Michigan Museum of Horror - Disturbing and Horrific Collection

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pay you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically we are in Monroe Michigan it is a dark and stormy day here in Monroe which is appropriate because we are standing in front of the Michigan Museum of horror this is actually a fairly new attraction and only opened about eight months ago so I'm very excited it's the first time I've gotten a chance to come out here and visit the Michigan Museum of horror a celebration of all things horrifying and ghoulish here on the streets of Monroe Michigan so please follow me [Music] thank you see here right on the Main Street of Monroe Michigan and we have the brand new Museum of horror I'm excited let's head inside here we are inside the Michigan Museum of horror check out check out this skull here all right so we can actually hold a a human skull yeah oh my goodness it's a sturdy one all right look at that little guy there a little bit of a little bit of facial damage thank you so much here we have a wicker casket now I've heard some different stories uh that ever before that these were wicker so that water could seep in when it's underground and not lift it up out of the ground but this says here that these are used for uh for transferring kind of a temporary casket so you can put a body in here temporarily this can be reused and in fact this one actually is uh it is used it says use Victorian era so see some of the stains and little pieces in there oh my God you would have the the uh the dead person's uh pillow there says that these could be transferred easily because they're much easier to lift and transport than uh than a wooden coffin oh look at here ghost face oh can you see who it is see the eyes there but I can't tell I can't tell behind who's behind the mask here we have some uh jars of fun different animals here there is a a puppy in there but it does talk here about uh that it is that they they put this puppy a stillborn puppy in a jar so he was born deceased they put him in a jar to give him a second chance to exists as all wet assessments are ethically sourced meaning they're not just killing animals for the sake of putting them in jars down here we have a Ouija board that's been sealed by a witch you can see the bindings and the wax ceiling there says this was from a Detroit Tavern they were using the Ouija board they got spooked by some of the creepy things the board was saying so they tossed it in the dumpster they said every day they would toss at the dumpster and it would show back up in the taverns they actually had a witch come and seal the evil spirit inside with the binding there different pieces of murder Villa here you can see the Black Dahlia murder site they have soil from the Black Dahlia murder site as well as some soil from the site of H.H Holmes Murder Castle it's a piece of a rose worn by Eileen mornos when she was receiving her last right for her execution for being a serial killer yeah there's some soil from one of these zodiac shooting sites of the Lost Boys this is dirt from the Santa Clarita bridge where they hung off the bridge there are you sure about the phone of Alcatraz this is the AL Rosa Villa nightclub carpet Swatch that's where Mr Dimebag Darrell there was killed during a performance from the cemetery from Night of the Living Dead there and some remnants from the crimes of Elizabeth Bathory and oh my gosh I was not expecting to see this here this is pretty cool what we have here is a piece of Mogwai fur this is a piece of fur from remlins too which one time after I had my two surgery I went I went I posted a video where I went it on a painkiller field rant about how Gremlins 2 was the best movie best movie ever and uh yeah there it is like absolutely one of my favorite movies of all time Gremlins and Gremlins too an actual little piece of Mogwai furry he gets rolled up a little ball like when they would uh get wet they would multiply little balls of Mogwai fur would fly off them and then grow into full-size Mogwai so that's pretty amazing some witchcraft items including a specialty made witch's broom made for a real witch [Music] use a witch's flail which is item used to actually put curses on people and it's a 1904 Ouija board says that they've actually used this here in the museum and have been able to contact Spirits using the board it's a letter mailed from Charles Manson there down here we have some Death Masks of some horror icons of course Bella Lugosi he played Count Dracula Boris Karloff played Frankenstein and then Vincent Price just it's one of the most delightfully creepy men that ever lived some human dolls there oh human hand they're an autographed mask by uh Jason Voorhees and it says this is salmonella it affected peanut butter it says people died from eating peanut butter from this batch in 2022 see it's got some tape on the top I guess to keep that salmonella inside the Jif peanut butter also Jif is the peanut butter associated with the uh the Mandela effect people claim that it used to be called Jiffy but uh it's it's called Jiff and apparently it has salmonella killing kit all the things you need to murder a vampire of course the steaks to put in the heart the hammer to pound the steaks in to the heart the crucifix to repel the vampires and a picture of Jesus the vampires really hate that there's a license plate used in the Bates Motel TV show you know I never never got around to watching the bait motel TV show definitely love the original Psycho but never got around to watching that maybe uh in one of these days I'll go back and binge that if I ever have time to binge anything ever again here are some booths from the movie Van Helsing from 2004 featuring a I know that was a movie about a monster monster hunter based on Dr Van Helsing from the original Dracula oh this is pretty cool this is a mold he used to make the mask from the movie trick-or-treat it's a really fun Halloween Anthology movie there to make uh Sam's mask Sam a little uh little pumpkin headed guy used to uh to make the mask very spooky dolls there this is Eloise Asylum coal yeah it says Eloise Asylum was a psychiatric facility in Wetland Michigan various teeth there I always notice this squirrel hanging off the staircase there next to the creep show and Salem's Lot poster oh there's one of those symbol monkeys I used to I used to think these were literally the scariest thing in the world I don't know why they just they just really got to me it's a horse skull there interested in here spooky spooky dolls back there is a shirt used in The Walking Dead I'm not sure what character wore that but that'd be interesting to go back and try to figure out which character was wearing this shirt I just noticed the carpet here is the uh carpet from The Shining all right this is the adults oldie room 18 plus so I don't know how much of this I can show you we got this door covered up by a body bag so I'll just have to blur stuff out or cut stuff if it's inappropriate oh it looks like a looks like a murderer scene in here okay Chucky right there on the walls here they have different photos from murder scenes uh this is Jack the Ripper right here his uh his victims got some very graphic photos here on the wall yeah I probably probably can't show you guys much of this this is pretty pretty intense stuff all right we're gonna head upstairs here oh look at that there's the giant skull I think that's the skull of a 12 foot tall Home Depot skeleton there but as we head out to see the bloody handprints on the wall so we head to the second floor of the Michigan Museum of horror I'm here with a lot of funerary items up on the second floor also see some horror icons there Mr Freddy Krueger there and his iconic green red sweater I you know you got these horrible burns on his face and then he wears this sweater I always just think about like how itchy that must be and how horrible that must be it must irritate his uh his Burns you know you think with Burns you want some light fabric on top of it to allow your skin to breathe but he chooses to wear this sweater I think I said just kind of gives you a view into the uh The Psychotic mind of Freddy Krueger and here's Mr Michael Myers you know Hollow for original Halloween I think one of the best movies of all time one of the probably the best you know quote-unquote slasher movies you know following the the plot line about a deranged Killers like like stalking people and uh yeah it's really amazing the movie still holds up to this day you can go back and watch it but uh man he had a rough run of movies in recent times the uh that new Trilogy man that there was some some missteps in there like like for instance like in in Halloween kills how did they uh why did they think that the other guy was Michael Myers a man that was much shorter had completely different body size and they had actually seen the real micro Meyers without a mask on TV but somehow mistook a a different man that looked nothing like him for Michael Myers and then and then the the third movie Halloween ends like Michael Myers was hardly even in it they kind of tried something new they tried to tried a plot where there was like a new Michael Myers which which would have been okay but then uh and in the end it just they just kind of killed that plot off and just had Michael Myers fight Maury stro so probably not a good way to end a Trilogy you know I have all for creativity but um this is a weird way to end you know a Trilogy where you've been building up to a showdown and then instead of that you focus most of the movie on a completely new character who just gets like killed unceremoniously near the end of the movie it's uh some odd choices some odd choices a lot of people say they like the First new one I it was okay it was it was uh you know it was uh it was okay and uh they uh they they they they forgot they they they redid the continuity they made it so Laurie's children wasn't a sister which I understand why they did that it's just um you know just interesting to play with long held continuity like that that's another thing Michael Myers there's so much like trying to track the continuity of the movies is nearly impossible there's like I think I think at least there's at least three different lines of continuity breaking off from the uh the first movie plus you got the Rob Zombie movies so yeah it's it's it's it's it's it's all a huge horrible mess and I say just go back and watch the original it's it's good and watch the second one too second one's pretty good as well [Music] yeah Freddy Krueger Michael Myers two of the most iconic slashers of all time say uh you know Jason Voorhees doesn't appear to be here but between these two and Jason Voorhees probably the three uh definitely three of the four on the Mount Rushmore of slasher some might put Leatherface as the fourth um the fourth head on the Mount Rushmore slashers although I don't necessarily consider Texas Chainsaw to be a slasher movie I consider to be a different type of movie In fact when they made that that newest Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie they kind of missed the entire point in my opinion it just turned them into a generic slasher when that's not really what the uh the original that wasn't really the vibe of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre but anyway I'm talking a lot about Leatherface he's not even here Jason's not here these two are here these definitely are two slots on the Mount Rushmore of slashers but uh here is the new kid on the Block the newest um slasher icon that is oh my gosh I'm art art I almost forgot his name art the clown he's from terrifier I've not seen terrifier 2 it's supposedly one of the most gory disturbing movies of uh of all time I did watch part of the first one it was a little I'm just going to tell you I know I know a lot of people out there a lot of my friends a lot of people uh my acquaintances do and do like this movie uh these these movies and I think this guy here he he does a good job the the character itself is super creepy he doesn't talk he like moves like a mime but uh man the gore The Good the gore you know I have I have friends that work in the gore industry that make movies that make Gore but it was a little much it was a little much for me um you know there was there was a lot of blood a lot of cutting and guts yeah he just carries this is part of another thing that makes it disturbing he just carries just a bag of horrible weapons that he uses to torture people because all his torture implements in there I think it actually at some point he actually just uses a gun like I don't know it's kind of interesting because it doesn't necessarily follow the rules of the slasher these guys are here these guys would never ever use a gun almost no slasher would ever use a gun except for art the clown here but uh yeah I don't know the first movie I for one I thought the poop scene was a bit much it's like a scene where he smears poop everywhere and I don't know that's for me that's as far as Gore goes that's almost worse you know I I didn't necessarily sign up to see a clown play with uh with turds but uh yeah it was it was intense it was intense you know just not my cup of tea not my cup of tea there's you know certain level of violence that I just kind of tune out towards um I I don't necessarily find violence the scary the fact is Michael Myers he um in the first Halloween movie there was hardly any blood it was all like implied and a lot of times I think that's scarier the implication of horror the implication of what might happen rather than the the explicit and visceral showing of murder and Carnage but if you do like the explicit showing of murdered Carnage blood and poop I think maybe uh maybe art your guy I don't know I I've thought about giving terrifier to a chance just because it has such a uh such a crazy reputation I don't know when Halloween comes I'll uh I'll reconsider it let me know in the comment section should I check out terrifier 2 it's like up there we've got a uh a hair wreath a lot of times when people would die they would take their hair turn them into wreaths back in Victorian times make these beautiful wreaths completely out of hair over here the SE are child casket shipping crates again I I they're not well I don't I'm not sure is this uh is this a shipping crate used to ship child caskets or is this a shipping crate that has been recycled into a child's casket I'm not sure which one do you think it is leave a comment in the comment section it's another wicker casket up here and like I mentioned downstairs I think you know there's a lot of uses for for a wicker skin it talks about how you can use them to transport bodies easily so they don't have to Lug it like a full-sized heavy casket but also as I mentioned you put it underground in a place with a high water table and you don't have to worry about the coffin popping up out of the ground because the water will just seep in to the Wicker carpet also great for burials at Sea if you toss this overboard in the ocean and it'll sink to the bottom you toss a normal airtight coffin over it'll just float around like some Unholy boat for the rest of Eternity some funeral memorabilia in here these are like programs from funerals see in remembrance there which would have been at this uh this little boy's funeral nothing nothing sadder than like a child's funeral that's pretty depressing down here a little doll and a morning gown find uh funeral suits there that uh you can dress up on one of the most important days of your non-life some antique embalming fluid bottles and uh yeah it takes a lot it's a lot of work to make a unliving body look like a living body actually have a lot of a lot of respect for people in the funeral industry I think for a lot of people it is important to be able to say goodbye you know in some parts of the country like you know in the southern part of the country open open casket funerals are common so uh I think it it does a lot to be able to say goodbye to see the person for one more time you know not be able to see them as a person but but to just see that they are at rest you know it's very helpful if the body you know does look like it did in life see different things there like jaundice control [Music] cavity evolving food yeah a lot of work goes into that there is some flesh spray that's neutral neutral flesh [Music] or I guess spray-on cosmetic there some balming table there used during the embalming process signs that would you'd put out during a funeral to keep people from parking you know you need a lot of people coming to the cemetery you need Apple parking and these are actually for sale these funeral signs here this is ten to a hundred dollars for the uh the uh no parking funeral sign I guess these items are all for sale including the uh well baby doll there but you got casket Keys okay I guess this is like for locking a casket why do you need to lock a casket I mean it's the person inside of it are they coming out but probably more so to keep grave robbers out of the casket yeah they have some different embalming fluids for sale here High viscosity are these what I think they are these urns is there human remains inside there it's uh 25 30 I'm not 100 sure what these are but I think they might be earned so you know what these are leave a comment in the comment section over here you have this really cool hat is this a is this what you call Fez a fez hat I think this is uh what is the secret uh secret the Shriner the Shriner hat I don't know if I don't know I uh would consider trying out a new hat but I that might be considered uh cultural appropriation yeah here's some of these these tubes they'll be used to be inserted inside people uh help fill their body with new chemicals now that is a child casket right there and I don't see a price tag on that I don't know that that is for sale or items back here these are just uh pictures vintage pictures I used to collect vintage pictures back in the back in the day I loved loved getting pictures of uh of people I didn't know it's always I think they just I don't know when you don't know the context it almost tells more stories there was one time where um my ex Christy bought me a uh an album it was a family photo album and it was it was such fascinating the lady it was a lady that made the album was named Pauline Smeltzer and um she uh just had an interesting such interesting photography and eventually I was able to return the album to its uh to the family which was pretty pretty rewarding these are casket photos so literally okay literally photos of caskets there I guess this would be like um you know the funeral director selling the caskets would have these pictures chew trying to see what caskets they had help you pick out something nice for your loved one yeah if I really wanted to start my own funeral home this would be a good place to start it's all this great stuff is for sale also they have some sort of duck it's sort of duck up here I don't know who Alan Hale is but uh there's this gravestone for sale here for uh for fifty dollars it's another embalming table here you have these fans so I think church church fans they give these out during a church service so you can fan yourself some other Walking Dead shirt this is a blue long sleeve shirt and then have some some coffin nails here so these were used in The Walking Dead it says season five episode eight Carl uh Nails a church door shut using the coffin nails to help keep the zombies out and over here they do have just a beautiful view of Main Street from up here on top of the horror Museum and look down the other shops on Main Street oh look at that how appropriate your stars the first is Trump high oh that couldn't have been more perfect this is like a little miniature Vault here it's a vault sample just show people what the Burial Vaults look like without having to bring out a full-size vault say Thai Spirit house it says Shrine dedicated the protective Spirit of the building or home the offerings are left to appease the Guardians and to keep them from causing harm so people leaving quarters and dollars someone even left a skeleton key there I guess to help the spirits protect the Michigan Museum of Horror so here we have a fortune telling room you can see all the all the fortune telling Tools in here definitely smells you can smell the uh the incense definitely smells like a fortune telling room in here some tarot cards they're hanging in the window as I'm coming down the uh the stairs here I noticed there's there's a deer head and that's like not a Taxidermy deer head that's like a dried up mummified deer head so then like like laid in the woods and dried out oh I've never seen anything quite quite like that yeah it's a bucks his head there okay this is the reason that those monkey things scared me Monkey Shines now I remember seeing this uh my my dad's girlfriend at the time when I was growing up she had this book on her bookshelf and um I was just terrified I couldn't even stand to be in the same room and see this book like literally my entire focus of my life was being scared of this book I would I would ask them to move it and uh I'd have to be like talk down and explain why it was okay I was so curious about it I asked them about the story and I think what happened is this is kind of a weird thing but she actually made up a story that was not obviously not the real story in the book about how uh there was a bad monkey and a fairy uh made him good yeah it was made up I went I went the whole time thinking that was the actual story and then when I was when I was a teenager I saw the the VHS and I rented it and I was baffled because it wasn't the same story in fact the story has nothing to do with this monkey at all this is just the cover art the real movie is a movie about uh a a lab that that creates super intelligent monkeys and then the monkey who's a helper monkey for a uh paralyzed man actually becomes evil and starts torturing the paralyzed man completely different I mean that's still a horrifying premise now that I think about it in fact that's really scary monkeys are terrified whether they are the Flesh of blood monkeys or toy monkeys with symbols there's more items for sale down here these are rattlesnake rattlesnake ribs in a vial there's octopus tentacles it's a jar with a scorpion in it you can even take home a bunny in a jar some okay I can get some Night of the Living Dead gravesite soil and some holy water you know that just might be good to have on hand to be honest here's some forward them Christmas ornaments in case you just uh you just uh can't let go of Halloween butterflies here as well as some bats kind of the gothic version of a butterfly you can actually buy real human bones here in the gift shop you can buy chunks skull chunks there or human rib bones and this is uh this is horrifying my human brain pens this guy's got a chunk of brain inside of it oh my goodness there's some vials of dirt from Salem Massachusetts and a Jeffrey Dahmer cutting board that says I've got to start eating at home more oh my gosh that's actually a real quote a real quote that he uh he made different stickers to choose from different uh horror themed stickers there we got a one of the critters from uh Critters take into collecting pins for my hat I've uh never got into the patches mostly because uh they don't know how to attach them to things and I'm afraid I'm embarrassed to ask anyone speaking of horror as I've been in uh Michigan I've noticed these bugs everywhere I don't know what these are but uh yeah I've seen people with their cars completely coated and these dead things and they're just covering every building I've seen giant piles of these dead bugs what are these things and uh why are they here that would know what kind of uh insect these are infesting the poor state of Michigan yeah I just I'm having trouble getting over it look at these look at these steaks look up there at that street light that's just completely covered in whatever these are I I this is unpleasant so thank you for joining me here today in Monroe Michigan to check out the Michigan Museum of horror I talked to the the owner he said he's kind of in the process of renovating looking at new things to bring into the museum says he's doing some events as well gonna be doing a um a wrestling event here in the upcoming weeks which sounds pretty uh pretty fun but uh thank you guys so much for coming along with me if you like these videos please subscribe I travel around the country I film roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses and other fun stuff if you'd like to help contribute to the channel consider contributing to patreon three dollars or more we do a postcard once a month from me to you also selling enamel pins in the Etsy Shop including four new carpetbagger Cryptid monster faces you can buy all four for this kind of price or just pick out one that you really like and uh also doing Cameo doing personalized messages birthday messages Anniversary messages uh just for fun messages and if you're interested in that just check that out in the description and of course all that helps keep let's train on the track boat in the water and it's original in the air until next time my friends this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 52,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, vlog, blog, roadtrip, travel, road trip, road-trip, roadside attraction, roadside america, americana, michigan, monroe, mi, museum, museum of horror, michigan museum of horror, true crime, horror movie, scary movie, funeral, creepy, weird, strange, unusual
Id: L3m0kN0P9-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 14sec (2054 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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