This was a bit more difficult then expected but turned out good what to you guys think?

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good morning good morning it's got your fancy new shirt on again this morning yeah yeah shirt on I got my fingers way too clean it is it's brand new we need to fix that [Music] all right you want to take the lead tell everybody what's going on this morning well make our building pad a little bit bigger yes yes yes so we originally started off with a 40 by 40. to rephrase that 32 by 40 32 by 40. now we're up to 40 by 48. yes so we got to extend a little bit right now we're about perfect size yeah well we gotta we gotta make one so oh we got limitations on how far back we can go because we got a phone line in the water line we got limitations on how far out we can come because they still need access over there so I guess a long story short first thing we need to do is get the dirt out of that corner but we kind of got held up on our water line debacle that needs to come to this corner yeah which machine you think we should use we got all I say the 550 around utilities I agree 1650 will be perfect yeah that's what I thought was gonna happen I should have said 16.50 then you just said okay I agree with you [Laughter] I think uh I'm thinking 1650. the 550 is the finished machine 1650s get the Dirtbag machine I ain't scared why I know you ain't scared you down here too I hit the same one twice all right we got our phone line and our water line right here I don't think I can come in right down through here kind of shave some of that off get her close get it close and then we'll take the DL 550 and polish her off all right what do you think oh I'll let you go with that all right [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign check it out guys rock trucks have showed up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] looking good awesome all right what do you think back to our belly fat we need to bring that dirt down to here let me get the compactor in on that and uh that's got some good moisture and I should beat in pretty tight I think I can back up the hill now and bring that dirt down don't you think yeah uh I guess we'll go ahead and pull our flags okay I'm liking what I'm seeing yeah shouldn't take too long foreign [Applause] find pretty good we're getting extremely dry we need we need some weather we need some rain get in there pretty tight that's good thank you here all right man behind the scenes we're getting close so uh I'm thinking we're a little bit fluid of where this building can sit it don't have to be like right here we got a certain distance we got to be off that we need to gain access the best we can out off the road here so I'm saying like I'm down through here and kind of buzz this thing off close to grade able to pull a few tapes see what we got and then uh we can kind of tweak her from there good foreign 's good and uh one spot in here we got a little low spot well that's I think that's where I was digging out them stupid rocks was it yeah so you uh you put them all over them hey uh not too bad cutting great on this little big old pad with that big old elephant not bad at all told you I made the right decision yeah all right I think we need to grab 100 foot tape kind of see where we're at because what we'd probably need to focus on doing is figure out where the front of this building is going to be at and get this hill sloped in because we got rock trucks coming you know what I mean yeah so we need a we need to get this going quick yeah yeah you got 100 foot tape I got 100 foot tape you want two of them you got 100 foot tape with you yeah yeah I got a setting right down oh it's over there yeah that's not with you it's not with you almost there perfect actually the truck brought it to the job site which I was driving so I brought it with my truck yeah but if it wouldn't be for me it'd probably be left on some job who knows where yeah that's a valid point do you remember our measurements no I forgot from about an hour ago 48 by 40. 48 by 40 and 48. so 48's this way 40s this way what smart Ender the dumb man I can take either one because 40 I mean you know 48's all right I'm gonna say it back here about where I think the corner of the building needs to be I'll say well we just put a 48 flag over in the grass where it's out of the way so we just got a reference yeah yeah all right I don't want to get this thing crammed too far back in this corner but I think we can comfortably go about right here [Music] well I kind of do the same thing on the other side foreign what's up well I wonder if we shouldn't just stick it down there somewhere and it will have a sight line across here all right I'll stay alone 48 right here so basically that'll be our front a breakover point where we'll start transitioning down into the driveway uh we want to check our 40 just for make sure we're good [Music] at 48 49 actually so we got all kinds of room this way all right um what do you think what do you think about you taking a rolling this whole Pine end real good and I'll kind of start shaping that front see what we got yep all right now we got a rough idea where this is going to be at front Hill show back up back up Aaron needs a pass to get up the hill he don't want to go home with his rowers thank you all right that is transitioning in really nice that should give them kind of a good little area to pull up access their building they also want to have a driveway that kind of goes around behind the house there foreign [Music] like what I'm gonna do for the sake of staying ahead of the rock trucks I'm gonna hop on the 240. now he's got this compacted in just kind of trucks are here all right well maybe not gotta get this compacted in see what we got here [Music] [Applause] like that we got rock [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go down through here just got a heads into the greater rough Leg Get It busted out guys see where we're at it's looking good though it is looking good foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] hit that one time but I don't think it really mattered no you gotta compact it we got it when we want it so all right driveway's in pad is close I think I'm ready to hop on the 550 and get that bank over there cleaned up next what do you think yeah I think once we get that bank over there cleaned up and worked around then we can maybe hit this whole thing with a grater one time yep fine-tune it off uh then the final thing we'll need to do is I want to build some sort of little swell or berm up there just to kind of keep the uh we'll keep the water from coming down the hill coming on this but all right let's hit that next and uh bush is looking good yeah it is foreign [Music] [Music] foreign thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well he's gonna come in right here we got a rock going everywhere I say We'll dump him right here right [Music] [Music] you got her that's good right there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] make sure it fits yeah [Music] all right my mind scenes we got our four corners laid out here we have got all kinds of room which should give them all kinds of options yes sir I like it well yeah we kind of got to lay it out pull this way a little bit which gives us some better access over there but I can slide it that way they can slide it this way they can do whatever they want yeah uh pad's all what do you think we're all within a half inch on the pine yep all right pads on I say we'll take the greater attachment off the uh 240. throw the bucket on it we don't have the bucket for the Minotaur here so let's just throw the bucket on that you want to work on getting this rock spread out I don't think I'm going to jump up there I want to build a diversion ditch up there to kind of keep that rock I'll keep that rock keep that water coming down that Hill up there we got some extra dirt up there in the field we can use uh get that done I think we're getting I think we're closing in yeah all right close I'll work on ditch you work on the Rock let's call it yep [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] guys it is slowly shaping up nicely got uh got a nice little swell or bank right here so any water coming off this field should be diverted and go around and not not flood out our new building or our building pad down here Aaron's got most of this rock kind of spread out had just about the right amount we'll probably eventually put the greater attachment on that and hit it one more time but it looks uh looks pretty good he's got a roll wheel tracked in man look at that look down through there looks uh looks completely different so he's over here on this side we got to get uh we almost forgot we still got to get the when we dump those loads of dirt we hauled out of here the other day gotta get those all cleaned up he's got it looking pretty good working on that kind of get there used to be an old pool right here so kind of uh getting that all cleaned back up so they can just kind of get in there and do their uh do their thing but uh looking good we're gonna go up here the last thing we got to do up here is we need to get the brush pile what's left of that brush pile we burnt the other day all cleaned up let me uh show you what I got all of you guys remember seeing in the background of previous videos but there was like three or four random piles of dirt that had this little bit of trash and debris in them here so I got those kind of uh leveled out and cleaned up they wanted to get this all back to where they could keep it mowed and maintain that is what's left of our brush pile it burned up a very very well but we need to get this is kind of some of the debris out of those piles I've got pushed up here this is what's left of the brush pile I've got us a little bit of a hole dog here it'll be okay Dozer so I think what we're gonna do is take that little bit of stuff and get it down the hole take this good bear behind me get everything covered up and that should have this whole back area cleaned up nice so let's do it [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] thing holy cow that was dirty foreign we need some rain the good news is the hallway dog it's about the right size so we're going to take and spread out it's a little bit of stuff we got right here left and I'm gonna take that dirt over there cap everything off thing Jack should pretty much have everything up here complete I'm behind the scenes I don't like it I just realized vandalism we got sticker bombed look at that you know that guy I don't know how I snuck that in there on us it must have been whenever he was up at Cleveland's with the firewood processor oh yep that's what we're going with so yeah all right at least it's Clint somebody we actually like all right guys I believe I believe that is a wrap on this one it was a quantity Adventure getting this one done but building pad is complete I know looks nice building pad is complete swell's complete Fields cleaned up driveway is completely reworked with some awesome that is some awesome access coming in there yeah it uh nice man I think I could even drive semi down that thing I don't know about that we might find out uh if we got a special guest coming fall asleep tomorrow to help us move equipment that's gonna be good we'll see how I think I should let him back in from the other way oh yeah yeah let's do it like we came in the first time my truck though about this so all right guys that uh that's gonna be a wrap on this one we got one more load of rock a little bit smaller rock coming in to cap off this driveway so we're going to let him dump that out in the morning we'll go to Hall equipment now we'll probably grade this driveway one last time but other than that it is pretty much a complete it uh it turned out awesome they they're a little bit undecided on their building size so they've got a lot of different options here and uh should be should be good to go yeah they should I don't know what else to say about I mean I see a lean two on this side for uh their patio and chairs I see a lean two on that side for the vehicles but it's supposed to be for a honey operation well yeah but you always is that what the center is for I got a company vehicle sitting down there I mean I'm sure they're gonna have a company vehicle driving back and forth or whatever you know we thought we weren't going to bring the k-1650 in here because we thought it'd be too big I ended up putting 12 hours on that thing on this job you got to tell them what you said to me what'd I say huh you're kind of liking this stuff oh I can't say that out loud because if I come back to buy me a butt I do like the new k-1650 I like it a lot but a whole lot honestly it's small of I mean it's bigger but a small of an area I like the 552 but I could do I mean I can I don't know like the 1650 I could I could just make it happen yeah it's it was a little big but it was it was a fun new challenge I think that's why I liked it it was a fun new challenge all right we got to get out of here hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you did give it a big old thumbs up but make sure you don't miss out on what's coming up next we gotta we got another fun one coming up next yeah we do yeah we're gonna save a house slide in a creek sitting on top of a map with horrible access you know yeah how former Chris every field he Farms is wet yeah how come every job we do is such a pain in the butt to get in and out of I do kind of like it I was I was kind of like uh the neighbor lady here that uh she's like oh I don't want to go I want to watch him get stuck in the ditch what's happened is to be former Chris's sister all right well to be determined how that one goes we'll catch you guys on the next one tell them bye see you guys foreign
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 79,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mustie1, out door with the morgens, skid, steer, trackhoe, welker farms, building pad, compact, takeuchi, dumping, diy, driveway, grader, gravel, building gravel road, driveway build, driveway construction, case construction equipment, case 1650m dozer, ditch, skid steer attachments
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 2sec (2762 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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