveled cassette tapes this is Van go made out of painted butterflies we have some more artwork like we saw outside there is uh some scrap metal Wildlife it calls it see the uh gorilla there covered in Nails this giraffe here also got Nails instead of hair and uh the lion there made of shredded tires and uh oh that's a big chunk big chunk of petrified wood I know the petrified wood can be uh can be pretty valuable and that is a that's one of the biggest pieces I've ever seen it's pretty fun photo op here you can be uh be either a Bigfoot an alien or one of the cows that the aliens are [Music] abducting I'm not ready to move to space this whole thing seems pretty alien to me I hope something doesn't fall on my head and Sass squash me I'm just thinking these up as I'm going along I didn't really put a lot of work didn't really put a lot of thought into what I was going to say the junk art Crow there made out of a shovel some reason he's on top of a uh of a a a barrel of swamp water but I think the 3xs mean that it's actually moonshine this massive terrifying T-Rex here made uh out of poptart rappers which is pretty amazing also there is a moose a moose of some sort up there a moose head looks like his antlers are actually skis I hear something special that's exclusive to this riple and that is the world's largest roll of toilet paper see the charman bear there hugging the roll says this contains over 1 million feet of toilet paper was created by the charman company as a publicity stunt but uh sticking with the toilet paper theme you have uh these toilet paper wedding dresses three completely unique toilet paper wedding dresses yeah if you look down here these are normal normal rolls of charman you can see how much larger the world's largest toilet paper roll is compared to these teeny tiny rolls have a nail bison here a lot of animals here made of nails have noticed but look at this these are pretty pretty pretty amazing these uh African fantasy coffins some African countries they actually like to be buried in these super fancy coffins here like this giant crab coffin you imagine being buried in the crab also really like just think the turkey coffin like I just imagine someone has such a profound love for turkey that they would want to be buried in a turkey coffin but uh I don't know is I was first I was going to say that's a a corn cob I think that might actually be like a plantain or a banana just someone who really loved uh really loved plantains in uh this room here we have a pool table says we can set the ball on the table and gently nudge it a ball there okay so set it on the table and gently nudge it nudge oh there you go you can see it just rolling across the table with just that one little nudge look at this I actually got one of those other balls in the hole over here have some uh also have a ball there let's uh set it down and look at that it is rolling up hill somehow oh oh did it stop does it need another nudge no it's going all right it needs a nudge just give it just a teeny tiny nudge just a tiny nudge tiny nudge there we go there it flies uphill oops don't trip over this giant meteorite here every time I see a meteorite I think about uh think about Joe Dirt and his pet meteorite which turned out to be uh turned out to be a a lump of Airline poop he thought it was his best friend he made friends the meteorite and ate food off of it and then later found it to be a uh a lump of airline waste so we head up the uh up the stairs here look down on some of the exhibits we saw on the lower floor the Pop-Tart T-Rex world's largest roll a toilet paper and a quote from Robert Ripley I have traveled 21 countries including hell hell Norway and the strangest thing I've seen was man it's a wooden motorcycle can you imagine if metal was never invented and we had to make cars and motorcycles out of wood what kind of room is this okay like strange effects occurring as I walk past these screens then we find ourselves in some sort of cave I'm imagining somewhere in here we will find a shrunken head here's a head it's just uh it's just not shrunken it's it's normal sized and here we go it's a genuine shrunken head there you can see the head uh being displayed in a rotating manner of course shrunken heads taken by by the uh javaro tribe of Ecuador the idea was that if you took your enemy's head and preserved it in this way it would trap their soul for one year and you could use these to help control and manipulate their uh their family and friends and I think after one year the power was said to have uh been expired so these actually eventually became the the discarded shrunken heads that become like a a a big tourist souvenir to uh to tourists to the area everyone wanted to have a shrunken head to the point where a lot of you know a lot of fake shrunken heads were being made and people were actually making shrunken heads in Mass amounts because uh they wanted to fill the demand I've actually even heard stories of people breaking into morgs and shrinking all the heads just so they could sell them to tourists the interesting and interesting to have a shrunken head based economy me see a head shrinker here in the process of manufacturing a shrunken head that make them like over a fire you'd have to of course you know to shrink a head you can't shrink a skull so you got to take the skull out so then you take like the skin bag you fill it full of hot coals which kind of preserves and shrinks the skin then you got yourself a shrunken head you can also make them out of apples that's that's the more that's the more uh more sustainable way to make though it's a perubian Mochi skull what do you guys think is creepier shrunken heads or this Mochi skull here oh here they are this is the couple that tricks you as you walk over here you see a see a gentleman taking a uh taking a pH photograph with his cell phone of his uh his girlfriend here so you stop you're like oh I'm sorry I'll let you finish taking your picture I I'll wait here while you do this and and then you stand here and you wait and you wait and you wait and you realize oh these are these are wax figures they do not uh they do not they're never going to move so uh I guess I can go ahead and uh and walk through the photo oh oh there he actually took the photo so I was wrong even though they're wax figures they were still uh still taking a photo I really like this shirt though it's a vampire killing kit shirt that's pretty amazing that she's got and what does uh what does the gentleman here have oh it's a Bigfoot jamming out with a boom box this here sends out a big uh it's a trap Vibe want to walk out on this platform see there's a money sculpture pterodactyl there a portrait of Jesus made of toast now there we go ground drops out terrifying us and look at that we are right above the crown jewel of Branson's uh Ripley Believe It or Not that is one of the world's largest twine balls but we'll we'll get there eventually now Ripley actually has some of the most fun uh shooting galleries here cuz in my experience I trouble the different Ripley they actually will take you know artifacts that they aren't using necessarily and put them in the shooting gallery so that they could still be enjoyed so yeah I'm looking forward to uh taking some shots here at the old uh Ripley's Shooting Gallery put our money in here we have 25 shots in which to shoot so we want to make them count we want to make interesting things happen oh man I'm wasting all my shots I wanted to make this head pop out of this Barrel let me [Music] see there we go I SP spent half my dollar doing that let's see if we can uh what else we can do we got the two headed Cales here there's two two headed calvs in the shooting gallery but you can't actually uh shoot them let's see there's a head up there get me out of here oh he says get me out of here let's see this try to shoot this cannon there we go blasted me with some uh compress press a there only have two shots left so hopefully these will count okay out of shots so hopefully we didn't uh hopefully we didn't miss out on anything uh too exciting because uh yeah I'm not that good at shooting galleries as as much as I play them I still am pretty bad of course you know I do have to shoot with one hand while looking through a camera viewfinder so that could have something to do with it and here is a magic hat fortune teller I guess like the the Sorting hat from Harry Potter now I i' had asked um my audience what house they thought I belong to cuz I'd never been uh never been uh officially uh designated to a Harry Potter house and uh but people were saying that I was the majority of people said I was a Hufflepuff I don't really know know what that means but they said that I had a Hufflepuff Vibes so we're going to hit the Hufflepuff button there have you wondered why the smart people seem to have all the questions and the not so smart people seem to have all the answers yeah that's a good point you my smart friend I'm must have lots of questions am I smart or or stupid I I I did I lost track of there for a second you want to pause your uh screen you can read my fortune I do appreciate how Ripley actually extends their exhibits into the restrooms see here in the men's room they have a pipe collection what's in the woman's room I guess I will never know if you're a woman and you've been here tell me what's in the woman's room leave a comment in the comment section heading into this boat themed section here have this uh giant match stick aircraft carrier in the center [Music] this uh papier-mâché sculpture here is called not on my watch is the soldier picking up his uh Fallen Brethren and taking him to safety it's like he's calling ahead to let them know that uh his friend needs help have a deep sea diving helmet here hanging from this chain I guess so we can we can uh put it on for a photo op it's hanging from this chain so that people don't try to take it home with [Music] [Music] them [Music] [Music] the military helmets there and a scrimshaw Powder Horn a I guess scrim Shaw is like actually when you like write on bone and then a pocket watch piercing by a bullet this pocket watch actually saved someone's life we had it on their person a bullet would have gone into their body but instead went into the pocket watch saving their life this here A Navy line shooting gun I guess you actually just shoot a rope that you can like shoot between ships to help like uh like pass things from ship to ship for this section we going to actually look down into the lobby see that Dragon there you can definitely see some of the earthquake theme the different cracks in the wall and then this big crack in the ceiling that like shows like their Ducks exposed their air conditioning Ducks it's pretty pretty good commitment to the theme of course the human unicorn uh Wang looking over the lobby there has that horn growing out of the back of his head it's another Ripley's character up ahead here oh this is the double eyed man he had uh he had two two pupils in each eyeball as you can see there as we continue this way you see the uh two-headed calf over the doorway there speaking of things with two heads there's a two-headed green anaconda here so this is actually a fiberglass mold that this uh Anaconda was born at the St Louis Zoo I've actually seen two-headed snakes before there was a two-headed snake at a science museum in Jackson Mississippi I remember seeing Siamese kitten there has two tails has like four five six Paws it looks like you see a very interesting cow there full grown cow kind of a interesting shaped head and uh here's the actual skull of the cow you can see how it's different from a from a normal cow's skull that's what they call 21st century Taxidermy this European wild bhead instead of fitting the taxid Derby to a for they just blow it up like a balloon of course it wouldn't be a Ripley without our dear friend Robert wadow all 8 11 in of him now defin the different Wadlow at Ripley are often dressed up differently depending on uh what location they are in I guess this is the Branson wadow is this kind of the the typical Branson gear the the buttonup plaid shirt the uh the blue jeans there is this how people from Dr Branson dress here's Robert Earl Hughes we saw his headless body out uh in front of the uh the building here where we could pose see the different uh Ripley's characters here these are all real people that uh have fascinating Stories the Cuban eye popper there where his eyes could actually come out of his uh his face and bulge out there we already saw Wang the uh human unicorn there with his horn this is one of the pandog not long necked women where they put the coil around their necks to extend their neck and here's who they have officially dubbed the world's most unusual woman I've heard her called The Vampire Woman she is uh from Mexico and she has transformed her body via tattoos and implants and piercing to become uh become The Vampire Woman so heard that she works as a lawyer which is very interesting be very interesting to to come into a courtroom and see uh her uh representing uh the other side and this is who they have dubbed as the world's most unusual man the uh Lizard Man Eric sprog has over time transformed himself into a half man half lizard again using tattoos and uh body modification it's really interesting you know we saw some of the the the born freaks people who are born with deformations and then uh Eric sprog the lizard man here The Vampire Woman we saw people who voluntarily transform themselves into very unusual characters the crocodile tooth man here he made himself Dentures out of actual crocodile teeth which is uh very creative I would be afraid that I'd accidentally bite my tongue here is uh Thomas wers the man with the longest nose in history I remember back in my days of posting uh photos on Flickr it was a photo of one one of these busts that was my most viewed photo and uh for the longest time I could never figure out why then uh and then I did and then we have the lighthouse man here he has a hole in his head but he would place a candle and give uh give guided tours with by the light of his head candle and once again we come across Robert Ripley the legendary Robert Ripley here he actually is a penny Smasher can smash a c penny for us you can get uh either the gning man a shrunken head a two-headed calf or this building that we are in I like that I like cuz it's uh unique to this location so let's get the uh let's get the actual building put on a pressed Penny oh the penny just dropped into place to hit the button here and let Mr Ripley make us a press Penny turning it there as he crushes it with his very hand there you can make it out pretty good you can see that uh earthquake damaged building that we are currently in all right heading back downstairs [Music] here oh it's like some sort of musical staircase guess as we go up and down STS [Music] here plays different piano [Music] notes yes this is the newest exhibit here this is a miniature sculpture Gallery see the different sculptures literally made on the heads of pins see The Simpsons here we have a homer strangling fart which apparently this is no longer going to be allowed on the show they said they're going to continue the gag it goes all the way back to the beginning of the show of Homer strangling Bart cuz it is no longer appropriate for cartoons to strangle each other so uh let's look here through the microscope and see if we can see Homer strangling far there we go if you could see there let me zoom in a little bit but yeah on the very head of a pin you can see Homer strangling B just to show how small that is you can see the actual pin down there that we're looking at the head of what's the old uh phrase is uh a rich man's chances of getting into heaven are the same as a camel passing through a needle's eye well here we actually have nine camels passing through a needle's eye so that's those are actually some good chances there see if we can peek in there and see those camels they're pretty small you still barely see of there those teeny tiny camels in the needle's eye so it is Willard Wigan who is the sculptor here and it says he has to keep a very steady hand in order to create these sculptures so we're going to practice having a steady hand here even though I am terrible at these cuz I have a very unsteady hand we're going to try to get kind of thread the needle here having this Loop go through this there we go I I didn't I didn't get very far oh my gosh I'm so I'm so bad at this there's the tiniest house there see if we can see biger see the tiny needle down there to look through this uh telescope here let's give it a little light there you go see the house there I built on a pin who could possibly who could possibly live in a house that small the phot up here as we can see we can fit in the eye of a needle here giant fly over here through the needle it's a vending machine here where you can buy some toys or the smallest version of toys the world's smallest magic eightball world's smallest roam sakam robots world's smallest Stretch Armstrong oh man I'd love to play a round of the world's smallest Monopoly hopefully we don't lose any of the pieces oh here we go heading into the uh final room here and the big reveal because there we have one of the world's largest ball of twin actually this is the ball of twine that is recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's largest ball of twine it's not without its controversy but it definitely is a massive ball of twine I've seen the other other uh two of the other largest balls of twine the one in uh Kansas City is the largest ball of sisle twine and uh that means that it's actually the traditional twine this is made out of plastic twine so some feel this doesn't this shouldn't count and then the one in Darwin Minnesota which is the largest twine ball made by one man but you know what I think they all deserve their own place in ball of twine history there we have the uh Proclamation there this is signed by the mayor of uh Branson Missouri declaring uh oh declaring November 10th 1993 as world's largest ball of twine day see the ball of twine kind of whole building is built around it you see the cracks there so now that I'm seeing this and kind of tying everything together I'm thinking that the theme of the building is not an earthquake has damaged the building but like the world's largest ball of twine has been dropped down through the building crushing it and causing the damage but some other interesting things in this room this bed pan guitar there's a purse there made out of cigarette wrappers but I noticed this they don't actually have an artifact attached to it but there is the uh button king of Bishopville South Carolina Dalton Stevens uh he passed away some time ago I actually had a chance to meet him he covered his car and all his clothes and his guitar with buttons I need to look in to see what ever happened to the button Museum after he passed away there's a recycled Parts minion see if this button here oh okay you got to hold the button down and then then the recycle Parts minion will rotate oh there he goes see his uh his minion face there he's got the big minion eye and the minion smile and he's holding the uh bucket of bolts also feel this is pretty impressive right here in front of the uh ball of twine we have this Wishbone collection all these wishbones just imagine if you could get a hold of all these wishbones imagine all the wishes you could make you could uh become infinitely powerful with all the wishes these would Grant see what's this in here hand painted monkey and rabbit skeletons that so that's the monkey there oh he's painted with looks like Curious world leaders on a skeleton and that must be a really tiny rabbit there a genuine dressed fleas can look in there lot of very tiny things in this Museum but yeah there are some fleas oh dressed in human clothes there can you see [Music] them and I love the little scene they have in here it's the rodent card party see some weasels and a squirrel playing uh playing a game of cards there some loud noises laughing coming from this hallway here are the glowing faces of the uh Ripley's characters that we've seen throughout the museum and then we have the vortex tunnel someday when I have the time I'm going to go back through all my videos and count the number of Vortex tunnels that I've been through now we exit through the gift shop feel like I'm seeing this guy more and more these days there is The Moth Man by squishable I think squishable actually makes a Flatwoods Monster now as well see the two-headed animal bobbleheads there got the cat the parrot there got a oneeyed dog I do have uh I do have this one the the two-headed calf bobble head there's a two-headed snake there as well oh I like the heads Bobble independently of one another look at this we got Axel which uh further proves my uh theory that uh kids love Axel oh I haven't seen these before we have many building blocks of some of the uh Ripley's characters look at that you got a building block Robert wadow there that's a Tibetan skull a oneeyed dog and the oneeyed parrot here is the the uh the Branson edition of Monopoly trying to see what's all on here of course we got Ripley's on here we got the uh the ferris wheel looks like the Silver Dollar City some roller coasters and then the bransom water tower and as we leave the gift shop headed back here into the lobby we have this giant tape ball look at this see over here it says this is built by children at a community center in Louisville Kentucky weighs a 2,158 lbs largest tape ball in the Ripley collection so you can be part of Ripley's history we can actually add to the tape ball here so yeah let's let's uh contribute to the uh tape ball all right let's add some uh some green tape here we'll tear that off oh oh try to get that off there I might need to put the camera down all right and we will leave our Mark here on the tape ball so I'm going will probably come tomorrow and uh cover this up but for a brief time I'll have my uh name displayed on the tape ball almost ran out of room there all right you look right there you can see where I signed it where people will add tape every day as it gets bigger and bigger maybe someday I can come back and visit it and it will be as big as the twine [Music] ball and wacky interactives experience the amazing see while we're in the building night has fallen you see their Christmas lights illuminated there with a Santa Hulk posing in front of the door thank you for joining me here today at Ripley's Believe It or Not Here in Branson Missouri oh again love to stop by the Ripley see what's new see what they've changed and a lot of new stuff here at uh this particular Ripley so uh thank you so much if you like these videos please subscribe I travel around the country film roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun stuff you'd like to help contribute to the channel consider contributing to patreon 3 or more get you a postcard once a month from me to you also uh selling enamel pins and the ety shop and doing personalized messages on Cameo if you're interested in any of that check the description of this video and all those things help keep this train on the track this boat in the water and this origal in the air until next time my friends this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 51,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, blog, roadtrip, travel, road trip, road-trip, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, remodeled, new, ripleys believe it or not, branson, missouri, bronson, ball of twine, largest, tourist trap, roadside, oddities, odditorium, strange, unusual, weird, fun, things to do
Id: GWbgqvcop-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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