Newest Farm Purchase... I Did Not Buy It Tho

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and then we'll go from there so I did not actually buy this Manure Spreader I did buy it but my [Music] you are now watching the 2023 season of farming with Duffy AG welcome back to the channel what we got going on today a lot of things absolutely a lot of things so Monday uh what's Monday the 24th yeah gorgeous day hoping it stays like this this week um places got rain everything else like that we got lucky see what the cows are doing we're gonna move that out of the way this morning and at some point start unloading it so propelled Harvesters worked all night long they're all down in the trees over here so I'm excited to see this all cleaned up so you can see piles of debris that were either left there or where I dug this spring for that ditch once they get it cleaned up we can actually see what's underneath it then we can go ahead and uh I'll like get rid of these trees down here that are just a pain they look really really good so alrighty first things first this one we gotta go pick some things up and uh yeah I'm excited for them very excited so appreciate you guys watching on let's dive into it and uh see where we get to today we will get the planter unhooked get the 4640 pulled out we just gotta undo some wiring harness um slip some stuff back through and we'll be good [Music] a lot of seatings went in this spring and uh the no rain came so it's good to see a lot of guys their seatings are actually getting going and there's something growing because I forget who I was talking to the other day they said they did a seating in 25 days later nothing was growing that's uh that's scary put a lot of time and money into a lot of this stuff that nothing grows so we were in the tractor I was gonna take my pickup and go grab some breakfast quick along the way um and then come back at the tractor but I figured we'll just grab some breakfast [Music] and get going I haven't been grocery shopping because I've been I've had jono with me and uh well we are we have to go pick something up so that's gonna take a few days um and I'm using him as a dried once he gets back from uh touring around with Gettys so I know he's been all over all over Saratoga County and whatnot and a bunch of stuff we should have gave him a camera but that isn't job but he doesn't have a YouTube channel everybody always asks when we tour places do they have YouTube they got YouTube I tell you guys a lot of people don't do YouTube because it does take quite a bit of time and effort to get going other YouTubers you all know the average person nope they don't alrighty had to stop for a little uh strawberry milk some drinks for the day breakfast pizza so our buddy in there you've never met him there's people out here that I haven't seen in 12 years that I bump into them when I went to college out here it makes the world real small so alrighty we'll get going foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] McFadden's and uh I'm kicking myself because there was an item that I looked at that one really cheap and I just wasn't quick enough to actually been on it if I was here in person I did like that Mower and that went for more money than I wanted to spend so we didn't get a mower and that Silo blower went for 500 bucks which I'm kicking myself on that one because that would have been more capacity and then uh I don't even know where where I'm going this stuff's still here so I got two items though we're gonna go find the first item over and get the next one yep that Silo blower there that would have been a good unit don't get me wrong the one I got from Brian it does its job um but there is some other machines that have more capacity through it granted when I got my Chopper which we do have to go get it we do have to go get it and uh yeah but we're not chopping till third so we got a little bit of time that side Slinger that had holes in it went for 1600 1660 I think or something like that and I wasn't I wasn't interested in that one but this one that doesn't look as nice on the outside but has a bunch of new parts in it well that one went cheaper which surprised me I wasn't gonna sit around and watch it and for what I'm doing that thing's gonna be awesome okay so we're hooked up PTO spins everything there's water in the bottom I spun it so this has the new pan here which is probably worth half of what I paid for this newer bearing well new I'd say they put it I'm going to say the other side has a new bearing on it too uh when we get home we'll take this front off and we'll see and then we'll probably make sure it's got oil in it and seal it they always leak oil a little bit it's just how it is this came from oh Chambers Farm Service pa um so I got the PTO hooked up didn't hook the Hydraulics up but we'll do that when we get back that's just the indicator for the door um One new tire one okay Tire the pan is all really like the Pan's good the augers aren't the best but it's not like I'm gonna be daily spreading manure we're gonna do probably 20 to 40 loads a year by the time we get done with some packing stuff so we do have an idler that needs to be readjust it around um and I did weld that together which that's normal normal wear and tear like that well otherwise it is what it is yeah we just gotta fix that I'm sure it runs like that but one tire bald that's fine but the pan doesn't have any holes in it and it's just surface rust from well as we all know it's kind of a shitty job um alrighty we gotta find our other piece now I did look at I was watching these toolboxes sell and I kind of wanted one this Hoop Building which was bigger than the one I had this one's the one I had 30 by 65 by 15. um I wouldn't be opposed to putting another Hoop Building up but honestly I want something more long term and I want to go bigger than that at some point so that's people have said why don't you tear down uh that building that's falling down and put a Hoop Building there it is so wet there that it's you'll see what we do with it when we tear it down but I thought about trying to get one of these tool boxes and they sold for like seven eight hundred nine hundred bucks and uh it would be good temper well be longer than temporary well blue one would have fit good all right let me find my other item those crowds that I said I liked those went for nine grand double of what I paid for mine over double okay I'm amazed at how much stuff is still sitting here granted this week they'll be busy loading out people that bought online stuff like that or people that came back since it was a rainy day I wouldn't want to load on a rainy day that cattle shoot I didn't watch it and I wish I had um well I did watch it sell but I didn't look at it sold for 4500 it has all the pens and everything else like that so I've got to sign somebody and have them load me up there we go we gotta get plates for it um which are like 450 bucks and then they'll hook onto the tractor and run some hydraulic lines and we're good to go but I'm gonna pull up there and uh it's already human so I'm glad I'm doing this now yeah they'll stay pretty busy they've only been open for about an hour or so people got to get their chores done and whatnot and then they'll move a lot of stuff out so Stewart's just gonna set that right in for me that's perfect so we got that it's meant for a skid steer attachment we could get a skid steer attachment kit but at the end of the day then we got a change all our buckets over to that long term maybe that's better but that loader is going to be good for what we're doing about brand new yeah it was in my price range so we'll get this all home that tire feels a little soft check all the tires grease everything grease fittings grease fittings and then we'll go from there so I did not actually buy this Manure Spreader I did buy it but my girlfriend actually she said when you come across a manure spreader that would work for us buy it and I'll pay for it so I said let me get it home I'll grease it make sure it's not it's gonna work for us and then uh from there I'll they're pulling those discs home I see right there um get down there um and then uh you can pay me back so yeah I'm not just doing all this for free trust me there you go did you just did you get belly rubs from everybody and some guy said he wishes he got one of you he was all excited to see you made it home we'll just get this pulled out of there run everything through with the grease gun check everything over and then we'll uh see if it wants to turn well at some point we'll mess with this straighten that back out probably get a piece of metal and nothing too crazy to them well it did a little bit when we were corn planting they see this is so humid there's so much water it starts dripping out of the Basin um because the lines must be plugged that run down out of it I gotta look at where they are there should be one on each side and they get plugged full of uh dust and dirt and stuff and then it water drips down and so it plugs them solid it's a non thing it's normal with most tractors of this but the AC in here is ice cold I do give it that okay starting to drizzle but we'll run around with a grease gun get everything greased up and we'll take the front cover off I'm really excited for this like it's got surface rough but it's all solid like the fact that there was is there still water in it a little bit of water not much the fact that there was water all in it well it's been sitting there so it's holding water I guess we better take the front cover off to make sure it is greasing through ain't many bolts holding that on our first issue okay so pumped it full of grease only to have it come back out so that fitting's bad um let's see if we can get that off we might have to put a little heat just so we don't break it because stuff's in the salt it's uh this probably did some Road running in the winter whichever everyday spread that's kind of how it is I don't miss those days of my life better safe than sorry like if I strip that off that would have been there's more battling so alrighty yeah that hasn't had grease in a little bit well that one took it there's some grease dripping down there like I was saying this is a new pan um it doesn't have the adjustable part which you could have this we'll probably just take that off instead of it swinging back and forth um which could adjust everything in and out which is fine like for what we're doing I'm perfectly fine with that um the Hammers actually all look pretty good we've got some twine on them um and like I said this is a new bearing [Music] love it back on um well this pin definitely ain't gonna come out without a bunch of fighting so we're just going to cut that pin see if we can get it in there you might have to cut this right off to get everything out which this as you see it's junk [Music] all right foreign there we go yeah we'll have to get some uh Hardware later on put it on our list and that way hardware and if we get caulking that goes around it then it will uh seal it up but we'll pop that cover off and see what we got inside [Music] okay [Music] huh it's a lot better than I thought like I would have figured something would have welded in here but I don't see anything welded so the piston for the door get my light out this is the piston for the door which is good it's all covered in oil all the time this is just an oil bath and as it turns it splashes up on everything so crease lines all look like they're still connected which is good um the tensioner Springs like I might actually be in a good spot with this one I was a little nervous I won't I won't lie to you guys because they never took the cover off but yeah it might leak a little bit out of this front right here but that is normal with them you just keep oiling it but there's plenty of oil in it so like I said we'll just seal it up when we put it back together and uh I'll run through grease everything so there's grease lines that come from here everything took grease which was good except for this one so we'll take that off and see that goes down into there's a chain that drives across well you can see actually now you guys can see right there we go so a little line runs down goes into there and that goes across and that's what actually runs ah the beaters here bingo a few more grease fittings up here um I'm Gonna Change another one got everything done up like I said when we go to town we'll get um maybe we'll get Wing nuts I don't know we'll have to see and uh washers and caulking that goes around it so then when you clean it up the oil doesn't flash out because as this is running so as this is running oil is going everywhere as you see it's all splashed up and everything else and that's kind of what it's meant it's an oil bath so I'm going to turn it on we're gonna make sure to actually spins nothing bangs then we'll hook the Hydraulics up make sure the door opens and everything else like that [Music] pun but as I've said multiple times for what we're doing it has plenty of life left I wouldn't want to haul liquid with it definitely doesn't seal all the way nice that actually engaged really nice so the PTO shaft does have a bend in the middle of it that's why it's wobbling around um so we could fix that at some point but for what yeah I'm pumped glad I checked them they're all 35 and this one is 10. so we'll throw some air in that keep an eye on it if it has a small pinhole because it's got good tread let's throw some Tire jet in it this air hose has come in so handy and it pivots like that link is down below v-board is awesome we do got some more stuff we might mess around with once we get this done we will have to keep an eye on that they put a tube in that tire even though they're tubeless um so I'm wondering if it's got an issue with the tube or the rim or well tuber the tire uh but she's very easily could be got it hooked up I did just measure tires like when I was planting I was right on the edge um so the row is going to be like right right here for uh well when we're doing real crop stuff so we might move them in ah two inches give us that extra and that might give us enough that we can throw hubs on there to run Duels for future future fun but let me see if this door works or not and then we'll just do it with this so up there in the top right corner there's a little indicator marker if it opens or closes there you go so that means it's open all the way and that's closed and those hydraulic lines look pretty good actually I think this is the best deal I've ever got at a uction like we haven't run it but we've turned it on and everything else like that it's just not pretty and it was lit sold late in the auction which is good unless somebody used to own this and they want to tell me what's really wrong with it or anything else like that um I just think it's not pretty looking the augers I guess if you're daily spreading the augers and some stuff you'd say ooh I don't know but we're not doing daily spread it even has its own little scraper like it's got it all so yeah see the fighting somebody put a pan in it at some point but it's still got life to it like I said it was holding water we're getting rain we'll close this up oh man that was close holy smokes big raindrops too we do actually have enough rain for quite a bit I'd appreciate it if Mother Nature would let it slow down so uh I can get some corn Sprite because you can't spray corn when rain is forecasted every day I thought it was gonna stop and then it just keeps coming there's like tons and tons of pockets of it all over the place so we're done look at our freaking Pond out there we're done messing around outside for a little bit I'm hoping well yeah I'm hoping it stops raining but I got something sweet to show you guys um y'all know I hate Tire Works so let me show you I got some shop projects I got to do yes at Mac yes the Mac to come in here get the hood off radiator but we're gonna do a few projects before that so I cleaned up a bunch of it organized we really got to get a way to organize our tools put things away but I did get some trays so I was able to actually put those on magnetic or magnetic holders I just got to get another one two and then some three Ace ones a bunch of tools ratchets yeah we need a toolbox at some point here we'll get it right buddy got it all organized over here and we're gonna do a little bit of Tire work which we always dread I'm I'm not a tire guy but after this spring I've realized that I need to get better at it and with that being said we need the right tools so previously I did get some tire iron stuff like that so that we could do tires I got one that we have that valve stem that broke off um that was on the whole tanker so I'd like to get that tire fixed up and I do have valve stems I got the metal valve stems I think they're still in the trailer though so we might have to run out there in the cows and grab those I don't think I brought them in yet I still got stuff to unload out of the trailer so we got to organize this back wall a little bit more um we are gaining on what we need yeah I don't like a messy shop and you get into projects and then you just get backed up and before you know it your Shop's all messy so I want this space very workable and very uh be able to utilize it without any headaches but let me see about uh grabbing that valve stem box okay that's what we well not that one that was full of junk that's what we need we also need see I'm slowly writing down this I do need a white board somebody keeps saying that I'm going to put that on my list whiteboard with the dry erase markers I put them on my phone as a list usually um but valve stem caps just don't have them old part that got twisted around new part only thing is we got to break the bead to get onto that and in the past I've done everything from having equipment um to hammering on them and vivore who as we all know great partner of the Channel with some awesome product tools vivore vivore oh there's another one you can't see over there um yeah all sorts of awesome stuff that fuel taxi that spring really saved me and it saved me multiple times since then um they hooked us up we have a hydraulic bead breaker like they saw me struggle this spring and they said this is a product you need in your life so since we're putting the shop together and having all the tools we're getting all the right tools so let me get it uh unbox completely and uh I'll show you guys what's up okay we got the manual Parts break down uh instructions a fault list if you have it we got the actual bead breaker which oh that's gonna be sweet so we got that and then we got a hydraulic hose that I would believe connects everything together usually that's how it goes um that looks like a spare handle oh spare handle O-rings for inside of here so it comes with a service kit in case you need that and then the actual hydraulic foot pedal so let me get this opens right up pretty simple so there's actually a feature to this that I didn't even realize this is a foot pedal but it's operated by air so there's the fitting there so we got to get it out of there this is all like a quick connect coupler so that's nice stays clean but let me throw so this is air actually controlled operated so we got that we'll throw some tape on it this is gonna be handy I do not like Tire work as we all know but uh it's when you're running trucks tractors and everything else you're gonna have tires it's just the nature of it you can pay somebody to entire workbook Honestly by the time they get there mess around someday I'll say I'm gonna pay somebody full time and I used to say that but I'm kind of in an area where you got to bring it to them or you're paying pretty good money except for tractor tires I do not want to mess with them because I have zero idea and I don't really want to learn well I know but I don't wanna there's an art to do entire work no matter what okay simple well that is put together literally and oh you guys are really stuck to that literally in no time at all and then this just goes into there and this screws up so let's give it a try okay we'll set it up the spare handle actually went back here so you can hold both of them we'll get the hose out of the way I'll throw you guys over there so you can watch get you guys over here [Music] that is slick once I figured out how to do it see it broke the bead down honestly let's see yep so from there we can use the pry bar while we could flip and break the bead on the other side I'm hoping I can get it down low enough yeah we might be able to I might move that over get it closer press it down so that we can loosen that up slide it in and then slide the other one out it is you ain't go I let him out he went in the garage he doesn't like the loud noises of uh the compressor freaking thunder rain everything this is slicked off so definitely gonna make my life better than a hammer um and honestly someday we're gonna have a service truck when we're out running stuff somebody did say why don't you have an r model service truck that's the plan Someday I'm just not in the budget now that's six wheeler from galusia's that I drove the other day that automatic that thing was cool that would make a sweet surface truck so I know you guys will never get rid of it yeah handy very handy there is a link down below and vivore is a partner of the channel which honestly between the mag drill that Welding Table Jack's airja air bag jacks wow we got a lot of stuff uh grills fuel tanks hydraulic pump a lot of vivore stuff around here and it's been awesome yep that worked we got it down in there should be able to drop had to take the grinder cut that out because it just spun around in it all messed up so where are we here we're all out of there tap that through a punch it's a chisel doing good there we go I actually want to catch it that's the only thing so I'm gonna need two hands I'll show you guys because that one's way too easy I I believe it's all because of well having a bead breaker now and it can hold it and do everything else so that's in and as you see the rubber is all pulled through that's what SEALs it so from there you put your washer on it and then you put your knot on it and then you get tighten that down I'm gonna need two hands in a minute hit is back together that's what it's supposed to look like there so we just got to take the bead breaker back off some tools away like this spring when I had truck tire issues and Darren I believe Darren I gotta look at my phone now at Kings gave me quite a bit of help and we did everything by hand and uh well he did a lot of it by hand and I did a little bit but I'm thankful for that so I might hopefully you're watching you get yourself one of these because yeah you were a Savage with doing tires but me not so much so then from there release it it all it all pulls itself back in kick the coupler off wrap that up and you're good to go and then we just got to get this bead back on doing Tire work not as bad now breaking the bead was always a challenge getting backs on always well not always a challenge but sometimes a challenge so we got lucky today link is down below as far as this tool I should make a whole uh on of all the tools I got and the links to go with it because it does help out the channel and they do see when uh everybody's purchasing stuff through that channel um yeah I love working with evor and I love the products they've been offering because there's stuff that I'm like oh I would have bought that but elsewhere it's three times as much I got oil grease all over that but alrighty well we're gonna call it uh good for today yeah this rain keeps stopping hmm got me nervous we're gonna have to do more uh urea than I wanted to but alrighty I appreciate you guys I'm gonna actually go get uh some on my list so that we can take that Manure Spreader off and it will be good to go we don't have to touch it again um but yeah new to us manure spreader absolutely awesome I'm pumped for that it was priced nicely I think it's gonna work for me for years to come so we got that we got to do some work on the 46. we're gonna narrow those tires up we got stuff to do on that Mac and we'll got the other Mac so appreciate you guys watch along like And subscribe and being part of the channel and uh I'll see you guys on the next one have a good one
Channel: Farming with Duffy AG
Views: 34,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Duffy Ag, Farming, Silage, Grassmen, Haylage, Dairy, Claas, John Deere, International, Mowing, Forage Harvester, 695
Id: 61jJghdM-5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 10sec (2470 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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