New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox 2002 08 28 Pedro Martinez Mike Mussina

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but momentum is as good as the next day starting pitcher and they were shut out by the other guys starting pitcher David Wells last night underway here at Fenway is Martinez for Soriano and he fouls but one thing that the Yankee hitters normally do except for Soriano and maybe Jeter they're pretty patient at the plate they make Pedro work he throws a lot of pitches to get the job done and they feel they'll have a chance in the late innings if they can make him throw a lot of pitches early Jeeter there happens they go up there swinging and they're probably the only two but when you get down to Giambi Williams ben-tor facade up all those guys are pretty patient hitters Pedro quickly ahead of the first hitter in the game not long ago he struck out seven straight in a game and for the Red Sox he'll bring does he get his glove on I'm sorry on now season throws against the tarp and he's going to dive in his second base so an old too little old by the way chopper and the Red Sox defense which has not been airtight of weight as they played below 500 ball this month and you see that that's the case he'll infringers what happened here about what happened was you got a late start he hesitated a second and decided to try to come in and get it on the short hop because Soriano runs well let the ball bounces away then Soriano who was trying to beat out the ground ball ran straight through the bag he realized the ball had gotten away so he hustles down the second base but speed caused that indirectly because he decided I have to go get it or else gonna have a tough play with sorry I so Soriano its second it Jeter is up lays down the bunt and Hillenbrand won't let this play either so a little error and small ball for the Yankees and runners are up the corners against Pedro and you know you know you're not gonna get many runs against Pedro so can't be surprised that the front was laid down no you can't ever be surprised in this game you can't let that happen you have to be playing in I mean he almost squares around hill and Brant was just too deep and you see how poor he starts he's got to be on the edge of the grass to start with because Jeter's going to hit the ball to the right side if he doesn't fun he's not gonna pull the ball he's gonna try to advance Soriano so you play in tight to take your fun away from him gee and force him to hit the ball the other way that was just defensive the way they had to defensive lineman wasn't correct there it certainly haven't solved the Pedro but the Yankees in business and 100 RBI man Jason Giambi he of the 32 homers steps to the plate in there first right says hunter wendelstedt and plate umpire Jerry Lane the up at first stop packard at second ed Montague is it third denied groundball this the Omar a tough tournament against John he could take his time Soriano gut score no RBI in the DoublePlay but the Yankees get a run knowing it was jumpy he could take his time on the movement second and Pedro gets the best thing he could possibly hope for here is to get the ground ball from Giambi and allow the run to score but you'll take two outs any time if you can allow the run score when you're in that type of trouble no outs runners at first and third so April gets what he needs and the Yankees get what they need indirectly they get a run and they get off to a good start against Pedro so the double play wipes the bases and here's Bernie Williams who has an 18 game win streak coming in it again way to birdie those interesting first ten games of this hitting streak um he had multiple hit games and he had four hits yet he had like ten straight hits if I remember right nine or ten straight hits at one point he was outrageous I mean he he reached safely Joe and 13th straight plate appearances the record is is 16 any run off Pedro in the first inning is unheard of as you can see that it's hardly he was cuffed around right there's nothing he could do about that one Oh interesting how he's pitching Bernie Williams he's thrown him three straight changeup and all of them have been the change-up that's moving away he starts it at the middle of the plate lets it move outside and so far Bernie's been able to lay off but I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Torre didn't let him swing as he gets the fastball here three and Oh and he got the fastball and he fouled it back one thing I've learned about Joe Torre in the past you know Joe was a hitter so Joe realizes for God throws you like three straight changeup you know that he's not wanting to throw you the fastball in the strike zone so you look he let you hit her goal three and OH because he's gonna if he gets the fastball make him pay for Bernie fouled it back [Applause] well how many notes is he gonna have to get I guess paid I guess they feel Pedro's so good that they do not have to help him their that Balham it's a live drive but it's in the big leagues you should catch that ball so that should be an error as well I don't know how they're gonna score but it's definitely should be an error it's a line drive and it gets to Garciaparra in the air see I mean he just I don't know he thought he had it he looked down he doesn't have it and they do call it an air I mean sometimes they'll give you they sit on that but that should have been an air no more has been a feeling son there it is right on cue from David kooris that's certainly uncharacteristic to accept not this year it's interesting we talked about how different Pedro Pedro is pitching this year I mean all of a sudden now he's throwing two straight changeup to Ventura as well you know that's unheard over the Pedro in the past I mean he would one of those pitches would have been a fastball and he would have tried to overpower it but now he's trying to make better pitches and try to get the hitters to help him out another changeup doesn t straight changeup and Pedro wants to know where that pitch was so do you assume it's the same thing as we did with Bernie exactly I think I agree I think it's the same situation if you're Joe Torre you say if you get the fastball go ahead and hit one the tour took his but I'm guarantee he was able to hit you let a guy hit three-and-oh with no one on base surely you're gonna let him hit three no with a runner at first and running with speed because he hits it in the gap he can score or apparently if he hits it at any red sock the Yankees are in business joke this one is to the gap and there it goes Bernie don't sin trot Nixon is up with it and he's being held as wave by third base coach Willie Randolph although they had thoughts of sending him home I actually thought they were gonna send him as well but they handle the ball pretty well in the outfield and got it back in quickly this ball is not hit as hard as I thought he kind of jams him a little bit but he finds the gap in right-center see it's more of a blooper good play by Nixon trot to get the ball back in quickly and I still think they had a shot at trying to score yep Bernie Williams and especially with two outs Willie ruin off was halfway down the line Joe before he told the told Bernie to hold it put the runner in motion and that's great put it in motion so he can score on a long base hit whether it be extra base hit the gap or you know long single as we see here but they decided not to and you know there again they have Posada coming up so this is a this Yankee lineup is pretty tough I mean right down through the last hitter Pedro is brutal on everyone but more than anybody else he is he know the of the EQ starters for Hamish under well you see his pattern as change ups and curveballs to Posada Posada knows that so he throw him a curve ball first pitch and he swung at it even though it was out of the strike zone or hay is for 437 lifetime of his cage by the way he's probably not alone in that to go but but he's [Applause] 25 team is in the a real scream Ginny Pedro Martinez was on his field he should player to run the Red Sox making 2 errors behind Pedro Martinez enabling the inky's to get a run off their ace and now they were trying to do some about it at the plate Jiffy Lube line up for manager Grady little Johnny Damon of course leading it off Hillenbrand second Garcia para 3rd and just as Bernie Williams has been red-hot so as Manny Ramirez who as recently as Monday night Joe went 5 for 5 well I mean he's one of my favorite hitters to watch he just makes adjustments pitch off the pitch and he is the guy I think that solidifies this lineup now Garciaparra the great hitter but this guy is right in the middle of everything you see the d8 tonight is Carlos Baerga who has been one of the best pinch hitters in the American League he's getting a chance to whack against Mike Mussina he seen him often in his career and and there is most Mussina who as a Yankee is hooking up though against Pedro for the 4th time and there you see some of the numbers we've seen it but he does window 15 wins I mean you were any pitcher would say ok you're 15 and 7 on August 28 would you take this season yeah yes see what I mean and look the starting pitchers job is to win ballgames not to have a great earned run average his job is to win the game I mean it helps you if you have both but you're you know you send a guy out there to win the ballgame however that being said as you look inside the numbers of Mike Gousha they've scored a lot of runs for you can also say that that way but here's here's what we've seen it is looking since the all-star game you can set it up he's three and four five point eight a tra his last five starts Joe two and three seven point one four er a so we talked about at the beginning at what point is there real concern if everything goes to play night England had a settlement in it a strike with you and I both we'll and no you see the last five starts that we've seen it will have one five or six starts left I mean there's time to change things around especially with a guy like this but at what point do you really go to work on something gel if he struggles again tonight well I think he's working on things you know in the bullpen but I you know what pitching is like hitting it's confidence he and the confidence them knowing that I can throw this pitch where I wanted when I wanted and that's the difference and I don't think right now he he's given a lot of pitches up normally hoping he's seen his glove Soriano reason speedy gaining and the Yankees defense sparkling and that's why there's one up and one down well let's take a look at the defense behind Mussina we just saw Soriano make a great play but raul mondasey in right field has been a big addition to this ballclub especially when you plant Yankee Stadium it was it very difficult to score from second base on a single in Yankee Stadium with raul mondasey in the outfield and you see last year he led the major leagues with 18 they're not running as much on him now because of the short porch in right field Shea Hillenbrand the all-star who opened up Joe Torre sighs and he was selected by Torre to the team but about the team he's hit best against is the Yankees and early the Enki's were in here for a four-game set in April and a four-game set in May which Boston did very well and almost impressed guys in the yard is Joe Torre why the reason rightly so making all smoke she's like a long time ago I came out here and it all started because I was here in April one of those series and it does seem like a long time ago but the one good thing with Hillenbrand is he has adjusted last year he got off to a great start and he finished very poorly he didn't hit well the second half this year he's been able to sustain his first half star now he gets fishing there you see so two up two down against the moose but breaking ball is a great old to pitch off the plate outside and I mean there's nothing even do it and even if you hit it you're just gonna hit a little dribble or someplace and the one thing to watch for it is ball games when you watch the scene does he pitch the right-handed hitters inside you know you're talking about when do you make adjustments well I think that's one thing that the other hitters around this league know that he does not pitch right-handed hitters inside that often I mean even here look where to set up they're all three pitches to Hillenbrand were outside I mean that's basically the way he pitches and what happens if you're a good hitter and you see a guy doing that all the time you can just give up the inside and you go to the outside or the wonder guard ship it's at the right centerfield wins quality Monda see off he makes the play in this that hands Monty the ball cave you give it to the coach what not that the Yankees after one Chris Berman Joe Morgan with you here at Fenway Park and faithful quiet it is the Yankees and its much-anticipated it's their 10th and final visiting here defend against two teams will play Monday Tuesday Wednesday in New York finishing out their link team game series and really install a manga see faces Pedro the Red Sox have played the heat is very tough for them if it's head-to-head that the Red Sox have 180 acres at one seven Boston winning three out of four in the April series we talked about splitting here in late May and the Inka Stadium and taking two out of three so Boston at the upper hand but really if you're looking back at the seats but I'm not gonna say Joe an 8-game win for the Yankees let's look at today's but in July the Red Sox came from way back in two of the three games in a series and lost a pair of nine eight Heartbreakers to the Yankees it was right at the Oscar break and just those are just a couple of games when he started to reassert themselves and be the haters well I don't think there's any doubt that the Boston has played them tough and I mean they aim for the Yankees of course every time they play them because they know the Yankees are the team to beat but you're you know the Yankees are just a little bit more fundamentally sound they're not afraid of the bullpen even would Rivera out they've been able to you know make do and I think that's where Sox have been lacking their bullpen has not been as dominant as they would like and after the first two starters meaning Derek Lowe and Pedro Martinez has been a struggle so I mean that's that's a tough thing you know they have to handle when you're chasing the team like the Yankees and one other point I want to make sure we don't forget what happened in the first inning the fact that the egg you still only scored one run but they forced Martinez to have to throw 15 20 extra pitches in that heading and that catches up with you as the game goes along rip by Raul Amanda see the left field for a base hit Manny Ramirez up with it it's the third hit for the Yankees in between innings they came off the field this is well I know what you're talking about nice machine speech is the whirlybird by Pedro this is I mean everything new people do follow every one of his starts just baseball fans like you do Schilling or Johnson the Joe this is a this is a different Pedro Martinez not the results now but but a guy that's pitching differently for a few reasons oh yes you can bring it up there this gets away from Dora back and Monda see we'll go to second show did anyone bring the clog yeah they're playing with Khrushchev's shoes I have to tell you this is unusual I mean I mean the throw is there and he just misses it he's trying to tag him as he makes the catch and obviously he couldn't get both to see it the ball is right there he's trying to catch it and tag him at the same time and the ball gets away Rach I think that's an error Joe well it has to be I know that I haven't put yes yet it is surgery so so look where we are okay there's none out in the second inning Boston's made three errors and really it's around the horn bird shortly first so race he says be careful but what I'm saying from paper I've watched by we've gone this is the eighth hitter he's based in this ballgame so 29 pitches no arrests but he he has not started any of these tour eight hitters off with a fastball every pitch has been a diva curve ball or changeup well that's not Pedro that's right well that's not the Pedro - we've gone accustomed to well but there's a couple of reasons couple it one is that the in business he only had ten decisions last year with the shoulder injury and he's obviously not quote right then when he dies 17 and three it'd be hard to call him not bright but he don't say he's not right the taper that we're accustomed seen we're not seen [Music] quality but some clues well it's the high strike that they've asked you know the umpires to call but if I'm if I'm saying Spencer I was glad that it's the cut strike because I'm still ahead in the count it's three one count let's see is back to the point of me even three and one he throws him a changeup and not that he used to throw the 3-1 fastball down in the middle but he would spot it in or out up or down now you know he's going to the change-up cheating in its gunship air a little bit there back to his position and Spencer skies the full count pitch up here's racing chance he makes the catch but he ignites the catch you put bad luck on the game there's some bad karma here they are you right so Spencer is gone after one other point that I want to make you know the Yankees are really a little more athletic than the Boston Red Sox you know they'll steal a base here they can manufacture and do whatever the Red Sox kind of beat you up or they don't get the job done and and that's interesting too and that really comes into focus down the stretch you know in the series or in the playoffs and you know whether you can manufacture runs or not and that's something that I think you know you have to look at when you're trying to decide who's going to win you know in the playoffs or ultimately win the World Series she's the designated hitter Rhonda white batting 9th in New York season is here the kiss has not delivered the way that he wants 20 hopefully dhat 9 certainly that's not why they invented the DEA no it isn't well he finally thrown two straight fastballs that's the first time this blogging I think he's thrown two really good fastball he threw a fastball inside corner for a strike and then he goes upstairs out of the strike zone for sprite and of white oh and two second inning one nothing New York Red Sox have already made three errors and Pedro keeping a close eye on modesty at second base because that's one thing that you know Joe Torre allows his guys to do if you can get a jump at second go ahead and steal third especially with one out now bond is a one-time 3039 himself prices the rats Pedro is we [Applause] I mean he used the fastball inside a couple of times then he goes outside to get strike three I watch outside corner after throwing two fast balls on the inside he goes right out there on the outside corner little above me the knees on the outside well his control I mean that's one of the many things that's overlooked that was a picture-perfect pitch on the corner for strike three but we registered the control as soriano Muslim show the last six starts seven o'clock right but going back the lane six starts for walks I know nobody's Curt Schilling that he's probably more what is he won more games and he's walk guys yeah 21 wins and something 21 and 21 whatever it is but putting four walks in the last six starts for paper that's an overlooked part attention so you go fishing mirrors well Hank and so when I make them Hank at a pitch two feet outside ya Soriano is a free swinger and so is Derek Jeter I mean this ball actually never starts in the strike zone but Soriano made up his mind he was going out there but guess what you better not make a mistake against him because he hits the ball hard and he dry actly cuts back [Music] fittings have ended with the strikeout for peds or my teens the crowd getting involved in straight strokes to finish the second one up in New York what Matt Winer back in our Sports Center in game studio an update on the Labour's situation though Bud Selig is present in New York tonight Jason stark reports he will not sit in on the negotiations themselves it there in large part in a consultation rule or two okay any significant changes on the management side of things so Boomer and Joe while the Commissioner is on hand he is not however in the middle of things at the bargaining table No thank you man I'm not sure if that's good or bad I don't know that I'm high I personally don't you know think of it as good or bad either way the good is that he is in New York because he's anticipating hopefully making a last-ditch effort to you know get this done it's gonna get done Joe yeah well we're both confident well then what else do they need yeah it's done it has to get done okay yeah that's that's that's probably a better way of putting it it has to get done just have to get it done Manny Ramirez has been getting it done just this past week eat his 303 in first home run just a week before that he got his 1,000th RBI so the milestone Department Manny has certainly been impressive 14 straight plate appearances he reached base earlier in the month of August Bernie reached 13 straight mainly 14 straight the record Ted Williams 16 straight plate appearances on base 1957 Manny fouls it often wall around Ted in 1957 was that not one that was winning is what 39 years old creating won the battle not bad well it's not bad I'm not up to date on the trivia but at 388 is not allowed any time when I'm Joe common boomer you can be 39 or 29 388 is pretty good yeah but he was pretty good go yeah he was as I remember yes so the count is one into two Manning looking for something today what Joe you see there hey look it's only the second enemy looks the other look like the guy that struggled the last five six seven no he doesn't but I still I'm still concerned because he's still not pitching inside he's not setting up the outside part of plate and once you go through a lineup guys who start to make adjustments the second time through line up and that's what could happen because I looked at his statistics in the last 29 innings he's hit given up 49 hits I mean that's not good that's not good news Brian door box I'm with an error in the top half of the sitting say Aaron pick off the opening it wasn't it became one Brian with the 16 homers it with 262 after a strike from the scene well one thing was seen as doing is he looks like he's getting them to guess or look for and he's freezing them with his fastball that's a way and a lot of this remember this is not just about today a lot of this with the hitter batter confrontation goes back to other games that he's pitched you know against the Boston Red Sox maybe he struck Pedro Manny mark from our typical our mirrors out with a curveball the last time they faced each other so he was looking for it he got a fastball well he struck back at dirty he has three strikeouts in the five batters he's faced Thursday afternoon baseball the twins are going to the postseason we know that the Seattle Mariners are hopes one o'clock ease to the Mariners at the twins so looking up all of a sudden even in the wild-card race at the Angels but you know the way the Mariners angels and A's will play each other mano a mano in the last month assuming we're going to settle this thing a lot to be answered out west and the beneficiary of all that of all of Seattle versus Oakland versus Anaheim Joe could be the Boston Red Sox the Red Sox played 18 of 21 games here or will when they finished the Yankee Series Wednesday against team of the six contending team after they finished with the Yankees next Wednesday Joe no one is the winning record and that's a see that could really play into them play the Tampa Bay's and the Baltimore's in the Toronto while the West teams are playing each other head-to-head Boston just needs to not get on a big losing streak the siding makes the catch right near the rail eighteen to twenty-two pictures by the escena has been strike he's got a one nothing lead to chew wins baseball are the great rivalries in any sport jeez and the Red Sox since the babe went down the road New York so that the sale of Babe Ruth and the Red Sox and the Yankees could finance no no Nanette on Broadway it was all no in Boston Oh chronicles pavement to the Incas to the Red Sox the curse of the Bambino well it seems that Pedro's gotten loose maybe he wasn't as loose in the first thing that he wanted to be because now he seems to be throwing a lot more fast balls yeah Shawn I know it's an old story I'm not trying to break any news here but for those youngsters watching dat place aw yes Babe Ruth pitched for the Boston Red Sox on that team 100 games a pitch for Joe it's pretty good on the hill when he get into that hitting thing and that was okay too I kind of like the hitting that worked that was okay so did he jeeter's seems okay got a little more giddy up on it Joe well but the good thing what he's done the first time through the lineup he was throwing a lot of changeup and curveball now we go to second time and I mean he's been bringing it he struck from Soriano out with a couple of good fastball now he throws Jeter three good fast balls and that was just right on by but again that was set up because of the way he went through the lineup the first time with a lot of off-speed pitches coming into the game 212 strikeouts in a hundred seventy six innings pitched for his career as we look at John Dee coming into the game almost 2200 strikeouts in under 1900 and that's a start as a reliever he became the 57th man John the history to game two strikeout mm earlier this year it starts to get to be pretty he is as good a pictures you were ever gonna see I may not even go back as far as you want I mean he ranks with the bestest ever pissed in this game three songs maybe a fourth this year in the postseason well he'll trade that one of those Saiyans for a world series I'm sure he's got enough side Young Awards yeah they don't get more Jambi coming on game and makes the cat's close for just a moment cuz Johnny took a big tuck and certainly didn't get the big part of the ban on it and their two out that's one of those times where you the hitter jams himself it's a curveball that normally Giambi pulls his ball to see it's a curve on these still jams himself he was waiting a little bit too long to pull the trigger and Damon is able to run it down so Bernie Williams up reached on an error when no more dropped his little whiner and then Williams II was able to beat the throw to first with Omar scramble for the ball and go in there for a strike 18 game hitting streak on the line for Bernie Williams his average all the way up to 343 the first two months of the season he was along 260 yeah he struggled you know out of the box and he wasn't hitting with any power he wasn't driving the ball we have huge power numbers when it's p40 speech it's close to 500 the last few weeks here's a chopper da pack Jota little air is that anything by the red side when they're all getting in the groove now Pedro in the groove the trailer 2 1 nothing bottom of the 3rd Chris Berman Jill Morgan with young Wednesday night baseball presented by Jiffy Lube Yankees thanks to a couple of red sock errors at the first push to run across against Pedro Martinez and they lead one nothing in the bottom of the 3rd six up six down thus far for the Red Sox against Mike Mussina Sina in his career a couple of times 19 game winner with Baltimore 95 and 96 a 18 game winner with the Orioles and 99 last year is first with the Yankees was 17 and 11 he's never happy our would not for quite a while to every up near five like he has right now he have to go back actually to a ninety six in his four point eight one but really in the last eight nine years it's been mid to lower threes all the time joke so it's a pretty big jump for him tonight [Music] bigger than last year's first year in Yankee Stadium would be where he might struggle you know his first year with the new team as a free agent but he fits very well he didn't get really the run support last year that he deserved because he pitched great but he didn't win as many ballgames when he should have this year he's struggling with his earned run average but he's still winning ball game and that's the key a nasty curveball right there by are able to lay off of it - 2 the count to almost by ergo it really has been a a cheerleader I just appreciating getting back in the bigs at any capacity he has a pinch-hitter he's done a heck of a job this guy was a one of the top certainly infielders if not players in the game an all-star with Cleveland and then the bottom really fell out five six years in his system likes so appreciated Joe he always was a the opposite way with authority a good memory he was battling Roberto Alomar to see who was the best second baseman in American League for a long period find their 200 hits 100 RBIs 20 home runs and that's just good hitting he took Mussina's best pitch that knuckle curve and shoots it the other way so track Nixon up or the scenery a five-time Gold Glove winner for was he over there like I can't but it goes out to sacrifice so good job gun by both Nixon and we've seen it now the hometown you know hit the hometown of Mike you seen Joe somewhere in there Pittsburgh is well Williamsport Pennsylvania all of the Little League World Series and it not anything that is before the game the Worcester Massachusetts team in Cannes the sport would say there you go put the score up they lost to the American finals to Louisville and they were saluted and got a beautiful round of applause before the game and every one of them got to throw out a first pitch and they were all excited getting autographs all the players wide-eyed at the cage reminds you how these guys weren't worried about salary cap reluctant attacks so we were just worried about throwing and catching and hitting me Kappa hit it here Sanchez down the line Monda see makes the catch it's got a good arm Jeter touch it off Boyer go into third [Applause] he was just a nice it was nice thing to see I met a lot of those kids before the game they probably were wowed with a throw like this well he should because I'm excited when I see a throw like that does the right thing he goes back tags up it's such a long throw from down the right-field line but buyer is still able to get the Thursday just hats off to all the little leaguers Louisville that wanted Wooster was in there and he had made what a really acquittal in facebook wants to join the game opening up our eyes into what we all should be thank you see here's Johnny dangler I'm gonna go back to a point I was about to make before and that is you know they bunted with trot Nixon you know the move by our go to second base in trot Nixon has 20 home runs and there's a short porch here in right field and left field I was a little surprised I guess there's my point especially since you're the home and as you know we're only in the third inning figurative they maybe get two runs a little small ball we got Pedro going I don't ya but you're bunting you only gonna get one I know one of the time yeah alright maybe you could bug it out of the slide you were great you think alike so if it's only three oh one down the line maybe he blocked it out homework yeah I just don't agree with that early in the ball game but I mean look he understands his team well and like you say he wants to get Pedro back in the ball game I assume that's why he did it guy with 2000 months Johnny Damon walks so the Red Sox runners at the corners trailing one nothing at two out here Shea Hillenbrand struck out against the machine in the first inning I know then this is the perfect situation to spill on but Dave Lee you know had a bad knee and I'm not sure if he's going to run with just the perfect time to take off and put a little pressure on the Yankees defense make them decide whether to throw through my whether to hold a ball [Music] therefore strike on the outside Hillenbrand is looking down like he thought something was on on that first pitch but if he thought Damon was gonna run and maybe was looking out the back obviously move 27 stolen base [Music] again I mean if you're a right-handed hitter I mean he hasn't pitched someone right at handed hitter inside the entire ballgame I mean he's struck Hillenbrand out on every pitch away last time Manny Ramirez the same way and the first two pitches and this had bad have been away we went farther away but Owens who you got a protected right Joe so it calls it off under the gaming steel but he's not moving at normal rate because he's still feeling the effects of the knee injury first in Champa and then the finger injury was the finger doesn't prevent him from running joke but no but he his right knee hit the wall and that's the one is bother me a bad suit you never tried that one wouldn't know I didn't drive it out of it she's Spencer take it to me then left and the Redsox strand of hair so you've seen it still slippery has is one-nothing need any tips from Pedro Martinez to Robin Ventura here in the Yankee fourth ball one Robin base hit to right his first time up we pointed a short break field and we thought burning leaves are gonna come flying around held up because try geeks you mean good play out there and screening it so Red Sox whether the Yankees but their run in the first inning it's a fly ball to left Manny Ramirez for the room 20 of time and Torres gone and the studio tonight he's Matt Winer Matt Bomer Indians and the Tigers in Cleveland Jim Thome one of the few bright spots for the tribe at this point in season later fortieth of the season comes the first Indian to record 40 homers in three different seasons it's now a 1-1 game again it's got a great relationship with the Red Sox manager was the Indians bench coach Grady little jim thome he wants to be part of the building and it's admirable 40 home win Thursday guy that loves come to park everyday Church each other why he's also will being the throwback kind of guy yes the Slugger I mean that's exactly what he is Jorge Posada chronicled his struggles for 4:38 lifetime against Pedro and 26 strikeouts including strikeout in the first deep so here a pitcher we have that kind of mastery over Pedro Masters a lot against almost dear him to hit you meanwhile what you say is make sure I don't walk him I mean that's what you do and the reason that a guy struggles against a particular pitcher other than Pedro that's not use him as the example is that you do not see the ball well out of his hand you're not finding the ball quick enough and what's not happening with Posadas he's not finding the ball quick enough and against a guy like Pedro there's just no way you're gonna get hit you have to be able to find the ball real quick after he releases it in order to be able to hit him and that's what's happening he just doesn't see the ball well out of Pedro's hands piece of it you had a good swing there that pitch was supposed to be down and away but it got a lot of the plate and was up and he had a good swing at it targets away to where the ball is he was late on it but he had a good swing and sometimes you watch a pitcher when he's winding up a guy that throws a good changeup and has a good fastball you can see if Russia's delivery Russia's lined up when he wants to throw a changeup and he slows his motion down when he wants to throw the fastball Pedro doesn't do that and that's why it's so difficult to distinguish between the two pitches a lot of guys when they want you to think it's a fastball coming they they wind up real fast and then they throw you the change-up and they do the opposite when they're gonna throw a fastball [Applause] he said joy walk kid never gets a hit on kin so the first walk of the night is to a guy that did Pedro Aldus Jorge Posada but no doubts you don't want to walk it but you also have to remember that Posada is capable of hurting here you know Posada has 20 home runs I mean he's capable of hitting the ball out of the ballpark so you do not want to make a mistake on him either just because you've been able to get him out in the past so that'll bring up eating raul mondasey who is that a sharp single to left to lead off the second inning Monda see coming over July 1st in the trade the quote trick with the Toronto Blue Jays won't he wants that just Maundy was struggling in toronto living it just 2:24 trade for minor-league left-handed pitcher Scott Wiggins now if he goes on to become Steve Carlton and then can we have news but until then what was one that drew the ire of but I think the problem was not so much what Toronto was getting back they wanted to get rid of Mondesi salary and other teams could have had Monta see they just couldn't no didn't nerve felt like they could not afford his salary I still paint something Maggie didn't take it all but some other day other teams to get actually done the same thing dah back actually coming over his Sanchez who calls doll back off if it makes a basket catch released he held on it would say that a little bit or totally around the horn then right oh you're you're still trying to get him one right they ended up making a nice catch but and usually the second baseman will call the first baseman off because he has a better angle on the wall beautiful night at Fenway take the turns in 60s and last week was the nineties all day long in New England and the night in the upper 70s but it's that nice mid 70s touching you could feel by walking around Boston today as I did a little bit Jodha there the college kids back on campus you see everyone around to have such a great collegiate town grad school town just young people and the since a lot of them were just coming back a lot of suitcases on growers but a backpacks but a couple extra bags being parted around as I walked around the worse thing always alive you have the Red Sox faithful but they know those that come back to become Red Sox finger honorary New Englanders and for you September to May to move machine Spencer I know they're gonna make some renovations here at Fenway Park but this is still a beautiful ballpark when you look out from this view that we have the seats though were the first big boys joke I'd seen I think the seats have gotten smaller since when I used to sit in them in the 7 years ago but the 33 34 thousand I remember some of those Series games that you were involved in that they actually there's my seat good 35 they squeezed in here that looks quite good it's just a well as built the week the Titanic sunk in 1912 that's when it opened so it seems some stories [Music] chopper conveying the second - Sanchez [Music] bottom of the fourth and a new fan born on this day of the Yankee sure not in any rate welcome Molly and welcome college football we're gonna have Syracuse and BYU Oh going at 7:30 tomorrow night and then on espn2 at 10:00 Eastern follow those Aztecs of San Diego State against Fresno State starting life without David Carr so a double-header one on each Network tomorrow night's Erica's BYU 7:30 San Diego State Fresno State at 10:00 on espn2 and of course going everything else on the weekend on Saturday Chris the coach Corso and Liat rolled and Kirk ready to go at any rate the Garciaparra quickly out 5 2 3 Joe first at bat Manny Ramirez well watch what happens if they set up inside for the first pitch but Mussina doesn't pitch inside he doesn't get the ball there see this targets inside see where the pitch is over the plate now he feels more comfortable throwing away and he does that again away and he gets Manny looking and if you continue to pitch Manny one way he will go out there and get it and we'll see how he pitches him lit and this at-bat I think every once in a while even if you don't wanna pitch inside you have to come off the plate inside if you're Messina against the right-handed hitters maybe hitting it 341 he's missed 40 games this year Joe so he does not qualify right now for the batting title but his 393 plate appearances you need 502 I mean if he keeps go and everything goes his schedule he should get the fire both to he he if he had enough appearances he bet it doesn't short right now to be in the leaders in the paper he be trailing Mike Sweeney by seven points before he ate the 341 how about a guy has his power pitch him out there and he'll go the other way obviously he doesn't get a base hit but he adjust to whatever Mussina was doing to him and that's why he's hitting 343 starting tonight pitches away look at this outside look what he does with it that's why he's such a good hitter I mean he'll just to whatever you're doing but the Yankees had him played perfectly and it's just the line drive out Brian go back up you see that shows you a guy like Manny he hits a line drive and they catch and he's smiling because he knows he can hit another the rest the guys they kind of hit a line drive and they catch you they get mad that's not sure they can hit another one see we're gonna be smile he saw sorry I didn't know who next is happening with a new hairdo he's changed it last month about three to four times he had the big oh yeah / Harpo Marx look it he it was different this is different - this is slug by dog back that goes Bernie wins - the truth but he makes the catch when blowing in could would buy dog back but just a long and remains one nothing New York ESPN's Wednesday night baseball presented by chippy Lou brought to you by Nextel how business gets done and random James listening to you like you're the only investor in the world Chris Berg and Joe Morgan with you here at Fenway Park is Pedro Martinez down one nothing to the Yankees Lucas maybe Peter should be New York in these talks that would help rondell white to the waves at that point one on one ladies were too infield hit a couple hits in the first inning a to red sock errors added up to the one run and that's where we stand we've seen it leading Pedro courses lose with Phaedra was 17 and three and a guy who since June 20th has gone ten and one and since July 1st Joe love this his wife that a five and OH at Fenway since July 1st er a 0.25 hello I mean he did that actually on the strength of that long spoiler street we 0.2 indistinctly with that yeah that's its miniscule that's like the conversion rate of like valeera or something is being Derek Lowe 34 wins combined 17 II to wait around a light it really is especially when he first came over 98 and 99 here to Boston which were both playoff years before the Red Sox it was it in every time the pitch was no phantom [Music] and in what he did in 98 Red Sox had lost I believe he will begin with a petition last for the 86 series maybe we have to change 95 against pleaded so he won the first postseason game for Boston in 98 when they beat Cleveland in game and then of course in the 99th playoffs he was great and it was a religious experience very much like the days when number 23 Louie team in the seventies pitched for Boston he is to strut in and take about 10 minutes walking in from the bullpen they said with that wind-up did a few words Fenway and he pitched a complete game at some point he would look every one of the paying customers in the eye during the windup Joe well I'll tell you what he was special no doubt about that I always loved watching him as I threw Pedro I mean they have charisma on the mound I mean they get your attention as soon as they walk across the chalk line with Cheon who but I bought a slug by Soriano yeah that's gonna short knock off the one over the head of meaning it's a soriano one with the double so Yuki's maybe a little business Matt Winer in the studio five over another big one for the Mariners tonight they're half being back at the wild-card bring that back in the West bread Pro and helping the cause high deep gone all those things in fact and it's one nothing Seattle now in the top of the second you might regret to duplicate the year that he had last year though they need to get him going to see Seattle all of a sudden out of the playoff picture where do they begin right now only a half game behind the ages in the wild-card of the Red Sox three and a half back if Jeter comes up Soriano at second back to Tiant I mean it when it really was a religious experience in there Joe I talked with Louise in the park by the way it does a lot of the Spanish broadcast at he's in uniform many of the Red Sox home games during the batting practice and working out in the afternoon just enjoys being around the guys in a game so Ana Bluffs Pedro off the mountain I will say this I talked with Julie Evans who is the batting coach of course at the Red Sox and one of the fine right fielders of his or any era and I said what do you remember about those games at TI pitched you left break the keys [Music] Jeeter bunting the first time we won't know yet well you know what you know what you know who else knew Louie Tiant yep we're gonna wait on Dewey said it was dead silently through his last couple of warm-up pictures out there in the bullpen he says you could actually hear the gate open okay when we walked out that's drama well he hear the gate open he said you could hear the click of the gate closing the wait a minute who's this at first no sleeves balking there though that's a balk I had to I'll take a little bit to get it but watch that in front knee just bought that front knee is you can't do that whatever you need joining each other there is it possible but it was friendly joy in both days he said something and I yelled at him I just said well I was gonna I think I told my thigh was gonna steal it anyway it's friendly friendly John no we did I love Louie teon I really do he's one of my favorite players that I've ever played against and he's still one of my favorite people I saw I had a chance to talk to him before the game - great I'm one of those guys that thinks that you know overlooked a little bit as far as hauling statistics of inside he was pretty special during his time go into the chanted cheater toreano at second a Pedro treated but behind him the siege heads they don't get him Soriano by the way that double is is 47 it ties the Yankee record for right-handed batter guy the playback on murderers row Bob music Bob the man music in 1927 at 47 and so Soriano has tied the Yankee record for writing record for doubles is 53 truthfully I guess guys have to stay awake it Mike the point with things like that yeah I mean the right-handed record up to the record sites gonna have to have a let record a five-foot any good job okay now are being the record for the team is 53 I just don't know you just can't sit along again whoa in that troll well a wood ended up by accident being almost perfect to be almost winter in the outfield well the problem is that's what a base dealer does he causes you to break your concentration you're not giving a hitter 100% concentration if you're watching him at second base and again it is a close play but Soriano's speed is causing martinez a problem I mean he's been stepping off taking a long time etc the field upset because he thought he swung at that let's take a look at this no I mean literally there but he held the barrel of the bat back wait he did two impressive things that Joe not only did he hold the barrel back did you see the gum go back in his mouth this one that was a check gum look at it what watch well if we see it again you can't see it from there well it's not a strike it's off the plate outside see he's pointing down at the first base umpire Jerry Lane and he was very upset what hey look here's the gum Jolla check swing check gum that's very impressive never seen it well I think what Pedro saw was his body go out there but the barrel of the bat did not go out - OH - 2g sorry no moving high and tight that's what speed will do and you see Varitek's upset because we thought he got the ball in there was a very close play at third but he probably got his hand in there is the perfect throw from Varitek now watch the throw it's a perfect throw and it's a good pitch to throw on because it gets Jeter down and out of his way and it's a perfect throw look at how oh I see why it was upset he was out bang that's how quick that ed Montague had to make the call yeah but he did get him but I mean again we had the benefit of slow-motion replay it was a perfect throw by Varitek I mean just a perfect - right on the call 35 stolen bases in southern leads the American League and look at this bounce Derek doesn't know where it is and Soriano came a third of the way down the line before going back I didn't think we'd get the catcher involved with the mystery we've had an error to the third baseman Hillenbrand error the shortstop gursha pair an error to the first baseman topic as a good job by Varitek just to keep that ball reasonably around home plate it means again they almost got but this is a smart play by Soriano he's gonna look to see if he doesn't find it he's gonna get come all the way home but now he gets back and he does a smart thing he runs back on the inside part of the foul line so if they throw down there you're in his line of fire so Jeter aboard here runners first and third with one out and Jason Giambi up big situation if they can get even the one running machine has been pitching well the one probably have a few Pedro Martinez you got him to hit the double play grounder in the first inning by getting him to go after a sinker down now how are you gonna pitch him and I thought he was gonna go after him the way he did that's a fastball in he's gonna try to get the ball in on him when he throws the fastball and then try to get him to pop up a changeup way to know the problem is you don't get any rest in this lineup if he doesn't get Giambi then you got Bernie Williams one of the hottest hitters going up and Ventura follows him and that's why Soriano and Jeter are so important to this ballclub they set the table and then the big guys come up and produce for me rip had Lee Mazzilli dancing well the one thing again he's when he throws that fastball it's gonna be under the hand and I think Jason Giambi is aware of that as well because you know I'm sure he's gotten him out like that before in these situations and that fastball was in on the hands and he pulled it foul which tells you that he was looking for it in there and he was out in front two one on the way in here on the corner exam beating like a man with tough pitch to him to what he did to things there I mean he quickened his emotion to the plate it was all seal at he didn't even really stop it was like almost a quick pitch and Giambi wasn't ready I mean quick pitched beautiful pitch there ball running away well you know he's going to side you're gonna try to get about a fastball there's the one underneath now comes back underneath his hands to get strike two in there again and then it gets it though that was supposed to be inside as well but you see where it ended up but it you have to count yourself lucky to be able to get Giambi out twice yep with a runner at third base like that but only a guy like Pedro is capable of doing that because Giambi is just a great hitter now with an 18 game hitting streak going Bernie Williams though it is not going tonight yet reached on Garciaparra zero in the first grounded out to draw back in the third and [Music] these two heads to ten consecutive games you have to go back to one of your teammates Tony Perez in 1973 who had a streak of more the second of multi-hit games 11 more than 10 you told me something I didn't even remember that and that Joe is for a right or left hand good that's what I like yeah I do think that that's just for hitter yeah for anything yeah I mean doggy you know what that was I can't remember him getting that many hits in a row multi you see that's the way Tony was I mean you know he would just do his thing and go on about his business and then we'd win the ballgame so I took him so long to get in the hall right because he just did his thing Luna tuned the crowd I think we'll all get on their feet here well it gets away with one here because this is a high changeup now this pictures up it's a changeup that's not a fad [Applause] that's not the pitch that what he wanted they were trying to get on my feet to their 34,000 people heads naked 34,000 now it's the Yankees in the red side is where the speed dating would eventually strike out the side if he can do the channel we'll do it again well I have to tell you that was Pedro at his best right there he's trying to pitch his way out of this Jam he wanted to get that fastball in under the hands and waving a good morning you can see the pattern that he he thinks that his fastball [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the cartographer gets it down here Joe listen [Applause] that would be no it's interesting that it looks like when he gets two strikes with his curveball he's throwing it a little harder than normal he's trying to really snap it off and he's bounced a couple which is OK without a runner at third base you get the hitter to chase and they're the one over the water someplace out there like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is why you can one nothing New York well a little excitement here in the old yard is Pedro Martinez eventually struck out the side striking out the red-hot Bernie Williams with the Yankees still lead one nothing Boston looking for their first run against the Yankees in this game as two games series six nothing losers last night - David Wells who went into the name before parcei finished off Batman and David Wells is scoring the ball exceptionally well Jill Torre said may have been the best game he's fifth he said it was back but it was plus he never wins ooh yes and as a Yankee not as an Oriole modification everyone David was pretty happy unless the game last night was checking in late you mean they stay where we are they didn't call and David was checking out now this was the scene huh pretty good Andy well it seems when he's needed a strikeout with Jason Giambi and also with Bernie Williams he just goes with the high fastball you can see right there pretty proud of himself and I don't blame him get those two guys out in the cut situation kind of the job seven kings you know I started telling story then the game got really good and then we showed you drawing with Louis I thought that was better but Dewey Evans the batting coach and there's Louie back in the booth look he's look he's smart he doesn't even know he's on that sale that's him he Louie would warm up in the bullpen and back then the bleachers they were not a science seat it Brian or seated five o'clock Joey had scrambled to just watch him warm up out of the panel and then there was Julie said you could create the gate swing open and closed shut and then thirty four thousand people got to their feet as doing as Tina took about an eight-minute okay it took like eight minutes and it's not that far from the bullpen to come in and he long in the dirt and he meant a huge sha in his mouth you know and it was Louie Louie I mean it was religious and it was as if you're going to a heavyweight prizefight Mussina has been a champion as he gets rid of Varitek right there speaking of memories of Tina this is a more recent memory that you had joke as you were here last September second a Sunday night game and he was magnificent that night had all his pitches working the curveball the fastball the changeup and the unbelievable I think he made the one mistake all night with the high fastball of Carl Everett that he didn't get high enough and that was the only base that he gave up that night well it was a perfect game for 8 and 2/3 here's a patient [Applause] there's a fire there has been on it tonight those two for two but for pinch-hits forum tonight because he only has the only two hits the Red Sox have but this is what Mussina was getting in trouble before that's a high fastball getting the ball up and by earlier just lines it back through the middle but we questioned this last time he won't do it this time because there's one out but we questions trot nips and you know Bunning here's a guy that has 20 home runs and 72 runs batted in and it was the third inning at the time you're the home team the curveball era four hits no errors Yankees no runs two hits three errors Boston you've seen a very quickly headed from Dixon Oh into you know maybe what might be seen it needed was the pitch at Fenway for whatever reason because let's face it this is not even a tremendous pitchers part over his career most with Baltimore nine and five with a three point one seven tra in Fenway which is pretty impressive let's say what surprising is in Lonnie pitch 14 games here well made well decisions is you're right you would think it would be more yeah yeah cuz I mean he was an everyday you know he pitched in a rotation all those years at Baltimore but he did very wealthy a lot of it telling you anything you don't know meant maybe he feels good no maybe he thinks there's a lot of room in that visitors locker Little Joe Gina will take it himself and fire over to Nixon's gone in the double play and except for fire guy he seems perfect to Kenda night [Music] ESPN's Wednesday night baseball presented by Jiffy Lube brought to you by Red Lobster you love seafood we love seafood what's meat at our place tonight and go overboard rent Lobster go overboard and sales the diamond store [Music] they look at historic Fenway Park and we get an old-fashioned as they did back in those days pitchy [Music] miss Berman Joe Morgan glad you could be with us here on Wednesday night full house to watch the Red Sox and Yankees get up for the 16th time in this season a 10th and final time barring October here at Fenway Robin Ventura leads it off here against Pedro in the 6th singled in the 1st flew out to Manny Ramirez in the 4th nice events are out there overnight we see Jambi it first white or Spencer in left you see what's now Monda seeing right four of their eight position players to Center Johnny Damon and he grabs it and there's one out Dave baseball tomorrow DSP had one Eastern Seattle at Minnesota for those twins I mean every night is another defensive gym or two by Torii Hunter mancave it to the rest of that team twins they were already looking at magic number out there in the Twin Cities and they'll play the Seattle Mariners will begin the day a half game behind Anaheim for the wild-card race about their magic number be 14 what a storybook season for the Minnesota Twins Asuna mark 1 loss in any labor negotiate updates up-to-the-minute during that game inside outing is Posada and the big news is he's he's walked and got the hit off Pedro he was hitting 100 going into the game but you can see there even that he didn't see the ball as well he just kind of fought that pitch off but sometimes that's what you have to do when you struggle against a certain pitchers I mean watch this swing it's not a 42 he just kind of fights it off but you know what it works and he gets a base hit so here is raul mondasey one of those changes in this Yankee went now - no question so he's replacing a guy who is one of the great pros of this championship team Paul O'Neill they got him over to really make them respected right field deep my money was all out of what will get to it her after this battery to know is that Philip the Yankees they've been pitching etcetera Considered that's a lot of canker for a team that you know here late on this is an eight game lead and for the best record yeah so definitely a lot of changes I actually thought that they would struggle at the beginning because of it while they were justit's all their new teammates you know when you lose a pollen ill who is a leader you lose Scott Brosius who would help you win world championship team you know Championships and you lose Tino Martinez who is a big you know he was a big contributor also I mean you're losing guys that contributed a lot and not just you know we're players but they contribute a lot to their championship [Applause] just nasty right there yep and it starts the curveball at him and he clenches it a little bit breaks right over the plate and watch maan disease front shoulder I mean clenches and she realizes well I couldn't hit that anyway so 8 KS now for Pedro but you know what the reason the Yankees are still good is because they kept the nucleus together yes and they just kind of added to that woman they still have Jeter they still have Bernie Wiggins they still have Posada they still have da Soriano who you know was you know pretty much a rookie last year but I mean they still have the nucleus but the up the middle the four guys up the middle or the guys have played their last year Soriano is much better player that he was left in no question about that Soriano is replacing two of those gaps not just one he's replaced two guys and this team has changed though I mean it's now the Bronx Bombers again I mean they're they're a homerun hitting ballclub where's the last four the five years they were not really homerun hitters they were a team that you know which score runs by hitting and running stealing bases doing everything it took to win a ballgame now they have a lot more power I mean they're a powerful ball club right now and so that that's the change that they made but they didn't miss a beat in talking with Joe Torre before the game even though they are more free swinging and they have 190 homers as you point out to leave the main field right he feels that you know what I don't manage this my way let me qualify that Cherie managing system does but but like they always used to move on on two strikes because you knew they'd get Pat on the ball this is deep down I know they're gonna get the bat on the ball when I ask him to write exactly I mean let me show you something else here Joe and here's the point I'm getting to what you'll finding through a hundred thirty games ok the Yankee since 96 have been a champ or almost champ every year only that 98 season when they won 114 did they have a better record at this point now I told Joe and I told Jim that they're both a little surprised at that remember with all the changes that they made yeah that was the point I was getting too interested that day they were really surprised [Applause] he won Hey stretch out another [Applause] and Shane Spencer is gone with the solder running crowd into it to the Red Sox bats get into it zippy little presents Wednesday League Baseball and we've got a dandy here at the fence at friendly Fenway Yankees run in the 1st and that's what Mike Mussina has to work with thus far it's been good enough running only a couple of basics to Carlos Baerga only 56 pitches though through five innings from Mussina and now he works 9 1 2 for Boston Sanchez Damon and Bonnie everybody's excited Wow sanchez becomes a very very important guy in this lineup and especially this inning because you have to get something done pretty soon the longer Mussina goes the more confidence he gains because he had been struggling if you can get Sanchez on then you have guys like Damon who can move him along if you want to and then you have Hillenbrand and Garciaparra so it's very important for him to really milk this at bat and try to get something started for the Red Sox curving toward the line in Monda seas there one out Sanchez is gone but never still here boomer we'll get you caught up on the National League Central the Padres in Houston tonight that's craig biggio that'll find a hole on the left side two months gonna come in his shoes to take the early two nothing lead at the juice box meanwhile the Astros trailing the Cardinals by 3 and apple essential they waited three nothing they get four innings out of Garrett Stevenson Jimmy Williams experiencing an opposite season from last year he was in Boston bottom felt well of course he was he was accident he started to fall this time in the year Jimmy's Astros had a rough first couple months in it coming on game we'll be right I still think [Applause] Gaming to write 20 room for Montecito ah but I think the beginning of the season were very rough for them in I mean they're adjusting to a new man adjusting to them learning how to use his personnel and now the second half they played really well and the Astros of course in the wild-card race is they're close to the first place here than they are in the wild partners but you know when you talk about the National League I mean you have to look at the Atlanta Braves and you mentioned that Minnesota's magic number was four numbers 15 reaching out exact one is Hillenbrand chug of an economical you see the Red Sox not patient getting good eggs top of the seventh the Yankees would have run the first lead that Pedro Martinez the Red Sox won nothing rondell white has struck out twice two of the nine victims white ignite in Soriano and Jeter couple things to keep in mind in a one-run game Orton games certainly up for both teams kay drove going into the sitting enthroned 107 pitching Joe most he's pitched this season as 117 so will he go into the eighth that's one day Alan Embree who was very but a very good job the lefty since it acquired a midseason he's up that's one question number two this is not news but remember Mario Rivera Mariano Rivera's on the DL shoulders strength when he'll be back maybe not for the rest of the regular season so far say is extinct it's not Mariano in a one-run game to get these are just things to think about well I think they're very fortunate that they do have a span in car safe too close striking him out twins Pedro loser tonight Lisa but this is Pedro's last inning yes I do this is what he's done so far I mean he's used all of his pitches he's been able to throw the fastball by two hitters upstairs anyway he got burning with a runner at third that was this perfect kitchen and then he uses a breaking ball he's use everything to record his nine strikeouts so far [Music] there is Fonzo Soriano 31 homers for that position no Gordon the Emmy chain slugging usually didn't come from the second base although the Yankees had more slugging well Emily not only did he hit 31 home runs he's stolen over 30 bases in the first second baseman to ever you know have 30 home runs plus 30 steals and he may get 40 40 [Applause] if you're Pedro I really believe this is Pedro's last inning and if he gets in any trouble I think they would you know come get him this any but they wanted to try to get through the seventh inning if he can 101 to Soriano he has no sacrifices this year well he would squirt around the first pitch at 4:00 don't see the Yankees are going to bunt in this situation I mean because they may hit and run yeah or do something along those lines but I don't think Joe Torre is gonna give you an out in this situation when they're ahead in the ballgame especially with a guy that has 34 home runs you have guys that can run white and of course why it looks even faster with those high socks this looks quick actually that was hit-and-run there but he rondell white started late for Boston who is off tomorrow and then they go into Cleveland before that for three before they play the Yankees for three more in New York there they are in that that bottom half of the wild-card run now they've been doing a slow bleed really is what's been happening with the Boston they and all of August have played very good team [Music] the bank senators are you now first and second well this is what your fear you know that paper just may be running out again but I said it's at the beginning of the show the one thing the Yankees do is they make Pedro work and you see this fastball runs in on it I mean he has to work hard to beat the Yankees he's beaten them twice so far this year but he's had to work so hard in each each wind and also tonight in the first inning they forced him to have to throw a lot of extra pitches and you knew that was going to catch up with him sooner or later and if your Joe Torre you look sit there and you say well even though we only scored one run in the first inning we got Pedro to throw a lot of pitches and that's always important when you're facing a guy like Pedro who is on a somewhat limited pitch count well I was very interesting he didn't see it they were great a little out of the mound ever it was a huddle Joe all seven guys did a catch for the infielder the manager and that's just what you suspect they are already in on the grass at both sides at first and third Hillenbrand and DA pack Jeter does Square pulls it back outside ball one well the one thing you have to be careful of is the fact that rondell white at second base can run and Soriano at first they run well so you have a choice you can but them over as they're doing but you may hit and run or you may even try straight steel Jeeter swinging and there it is can he get back a third and tiny yard [Music] from the Red Sox and you can just see I mean I'm sitting up here looking at this I can see things happening I'm really surprised as soriano didn't go with him and I don't and he didn't even get a great jump but see he's frozen in there you know what somebody's got to let him know that the runner is breaking but he did do a kind of a delayed feel so he really was pretty smart play there by rondell white absolutely so one nothing Yankee lead the first stolen base of the year for Ronda he's looking for more in Pedro keeping an eye on Soriano always get Jeter to deal with one for two that walk just a note on Jeter as he's at the plate we haven't mentioned this yet Sam had 100 runs again he scored this year that's seven straight anything into maybe seven years but it runs all seven times quite an accomplished bunting the real here's a little chopper and white is gonna come home and the Yankees lead it to nothing on small ball Peter doing small ball in the first inning Jeter just getting a force out there a fielder's choice but this time the Yankees have themselves another run on an infield play well that's a chopper and Hillenbrand didn't have any choice he couldn't come home with it he had to go to second base with it to get the lead runner so again you know the Yankee that's what they do it we were talking about athletes they're more athletic and and they can steal these bases when they need to we've seen them still couple of times tonight and so and it's helping them put pressure on Pedro now here is Jambi that quiet because they haven't seen the Yankees there are many runs but it Red Sox haven't scored yet and they've shown no signs that you write the fundamentals and their errors by commission or omission right have been disturbing for a contending team and a lot of it has to do with you know again their defensive alignment in the first anyone they let Jeter but and even there you know I give rondell white credit but as the third baseman once the ball passes the amount you're supposed automatically start back I mean that's just the way it is I mean when you're as an infielder you're always taught once the ball gets to the plate and it's nothing's happening you retreat to your position he whether that's at first base second base on a double play or wherever it is you always retreat to your position that keeps people from doing a you know pulling a delayed steal on you if you're already headed back to that position little chopper foul behind the plate Varitek pounced on it but very quickly hunter wendelstedt called it foul we're gonna try to show you what rondell white did and this is a smart place he doesn't break white away Hillenbrand took a peek and he didn't see him but see now Hillenbrand just stands there now he starts back after someone yells at him but you're automatically supposed to start back but I mean that's the you have to give the Yankees credit I mean they took advantage of a situation right there you have the third baseman in you delay steal so he doesn't retreat wire away and everything works perfectly for you there goes Jeter the throw by very well doesn't matter because Jambi is aboard and that'll be it for Pedro as Grady little is up and out the dugout 126 pitches will be the most for Pedro Martinez this year remember since the he stands to lose for only the second time since June 20th and a standing ovation for Martinez but he needs rally to nothing [Applause] but now we're back in Fenway and Joe that the lack of fundamentals that we showed at third base and you can be sure that that's what Garciaparra and he'll agree right now no more is doing all the talk meanwhile Alan Embree is in and here comes an another running stolen base by Derek Jeter's what they have an app and again Embry didn't even keep an eye on them that was the pitchers fought that time with Varitek had no shot one thing to remember it's always easier to steal third base off of the left-handed pitchers and when a guy comes into the game his first thought is to throw a strike his first pot is not to deal with the guides second base or anyplace else his first thought is to throw a strike and look you know true to Boston is not played a fundamentally sound game but a lot of this has been forced on them by the Yankees the Yankees are taking advantage of these situations so Alan Embree now turns because he's left he turns Williams around and it's one on one Joe they've scored a run here on two walks a hit pitch a couple of stolen bases there but no hits they got the run in the first with really two errors being the real reason exactly but again you have to get a Yankees credit I mean the the lack of communication [Applause] and so are a third of the fans he's been the Bombers and they still can bomb the ball is burning illustrates there they can also do the little things that help you win the ballgame you know there's still bases they bought they do everything that it takes this a hanging breaking ball and Bernie puts a charge into it and you know for a couple of years there Bernie was far more powerful from his right-hand side than he was his left-hand side and they always be reading more from the right-hand side the power so Bernie with homerun number 17 on the year his hitting streak now extends to 19 games the lead extends to five to nothing with four runs home here in the seventh a little fielder's choice Jeter drove in one and a long bomb into the screen over the monstah the Kenna for the next three an Embry has actually been the best in the bullpen he came in Jeter's stole now he's maybe not even thinking that now maybe he's thinking about the runner and not the batter on the next pitch pops again the Yankees force you into mistakes and I mean and that's just the way they play the game they take advantage of your mistakes and they force you to make even more the things that enable them to have as we showed his point of the season second best mark that they've had it in his phenomenal run both things we pointed out the hitting streak we match pedro barring a comeback a large comeback that sucks had one of those on Monday against Anaheim with four in the ninth but Pedro would fall to 17 and four and this is a team that wants to make a move up the ladder in the wild-card they will have gone around this turn Joe with again they lose the game low pitched on Sunday and a game that Pedro pitches on Wednesday well that's a problem for them the two guys at the count on strike out Ventura Joe I want to show you why the Yankees are so smart Hillenbrand in here he can't get back and you take it back to that a lot of teams will just waited for Tina to bunt him over the Yankees don't do that they go ahead and take advantage of the situation and you know I've talked about hillebrand not getting back but you know what there's a lack of communication by the whole team and those in that situation you have to hold the runner that much closer because you are vulnerable to the stolen base by the third baseman being in so you have to hold the guy at second base very very close and even when I played that was always a fear of mine when they had runners at first and second is that that guy would take off because the third baseman is in a little bit and if the third baseman doesn't always get back you're gonna steal it every time so again I think it's lack of communication by the Red Sox as a whole rather than you know just putting all the blame on Hillenbrand everyone on the team should have known that they would steal the bass just like in the first in it everyone should have known that Derek Jeter was gonna bunt or hit the ball to the right side he's not gonna hit it down the third base line so you have to get the guy in at third base and it could have happened in the first end because Hill and Brandon just made an error you know they let the guy go to second base so you have to help him out so it's still a matter of communication for the team high chopper by Posada Garciaparra across the top act makes the stretch and Posada is gone and so the Yankees but not until serious damage done a little stolen base by rondell white enables him to score to fielder's choice five ESPN's Wednesday night baseball presented by Jiffy Lube Jiffy Lube the well-oiled machine and in part by Bud Light for the great teams that won't fill you up and never let you down make it a Bud Light and lemma sil-eighty there's no better way to cure athlete's foot [Music] back in Fenway seventh-inning stretch over no more Garciaparra almost takes the head off of my coverage his third-base coach with the Red Sox we have some serious problems rattling around in that background if you're seeing it tonight and David Wells last night the two games jo7 45140 if you average that out the Red Sox against the Yankee pitching this can my Nessus is sharpen out in the place you could have period from you seen I mean there's only given up to its two by Erica but what a let me tap Wells and you seen it coming here and pitch like this job but the thing about the Yankees is it could have been Clemens and Hernandez could do the same thing and that's why they are what they are I mean they any two of their starters can come in and pitch back-to-back shutouts or shut you down and that's why they're able to win in the postseason they have quality starters that can shut down any team no matter how much good and hitting team you have they can shut you down and that's why they've you know on all the pennants I mean the championships recently and the Andy Pettitte is just as good I mean just mention the other two because they were right-handed here in Fenway Park but also you have to remember when they get to the postseason these horses can run I mean they know what to do they know how to pitch in postseason and that's why the Yankees always built for the postseason rather than the regular season can I built too badly for the regulars no but they're they're more dominant in the postseason than they are they've been able to just shut down teams who had big numbers in the passion of Cleveland Indians the Texas Rangers their pitchers have been able to shut those hitting teams down in the playoffs every year we've seen again nails Garciaparra strikes him out Matt Winer to the studio boomer we've got pennant races aplenty including the National League wild-card race Giants two and a half back of the Dodgers he's spending their evening at Coors once together that's Jeff Kent 31st on the year which brings up I think you know Barry Bonds that's his 39 back-to-back shots for the second straight night of course ponds at 3:00 last night Giants off to a 2 nothing lead you look like you got that show of course we know where the game is yeah but hey broke his bat in Florida and hit a home run so he's strong homeless 6:06 well there's Willie looking over his left hand shoulder I think if your will in the babe you're gonna you have to think that he's gonna for sure catch you that 7:55 is still out there somewhere I mean that's still that's not that easily attainable yeah Barry wasn't sure about baby I think he yeah I well it's not gonna be easy but I mean I think that the baby is in danger we showed a shot of Andy Pettitte earlier and I don't want to mention that Andy's gonna miss his next start you know when I was talking to Joe Torre said he had a little tightness you know and he's not gonna pitch this weekend and but he will take his next turn after Messina next week back in New York you know we're talking about Barry but you know Sammy Sosa's you know doing pretty good imitation of trying to catch the babe and Mays and all those guys as well he's getting up to 500 yeah while the Red Sox need to catch a little lightning in a bottle here not only tonight Joe we outline the silver lining at Cleveland this weekend and three at New York and then nobody on their schedule has a winning record that being said if you don't score any runs it's gonna be hard to win anywhere but I mean again you know it's the quality of pitching that you're facing here's some lunare Ventura Jeter let's come back they've bent or is there to make the play [Applause] well Ventura thought it was gonna have to reach in now he reaches back out and now it reaches back in mines played by Robby mentor [Music] his Sparkle or gloves white socks just seems to Boston fan and here the Bernie would let me give you this number first Bernie Wayne is Homer means the lands three seasons in Fenway Yankees 3646 just seems that the hammer gets put down late in the year it's almost as if they they go into each season knowing the ending it's like a Greek tragedy community it could be there are forty and seventy right at one point but they were twin at 34 and 39 since that time yeah actually I heard I was here at the beginning of season and they look great and he was speaking of the Red Sox they looked great and I said you know this they will be in the race all the way to the end and they will be deadly but I mean I have to say and watching the last football games here yesterday and today I am more impressed with the Yankees than I had been before first of all because it's I mean they're smart I mean they do the things little things on the diamond whether it's defensively or offensively they do this little things that make them win ballgame I mean and they're not a great defensive ballclub but they make the plays that they're supposed to me inside-out will this stay fair the night is gone it's a dog back we'll have to get over but you're right on the Yankees thing but yet they under play you know I'm talking to Jim well hey let's watch this first in talking to them they and they're not flipping at all I mean let looks make it nice and clear but they go oh we'll be okay yeah we'll be okay like aren't you now all right well I mean look at what happened when they were Rivera went out I thought well maybe this could be a problem for him for a while because Rivera you know what he has been he has been the most variable play on the Yankees every year for the last five years or so whatever I mean and with him out I thought maybe they would have you know some problems but guess what scar saying Stanton and Mendoza of all clothes and me up like that Red Sox it's five nothing the Yankees over the Red Sox here at the top of the 8th day two games set usually now cake crew games what can you get Joe Morgan you know and the Yankees came in here seven up on Boston they're gonna leave nine up it's over in the AL East you would think and Boston has some serious questions now because they just look lethargic well how are they gonna rebound is the question I mean you know they had one of the greatest wins in the history to franchise a few days ago now they lose two games to the Yankees and everyone here is gonna be down on them and some are gonna be down on themselves I mean they're gonna feel like we had a chance to make some hay here and we blew it and again you know I don't think they should beat themselves to death I think they have to Pat the Yankees on the back and say look we have to be more like the Yankees we have to make the plays we have to do things under pressure and I think that's the only way that they can grab a silver lining out of this cloud it's gonna be hanging over them when the Yankees leave town unless they're able to bounce back have another great victory you know from a five to nothing lead they still have six outs left if there was any question for Boston that they were not buying the AL West team they are now may that's really their door into the playoffs in the AL West teams have a much tougher September than Grady little squad there's a lot to be said for them but you got to get together some sort of winning streak what else the only thing I will say about that is the fact that you're chasing two teams in American League West and one day one team's gonna win if even with the alone losing so it's gonna be a little more new pictures bargaining power came over from the White Sox along with Embry from San Diego and they were supposed to really change the fate of the bullpen power he's not really done that although his numbers reflecting his white sock numbers as well American League did my Latino he pitches two shades hits it Amanda left mini bank you're heard that hit the scoreboard throwing this it's cut off and double for Shane Spencer then I'd taken a number out there and the scoreboard that it was pretty good Mike there well this copyrighted telecast is presented by the authority of the Commissioner of baseball in New York right now at the talks it may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form an counts to this game may not be disseminated without a written consent [Music] can't be tuned in late July our gut feeling is if we're not really on the inside of it nobody is but they will be playing although it's easier said than done correct but I'll be flying back to California tomorrow and when I get off the plane I'll expect anything there you go and by the way a lot of people sentiment I will say this it's even those in the talks that might maybe they've broken or watching are huge I have many ears I just the people in the street was it a big football kickoff dinner last night the Patriots open up their new stadium where they did three season already in Gillette Stadium you know it sports fan your football fans there but walking around the street it's not the first question on everyone's mind where as I remember in 94 other years what do you think they're gonna go for the ten days leading into it you find that even as late as today when's it two days before the strike look it's not the first question no I understand your point but it's always the first question me because I'm only in baseball things bug story but at home no I agree with you but it's it's a concern but your right is not the first concern as it was before and I agree with that 100% net should be disturbing the both sides right and I think it's disturbing for another reason because football is about to start up you know baseball's lost some of its popularity to football and to some of the other sports and you know football is about to start up I mean you're not gonna just give it away you know give away your fans or whatever the football that's about you know what we're looking at if they do go on strike but you know again you know both of us you know we're big boys and we've been around long enough to know that there are a lot of things involved and and hopefully you know every wanna come to the conclusion that we can't let this happen and they get the job done I mean that's the bestest simplest thing way I can put it because I and I believe that that will happen not that it is necessary for the country there's a lot of explaining well I agree with that you know to a certain extent I agree that but I think we have a lot of explain to do if there's no baseball on Saturday correct because because there's no reason for it you know in the past you know there were ideological differences you know I know ideologically there were differences and now I don't think there are any differences I mean I you know the differences now are just about procedure and I think that's the problem you know if you have a different idea about something you know that's different but when it's just about percentages then I think they should be worked out and they can be worked out and again we know we both think they will be maybe if they are at the eleventh hour maybe in the future they'll get them done at the sixth hour yeah meanwhile white hit by pitch so Spencer second white first how are you jams Soriano up let's horrendous gets away from Varitek everybody moves up he began in the first-inning ugly and it's looking ugly here the a thing for great littles Red Sox who are you point out since here it is you know you started with um the first hitter this become the to base error then there was another in the first inning they'd already scored a run and then a pickoff becomes an error and a stolen base when there was a lack of communication open the doors in the seventh inning so it's just been I think more lack of communication than anything else on a couple plays have really hurt the Red Sox little chopper in fielding that's a good point Garciaparra so you know you look sharp on that one Joe finally naturally after we ran that package well the infield is in it's a chopper over the mound and Garcia part does the right thing he looks Spencer back to third and then close to first base [Applause] here is Derek Jeter member at City scored a hundred runs or more his first seven years in the bigs of the putting this series only the third gabagool correct Earle combs Yankees 25 to 32 Ted Williams 39 to 49 oh by the way I was busy flying in World War two when I came back in two hundred brothers they both did it at first eight but that's the company cheaters and runs are you know that's different he can talk about different Ted the number nine up entire number and also on left field and into the grass cut anything [Applause] and that's a record I mean I know that's more of an offensive game that in many of the we're talking homers runs are different the runs are still drugs and right you can only score them one at a time so I mean you can you know RBIs you can get four with one swing of the bat things like that hundreds you have to cross that plate 100 times how are you in there kids yeah scored more than anybody how about his boron how about Ricky you know we did our 25000 Sports Center Sunday night Ricky was already played and debates before we had our first I told him not three weeks but he loved at his eyes live he said you were in the bigs already stealing bases there is a little [Music] two runs are in spencer and white come across and you'd say a full touchdown leave now well the one thing Jeter does I mean he fights the ball off probably better than anyone else in the game I mean you can keep pitching him inside and he just bites the ball off and if you get it up he fights it off and it's a base hit see just inside out that ball I mean it becomes a little flare but he does it so often because that's his swing he fights the ball off and he does a good job of it Joe you talked again about little things there's your classic two-out two-run basic Jeter with three rubies now anything Bernie Williams with his three run homer off easy with three and you have to look up because and you're in trouble here because Jason Giambi doesn't have a base hit I mean he's the guy that you just can't continue to get out with runners on base so are you winds got almost I was gonna say the baseball swamp now with the winds got it we trot Nixon hands it but two more runs are in it in the bottom th 7-nothing Nikki Yankees 7 the Red Sox nothing here in the bottom of the 8th fan we're done we'll kick you over to the best place nightly to just grab anything you want in baseball tonight that's why they call this your Facebook and it'll come up right after we're done they didn't even sports imported this change in a hurry Joe yes it did but they were always the Red Sox were always walking a thin line the Yankees with opportunities the Red Sox were just the opposite they were not getting anybody on base and that relieves the Yankee that takes all the pressure off the Yankees and off of Mike Mussina of course he's pitching well one booth over Jill well you can have it I don't catch flower balls in it in the booth when I let the rebound off the back wall longest completely stopped and I pick it up tear him off Tim Scanlon shoulder he's behind this Marty quality Aronoff maybe his forehead we could grab that [Music] [Applause] did he go and it's an alert play by Posada and very quickly Varitek is gone we showed you some in 1975 and the ending is always the same but Joe Morgan certainly has a memory tie game 9th inning Jim Burton and Fred Lynn coming on any mates he makes the catch Joe we want to get our going to change that's honey that's it we're sick of that little bloop off Jim Burton and Fred Lynn actually made the catch you're out all right well well no but the curse is it over I don't mind you kiss my wall but not looking at 75 champions no way though American League then let me talk that's the way we couldn't look good letting that joke even though we know that Lynn caught the ball already the years later we can now reveal this okay any true Red Sox fan would tell you it was tied and the Reds would have won an extra innings and just what happened [Applause] of course and I throw that with two wheat that winning hit in the ninth inning of the World Series right are you you were I mean you come here and you think of that yeah how could you not when I walk in here truthfully the first thing I think about is how great a place this is to play a game and and then I you know obviously think back to the fact that you know the first games I played here and that was the World Series I'd never played her before so it was great someone asked me that today in an interview and I said you know I just remember how great the infield was great infield his best until I never played on and and you could see the ball because of the green background and we had a great background you know for hitting and the course I remember you know Dwight Evans catching the ball I hit in the sixth game I could have been a hero on the six games then 7-game to be lucky enough to be the guy walking up there in the seventh with the game on the line I mean that's you know very few people get that opportunity long be able to get a base hit I mean it's just something that you know you're very fortunate to be able to have that opportunity in your career you know they're a lot of guys never even get to the World Series let alone get a chance to be batting in the ninth inning in a tied ballgame look at the scenic in Cheney this time he gets buyer go who is the first was the only guy that got to the boy this is the one that bothers me I was doing he know what he was doing the right fielder what yes he did because that was a hit and run it wasn't just you know Griffey was on first and he was taking off it was hit and run and tie game at that point then Carlton Fisk becomes a hero he hits the foul pole and everyone thinks they won the game won the series because he hits the foul pole picking a Hall of Famers in the great players in that series the air team obviously and with yourself and Johnny Bench and doggie Perez Pedro certainly caliber Sparky Anderson Sparky and a concepto should be common for Poston Yastrzemski obviously Hall of Fame Carlton Fisk yeah tewi Evans and well rights was hurt that's right but I mean they're not even but they were certainly Coliseum pretty good stuff very good stuff that was unable to great World Series you Ceylon huh he's pitched great fields great two Yankees hip and great and the Red Sox [Music] well baseball tonight is next they came from nollans to see no my but they saw nuttin if they're rooted for the Red Sox the Yankees leave at 7 nothing they won 6 nothing last night so 13 old they lead and he's 2 games and Dustin Hermanson been on the DL on and off just about all year have been a no-show not that they didn't want to be just trying to hope that he could pick his way back into shape somehow these I picked the three games and Bernie Williams who really put the dagger in the does three-run homer to take it to not the game to make it a five nothing game in the seventh inning and extend his hitting streak to 19 Dustin Hermanson on the third starter third Fork starter which is never as one our staff infection ages as a non-person issue what he wanted that a better year for Boston in him since we had no year they're gonna the more swinging the bat well took his last time up in the seventh inning Alan Embree came in to relieve Pedro and there was no relief that was gone halfway up the screen both of them watch that the Incas will leave here with a nine-game lead in the AL East and join one of the oddest statistics for the third straight year the final Yankee game at Fenway for the season whatever it's come they will have left Boston with a nine-game lead essentially putting the dagger right in their archrival each time yeah well that's that's what it's all about and that's called closing the deal then the Yankees have a way of doing that and the interesting thing is you know in the past few years everyone is considered a Yankees maybe the best team in baseball and you know I think right now you have to look at there is on a Diamondbacks and give them equal billing since there are the world champions an American League you know you're gonna have to beat the Yankees at some point to get to the World Series Brian candy Dave Campbell Timmy Kirk gym baseball tonight Meg's boomer was outstanding last night pitching into the ninth but we see machine gun it into mice I don't think so but you know I don't see anybody warming up so you might don't we see this one go eat at the bullpen now the wind is blowing in from right field out there Victoire hit a long way he's gone Bernie back to first Matt Winer in this video film a terrific game in Pittsburgh tonight 0-0 in the bottom of the 10th grades got the schoolĂ­s effort from 9 from Greg Maddux liggett's wastes here Brian Giles brings in robbing the Kodiak and the Pirates winning a 10-1 nothing it seemed like that beating the Braves and anyone whether it's a little victory I meant them in not a little it's a big pick green look give it a long year for Lloyd but any time you beat Maddux yeah oh you you know top is something she know that busy I did know but it wasn't like wanted her top five guys anything what can I get no help troubled looking without funding Mattox that's because it's it the mill with his fog I believe out of the father filled his hair and they don't get the public place and to attract eternal but bernie is erased sat on the fielder's choice nice play there nice plate from Lionel's Hillenbrand he makes a diving stop then makes a perfect throw to second base and Sanchez tries to turn it but hustling down the line is Posada and he gets gets in there Monda cease we need the first offering from Hermanson centerfield is diamond yeah that'll do it the Red Sox bottom of the ninth the Yankees lead the Red Sox 7 nothing Chris Berman Joe Morgan and Mike Mussina is going to have a chance Joe to finish what he began so Wells went into the ninth last night might be seen it looks like unless he gets cuffed around it's gonna go a complete game and so for a guy who has really really been struggling going in he's seen in his pitch a gem and welcomed those that have watched what Atlanta and Pittsburgh and welcome to Fenway Park where a one-nothing pitcher's duel between Mike Mussina and Pedro Martinez has turned into a laugher thanks to the pitching of you Cena in the long ball of Bernie Williams a three-run homer and a little ball little things that the Yankees just did correctly tonight [Applause] [Music] see chances aboard with only the third hit of the night [Applause] Lane's back-to-backs enemy egg finland's friends and alliance come up with this September in 1943 [Applause] spud cheat ler and Ernie Bonnie so how'd you hit off spud change around old names right Oh spud spud was yeah well if not warm up not about Joe this will be the first time that we've seen in his pitch into the main foyer place gone eight I mean I he could have gone into the ninth hem but if he records an out because at least eight and a third it will be the longest outing that he has recorded this year and this is 27th start he's only gone eight one two times it was interesting about the Yankees and the fact that you know in this run they've had they were winning championship but they never had anyone that's finished up really high in the most valuable player award vote you know they really didn't have anyone I think this year they're gonna have someone in Soriano is gonna finish you know on the top you know five or so Giambi they have two legitimate candidates whereas in the past they really did not have anyone that was considered MVP quality at that time zero gig votes Jamie Oh for two and a walk should at least get a little fire going but look at the Yankees invent sort of making the play on gaming which Sanchez scurrying back well a nice play by Ventura Damon goes the other way but this is the kind of night has been for the Boston Red Sox they couldn't make all the plays but the Yankees are making every play necessary yeah Shea Hillenbrand is up see nature in and finish it up and that's fouled off and you know job doing just a little reading here you see here it's the kind of stuff I like to read it's a children's book Katherine Nixon one of the Red Sox wives were all involved in this is starting a next month a Fenway Park from A to Z children's book Red Sox foundation all for charity so you matter where you live in Boston Red Sox foundation they'll let you know how to possibly get a hold of this if you want to throw it up learn about a ballpark it's been here in 90 years so nice the drawings baseball instruction created by the Red Sox wives organization in you salute them for that I was like to bone up on my reading Jo I mean until a couple days up till school starts and having read my summer reading [Applause] [Music] sorry about that boomer no it's alright well I just wanted to tell you good news I mean I can't we do all my sources but things are happening on the positive side grow out to lose yourself to saw the labor issue so we you and I are we're the baseball swamp yeah we're well you're too Swami I'm just I'm assistant I'm the assistant tonight but you know I just think you know things are happening and that's that's what's good I just that's why I was here I was reading I was doing my summer reading joke okay starts thank you [Applause] now machining against Hillenbrand he's one away from his first complete game of the season and he dropped down a little bit throw that sidearm knuckles bird and Hillenbrand becomes a night strikeout victim for Messina tonight I mean he has been masterful with rightio pitches and the location and I mean this is almost as good a game he pitched last year when he had a perfect game going into the ninth inning with two outs so he fits very very well kept the ball down I think that's the key he's been knocked around laughingstock because with getting the ball up it would be the Cena over Pedro and since he's been a Yankee last two years he would be two and two matcha pretty darn impressive that's the very impressive I mean anytime you can split games with Pedro you're doing a great job if he goes the route and also Joe and his career would be his 50th complete game and it would be Mike's 180th career win make it one eighty and ninety nine tonight when we thought that we see Pedro Martinez perhaps win in the 18:07 Skidmore and it will be Mussina he goes to 16 and 17 a quote struggling season [Applause] then she paired a third in cool and the Yankees have come in and bludgeoned their rivals the Boston Red Sox six nothing yesterday seven nothing tonight they leave with Mussina beating Pedro and they leave Boston with a nine game lead over the AL East baseball tonight is coming up next with Brian and his soup and the Timmy it's been a presentation of ESPN the worldwide leader in sports for more log on to the New York Yankees have come into Fenway and they have lowered the boom on the Red Sox Joe Morgan enjoyed it as a always why put under boomer Wednesday night baseball you we leave a light on for you all right bring Joe Morgan all of us here at Fenway I'm Chris Berman thanks for watching
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Keywords: Pedro Martinez, Fenway Park
Id: AlQVRjibKkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 8sec (8348 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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