Animatronic Bands! Mold-A-Ramas! Titanic Exhibit! Dinosaurs! What's New at the Volo Museum?

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[Music] thank you hey you oh carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically we are in South Holland Illinois and even more specifically than that over here in front of the South Howland Oasis now for those of you who did not grow up in the Chicagoland area the Oasis is here are kind of like uh rest areas or travel plazas that are actually built over top the road I remember my father lived in Milwaukee Wisconsin my mother lived in Valparaiso Indiana so I often travel between between the two homes and always loved stopping at these Oasis unfortunately there's not very many left um there was uh it used to be all over I would love stopping in you get out go to the bathroom stretch your legs maybe restaurants inside growing up there was always there was always Wendy's inside the Oasis unfortunately they've been um they've been tearing them down there's not a lot left I don't know how many are left the one but I went to the most was the Hinsdale Oasis that's where my mom and dad would often meet to exchange me and um and that's gone that's been tore down I know a lot of the other ones have been torn down this one's still here the Lincoln the the South Holland Lincoln Oasis but uh I don't know how many other or others are around besides this if anyone knows which other Oasis are open leave a comment in the comment section because uh I didn't know I saw them tearing down the other ones I wasn't sure if there was still any left so I was very excited to stop here and check this out so please follow me see how the traffic passes right under the Oasis I remember you could eat your food while looking out at all the traffic and I remember a big old truck comes underneath you can actually feel it kind of feel it rattle the Oasis all right now this is a major bummer The Oasis actually closed temporarily and looks there's a sign over here sorry restrooms closed power outage no running water oh wait is it oh okay the Oasis is open I guess that's just the restrooms look at this okay I came in and that lady back there yelled at me for for coming in saying they're closed he said everything's closed all the restaurants are closed I said okay if I just walked around she said no no no it's not okay we're closed get out we'll be uh leaving The Oasis here see a major bummer I uh haven't been in one of these Oasis in a while and I was hoping this one would be opened so I could actually go inside and look around but got yelled at for a walking in the front door so uh maybe maybe next time we come through we can check out uh check out the Oasis yeah it's a real bummer I really want it I was really excited to go inside the Oasis it's been a while since I've been in one um since they've been tearing them all down I don't know they says the power's out so I don't know if that's necessarily indicative that this one's closing down or if this one's uh not long for uh for this world it did look like there was workers in there the McDonald's there was people behind the counter just all the power uh was off and then someone got really grumpy at me for walking in there just I asked okay no no not okay big bummer but uh hopefully hopefully get a chance to come back but anyways we are uh we are I took it I I I I rested a little bit at my mom's but it is now time to head West as we continue our great adventure the goal from here on uh the next week is to uh visit as many state fairs as possible I got a a some state fairs lined up in a big loop that I am planning on uh planning on knocking out this upcoming week so I hope hope you guys enjoy this hope you guys like the state fairs because we're going to see a variety well hopefully we will just seeing a variety of state fairs you never know I might die who knows my something might happen my car might wreck I might not get that single state fair but the plan is to get to uh to get to as many state fairs as possible this week there's a lot going on right now um at the same time the the 20th seems to be a stop date so 20th seems to be the last day for a lot of the state fairs so we're going to be going and trying to hit as many as we can in that time period and uh hopefully you guys enjoy I'm looking forward to this I'm looking forward to you gotta look at the the Midwest area as being kind of the you know the heartland of the country kind of the place where where state fairs uh really make a lot of sense where agricultural agriculture is big and these state fairs are uh our big big gathering places so uh please let's head back on to that long Lonesome Road remember driving over this big rock quarry here just past the Oasis we have landed in Volo Illinois I wanted to stop by and check in with the Volo Auto Museum they're always adding new stuff here at the Volo Auto Museum every time I go there's something new added and when they say Auto Museum that's kind of a um a misnomer because there's way more here than automobiles there is some cool cars some movie cars but there's also animatronic bands dinosaurs just a real real is really expanded from its original concept as an auto museum and has added some some very cool stuff over the years so let's check out the Volo Auto Museum as you can see there it says Volo Museum 33 plus exhibits here is the main entrance here of course they have the Jurassic Gardens out front here we have a bat signal so they could summon Batman anytime they want to the Volo Auto Museum as we head in we have a collection of bat vehicles of course you have Adam West's uh bat cycle from the 1960s series I love this because you can see this this actually detaches here so uh Robin rides this and then if they want to launch Robin they can shoot him off in his own little cart then we have the 1989 Keaton mobile it says this was actually used in the production of the movie very cool my two favorite Batman here Adam West and uh Michael Keaton and here as you enter the uh Volo Museum they have a little pizza parlor here and they have several animatronic bands now I asked the lady over at the pizza counter when they play she said they can be played every 15 minutes I guess it's to let their uh let the I guess the air compressor fill back up but she said that she thinks it's been 15 minutes said go ask the ice cream counter to uh to play uh one of the Bands here all right talk to the lady at the ice cream parlor that should be activating the Pirates over here momentarily oh here they go here we go [Music] [Applause] over here they have a cordio boy I don't know if he uh he actually functions but I guess he is and uh his animatronic plays the accordion so this here they have the four little Shavers says this is an experimental Chuck E cheese project they only made three of these as prototypes and apparently this is the uh this is the only one uh currently in existence pretty amazing it's like the four uh four members of the barber shop quartet the guy there in the blue getting his uh getting his hair cut you can see there's so much stuff here in every corner up here we have the bicycle from Pee-wee's Big Adventure hanging in the Rafters next to that iconic clown there of course very recently uh Peewee passed away which is very sad I absolutely loved this movie it was one of my favorite movies as a child I think it kind of the first introduction to like surreal humor and I loved the Pee-wee's Playhouse TV show as well yeah all my childhood is dangling in here we got a collection of Gremlins over here we have the uh the brain gremlin from uh from Gremlins to Gremlins 2 one of my favorite movies and then uh I'll have a Gremlin a gremlin bride right there the dancing grandma too gremlin's probably probably my my top five favorite movies of all time still absolutely adore the design of the creatures you got one more one more Gremlin over here hiding behind the pizza pizza lamp they've added this little gift shop here oh you see this it's rather surprised uh man here but looks like he's uh looks like he's ready for Christmas a big organ over here as well as some more uh animated musicians another accordion boy and uh there's a little uh drummer friend there wait here they go [Music] oh the drums the symbols banging there oh that's really cool you see his fingers moving on the accordion our good friend zoltard of course whenever we see zoltar we gotta give them give them our hard-earned cash so you can tell us a little bit about the future I am goldar the gray Gypsy listen carefully for I am about to tell you your fortune recently you had to make some judgments as others may be judging you a wise man makes his own decisions an ignorant man that follows the public opinion a mountain is composed of tiny grains of Earth the ocean is made of tiny drops of water even so life is but an English series of little details actions speeches and thoughts and the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are so far-reaching the more we judge the less we love patience and thought will show you the right way there are some wise words altar I don't know if I've ever gotten that Spiel before interesting an opportunity here to ask ask the brain there is the brain right there let's give the brain some of our some of our cash okay all right let's see it seems my schedule turning the knobs of this capacity no nudifier but I still seem to have enough power to map at least some of your future did you put your money in I did did you put your money in yes yes answer me I'm answering you good turning these knobs here what's happening [Music] yeah wow it seems I'm going to have to replace the whole Labs that nudifier sorry no refunds no refunds geez brain I feel uh feel like you cheated me so this is the newest exhibit here at uh at the Volo the Titanic exhibit I got a timed ticket to uh go visit the Titanic the Titanic anchor right there a replica of the Titanic's anchor and we have a replica of one of the Titanic lifeboats we all know uh we all know they didn't have a lot of those are they um king of the world oh was this the actual size all right so uh check out the Titanic exhibit oh wow look at this ours all the old outfits all the old luggage there now this here it says is the only exact replica of the uh the the only car on the Titanic of course if you watch the Titanic film there's a very um a very uh very memorable scene that takes place in the car and apparently in real life it would have been uh would have been this car here I mean this is the only exact replica the the car that the scene took place in is at the bottom of the ocean but this one looks exactly like that car stories of people that lost their life on the Titanic how many children died on the Titanic with a little dog puppet 53 children in total that's really sad front of the ship here you can see the moon out there and uh oh what's that lurking up on our right side talks about how 44 lifeboats are removed part of departure so that uh first class passengers can have a better view of the ocean the hikes it's winded over 1500 people have to die apparently they accidentally locked their binoculars away and and lost the keys they used the wrong colored flares and apparently they were just too busy to listen to all the uh warning calls from other ships shows you the slope of the deck at different points this is the 1 50 am slope of the deck this is only 15 minutes later you can see how high it's gone up and then just 13 minutes after this it was this much higher and then two minutes later it was underwater peek out these windows here you can see uh some friends of Dorothy so this is their showroom in here where they sell antique cars or uh interesting cars you can actually come here and buy a car and uh I don't know if this is for sale here this is the the most authentic and unrestored General Lee in existence so I don't know come down here to uh Volo and get yourself a General Lee over here in the corner I have the world's fastest jet powered Outhouse I don't know how many jet powered outhouses there are you can see the wheels on there oh yeah and you actually sit on the toilet seat there's a urinal right there the tires on the ground I guess it's a it's a jet powered that's pretty nuts I guess you wouldn't want to get an accident in this plastic outhouse we have the fastest Outhouse and here we also have the fastest bar stool you see you sit on the bar stool there it's a V8 powered which probably means it's fast and yeah they're flying around on a bar stool and just hanging out here in the showroom we have Shrek Fiona donkey and the Shrek babies so we head down this hallway here to the uh military building oh yeah you can see uh see the piles of sandbags the guy in the gas mask you got Rin Tin Tin over here foreign the uh Military Museum the Volo Armed Forces Adventure in here it says you are now entering a combat zone when some guests may have more some maybe more sensitive than other to our action-packed Battle season heart pounding sound effects oh yeah Count Me In [Music] oh yeah this you got a guy in the telephone there is this guy here smoking a stogie hear all the military noises happening the truck here with the big gun on it got this whole truck at the gun pointed at this one guy here he's like please please don't shoot now I found military museums can often be a little dry this is definitely spices uh spices things up here with all this flashing lights and noise and action going on amongst these uh figures see the big big tank here this is a German tank [Music] pounding action going on in every direction oh my gosh okay I started firing his machine gun there the creepy set of eyes staring at us with a charging Soldier there Soldier here in the uh in the bushes [Music] I got some Nazis peeking out here boo thumbs down to you Nazis probably someone in the comments section will get mad at me for uh for saying that an exhibit talks about mash the show MASH the mobile Army surgical hospital there is a uh a nurse there taking care of uh taking care of this wounded soldier this guy down here he's got some uh some serious issues going on and I got more cars uh for sale in here but also some movie Cars the car from Mad Max there you can see over at the end here we got uh Mr uh Mel Gibson with his dog we have Speed Racer's car The Mach 5 and then over here have the Star Wars section we got the uh the uh land speeder a couple of a couple of Jawas got uh Mr Chewbacca back there a Wookie oh look there's a Millennium Falcon flying over top everything Stormtroopers and see free piano back there oh look it goes R2 lighting up and uh spinning his head around over here we got the Ecto one converted uh ambulance slash purse into a ghost Fighting Vehicle oh there we have Peter Venkman standing in front of uh Ghost Riders motorcycle there's the Pep Boys fiberglass sculpture of the three pepboy mascots it says this is one of six of these ever made the hearse from Terminator 3 . see Arnie there holding the uh casket now Terminator one great movie Terminator 2 great movie and then they really struggled after that they keep making they keep making sequel after Sequel and uh no one likes them but then they like okay forget that sequel we're gonna make another one that's even better and no one likes that one either maybe you know sometimes maybe it's better just to uh just to stop okay before we head into the next car room you have the Museum of private punishment here A whole uh self-contained section A Crime and Punishment Museum it takes two to two tokens which is two dollars so two extra dollars to enter this section I did uh grab a few of the Volo tokens there so we will put them oh put them in here and then push our way through all right things are about to get really intense here and they crime and Punishment Museum first thing we're greeted with Bonnie and Clyde's car and there's a lot of Bonnie and Clyde death cars that uh that circled the country as kind of a a go-to Oddities exhibit so this is obviously a recreation um the the movie Death car is in uh Alcatraz East in Pigeon Forge the actual death car is in a is in Whiskey Pete's Casino uh right across the California line into Nevada but uh yeah you can see their car infamously riddled with bullets yeah they did not take any chances they wanted to make sure these two love her birds were lover dead it's a prison over here you can see the uh poor accommodations there for this gentleman he has to poop in that bucket rats eat his food and there's a bunch of plaster all over the floor apparently his crime was touching the cars at the Volo Auto Museum [Music] you make noise with the cop let me out of here I didn't touch a car I just wanted to see it real real close we have a John Dillinger's death mask there I don't think anyone has a more famous death mask than Mr John Dillinger this is Charles Justice a very ominous name for the man that invented the electric chair apparently he did this while he was actually a prisoner so I guess they were like hey we know you're a violent criminal and all but uh could you invent a chair that kills people and he's like I'm right on it ironically enough he would be killed by his own invention he would be freed from prison go out on parole but later commit a crime of murder and be brought back and executed in his own invention the electric chair old Sparky if you will and uh yeah that must have been that must have been ironic killed by the only thing you truly loved oh yeah there's just a uh a random bust of Marlon Brando on the wall right there so replica of the first gas chamber invented in 1911 and uh who's in there being uh being gassed oh an unpleasant fate for any to meet I don't even know how I walked past this on my way in we have a iron lung with uh this uh this guy here uh living a uh life in the iron lung you see they actually have the mirror there so you can uh stare at yourself all day long there's the Ford versus Ferrari exhibit I've never seen the uh the movie but I assume it's about two cars that uh maybe race each other maybe they fight somehow maybe they like uh square off of some sort of demolition derby is this a Ford is this the Ford here which one's the Ford which one's the Ferrari it doesn't say oh yes that says Ford it says so right on the hood so then uh is this are these the Ferraris oh look you see the characters from the movie in uh cardboard form from here we enter another room of cars and this we have the this odd looking car here this is apparently from The Mask 2 the son of mask so uh even though I've not seen that movie still an amazing car of course everybody's been talking about Barbie have not got a chance to see uh to see the movie I do want to check it out since everyone's been talking about it but uh here we have Barbie's car and this is Barbie's car from Epcot so they have this at Epcot parades Barbie would ride in the Cadillac here but originally this says this was uh Cruella deville's car it was painted up you see I see Cruella back there so Cruella Deville would ride in this and then after they quit using it for Barbie Miss Piggy started riding in it so some very uh very big names have written in this parade car here is one of Elvis's Cadillacs and one thing I've learned from going to lots of museums lots of different car museums Elvis had a lot of Cadillacs matter of fact he had more Cadillacs than anyone else in the world he only largest number of cattle the biggest Cadillac collection in the World Behind Elvis's Cadillac here we have none other than King Kong with his glowing eyes he's waving that poor little lady in his hands that he has uh that he has captured oh the Mighty the mighty Cog oh my goodness Charlie Chaplin mobile over there with uh Charlie Chaplin's head bursting out through the roof we just visited uh Stephen King's house not too long ago and here's another Stephen King creation this is uh Christine the the movie that tried to find a way to make cars scary of the Haunted Car Christine right here oh wait the red light just came on oh look at this you can see the evil exuding from uh from this car [Music] here we have Grandpa Munsters race car the Dragula it's like a drag as in drag racing and Dracula as in the famous vampire so mixing vampires and racing to form Dragula of course this would expire Rob Zombies amazing song Dragula and then Rob Zombie would later direct the monster movie which everyone hated except uh for me and Jen and one of my favorite cars from television and film is the uh the Batmobile here the 1960s era Batmobile oh no see the chains rattling there by the uh by the xenomorph what am I just all-time favorite movies and favorite movie Cars National Lampoons Vacation I remember um my mom let me stay up late to watch this with the family one of the one of the first movies I like got to stay up late past my bedtime and uh and watch a movie and I remember just just loving this movie and it is I go back every few years and uh and re-watch it love the uh the truckster designing it's all the all the headlights there the eight headlights they have the uh the dead ant up there on top of the car and sadly even the uh dog's leash tied to the uh the bumper this is Johnny Cash's guitar car this was made for Johnny Cash so he could drive around in a giant guitar that's pretty pretty amazing the circus tent invites us into showroom four there's more cars this way we had uh through here what do we got in here okay got the shark from Finding Nemo and then Mike and Sully from uh Monsters Inc this is one of the craziest things I've ever seen this is I've never seen anything like this this is a trackless train so it's a train engine but you can just drive it on the road it just has like rubber tires it's that's so weird what what is even the practical application for that this is the brute Boss Hog here it says this is the first monster truck ever made built in 1975. the Lifeboat from Captain Phillips I think we can peek inside over here oh yeah you can cram a lot of people into this Lifeboat look up there it says fake some fake bullet holes from the movie this building here says the Vault historical treasures and ongoing exhibit we have uh the Simpson family there greeting us as we head into showroom number four [Music] wow yeah there's a lot going on in here we have this pink VW uh bus I don't know this is somehow Barbie related got military vehicles in here got uh Herbie the Herbie the Love Bug oh oh these moves he moved you saw there he goes with a penny Smasher here this is an old school one you need to put the actual coins in and manually turn the crank let's see what you can get here you can get a a mystery machine from Scooby-Doo Mater from Cars got a Herbie Love Bug or you can get the Batmobile kapow I think I'll get one of these for uh for Jen she loves the uh loves the 1960s uh Batman so we're gonna get her a uh a Batmobile here I was able to I was able to find enough change in my pocket a penny and two quarters there see if we have to to line it up make sure we got the right car lined up all right so change in and then we crank oh I can feel the pressure of the penny that fell down in there let's see and there we go [Music] nice shiny Batmobile smashed Penny there it says kapow on it from like when Batman would punch people see Mickey dancing there with the uh brooms that he brought to life giant roller skate shaped car here and I mean never we have a double decker bus from Disney it says this double decker bus where he started at Disneyland is then moved to Epcot and I guess it would have uh they'd use it in parades they would have characters on top there waving out into the crowd some more Disney parade cars these were used at Animal Kingdom in Mickey's Jammin jungle parade look at that it's actually got the carpet and lamp from Aladdin there on the hood I don't know if this would be driven by maybe Donald Duck and then we have Minnie's uh parade vehicle right there and there we have uh Pappy driving a uh a rat rod we have uh a car uh built like a German military helmet this is the Batman tumbler from the Chris Nolan Batman movies a very different version of the Batmobile and then uh Joker there warning us once again please do not touch the cars or he'll blow us all up with those grenades there is a piano mobile a driving piano there's so much crazy stuff here looks like we can uh activate activate the piano with one of our tokens [Music] does it oh there it goes [Music] you can see uh piano playing there under the hood oh yeah look at that I guess it's automatic so you don't have to worry about playing while you're trying to drive [Music] oh geez I tanked turret just spun around and pointed at me was not expecting that [Music] and just look at this oh my goodness we got three mold arama machines here says these Disneyland toy factors were built for the 1964 World's Fair we've got uh Donald Duck there we got Goofy and uh Mickey Mouse it's our uh ten dollars a piece this robot here is telling us the story of the moldaramas couple interesting thing about these Disney molarama machines they have the little uh figures on the inside as a little additional flare and if you notice here it says and you can color them too now I've heard before that they would actually sell painting sets so you could paint your mold after uh after you had it made now I do believe I have a Mickey Mouse I believe I have a goofy I don't think I have a Donald Duck so let's fire up the machine and make ourselves a duck all right here we go yeah you can see Goofy and Donald pushing the two pieces of the mold together while it makes our Donald and there we go there's McDonald's quick though there he is wow yeah I don't think I had a Donald somehow I have not acquired a Donald over my travels but there you go just got a little bit of extra wax there on his face plastic actually it's not wax but uh yeah there we go he looks great and I changed my mind I'm just gonna go ahead and get a uh a full set of the Volo molds here oh no hickey [Music] oh no Mickey what happened to you what'd they do to you Mickey [Music] oh my gosh his face is belted off no [Music] oh why well let's see how goofy turns out oh there we go ofy looks good let's see looks good there we go nice sparkling goofy next to uh body horror Mickey they also just have a great collection of these uh little toddler rides that you would find outside of grocery stores or remember these as a kid a real amazing collection this one is like actually has like a driving simulator built into it so let's try this one we'll put the a token in here oh there we go we gotta drive there we gotta imagine keep on the road avoid the other cars oh if beer is bad okay I'm getting the red light I think that's bad so I'm having a really hard time staying on the road I've just gotten in a million a million car accidents here the cat in the Hat's car along with the terrifying Michael Myers Cat in the Hat yeah I love all these uh coin operated rides you can ride on the Esso tiger there got some spaceships but I think this is my favorite riding on uh riding on Superman's back we actually demo some of these let's see uh See It was like would you ride on Superman's back oh there he goes a bumpy ride there on uh on Superman's back and then uh we have the UFO over there let's hit the uh UFO button and you know what it's like to ride in that space UFO making space noises as well oh look at that right on Polly the parrot and look who we got here my little buddy Pepe the musical clown you're gonna make him dance each button operates a different limb of the clown got one token to make a Pepe to make peppy dance what's he saying he's been really quiet okay see put foot there his foot dances make his foot His Feet Dance well so you can move his hand into his other hand move his hand in his foot at the same time happy the Dancing Clown you can't really hear long so really turned down so I'll make up my own song Pepe the Dancing Clown he hates it when you frown you better hope he doesn't come to your town Pepe the Dancing Clown dance dance dance clown clown clown pet pet pep e-e-e I'm a clown that likes to make you not frown and if you do frown I will come and haunt you down oh wasn't expecting to see you here it's the king my uh my friend Jared uh with with the Kings he put this King here at Volo he uh set this up and they they have the uh the king here the original Elvis style King but also they have king cat which they switched to in the 1980s as they take off of Michael Jackson now it's one token per show let's uh let's start out with let's just start out with the classic King the uh Jared style King here the [Music] 10 minutes later on here I'll still love me and you will too we're gonna sing uh I'm gonna sing an Elvis tune here a singing an Elvis tune now let's give uh king cat an opportunity to sing the uh Michael Jackson version of the king Let's see we gotta set it to set it to Michael Jackson there and put our token in hold up everybody we have a very special guest in the house sure to be a thriller it's not a smooth criminal it's Chuck E Cheese's own king cat he Roars did you hear about the dog that put lipstick on its forehead it wanted to make up his mind if you want to talk to like you all you gotta do is feel it if you want King captain in a TV then what I'm gonna sing is [Music] finally here in between the two kings we have the beagles one of the early uh Chuck E cheese side projects so uh we will go back to the dial you'll switch it from king cat to the beagles and uh baby you can drive my car and then they go straight into uh it's ready to do a Beatles tune there of some sort you know they're the beagles which sounds like the Beatles so they sing Beatles songs the jet over here a red pig it says ride the hog and then uh we have two Batmobiles one unfinished and one bright and shiny Batmobile there so leave this room we have a snarling dinosaur over here in the Jurassic Park Jeep it says upgrade your ticket and visit Jurassic Gardens today and I think we may just do that and here we have the Carousel Building of course it is the summer of carousels here on the carpetbagger Channel and uh they do have a carousel here in the carousel Pavilion and Music Hall let's head in and uh check out the carousel now they do have a carousel in here unfortunately does not look like we're gonna get to ride it today there is no ride attendant here at the carousel so we'll just have to uh have to enjoy it with our eyes if the different horses here I do like this one here it's a very interesting horse it's actually has like the natural wood color to it like some brass and it says uh Sanders Carousel company and this is interesting carousels go by many names merry-go-rounds now I've heard that carry us all's roundabouts and Jenny's carry us all I'll start calling them from that what I'm going to call all carousels carry us alls [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] face here that is uh particularly monstrous [Music] oh my gosh this is amazing I forgot they had this here this is the jet from the airjet featured in Pepsi where's my jet this is the jet used in the Pepsi commercial where they said if you earned enough points you could win a uh a Harrier jet and then uh one uh one kid decided he was going to save up enough points and eventually saved up the uh the points needed to win the Harrier jet and uh has he said no it was a joke and he actually took them to court there was a legal case where the kid was trying to uh to get a jet he said I just want my Jet and it languished in court for forever there's a like I said a whole documentary about it on um on Netflix and this is the the jet they used in the commercial the prop jet used in the uh legendary Pepsi commercial that's that's amazing that's a piece of Pop Culture right there apparently too it was also used in True Lies and the Avengers so this uh this prop jet has been around but of course I I know it as the uh as the Pepsi jet so movie trains here this was the train used in the movie Inception and then over here we have the train used in Will Smith's Wild Wild West I don't think we can go inside but I think we can go up these steps and take a peek inside oh and look at this down here that is the uh the wheelchair used in the movie by the villain uh doc Loveless that's pretty cool and they were kind enough to give me a new Mickey at the front desk because my Mickey's uh face belted off Jurassic gens mini golf that's when I start calling Jen from now on Jurassic gen see the T-Rex had all the little dinosaurs out here on the course oh looks like these are like where these ones are like wearing golf visors got some tricky shots out here the old loop-de-loo there guess that's an obstacle dangling chunk of metal and uh look at this look at this there yeah he's got the uh the golf visor on trying to uh trying to golf with his little tiny T-Rex arms oh man golf is not the sport for a T-Rex Carnotaurus here is having a little easier of a time swinging his club and it looks like when you are done when you reach the final hole you just shoot your ball into the belly of a T-Rex now it is time to head in to the Jurassic Gardens there got the T-Rex the Brachiosaurus out here as we head through these Gates oh and look at the Triceratops trash can if you have any extra garbage toss that into his mouth before you head inside the gardens yeah this is a wonderful little indoor air-conditioned Dino walk oh they got the frilled version the movie version of the uh of the uh Dilophosaurus there hopefully it doesn't squirt anything on me after attack right there the Raptors crawling on the back of this poor defenseless Iguanodon what's this what are you doing there you silly you silly stegosaurus trying to trying to climb a tree [Music] or maybe he's just trying to push the tree down this is a dino lab little baby little baby dino there I guess you could take him take him out of the egg hey there little guy [Music] is very irritating to all the other dinosaurs nothing pterodactyl okay through the rib cage here watch out for Raptors oh no so many Raptors [Music] big guy here Spinosaurus [Music] here is Dinah you can see she's a member of the of the staff here miss uh Miss Dinah now these are moldville brand mold machines moldville sometimes they will they will sell uh some rare molds online they make them with their own machines and then they have a mold of the month club that I am currently enrolled in with some of the dinosaurs here these are real classic molds of course the uh the Brontosaurus and the uh the T-Rex and uh I have both of these molds but you know what I don't have a gray T-Rex foreign oh no [Music] this T-Rex here has gotten uh it's like he has maybe has some just for the fight with another T-Rex oh damn and they uh gratefully exchanged the melty T-Rex for a nice fresh looking one oh that's a cool T-Rex one thing I like about this mold is you kind of tell that it is a vintage old mold by the way that the T-Rex is standing um you know now in modern times the T-Rex is uh portrayed as like legs down this way with his back his back uh parallel to the ground but they used to Envision the T-Rex is standing straight up like this so this is a very old way to view the T-Rex I kind of like that that it was like kind of captured in a time capsule now inside the the main building they were kind enough to let me keep my melty face to Mickey um but when I asked to exchange in here they said sorry we do have to let you do have to pick one or the other because uh they're gonna melt back down uh the other T-Rex and make uh make more T-Rexes out of them so very cool I did I did kind of like a battle damage T-Rex but I thought this one was uh was really cool looking I like the color on that kind of like a almost like a uh army army green to it so the Volo Auto Museum always something new to see here I I again I think it's hilarious that it even even call it the auto museum because there's so much non-auto related stuff in there you have the uh the multiple animatronic bands you have the crime and punishment exhibit you have the animatronic dinosaurs you got a carousel room so much more than just uh just the autos and uh what I don't like though is this type of band uh usually most places use like a uh like a wax paper band but uh these cloth bands are really hard to get off so I am gonna try two okay I think they actually did make it loose enough where I can slip it off my hand because these don't go you could not get these off without like you cannot break these there we go it's gonna come off you cannot break these wait just with the force of your hand these actually require a lot of they actually do require scissors and I remember getting I forget what it was I got one of these on my arm and I could not get it off and I did not have scissors with me I did not have anything sharp with me so yeah it was it was a real struggle and of course we got uh some moldoramas slash moldvilles to add to our collection we got blue goofy got that green dinosaur got the yellow Donald Duck which I do not have so excited about that and of course you got the uh the Mickeys the uh with or without face there so I always love adding a few molds to my collection which actually my collection's getting too big I I I should definitely have not gotten the ones that I already had here I don't know what possessed me but I'll add those to the collection in the bunker when I get back but thank you so much for uh watching this video the next few days are going to be intense we're going to be doing some uh some State Fair con contents of strap in for that I promise it will be fun if you like these videos please subscribe I travel around the country filming roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun stuff if you'd like to help support the channel consider contributing to patreon three dollars or more with your postcard once a month from me to you all all familios personalized messages if you'd like a message for yourself or for someone you like check out the information in the description I'll tell you how to do that and uh of course all that helps keep this train with car wheels on the track just help trade with tires on the track this boat in the water and this original in the air until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 84,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, blog, roadtrip, travel, road trip, road-trip, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana
Id: k2Fx8qKZGWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 47sec (3527 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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