5/18/04: Randy Johnson's Perfect Game

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RJ threw this on my mom's birthday. She's not the biggest baseball fan, but she tried to be for me as a kid. Took me to games and showed excitement for the Dbacks. Every year she brings up his perfect game and it makes me smile that she remembers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 44 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rua-Yuki πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll post one of these every week or so and we can talk about them. I like to watch the classic games on SNY and YES.

I'm a relatively new fan, and this is the game that got me truly into baseball. Something about Randy Johnson fascinates me to no end.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/puddsy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I choked up laughing at Robby Hammock jumping up and down running towards Johnson only to hug him and come under his rib cage

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sha256 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank you for posting!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elagacy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this game live on TBS!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fun fact: Following this game there would not be another no hitter in the MLB until September 6, 2006 (Anibel Sanchez). The entire 2005 season was played without a single no hitter and it wasn't until the month of the 2006 season.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/trickman01 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

What was the deal with those vest type jerseys Arizona and Colorado had?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HMG-CoAReductase πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

How hard was he throwing in this game? I seem to remember he touched 100 early in his career, but this was quite a bit later than that and they don't have a speed gun on the screen :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrMelkor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I live in Toronto, but when I was a teenager (I'm 30 now) TBS was one of the channels we got at our home. I used to watch Braves games all the time and I remember watching him do it live. Amazing performance by one of the GOATs!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/moose_head13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 18 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello again everybody along with Joe Simpson skip Carey welcoming you to another night of a night of Braves baseball greats home from a three-three road trip and take on the Arizona Diamondbacks in the first game of a three-game series tonight let me get this straight Joe Penn sheets struck out 18 on Sunday against Tanana and now the Braves get to go against the league's strikeout leader Randy Johnson you don't proverbial out of the frying pan into the fire type thing for the Braves tonight skip and it wasn't a good day at the office on Sunday against min sheets he really had a good breaking ball working the Braves left-handers especially we're having a very hard time laying off his curveball in the dirt there was some 9 block bird strikes swung out by the Atlanta Braves on Sunday out of those 18 strikeouts now then Randy Johnson's on the man and while he has a losing record over his last six starts he has an ER a of 1.98 you might say he's gotten his mojo back after suffering some knee problems last year in which he had a losing record but not all is lost there's some guys in the lineup including Chipper Jones who have had good numbers against Randy Johnson and look at Chipper six home runs that's more than any other pitcher that he said home runs off of so maybe tonight is a good night for Atlanta and that Randy Johnson is out there because they have played pretty well against him in the past meanwhile they've got a pitcher on the mound the Braves do is really do Mike Hampton is Owen for an earned run average over seven about time for him to get things straightened out as well we'll be back to bring you the game but right now let's send it to mark fine in our studios 73 degrees here at game time at Turner Field we've had rain all over the metro area but right now it is dry at Turner Field and we'll try to get this one started without any rain drops tonight and here's a look at the starting lineup for Bob Brenly and the Diamondbacks tonight Chad Tracy has a lot of family here to watch him plays from Charlotte North Carolina Matt kata will bat second in Louie Gonzalez Shea Hillenbrand playing first base for the injured Richie Sexson Steve Finley is a hot hitter in center field Danny Bautista in the top 10 in hitting as well Alex Cintron Robby hammock and Randy Johnson round out the order for the Braves defensively Chipper Jones is back line up out in left-field Andruw Jones and Senator JD drew and right DeRosa and Garcia Jesse back from his bereavement leave jesse is a shortstop and Nick Greene gets his start at first start at Turner Field at second base tonight Julio Franco at first Johnny Estrada will do the catching and on the mound Mike Hampton who has skip said in dire need of a win he's owned four and his first seven starts of the year with a 741 er a and a very high batting average against him six and six lifetime against the Diamondbacks that last year pitched one of his better games against Arizona he was he worked eight innings gave up four hits and only one run and struck out four in his only appearance against the Diamondbacks last year umpires for tonight's game behind the plate will be Greg Gibson at first base is Bruce Dreckman Jerry Davis in his 21st years the crew chief he'll work at second base tonight and larry poncino works at third the Diamondbacks embarking on a long road trip 13 games 13 days four cities and they are going to play 20 straight days without a day off so they're in a real rough stretch of their schedule they've lost five in a row so that's not any way to get a long road trip started there in last place out west eight and a half games back and Chad Tracy leads things off he's out of Charlotte North Carolina and we're at their way and the first pitch is a strike Greg Gibson out of the University of Kentucky by the way the home plate umpire oh and one the count Tracy doing alright boy hit that ball hard Hampton got a piece of it throws to first I don't know if it got the glove or the leg Jim Lovell is on his way to the mound so is Bobby Cox that ball was hit hard we'll look at it again here see what happens that is right knee may be part of his pitching hand but definitely got the right knee before he could get the glove down and his leg kind of collapsed there as he was trying to get turned to make the throw to first just above the kneecap Grider was above-the-knee it's mostly a little meet up there but he's going to throw a few here to see if he's going to be able to continue and this is the kind of thing he may be ok now but 20 minutes from now it may swell up we don't know his landing foot as long as it can take the pressure of the weight of his body going forward he should be alright looks like he is but that was a bolt Jeff Porter and Jim Lovell are two great guys and good friends but I'm tired of seeing them yeah they're in the dugout way too much air time first pitch outside the mat Kappa I think he's hitting 264 or homework 12 RBIs right in there it's one-on-one my camtonz had some first inning problems in his earlier starts and tonight it's not the runs he's worried about but the line drive he just took off his knee the one one hit hard passed and under the glove into Rosangela field he's around first he's going to drop anchor there I don't know if Mark didn't see that ball or what but he didn't react to it real quickly it was hit very hard runner at first one out no he just didn't get the glove down skip he was playing in close and the ball was hit sharply but he should have had the glove down to begin with and didn't so Keita is at first with one out and Luis Gonzales the panic that's outside one ball no strikes Gonzales has done very well against Hampton in his career 12 out of 33 with five home runs kata edges away and has to dive back Diamondbacks are not a whole lot unlike Atlanta in that they are battling injuries to key players Robbie Alomar out with a broken bone in his hand Richie Sexson out with a bad shoulder although they hope to get him back within the week and I've got several pitchers on the DL too including Matt mantei their closer DoublePlay ball maybe low throw up they're out there they still get the double play and a terrific play by Jesse Garcia in the middle of an that could have been a disaster but it's inverted and the inning is over bottom of the first no score we go to the bottom half of the first inning no score thanks to a nifty double play turned by the leadoff man Jesse Garcia he'll be followed by Julio Franco and Chipper Jones Andruw Jones in the cleanup spot tonight with a lefty on the mound Johnny Estrada bats 5th then JD drew in the sixth spot the Rosa green and Hampton rounded out we'll give you the beat the Diamondbacks defend shortly as Randy Johnson is ready to tow the rubber Jesse Garcia leads it off against him Jesse hitting 295 a home or eight RBIs and a strike is right in there it's Owen one Randy Johnson 54 innings 16 walks 68 strikeouts League hitting 178 against him and he's got a losing record is on his own I got it one out randy was a spectator on that play the ball got by and made it figure he could do anything except louse it up so we watched Helen Brandt make the place you can see his follow-through takes him to the third base side very difficult for him to get back so a smart idea by Garcia but Hillenbrand cut him off at the pass good play by the first baseman Julio Franco the batter he's 7 out of 28 in his career against the big Arizona left-hander strike credit there we understand the Chad Tracy has family from Charlotte and Marietta in Section 202 tonight right below us we hope they enjoy the game too if there's been any sign of Randy Johnson letting up he's not because of AIDS I mean even though he's 40 years old and was six and eight last year he battled some tendinitis in his knee that put him on the disabled list a couple of times but guys won five siyoung Awards for with Arizona there's a 69th strikeout of the year as first two the night two down and here's the defense behind Johnson tonight in the outfield left to right Gonzalez Finley and Bautista there is Chad Tracy at third base Alex Cintron at Short Matt kata at second Shea Hillenbrand at first Robby hammocks also from the Atlanta area from South Cobb High School out in Marietta and Randy Johnson on the mound 40 years old 610 230 and a Walnut Creek California makes his home now in the sixteenth year Chipper Jones has had very good luck against him but not that time on one has six home runs in his career against one of the best pitchers of this era oh into one of the things that's different about Randy Johnson issue used to be mostly a fastball slider pitcher that's about all he needed but he's added a split finger pitch and he might throw as many as twenty tonight that looked like one there as if he needed anything else started to go held up in time he throws you a couple lows and that makes that good fastball look even better chipper started to swing but that ball was by him it acts like a changeup for that splitter downturn in its two and two big Braves fan Ruth Daniel looking in at Atlanta tonight never misses a Braves broadcast good to have her with us the 2-2 pitch and the inning is over 1 2 3 nothing doing the end of an inning no score Braves in espanol which means Braves in Spanish is brought to you by Office Depot Pete Manzano Fernando Palacios have the play-by-play story in espanol 1 1 the count to Shea Hillenbrand as the second inning gets underway Sammy Sosa has been placed on the disabled list by the Cubs we understand grounder to short Garcia with a quick release Hillenbrand is out of there Steve Finley the banner everybody thought it was funny when he did play because he got hurt sneezing but it's not so funny to the Cubs now he's out two weeks now they're missing Mark Prior and Sammy Sosa and Kerry Wood is expected to miss a start some problems in his arm and they're tied for the lead of the subtle division could be worse blowing away one ball no strikes here's a guy that has bounced back from a slow start he typically is a slow starter but my goodness 12 home runs already leading the major leagues and he's done most of that work in the last couple weeks and spit speaking of the Cubs a lot of those home runs have been against the Chicago team it's always had surprising power to me he's slightly built but he's a very strong guy very good lowball hitter he's had sort of a strange career as a power hitter he never hit more than eight until 1994 either the majors or the minor flyball we'll hit right field drew on the track puts it away that ball was in a long way that's out of a lot of ballparks two down and Danny Bautista the former brave hitting 343 is the banner at East and ninth in the league in hitting and the catcher setting up right behind him there Estrada 10th in the league in hitting oh and one the country to out nobody aboard it's even now a ball and a strike Diamondbacks placed another one of their players on the disabled list yesterday Greg colbrunn who is also a former brave he's had some wrist problems they called up Scott Hairston from Tucson i capped foul ball Johnny Estrada had no idea where that thing was it was sailing over his shoulder one unto the count it looked like when it came down and hit the dirt the second time it actually was still in fair territory but it had so much spin on it it queued back in the Falchi rhetoric straight above Johnny and he can't find it oh yeah it was a fair ball and then missed him as it was coming back odd looking play one and two the count we are scoreless in the second Joe Simpson skip carry with you Gary Lehman our director tonight and making his weekly appearance on Braves TV our producer Glen diamond little looper into right field drew comes on cannot get there he made a nice play on the short hop but a two-out hit for Bautista to keep the inning going and Alex Cintron the shortstop will be the battery seven of his last 36 that's two guys in their order have really been struggling to get another look it's less east of fighting off that curveball coming up with it on that short hop but not only syndrome and Hammack also Amex is five for 36 for the bottom third of their order - scuffling fans right above us here blowing bubbles which come drifting into the booth every so often as pictured there in the left-center that's going to plug the alley Bautista runs very well they're going to wave him here's the relay and the throat of the plate is off line he's safe throw gets away runner to third it'll be an error on the shortstop I think on the throw it's one nothing Diamondbacks to double RBI third on the throw now third on an air that ball was catchable on the throw not that the run would have scored anyway it would have said John went down and got a low fastball it looked like he had 13 homers for the Diamondbacks last year here's Bautista motoring around you see the throw come in that was definitely a catchable ball but I maybe got screened two strata got screened by the runner he too and it is an error on the catcher here right - and I think he did get screams oh and one the count with Randy Johnson kitchen you don't want to give up too many Robbie how am I kidding 239 on the year oz missed inside it's one on one and I gotta Macon GA lives now in Marietta the University of Georgia product and he's in the hole 1 & 2 good one more angle on the throw coming in from Jesse Garcia on the relay line there and you can see that right at the last second Bautista crossed in front of Estrada and blocked him that's one of those where maybe a team error if they had such a thing would apply just missed inside it's 2 & 2 the Diamondbacks came into this game last in the league and walks allowed last in the league in errors committed that's a real bad combination as we've been talking about all year long for Atlanta well the Braves already with two errors tonight just one shy of the Diamondbacks 31 errors got it panic cut looking the inning is over but not before Arizona takes the lead a run on two hits an air and a runner left bottom of the second one nothing Arizona we go to the bottom half of the second inning Andruw Jones leads it off against Randy Johnson who has a 1-0 all in the dirt San Diego at Pittsburgh rained out they'll play two tomorrow Randy Johnson lost his last start one to nothing to Tom Glavine he went seven innings gave up only three hits and tonight he has a one he has one run anyway to work with and has the lead just missed outside a ball and a strike to County Cardinals an early lead over the Mets 3-1 Tom Glavine pitching that game and having a rough time of it early I drive centerfield Finley is back there though he hit it a little bit off the end of the bat one up time for a reminder about our telecast our Holiday Inn Express in the booth question beg your pardon if you have a question send us an email and if chosen we'll answer it later in the game you can send your email to TBS mailbag at Atlanta Braves calm and please tell us your name and where you are from you don't mind Johnny Estrada the batter one ball no strikes Colorado Cincinnati 3-3 in the 4th Florida's losing tonight that's out of play on the count evens a ball and strike you know that second argument Johnny Estrada had with umpire Doug Eddings Sunday in which Johnny eventually was the eighteenth strikeout of the day that was started by home plate umpire Doug Eddings remember I said if Johnny started this he'd probably be thrown out of the game Eddings actually had the gall to say geez done you go 5 for 5 last night now you're going to give me grief I thought that was a brutal thing for an umpire to say and so genja said if I were you I'd have filed a complaint against the guy at stage of a game trying to start something very unprofessional Doug Eddings two balls two strikes and the count stays the same Braves have three guys in the lineup tonight who have never faced Randy Johnson before Jesse Garcia Johnny Estrada and Nick Greene but if you're any player who has watched Randy Johnson when you were a kid you know you want to get a chance to see what you can do how you match up with it to enter the county unless you're John Kruk then you don't want to be a heart that all day no too many left-handers do but I like what Nick green said about tonight's challenge he said I want to see what I've got count three balls two strikes Houston three nothing over Florida bottom of the third down in Miami they're just underway in Chicago or the Giants are playing Giants a big disappointment in the early part of the year still three and two there's one out nobody bored Arizona has a one nothing lead same two teams tomorrow John Thompson against Webb still three and two Brandin webs a pretty good picture Johnny Estrada a pretty good hitter when he's got two strikes on him even when he works the cap back to a full count he's still up on the bat a little bit trying to guard the plate and he does it right there still three and two and that might have been a little bit off the plate but he wasn't going to take a chance and let it go by 96 on that fastball from Johnson what a great average with two strikes on tomorrow night our old friend Walter Victor gets honored here at the ballpark so if you're coming to the game it's a 7:05 start get here a little early strikeout number three second out of the inning I tried just about everything and then went with a backdoor slider and that was a beauty right to the outside corner and Estrada couldn't reach that one JD drew is just 1 for 5 in his career against Randy Johnson he doesn't hit against him very often up and in oh and one the last 10 and two thirds innings 21 Braves have struck out oh and two left-handers hitting just 140 against him for the year right-handers a whole lot better 189 yeah we're wearing him out and he's pretty good up and in got him strikeout number four at the end of two one nothing down the back Randy Johnson leads things off from the third inning for the Diamondbacks and looks at one low one ball no strikes ah that's right in there and it's one-on-one pretty good signing by the Diamondbacks don't you think he's gone 90 and 39 with Arizona for siyoung Awards pitched him to a world championship along with Curt Schilling they were dominant duo for that Club 1 & 2 the count brenly's been taking some heat the papers in Phoenix but like we said he's had a lot of injured players and some guys who aren't playing up the parson can't hang a whole lot of this on him and apparently the front office in Phoenix is back that's good Chad Tracy as the battery line one back off Hamptons leg and was thrown out his first time white ball no strikes guys hit at every level that he's played in their organization and started the year this year in triple-a Bob Brenly said it was the toughest cut he had to make coming out of spring training but after the injury is Sexson they moved hill over Hillenbrand over to first and Tracy got called up he's out of East Carolina University and he can hit speaking of Ritchie sets and he took VP tonight reported no pain so things are moving right along for him he should be back soon two in one the cap the good news for him is that it's his left shoulder out his throwing shoulder they probably would have already done surgery he's still among the league leaders with nine home runs and he's missed three weeks 3 & 1 the count Matt kata is next it has been a struggle for them since sex and went on the disabled list so Tracy is aboard that's first walk of the night from my captain runner at first one ounce kata the battery reached on an error his first time wonder if he's a friend of maybe the Green Hornet Joe are you too young no I do warden has companion kata those kiddos Kato throw to first runner back Lamont Cranston I think the red bumblebee though had a sidekick named Kate I'm not sure the red bumblebee it's been a show on the Curtin Oklahoma oh and one the count arrival of the Green Hornet oh and one the cap now don't go there to split it why buddy we talked about the wasps but there are running for presidents the o2 pitch flyball left-center field chipper gets over there two up and Luis Gonzales the battery wrapped into a double play his first time so though he trails Hampton is Prichard all right a much better start than usual for him talked about his troubles in the first inning and that is amplified by that 9:50 atra in his first three innings middle hitting seemed to be his best and to be quite frank about it he has a pitch too much in the seventh eighth or ninth inning so far this year one ball no strikes why don't know the caf to another count against Alice 12 out of 34 now against Hampton in his career five home run that included he's been battling some injury problems to been playing less than a hundred percent it's 9 for his last 34 but of those nine hits four homers three you know be careful here they might just turn him loose Gonzales with 10 homers 23 RBIs Shea Hillenbrand on deck they walked him on four straight so two walks in the inning but two are out now he has to get Helen Brando grounded to short his first time walks the left-handed hitters Randy Johnson looks on hopeful of getting some insurance here he leads one nothing ground ball foul past third nothing in one pretty good athlete came to the diamondbacks from boston for being human him go to hook one to the couch so Helen Bank Brandt quickly in the hole he's now playing Richie Sexson position and has his spot in the batting order to hitting cleanup strike three called fastball at the knees heading over good job by Hampton to get out of a mess he records his third strike out bottom of the third one not the Arizona Mark DeRosa leads off the bottom of the third check swing strike going one I guess was the strike maybe not now the ball mark is struggling that's putting it kindly and he's the first one to tell you so flyball we'll hit right field but not well enough Bautista near the wall one out seven in a row knocked over by Randy Johnson any time he pisses you think about the possibility of a no-hitter and that's been the case with him since he's signed with Montreal back in 1985 everybody was just kind of sitting and waiting for that to happen and it did here's Nick Greene oh and one the count that was inside a ball and a strike the count to a no-hitter back in 1990 by with Seattle the Phillies have moved to within a run of the Dodgers at six five in the fourth Philadelphia's still banish'd batting one and two the count Giants failed to score in the first at Wrigley Field Green stays alive its event of Alexis level Green was the only member of the Braves lineup on Sunday that did not strike out one for three against Ben Sheets actually one for two at the walk a ball and two strikes the count still one and two used to now five nothing over the Marlins down in Florida private file the other way still wanting to what Nick was quick on it appear to be a slider down and in on his shoe tops really turned on it that was going that's very good yes a ball and two strikes green spoils another one he's having a good at-bat wanted to still the count and I'm sure that he's got a lot of family and friends here watching his debut in Atlanta from Duluth high school two balls two strikes if you can get into the Arizona bullpen you got a chance it has been sort of a disaster zone this year to shorts in Drive unload Jase just it get it do down let's go to mark find in our studios mark okay Mike thanks very much Mike Hampton the batter here hitting 231 yet to drive in a run on the outside corner it's one nothing Arizona want to do if Jo's mom is work attended I thanks for the dessert the diabetic nightmare but it'll be really good thank you hello Dolly's were a hit 1 & 2 the count but a low 2 & 2 the count four Braves that struck out to this point against Randy Johnson he shakes off the sign now he's ready you can make that five and the inning is over and he's set down nine in a row and after three one nothing Arizona Steve Finley Danny Bautista and Alex Cintron do up one a note of Finley who flied out deep to right his first time up Hampton has struck out three and walked two one in one the counts suddenly had a good homestand despite bad results for the team they were just 2 and H and their 10 games at home but he did hit four homers and out of his last 18 games he's in 11 home runs only one homer in his first 19 leads the majors is 12 that fool on that one and Julio Franco will take it to the bag itself one out here's your Aflac trivia question cue the duck Phyllis thank you since 1960 who are the only left-handed pitchers in the National League to win the pitching Triple Crown but I know one of them wins er a in strikeouts Bautista single with two out in the second stored on a double by Cintron hopper to DeRosa next in luck goes him out to down and here is Cintron had the RBI double in the second inning his 11th RBI of the year very pleasant night at the ballpark and thunderstorms pop up all over town for the last few days but so far so good here tonight want to know the native of Puerto Rico to know John Thompson against Brandon Webb tomorrow Thursday Horacio Ramirez against Casey Fossum line drive right at Short Garcia's got it and the easiest inning so far for Mike Hampton one two three go the Diamondbacks will go to the bottom of the fourth still one another Arizona Briggs a gun nine up and nine down that means Jesse Garcia gets to lead off again this time in the fourth and he takes a strike that to me has been the key so far for Johnson he's getting ahead in the count getting much like Ben Sheets did on Sunday one thing to try to strike everybody out when you're behind two-and-oh or three and one but he's getting ahead and he's ahead of Garcia oh and two nice ratio strikes the ball so far got him to chase a high one strikeout number six get ahead oh and to throw a few pitches near the strike zone but make the hitter get themselves down Julio Franco fanned his first time Johnson's career record 233 versus 118 losses fourth on the all-time strikeout list behind Nolan Ryan Roger Clemens and Steve Carlton is 6:00 tonight so far given 3945 strikeouts oh and to everythings 95 96 miles an hour well hit the center thinly going back and just shy of the track and as Chipper Jones advances to the plate it's time for our John Deere leaderboard as you see chipper has had great success against it man Andruw Jones has three homers against him as well this oils it's not a name it really does not fire up there and the all-time home run list against to play with Baltimore chipper struck out his first time up he struck out pinch-hitting against Ben Sheets on Sunday and struck out his last two times up it no walkie on Saturday before coming out of the ballgame so that's four straight strikeouts chipper he's got work 1 & 2 and every strikeout in this game has been swinging so there are no alibis just a great pitcher there's the first call third chipper didn't like it and that'll end the inning strikeout number seven for Randy Johnson and we go to the fifth the nothing Arizona as we go to the fifth Robby hammock struck out his first time up takes ball one was five for his last 37 it's that pretty well to the left feel but right at Chipper Jones one out and Randy Johnson will be the batter he struck out his first time and he's 3 for 17 on the year with a double and three RBIs how to play Hamptons set down five in a row and if his knee is bothering him after taking a line shot off his right knee from the first batter of the ballgame he's not showing any signs of it well hit the right field but right at JD Drew Johnson hit that one on the nose let's send it to mark pine for an update all off Wilson Alvarez too has been pitching so well for the Dodgers raids will probably see Alvarez on Sunday here Chad Tracy has hit that line shot back at the pitcher he was thrown out after Hampton recovered the baseball he's also walked 4 for his last seven including a homer oh and to good turnout at the Chop House tonight on very pleasant evening the left side nice guy he stopped by the roadside his throw pulls Franco off the bag but the runner can advance backed up there by green it'll be a base hit it made an outstanding play on this ball rushed it maybe a little more than he had to and Julio might have caught the ball anyway but it's scored a hit that'll bring up Matt kata reached on an error in the first inning and flied to left in the third kate is just six for his last 48 yes a guy struggling there's that two and eight homestand would indicate their five-game losing streak which reflect during the two and eight homestand their starting pitchers went one in seven with a 591 er a that includes Johnson's one to nothing loss Tom Glavine and the Mets down the line foul Rafael Furcal by the way had another MRI on his hand yesterday they did detect it did detective bad bone bruise on his right hand and he was taking some ground balls today but I think the earliest he might c4 called play the infield would be the weekend he's talking about maybe playing second base for a while till it comes back a hundred percent but we'll see two out a runner at first still om2 Takeda Braves our eight and seven at home the Diamondbacks on the road six and nine Atlanta just wrapped up a stretch where 20 of 27 games were on the road 1 & 2 the count eight of Texas third-base coach al Federico for the signs Glen's Sherlock coaching it first runner goes swing and a foul ball into the glove of Estrada who hangs on to it for the strikeout Randy Johnson has retired the Braves in order 12 up and 12 down and he is struck out seven of them as we go to the fifth Andruw Jones who's hit in four straight leads off the inning and ropes one to left field but Gonzales right there to make the catch and you're right on that one and Johnny Estrada the batter he struck out his first time up Randy Johnson leads the National League in strikeouts he's got 75 now Ben Sheets those 18 on Sunday moved into second place I had a Roger Clemens he's got 66 Clemens of 62 this is Randy's ninth start he does have a complete game already this year's may not be any help in that area Oh n12 Estrada got him to chase a bat wall that's unusual for a strata Owen soon Roger Clemens has the lowest batting average against him of any pitcher in the National League at 170 Johnson came in at 178 second and another batter Falls to Owen to the Big Unit wants another baseball he was a second-round pick in 1985 by Montreal out of Southern California University 1 & 2 the count Gidi drew will follow one out nobody on 13 in a row sat down might be a base hit but it's foul Estrada hit the ball hard you Jonnie 9 for his last 22 amen 10th in the league in hitting at 342 is 2 point behind Bautista tried to put a little extra on that one threw it 97 miles an hour but he fouled off a little looper toward right field Bautista has it down Johnson split finger pitch skip is not like Curt Schilling's which is thrown hard and it just the bottom falls out of it but it's one that does have enough changes speed on it that as you pointed out earlier when he's still in 96 or 97 it's just like a changeup and even if he misses with it it just enhances his fastball which is good enough without an enhancement Wow this is enough of this somebody's got to get a hit don't it breakout time GD guru struck out his last time up one in one I don't know one thing to do in a spot like this Joe rally knit phone there we go we're okay ahead enough I think you're ready I think it might have work - Batista on the run no he's got it running basket catch I cast by Bautista and that's 15 in a row set down by Randy Johnson and we go to the sixth so one another Arizona Johnson perfect through five innings with seven strikeouts first inning the fifth that he failed to strike out of batter Alex Gonzalez leads off for the Diamondbacks here in the sixth he's hit into a double play and walked excuse me Luis Gonzalez the batter Valda first to Lewis one and one Louise just 9 for his last 34 right cut it that one though one and two Reese with another good year last year for Arizona need 304 26 homers drove in 104 runs he's driven in at least 100 runs each of the last five years including 2001 where he hit 57 homers and drove in 142 2 & 2 the count at home run the result way across there really jumped up in 2000-2001 here he had 325 chopper off the plate Hampton has to hurry we got a one out that's one bit of good news tonight Mike Hampton has really pissed Wells he still got a chance to win this game of course but even if he fails he's pitched by far his best outing of the year I'm gonna throw more stripes to here on the plate he's had a good sinker as that last pitch would indicate 69 pitches 45 strikes Dylan Brant is grounded out struck out the third DeRosa gets a big hop rose hi Julio hangs on to the back the two errors committed by the race 1980 Sciences here they had a game in which they've made more than one error Steve Finley has flied to right grounded out over two one lefties hitting my cat a 292 clip coming in right-handers 357 and that's well hit the deep right center and grew on a ride black sit down right in front of the Henry Aaron sign then the inning good running catch by Drew prevented Finley from getting extra bases we go to the bottom of the sixth still 1 to nothing Arizona perfect game so far for Randy Johnson through five innings bassist Mark DeRosa to start the sixth want to know the county one-on-one being up 15 down seven strikeouts for Johnson tapper torch short cut off by Tracy and he likes to play 16 in a row let's take a look at the wacker supercar green grounded out his first time up to 4:7 says he got called up from Richmond where he was leading the international league and hitting at 377 want to know Marcus Giles in the dugout he on the shelf six to eight weeks broken collarbone and the way Marcus likes to talk that won't go fast enough for some of those guys in the dugout he'd be a viable candidate for a Friday night appearance baseball extra missing would thank you and I could stay home just turn him loose 2 & 1/2 green slider biting down and in two and two Johnson has not been to a three ball count on a hitter yet still 2 & 2 Green fouled off some pitches his first time up before grounding out my captain waits on deck one out in the sixth struck him out bring out of there that's eight strikeouts for Johnson a lot of us were just happy that Marcus Johnson was speaking after this collision and no walk II didn't see it it's the worst I've ever seen between an outfielder and an infielder watch the whiplash effect here that's what hat is so scared was a possible neck injury he did have a slight concussion to go with the broken collarbone and bruised hands Mike Hampton fanned his first time as you see on his Wagner's super cart one-on-one yeah when Randy slips or ball comes out of his hand funny or mound doesn't feel right he drops all the way down to about 95 yeah he is tough 97 on that one so pretty pretty spry on now I think he did he had working this is no different than the scouting report we had on the guy about how strong he has been especially his last six starts that's going to be a tough play for Cintron on the run throws and got him in Hampton retired and that makes it 18 in a row and Randy Johnson slaps gloves with Alex Cintron for preserving what is right now a perfect game game for Johnson through six innings we go to the seventh still one another one run three hits no errors for the Diamondbacks no runs no hits two errors for the Braves Randy Johnson working on a perfect game through six innings pitching against Atlanta tonight we go to the seventh Danny Bautista leads off for Arizona and back once again here's skip J Joe thank you Bautista singled and scored the only run of the game throughout in the second inning he singled and Cintron doubled him home and that's been in the Phillies have claimed a 7-6 lead over the Dodgers in the sixth Greg called outside corner to Danny Bautista one out of two for them to 346 on the air right back past amount that Green has a one away Bautista broke his bat grounded out Cintron the batter one for two he's at the bar told times Randy Johnson by the way if you're wondering knows exactly what's going on here he's no idiot that's a fair ball DeRosa couldn't make the play he's going for a second and he'll make it it'll be a double so Cintron has been the one guy who's been tough for Hampton to figure out tonight that one looked like it bounced right over the bag it was a fair ball and DeRosa did a good job just getting leather on it but still couldn't Corral it right over the bag and on the line could call down there by larry poncino so an insurance run in scoring position Robby hammock the batter is over to takes high case you're wondering Randy Johnson will hit for himself next had a feeling rats - and oh the cow hammock for for his last 28 so he's been struggling Braves playing straight away and he takes outside and it's three and OH it's the guy they liked enough that they traded away Chad Moeller it's done a good job for them although he's struggling at the plate with the bat in his hand not struggling behind the plate that's the third walk for Hampton two-on-one out Randy Johnson you would figure would be bunting with Chad Tracy on debt to leadoff man but we will see now Petry K runs through the signs at third glenn sherlock coaches over at first for bob brenly's team Houston hammering the Marlins now it's nine one and the sixth he's swinging and he hits it foul took a shot at right field oh and one the cow everybody's okay I think they are he had a shot to right field his last time up but I have a feeling he missed a sign oh and one the curve two on one out we're in the seventh inning already it's one nothing Arizona Randy Johnson has a perfect game working this time he's going to bunt bunts foul oh and two not sure that his heart was all the way into that looked like it was but for a hit yeah he kind of had the bat down at his knees and didn't get it out in front of him just dropped the head of the bat there they've still got him bunny he probably wants to swing away - odd one out of our know - Fitch forthcoming to Randy Johnson earlier franco can almost shake hands with him strike three called at the knees he's out of there two down let's go to mark fine back in our studio okay mark thanks a lot Chad Tracy the batter Matt Holliday continues to swing the bat well for Colorado one ball no strengths Cintron runs at second hammock at first there are two out up the middle and through runner around 3rd andrew's got a shot now he throws to third they got the runner hung up but a run is in and he is tagged out the inning is over but chase Tracy drives in his 15th run of the year we go to the bottom of the seventh it's two nothing Arizona Randy Johnson a perfect game through six innings that means the leadoff man Jesse Garcia leads off the seventh he came as close to a hit as anybody back in the first when he pushed a bunt down the first base line was tagged out by Shea Hillenbrand on a close play couple of balls have been hit hard but right at the outfielders a little outside one ball no strikes Randy Johnson has one no-hitter that was against Detroit back in June of 1991 he pitched for Seattle hit hard but foul he has four one-hitters for two hitters thirteen three hitters in his career one of those one hitters came with two out the ninth-inning two against Oakland one of those three hitters was in a playoff game against Atlanta back in 2001 1 & 2 the count 80 pitches for Randy Johnson were in the seventh inning only 19 balls 61 strikes this is very reminiscent of Ben Sheets in terms of the strikes the ball ratio because sheets didn't get into the 20s and balls thrown until like to eat their ninth inning that is nine strikeouts Julio Franco the batter he is struck out flied to center he's seven out of thirty in his career against Randy Johnson one ball no strikes last 46 outs for Atlanta dating back to Sunday 27 strikeouts run into two buzzsaws threw the fastball right by him at 97 it's one on one get tired is he not yet I thought maybe he was a little bit the fifth inning line drive out by Andruw Jones line drive out by JD drew upstairs 98 miles an hour with that one two balls one strike if you're from the old school and think it's wrong for the announcers to let you know what's going on here we had a good cut fouled it back there's a great big electronic scoreboard out centerfield it's got the runs and hits and it says zero for each so why shouldn't you know everybody in this ballpark about 30,000 people though there is el perfecto to this point that's Spanish lingo for his perfect game yeah people on s AP didn't even meet us API we try to help whenever you can ground ball to second no hit there two out that's 20 in a row and here's Chipper Jones who has struck out swinging struck out called but as we told you on each trip has normally done well against Randy Johnson the way he flipped the ban in the air after striking at the end of Fort Benning sure that home plate umpire Greg Gibson remembered that whirlybird look I'll be honest with you when he flipped the bat I was halfway expecting him to get ejected yeah but I don't know if he was angry with the umpire or angry with himself for taking the pitches he only called the strikeout of the night for Randy Johnson they had a good cut but he fouls it back it's one on one usually called third strike take a look at the target see how panic wanted to pitch up I wanted to waste a pitch but instead it's right there in crossfire fastball and who's the back you could see Gibson saw it but chose to ignore it good for him ninety-seven on that one it's one and two if there been some pitches tonight that the Braves you know I've had a chance to hit that they foul tip like the pitch just before the tip of foul back but Johnson's too good tonight upstairs two balls two strikes that's where hammock wanted the pitch that was called strike three last time Oh - nothing is our score Bobby Cox can only agonize that's terrible shippers got the hat-trick 21 in a row he's still got a perfect game we go to the and we go to the eighth the Matt kata leads it us short the bouncer flow one ball no strikes kata has reached on an air flight the left and gone down on strengths Mike Hampton lost in the dominance by Randy Johnson has been a really outstanding effort by Mike little Oh two and out of the county - nothing Arizona is our score a perfect game for Randy Johnson through seven innings three-and-oh Sunday Jarret Wright pitched well after a rough first inning where he was wild he settled down and limited the Brewers to three hits over the next five innings and no runs that's right they're three-in-one well when you're struggling that's what happens when you pitch well you don't hit when you score five or six runs your pitching gives up seven or eight or in two the Braves are playing a ballclub that's really been struggling they lost eight out of ten at home and they start a 13 game road trip tonight it lost five in a row but I don't care who he's pitching for Randy Johnson makes it tough on anybody it should be easy and it is one down the way things are going tonight big pitching for the Macon Little League and you still have pretty good stuff working and probably a perfect game I would say yeah that if he was pitching and making little leaky friendly of a perfect game for this point time if not we're really a triple yes Luis Gonzales the batter is over two of the walk good curveball 1 1 Texas has Kansas City shut out again five nothing in the fourth or Kansas City struggling that'll be easy a broken bat to out first chez Helen Bram to banner right field base hit a two-out single for Hillenbrand give Steve Finley a chance Finley as oh-for-three but he's hit two very deep fly balls in this game and I'll tell you what I don't know this but if I were Randy Johnson I just soon Helen Grant had made it out so I could get back out there do and I think yeah he's been at a nice groove struck out two more in the seventh although I think seven innings is enough in this age of specialization yeah I try to save him for his next hour yeah Bob Brenly here you would blow it away one ball no strikes twenty three thousand two hundred eighty one or something like that the offenders why did the Wright Field on comes droop cannot get it at drops for a hit two on two outs Finley had another good swing and now Danny Bautista is the better it's 20 3381 two out and a runner at first the outfield playing a little deeper than normal and that's why that ball was able to drop in but still hard hit by Finley and if you're asking why the outfield was deeper well with a runner at first and two out you're trying to cut off the extra base hit to keep a run from scoring from first on a ball hitting the VLE Bautista tonight has singled and bounced out twice he has scored one of the two Arizona runs we are in the eighth it's two nothing Diamondbacks Randy Johnson has been perfect through seven and he hasn't been lucky no any more so than Ben Sheets was on Sunday right both of the RBI hits for the Diamondbacks tonight have come with two outs just like the second inning when the rally started after two were out nobody on that's the same situation here a ball and a strike down the right-field line drew on the run good care and good outfield positioning again saves Atlanta two hits no runs no errors two more runners left bottom of the eighth can he keep it going it's two nothing Arizona Andruw Jones leads our faith Randy Johnson has a perfect game andrew has flied to Center and lined to left and hit one foul over by third oh and one he's had good swings against him tonight but nothing to show for it into advance I think he's had the best swings last perfect games thrown in both leagues been awhile internationally one too yes he knows exactly what's going on everybody in both dugouts knows what's going on oh and to the count no sign of any let-up had an excellent fastball tonight good command of it he's been ahead in the count all night long an excellent slider down and in to the right-handed hitters and an occasional splitter five flyball centerfield that'll be easy he's five outs away from perfection one out Johnny Estrada has struck out and flied to right at this stage of the game to where your defense behind you begins to get a little jittery yeah they want to make plays for Randy Johnson but they also want to make sure they're not the one that boots one or messes up a play that would cause the perfect game to go away everybody's praying for good hops and high pop-ups he's an oddity about Randy Johnson's career oh and one he's looked at life from both sides now he's pitched a no-hitter and he's had one pitched against him by the Cardinals Jose Jimenez back in 99 oh and one the count 22 in a row have gone down a perfect game to this point oh and two and again these are good pitches to hit Estrada was upset with himself that he didn't jump on that one wasn't able to put it in play but his fastball got enough life on it tonight a lot of late movement that the guys can't 0 a night they can't put the sweet spot on the baseball let me ask you this I don't know that either bullpen has stirred tonight when's the last time we saw that on the bottom half they paint the name or that didn't miss by much 1 & 2 and if it seemed to cross hammock up a little bit but you're right a long time Johnson when he got beat one to nothing by Tom Glavine in his last start with seven innings right at three two one strikes two balls tonight Wow he's far away that's 11 strikeouts Estrada has been out on strikes twice side are flat delivery with that slider and it's biting down and in and it's got enough of the plate that is a right-handed hitter you think you could go out and get it but it's also thrown hard enough to get in on you before you can react JD drew the batter Owen one looked like a slider he is struck out and flied to right hit the ball rather hard on that occasion seldom has played as only seven advanced in his career against Randy Johnson one on one 101 pitches now for the Arizona left-hander he's four outs away I popped down the third-base line into foul territory nobody can get there one of two the town was it a perfect game in curt schilling head working for the Diamondbacks in San Diego not so long ago and Benton Davis dropped at but down on him in the night then I don't know I remember you and I argued about that for about three months no it was a no-hitter but I don't know if it was a perfect game or not go 1 2 pitch will not be made he steps off ground ball ii that should do it in the 8th than it does and the fans are getting wetted down some up room for Randy Johnson and it's understandable he's got a perfect game through eight innings stay with it needless to say the man of the hour is Randy Johnson he has struck out 11 he's retired 24 in a row he's working on a perfect game as we go to the ninth inning here at Planet Danny Bautista leads it off and singles to left on the first pitch looking ahead today bottom of the ninth it's the lower end of the order DeRosa green and Anthon are due for Atlanta Robby hammock is the batter Oh for two of the walk by the way curt schilling was working on a perfect game until then Davis beat out that bunt it was a one-nothing of two nothing game back to the mound should be a double play not now runners are going to be at first and third Hampton had a double play but threw it away that'll be the third Atlanta pair of the night I don't know who was actually covering second base there if we could look at that again when when you have time right now Randy Johnson bats with runners at first and third nobody out in the infield in he shows bunt bunts foul trying to figure out what happened to Mike here he makes a good play looks like Green was going behind the bag and Hampton didn't realize that that's what happened he thought Green was covering and it was the shortstop Jesse Garcia which makes it at least understandable go unpleasantly oh and one the cow Joe is on his way downstairs to try to visit with Randy Johnson if he gets the perfect game or a no-hitter here tonight right now he's three outs away from both way outside a ball on the strength Armando Almanza gets up and begins to throw in the bullpen here in the ninth inning well I like Joe is that con his way to the field quick yet the one one wondered file that's one and two let's see what they do here that made us it will be infield in they may just have him hack away Brenner goes from first little tapper runner stays at third one out so runners at second and third one out and Chad Tracy is the batter he's two out of three is it the BART every time up there he has also walked ground ball to first look the runner back to up and I'll tell you what we're all thinking about a perfect game and a no-hitter and rightfully so but it's only a two nothing ballgame if Hampton gives out of this a ninth-inning rally is not out of the question they had runners at first and third with nobody out now their second and third with two out and Matt kata is the batter he is over four he has reached on an error I lazy fly and Hampton did a great job of damage control he got out of a major mess one hit no runs one air to left let's see what happens will he get the perfect game we'll be back Randy Johnson has a perfect game through eight innings if you don't believe me there's the box score he is faced 24 men he's gotten all of them out he's struck out 11 of them Mark DeRosa as flied to right and bounced to third it's a two-run game a little low one ball no strikes 84 miles an hour on the breaking ball Johnson has thrown a hundred four pitches one on one another curve no action in the bullpen for Arizona this is his game and it sure has been to this point how to play 1 & 2 95 miles an hour with that fastball but as you pointed out so anthalie earlier in the game when you throw that breaking ball and the splitter it makes his good fastball look even better when he runs it up there the one to go hit there 25 in a row and the crowd is into this thing now rooting for Randy Johnson and I can understand that even Braves fans have to be dazzled with the way he's fit Eddie Perez moves on deck to pitch hit next as Nick Greene stands in strike you might be saying Eddie Perez why Eddie Perez well because he's hit the daylights out of the ball against Randy Johnson in his career oh and two Eddie's 6 out of 13 a home run included the o2 Nanette green glow on inside of all into strength one out of the night Randee holds a little team meeting with himself and as one to two the youngster here it is hit foul down the right side still wanted to they don't have one yet but they're close two outs away the one to go over the inside corner that's 12 strikeout I'll tell you is done a terrific job tonight is the home plate umpire Greg Gibson here's Eddie Perez Mike Hampton fits great but Randy Johnson has been perfect you don't do better than perfect two out nobody on he's not out of the woods yet I want a breaking ball he's two strikes away from the perfect game the fans are on their feet here many of them now rooting for Randy Johnson rooting to see history water one two out nobody got Jesse Garcia would be next Wow it's one and two we match his brow he's 115 pitches 86 of them strikes overthrew it a little bit who can blame it a perfect game with one out to go he got it look at his teammates look at Randy a perfect game 13 strikeouts he faced 27 men he got them all and it gets mobbed by this looks like the celebration a few years ago Randy Johnson we could survive the pummeling from his dictates he'll be okay a hundred seventeen fifty only 30 of the Mistah strength and randy waves to the crowd that has been so supportive of him sooo nothing a final score the diamond by banks got eight hits back Johnson who has gone to the Hall of Fame anyway gets there for yet another reason here's the way it ended just a moment ago hi fastball got any Perez and look at Robby hammock it's almost as big a thrill for the catcher as it is for the pitcher and what a punctuation mark to put on a great career for Randy Johnson here's that mob scene again look at the reaction when he got it what's the old cliche about baseball you got to be a man to play this game but you got to have a little for a lot of little boy at you too there's the enthusiasm of youth right there as they my brandy Johnson to nothing Arizona the final we'll be back right after this well we're here at Turner Field in the middle of May and some history made tonight at Turner Field as Randy Johnson fires the first perfect game and nationally in the National League in some 13 years first since Dennis Martinez did it for the Expos against the Dodgers Bob Brenly has been kind enough the manager of the Diamondbacks to stick around and talk to us about this you're an old catcher I mean this is pretty exciting stuff it's real exciting stuff obviously for Randy for the entire ballclub but I really have strong feelings for Robby hammock our young catcher back there that was hanging the sides and making the plays behind the plate tonight I told him after the ballgame that's something that very few guys ever ever get a chance to do I don't even think he realizes how lucky he is right now and we were talking to about how antsy the defense gets later in the ballgame everybody's aware what's going on everybody's praying for good hops and high pop-ups there's no such thing as a routine play after about the sixth inning of a ballgame like that I assure you that everybody that had a ball hit to him their hearts were pounding but fortunately they made all the plays this is not a whole lot unlike what Randy Johnson's been doing recently though is it he's been pitching fantastic ball all season for us fortunately we were able to get him a couple runs tonight and he made him stand up but obviously that's as good as he's been since I've been here all of his pitches were working his command was tremendous was it a great rhythm out there on the mound and except for a couple of at-bats he didn't have to run at the pitch count too much Estrada had a real good at-bat Green had a good at-bat where he fouled off some pitches but other than that Randy was obviously completely dominated and he seemed to have a good command especially of his slider the right-handed batters were chasing that ball down in on their chute tops all night when he's got that good arm angle on the slider it's pick up the rotation at 87 to 90 miles an hour so you have to respect that velocity when that ball drops off the table down by your back foot that was not my people do that right Bob well we thank you very much for sticking around go enjoy the party and please give Randy our best all right Bob thank you very much I did talk to Randy Johnson as he was coming off the field skip and he said he wouldn't talk to us right now he was very tired but I'm sure that he'll get some ice and be talking to the press as soon as he gets his ice done and his normal routine done after this unbelievable night here in Atlanta back up to you okay Joe thanks very much and a great job as always to nothing the final two eight and Oh for Atlanta with obviously nobody loves since it's a perfect game hour to eight and all for Arizona I should say oh oh and Oh for Atlanta three men left for Arizona none of course for the Braves Randy Johnson the winner is four and four Mike Hampton it's going to get lost in the shuffle but he really pitched a terrific ballgame if he pitches the way he pitched tonight the rest of the year the Braves are going to be in great shape he's the loser he's Owen five time of the game two hours 14 minutes 20 3381 paid to see it Randy Johnson the fourth player in Major League history to throw no-hitters in both leagues nolan ryan siyoung it deo Nomo the others and in case you weren't with us all night long we got the whole shooting match for you whenever they're ready in the truck Jesse Garcia came as close as anybody to getting a hit all night long to start the game but today Hillenbrand made the play there's the first strikeout it was Julio kote Chipper Jones on on strikes and well second inning Andruw a routine fly ball to Center which is just that's a perfect game johnny has strata out on strike so JD drew in the third edit Mark DeRosa flied to right hit the ball pretty well faced Bautista to the warning track Nick Greene grounded out Cintron made a nice play and a quick play at that at first base and Mike Hampton was out on strikes moving to the fourth water games really moving in it Jesse Garcia out on strikes Julio Franco pop the center hit the ball rather well but try the warning track and Chipper Jones caught looking a high fastball we go to the fifth inning now and Andruw Jones hit the ball hard lined to left Gonzales almost in his tracks Johnny Estrada hit one into deep right-center the Danny Bautista hauled in and JD drew did the same what he stood for the fringe of the track to make that one in the sixth inning DeRosa grounded to third Tracy threw him out Nick Greene was out on strikes and Mike Hampton hit a chopper this to a close play Cintron handle that one nicely that was about as close earlier for brave guy in the set up the strikeout for Garcia a groundout Franco hit it to kata at second base chipper chased the ball down and in in the 8th Andruw flied to center an easy place for Emily a strata out on strengths and JD through bounces to second that brings us to the ninth inning where Mark DeRosa started the inning by grounding the second dick green clawed looking a fastball froze him and he blew Eddie Perez away and there is your perfect game that's the story of the game the Braves lose it to nothing an Arizona off to a terrific staight on it doesn't get much better than this as they start their long 13 game road trip Braves and Diamondbacks play again tomorrow that will be on Fox Sports south and Joe and I'll have it on the Braves radio network then on Thursday at 7:30 Eastern on TBS Braves and Diamondbacks meet in the final game of this series after the break mark line will be in the studio to update you on other games around the major leagues for Joe Simpson and our entire crew skip Carey from Atlanta where Randy Johnson pitched a perfect game tonight so long everybody
Channel: MLB Vault
Views: 330,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, ι‡Žηƒ, Perfect Game, 倧γƒͺγƒΌγ‚°, Randy Johnson, ι‡Žηƒι€Ÿε ±, パジャー, Arizona Diamondbacks, Baseball's Best Classic Games, パジャーγƒͺγƒΌγ‚°
Id: yR8IH13TA64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 15sec (6375 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2010
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