Building A Milking Parlour On A Budget || How €1,100 Saved Me Near €10,000

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it's a Tuesday evening Tuesday the 1st of August and I've decided to make a video based on a lot of questions that we get and this video is going to be a little bit different where it's going to focus on our making power anytime American parlor is in the background or anytime I'm sure Macau has been moved to making power there are some very common questions that prop up and them common questions can vary from people looking actually for the size of it that seems to be a very common one costs and stuff like that or any recommendations I might have for people who are maybe thinking of operating their existing system or maybe get into make or getting back into make whatever the excuse is the power seems to always draw a lot of questions I would say always if you're going from a different Enterprise and enter into Dairy don't always believe the hype that comes behind Dairy I'm doing this my entire life my father's been doing this before me and I know that there has been exceptionally good times in Darien but it's been exceptionally bad times to equal that out but I'm not here to tell you what to do I'm just here to tell you always push yourself in the edge of caution my dad started making here in the early 60s he came from a farm his home Farm could be making about 10 15 cows which was a laugh that team remember back in the early 60s and then he came in here and he started milking in a building which actually sought exactly what this building now sits it was a wagon roof um buyer uh which had been extended over the years but the main buyer itself was a 12co buyer which sat exactly in the same footings where this building sits today so that star star very very common that time and I remember it I remember emptying the buckets into a make tank and that makes about 18 cows and two buckets it took a bit of time and it took a lot of wash and then everybody knows what came with the bucket systems or a simple effective and they were a lot better than hand making and I should say he did handmade here and for a couple of years when he first came because the money wasn't there to even buy a bucket system so Hand making was done my mother as well did help him too but Pocus came relatively quickly after and that went on here till about the late 80s around about 89 1990 the pipeline came along it was an easy conversion we had a 12 cow buyer with a Manger up the middle cause you to stand up there were little division walls in between so you'd have two cows that will stand up in each style you could walk up between them you could take the chin around their neck it doesn't sound as bad as you think the chain on the next just stops them from running out uh codes didn't even actually pass any remarks you could forget to put the chain on they would never move and we used to throw the mail just on the ground with a known saucepan potato saucepan my mother won us in a competition in super Valley and my father took it out started using it for the meal that was an argument but it took a long time and it paid a lot of bills at saucepan and I remember using it well for a long time you just throw it up into the car and the cow headed off the ground the difference in a pipeline is it was piped straight to the tank there was no lift in the bucket taking the lid off pouring into a meat tank there was none of that which was one hell of an upgrade we started off at four I increased it to five and then eventually we went full hog we had the six mendras we went to six a time so I make the knuckle buyer for a long time I used to make in the mornings before I go to school evens after secondary school I was walking in a tire a shop which was just across the road from the school so I used to nip across their uniform gym because walked there for two and a half hours afterwards but they always have to get home in time if I could um at six o'clock or so and get a bit of milk and it was just a nice place to be and I always enjoyed it so this power then came along in 2008 and it was built under a dairy hedging Grant which was 40 but at that time remember the prices I'm going to give you today when I finish off this video they'll not be that far off to today's prices because remember that time we're going into a recession we're still in a bit of a boom time at the 70 grant that came out which was a huge thing for slanted sheds and stuff like that met a lot of people spend a lot of money and people were put up sheds for everything when you get something like that the one thing that also goes up is the price of materials so we built this at the end of that Grant scheme and it was just coming to the end so soft was a its highest price and the reason for that is is because it was doubting what I was wanting to do I wasn't certain on anything and I was changing my mind and then going for it and then changing my mind again it was just being careful that's all it was because there was a lot of money being invested and I had to make sure I get it right this is an eighth unit herringbone de la valve or Alpha valve for the old name and making powder one thing you will notice if you're following the channel is how simple it is there is next to no electronics in this power everything you see is more or less manual it's running on vacuum and the only thing in this entire parlor that has any Electronics in it disease Regulators here and which are very simple as it is and you can see there Alpha valve is still written in clear rate oh the reason alphabet was written on that is because almost 50 to 60 percent or maybe a little more 70 actually of this parallel was second hand one of the things I had to do was start pricing around for different bits and pieces I done that about three or four years beforehand I'm not trying to gather up good quality second-hand parts that I could use in a new power lucky enough a friend of mine said his father was setting up his power and the father's retired and he wasn't taking up the Milken and the milk and parlors for sale so we met an agreement of 1100 Euros at the time uh to buy this power off and in that power we're going to get through all the bits and pieces that we got so all of these shells car pieces these upgrades here these switches these regulators some of the plastic piping all of the galvanese piping that makes up this Frame here all of that came from that making power the jars were already took someone had been there before me and took the jars jars were gone so we got the new jars hence the reason it changed to the new name delevalve another thing we did get which it was the whole entire frame of the power but it wasn't in good state it was in a long time and it wasn't worth putting into a power which I hope to make for well for a long time and do me for a long time so all of the framework was all brand new we got a full set of managers with it as well the only thing that was wrong with the managers and I didn't really want them was that there were the older galvanese props that was in them and the trucks the bottom of them were actually starting to rot out could have mended them put it on a bit of work on them but I decided there weren't massive money at the time it just said when it's meal related and cows are going to be nicking out of constantly as I say they bought new mandras so human interest was something we fitted although we did make use of the old ones as you can see on the opening gear tier there's no hydraulic opens it is just literally pull it with your hand close it job done our backing bars are exactly the same simple stays up and down another thing that I done was I drilled a couple of holes along here so if you want to keep a car up a little bit further or she's got too much room you just get this little key here find the hole drop it in and she can't move back believe it or not that little key yes has been such a blessing small little job but made such a difference so our Mig pump secondhand this isn't actually a cover there was no cover on the one we got it that is a five gallon drum cut in half which keeps it clean keeps the splashes off it does the job these jars here were secondhand and all of the stainless steel fittings that comes up here and into that were also second hand when it came to feeders we had different options we looked at batch feeders and so and so on but one thing I was definitely going to buy was these um attachment feeders because I used to make it for another guy who had about 130 cows and two different makeup powders and both of them were very similar to this one of the most slightly different wear instead of having the ropes it had a bar that you would pull to the side and pull down and then move the other side and pull down but the whole mechanism inside is more or less the same top was all galvanese whatever that's the stainless the Durham pipes as well and they haven't ever been touched since the day they went in how I do an item is open these guys here at an inspection team and put my hand in just put on any lumps so that'll make it cost we did look secondhand ones but everyone we looked at were yeah a money pit probably to repair and fix up there wasn't that many bacon Parallels for sale Latin there's probably a lot of them now people are upgrading regular but that tender wasn't so that's where we went with these and all the system was kind of almost I knew one other farmer that was constantly going into bucket and getting up on this here with steps and pouring buckets into his Hoppers after every single making and that same farmer has had both hips done since that and you know what's happening it's not worth it for the price of an arbor if you can get an auger system put it in there is a sensor here it's not really a sensor it's just a little plastic toggle switch when the media comes up and hits that toggle switch it pushes it in and that turns the system off when the meter drops below it the flap goes back out again the meeting turns on and doesn't turn back off again until it's full when that was originally put in it was putinato so every time you go below that paddle switch it would come on I didn't like that and making the cars it's very very loud when it comes on and it was disturbing the cows every time the storm me too was a nice noise to listen to so I didn't get my electrician back about two weeks after that was done and we wired it in a different way that now I turn it on after every making and this pilot switch here will still do its job as in turn it off but it doesn't turn it on no more far better job unless you're making a lot of colors and you need it to fill during making time and you run out of mail that's fine but for me I didn't often have to do all my cows for one making and this is a vacuum pump again if your look was rolled on it Alpha valve I'm not sure if there'd ever even be a date on it but that pump is as old as the Hills this is the pump part of the package that I bought and wasn't running great for the first week while so I took this all apart I ordered a new set of veins for it I did it myself rebuilt the entire thing got it working and it hasn't given us a minute of trouble since great pump so far I bought this motor brand new it was ridiculously expensive but I was told it was a good one I don't know any users want to look at that kind of stuff there is the label there now you can have a look at it but it has never given any trouble since within it Donna but three years on a pipeline and then the rest in here never has been looked at this Master unit here this is for our Regulators controls the pulsation of the machine you have four LEDs the other flash constantly on and off the column channels and so one does two units so that's the reason why you have four here and that unit there to buy again you can see Alpha valve on it but that would be a very expensive unit to buy on its own brand new that came part of the old Power along with this guy here which is basically just a Transformer that turns it into the low voltage into this um again just part of that package so when our Mick comes out of our cows it has to go somewhere hence the reason you're not gonna make time just make time here is 5102 liters that's exactly what's on the label here in front of me so tanking this here costs a lot of money these make tanks are very very expensive when I was building the power there was no budget for a mini tank but the guy I used to make for for a few years had given up mick and he had two really really old mid tanks and he sold one of them to me I forget how many users was could have been around 2500 liters or something around that and it was a very similar stand tank although it was a lot smaller and statute when it's out of this Dairy the Koda was working but the watch system wasn't uh the wash system on the old tank today bar home was kind of like the front of this tank you didn't have any of this Electronics here you had a little pump that was on legs that you used to lift up and screw it in here by hand and then you have a little guy that's the holes for it there where it used to be that's how far the tank used to be back this was always in front of the tank so the tank when he came to that lane the old tank but you had a lad shot here with a kind of rotor timer so you almost like one of them egg timers you turned it around as mechanical and it'll start ticking and then move around his wash cycle and then you had a little jog here that you screwed up into it that little job was for your detergent it's a very long standard so I haggled and I got that tank for 450 Euro including the compressor which was a big old Bruce that's the only way in popular there's been a ton of weight and compressors compared to the new compressor is out there it was three times as heavy I know this because the day I went to take it out I was on my own it was off of both in an attic you could still access it from outside but you had to take the sheet enough to say to the building and I took the sheets off I got an old International tractor with a loader a really old International and I brought the loader over in the house over to the front of it pushed it out through it and when I got it onto the palette hotter than order do I need to start the tilt with the weight when I never run as fast of my life almost broke my neck trying to get down ladder to get down before I tip the whole thing and toss the compressor right onto the ground I got there eventually for a mouse why I remember the weight of it we got it home got everything here we got our man to come and plummeting about a thousand Euro for him to hook up the gas I put the tank in myself my electrician Wireless he hooked up the gas set up the wash thing and just done a simple few things in that 1450 Euro we had a working tank that tank was insured while it was here because we put it at a high risk I hate him to give trouble it run here right up until five years ago remember we built this place in 2008. the only thing it ever did was a little bear and a motor that needed to be replaced a little salinate or whatever it was the changes from hot to cold cheapest chips we've got them secondhand bits and pieces in Minecraft put bits and pieces in it all as Captain running and of course next to nothing but it wasn't practical it was hard on ESP that was another big fault to it the old compressor run on the old gas which couldn't be gone anymore that was another issue it run for too long after making trying to cool the mix because it was of Max Capacity maybe two three hours after making on The Summer's morning and we had to get a rental time excuse to sit outside the store here to plug in the summer months and we have to transfer to that uh during the four months at least in the summer then so our local co-op run a scheme where you could buy a tank through them you pay them through your milk check three-year loan interest free I remember paying five months of the year you could pick the way you wanted to pay it but I paid the five best months of the year but 700 euros a mountain around that uh this tank for remember rate was just under 20 000 new nearly sure if I remember right by the time I got the vat back and got the Grant on us it cost me in around 10 fights I didn't get around ten thousand five hundred for this time but that has been problems there's been problems every year with us and you put them all together is way more money put into this one that was ever put into the other one simple little things like electrics again there's a little Italian I think in here are two of them the control of the heart and cold feed and they have went and both of them have went actually three of them have went in total I don't know why that's happening we had a little issue out in the compressor I forget exactly what it was it was a minor thing but it still was an issue so four problems all together came with the big tank I'm not too worried about it the good points are that this tank here is very efficient it's off and cooled before I'm finished washing the machine which is great that's a big saving on ESB so we're coming to our wash charts here so we got a detergent in that side and we have our clean water on this side I picked this up at an auction for I think it was 60 Euro at the time and got this great thrush another thing our power has is an attic above the dairy bring for just throwing all the stuff up I've allowed to make half um feeders up there of a spare vacuum pump as well actually a VP 76 sitting up there I have lots of extra shells and bits and pieces and switches and stuff up there as well they came off the old pipeline everything that can be used and has been used as spares on this a lot of the stuff is up there I bet there's a lather once on tomorrow just to make it easier to get up and down one thing I will do is put a heist up there a little Heist that you can pull so that you can put a basket here on the ground and fill it with the bits and pieces you need if it's heavy Heist up there and then just claim up the ladder and bring them in because carrying stuff up there is quite awkward if it's heavy you're going up with one hand and it's just not the same as so we Heist up there sometimes we cure that problem this morning I was on my phone and I knew I had a folder I always keep the paperwork when we're doing these buildings I had a piece of paper somewhere where all the prices read out by hand and I found it I took a screenshot of it here on my phone I'm gonna go through it now really quickly so the prices I'm going to give you are miners bat there's no paint in the adding the bat onto it because I got the vat back on this building you can calculate the VAC yourself and walk from there so all these prices I'm giving you are without fat included the structure itself which includes the entire building the floors pit all the structural aspects of this building cost us thirty six thousand seven hundred and eighteen Euro our makeup machine the bits we use cost us 1100 Euro which believe it or not there's still a lot of pipe and a lot of it and untame as well it took a bit a week for the guys to fit in three boys here full time for a week to fit the whole thing out of running and that came in the 18 650 Euro the original quote that we got for this building was 29 500 euro and that's what we would have had a spend on if we hadn't used 1100 Euro that we bought the old bits and pieces so you can walk that figure out yourself it was quite a significant saving electrics was 2200. the plumbing was 250 there was very little Plumbing in here the meal system was 4 500 euro that included bin and the auger system fit in the tank was 882 I said a thousand in there that was with that included so it was 882 plus the vat a bit of dig I walked not very much just to level the old buyer and get it through away that walked out at about 741 Euros say about a thousand Euro more in reality and that didn't include two lorries that threw away a lot of the rubble that we had here for a site that was being filled nearby so that grand total brought everything to 58 941 Euro and then minus the forty percent Grant give us a grand total of twenty three thousand five hundred and seventy six euros that's what costability is making power and that's what I was out of purpose when Grant and that was back and everyone was done that's the figure so you can work on that that's given yet as straight as straight can be and hopefully answers all the questions you have any use that are talking about sizes and different pieces of that I'm gonna put up a little clip now just showing you the actual plans of the building that might help you along the lane you can copy to do whatever you like but that is the plans I'll show you them now so here is the plans original plans of American parlor and these want to get the old pan out you can take a screenshot of that because we mistake here on this plan I don't have the other one that was sent in but this one just a little bit of a mistake you'll notice this side here is a wee bit smaller than this side um just we hiccup on the plans but we sorted it after I spotted it quick enough but that's just in case any use sharp I see it but gives you a bit General adjust of it at the same time this is where we make turkeys we got the old managers that we had the very same as the ones are in there and you can see little holes here in this wall there's another up here another another and so on our way up I installed eight benches across here I came along then and I put a roof from that top safety bar over to here just above this one I put timmers up from the ground to support it it was all cheating I had from this roof here a replacement of it and I put them across just a lean two put lights the whole way down it and I fitted all the units took me three solid days to do it I did it on my own and the only thing I needed help was was just Plumbing up the maker machine in here was where our temporary mid tank went we set up our wash system in here our maker machine I think sat over there you can still see some of the drill holes from stuff that was fixed on the walls when we're doing that our Mig tank then had a common collector mix so he used to reverse up here but he had to get down and we had a bit Louis makeshift wooden stairs in there for him to come down a good friend of mine Jared AKA Springer built them for me and got that job done which worked really well the McMahon actually got that used to it he loved coming up and down it that took three days to build and that milk in power or whatever you want to call is not even a power like that way of making was twice as fast as what we were doing for years and years in an app pipeline it took such little money to do it and it just to me it sprung an idea of what you can do with little amount of money yes regulations have to be met but they're not that bad if that you can imagine had it been raised up at the ground concrete base built up the cows would go up a ramp up onto it and then you wouldn't have to get down to put the Clusters on you could walk an area just behind them and have the cows raised up it doesn't take much to do and they could go out to run around you could take it over like and you can make a lot of stuff happen for a little amount of money no final thing before I end this video is would I do anything different if Andrew's doing this power again these guys here as handy as they are I'd remove them jars are great and cows are making and cows are Calvin and you want to hold so making the jar and let it into a bucket below you couldn't have a handier system no dump files or anything needed everything is in the jar what you want just it's powerful and easy for feeding calves but it's a pain in the back safe or something else and that is hopping your head over and being physically in the way so when you're working on cows you're docking and Diving all the time if you're not careful this lad here will strip the back pain off yeah when you're tall you will hit the head of this on the Sunday morning and yeah that happens when pipes get dirty with cows you're clown in and out of them like this you're rubbing it'll get in your clothes it just can become a bit of a pain in the back side another thing as well is if you have two people in the power it makes it extremely hard you're uncomfortable when this is all on a roll because you can only walk up and down the one side and there's only room for one person if these were gone you could walk from say to say you'd have much more freedom of space and space there's comfort so what I'd put in there in this place maybe down the lane is a swing over I have actually been considered doing a bit of work to the making party sometime not right away something just to do with those and just free up a wee bit of space these mandras are fine they're hard wearing but the issue is cows get used to them fairly quickly and you get some greedy cows to come in and instead of eating their own meal they'll put their head back and want to eat the cow behind first so that they get at and then they lead their own we have a few cars Doors Down including Bowl she's the biggest devil of the whole lot with a few cows that have learned from Rojo as well and are doing it too and that can become a pain because what happens is the cows behind push from the back then she becomes trapped with her head in here completely blocked with our backside taking this railing and then you have a bit of a melee in your hand because you have to try the back door open and force the cows out backwards to take the pressure of horn X so she can get out so that happens a few times come on come up come up come up yeah you know what you're doing so these could be do would be long or higher and lower to stop that happening maybe this back bar could have done with the chamfered back bar if you see the ones you get that have a step into them or the kind of back say it goes into them and holds them in place better if a cow Dong's in here it comes into the pit rarely ever sits there unless stray and that time of year I know sorry if you're eating your breakfast it's not the nice thing to talk about but this time of year we're grasping wet coasting for the far end of that piss and it comes in on the mother lode and we have a submersible pump by the way underneath here and it goes into that submersible pump gets pumped away to our tank which is behind that wall in the yard but it can be hard on the pump and you can hear the pumps sometimes soften trying to get rid of it your Riley wasn't coming here at all so a splash bit you'd often see it's probably about her name for it but just to play it right behind the backside down on the dude on it either gets caught here on a wash throat or preferably just gets directed onto the ground at the feet rather than being thrown right into the pit where you're making thankfully they don't dung very often it's only the one or two might do it during the whole entire week but if someone else came into the power to help you well that's when The Circus Comes To Town so one of the biggest benefits to this power is maintenance I maintain this power myself I do everything that needs to be done to it I know the power relatively Inside Out we've only ever had in the entire time since 2008 this power was built we've only ever had people out to work on it three times and you'll have a recipe where I change these guys every six months yeah all going well if quality is good every six months is what I do and I keep an eye in case any of these crack not this part the actual rubber inside that's what the cracks can happen and make pipes usually every year maybe a little more sometimes she really wants to be in this video I don't know why Daniel Fran Z sit on top of that jar does have to be changed and that's really it a couple of Springs actually in here seems to start break this last while the controls these that the stainless steel spring again very easy to fix and a few other little bits of robbers and things but that is the main benefit of it it's so bloody easy to keep oh yeah and I can't believe what I've mentioned the mats the mats are one thing you see me fitting on this channel and I've never given really an update on them since I pop them in but by Christ they are good you do get a bit of a mold to just calm on them and that gets notoriously slippy so every so often every two weeks or so I run the power washer down here and just take that off but you just have to be careful because if you let it build up it can become like a bottle but otherwise they're lovely and soft on the feet they haven't swollen they haven't cracked they haven't worn down or nothing like that has happened since they've been in but if you can budget for them sometime down the line they'll definitely worth put them to take the pain out of the legs looking after your own self and body it's very important milk and powders can cost no ends you can have anything you want if you've got the budget for it you can put it into it you'll see a lot of videos on YouTube and the internet now where it'll show the stairs they are the best of the best making powers and sometimes I can frighten people when you see the figures that come behind those bits and pieces you put in when you hear the figures of this here it might become a little bit more of a reality that's my making Parada hope you enjoyed today's video next one is going to be a Mucky one where our second quarter our wet second cut has took in which was just torture to get what we did cut done but you'll see all that and in the middle of night out of it as well which didn't help but you'll see all that in the next video with other stuff coming out as well we're going to visit a farm to do a bit of a tour on that and I just have to get the time to go but I will I'm looking forward to it anyway guys thanks for watching see you next [Music]
Channel: IFarm WeFarm
Views: 93,815
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Id: QcsrkP2Nw_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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