UNDERCOVER at Le Bernardin! "World's Best Restaurant" Honest Review

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hey guys and welcome to another episode of UA eats I'm UA and today we have a really really special review for you guys we're going to be eating at a restaurant that I've been meaning to try for many many years now and today the day when I finally get to make that dream come true we are going to be eating at Le bernardon I believe it's pronounced Le bernardon unfortunately there's quite a bit of construction going on all around here so the outside of this area is not quite as beautiful and sophisticated as I had hoped but hopefully the inside still looks nice now this is a super bougie super fancy restaurant we're about to eat at it's opened by the famous French chef repair it's regarded by many people as one of the best restaurants if not the best restaurant in the whole world you heard me the whole world not just New York City pretty crazy right I'm pretty excited to try this place but we're uh coming up close on our reservation I got all dressed up for this you know usually you see me a lot more down to earth right the way I dress but their dress code is just that they want you to wear I think at least a collar but I decided to get the jacket too since we're eating at a three Michelin star restaurant for the first time ever on this channel so I wanted to look the part we're coming up close to our reservation so let's check it out [Music] thank you thank you so much all right so just real quick they don't allow video recording in here so I likely will have to get footage of b rolls and then afterwards edit it but we'll see what we're able to get away with so just briefly showing the menu here La Bernardine they have their Chef's tasting menu which is for at lunchtime 325 per person but that's a little bit out of our budget so we're going to do this 127 per person three course prefix which honestly that's pretty good for a restaurant of this caliber and the way that this works is you can choose one from these appetizers these are all appetizers and some are almost raw and some are barely touched as it says up there I hear good things about this octopus so we'll do octopus and then you can choose one of these main courses and these are main courses most of them are Seafood this is a restaurant that specializes in Seafood although they do have FY minion and while that's tempting it is a $25 extra fee so let's do salmon then dessert comes afterwards so let's order all right so first day brought out an appetizer and this is a salmon spread on some little pieces of toasted bread and a nice looking butter so let's grab one of these and spread this salmon on this cracker bone Appetit let me try a little bit more I guess I can talk a little louder than this let's try another bite of this Salmon's bread [Music] that's nothing special to be honest it's only okay Min bagette video uh I will do a fuka f just a fuka any other choice a fuka and a baguette and baguette yes thank you so much thank you all right so they just sprad out the bread and a lot of starch here a lot of carbs good thing I didn't have too big of a breakfast getting a bit louder in the restaurant so I feel like I'm able to raise my voice a little uh yeah so this salmon has like a really Smoky flavor like a really mayoi creamy flavor it kind of reminds me of some of the fillings they put in Japanese rice balls like oniri in Japan that they even serve at 7-Eleven but to be honest I'm not really impressed with this it's basically just like a fish salad like a tuna salad and uh I don't know it just tastes like smoked salmon and mayo and uh not much else so I don't know maybe I'm not super in the no but let's try this faka bread first I love faka I'm a big sucker for faka I've definitely had better faka before even at Italy to be honest the faka is pretty cold like it tastes like it just came out of the refrigerator that might have been an intentional choice but not really for me it is Fluffy but it's not very doughy I don't know it doesn't really taste that much like faka to me even if you go to Italy you can get a better one or Wegman's let's try the baguette yeah nice crust nice and crunchy and it's like a full loaf of bread that fits in the palm of your hand so let's try a piece of French [Music] baguettes actually the mini baggett's pretty good it's really really crispy I was holding it closer to my mic there it's really crispy not too Airy on the inside unlike the faka it does kind of have more of that doughiness more of that chew so I dig this but Tina says that this butter is incredible and just wow look how smooth this butter is getting excited for this it even smells really fresh and like freshly made Dairy butter wow [Music] I might need to add more let me just add a whole lot a whole lot maybe that will [Music] help M yeah I didn't add enough I didn't add enough if you add more it's pretty good like at all the great steakhouses of New York City I've had some pretty smooth and delicious Butters there but but this butter is the best butter I think I've ever had in my whole life out of any butter I've ever had including that Amish butter in Lancaster County it is just so smooth so clearly made in the house and freshly churned like it's got that nice oily milky creamy flavor and once you add enough of it you have to add enough of it because the crispy uh crust really covers up some of the flavor otherwise but if you really smother it with the butter go big or go home just smother it smother this bread with the butter and you'll like it all right our food has arrived and this is Tina's what did you order again this is lobster with some thai sauce Thai curry sauce Lobster with Thai curry sauce well enjoy Tina and this is what I ordered this is the octopus with a chizo sauce and a puree in the middle I actually didn't know at first I thought that was just a plate but that's a ché that just kind of matches the plate background but guys I know this is a bougie Michelin French restaurant but look at how tiny this portion is I mean just look at how small this is it's like a little tiny little hot dog that you cut into a small piece for a kid or something I mean I spent 127 bucks for this Munch and at steakhouses I have spent that much but I get loads of food at cat's Deli I spend 30 bucks for a sandwich I get a huge sandwich but here 120 7 bucks for this I mean look at my butter knife for scale just take a look I mean it looks pretty there's no question about that definitely a work of art I believe that Hot Cuisine originated in being food for the king and his royal family so I can definitely see uh you know the influence there but I wish the portion size were bigger so time to try a bite it's to taste it counts right if I can pick it up okay I was able to pick this guy up let's try one of these octopuses [Music] octopie oh you want to try one yes please please try one please oh they gave me a spoon so I thought I was supposed to use a spoon but let's try another one of these this is fantastic it may not be a big portion but I've never had an octopus that was so tender so often octopus is like eraser or like a piece of rubber but this is so soft it's almost like eating not Mochi it's almost like eating a Korean topoki if you know what that is like a rice cake tastes and feels like [Music] it oh oh that is outstanding it's pretty good no I only wish they gave me a big plate of this like a bowl that I could scoop at will into my mouth but it's charred beautifully on top like the Char of it is perfect I already talked about the texture these other ingredients on top to be honest I don't really taste them much but they probably play some sort of supporting role but it's a perfect Char that brings out like that delicious charred Seafood flavor nice sauce too let me try dipping it in more of the sauce now I dipped it in more of the Pare and the turo sauce [Music] okay so the sauce is only okay the sauce actually kind of covers up what I like most about the octopus the sauce flavor is quite neutral and not very strong what I like about this octopus is it's soft completely soft texture like rice cake and the Beautiful Char that's not at all burnt only crispy and nothing else which pairs perfectly with the texture so eat one straight up is the way to go [Music] M too bad it's already gone after just a few bites so I guess it is what it is yeah you enjoyed yours yours look like a bigger portion than mine though it is n it's more meat yeah I feel like yours tastes better mine was pretty good I'm not going to lie it was like the perfect appetizer the perfect orderve except for the sauce the sauce was only okay but if you just eat it by itself it tastes good I almost feel like the sauce was mostly for decoration yeah yeah like it's cool when they like pour it on top of the octopus yeah I wish I could have filmed them pouring it oh well like edible paint let's wait for the main course though tasa kirasa tiasa Tila okay okay the salmon has arrived the main course and this is a grilled salmon I believe uh lightly grilled slightly raw but not entirely and they said this is a truffle sauce so I got to say guys it was a really long way I would say that was like maybe 30 minutes maybe almost 40 minutes even really really long but let's dive into our near raw salmon while the salmon on top looks kind of nice because I like sushi I don't mind that it looks more raw to be honest I find that the sauce does not look that good it kind of almost looks like mud or something not as beautiful as the last dish but we'll give it a try why don't we let's dive in wow look I can cut it with just my Fork so smooth so tender W oh unless you just really don't like raw food you're going to love this it pretty much melts in your mouth like butter I feel like it could be a little bit more salted the sodium is a little bit on the low end but they make up for that with some nice Grill flavor like a charcoal flavor a smoky flavor that somehow like they're smoking the salmon but it's not like a smoked salmon like smoke flavor is just permeating throughout the whole salmon it's delicious and Flaky as you can see by the inside the Truffle sauce tastes good but the Truffle flake flavor is not that strong it smells really truffly but it doesn't taste super truffly but this salmon is just so incredibly soft and Smoky this is one of the best pieces of fish I've had in my entire life [Music] wow oh wow well that is fantastic okay I take back what I said about the sauce I said that the sauce didn't have too much flavor the sauce is a essential component of this the second piece was less good but the third piece I dipped it in more of the sauce you really want to dip it in as much of the sauce as you can it really helps to make you not miss the lack of sodium so much it just that savory like Umami flavor from the Truffle sauce even if it doesn't taste like truffle just the more Savory flavor of it with the incredibly soft salmon wow that's outstanding I like sushi so that's just me but I love this philosophy of lightly grilling the bottom to add the wonderful benefits of a cooked fish while having the flavor of Michelin quality sushi on top out of this world oh my goodness uh I have never had a fish dish or any dish like this in my entire life whether or not it's worth 127 bucks I'll leave that up to you guys to the side but I'm glad I tried it I only wish that they had left some of the skin on and added like a little bit of crispy salmon skin which is my favorite part of a piece of salmon to this so you get some crispiness with the softness and the mushroom flavor and then you would have the best of all worlds but hey uh you know Chef repair based on this dish alone he clearly knows what he's doing I'm sure he has a reason for everything [Music] okay our desserts have arrived Tina ordered a pistachio dessert and I ordered a dark chocolate tart and wow I mean is this like a architectural design or is this something I can eat I almost feel bad digging into this it looks like a it truly is a work of art oh my goodness looks like a space building from like Dune or Star Wars or something wow as much as I'd love to just look at it and admire the crazy artistic ability all day got to eat it it's UA eats not UA looks after all oh man guess I'll do it like this I don't even know how to attack this okay broke off a piece [Music] okay first a bite without the leaves on [Music] top oh my goodness oh it is it is molten on the inside like a molten lava cake I did not expect that oh such a rich dark chocolate flavor that was oh that was fantastic one of the best dark chocolate desserts I've ever had as you can see just look at how molten it is on the inside this isn't no Domino's Pizza molten lava cake that it's just syrup on the inside look at that delicious molten dark chocolate what I presume was once a frozen piece of ganache but now let's eat it all together let's eat it now with some ice cream and let's eat it with a piece of the leaf balancing it like a piece of the Eiffel Tower M the chocolate on top like the leaf it kind of provides just like a crunch it doesn't have too much flavor on its own but the crunch is it just kind of makes the dish less gooey and adds a good textural component the ice cream is cool and it contrasts with the warm molten chocolate and it also almost has like a sweet like almost a sweet flavor in like a fruity way so everything works together and the dish obviously was once very very beautiful too bad I broke it I broke this amazing structure but maybe we can maybe we can call Chef repair to fix it get it repair okay anyways I'm going to finish my dessert and then we'll share some final thoughts all right guys well we just finished eating at Le bernardon and yeah I got to say um I thought that at the beginning of that review I probably thought that the review was going to skew in a different direction like I was ready to say that okay yeah I I mean the portions are small yeah the food is good but it's only a tiny bit and I don't really think that this is necessarily worth it but that salmon was just oh my goodness one of the one of the best pieces of fish I've had in my whole life and that dessert wow also one of the top desserts I've had very very very good now it's unfortunate that this restaurant is you know it's a three Michelin star restaurant so no surprise it is a little bit on the stiff end and not the most most relaxing place to eat in my opinion I don't know maybe I I kind of grew up middle class so maybe I'm just not necessarily accustomed to these super Posh places I know a lot of the steak houses we eat at are pretty fancy but they may be fancy but they're still relatively loose environments I would say but at Le badan three Michelin star restaurant I wasn't able to film so any footage I got I just kind of sneakily got but after eating that fish and after eating thater I got to say guys 127 bucks I think it was a fair price for a three Michelin star restaurant it really could be much worse it's still not one of my favorite restaurants in New York like I still have places that I will frequent more often than this place and that I will prefer so for me it's not even talking best restaurant in the world it's not even the best restaurant in New York City for me and it wouldn't make my top 10 list either but it is a great experience it is great food for an interesting experience good food and to experience a three Michelin star restaurant and critically one of the best restaurants in the world for a pretty reasonable price All Things Considered I think it's worth trying out but anyways guys have you guys eaten at Le badan before and what did you think of it and what are your favorite spots to eat at in New York City and have you eaten other Michelin star spots that you think are worth the hype or not worth the hype let me know in the comments because great minds eat alike and as always if you like my videos make sure you like and sub sub cribe that way you stay up to date whenever I post another video I'm going to head back home now after my fancy meal so until next time I'll see you later [Music]
Channel: UA Eats
Views: 71,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Le Bernardin, Le Bernardin NYC, Le Bernardin Ripert, Le Bernardin Eric Ripert, Le Bernardin Anthony Bourdain, Le Bernardin best restaurant in the world, Le Bernardin best restaurant NYC, Le Bernardin honest review, best restaurant in the world, best restaurant on earth, 50 best restaurants on earth, 50 best restaurants in the world, UA Eats, UA Eats honest reviews, UA Eats reviews, UA Eats vlogs, UA Eats NYC
Id: tsLvh8i_zdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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