Titanic Museum VIP Guided Tour in Branson, Missouri

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so she will set sail on april 10th 1912. she hits the oxford april 14th at 11 40 pm and april 15th at 2 20 she sees so this marks the 110 year anniversary we're about to go inside normally this is a self-guided tour today you're a vips that stands for very important passenger titanic okay so i'm going to take you through on a guided tour my name is jamie i'm an artifact specialist at this medium and i've worked here in this museum for 16 years [Music] 1912 at 882 and a half feet long she was the largest man-made movable object in the entire world now we're going to look straight up to the ceiling that is not the largest ceiling fan you've ever seen no no that is the actual size of titanic's smallest propeller so that's a tiny one if you can imagine that oh yeah that's cool remember i told you she's an american-owned ship so she flies the american flag the real titanic flew the american flag and so does our building when you leave today turn around and look back up at it you'll see it's flying there she was owned by jp morgan the financier she was run by the british and she was built by the irish so she was an intercontinental event from the beginning the other thing we can learn is about the smoke stats the funnels before they're building titanic they did not build them with four but there had never been a ship this big before so they really only had three but the designers went to the owners and said look we need to put a fourth one down here otherwise she's going to look pretty silly we want her to look more even more symmetrical so this fourth one it was just there for looks it had no function whatsoever so if you ever see a painting of the titanic and you see smoke puffing out of old number four you'll know the artist never heard that story i'm like wait everybody i did a deep dive and then they that began in southampton england we go straight down to sherwood france and pick up more people the same day a quick trip across to ireland we're going to drop off the mail and take on the last passengers we're dropping off the mail because the rms titanic stands for royal mail ship she was a luxury liner but she's also been commissioned as a floating post office we had over 3 000 bags of mail on board now it's time for the destination new york city titanic is at sea for about four days everything's going perfect until iceberg right again from the time they said that until the time of impact only 37 seconds had passed titanic is as tall as the 14-story building it's as long as three football fields lined up end to end and you've got 37 seconds to turn it of course we hit that iceberg the sos has already been sent out a small passenger liner has intercepted the sos turned around and now they're headed full speed ahead to the rescue even at full speed it's going to take them over four hours to get there if you have not made it into a light boat that means that you are in the water below freezing 28 degree water we've got 15 maybe 20 minutes before you succumb to hypothermia these are first class editions you'll notice there's a couple different patterns different different places you can go to nine you have first class dining room you have the alucard restaurant you have the british cafe cafe that have so many different choices but kind of a novelty you see the travel industry does not exist for that they're just figuring out what's going on with your balance very true no this second case these are second class dishes but if i hadn't told you that they look pretty fancy you might think they're first class right well here's the deal second class on titanic was just as luxurious as first class on any other ship so think of the tickets think of the classes on titanic like you would an airplane ticket okay you can get coach business in this case [Music] and these pictures that you're seeing are the only pictures ever taken on board titanic titanic had a sister ship named olympic and all of her press and all the photos were done in england they were planning to do all of titanic's press and photos when they got to new york but that never happened and they didn't get their photos so he's one of the lucky ones that got off in ireland when we stopped to let all the mail off he got off in ireland with all the pictures something with this we have them now then we're about to head through the third class corridor and as we step through there i want you to notice and look above your head notice the rivets expose the way the light fixtures look the color of the paint the beams are exposed all of that would be like it was on titanic as we first step in look to the right you're going to see one of only four that exists in the whole world of the titanic menu for third class it's valued today at 150 000 as we go midway through here to the left you're going to see a cabin third class cabin it's going to look like we've miniaturized it we have not it's actual size from the blueprints today average height for a man is about six foot tall 1912 average height for a man was five foot four welcome to the grand staircase this room is the actual size it was built for us using the real paper blueprints of the titanic we have built the top two levels the stairs would have went down for another five stories it went around the side down a landing and kept wrapping around and around skylight was made of milk glass and wrought iron that would let all the natural light come in during the day and then at night time they had it backlit with electric lighting so this is truly what it looked like at nighttime on board the ship all the wood hand carved crystal chandeliers 24 karat gold leafing on the balustrade and this is real gold anywhere you see gold in this room it is real if you've ever seen the gold leafing process done that's what they have that's what this is on the floor everyone thinks it must have been marbled it was not it was a new invention called linoleum in 1912 a linoleum floor really would cost you more than any granite or any marble it was considered the height of luxury only the best for titanic right now then we're about the halfway mark we've still got lots more to see anybody a fan of the movie titanic with jack and rose all right i'm going to tell you a secret you remember meet me at the clock make it count right those two angels they actually have names they are called honor and glory crowning time the room we're standing in we call it our million dollar staircase because it really did cost this museum one million dollars to recreate just this room we're standing in in branson now if you're looking at just the bedroom of first class the two doors would have opened up to about five or six additional rooms for you so think of it like a little mini apartment people are curious how much did it cost to go on titanic we put it in today's money so we can wrap our minds around 100 years worth of inflation a third class ticket would be like you and i today buying something for about a thousand dollars okay doable second class anywhere from two to four thousand all right we can save up we'll do that a first class ticket will be the same as you and i today buying something for sixteen thousand dollars those are just the regular first class tickets everybody knows the sweet cost even as the water was coming up past their ankles the band continued to play the water was below freezing but the van played on the man in the middle he's their band leader that's wallace hartley he's turned to the other men release them from their duties it's every man for themselves and they turn and walk away as they're walking away they could still hear wallace continuing to play his violin every single one of them turn right back around sit down open their cases and begin to play not a single one of these men survived and we truly believe when the music stopped the legend began a piano you're seeing is here to honor the fact that there were five steinway pianos on board in the world of piano makers steinway company is considered the best to buy yourself a black baby graham steinway piano today it will cost you a hundred thousand dollars and there were five of those on the titanic [Music] so now then we're on the captain's bridge this is pretty much like it was on captain smith's bridge the only difference would be the two walls would be open you could walk right out onto the decks captain smith was not standing here reminiscent of the iceberg it did not happen that way he was at a dinner party he was going to retire after this voyage it could become tradition that captain smith take all the new white star liners out on their maiden voyage he told them i'll take her out on this one but after that i'll be done well officer murdock is in charge of the bridge and you'll never see a captain or an officer ever touch the wheel that's not their job there's a quartermaster there their job is to give that guy the orders what to do with the ship so on the night of the sinking it's rolling up about 11 30. it's calm stars are out they're slipping their t talking about the day along the back wall would be a row of telephones they work like a switchboard type operation hype in the crow's nest with the lookouts there's also a telephone you never ever want the phones to ring all of a sudden the phone rang officer moody went over and picked up the phone and the conversation went exactly like this he said what did you see and the answer came back i spurned right ahead the most famous words ever said it seemed from the time he said it from the time they hit it 37 seconds robert hitchens has his hands on the wheel and he has three football fields long behind him he's got 14 story tall basically building and 2 000 people literally in his hands and when he's given the order heart of starboard don't you know his hands return turning as fast as they could eventually he's going to make impact with the iceberg and i often think about him when he hits that iceberg you know he had to feel it it had to shutter every bone he had i can't imagine being in that position okay everybody we've made it to the children's gallery this is dedicated to the 133 children who were on board this does not tell you if they survived or not it's just a tribute to them in general notice that there are seven in first class versus 97 and third class why so few first class kids well the first class kids they're back home in boarding schools with governances and with the nammies why somebody third class well the whole family is immigrating they're not going back they're coming to a new home so everybody's on board oh my god so if you're able to hang on to that one which you are that's 2 18 a.m she sinks in two minutes she'll be gone at 2 20. so these sloping decks are here to give you an idea of just how fast it starts to happen 150 to 205 she's almost completely upright 205 to 218. she's almost sticking straight up i'm not going to do it very long how many seconds did i start it already it's going almost 10 seconds 15. what we're looking at is a full-size live boat that's been cut in half so this is the actual size this is lifeboat number six and like those could hold 65 people that was the capacity most of the black folks left half filled one of the lifeboats left so they society [Music] you
Channel: Attractions Magazine
Views: 735,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, attractions, branson, titanic, museum, tour, missouri, attraction, titanick
Id: 91wUV_1jMAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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